Astrophysicist Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

Astrophysicist Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

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Hi I'm Jan 11 I'm an astrophysicist and. I've been asked to explain gravity in five, levels, of increasing. Complexity, gravity, seems so, familiar and, so everyday and yet, it's this incredibly. Esoteric. Abstract. Subject, that, has shaped, the way we view the universe on the largest scales has, given, us the strangest. Phenomena, in the universe like black holes that, has changed, the way we look at the entirety, of physics, it's really been a revolution. Because, of gravity. Are. You interested in science yes yes you are yes, do you know what gravity is it's. Something, that so, right now. There. Was no, gravity, but since there's gravity we're sitting right down on these chairs that's. Pretty, good so gravity. Wants. To attract, us to. The earth and, the. Earth to us but. The earth is so much bigger that. Even, though we're actually pulling, the Earth a little bit to us you don't notice it so much you know the moon pulls. On the earth a little bit just, like with. The ocean tides exactly. The moon is such a big body, compared. To anything. Else very nearby then it has the larger effect pulling, the water of the earth but more than the moon think about the Sun pulling, on the earth we, orbit, the whole Sun just the way the earth pulls, on the moon and causes, the moon to orbit us all of those things are adapting on you and me right now, gravity. Was too strong will we be able to get up that's, such, a good question no, we. Actually couldn't the moon gravity, is weaker can, almost float, between footsteps, if you look at the astronauts, on the moon on, the, earth it's harder because it's bigger if you go to a, bigger heavier planet, it gets harder and harder but, there are stars that, have died that are so dense that there's, no way we could lift, our arms no, way we could step, or walk but the gravity is just way too strong, do you know how tall you are I mean the force in, the force maybe for three people think that while, you're sleeping, your body has a chance to stretch, out and grab.

Crunching. You together but, when you're standing and walking or sitting that, gravity, contracts. Your spine ever so, slightly so that in the morning, you. Might be a little bit taller than in. The evening see, if it works for you. Yes. They. Say that astronauts, in space definitely. Their spinal long gates there were two twin. Astronauts. One, who, stayed here on earth, and the other who went to the International. Space Station it, was there for a long time and when, he came back he, was actually taller than, his twin brother. Yeah. And that was because gravity wasn't compressing, him all the time and he, was floating, freely, in the International, Space Station and his, spine. Just kind of elongated after, a while here on earth though he'll readjust, they'll go back to the same size have you ever heard, of how cavity was, discovered. Isaac. Newton would, ponder how, does the earth cause. Things to fall there's, a famous story that Isaac, Newton was sitting under a tree and the apple, fell, from the tree and hit him on the head and he had an epiphany and, understood. This, law this mathematical. Law for how that works I don't actually think it's a true story but. It's. A good story so Isaac Newton who realized that even if you're heavier you, will fall at the same rate as, something much lighter that, that's the same once, you hit the ground if. You're heavier you'll hit the ground with much greater force, but you will hit the ground at the same time so if we both drop down from. The plane we would both wind. At the same time but you would land heavier, yep so like a penny from, the Empire State Building will. Fall at the same rate as a bowling ball. Yeah. Amazing. Want to try it oh yeah a light object see. How light that is that's, very. Late and. A, heavy object. They. Look the same but, this is much heavier right okay, so try it just try holding your arms out and a little higher maybe give him a chance to drop and then drop them. Did. They fall at the same time did he hit at the same time so, Isaac, Newton, he was also the. One who realized, that, that's the same force that keeps the moon in orbit around, the Earth on the earth in orbit around the Sun and that's a huge leap here he is looking, at just things around him and then looks at the Stars and has, this really big realization. That, that's actually the same force so what, have you learned today. Talking about gravity, I've learned, that. The person that learned about the Apple, Newton, um he was learning about gravity, just about what he saw on this planet, I also learned, that, if you drop one light thing one heavy thing at the, same height at the same time they're both gonna drop at the same time but one's gonna drop a little heavier than the other that's, beautiful. I'm impressed. So. Rio you're in high school yeah I'm a junior and are you studying any Sciences in high school I'm taking, physics right now do you think, of yourself as curious about science well, they're like some things that interest me and how is that for me is it like depends, what. Interests, you well like I'm a gymnast, selling in physics, they talk about like force, and stuff and then I think of like how I use physics, and like my own life what's your impression of what gravity, is I, think that if there's like no gravity, I really like float everywhere, it like pulls things, down and, without it like everything, would just be like chaos, so, you're saying gravity, pulls things down yet. We've launched things into.

Space If, you ever wondered how we do that that's it like a slingshot like if you put something back enough, it'll go in the opposite direction, well that's true we do use slingshot, technology, once things are out in the solar system so for instance we use Jupiter, and other, planets so that when, some, of the spacecraft, gets close, it'll. Slingshot, around, and, it'll cause it to like speed up but mostly, around the earth gravity pulls things down so when, we want to send. A rocket into space and, we want to go to the moon. Some supplies. To the International Space Station the. Trick is to get something moving fast enough that it escapes, the, gravitational, pull of the earth have, you heard the expression what, goes up must come down it's, actually not true if. You throw it fast enough you can actually get something that doesn't come back down again and, that's basically, how rocket. Launches work you have to get the rocket for the earth to, go more, than 11 kilometers, a second, think. Of how fast it is just one breath and, it's gone 11 kilometers, if you get it to go that fast it's not gonna come back down again so you know the International, Space Station where, which is orbiting the Earth that's going, around, the earth at like 17,000. Miles an hour it has no engines anymore the engines are turned off so, it's just they're falling, forever, so once it's out there it's not coming back down as long as it's cruising like that and like does, that gravity part and it is just like in a weird way that is gravity pulling it so have you ever um had a yo-yo where you swing it around like this the, string is pulling, it in at all times but you've also given it this angular, momentum. And as long as you give it the angular momentum, pulling. It in actually, keeps it in orbit and so the earth is pulling, it in at, all times so that's why it doesn't just travel, off in a straight line it keeps coming back around, so. It's funny people think that the International, Space Station is so far away that they're not feeling gravity, and that's not the case at all they're absolutely. Feeling, gravity they're just cruising so fast that. Even though they're being pulled in they never get pulled to the surface it's, like that the. Roller coaster is really yeah you go in and it spins super fast and you can't feel it spinning fast yeah you feel pinned to that it's, exactly, like that there's, something called the equivalence, principle where. People, realized and specially Einstein that, if you were in outer space in a rocket ship and it was dark and painted and it was accelerating. At exactly, the right rate you, actually wouldn't know if you were sitting on the floor of a building around the Earth or, if you want a rocket ship that was accelerating, it's crazy, you, ever had that experience where you're sitting in a train and the other one moves and for, a second you're not sure if you're the one moving yeah, cuz I don't train, go to school I never feel like I'm moving when I'm in the chain and then I'm like wait what that's, because in some sense you're really not imagine. You're in this chain and it's going near the speed of light relative. To the platform, but, it's so smooth, then you should be in a situation in which there's no, meaning, to your absolute motion there's no absolute motion so that if you throw a ball up you might think from the outside of the platform, be, confused, that when gravity pulls that back down it's gonna hit you or something, but it'll land in your palm as surely, as if you were in your living room it's, not kind of easy so imagine you are an astronaut, you are floating in empty space you can't see anything there's no stars, there's, no earth you, can ask yourself, am, i moving just, really no way for you to tell so you would probably conclude well I'm not living so, then your friend marina comes, cruising, past you maybe she's going thousands. Of kilometers a second, and he said marina you're cruising, it like thousands, of kilometres a second you're going so fast but, she had just done the same experiment, she was just floating in space thinking. You, know am i moving there's, a no way to know which one of you is moving and there's no meaning. To the absolute motion the, only thing that's true is that you're in relative, motion that's, true you both agree you were in relative, motion and that's, clear but neither of you can say it's, actually, you who's moving and I'm stationary, I.

Don't. Even know what to say to that so. Let me tell you where. It gets really crazy. So. Let's say you. And marina are floating, in space and you can't tell, who's moving let's, say you, both see a flash of light the. Flash of light comes from somewhere you don't know where so you measure, the speed of light to be 300,000. Kilometers, per second but here comes marina and she's racing. At the light pulse as far as you can tell two cars driving, towards each other, seem like they're going faster, towards each other than somebody who's standing still relative, to one of the cars right so. You would say Oh marinas gonna measure a difference be a light but she comes back and she says nope. 300,000. Kilometers per second because from her perspective she's, standing still and the laws of physics had better be the same for her the speed of light is a fact, of nature that, says true. As the, strength of gravity, and the two of you are in this quandary because of one of you is the preferred, person, who correctly, measures, the, speed of light that, ruins, everything about. The idea of the relativity of motion which one of you should it be so Einstein decides, they. Must both measure the same speed of light how, could that possibly, possibly. Be the case and he, thinks, well, if speed, is how. Far you travel, your spatial, distance, in. A certain, amount of time then, there must be something wrong with space, and time and, he, goes from, the constancy. Of the speed of light and a respect, for this idea of relativity, to, the idea that space and time must. Not be the same for, you and, for marina and that's, how he gets to the idea of the relativity of space and time. You're. The best expression. It's. Pretty wild but that is a starting, point actually, of the, whole theory of relativity that starting. Point leads to this complete, revolution, in physics where we suddenly have a Big Bang in black holes and space-time just, from that one simple, starting point so is your impression of gravity, different than when we started the conversation yeah. Cuz like I knew, that like when I was on the train I didn't feel like I was moving but I didn't know like why, and that it, was a thing and I wasn't crazy yeah, and. It's really deep, principle. And what about the theory of gravity I don't, know like, usually what I just heard gravity, it's like for my coaches, but I didn't know like it was like all these things mm-hmm, it's like a big paradigm. So. You're in college yeah, what are you studying in college I'm a physics, major so from your perspective how, would you describe gravity, I'm taught that it's a force it's. Described, by in first law but, I also know that's a field and there's. A recent discovery with like gravitational, waves although I don't like the specific details of that about, that so when you say it's an inverse-square law yeah that means that the, closer you are yeah the more strongly you feel the gravitational, pull yeah and that makes sense yes very few things that are stronger when you're further apart yeah so you can also think of a gravitational. Field something. That permeates all, of space you, know the earth. Three stories below us, it's, not as though it's pulling, at us from a distance, right, it's we're actually interacting. With the field at this point and there's a real interaction, right, here at this point and, that's nice because people, were worried that if things acted at a distance, yes that, the way the old fashioned inverse-square force laws describes, it that it was as spooky as like mine bending a spoon that it was like telekinesis. You know if you don't touch something how. Do you affect, it and so, the first step was to start to think of gravity as a field that permeates all, of space and it's weaker very far from the earth and it's trauma very close to the earth so one way to think of this field is as a field. That's really describing a curved space-time, that, is everywhere, forget, the difficulty, of the math just the intuition comes, from two kind.

Of Simple observations, one, was, what. Einstein described as the happiest, thought of his life so right, now you, might, feel heavy in your chair and we. Might feel heavy, on the floor in our feet or or standing, in an elevator cab and Einstein, would, have said what. Does it chair you have to do with it or the floor or the elevator, those aren't gravitational. Objects, and so. He wanted to eliminate them, and one way to do the thought experiment, is to imagine standing, in an elevator, that you can't see out of a black box and imagine, the cable, is cut and you, and the elevator begin to fall so I'm free fall you're. In total free fall mhm now because things fall at the same rate yeah including the elevator and you yeah you can actually float in, the elevator if you just float, it in the elevator the two of you would drop and you might not even know it you're falling you can take, an apple and drop, it in front of you and it would float in front of you you would actually experience. Weightlessness. It's, called the equivalence, principle it, was Einstein's happiest thought that, what you're really doing when. You're experiencing, gravity, isn't, being heavy in your chair it's falling. Weightlessly. In, the, gravitational, field and that was the first step to think of gravity, as weightlessness and falling I know like as your gravity experienced, you're done with. Planes. Emily, yeah exactly yeah you, can make somebody look like they're in the International, Space Station by, flying, up in a plane and then just free-falling. The plane just drops out of the air and while. It's falling they. Will float weightlessly and there's been a lot of experiments, about it but you don't want it to end unhappily, the play has. To scoop back up yeah and then you see them become pinned to the floor oh okay, because then the plane is interrupting, their fall so, that's the first thought and then the next, is what. Is the shape that's, chase so if you are floating, in empty space really, empty space yeah and you had an apple and you, threw the Apple what shape, do you think it would chase the path well, if I threw it straight I would think it would go out straight yeah it would just go straight but if you did that on the earth what would happen it. Would just go down yeah, but it would call. It with tracing curved oh yeah tracing a heart yeah and the faster. You throw it it'll look kind of long or the arc so. The second, step to, thinking about curved space-time is to say that when things fall, freely. Around. A body, like the earth they. Trace curved, paths, as those, space-time. Itself space. Itself was, curved, and. So. So. That's the intuition that's. How I'm Stan Getz from thinking, that. Space-time is curved, from. The idea that well there's just field that permeates all of space and what it's really describing, is the curves that things fall along and from. There it's, a very long path to finding the mathematics, and the right description that's really hard but that intuition is so elegant and so beautiful, and just comes from these two simple thought experiments. That's amazing, isn't it kind of a, so. You described, learning, in a class about light the. Theory of special relativity or. Einstein is, really, adhering, to the constancy, of the speed of light and, questioning. The absolute, nature of space and time and it seems like that has nothing to do with gravity but. He later begins, to think about the incompatibility. Of gravity, with, his theory of relativity so, suppose the Sun were. To disappear tomorrow from like evil genius comes and just figures.

Out A way to evaporate, the Sun in, Newton's, understanding. Of gravity we would, instantaneously. Know about it all the way over here at the earth and, that's incompatible. With, the concept, that nothing, can travel faster than, the speed of light no information. Not even information about the Sun could possibly, travel faster than the speed of light so, we shouldn't know about what happened to the Sun for a full eight minutes, which, is the time it would take light to travel to us and so, he begins to question, why gravity is so incompatible. With, relativity, but he already knows he's thinking about space and time in relativity, so then he gets to his general, theory of relativity where. He realizes. If, I eliminate everything. But, just the gravitational. Field of let's say the earth and I look at how things fall and I see that they follow curves, well, then he realizes that space and time don't, just contract, or dilate that, they can really warp that, they can bend and that they can curve and then he finds a way to, make gravity. Compatible. With relativity, by saying if the Sun were to disappear tomorrow the. Curves, that the Sun imprinted, in space-time would. Actually, be into ripple and those are the gravitational, waves and they would change and, they would flatten out because, the Sun was no longer there yeah Matt would take the, light travel, time to get to us to tell us that the Sun was gone uh-huh and then we would stop orbiting, and just travel along a straight line Wow. Wow. Well. Let's hope it doesn't happen. So. What do you think you walk, away with what do you think you learned well. More. About the intuitions, behind, the concept, because. We already just do, the problems, but, sometimes, you get lost in a math but, like speaking, like this it's really helps, build by intuition yeah it just, it does for me too so thank you. So. You're getting your PhD in physics that's, right theoretical, high-energy physics, basically, the physics of really really small fundamental. Things so what would that have to do with gravity or astrophysics. Well what I'm looking at is states of matter that might exist inside neutron, stars so when a star dies if, the star is massive enough there's a huge explosion called a supernova and. The, stuff that's left behind that, doesn't get blown away collapses. Into a tiny compact blob, called a neutron star so, what I love about neutron, stars personally, is that they're, kind of City sized that's, right about the size of a city so you're imagining something more, than the mass of the Sun yep, or about the mass of a Sun condensed, to the size of a city dense enough that one teaspoonful, would. Weigh about a billion tons here, on earth no that, makes, the, gravitational. Field. Incredibly. Strong that's, right around the neutron star so, what would happen if we were on a neutron star because. We. Would immediately be, crushed into the ground I think our bodies would be shred into their subatomic particles. So what's the connection between neutron. Stars and black holes so, as I understand, it a black hole sort of like a neutron, stars big brother it's more intense if, you have so much matter when. A star is collapsing, that it can't hold itself up it, collapses. To a black hole and those, are so dense that space-time, breaks. Down in, some way or another black holes are so amazing, that where, the neutron star stops and there's something actually there, right, there's a material there, if it's so heavy it becomes a black hole so it keeps falling once. The, event. Horizon of the black hole forms, which is the shadow the, curve that's so strong that not even light can escape the, material keeps falling and like you said maybe. Space-time, breaks down right at the center there but whatever happens, the, star is gone that. Black hole is empty so in a weird way black holes are a place, and not a thing so, is there a sensible, way to talk about what's inside a black hole or is that should you think of it as there.

Is No space-time. There. Isn't a sensible, way to talk about it yet and that probably, means that's. Where Einstein's, theory, of gravity. As a curved space-time is beginning to break down and we need to take the extra step of go took some kind of quantum, theory of gravity and we. Don't have that yet so even though the black hole isn't completely understood, we do know that they form, astronomically. That in the universe things, like neutron stars form and things, like black holes form, the consequences. Are very. Much, speaking. To this curved space-time so, for instance of two black holes orbit, each other they're, like mallets, on a drum, and they actually cause space-time. To ring and it's very much part of gravitation, the ringing of space-time, itself we, call gravitational, waves and that's what's what's something Einstein, thought about right away in 1915. 1916, he was thinking about that those, waves are very exciting, for me too because neutron, stars orbiting, each other also give off gravitational. Waves and we might be able to get some data about neutron. Star material from, that kind of signal yes the ring space-time, also like a drum and you can record, the sound of that ringing after, a billion years when it's traveled, through, the universe but then the next thing that happens, is those neutron stars collide, and because. Of this incredibly. High energy, state. Of matter which you study it, becomes, this, firework. Of. Different. Explosions. It's really quite spectacular that's right in fact when we recorded, that for the first time with gravitational waves we then pointed telescopes, at it and were able to see it optically, as well and that gave scientists. A lot of data yeah it was um to, my knowledge the, most widely. Studied astronomical. That in the history of humanity Wow, so where the gravitational, waves were recorded, and they realized, oh this sounds like you can reconstruct, the, shape and size of the mallets of the drum from the sound these, sounds like neutron, stars colliding not black holes and so like you said there was a trigger for, satellites. And experiments, all over the world to, point roughly. In the direction that the sound was coming from so from your point of view I mean they're like two superconducting. Giant magnets, colliding. An experiment, you could never do on earth that's, just of the most tremendous, scales, and, peculiarities. Of matter absolutely I've heard statistics, like many earth masses worth of gold or created, forged, in the yeah, a neutron, star collision that. That we used to think that most elements. In the universe were created, in supernovae, which is when stars explode because. There's so much violent, activity. At the center that you need that kind of energy to, create new, elements the way you do in a bomb it's basically nuclear fusion sure, but we now think that that kind of fusion happens, when two neutron stars collide. If. You think about it you have two massive, blobs of neutrons when, you smoosh them together, you've, got neutrons, colliding, it creates, the conditions, where new elements, can be created, that's amazing it's literally populating. The periodic table yes, we now think that most, of the heavy elements after, some, number are. Created in neutron star collisions, so, you are, already a PhD, student you know a lot about gravity, but what do you think you've taken away from this conversation well I've definitely taken, away that the way that we think about gravity, today is very different, from how Newton thought about it and. That even though we have a very good understanding there's. Lots of things that we don't fully understand, there's still a lot of questions to be answered which i think is really exciting see, you're a scientist, isn't. The best part being able to ask the questions oh yeah. So. We've been talking about gravity, from, Newton, and, celestial. Bodies the earth the, moon pulling, on each other in the conventional, sense of gravity, being an attractive force to, the. Earth creating. Curves in space-time then, we moved, on to just diffuse. Seas. Of energy, and space-time, as, the. Real universe, and gravitation. Is really just, talking. About space-time, in general and here, we are and, you're. Really hardcore in theoretical physics where would you take the, exposition of gravity, from, that point well one thing is quantum mechanics quantum mechanics, it's the most accessible theory in the history of science it, explains the, most, different phenomena the most precisely yet, many.

People Would still say we don't understand even. The basics of it so when we think about quantum mechanics we think about particles. And their quantum charges and in. The Fineman way the way that Fineman taught us you know they come in and they exchange, a force carrier and then they come out again so that's how we think of an electron, and light scattering, for instance or something like that and the language that einstein, gave us is so different it's completely, geometric, it's all of this space-time and it's also unnecessary. Yeah. For me the beauty, of the theory of gravity is is the way Einstein formulated, as a theory of geometry, of curved space, and time I think like you that's one of the things that really pulled me into it is there really space-time or are we just using. Unnecessary. Language. Because it's elegant, and we like it and it's beautiful well I think there is really space-time in the sense that it's a description that works really well so there has to be something right about it I mean if we're gonna talk about what's really really, underlying, that yeah and we're gonna put quantum mechanics into the mix then. There should be some quantum, mechanical, wave function for, space-time. You should be able to take two different space times and. Add them together because one of the crazy things about quantum mechanics as you know is its, together yeah any two states any two possible. States, of the world you can just literally put a plus sign between them and that's a that's a sensible state that's a good state make sense so do you think there's. Some sense in which we shouldn't be thinking about individual, universes, individual, space-time so we should be thinking about superposition. Subspace limbs yeah, I think so I think if you were to go far, enough back in the history of the universe back to when it was very very dense very small and when, quantum mechanics was certainly important then, it must, have been like that I mean if we believed that the dominant, standard, model of cosmology something. Had to produce the density perturbations, the, things that seeded all the galaxies and stars and, us everything else in the world so there's a galaxy over there let's say and not over there so, how did that happen why is there galaxies they're not there in, the standard theory as you know that was a quantum event a random event yeah and it doesn't mean that it happened they're not there because you flipped a coin it actually happened in both places there's got to be a wavefunction where. In one branch of the wavefunction its galaxies they're not there and in the other branch it's the opposite, so when we're talking about, the. Multiverse, or the Big Bang we are really, talking about gravity, ultimately, and we're talking about how a theory of gravitation which we now think of as a theory of space-time, has, a quantum. Explanation. Has a quantum paradigm, imposed on it that will help us understand, these things and we don't have that yet one of the things that I think is so amazing is that the terrains, in which we're going to understand, quantum gravity, are very, few, right, it's the Big Bang because that's where we know that quantum, and gravity. Both were, called, into, action and there's, black holes one, of the most interesting discoveries, of course Hawking's, discovery. Kick-started. A kind. Of crisis. Right, in thinking, about why quantum mechanics and gravity were, so knocking. Heads it was one of the most beautiful.

Examples Sure, yeah it's it is a beautiful, beautiful idea so first of all to be totally clear that we've never observed Hawking, radiation which, is what he predicted directly, I don't think very many people doubt that it's there but yeah, discover it mathematically that's when, you, have a black hole it's, got an event horizon it's got a surface, which, is a point of no return if you fall through that surface no. Matter what you, have no matter how powerful the rocket you got even, if you beam a flashlight, back behind you in the direction you fall from nothing, escapes not even like it all gets sucked in and spaghettified. And destroyed, at the singularity or, something something happens it, doesn't get out but in quantum mechanics you can't, really pin down the location of something precisely, if, you try to pin down an electron and a tiny circuit, and a microchip sometimes. You discover that it's not actually there and then your computer crashes this is Eisenberg uncertainty principle, in, reality, you can't precisely say, where, the electron is and you, can't precisely say how, quickly, it's moving exactly, yeah so when you get the blue screen of death that might be because of quantum physics you. Know you try to pin something down near a black hole well it's a surface it's got a particular radius for a round black hole and you want to say something is inside or outside well you can't absolutely say that quantum mechanics and this kind of uncertainty produces. A, radiation. Which. You can think of is pulling some of the energy out of the, black hole the black hole was formed out of some mass and there's an energy in that you, can think of pulling some energy out of that and sending it off to infinity in the form of particles being emitted yeah, and what Hawking found is that it's a thermal spectrum it looks like a hot, or not so hot for a large black well but like an oven the kind of radiation that comes out of it right cast-iron this idea, that the darkest, phenomena in the universe actually is forced, to radiate, quantum particles, it's. Pretty wild I think everyone understood that the that, it was a correct calculation. But. I don't think a lot of people understood the implications, that, it meant something really terrible was happening because. This black hole which could have been made of who knows what is. Disappearing. Into these, quantum particles, which in some sense have nothing to do with the material who went in so do you think that's a big crisis the black hole evaporates, the information, is lost it's. A crisis, because, of some of the details of it but I would say the way you just described it I mean if I build a big bonfire or, an. Incinerator, and I throw an encyclopedia into, it good, luck reconstructing, what was in that inside the information is lost for all practical purposes practical, fair yes so this is a huge crisis because either quantum, mechanics is wrong and as you described, it's the most accurately, tested, paradigm in the history of physics how could it be wrong right or, the. Event horizon is, letting information, out and violating, one of the most sacred, principles, of relativity one thing about quantum mechanics is that anytime, you have a state of the world in another state of the world you can you can literally add them together and get a third possible, status, raises. That sounds and so, if you're gonna have a quantum theory of gravity. Then we can't really talk about there being a black hole or not a black hole right. Or an event resident, or not innocent, because we could always take a, state.

That Had an event resident in a state that doesn't or has the event arise in a slightly different position maybe and, add them together so, the existence, or position, of an event horizon can't possibly be you know determined, as a fact any more than the position of electron is determined so I think that's the loophole that's a nice way of looking at it so that you're not actually violating. Classical. Relativity. Once you're in a regime where, the wavefunction. Has really. Peaked around a very, well-defined stage, that's right I'm whenever one, of the most exciting developments, in the last 10, or 20 years is called holography, and it's called holography because, a hologram, is a two-dimensional, surface it creates a three-dimensional image it's got sort of 3d information built into it right and this in a fundamental, way really has that freedom for a higher dimensional, information built, into it yeah it's exactly the same as this, theory of gravity in more, dimensions yeah so one of the things I like to think of it with holography is that I can pack a certain amount of information a black hole I mean you can literally think of it as like returning things into it let's say I have information and some volume and I'm under the illusion that I can just keep packing information. In that volume as much as the volume will contain, eventually. I'll make a black hole and I'll find out what the maximum amount of information I can pack into anything in the entire universe is what I can pack on the area right and since areas projecting. The illusion, maybe a volume, maybe, the whole world is just a hologram it's not a principle that only applies to black holes it's saying, that, if, this theory of quantum gravity is correct then this, whole three dimensionality, is an utter illusion, really, the universe is two-dimensional. And. As practically speaking you mentioned before in a conversation, that it's really interesting the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a practical, limit now in microchips, yeah, and if we make microchips month much smaller than they already are even, as they already are it, causes, errors because you don't know that backgrounds, and if holography if, this limit on how much information you can ever pack if that ever became a limit as far as we know that's an absolute limit right we started off with with clay tablets. Not so much information mm-hm. Then. We had written stuff it's getting better and say computers with thin paper that's even better CDs. Dancer, dancer inflation eventually make a black hole at some point you try to fill. Up your encyclopedia. With knowledge and you get. The. Most knowledge you ever have would only be a two-dimensional on a two-dimensional surface right as big as the universe and then you're done yeah so you know it's not likely. That we're gonna hit that limit any time soon do you think it's possible that. Gravity. Is really, ultimately, just. Quantum, mechanics, and doesn't, exist, at all in the fundamental, ways that we've been talking about so far like the. Newtonian way and the space-time way that those are just these, kind of macroscopic, illusions. And sometimes I talk about in terms of temperature temperature is. Not a thing there's no single, thing called temperature, right it's a macroscopic, illusion.

That Comes from the, collective, behavior really, quantum behavior of random motions of atoms and is, it possible at the whole of gravity, is like some kind of emergent, illusion. From what's. Really quantum phenomena, underlying it well if we buy the idea of holography then, absolutely, that's for sure that's, what that's what it's telling us well though which side is the illusion in which that is the reality right they're the same I mean temperatures still great to talk about it doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about temperature, I mean we should absolutely adjust, your thermostats, and talk, about temperature but if we look at it closer and closer and closer we realize there's not a thing in the world that has a quantum, value. Temperature. Yeah isolated, and so maybe there is no such thing as. Gravity. Isolated. From, quantum mechanics right, so I guess with the wholly graphic description we've got two sides which are which are actually secretly the same on one side there's definitely, not gravity on the other side well, it's a quantum, theory of gravity whatever that means but, the point is you can get it out it's equivalent to this neighborhood deficit, that's like just saying there's the the idea of a dual description, is just saying there's a perfect, dictionary between these two descriptions and so to pull, a bore which one's real is silly it's like saying as French wheeler is English real right yeah, no I like to give is if, you take some extra dimensions and. You, compactify, them let's say just one all that is it's exactly prevalent, if whatever particles, you had whatever fields you had in your original theory before you, just add an infinite Tower of new particles with certain properties that are all easy to calculate for, me it's a question of which one which description is most useful I mean, if you want to say gravities and it's all quantum that's great but then you fall down the stairs and bang your head.

Like. This description. That. Works pretty well you don't go to the doctors, yeah I forgot, certain defensible cost plus series of fluctuations. So. There's so many open questions the fact that there, are all these fundamental, issues that we really don't understand, but. On the other hand there's all of these moving parts that fit together so neatly there's definitely, something that's working here but, ultimately what, is going to emerge from that what structures lying under it we just don't know but I think the. Fact that there are so many fundamental. Questions that we just don't know the answer to that is an opportunity that's exciting. It's great thanks so much for coming it's, really good to have you here thank you very much John it was my pleasure I. Hope. You learned something about gravity, you hadn't thought of before and I hope even more that it provoked some, questions, so thank you for watching.

2019-12-23 15:38

Show Video


The child made me smile

I just know the high school student is just like me and lowkey doesn’t understand

haaaaaaa tricia takanawa not a news reporter no more

What about quantum knot theory, where gravity is an emergent phenomena? What about gravity behaving differently at galactic scales, which determines the shape of galaxies and postulates dark matter? Where do those fit in?

The biggest library in the university would be a blackhole. Given the quantity of light that falls in to them they are like faint CCD cameras taking million megapixel videos in uHD.

Level 1:child Level 2:teen Level 3:college student Level 4:grad student Level 5:expert Level 100000000 :flat earther

the teen was definitely getting a little lost at the end but to be fair i don't really think space time relativity is high school level physics haha. she seems really nice tho

What I learned is, that you can't talk about gravity without talking about relativity

She's so great in explaining one of the ambiguous concept in Physics.

omg her teaching energy reminds me of Carla Lalli Music but for astrophysics

Bonet explains gravity Me at that age: Scratch scratch...

I want my kids to be as smart as that 8 year old lol, but knowing my luck they will still wonder how to peel a banana at that age.

does gravity push or pull on us? Edit: i am kinda dumb so sorry if that is a silly question

Like, I can't believe like, I was like, a teenager once.

dim the lights and slide a table with a candlelit dinner between last two

why do they always get really stupid teenagers for all of these


she is pretty bad in explaining things in basic language, the words she uses need more time to be processed/understood for people who dont use them outside of school. maybe she does give them time and simpler explanations but the editor cut them out, but i doubt it. only at the harder levels does she start explaining properly.

Yeah, i think she went way too advanced on the teen level. No fault on the teen.

They should get some Indian teen...


Please make some videos on cosmology like this

Sorry to be that guy, but she made a mistake at 6:52. We do not need rockets to go 11 km/s because they are continuously propelled, not just launched with an initial velocity. The concept of escape velocity is often butchered in explanation and that makes me sad :(

ello past







None of them talked about the Graviton!

I think one of these with a philosopher would be really interesting

This is insane. It finally makes some sense.


I can sense even at the hardcore PhD level, they are being very considerate of viewers like us.

God I love astrophysicists

love this

8:45 a better way of explaining that conversation might be that we don't feel movement. We feel acceleration, we feel the friction of the wind on our face... but we don't feel motion. So crusing down the highway at 60mph you may feel the bumps on the road but you are only pushed into the seat backs while accelerating to 60mph

the thumbnail girl looks like Kim kardashian


3:30 in Argentina. This is what I waste my time in.


I love how Janna subtly just shows how much smarter she is than everybody

Her relative motion example to the teen took me until 3rd semester physics(Quantum mechanics) to hear. I can imagine how amazing her stories to understand concepts would be if she was my professor. I made it through the first half of the expert discussion then...slowly became 2 steps behind on understanding. Still love this discussion.

I love the College student's outfit so much

Friend: Why did your pc crash? Me: quantum mechanics

The expert needs to move his head!

I really hope the kid goes into the science field

Why is the child smarter than the teen they really picked a dumbass teenager

This was amazing. Thank you!

No one: The college student: “mhm...” “nyeh”

That teenager checked out and didn't understand anything within like 5 minutes

topic, gravity, astrophysicist: what would happen if two black wholes spin each other, i totally loose myself in the conversation.

The teen is less intelligent than a child, wow.

Did anyone hear her saying," Hi, I'm Gen eleven" ?

The child's reaction to the morning/evening height experiment was adorable. If they did that with the 16 year old her brain would have gone kaboom like an austin powers fembot.

So like I stopped watching after like the teenager like said like like 10 times

The 4-year-old is smarter than the Junior...

Lol the professor and that smug look in the beginning of their conversation

I’m serious! The First two are the same person in different times

5 Levels of Vaccine?


This reminded me I really have no idea what physics is about. Her talking sounded like gibberish and I tried so hard to understand again but I really only understood up to the child. As soon as she got to the teen it was BEYOND ME

*Level 6* : Flat-earthers

You forgot Flat Earth Level!

I cannot remember the name of the theoretical physicist who said the infinitesimally small and infinitesimally large are the same thing . His theory says that when the universe expands to the limit where particles are stretched so far they can only be energy, and unable to interact, the universe would collapse and start all over. My question: Is the universe in that theory acting like a wave and collapsing to a point particle, and then expanding again. I watch your videos and find they help in my struggle to understand what theoretical, and astrophysicist are discovering about the nature of everything.

Last guys top lip doesn't move when he talks. Creepy



What gravity is Gravity isnot a force but you can think is a force Please stop brain wash

Is it just me or was first one smarter than the second one?

The teen is like dumber than like the child like

The last chat was very interesting. Wish there was a talk show you guys had where you just invite experts in their respective fields to talk to one another for 30 minutes about the state of science. Best way to learn what's the cutting edge and provokes one to question what they know.

Good thing the teen is good looking, otherwise good luck in life

I know some of these words

I'm happy that I was able to follow up through the grad student. During the discussion with the theoretical physicist, you said "Feynman" and then "wa wa wa waaa wa wa wa wa" like in Peanuts. But I am trying. But frankly, I like my objects to be where I put them. Probably this is why my field is nursing informatics and not physics.


The little girl was smarter then the teen

i would love to have that lady as a teacher

Lol she is not speaking at high school level. That girl was completely lost and I don't blame her

As a fleshy meat bag human i can say 100% that humans are not designed to go faster than a run

Thank God for beautiful educated woman

Last dude looked like he was ready to science debate warfare lol. #jakehunter88

If am travelling at the speed of light... How do i calculate the speed of light.. do i calculate it as 0 kms /s

no one: college girl: "yea" "mhm"

Renormalizing eg, put out your finger to see which way the wind is blowing and fit it in your equation #theory. Mathematics isn't Physics. Space doesn't exert any force. Vacuum is a medium. Mass is an energetic variable so G/ gravity can't be a constant.

Why does the little girl and the teen look like the same person but years later

I hope not

Flat Earthers triggered in the first minute.

The level one girl is so smart

In my opinion the professor didn't explain these concepts accurately. The purpose of these videos is not to talk in professional language, but to convey the ideas and concepts of certain subjects (in this case astrophysics) intuitively and as far as possible in simple language - especially in the first two levels. She was talking about fields and waves with the teenager, a fairly bad approach. The concept of gravity is quite abstract for "ordinary" people who are unfamiliar with these things. And please stop degrading the teenage girl or compare her with the 7 years old girl. That's ridiculous and disrespectful towards the teen. Before ridiculing the teen, first you should blame the Professor for her lack of accurate conveyance accessibly the subject. A significant amount of Professors lack the accessible conveyance of the subject matter, just because they are used to these things for more than 20 years. I appreciate the courage and intelligence of all these five persons, especially the first two, as they're not used and engaged to this subject!

Real scientists use metric

Bruh I did projects on string theory in the third grade don’t even try.

This 8 year old is actually very smart, my faith in humanity is restored.

I knew the concepts tillthe middle of 4 with average interestin the matter, super fun and i learned a lot of new concepts, please do this more often

meanwhile there are BILLIONS of delusional religious people praying to some magic fairies lelelel what is this world


do one on LIGHT

I really loved how the experts explained their ideas together. I obviously didn't understand it all, but was surprised how much I was following it.

Pls, more physics related videos

Much more interesting than I thought!

0:49 sarcasm 100

Smart people cross their legs

26:19 He is mirroring her.

The girls must be sisters

So what have you learnt today? The little girl: Well, gravity is the geodesic is a 4 dimensional Hausfroff differential manifold in which when a metric is imposed gives rises to geodesic and objects that aren't experiencing any force move along the geodesic. P.S: The little girl is really intelligent. And so are you!!

The reason they cast her was because she was beautiful other than she got nothing. You know who it is

One great thing about physics is you can simplify it so people like me can understand, One bad thing is you simplify it all you want I ain't gonna understand s**t

The final section was so interesting, I had to listen to it twice.

Halfway through the video, I realized the astrophysicist looks like a young Helen Mirren.

Loved this video

3:39 No ma'am that's now how gravity was discovered. That's how Issac Newton discovered that its the same force that makes heavenly bodies move the way they do also makes things fall on earth. It's not like one day we found a new guy, rather we just came to know that our good old friend is also the culprit behind the heavenly movement.

4 seconds into the expert section and I'm bored out of my mind. Next time I am having trouble sleeping I'll come rewatch this. Y'all are way over my head!

Oh yea I will like throw a pebble in the air look up wait a few second wait where did it go

She is an incredible teacher! Love her descriptions and examples.

Expecting a 16 year old to understand a crappy, incoherent, explanation of special relativity that is really more about believing rather than explaining, is like expecting any child to have zero difficulties in the whole of college. Honestly, special relativity just doesn’t make much sense when you use words, but math makes easy logical connections that is so fundamental to your understanding, after all Einstein’s relativity theories are heavily based on geometry. Plus, I don’t think most people here understand it either, rather they have heard the same story over and over and finally memorized it rather than learning the truths and equations. And the child is always exceptional as they are looking for children who actually want to participate in a logical discussion.

The amount of times that teenager said "like" made me physically wince.

It’s best summarized this way What-everyone How-college student Why-experts, sort of

That is one smart 8 year old. I probably didn't know of tides at that age.

All nightmare before Christmas ghouls explained!!!! Including how they all died pleaseeee

I love her voice, its so calming, thank you miss Janna

Yeah, I was thrown after the explanations to the child. I'm okay with that, I'm aware my skills lie elsewhere.

Fantastic video.

The strangest thing in the Universe is why the GOP keeps protecting Trump.

Lol you actually see the point the teen loses all interest in the conversation haha

Ngl, I just about understood the kids one lol then I shut off

fake news! the earth is flat !

She's the female version of Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Not a compliment

This has made me even more confused than I've ever been.

"One of the things that really pulled me into it" I love subtle scientific humor

I accidentally printed on the same page twice and made a black hole

"max absolute limit" = max amount of data we can ever know is the size of our universe. The fish reaches the end of its aquarium...Its like saying one pixel difference makes an identity. hmm...lot of info to take in here...

Turns out gravity is just wind pushing us down universally, no math needed.

Intelligent Falling. It is God who pushes us down onto the Flat Earth so we don't hit the solar light bulb.

If you can understand a simple formula you can essentially understand that certain factors are the only contributing things, you can expand on that very same simple formula (lets say ideal conditions in a nutshell) to then explain the smaller details that play a factor. Also i was kinda of expecting her to begin with explaining constant freefall (correct me if im wrong on this, but it was what I was taught in school)... as well as maybe explaining reference/baseline.

I'm always disappointed with the grad students found for these videos. They must be first or second years because they really don't have anything good to add to the conversation.

If the physics lady and the level 5 guy had babies, they would find the 4th dimension

Did i understand that right? So black holes cant be a problem for physics because of quantum physics you can allways say theres a state for things in which there is no black hole?

mhmm, yeah, mhmm, yeah...

Lmao, he kept rambling on and on!

The astrophysicist and the theoretical physics expert would make an annoying date match. She would leave that table in nanoseconds.

The teen was stupid, clearly gave up on science at a young age>

"I go on the train everyday when I go to school but I never feel like I'm moving and then I'm like, 'wait, what'?" Absolutely genius

High school was dumb. College was awkward.

These videos are great i always learn something

Gravity doesn’t exist… It is a theoretical force. Problem solved this person is an idiot

so if the gravitational waves imply softer & stronger gravity against us, does it ever get negative?

"Shaped the way we view the universe" and shaped the universe ;-)

For some reason I understood the higher level stuff better than the simple stuff

I’m almost certain the professor at the end is a cyborg

He's certainly pretty enough.

35:04 Shots fired .

hold me down forever like gravity

LIke, like how about stop, like using, like the word, like, like, for two, like minutes?

Gravity seems so simple yet I never quite understood it scientifically.

College Physics Major: "I''m taught that Gravity is a force" Really?

wow, this is one of the most interesting ones! the last bit was super interesting and mind blowing really, the stuff they say

The two quacks at the end, Levin and the "expert" are real real quacks. They live in fantasy land and have no idea of what gravity is. They just know how to do math but have no clue of anything else. And it's because they hold their religion, which was invented by Einstein and the other quacks, they hold it as divine. Then they go to the other 4 people in the clip and they brain wash them with their religion to keep the quackery going. That's how religion spreads itself, by misinformation under the umbrella of authority and the title of science and philosophy. This was a total waste of time and a piece of junk.

Could you enlighten me about their, "misinformation," and tell about gravity in the real sense then please?

This teenager seems a bit slow

the 16yr old kinda looks like emily wills

college student: "nnyah"

Janna Levin was my physics professor at Barnard College! And now I’m getting my PhD in physics right now

Level 1 Level 2 Level asian Level 4 Level 5

I’m pretty sure the little girl had a better understanding than the teen

The little girl is smarter than most of my coworkers :-(

The last two dudes were teaching her

that expert is a creep why is he looking at her like that I'm-

We stan a woman in STEM

The young girl was so smart and poised. Like a brilliant, respectable young lady.

I think the only problem the teen had with expressing herself was she used the word “like” too often which made her come off as less intelligent, but I think she did just fine

That gymnast can get it anytime

35:37 - I'm going to use that next time I'm at the doctor. Doctor: "Did you fall down the stairs?" Me: "No, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle caused a series of fluctuations and thus injured my head!"

I don't think the 16-yr old understand anything technical about the discussion. She did look like she was turned on though.

So what material are black holes made of?

As far as I understand, the question loses all meaning when applied to black holes because matter at infinite density has no form as we conceive it. That is, we conceive of elements, in solid, liquid, or gas form, made of atoms, which are made of sub-atomic particles. All that works until you get to neutron stars, which are broken down below the level of atoms (no elements, no solids, no liquids, no gas, just the crushed components those things are made out of). And past the level of neutron stars you don't even have those sub-atomic particles; maybe you have nothing at all (well, nothing except mass itself), or maybe you have something we don't know about.

holy snap: 11:18 is probably the best, most concise explanation of relativity I've ever heard. Amazing scientist and excellent teacher.

*what you thought sience was:* infinite dimensions *what sience actually is:* maybe there's like two dimensions

Finally someone who bothered explaining more to the kid than just the bare minimum. Everyone I've seen has been like 'you know about this? yeah okay well next level then,' like a kid somehow isn't able to understand more than that

At one point I half expected the two experts to say 'so yes, we ARE in the matrix!'

Do you know what a matrix is?

I’m gravitated towards Janna.

Lets go to Six Flags Like Rollercoasters place or whatever.

I'm flat earther

When she said her name, it sounded like she said jan 11

Great series of video

And now stringtheory

Gravitational waves travel faster than light?

No. It travels with speed of light

Please help clear up my confusion... If the elevator and the passenger are falling at the SAME rate, then why don't the feet of the passenger remain on the floor? The elevator must be falling faster.

Do flat earthers go to heaven? Dislike yes : like button no

Okay I am in 5th grade and it's ôo to see the high schooler that takes physics class be so non intelligent it's like omg a "slingshot" is called a gravitational assist and rockets accelerate similar to an explosion but slower and the liquid or solid rocket fuel rapidly turns into gas propelling the rocket upward

That expert gives me Ben Shapiro energy and idk why

There's something about his cadence, but that's about it. (Thankfully.)

Like stop like using the word like

This longer version is great, to not be so superficial

The teenager girl looks just like Kim Kardashian lol

She : So what do u know about gravity? Me : pretty much everything.. She : really, So whats your major? Me : umm.. Interstellar was a really educational movie.

that eye contact form the last guy is creepy af. he got the same eye contact the entire time ahahah

Gravity doesn't exist - every Flat Earther knows that.

top gun charlie?

Indoctrination at the finest

The girl is Kim K except smart and young

Expert has bedroom eyes

10:00 this is award worthy

Teen: "so like...swipe right?"

Shred into our sub atomic particles.

Sting Patrick Harris

Janna Levin and Matthew Kleban I send it they would make an amazing power couple.


Lasy guy is a great quantum Ventriloquist

You omitted level negative infinity: conservatives. It is impossible to teach a cuntservaturd anything.

A 16 year old, studying physics - not aware of escape velocity.

So, a penny and a bowling ball would fall at the same speed? Somebody please tell me the wind would be a factor

Rate not speed

I want more of that last conversation.

Time doth not exist! Movement does!

Gravity is the enemy of all illusions .... Force of mutual attraction will bring you right back to earth. - Biokonstructor.

Okay that little girl is so smart and well spoken!

Mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah

Really great job through all five levels

Nothing sexier than smart women. .

The first one says yes to questions she doesn't know the answers to. Reminds me of engineering students pretending to know the answer to something instead of just saying no because they're scared to look dumb.

dude... why did the teenager talk like a child, while the child talked like a grownup...?

I got the red ring of death in my Xbox 360 because of quantum mechanics

You know that massive magnetic field around the planet? Yea? Well so called gravity is nothing more than magnetic acceleration. BOOM! solved, end of story.

take a drink everytime the college student says "nyeah" or "mmhmm"

what is spacetime?

Second girl be like , I'm like... and like and usually I like. So yeah like you know like.

I want more expert on expert talks about theoretical physics. I don't understand much of it, but it's amaaaaazing.

The teen was so annoying

what is the name of the physicist that spoke last?

This was the most honest, straightforward discussion about gravity I’ve ever heard, especially at the end.

best description i have encountered about what is going on inside and event horizon: there isnt a sensible way to talk about that yet.

I love this episode. Who loves this, too?

Is it just me or was that teenager high?

gallileo understood that the period of the pendulum was a mere function of the length of the pendulum ...

9:54 we lost her...

The 8 year old is very smart. I can tell she does and will continue to perform brilliantly in school

How about a feather and a bowling ball? Wouldn’t a feather’s rate be significantly lower than the ball as it’s considerably less weight?

this is so strange to watch. as a space enthusiast this concepts are so familiar, it's strange to see even a college student struggle with the simplest concept of free-fall and space-time fabric. i wonder why, after 100 years, this is not common knowledge already. it's not even difficult to explain/show. who doesn't know the the experiment with the sheet and a ball in the middle that creates a dip? kindergarten kids can grasp that. p.s. well, not even the "expert level" was really that, all very mainstream, you can read/watch that in every mag/doc available. experts would mention that gravitational waves have been recorded multiple times, yes (so its claimed), but the idea with pointing the telescope at it has worked only ONCE and could since not be repeated, so ppl have started questioning the data mining method (you have to calculate out noise...its complicated). no expert level talk here.

After lvl 4 it's no longer about explaining, its a freakin intellectual battle about who knows the most

How about String theory in 5 levels of difficulty?

I understood everything until the expert came

I loved the explanation to the college student and the conversation with the professional especially.. wonderful video

Dont make videos over 10 minutes, I won't watch them

Level 5 = Boss

i was good at the first one. past that, i'm gone.

fake, there are no girl physicists

tell me why the teenager is more ignorant than the kid

i officially fall into level 0

This confirms I’m just below elementary school level.

3:39 wasn't Galileo the first to find out that all objects fall at the same rate in free fall?

Nobody: College student: Mmhm. Yeah.

OMG the asían girl ni the 3rd level doesnt stop saying "mmhm" and "yeah" and im getting triggered

socks with heels... why?

Compared to there she’s not very good at explaining to kids...

Me at Level 1: Oh I totally know what gravity is!! It's the force that keeps us on Earth! Me at Level 5: Gravity is not even a real thing, it and everything around us is an illusion

I love these !

bruh idk if am high af or i its now that i understood what gravity is and how it works lol(child explanation), or am just high, cheers brothers :)

Please do something related to architecture or art.

Well, she said things in the first four parts that are just wrong. I suspect that some of the last part is just speculation.

OK, I get the idea of curved space time being the illusion of gravity, where two objects falling towards eachother are just two objects moving in straight lines through curved space resulting in a collision, but what I don't understand in that model or analogy is why they stick together ? - Sure they move straight though curved space, but on impact, why don't the objects just reverse path and drift away along the same curves in the opposite direction ? Someone help explain that please. In other words, why does curved space result in a continuous attraction between objects ?

The little girl knows more than me and I took AP physics

what would a level 6 explanation be ?

be cooler if her name was Jan Eleven

that was enlightening....

I just want to point out that it was Galileo that discovered that objects accelerate at the same rate when falling. What Newton realised was that falling objects on the surface of the earth and the movement of celestial bodies can be described by the same equation, i.e. his universal law of gravitation.

What is gravity's most basic constant? A: that we will never fully understand it. Apparently this woman is not Darwinian, because otherwise she would propose that we would get "stronger" to overcome our environment rather than succumbing to it like a slug.

or maybe she acknowledges that more pragmatic, immediate issues warrant a greater allocation of our time and effort. doesn't make you against human expansion.

Flat heads have left the chat

It's really not explaining after level 3(college student) just a very nice conversation between two intelligent people.

WRONG. The demonstration with the two blue balls is wrong. Objects of different mass (weight) only fall at the same rate in a vacuum. The demonstration with the two blue balls was wrong, they fell at different rates because they were both in a gaseous environment, the heavier object falls faster. Go to the top of a skyscraper and drop a hammer and a feather, they will fall at different rates because of air resistance. But in space, or a vacuum, they will fall at the same rate. Only in a vacuum will they fall at the same rate.

This is so beyond the point of this video but this woman's outfit lowkey goes hard

A child understands tides better than Bil O’Reilly!

0:53 WRONG. "Gravitiy" does NOTHING. Theres no "gravity". Theres nothing that attracts us.. WTFFFF shes talking bout?!

I feel like Information isn't lost when...Gobbled a Black just reverts back to Gravity-Transformation (Gravity-Transformation is another form a Gravity)

Just watching the expert interview on 0.5x speed.

I feel like...What 'Dark Matter' is, Its just Gravity with no matter in it. Gravity is a weak force, and yet, Black Holes. I do believe Photons affect Gravity. The Reason Space is expanding, is, well, it's another way of looking at Gravity we haven't looked into. True that E = mc2...But, Gravity has no Set speed. It can move way faster.

The teen looks like an older version of the kid.

Am i the only one who is in college but still feel explanation for child is more reasonable

that was just beautiful

As a european, I remain confused about the college, grad, postgrad and all the rest of it. I once tried to read about it but somehow I understood nothing...

Ivan Manko Same here. I’m of fairly high intelligence, but these kinds of highly complex physical phenomena just don’t fully register for me when described with words. Maybe I’d understand it better with a guided 3D render or something.

high school girl looks like a 35yo with lip fillers and plastic surgery

This teenager seems like she knows / understands less than the child.

Kristen Schaal explains gravity.

I answered Quantum Mechanics for every question i had on my physics test and got an A+

well my grade is in a superposition between A and F

it’s impossible to be wrong though so they better not mark you incorrect

The expert one looks like a serial killer of quantums

@Kurt Van Wagenen

Yeah, I couldn't quite pin down his look, I mean it could have been just extreme focus, but it came off a little creepy. Not dissing the knowledge he brought or anything, but maybe don't try to set things on fire with your eyes when you're talking.

I've watched _Interstellar_ four times. That makes me an expert, right?

@Louis Clark I knew it!!


They know how gravity works but they don't know what causes gravity.

So we gonna ignore the college students "mhm" "yeah"?

Don't take it serious. It's just that I'm starting yo focus on how many times she says it after the 3rd time

There needs to be a level -1 for flat Earthers.

she explained it better than anything in school and college

so basically this guy sayin.... that here can be there because you can add their fundamental parts. and by here being there they mean in time not i guess makeup. bruh cant have tree=ham... can only have tree= later tree or early tree. this tree was here later or not here.

At Level 10, she meets Sheldon Cooper...

If the sun is so much bigger than the earth, then why don't we feel gravity differently in different seasons? Is Earth's gravity that much more influential? I guess it is, given how close we are.

Take a shot for everytime the college student said yyeah

The expert talks like the Ben Shapiro of Physics

hella brutal "it does for me too" lmao shes like giving herself a 5th grade refresher talkin to college girl.

yo so if the sun is ripplin and dipplin, and its gone yo, and the waves are travlin at the speed of light..... whats negative gravity? would like we surf the waves outward? trippy, yo.

Stephen Explains that Stephen is tired of explaining videos.

The temperature stuff was *NEW*. Hi Vsauce! Micheal there ? I need a help...

I just go straight to expert level. I enjoy not understanding a single word people are saying !!!!!

It shows how much we forget, between childhood and young adulthood because that teen should be embarrassed with her lack of was painted across her face compared to the younger child who was ACTUALLY able to grasp certain concepts.

12:58 love is sometimes stronger when ur further apart

Astrophysics is a philosophy. I has absolutely no basis in objective science. It is entirely theoretical and based on axioms none of them have ever questioned. This lady is a RELIGIOUS ZEALOT.

The little girl is precious

All I learned was Einstein was cooler than I thought he was

There should be a video with an Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Engineer who explains the concept of Learning.

teen was like kim kardashian getting educated

also. i know yall ragging on that teen. but the lecture for the teen was the hardest one for me to follow

is it just me or is that grad student tying to one up Janna levin on the information he knows. almost like hes trying to lead the lecture and teach her... what a dork

That was amazing! Mind blowing even

Pull is not a physical mechanism, And gravity has no forces involved, but she keeps saying you feel a force, Get this woman to the job centre immediately...

American teenagers are really that dumb? Really.. gravity pulls down

I fall in love with jana Leven she is beautiful

It's really interesting to see what mindsets these people are locked into due to their age/interests/education. I understood the vast majority of it up to the expert, where I just sat there thinking "gawd, this makes so much sense even if it's just speculation, but i could never possibly re-explain it or make use of it with my personal intuitive limits".

Take a shot every time she says the word “like”

LISA CHAN !!!! You came out so great in the video! (we go to the same school). You are going to do great in the future, keep doing things like this!!!

Arent highschool kids supposed to know what centripetal forces is

The 8 year old is sooo cute, you can see she is so curious and interested in the topic :)

The eight year old has a better understanding of gravity and is far more articulate than the sixteen year old.

As a biophysicist major this stuff turns me on.

Explaining anything at trump level: is complicatated , mistuh prezidents

I love it. looks just like the student college physics. just shakin your head, when in reality your not comprehending. lol as an env scientist i can relate.

This video is awesome! I wish I knew people like her in real life.

wonder how holography deals with space filling curves...

like like like like like like like every other like word is like high like school

The last two felt more like conversations/interviews.

If the last guy and her ever got together and had me as their kid...they'd be very disappointed!!

The first girl is very intelligent, well spoken, and a cutie patootie

Level 5 broke me

Where is the remote? Heisenberg: I moved it so I don't know where its at exactly

Asian chick is creepy

Hmmmhm ya

It would be interesting if she was able to see how many times in a sentence she said the word "like" and maybe change how she talks

The little girl in the beginning looks like the 8 year old version of the astrophysicist

" So when you get the Blue Screen of Death, that might be because of quantum physics" mind = BLOWN. also it kinda feels like the experts are having a great date, the way they're laughing and keep finishing each other's sentences. great couple and great video.

Amazing. Thanks for this video.

"Astrophysicist explains gravity to 3 people, and then gets taught by the last 2"

Here to find the flat earthers

For a non-native English speaker it would seem that learning the word "like" is really important. 'Cause it would like make you learn like a whole part of the like whole language like.

*That level 1 was advanced*

I love these little snippets where a diversity of levels of knowledge about the natural world are shared with the public. A huge thank you to Janna Levin for sharing her voice in the ways that she does and a thank you to Wired for hosting these events.

I just wanna know how these scientists took small observations and made such huge assumptions with little equipment to observe them, it’s so fascinating!

So now I know to get taller I gotta live in space for a while, got it

They should've had 6 levels for this video, which goes Flat Earther, Child, Teen, College Student, Graduate, and Expert.

The video would have just been several minutes of the Flat Earther putting their fingers in their ears and loudly talking about NASA photoshopping their pictures.

i have a ton of respect for everyone in this vid pretending they understand gravity/ physics in general, but can we talk about the last guy?? my mans wasn't blinking and now this proves my theory of "geniuses and psychopaths are alike in that they don't blink at all"

black dense and gravity so strong nothing can escape...except uncertainty, that can escape anything, uncertainty will always be there...or maybe the black hole isn't even there...On another note, I always laugh when people say nothing can escape a black hole..."not even light" , as if light is the hardest thing to stop....but I'm like, a piece of paper can stop light...light is really easy to contain...I get what is meant but it's still funny.

I'm in love with the second girl

I wonder what it is like being smart...

level 1: Gravity keeps us on earth :) level 5: _nothing is anywhere, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!_

that little 8-year-old girl was so engaged and in tune with the information given to her, her parents should be proud

Could you get a chemist/ physicist to explain entropy on 5 levels?

Her voice is so beautiful! I always obsess over it on Neil Tyson’s podcasts!

Do Linguistics explaining the concept of language at 5 levels!

The girl's reaction when the lady described the intense gravity of neutron stars was so cute.

Good grief, the 'higher the level' the less informed the guest. And they're all still afraid of math.

That teen is dumb

3:40 That was Galileo

3:45 "[...] once you hit the ground, if you are heavier, you'll hit the ground with much greater *force*." Yikes! I thought she didn't describe gravity as a force to the little girl because she wouldn't know what that means, and that's fine. But if you are going to use the word, don't use it to mean kinetic energy.

Level 1-4: "So this is how it's all works" Level 5: "We don't actually understand any of that..."

Final boss: Flat Earther

event horizon is a good movie

No one: Literally absolutely no one: College student: UH HUH

Me: o.0)

CGI CGI CGI Gravity is density There is absolute down = there is no globe No one has been to the moon. The moon is a light in the sky

Well said

I maxed out at around 10 minutes.

Actually, the expert is really, really good. Simple concise explanations that hit the hammer on the nail.

I'm surprised she said the ISS will just circle the earth forever without engines. Not true. Orbital decay is constantly working to bring the ISS and all satellites back to earth. Rocket engines are used periodically to defeat orbital decay.

Imagine taking an introductory astronomy class with her at her college wow

She's kiterally not talking about gravity half of the time. Related yes, but not gravity itself ... especially with the student.. not sure that was the intention?

7:13 I feel as if you really should have stressed the fact that when we launch stuff into space, it goes straight up....then hooks dramatically with a second rocket burn, and it's that second burn, and change in direction which allows it to orbit the earth at all. If it just continued going straight up, it WOULD eventually come back down. It's the orbital, (or I guess to make it easier you could say sideways or horizontal, since nowadays people equate the term "orbital" with their already , most likely, incorrect preconceived notion of how things orbit the planet. Now correct me If I'm wrong Dr, but you can't just throw something hard enough and have it orbit the planet, that is why SSTO doesn't exist. You need at bare minimum two burns, to achieve an orbital trajectory. But hey, what do I know. I could be mis-remembering some details. That teen seems extremely unaware of the universe's grandiosity. There are those who are aware of it and pursue careers involving it, there are those that are aware of it, and it just causes them existential dread, so don't pursue careers in it, and there are those that are too busy playing with ants to look up.

Step 1: Teaching an elementary student. Step 2: Teaching a high school student who said almost the exact same thing as the elementary student but with "like" as every other word. Step 3: Teaching a college student who is able to grasp the concept pretty well. Step 4: Teaching but more conversing with a PhD candidate. Step 5: Two REALLY smart people just talking to each other and occasionally using words that common folk understand.

This girl is going to be an astronaut or a quantum physicist, shes kinda what I want my daughter to be like.

Let your daughter be whatever she wants to be, not what you want her to be.


Smart 8 year old

If its a place not a thing, how do you answer the question of conservation of matter?

This is painful. Such bad scientific communicators out there!!! We have a long way to go !!

Last discussion was great !

The awesome things about.. Mmnyea. Einstein’s thought is.. Mmnyea. Imagine that... Mmm hm. You were in a eleva.. Mmnyea. yea Yea YEa YEA!

I’m like a gymnast that like knows like how gravity like pulls on the force on like the earth.

Experiment for Californians: stop saying "like" for a day. Let's see what it does to one's speaking pattern and way of thinking.

So the expert level is slightly old *BEN SHAPIRO*

What a beautiful shot @1:15!!!

Level 7: Ricardo Milos

7:20.. not strictly true. All objects in orbit around the earth have trajectories that decay over time, without small adjustments eventually the object will fall into earth's atmosphere and burn up. The ISS for example orbits at only 250 miles above earth where its gravitational influence is still relatively strong compared to outer space.

Why didn't they associate the gravity with string theory?

It's like I'm reliving mg High School Physics class. The 2 most genius students are wholeheartedly dicussing,albeit debating, a Physics topic while here I am totally lost even before they opened their mouths.

This was brilliant. I learnt so much more than when I watch Rick & Morty.

I just had an epiphany: I think black holes are the points at which time and space are bound, if we view gravity as the tension placed up upon time-space. The tension gets more dramatic the closer you get to the black hole & vice versa the way shirt stretches and deforms around each button But you can't reach the limit because that is no longer time-space as we know. We can not articulate what lies beyond because it is fundamentally dissimilar to all that we know in our current cocoon of time-space.

i stopped understanding things after the teenager level... and even that was a stretch

Justice Christian special relativity just states that the faster you move, 1 second for you is a greater time interval for someone else.

Nyeah. Nyeah. That was annoying.

Me not understanding a word after the 2 minute mark

I would really love to see magnetism explained on 5 levels. And let ICP be one of these 5 levels!

Now try explaining gravity to a Flat Earther.

The teen looks like the older version of the kid

At least get a smart 16 year old if you’re gonna make this video

You forgot to tell the 8 y.o that same object will 'not' drop at the same time because of aerodynamics, no she gonna tell everybody that a feather will drop as fast as stone.

I want to hear the 6th level of complexity.

Astrophysicist: Meets expert Me: Its about go down

Wow that woman professor is dressed like a baddy. Impressed

Talking about gravity up to the Expert level, and not mentioning the Higgs field or particle? that's weird not wired... ;)

That teenager is pretty, stupid.

32:36 OMG! So it’s actually possible that the not only the earth is flat, but the whole universe too??

They could have made a full circle: Flat Earther: there's no such thing as gravity Child, Teenager, College guy: wow, gravity is so cool! Expert: there's no such thing as gravity

I like level 1

They should add another lvl. Child, teen, College student, Graduate, Expert, and GOD.

1:05 Physicist: "The moon pulls on the Earth" 9 year old: "Like the ocean tides?" O_O

Lost me at 2

I wish my son could find more friends like that little girl. He's 7 and at that age smart kids just seem so out of place with other kids their age. They play well together but it shows when they actually discuss things, then he just seems like he's out of place. She's one of the first kids who actually seemed like she'd actually be able to keep up with him. Her parents should be proud.

I didn't look at the text and thought her name was Jane Eleven

12:51 bro it’s sounds like she’s saying ‘nya’

Wait so if everything was 2d, then does that mean the flat earthers are right?

You dont know what gravity is. You can only describe it effect.

The first level should be "group of random flat earthers"....... then children.

Pretty sure the 16 year old teen got lost there somewhere.

Not everyone is as smart as an 8 year old. They should add a level for flat-earthers.

When expert showed up she knew it's not about her anymore

Should have gotten Neil degrasse Tyson on as the astrophysicist

That 8 year old at the beginning is really sharp.

Linguist explains!


Rachel mhm.

Ikr, haha It was annoying but still, what a great video. Mhm?

That last one is really insightful. Is there any papers that talks about gravity being an illusion made by the interaction of higgs field and particles that results into geometrical curvature of space-time?

Why does WIRED pick the stupidest high school students? She said "like" so many times.

@WarWolf I'm doing a masters degree on gravitational astrophysics and I say like allllllllllllllllllllll the time. Not a very fair judgement. This girl isn't doing a formal speech, she's just having a casual conversation. It sounds like you're very judgemental and maybe you should hold off judgements of a person before you actually know anything about them?

Rachel Yes exactly, there is no problem of having to think about what you will say. The “problem” lies in using fillers such as “um, ya know, and, like” When practicing speeches I noticed I was doing this a lot so I combated it and now I rately do it but I pay attention more to it when I or others do it.

@WarWolf Yeah I can't argue with you on that one. It's unfortunate though because, as you said, the negative association is to do with the conveyance, and doesn't really equate to anything more. Often I find it's used either through purely habit or as a time-killer while your brain is trying to figure out how to next do words (lol). With a subject like astrophysics I can definitely understand needing more time to structure my sentences!

Rachel maybe I shouldn’t have used such a strong term. Though using these terms as fillers convey you as being uneducated, Unknowing, or low understanding of the topic. Sometimes a combination. The way people use like in scenarios such as “that’s like really nice” makes them portray a worse image of themselves onto others that they could have done without saying like in that way

Calm down son. Doesn't mean she's stupid, it's just the language of the time.

she not really describing these principals very well .. and her students look lost .

The last guy was very good at not moving his eyeballs or adjusting himself the entire time

Dudes a robot... 100%

God: write this down Person writing the Bible: umm... yeah no, you don’t sound good in this version

****questions I have at level 5. 1.) does anyone know if a black hole vibrates? Maybe any information that may be escaping is displayed via vibration. IE like old school morse code. 2.) i wish the conversation about Gravitational waves was more explored. it is interesting to me about waves and their place in Quantum mechanics. 3.) finally what would the steps be to think about how gravity and its influence on space time influence us if quantum mechanics is not correct? Thank you for your time****

“Yeah...” “Mhm...” “Mhm...” “Yeah...” “Yeah...” “Mhm...”

I love janna levin!!!!

25:28 she got turned on

The college student was on her 5th "bruh that's crazy"

04:28 i thought that is only true in a vacuum?

We need Dr.Sheldon Cooper doing this!

The second girl is as dumb as a bag of rocks. If I hear her say "like" one more i'll scream!

12:52 take a shot every time she says "yeah" .

I frigen love this stuff.

Expert is a badass.

So if the electron isn't there, your computer will crash. I'm not sure that's how a computer works.

Super position of space time

The reason I love smart people like is because I'm a dumbass who is trying to be smart

You are sitting on chair, thanks gravity.

Mmm... That junior.... When yo birthday is gurh?????

I already liked the video earlier and by the time the expert level arrived I couldn’t like it even more. YouTube limited the amount of information of my liking of the content of the video. YouTube tries to prevent the creation of like holes

She is so intelligent and beautiful wow

The way she speaks is so in co trip and beautiful I want her to narrate everything

You can’t quantify a wave, Therefore the entire field of quantum is based in mathematical fiction that has absolutely no connection to the real world. Go research Tesla and Maxwell and learn the truth about atomism and the quackery bull sh!t they call science. Oh and if you want the most accurate definition of gravity... I can sum it up in one word; DENSITY

Bill O'Reilly: "Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that." Little girl:

Ya lost me

Honestly this is one of the more complicated ones imo. Theres no way these people can understand concepts this soon compared to some of the other topics

Was the 16 yo stoned out of her mind or something?

Those who want to check out a young DJ in action 2:35

the first one, the girl, is going places. big places

I would love to see a 5 levels with a mathematician

Bruh, you can’t expect a pretty high school gymnast to be interested in anything but herself lmao


Astrophysicist: So what do you know about gravity? KSP player: *Puts on Chad glasses*

Gravity IS the negative energy that we cannot see

The fantastic 4 has a lost member and she's just been found.

Funny how people try so hard to show how "intelligent" women are. If you need affirmative action to get or job (i.e. you need to discriminate against people better than you to get a job), then you aren't that smart. Hiring less competent people hurts all of society. We could have discovered more planets by now, or cured more diseases, or simply earned more money if we weren't going out of our way to make women feel good about themselves >_

Where does it say that the host got her job through affirmative action?

That teen is 16. The age of consent is 16 here

Why universe is didn't fall to become black hole at the beginning? What if some other universes become black hole universe at the beginning of spacetime.

English 100

i bet the highschooler was confused when the Astrophysicist said 11km/s

College girl got some weird eyeballs

I wish I had the sheer confidence and poise of that kid...and I'm a 50 year old war-weathered statesman working in the upper echelons of the world power structure.

The blue screen of death is way cooler when he said it

This is why I love Wired! It makes you think and in the case of this video took the most basic concepts at a young age and built upon them over time starting with a strong foundation and building into more complex principles like the "Uncertainty principle" or "Heisenberg's Principle"!

All levels before Expert: Yes. I understand these fundamental and exciting concepts. I could get into this if I apply myself diligently. Expert Level: Wut?

This teenagers a dumbass

I can't even explain to my 3 year old nephew not to be rude

The girls look like they could be related to the doctor.

That little girl said “the one who learned about the Apple” lol so cute

Space station worth billion, millions of people in Africa suffering, may a black hole eat us all for our senselessness

You won't live for a billion year

The big yellow one in the middle is the sun.

This was very enlightening.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

How to lie and indoctrinate 5 different age groups. Newton just mimicked the cabalists Freemasons script. Do your own research. Don’t let these science communicators fool you

What is force at a distance? Come on, truth.

You asked them what gravity is. She answered what gravity does. Tell them you do not know what gravity is. That is an important fact for young people.

She should have had Becky Smethurst as "Expert"

I don't think he's a true story but it's a good story I didn't know this was also a philosophy course

Give Janna and the expert a couch and a bottle of wine

Just me or did her explaining all these crazy intelligent theorems and concepts turn you on... like severely cuz same

Yeah I was lost after the child

Baby: q.... q.... Mom: He is about to say his first words ! Baby: quantum mechanics

Did any one else just get completely wrecked once the expert person came on? This is so emotional

The level 5 expert reminds me of a Astrophysic Ben Shapiro

the second girl is sooo pretty

So apple is trying to kill us and make black holes....

Who am I? Like like like like?

Two average scientists agreeing together is cringeworthy. I learnt nothing.


Nyaeah 12:50

They could be making up the last expert bit and I wouldn't know hahaha

This gives me Vsauce vibes

Never got the point of the expert portion. They already know the subject matter

She needs to add a level 0 to explain it to flerfers.

I like the concept of five steps. Let's see how many I can take...

how do you decide the limit of speed of light ?

Gravity! can’t be measured, can’t be tested, can’t be proven. Just trust us.... we are the experts

Isn't it nice we can ask much more than we possibly can answer?

Quantum mechanics is def a cult

I'm here learning about quantum mechanics instead of working. This is some next level procrastination right here.

The guy at 25:12 looks like both a wax statue and a guy with a expression :- "punny human"

#thedeepertheygothelesstheyknow #scienceisanillusionofknowledge

Always cross my mind that the sun will die then the earth will be travelling in straight line at a godly speed to hit some cosmic object, RIP HUMANS

Maria: *like*

Theoretical science is so obnoxious sometimes, such as when people try to claim that things which we can calculate and replicate with 100% accuracy aren't real.


Scientists can never tell the difference between reality and there projections on to it. when they haven’t formed an idea of there own but adopted someone else’s it’s expected. And the truth is the human mind cannot form a concept/judgment of the world with out its own equal set of disadvantages and limitations. Most humans do not understand them selves thus have no direction in the persuit of universes truths and because of that are led around blindly by fallacies. The state confusion and conundrum that inhibits scientific progression is a reflection of the aimlessness of humanity our confusion and misunderstand of fundamentals of our selves and the process of life it’s self.

The grad student was my favorite. He seemed so engage and eager to actually talk

Skip to the end and hit replay and it removes the ads in the middle of the video.

“Give me a “yeaaaaa , mmhhmhhm, oooom yea”

by the second level i was confused

I love this series. Thanks, Wired!

Who also skipped to expert part!!! Their conversation is music to my ears.

I'm sure Chris Hadfield is making a lot of money right about now . . .

Gravity is the easiest understood concept in science and at the same one of the hardest


If no.4 talked less, he would of retained more...

My personal favorite is "Your IQ can't possibly be 165, because mine is much lower than that!" They also believe that PhD equals genius. I ask them if a tape recorder is a genius. They don't understand. Then they wonder why geniuses tend to be insane.

It’s kind of like the kid is smarter than the dumb teenager

why is she relating speed to gravity force so weird teaching, just because apple follows curved path has nothing to do with the space time being curved as well tf

Yea yea yea yea

How do we know the speed of gravity?

"Do you know how we get rockets out in space?" "yea slingshots" *FACEPALM*

31:00 This is the theory of multiverse comes. Physics isn't being "destroyed", it's being translated to different rules.

The expert was like : awwwa she's hot, that's hot

Isn’t Galileo the one who did the dropping object experiment and not Newton?

9:25 that face is saying "I'm already confused".

add an expert skin for Sigma dr. de kuiper he snapped

Now explain this to a flat earther

That first kid has more knowledge than I do....(sigh)....

The girl starts doubting at 1:43 as soon as the moon is brought up

Let's see time bend. Until then, there is no valid hypothesis and no scientific evidence. Astrophysicists are pseudoscientists at best. At worst, bad story tellers.

Now I understand why I always get the blue screen of death on my PC

The only thing I have to say about this video is that that little girl is really smart. At her age to understand concepts like gravity and the fact that the moon's pull causes waves in the ocean is insane. She definitely didn't go through the USA public school system... if she had she would probably have been shot by now.

Didnt Issic newton invent calculus just to explain gravity

I loved the little girls face when she saw she is taller in the morning

Little girl legit knows more than the gymnast

8 year old girl make me afraid but as teen of my age came I feel proud

I really want to meet one of the astrophysicist

Was really hoping the last level would have been Flat Earthers

love this one

That Kid: -Beside the woman: “you know I’m something of a scientist myself” -With her mom: “ReeeeeeeeEEe”

EXCELLENT !!! Great Job! Many Thanks!

Take a shot everytime the teenager says "like"

She is an amazing teacher! There were parts even during the expert discussion when she speaking in analogies that had the idea clicking in my head and allowing me to follow along. First time I didn’t feel lost talking about the more abstract views on gravity.


Great video!

2:43 was one twin older the than the other? ;)

"Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Mhmm..." Shutupp! 12:49

Coming down to the expert level, I loved how Lavin challenges all inputs by the expert about quantum mechanics and gravity. Like she's arm wrestling this dude's brain. Hahaha.

Holy crap, she's awesome.

i hate the words she uses when explaining to the teenager and the kid, does she not realise that someone who doesnt know what gravity is will not know wtf you're talking about when you say "angular momentum" .

Uh you learn about angular momentum pretty early...

I learned about angular momentum in 8th grade tho

24:54 River song & Doctor who casually talking

Janna is a moron. GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST. The universe is ELECTRIC. Sorry. Jesus Wept, this is sad. Hey Janna????? Does a blade of grass have the same resistance to gravity as you or I??? HAHAHAHAHAHA Keep your nonsense theorem. You're the people that Tesla warned us about. :*

No one: Literally nobody: College Student: mhm, yeah

Level 1: Child Level 2: Teen Level 3: College Student Level 4: Grad Student Level 5: Expert *Level 0: Flat Earther*

UNLESS all flat earthers are just experts on holography

26:11 "That's one of the things that really pulled me into it." Are they sliding in gravity puns??

Her explanations and terminology seem a bit too high for the first few people, but they seemed to keep up with it.

The math is everything when it comes to correctness. Comprehension is everything when it comes to education.

I think that's funny. In every episode they make more questions and talk less with upper level people. During the expert part, it sounds more like a conversation than a explanation.

20:15: That happened to me the last time I went to a Slayer concert.

That astrophysicist s is very fuckable

Her: “Gravity isnt real” Flat Earthers: “WE FREAKING TOLD YOU”


Went a little too deep with the Teenager, I think.

Law professor!! Im waiting patiently

I guess that those two at the end definitely *"talked"* about temperature afterwards Keepo And BTW, there were awful lot of "likes" when the teen spoke xD

Thought she was an older Kristen Schaal for a sec

No one knows what gravity is. Its NOT bendy space.

3:49:was Galileo , Issac Newton learned that and proved it

You know gravity is bs because they have a woman as the physicist.

I agree, there's so much we don't understand...

Get to the point allready, all the excess bs talk . Can someone here sum up the 5 concepts of gravity in short words with facts?

who else tried to explain gravity in the most sophisticated manner before watching the video?lol

this was actually really interesting and informative

“Very small, very dense”; lol—I had a girlfriend that fit that description. She was an emotional singularity :(

Holography: Gravity is an illusion Graviton: Hold my beer

What we learned in high school physics in germany at about 16 years of age is between level 2 and 3

Level 3 Begins. My Brain: aight imma head out

The last guy looks like a AI robot when talking

Level 2 talks about the ISS, which never comes down, but that's not entirely true because the ISS has fuel on board to correct orbit, otherwise it is missing on Earth.

“Genius children” lol

Yeah? Well my mate James said there is no such thing as “gravity”

please shorter

What's the second ones @

25:12 It's the look of "Ha! They don't know anything!"

Wired should do one on dark matter

I like how the child is more intelligent than the teen whos into physics.

She happens to be enrolled in physics, but clearly not college bound in a STEM field.

That little girl is prettier, better dressed, and smarter than me and she's 8 years old...

I hate this Old Navy add that keeps popping up.

I'm ashamed to be an adult that knew less about gravity than an 8 year old haha. But you go girl! She was smart as heck~

Not you not Einstein knew what gravity was.

The interaction with the young girl was such a beautiful thing to see.

add: Really Religious people.

I like hearing smart people talk even if I don’t fully understand.

Now, I want “The Laws of Thermodynamics” as explained by a Physicist or a Chemical/Mechanical Engineer.

Why does the child look exactly like the teen its like the lady just sat there for 8 years and was like “remember what we talked about?“

It should have been 7 levels Expert Grad student College student Teen Child Doi

Can we break down Einstein’s relativity because it sounds a bit sketchy.

Is it me or is it just a coincidence that out of the 5 people she explained the concept to, the teen was the generally accepted most comely, most attractive and most aesthetically pleasing to look at. And she was the one chosen to be in the thumbnail. I uderstand the need to 'sell' the video for views, but that was low-key, a minor form of clickbait. Not the full spectrum, but just a teenie weenie ounce of clickbaitery

stop using the kids and teenagers though. they make me uncomfortable

The second girl is bad asf no cap.....

Level 5: We have an Ace in our sleave of all excuses to make sure we are never 'wrong' or 'right' about quantum mechanics.

Black holes are just the trash bin in this simulation.

Ain’t no gravity. Just an abstraction. That is all.

If gravity is a field that permeates all of space then could there be an electromagnetic offset or substance that could 'block' this field (gravity waves)???

To the level 2 'relative motion'...SUPERPOSITION! if it is non observable then all possibilities must be considered.

That little girl is so interested and engaged. I hope she grows up to be an astronaut or something

All the comments making fun of flat earthers must have not listened too closely to the expert conversation. They clearly stated that the universe might actually be a two dimensional space and we just perceive it as three dimensional. Which in turn means the flat earthers were always correct and the rest of us were just too stupid to figure it out lol.

Astrophysicist: says 2 words College student: aha MHM YEA

expert level was not explaining, just discussing.

How did we end up at the universe is 2D??

So the fastest way to travel thru space would be gravity speed rather than light speed

i understood up to the grad student, then i struggled, then with the expert i lost it. rip

Me high af rn thinking im unlocking the secrets to the universe

i almost could follow the expert conversation... almost. Gravity is an illusion. Wow.

yeah, mhm, yeah, yeah, mhm, yeah, mhm, mhm, yeah, mhm

Tides come in, tides go out, can’t explain that. -the adult Bill O’Reilly The moon pulls on the Earth. You mean like in ocean tides? -a smart kid

I feel like the expert reversed the explanation. It ended up him explaining it to her. Not that she don't know anything but because she was asking his opinion on things more than explaining things. They both know what they were talking about but it felt like she ended up taking a more passive approach with the level 5 expert.

To the college student - There are ways to show you are engaged without going "MHM" every two seconds or less.

8 year old is the actual expert. Plot twist

24:56 final level, boss battle

Best one yet! That comparison of "gravity" to "temperature" was really useful, even to a layman like myself.

What a hot babe.

Janna explains for 3 people and then she is doing the 'mhmm' by the time we get the expert. This is amazing because it shows we never know everything and there are always things we can learn off someone else.

Do a philosopher explain things

Level 6: Alex Jones

so why is she explaining gravity to an expert?

how are the first two so pretty

The expert sounds like Ben Shapiro

amazing! so incredibly thought provoking! thank you!

Interesting. Our ability to manipulate spacetime is key to being where we are. Without our innate, reflexive knowledge on how things fly through the air after a throw, we were able to feed ourselves and cloth ourselves. If we couldn't throw very well we didn't eat or sleep. We learned upon which angles the ball/spear/arrow would travel through the curve of spacetime.

Does mass itself curve space/cause gravity OR does graviton particles (inside mass) cause gravity?

The 8 year old is really well spoken!

See, its really funny. I learnt nothing NEW. I'm in highschool.

I like how the expert says "like you it was one of the things that really pulled me into it" pfft

This was amazing.

I want to French kiss the Asian woman.

In beginners level : you talk they listen In expert level : They talk you listen

I cant tell if the expert guy is extremely interested or super bored, he has no facial expressions lmao

so the cut scenes make it what? easily explained for us?

Bro, that 16 year olds face when that lady was trying to explain gravity was hilarious.... she was like "just smile and nod" lmaooooo

DR. Levin, in the vacuum of space, what is the medium that warms our planet which such precision.

You guys should troll someone by having a kid geniuse

You can’t tell me that this man is not spitting game at 35:40

She is just lovely. Such a brilliant person and I very much enjoyed her approach in each level. I would love to have a couple hours to chat with her about gravity and the theoretical principles behind it because she has a very plain way of describing complex theories in a way that makes sense. Very interesting discussion. I, as well as all humanity, have so many questions regarding black holes and the general scientific principles we currently know as "facts". Hope to see more scientific videos of this nature in the future.

are you kidding me the child needs to jump play with objects and even fall, before you guide her to a notion your entire life of global experience gave you.. This Child is lead to answer questions she has has no business getting told to be involved with........Yet..Eh?

6:08 she doesn't seem to really listen in physics, she could've said the force of attraction but she seems to know as much as the kid

That teenager tho

« yeah cuz i go on the train every day to go to school... » bring the little girl back for level 2 please

whenever i try to get out they pull me back in

Flat earthers can't grasp the child level of gravity.

U could tell that the 16yo gets passed around in school like a cold. She a gymnast? O lord

I’d love to see some of these on the social sciences and maybe humanities (esp. philosophy)

First kid looks so bored lol

I wish the kid said "it's not possible to say the Earth goes around the Sun, due to relative motion."

invite m0xyy to explain next

25:26 her face looks like he was talking dirty to her and she was enjoying it, LOL!

Love the concept and execution. I subbed!

3:39 Wasn't that Galileo? No slight to Newton, though. He did explain _why_ that is.

The second girls had a much lower level of basic understanding than I would expect. I'm not saying ahe should have known a priori what was being explained to her, but her statements and reactions were just.. Off.

24:44 The guy's expression when she said he's a scientist


Why doesn’t Gravity. ? Pull a very small weak magnet

The kid and teen or the kid and the second person looks like sisters...

I'm 17 and I understand everything in the college student level and part of the grad students one also. Americans need to do better.

but can she cook?

Can you please get like, Stephen King or Jason Reynolds or some author to explain a literary term on five levels?

25:28 she gets a little wet

that child is smart


My eyes glazed over at level 5

What is gravity, actually???? Is it some sort of waves? Can we see it,somehow? Is it in another dimension?

She should have used the phrase, "in a permanent freefall".

i would like to understand more of what is talked about in this video, any suggested links will be welcomed

teen is actually pretty stupid

Astrophysicist: no matter how heavy things are they will fall at the same rate Paper which is really light and falls really slow: Am I a joke to you?

"Luke, use the gravity".

Guess whose failing physics

we still dont know what it is

We have the same name!

But let me just express: nnnyep yep mmhhmmm yep nnnyep mhmmmmm.

She was outclassed by a milestone by the expert.

I love this I love this I love this omggggggg.

1st 2 looked like she was talking to her younger selves.

the 8 year old is smart and totally adorable

That girl squealing to her mom at her height difference, juxtaposed against her sitting politely, listening to this stranger...was so precious.

It was Galileo Galilei who determined that two objects of differing masses would fall at the same time and not Isaac Newton. I shouldn't be surprised that an American got it wrong.

Nyea Nyea Nyea

i feel proud that i can understand the level 5 discussion pretty well. In fact i already knew all this stuff.

31:27 Lost me completely 7:50 & 26:02 & 35:43 Blew my mind 16:13 I must have missed a step or something... 25:30 & 36:10 Someone 'slooshing'

19:21 Furby!!!!!!

How did she and the teen start talking about frames of reference lol

I thought I was pretty smart until the level 5 discussion

The teen is 16 and doing Junior with physics...isnt it weird that she hasnt heard of Escape velocity or Orbital velocity?

NoPe, It'S aLl DeNsItY aNd BuOyAnCy

3:14 - Was Newton the one who proposed that heavier and Lighter object fall at the same rate? Wasnt it Galileo galilei, in his Experiment involving the leaning tower of Pisa.

People who do long distance swimming have their spines grow longer when they swim, and after words it shrinks on dry land.

With the college student level talk, if the sun disappeared, would we still orbit around where the sun was for another 8 minutes?

if youre moving at a speed of light and you shine a laser or flashlight towards the front of the vehicle youre on does that light never leave the source

That’s crazy so the only way we understand gravity is by using analogy’s and observable reactions not a single experiment is used prove gravity it’s funny only concepts to help you understand the concept but when you start talking about gravitational waves thing start becoming flawed when proving gravity lmao science is fun examples are foolishness

esoteric abstract subject!!! okay you got my attention thank you for recognizing us and properly identifying the little few that exist and are awake on our journey in life.

Hearing her explain it to a child, warms my heart haha

that 16 year old is really uneducated for someone who studies physics in high school

wait... going in space makes you taller? sign me up yo

everyone listen to the teen section and count how many times the teen says “like”

the expert convo has me thinking nothing is real anymore & everything i’ve been taught is a lie

*Expert says anything* Astrophysicist: MMMM MMM

anyone thinks that the child is smarter than the teen. the teen seems like she is the school bully

Wow, way to go Teen... you came off literally dumber than an 8 year old

My level of understanding basically disappeared after the child explanation.

That young girl at the beginning lends hope to the future.

The teen girl didn't necessarily say anything wrong, but I sure do hate the way teenagers talk.

the teen should get a thought bubble with Homer Simpson type stuff appearing in it

I was good until a minute into level 5, ... my head hurts

I wish I can have a conversation like that last two people

I don't understand this at the expert level, but maybe someone can shed some light on this question, as I have only ever heard people talk about the principles (or the description) of what gravity DOES. Maybe I am just not getting it, but what physical properties are pulling two bodies together? If I am swinging a tether ball around, the rope is pulling or holding the ball. I magnetic field would be pulling to magnets together. A vacuum in a venturi tube would be pulling objects (or air) to fill a less dense space. But, what is physically pulling the moon toward the Earth?

I watched few of this series I find the explainer underestimate children a lot.

She was so amazing!!!

duh. The whole universe is a hologram. You are another state of me. We exist at the same time and not... it's all boring. I'm looking forward to the singularity so I can forget again.

nice space patch

I couldn’t watch the college student, my head hurt, she can’t stay quite

Expert: "Relativity is incomplete. We need a theory of Quantum Gravity." Plot twist: "It's geometry all the way down."

Ball test. Blue ball had harder impact due to denisty. NOT "GRAVITY"

Great stuff.  Pretty snappy dresser for an astrophysicist...

That little girl was so cute. And that teenager could've been her sister.

Intense Jude Law

nya.. Nya... NYA...NYA!!

The girl is hot

That was the best innuendo ever!!! Plus how did she know to use blue balls. The hole subject of gravity is really going down man!! Are you drawn to your partner by inverse squares, use 5th dimensional real world fairytale to woo your potential partner today! Groan.

Does anyone else feel like they should’ve gotten a different teen? I feel like they should’ve gotten someone that was more enthusiastic about the topic.

The child is very bright

My man the expert is making a little too much eye contact.

She is really really good, clear and fun. I've seen her on episodes with NDT. She ia really good and I love that she's doing this:)

The most beautiful thing I watched this year. Sincere thanks to everyone involved.

"So you know-" "Yeah" "OK but-" "Yeah" "But-" "Mhm yeah"

I followed everything up until expert, they lost me at holography and adding earths together.

A great way to explain things.

That expert mfcker sounds like ben shitpiro

Gravity is fake.

Aiman Adzhan you’re level 0

It's interesting to see how heavily invoked Einstein still is among modern physicists. He was basically to physics what Socrates was to philosophy: a genius whose contribution to the discipline can never be underestimated. Also, on a side note, a "5 Levels" episode featuring a philosopher would be really cool. :)

PhD Francis

I don't know if anyone felt that but when I saw a female astrophysicist instead of what people might think of male...I realised how far we had come. I felt proud.

If ones mass determines the gravitational pull, then two balls, each differing in mass, similar to a bowling ball and penny, should reach the ground at different times. Even if measured ever so slightly. Right? Can anyone explaib

is it just me or does the expert talk like ben shapiro

The little girl knew more than the teenager. Lmao

Gravity to me is a 4D force in form of waves that binds with 3D material through quantum mechanics.

Gods laughing at these experts...

Are Universe was created by another universe. 3 Dimension, 4 Dimension, 5 Dimension, 6 Dimension, 7 Dimension, 8 Dimension, 9 Dimension, 10 Dimension. Think of a box inside another box Tesseract.

kid seemed smarter than the teen imo

I would have told the child that in a neutron star your body would crush to thinner than paper

Level 1 and 2 should have switched places

Forget about physics, I think there was some chemistry between the two experts :)

So the earth is flat ;)

Mmm hmm

They are just saying bullshits they dont even understand because they are not real.

What shoe is the teen girl wearing?.

John Mayer is the 6th level

I’m 46, with a bachelor in Physics. I have never heard a more approachable, intuitive, explanation for the theory or relativity, gravitational fields, event horizons, black holes and quantum mechanics. Wow. I’ve always wanted to teach, but she has inspired me in all new ways. Making science accessible starts with the ability to explain these abstract and counter-intuitive concepts in such a way that students can appreciate and enjoy the math, and the proofs and all the stuff students hate. What a great mind. I’m jealous of her students a Colombia.

Levels 1-4: Levin is explaining gravity. Level 5: Wait who is explaining to who they seem equally smart

Can she be my physics teacher because I’m currently failing Physics???

"Maybe the world is just a hologram" ok thanks im gonna go sit on the floor and ponder life for hours now

the teenager was too cringe to listen to.

Black holes are earlier civilizations that reached the peak of knowledge and obtained their two dimensional space to it's maximum value. Stop learning new things.... it will just be the destruction of us...

nobody: the college student: mhmm

This video just motivated me to study for the MCAT

Child level: yep, that's what I was taught. Teen level:

Hot, astrophysicist Lois Griffin

Gravity is not a force it is the space time curvature

2:55 the twin looks younger too.

Mm hmmm. Mm hmmm. Mmm hmmm. Level 3 was annoying me. Mm hmm

These are so amazing please keep them coming!!!

Very interesting episode

The kid looked so scared but is really smart

Bruh they only had to listen to John Mayer

gravity is bs. It is all theory and there is no actual proof.

*Teen comes on using the word “like” every other word* *Viewer has left*

Does 32:42 confirm flat-earth ??

Thanks for this! She's a great educator, and had some awesome analogies to imagine.

Everything made sense until college level then i was like

It's so depressing how little we know..

If ever you have difficulty overcoming gravity, just edit the span of time addressed in the instance observed.

Find better recipients

What shape is the gravitational field is it similar to magnetic field

My feelings through these 5 levels of difficulty : Child: Yes I got this! I know Gravity! Teen: Okay I'm loosing it, I'm starting to loose it College Student: You've lost me Grad Student: What is going on? I don't understand a thing! Expert: The unseen episode of The Big Bang Theory.

0:12 Old version of Ubuntu spotted...

Level 6: *Neil deGrasse Tyson*

Child > Teen lol.

This one was very good. Next one on math maybe? Navier–Stokes or the Hodge Conjecture

The astrophysicist looks like Kristen Schaal (the voice actress on GRAVITY falls)

We need Lvl6: Sheldon.

I like how they used the thumbnail with the aesthetically appealing teenaged girl. Dat low-key psychology for more clicks. ☕️

Flat earthers are the ones that dont accept science because they don’t understand it or they try not to

when i saw barnard college my heart went

anyone else is a 60 year old single man working in fast food and is equal to the teen knowledge of gravity in this video??

The teen is hot

Experts talking and i am like " hmmm..." with a finger on the lips, signing that i'm deep thinking

Would like to see Neuralink explained

Weeell... Expert level should be more complicated like with formulas... What should be discovered to confirm any of proposed theories. And what compromises we actually make in each option

you trying to tell me a feather and a bowling ball will reach the ground at the same time... i don't think so

It's not clear to me that the high school student is more knowledgeable than the child. Is this America?

What makes me the happiest is that the person who is explaining to these levels is a woman. Women are the most intelligent people/species on the world and that’s on FEMINISM.

Whats the chicks Insta thooo

Thank you, Dr. Levin. Brilliant explanations of the concept of gravity on the 5 levels. Your passion and enthusiasm for your field of expertise are inspiring and illuminating...bravo!

I don’t think man walking on the moon is a true story either

5:56 When someone asks a trivial question but in an extremely vague manner that you don't understand what they're getting at.

When the 8 year old sounds smarter than me and most of my friends.

the college student's yeah and mhm is basically how every conversation with a professor goes

WIRED: Hey you wanna talk about some astrophysics? Chinese girl: mhm yeah *nods* mhm yeah

Wow she does a fantastic job engaging ALL levels in understanding and learning more about gravity. Would have loved to had her as a professor, she must be inspiring.

The child, the teen, and the astrophysicist look the same

The 8-yr old kid is so adorable and smart!! Omg!

the funny thing is no one knows what they are talking about except the child.

Can you get a political scientist explain why Donald trump

Wait..whats going on?...after level 2 i got so lost! Lol

“Yeah” “Mhm”

Dude, I was totally digging this. That expert conversation was a little too high speed for me, but I totally would have been tracking if I had it all broken down for me. The college and PhD students were awesome. I hope they keep doing this.

Do one with a coach of some sport!

This teen is OH MA GAH!

What is gravity. Relative size. Ratio is one to million or billion or trillion. Size is inherent gravity. Curvature ratio. Electrons create the curvature.

24:50 This guy can when a staring contest and doesn't appear to daydream. I hypothesize he had an attuned mother in his upbringing. He has this wise, paternal feel about him. Also 33:50 is nice

Because theoretical physics is no better than pseudo-science, that's why so much apologist horseshit and abstract thinking goes with it. Change my mind.

5 minutes into explaining gravity to a kid and I still don’t understand

Say Like again

Flat earthers left the chat

College student: *yEaH MhMm*

At the risk of sounding basic, I love the Asian chick's outfit. Chic and geeky...dare I say CHEEKY! time is not curved. It doesn't even exist.

That expert physicist is gonna steal your girl

This was awesome!

mmmhmmm mmmhmmmm mmmhmmmm right

This makes me feel so small

I feel like we should have had Brian May in this conversation

Should be required viewing for all Flat Earthers.

So is the expert supposed to be the most knowledgeable on the subject? I never understood the last person in the video. Isn't the Astrophysicist also an expert?

2 twins? LOOL. Astrophysicists and their cwazy concepts.

quality conversation but i wouldve given them a comfortable couch to start with

Take a shot every time the teen girl says “like”

Did the little child grew up in one video?

I would love to know how many times in this vid dr Levin had something she already knew and understood explained to her by a man who is not critical of their behaviors and assumptions. My guess is you can't count the instances on two hands. Made this frustrating to watch in spite of the fascinating subject matter.

For the Teen level explanation of orbit, i prefer the analogy of the canon ball

Everyone knows that you have to cross your legs if you're an expert.

i lost you when you started talking to the expert

Astrophysicist: do you know what Gravity is? Me: only one of the greatest song ever written.

Isn't all that they are saying common sense?

Explaining calculus at 5 levels of difficulty would be very interesting to watch!

the level 1 kid was smarter than the level 2 i swear

Alas for the holographic principle, it seems that black holes have no "hair" ans Hawking was wrong. Maybe our instruments are not precise enough, but if black holes just follow Einstein's laws, then it will be very hard (well, it is...) to reconcile quantume physic and relativiy.

They could only find biracials apparently.

Everything is 2D? Flat earthers were right all along

Janna Levin is very attractive.

That little girl is SO SMART!

Oh god, why haven't I heard about this woman?

Beginner level: God did it! Expert level: Science is still trying to figure it out

Brilliant interviewer, so well spoken and elegant explanations

That 8 years old is way smarter than the average 8 years old.

"It's a description that works really well, so there has to be something right about it." -- if you happen to live on a big, blue clock.

altas llantas clavo la ponja

And then there are "influencers" on instagram earning tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for posting a picture

Do you have a toddler version for the flat Earthers?

my brain activity throughout the video Level 1: nice Level 2: nice Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: *superbass intro music intensifies*

Who is hoping to see Betelgeuse explode?

That is definitely taking GP Physics

Information theory explained by a computer scientist

Level 1: Child Level 2: Teen Level 3: College Student Level 4: Grad Student Level 5: Expert Level 6: John Mayer

I'd like to "explain" a few things to the girl in the blue shirt

The college girl is cute

College student: nyah, nyah, nyah. uh huh. uh uhmm, yeah, nyah...

the moment when u realize the 8 yold child can speak better than you who is grad student :D

Thanks to PBS SpaceTime.... I actually could follow most of the level 5! I recommend them to anyone interested in this kind of stuff

I love how the level 5 was literally just them having a discussion about how much they don’t know about gravity

6:45-7:05 Yea, NO. She has a PhD?

3:35 "I don't actually think it is a true story" - Janna Levin

Janna could get it

I gotta say, the 8 year old seems more mature and intelligent than the 16 year old.

She was vibing hard with that other expert.

the teen is so pretty

this was absolutely amazing! i feel 100 times smarter after watching it. it seems like the "marriage" between einstein's and quantum theory will really crack the code of the universe

Yo I’m listening to her explaining to the child and I feel like my brain is working hard already

I for one, just love examining how the two experts always love to compete with each other mentally and teach each other something. They always end up just saying things each other already know and already agree with. Its a useless conversation in the end.

u forgot about speed variable and every object big or small give off an aura

25:20 Alright cheers to quantum mechanics

gravity isnt real

Hi Janna!

The experts creepy

It sounds like everything is in a balance.

I really like how its starts with her explaining everything and the listener sayin mhm yeah ok and then it ends off with her saying mhm yeah ok and listening to the other person explaining things

Well I learned one thing for sure about the inexistence of ducking TEMPERATURE at quantum level. :0

Astrophysicist: Do you know how we launch spaceships? Teen: Slingshots? Bruh

One of the levels should be Rosanne Barr.

Teen understand just marginally more than the kid to begin with...and nothing at all by the end of it lol

Bring on levels 6 -10

Please stop using the word "like" as a filler, it makes one shiver, as we learned, those that use it, got no clue what they are talking about. But all in all, glad you brought it over to the holographic universe

5:48 no one: Teen: like like like like like like

that 8 year old and 16 year old are freaking the same just 8 years age apart, had to look up name if they are not sisters.

I want listen to this woman speaking for the rest of my life

1:51 so we could actually stay on star? Does star has a solid surface? Why she said it like it is possible to live ON star?

Please make a video on explaining Meme in 5 different levels

The level 5 conversation contained allusions to like 10 different ideas that were grazed upon but never really elaborated properly enough to connect back to the original topic in a coherent way.

after level 4, ROBOT

Gravity Graviteto Gravédad Gravideishon Gravitational Thank me later.

Level 6: Witten. It would be awesome if he just came out of nowhere and they ran away because of how great he is.

I didn't know Neil Patrick Harris's older brother had a PhD in physics!

Why is it that when she talks to the men, they talk more than she does? Let the woman speak!

Lost me after the teen

God is miraculous. All glory be to Him, These are His creations as He is our Creator.

I don't wish to sound arrogant, but I, a History M.A. understood the so-called "Expert" level perfectly easily as a mere hobbyist. I wish they'd have gotten into some of the true debates in the field instead of simply talking around the elements of gravitation as broadly understood in the profession.

So fascinating!

26:01 its what really pulled him into

computer scientist explains ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in 5 levels of difficulty

321 flerfs can't handle the truth.

Huh my battery is at 69

I followed about as much as the 5 year old and teen did.. the last 2 sounded like they were speaking Gibberish to me lol

1 expertis gravity: yes 5 expert: gravity no

"There's all these moving parts that fit together so neatly. There's definitely something that's working here." Translation: "So... my place or yours after this?"

Gravity is a theory... and if believe in it you have been brainwashed... Somebody please tell me how a helium balloon defies Gravity?.. And Isaac Newton was a lunatic, a dumb a** who believed in alchemy..

This is probably one of the most incredible videos I've watched this year. Amazing. I would love to have a conversation with this woman! She's incredible!

Electric Universe. There is no graviton Wake up

I’m so consecrated i was watching hearing the conversation I felt like I was there next to them and they were talking to me

Should have been 1: Flat Earther 2: a rock 3: a turtle

All started with an apple landing on some guys head

I wonder how Sheldon Cooper would fare in this discussion

I think she made it too simple,i imagined at level 5 my head you'd be close to explosion but my head is just fine...the maths behind it tho,that will definietly explode any head

After the child explanation I didn’t understand very much

Can the sound guy do something about the hiss noise?

Lvl 1 to 2 is like gifted kid in elementary to former gifted kids in highschool

4:15 The one thing I hate about the same rate acceleration with differently weighing objects is that a lot of people never really explain that air resistance and the shape of an object has a big effect on the rate at which they fall. So that confused for a long time.

Take a shot every time the teen says “like”

We need NDT explaining black holes

26:11. Don't think you can slide that pun under the rug young man!

I go to the same school as Lisa (the college student), and this video made some deceptive edits. Lisa actually said some more things but they were left out of the finished product. If you're wondering why she kept saying "mmm hmm," it's because she felt annoyed when Levin was explaining to her what she already learned in her early years of college. It's not only condescending but with the dishonest editing in the video, they tried to portray her as someone who fits their category of a college student and nothing more which is insulting considering she's one of the best physics students in CCNY. If they wanted a stooge to make Levin look good, they should have done better than choosing Lisa.

I liked gravity when Newton said it

This is the best video I've watched in a long time.

But isro use earth as it's sling shot which resuduces the amount of fuel required and also the cost

The last guy explained she was actually wrong

That Girl was Adorable

Si-fi media makes all this sound interesting

I love her

The first girl seems to be so much more knowledgeable than the 16 y.o. teenager! At the end the teenager could not summarize anything. All flew past her pretty head.

Add the 5 levels series to the podcast pleaaaaaaase!!!

I've always thought of space-time as just descriptive language. It never really occurred to me as a tangible substance.

You forgot to do one in the level before the 8 year old, the Trump voter.


If the moon can effect trillions of tons of water, am I measurably lighter when the moon is directly over my head?

I guess gravity is abstract when dealing with quantum mechanics or some of string theory..which hasn't been totally confirmed and therefore is just theoretical and possibly abstract..besides that gravity is,very real and concrete..


26:10 Physics pun!

How many times did yall have to stop the video in order to KIND OF understand what was being said? I completely lost count

My biggest takeaway: "when we start looking at things closer and closer, there is not a thing in the world that has a quantum value called temperature" 34:24 So gravity could also be one such thing. What a perspective. That's going into my party talk script.

Is that Kim kardashian in the thumbnails _

That grad student was wrong. A neutron star cannot be the mass of our sun. He forgot something called chandrasekhar mass. The mass of the core should be above ~1.44Mo

We look for answers in the universe by looking out into space. But the answer has always been around us. Gravity. We just need to understand gravity. And the answer is that, we are in the Matrix.

Mericans are so dummmmb, cliche... I'm sorry, this does not help the steriotype

The little girl is smarter than some adults I know

appearances can always be deceiving, but she seems nice

The college student was annoying af "nyeah uh huh mhmm nyeah nyeah mhmm"

Explain "Orbital Mechanics" at 5 levels. That would be entertaining

So... I'm at an expert level.

I bet she can't explain why she isn't in the kitchen where she belongs though! Women and books don't mix! On all levels never mind 5!

the child knows more than i did when i was 8.

wanna bet the last guy got a shag in the end?

4 and 5 were interesting, 2 and 3 were annoying

the college student's "mhms" were so distracting

The teen is really pretty

That is not fair. That first kid is waaay too smart for her age :)

Experts face: I’m tired. This is bs. I’m getting paid so ok I’ll talk for 10 mins.

The college student is so annoying

"Blue screen of death might be quantum physics" MIND BLOWN!@#$

0:01 more like janna-11even! Ok, I’m sorry, I’ll stop.

If you think about it If you dont see the sun at 17:08 anymore Then it means at 17:00 it had already gone over the horizon. I always knew about the 8 minutes, yet i never tought about it

I understood till level 4. I lost it at expert. I am a high school 16 year old student ◦°˚\(´°౪°`)/˚°◦

someone publishes bs and these two just drag it around like its a scarf. I hate them both (last two... being the phd that adapted her speech and whatever the title of the other one is... just toilet paper in my books since they're not even curious enough to adapt their vision to small scales to understand that gravity has another name that was already known before we started playing with electricity.

I thought the little girl and teen were siblings lol.

"gravity wants to attract us to the earth and the earth to us." she said. Wrong...einstein says gravity is a consequence of mass...its not a force which "attracts" there is no pull so you just lied to a child to indoctrinate them into your voodoo...gravity is electrical....I wont waste anymore time here.

The property of certain fermions known as "electric charge" does not curve spacetime, which is measurable to the point of becoming obvious with gravitational lensing effects.

8 year old is smarter than the 16 year old. Lol.

ok but the teen is so pretty

I feel like the first 2 where coached...

Hi, it is quite a coincidence that this appeared in my recommended list. My first grandchild was born a few months ago and I was imagining some of the questions he might ask (his father certainly asked some difficult questions). I was imagining how I would answer the the inevitable ‘why’ questions if I were to demonstrate the effect of gravity. I thought about magnetism and showing the attractive forces but then you also have the opposite repulsion force associated with magnetism. I think I need to do some research because I won’t be satisfied with saying this is the effect but I am unable to describe gravity and I’m pretty sure he won’t be happy with that answer either. Is there such a thing as a gravity repulsion force? Any way great video, I learnt several things but as with most of these types of discussions I have more questions now

If you cant explain something to a little child you dont fully understand it yourself. This women understands it completly.

Escape velocity only applies to ballistic objects. You can leave the Earth at walking speed if you're carrying enough propellant.

Dear little girl. The earth is flat. Sincerely yours. Eddie bravo

Jonathan Hiatt shut up John

And yes the little girl as well as mostly everyone, will go on to be more successful and happy, than any flattard ever.

great videos

The kid understood better than the teen, sad

Pretty sure they banged after this lol.

Maria made me click. Science made me stay.

why is the 8 year old smarter than the high schooler


Oh god I cant belive this was a 36 minute long video and I watched all of it

Empty talks of empty mans

I would love to hear one of these on philosophy.

Thermometr measures only one cohaerent of physical state antropoMistake

Astrophysics is pseudoscience by definition.

That child is so poised! What a great kid

level 6: gravity doesn't exist, and the earth is flat just open your eyes and THINK!!

Christian Bale should explain method acting in 5 different levels

Imagine this happends astrophysicist: Do you know what gravity is? girl: Gravity is an illusion due to the curvature of space time, a four dimensional Hausdorff Differential Manifold on which a metric tensor is imposed that solves the Einstein Field Equations, and that metric tensor gives rise to geodesics and objects that are not experiencing any other force move along the geodesics described by that metric.

The dialogue between the two experts was cute lol

"There are stars that have died..." Unnecessary example that probably hurt the kid's understanding more than helped. Often less is more.

Also great with the grad student! Notice that they are talking in terms of intuition - not math - again making my point that we teach formulas way too early in physics instruction to the detriment of developing real physical intuition. The conversation with the expert might as well be happening in French, so someone else will have to tell you if that one is any good.

Much better with the physics undergrad! This is how physics should be taught. Develop the intuition first then worry about the math. This girl knows "inverse square law" and other buzzwords that you learn in undergrad physics but has not yet developed the intuition to put those ideas together. Intuition is the first thing we should be developing.

Again, relativity with a teen. Why are you doing this?!

Ahh Ben 10's old nemesis.

Is quantum gravity a thing yet....i think it is...well not "think" was a meditation really. at 19 minutes...intuitions you say! Can physics tell me how i can be in 2 places at once is so primitive.

The astrophysicist and the expert should get a room already. That way they can make a black hole if you know what I mean.

The child is so smart for her age

Level 1-4: Gravity is this. Gravity is that. Level 5: I don't know what is gravity. Do you?

Teen is too tall lol

Expert daddy looks like he's secretly a BDSM dominator

I want to squeeze Bonèt cheeks she’s so cute

I want to see the inverse of this that starts with the little girl crying because she can't understand what's going on, and the last guy getting frustrated because he thinks this is an insult to his intelligence and a waste of time.

oh boy, I can't believe these charlatans can keep getting paid for spewing this much "quantum" crap. the earth is flat, WAKE UP!

I never new Carla Music was an astrophysicist

mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah mhm yeah

The teen looks like a teen version of North West...

The expert didn’t move his head or face muscles at all throughout the entire conversation

Sure but the expert shoulda been John Mayer.

15:14 Unfortunately not the best choice of words. Likely to be quote mined by space deniers/moon landing hoax "theorists".

That man kinda scares me

Level 5 is the other way round

I wanna see a politician talk to people, i wanna see if they start an argument. XD

This is so interesting :0

The teen was dumb compared to me-an eleven year old

Jesus Jesus Jesus jesus jezus jezuz Jeee-us

The law of attraction. The big thing loves you so attracts you to it,the same way you love a kitten and it comes to you.

why is no one talking about how beautiful the teen is

This video reminded me how dumb I am

If you understand gravity, you haven't thought about it carefuully enough.

Astrophysicist and expert: talking Me: nodding my head pretending to understand

Those two on level 5 should get married. They definitely seem like they were flirting with their knowledge that only 1% of 1% of the population will ever understand,lol

Little did they know the kid was a physics major

2:06 so that means that by being lazy all day and laying on the sofa I can actually get taller... let’s go!

you fools, gravity isn't real! the gov't has fooled you all

The teen girl is so stunningly beautiful I cannot think about the gravity explanations

Those green boots are legit.

She doesn't ever tell us what gravity is. I hate the way she describes stuff

Some adults with fully formed frontal lobes wouldn't understand what the child got instantly. They would actually start arguing for flat earth movement and about the moon hoax and evolution being wrong and gravity not existing and... ad infinitum

Elon musk said it, we live in an illusion of a world.... Anyways, we can't know for sure and does it matter ?

The College Student: Yea, yea, yea, mmm yea, yea, yea, yea, mhmm, yea, yea, yea

I listened to this without actually watching the video and I gotta say... the 3rd level with the college student was the most annoying , homegirl kept on going with that "mmhmm yeah mhmm yeah"

she got a little nervous with level 5. he was like" bring it on mama"

OMG the kid is so cute.

this video taught me more than my actual physics teacher-

I like how everyone in the comments is an astrophysicist


Why do I hear Minecraft music in the back ground

If someone were to tell me that is Ben Shaprio's dad, I wouldn't question it. It's as if I'm staring at an alternate universe.

Gravity is a falsity.

I couldn’t even concentrate with the college student constantly interrupting with the “YEAH” “MMHUM” “YEAH” “OH OK” “MMM”


Please do this with Savings, investing and interest?

I love her way with the kids. And that outfit! It looks like she's about to engage the warp-drive!

So if I stay in bed all day I'll get taller?

“There are a very few things that are stronger apart” Love, love is stronger when you’re apart

At 6 should be a flat earther! Good luck!

Why these childrens are so matured(first one)

How I watched the video. 1. That makes sense 2. That makes a lot of sense. 3. That makes some sense. 4. That makes little sense. 5. That makes no sense.

Now do Gravity in 5 Levels with John Mayer

Even the highest level was really them dumbing it down so that it could be palatable for a trendy video like this. As a Ph.D. Candidate myself in psychology (and not even professor yet), I know the differences between how we talk about our own field's topics among our own experts vs. with people outside the field. If you had situations where the host astrophysicist talked with either the Ph.D. Candidate or the NYU professor the way they naturally would, all of us watching would be completely lost as they talked about gravity in ways that made little sense to us, and using bizarre jargon (including everyday words used with non-everyday meanings)... like a different language

Anything about gravitons?

i dropped a physics degree for a history degree instead, but my heart races and my breath deepens and i start crying when i study physics or even see videos like this. maybe it was the wrong move to quit physics?

The entire world must look really really strange to our humble pilgrim, The Photon, right after bouncing off the seconds hand of a clock.

So humble, in fact, that the trip is instantaneous, with no distance between start and end points, in Mr. Photon's frame of reference.

Yeah, not a very good teacher...talks a lot, very fast, not didactic

The teen didn't know much more than the child, and so got lost in the astrophysicist's lesson... Because they chose a child who was studious vs. a teen who was a gymnast/maybe socially oriented. The astrophysicist could have done about exactly the same explanation for the teen as she did for the child and the teen would've found that as mindblowing as the child did.

I just came here for the comments and believe me it was worth it

Kid looks high af

7:00 - oh BS lady - it comes back down it's just that the surface of the earth has moved down a similar amount as it ell towards it.

Science is like infinitisemal math. You approximate your way further and further down into the microscopics, but with each step you also painfully realize that the process of learning the ultimate truth will never keep up with the infinite expansion of truth. In other words, the more we learn, the more our learning slows down compared to what's left of the ultimate scientific truth. As humans, we will never reach the end. We will only get closer to never knowing. Also probably the reason why dumb people are more inclined to think they're right and never doubt their (lacking) knowledge, whereas intellectual people know that they will never truly know.

Lisa Chan is a lier. An asian doesn‘t simply get lost in the math

Really helpful!!

That poor teen

After watching this video I'm not even sure that I exist. Is my wife even an actual being or imaginary? I'm going crazy right now.

I have big brain now

Are gravitons still needed or not?

I suspect that gravity cannot be quantized into quantum mechanical bosons, because matter is not spacetime, and vice versa.


1. Child 2. Gollege student 3. Grad student 4. Jude Law

ummm YEAH umm YEAHHH hmhmhmhm

29:15 so if *blue screen of death occurs* Now I will say: "U fcking quantum mechanics uncertainty makes me lose the game"

I feel that the high school student, due to her limited knowledge and understanding of physics despite her claim of being interested in it, made Janna explain it to her in a more simplistic way than was expected and I think that shift influenced her conversations with the rest of them. Like, the college student basically got a high schooler's explanation, the grad student a knowledgable high schooler's/college student's explanation (what physics grad student wouldn't know what an event horizon is?) and the expert a grad student's/ amateur enthusiast's discussion. Of course, I understand that it probably had to be kept simple so that the average viewer won't get (too) lost in the subject. In no way am I saying the video was bad, I actually enjoyed it a lot and Janna way very likeable and enthusiastic. It was more of an observation, although it may have possibly been caused by some differences between european and US educational systems.

That's why fat people are short

You lost me at college level

River Song is an astrophysicist oop

I wish she was my teacher in school

Me: Mom Imma study hard and go to space Mom: Aww thats good honey ,but space? Me: To be taller ,

The person that learned about the apple

my first language isnt english so i didnt understood a thing the expert and the astrophysic were talking about :(

Female astrophysicist? Give me a break!

physicist found jobless soon after the child explained gravity

It's like she said like, the word like, like 100 times...

I have a feeling that they paused the interview at 13:40 and told her to stop saying “yeah” every two seconds. Edit: I take it back she kept doing it.

So this makes me think, they said nothing can be faster than light, but what about our internet speeds? How fast they process and relocate data. Idk interesting thought.

Woah I wasn't even ready for the level one explanation

Watching this video, I felt like I understood more than the college student and less than the grad student. I only have a 3 year trade degree. But I used "than" in a sentence correctly, so it's all relative.

Get a biologist to explain evolution on 5 levels!

I really want you guys to make one about mathematics. Like topology, vector spaces, numerical analysis, etc.

I loved Janna Levin in this. How refreshing. Even at the expert level, when the man was throwing around 'holography', she was engaging with him every step. Strong intelligent woman, and it she was worth the 40 minutes to watch. Bravo!

Level 6 - Alien explaining gravity to the Astrophysicist.

@12:40, that girl is going to China after this interview to tell the Chinese all about Gravity.

Is anyone else reminded of River Song?!

Maybe a little less angle switching at the last part.

I really enjoyed this (it appeared in my recommendations). Can't wait to check out other episodes.

College student annoying af


356 down votes are flat earth'ers.

WOW! just PEEEWWWWW!!! I love it I wish the internet was just this! Awesome!!!

Gravity aint a force why is it still taught that it is?

Love the idea of gravity and Nutonian physics being a macroscopic illusion. Makes one wonder about the deeper nature underlying the illusion might be.

The teen looks like a young Kim Kardashian

Maybe at a certain level math won’t cut it anymore. Maybe there’s another way of relaying information that’s a step higher than math that we’re nowhere close to discovering yet or maybe not but it’s good to think about. Maybe it doesn’t matter and all forms of relaying info are one in the same like painting and drawing and sculpting.

No matter how complex you get you’re coming back to the same principles over and over just in different ways. And I think one of the most fundamental principles is that EVERYTHING is information. That’s what I was saying when I said intelligence is quantifying the “unquantifiable”.

I think most of us don’t have the formal education to understand the expert level explanations but on a intuitive level you can get a grasp of what they’re saying because even the most “complex” ideas are made up of smaller bits of understandable information. Complex just means a lot of steps to get there. There’s no such thing as complex just like evolved.


mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm..... mhm MHM MHMHMHMHMHMHMMH

The varying difficulty levels

I like this concept!

that 16 year old looks more like kim kardashian than kim kardashian

What a cool series! Thanks, Wired.

The level 5 expert must be an android of some sort as that thing barely blinked or changed its emotion

lol thought neil was gonna show up.

5 different levels of calculus

There is something wrong with that expert... I cant put my finger on it but something ain't right


Lmao why was level 2 (teen) harder to understand than any of the other levels

i rate this video... 9.8

2:37 That's cool

35:32 hahahaha xD

"Maybe the whole world is just a hologram..." bruh I really didn't need an existential crisis as the first thought of 2020.


20:52 Watch Event Horizon They discovered a place where not even light can escape 21:09

Why are musicians and actors made famous when it's the thinkers who need to be. Janna is beyond brilliant.

Do a biology one

So if you're in an elevator that's free-falling, just remember to take an object out of your pocket, let it go, and watch it float in front of you. That'll be really cool.

are we not going to talk about cute the little girl is

lol why does the kid know more than the teen

That teen had so little understanding it's crazy...and she's studying physics?

I'm really enjoying these 5 level series. They're among the most enjoyable videos on YouTube, thanks for this.

The expert looks like someone who would say "You dare challenge me? I'm the personification of god"

Except she’s wrong on every level

THANK YOU WIRED!!!! Absolutely delightful conversation at the end between the 2 experts! Please more of this... and happy new year everyone!

I am so confused after this. Can someone please explain what exactly gravity is?

I understood everything up until around 0:39

It would be funny if this was done in reverse so that the most complicated information was given to the little kid hahahaha

11km/s is escape velocity not orbital velocity

Absolutely fantastic. Thank you all :)

I wonder where did she get those fabulous physicist coveralls? I feel like in Part 5 they want to totally bang each other and every time they ask another question or something, they are getting increasingly excited. Probably just reading into it too much LOL Great video, as always.

Level 6: Neil Degrasse Tyson

2nd girl sounded super dumb.

Gravity is how we explain the interpretation of the dilation of space which is time. So no Space-time or Gravity just time and our consciousness.

19:22 , now Level of Phd vs Phd

Interesting discussion in the end.

Only you revaild all of Einstein's thoughts behind his ideas .

now that's just fancy talk

I love it

Imagine you're going on a train near the speed of light. Woah

Physicist: want to learn about physics? Asian girl: I'm wearing socks with heels aren't I?

me watches the explanation she gives to the child: oh okay I knew that me again watches the explanation she gives to the teenager: WhAt Is HaPpEnIng RiGhT NoW

I started to get woke around level 3 lmao

Great video. The last two conversations made my head hurt. But, it was worth it.

This was such a great and beautiful video! ty! ty! ty! Great because we could seen the difference in techniques between explaining to different "knowledge bases" but also just because of the sheer number of great knowledge scientist shared in video. Great job!

lovely s2

Pretty sure that last guy was an android

That lil girl is learning well in her science classes.

Why didn't she ask the expert at the end, what he learned ?

So if you were to sleep a lot, you can grow taller? I guess at least I have that working for me

OK, now at 3:33, try explaining "epiphany" to an 8 year old.

Botox- a gravity defying agent

Please make a video about Coding!

This is definitely the most enriching episode of 5 levels. She explains the concepts so well, it really arouses the curiosity to find out about things.

*when you’re a physics undergraduate student but you just don’t know what she’s talking about*

Everything i know has been explained in the child section..

I actually really like how she explains time dilation and length contraction. I feel like if my teachers were to take her argument where both people are standing still for their coordinate system it would've been much more natural to the people that aren't as physics savvy.

: - |

me learning science: 2:36

Last guy looks woke af

The teen looks like Kim kardashian


That girl's whistle note.

Gravity though.

For me the video ended at 25:03

lowkey watching this to see if i know alot or not

Bruh the teen is just there like yaaaa I do gymnastics

Yep rocked are actually slingshots

I loved the conversation with the expert. They should appear jointly on an episode of SpaceTime.

Level 6 Final boss: Neil DeGrasse

Wow loved it! Gaining knowledge and AHA! moments must feel Amazing!

I have no idea what was going on with her and the expert lol

The 384 dislikes are flat earthers. LOL

Okay i'll just lay down to get taller


bro im the same age as the teen and she is really dumb bruuh

love this series

Where's Sheldon Cooper?

I just understood neutron collision and creation of new elements

Mhm, right, mhm

Level 6: gravity himself

Wow her explanations were terrible

People: Gravity is Vsauce: Or is it?

this was a really good one of these

the expert level blew my mind.

Maria can get it

I love how this lady's talking to a guy seeking his PhD and the stuff they're talking about I'm like "I already knew this like wut?" and mind you I'm only like 17.

How is the teen not failing physics?

The astrophysicist in love with the level 5 expert. There is an obvious intimate synergy between the two.

Why does the teen know less then the child what? Lmao

16? she looks she's 23. whats going on in this world?

It makes me sad that levels 1-3 were female and 4-5 male

I can't count how many times my mind got blown away throughout this video. I wish I had a good physics teacher in high school that could have explained those concepts that well to us

this is child abuse

I feel like a student studying physics in college should know better about gravity

I really enjoyed this video, but I hope to God that my three boys, when they become teenagers, never say the word LIKE so many times in one sentence...

This is dumb. Gravity is a dumb theory for people who don't think for themselves.

Ok boomer.

stuck-up bastards xD

the grad student had it right, our world is just a fusion

What the f is this ?!? why is this chick at ~12 minutes in this video at all xD

what about fractional dimensions?

Why is the speed of light measured as constant for observers traveling at different vectors form the source of the light?

0:00 child 5:21 teen 12:27 college student 19:18 grad student 24:35 expert

The kid is really mature and well-spoken

I would like to point out, the expert probably got confused or isnt really informed that Isaac Newton did not discover gravity, that was Galileo, he was the one who said objects attract to earth at a constant acceleration of 9.81m/s^2. All Isaac Newton did was call it a force (which was later corrected by Einstein) and developed the Universal Law of Gravity which kind of goes; The force of attraction between any two bodies in the universe is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distance times the G constant

I iwsh you had the chance to do this video with Stephen Hawking as the last level, it would have been absolutely awesome, and i guess he would agree to do it, well if he was still alive that is...

She does have no idea whats shes talking about like the rest of them" a..! "Sciense " today such a joke.

She explained the concept very well, and in a simple manner, most of us can't grasp the ideas and concepts of science because of it's complexity, she did best in giving explainations tbh. She also was invited in a star talk show with Neil Tyson it's about Stephen Hawking and the good old space talk I'd recommend watching it. (:

the teen lookks like kim kardashian lmao

The Earth is Flat and Motionless....... Watch- '200 proofs by Eric translated into 25 languages and has been watched by millions......

This Janna Levin lady is awesome :) Thanks for being so smart and eloquent. You enriched my physics knowledge. ^_^


These kids are dumd

See how subtly they suggest who needs talked down to?

wow. that last discussion was something i wanna hear all along since i heard about quantum theory. thank you so much.

a penny wouldent fall at the same speed as a bowling ball , because aerodynamics. If it starts flipping (which it will, the wind would divert the penny's trajectory). other than that, good video, i love learning about reality.

Level 5 should be level 1 because it's way more complex than that. With the expert they talked about almost nothing ...

There were 2 twin astronauts " again" and one seems to be shaking hands with is augmented reality brother. But the handshaking had some glitches. 2:47 what ever.. "Gravity will fix the problem in the near future.

Hello Everyone! I'm gifting Happiness Buttons. Take it all! 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36 2:36

me: how tall are you? my short gf: i’m in the 5s

8:00 - I don't think it's correct to say "you're still feeling gravity". You're experiencing gravity, or are under the influence of gravity, but you don't feel it. Do you feel gravity in freefall?

Huyea ahuh HYAH

I've never listened to a women bullshitting more than this crazy lady. What an ignorant evil liar.

Her little squeal when she saw that she’s taller

We are in a Vacuum bubble (Everything , space , our realm in what we live in, what looks so big or far, is do to are size. we are so so so tinny.) and a black hole, is like a crack,tare,rip or a won,like we can get on on skin and we bleed out. ) a crack in the shell on the bubble.

5 levels of brainwashing

Suddenly everyone is an expert on the comments huh

The little girl is smarter than Bill O' Reilly. lol

I love how the expert says the same things as our physics teachers at a level astrophysics. Does that mean that in the UK we learn things in more detail than people in the US?? Im genuinely curious cause the 16yo seemed to know very little compared to the amount a person of that age would know at that age in the UK (well most of the time anyway)

16:09 - 16:25 I'm having trouble picturing the lines that she's describing. Is it at all valid to think of the spacetime curvature as a topographic map with contour lines that instead describe the strength of the field?

Does the last guy ever blink?

Then there are the flat earthers

At your service :

When you consider two equal sized black holes merging then obviously there will be a moment when the event horizons of both makes one dumbbell shaped event horizon. And then they merge. When matter falls towards a black hole it is first compressed dramatically and ever more so as it gets closer to the event horizon objectively experiencing slower and slower time. Now the question many ask is whether that means there's then a shell of ultra-dense matter around the black hole and nothing actually reaches the singularity at the centre. Ever. At some point though, matter falling in will be so dense as to itself form a small black hole. And then since space and time has no meaning inside of the event horizon the energy (i.e. mass) of the incoming matter will merge immediately with the singularity in the centre of the large one. There is no space or time inside the event horizon - The event horizon IS for practical purposes the face of the singularity in time and space. I believe the moment two event horizons touch then the next moment you are left with a single singularity and a single uniform event horizon that is now slightly larger. The position of the singularity will change ever so slightly. In the case of equal sized black holes merging the new location will likely be right in the middle in-between where the prior separate singularities were. I think a good question to ask would be whether gravity can warp the shape of a black hole event horizon. I actually think not.

This was excellent. Please do the same for climate change.

35:09, oh how cute physicists are, you only have 2 descriptions of the thing. We computing scientists have like 4 descriptions of computing totally compatible with themselves, (Category Theory, Type Theory, Linear Logic and Lambda Calculus)

You should do that to Flat Earthers

The first girl is genius

Finally they have requested the goddess of astrophysics! She's amazing!!!

6:45 Bobby Shmurda's hat finally explained

Ah yes 5Head :wine_glass:

Well I know my head hurts now. What that means? Argh! No idea...

she looks very Persian or Arab

expert the only one who crossed his feet, the rest of them were nervous sitting with her, which I found really funny

I watched this now i have more information than college students

Theoretical physicists never cease to amaze me

I am a college student but my expression is like Child - yeah I know that Teen - yup got that too College student - ....... What am I studying?? Grad student - interesting science fiction Expert - it's............ I don't have words it's crazy

This is great, but what the world really needs right now is an additional level: Level 0: Flat Earther. Unfortunately, latest theories suggest that it might not be physically possible to dumb it down quite so much, though.

Why does it seem that your no longer falling when a skydiver hits terminal velocity. Out side of seeing the ground approaching after about 5 seconds a person no longer feels the "Falling" effect

lets be honest, although the experts look calm in all of these videos, in reality their triggered af with someone trying to teach them something in their field

Did anyone got the pun @ 26:09 ? It was subtle

Need to add a 6th level for flat earthers.

Quotes taken out of context: 34:48 - "There's definitely no gravity." Flat Earth Crowd: *goes wild!!* Rest of us normal people: *Laugh at silly flat earthers, shake our heads, and keep watching the video to learn more*

Level 1 Child: Okay thanks for explaining what gravity is... now can you explain what an epiphany is?

Michael Scott: “ok now explain this to me as if I was 5”

I'm so WOWED

how come the little "girl" never asked if the past physicists were diverse or what their pronouns were? We need to teach children more about that because it's more important than silly science teehhee hee

Hello, Kim Kardashian Before Surgery!

She should talk to flat earth believers

I loved this. Thank you.

Level 6 : Rick and Morty fan

Janna Levin and the Expert screwed like bunnies after the making of this video.

When they talked about packing information into a 2D space, does that mean that the flatearthers could technically be correct??????

"Some like evil genius comes and just figures out a way to evaporate the sun." Nice Descartes reference.

The teen got the equivalence principle and the principle of relativity in a span of 30 seconds.

I think a kid could understand wind resistance.

I'm an undergraduate physics student and I now feel as smart as a tree stump after that last one lol. I sorta followed some of it.

That little girl understands how the tides go in and out and Bill O' Reilly goes "hmm, can't explain that"

College student - “yeah” “uhm”

Really? She is 16???

Is that... River Song? #spoilers

2020 GOALS—PLEASE drop your favorite space/universe books below!!!!I want some great readings for 2020!

Amazing! I watched this and I realize I was a child, a teen, a college student, the graduate and the expert but towards the end, I had hoped for God to make the last guest appearance however my brain

Next: Astrophysicist explains gravity to flat earthers

Okay, my brother who is a physics major at Columbia University in NY just told me that mass is energy and energy is mass. Can anyone please explain this further to me? I don't understand how this could be so. Thanks.

I love how the Level One: 8 Year Old Child understands gravity and how The Moon pulls on the ocean tides but Fox News says: ''Tides come in. Tides go out. NEVER a miscommunication. YOU! Can't explain that!''

Well technically it's the gravitational differential on the planet caused by the moon that causes the tides, which is why they happen on both sides of the world (the reason there are two tides), but hey, who cares about the details?

college student: ye ye ye ye ye ye

I love this series, even if i have no idea what they're talking about. There's a certain level of awe, and it shows just a glimpse of the vast knowledge we humans are capable of.

I hate all of this so very much. trigger warning needed. f space

Loved it! That analogy between a black hole and the compression of an increasing amount of data into a two-dimensional space was brilliant and funny at the same time. I imagined a data center collapsing to a single point/space where all the racks and servers were sucked in.

Fool - I know everything Expert - The only wisdom is in knowing you know nothing

I didn't realize I would hate myself within 30 seconds of this video. I think the 8 y/o explained it better than I would have, might as well turn this off it is going to go over my head real fast with the teen. oy

so in conclusion, im short because of earth's gravity.

Physics Teacher: Explains a concept Me not really understanding: 13:12 - 13:15

The teen is dumber than the kid

Were the experts flirting? I can’t tell

why did the child sound more intelligent than the teen...

Do an episode on constitutional law!!!

I've never seen an 8 years old like that. I don't know if she'll stay interested in science and physics but whatever she does, she has an incredible ability to engage and pay attention to other people. I had to actually rewind when she did a recap of what she learned. Will probably become a good lawyer or journalist or something.

That high school girl goes to my school

for some reason I always knew about Einsteins theory of relativity but didn't know until she explicitly stated it to the 16 year old that there is no way for you to know if you're moving or not and the only truth is that you're moving relative to something else.

That's a very smart child!

I feel like they jumped too fast with the teen since it was clear she wasn't following a lot of it.

11km/s what she meant m i think

Honestly, did anyone just listen and have the information enter one ear and out the other once it went above college level. It was just all jargon and told in a very stoic, and dry matter.

This video really reminded me of when I was in my third year of undergrad and realised I really wish I'd studied astrophysics. It's never too late I guess lol

Three levels so far and I think she's really challenging their understanding at each level, going slightly on ahead.

Am I the only one who finds it funny that the college student said "mhm" constantly while Levin was talking and Levin said "mhm" constantly when the last guy was talking?

So, the limit MAY exist...?


This episode of 5 levels was pretty *heavy.* Definitely described the concept of gravity *down to earth.*

So basically, when two neutron stars collide it's a mini big bang?

I lost her at gravity

College student: yeah mmhm yeah yeah *nods* yeah yeah mhmmm

Child: Hmm

Yea but can you speed run castlevania?!?

The deductive reasoning for space-time being wonky due to relativity of motion and speed of light as a constant having to be true was amazing. Never thought of it that way.

loved lvl 4......Though they're in slightly different fields, they could have a really good conversation. lvl 1 and 2 were awesome, she talked to the kids really well and I can see them wanting to learn more. lvl 5 was funny because they were just having a really sophisticated conversation and trying to outdo each other haha.

Oddly enough... I understood all the aspects of the expert conversation compared to the others

I now believe in flat earth boys HNNNNNNNNNNNNG

25:14 Mah man knew what's going down

I’m getting River Song vibes

Ok... I understood until they brought up holography... Should I be proud? Since I still am working my way to a degree?

Anyone else's brain feel like it was on fire trying to follow the last 2 guests?

who in the comments is searching for flat earthers?

the expert conversation was a sorcerer and sorceress discussing their magic, lol

this is too complicated. someone bring in a toddler.

Up Next: Astrophysicist Debates Astrologist

She didn't mention if we would feel it instantaneously though. In 8 minutes we would start traveling in a straight line, the pull would be gone, but does that also imply we would not feel the change instantly but only at the speed of light?

she lost me at the "teen" part

I’m waiting for a Psychologist on this thinggg

It's really interesting to note that in the beginning they were just listening to her explaining, but in the end it turned into a debate.

wtf is river song doing

so our worl really could just all be a simulation


i actually could keep up till some of level 4 information wow me

I began to phase out at 27:51

yea thats chelsea Clinton on the left, shes no scientist lmfao

Third girl: Ye, ye ,ye, ye ,uhum , ye ye ye xD

those are your daughters quit cheating

Level 6 : GOD : 'Gravity..? Oh, it's just this weird thing that happened when I snapped my fingers...'

That was so interesting

Can we get some inclusion with the experts? Who's really behind this, NPR...?


I understood the whole conversation!!! with the child...

I'm not college student of astrophysicist but I knew everything... why? cuz I watch physics Channels on youtube

Swedish is real.

I’m just 1D living in a possibly or possibly not 3D world

I’ve never been confused about if the train I’m on is moving. #NYC

@35:32 just look at her laugh, seems like he knows what buttons to push :D

@31:30 Pause at 31:31 and she rolls her blackhole eyes up and make em disappear, just like The Undertaker P.S: Why is she dressed like an astronaut!

3:59 false. Certain objects will have wind resistance and thus fall at a different rate. Such as a piece of paper vs a tennis ball.

Experts: So basically the earth might actually be flat.

The images are so crazy to look at

Teen: I know that gravity like pulls down things

Where did yall get that teen, the kid knew more?

Anxiety. The entire video gave me anxiety.

So next time you get BSOD, blame quantum mechanics.

Sooooo if a black hole evaporates to the point where an event horizon can no longer exist... what happens then?


That teen girl annoys me so much with that "like" word she keeps stuffing 10 times in 1 sentence.

Level 5 literally says as technology progresses we will eventually make a black hole

The Asian "mhm, yea, mhm, mhm, yea, mhm, mhm, mhm, yea, mhm, yea" LMAO

The expert guy looks completely dead inside, but in a smart way.

3:40 is incorrect right? doesnt the heavier object fall faster?

the force of gravity acts on every object equally, but objects with larger components such as surface area fall at a significantly lower speed until they reach free fall.

ACE no :) If the light object (e.g.: a feather) falls slower, that's because of air resistance

really enjoyed this

So When sun disappears suddenly it would take around 8.3 minutes for us to get to know that it disappeared or till we stop feeling the gravity. So what are we gonna see for that 8 minutes (the time the sun disappeared and time for us to conclude that its gone). How can we see sun shape up in sky for 8 minutes although its not present there?. It would be helpful if someone can give a detail answer. Thanks in advance

As a contact improvisation dancer, I found the thought of gravity being a field and wave inspiring. I based my movements on structures that I can create and use in me and around me. I am looking forward to the experiment on these two new focuses that I can examine. As much as we are using the geometrical movement patterns of gravity within our dance, examining a dance space reminds me of particles reacting, connecting to each other, being in relative movement, making a wave of impact. This is especially exciting if you add music to this space, or just sounds, and watch the bodies and the space itself, warped and influenced by the elements you added.

Do you believe in gravity? That there might be a reason why you tripped over me, of all people?

Lol good jokes

TEEN (Paraphrased): "Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... Like... "

I always wanted to be an astrophysicist. Watching this video will have to suffice.

What is that beeping background noise ????

Gravity sucked whatever these people talked and no information reached me.

Humhum... Yeah...

Level 5: Ain’t no gravity cuz ain’t no globe earth cos we just accelerating upwards on a space frisbee

I think the teen said the word like a trillion times

My head is hurting after level 6


she can't stop saying like

when ur a theist and u listen to them talk and ur head hurts slowly and painfully

Think im over here with the 5 year old

short people: Aighht Imma head to space

When level 1 has a better grasp than level 2

I'm 36 and I only understood the level 1 completely

*Level 1000:* _astrophysicist explains science to a flat-earther_

I love how the discussion of gravity evolves into a philosophical discussion. “Reality and gravity are all an illusion, but then you fall down the stairs. . .” The way I see it is that if you believe the illusion to be real, it is going to affect you in a real way.

At 32:44...mind got blown....

I actually never understood orbit until she talked about the yoyo, wow

I'm a 12 year old nerd at gravity I can almost understand expert fully But I suck at everything else

thank you for the existential crisis, i love astrophysics

Small girl is the smartest out of the group

Maria is so pretty

I'm 13 mins in, and someone please tell the girl to stop saying "mhmm", "mhm-yea", "yeaa" in the most annoying voice ever. Like stfu I'm just trying to hear her talk about gravity

Dare ya'll to take a shot every time the teen says "like"

Arrogant  little man knows NOTHING compared to what ALMIGHTY GOD knows .

millennials are NOT GEARED FOR FACTS/SCEINCE mio. yeah im kinda humanities but guess im the logical facts orientated kind maybe... but wow.. sience is broked.. but then they want people to follow greta into un apolcoplayse tho i guess.

gen x girl: cmile speaks: bhlagh i feel like blah a jing ldasgf;l

"relativity" . so seems that , youre assuming that BECASUE YOU CANNOT SEE OR REDUCT A UNIVERSAL-MOTION-RELATIVE.... THAT THERE AINT ONE... AND THUS ... APPRENTLY coming up with a whole theory on it. sooo are you scientists or gender studies interpretivists i know im maybe hated all my life maybe and also somewhat for being curious at school but..... and i know people might find this """""""toxic masculine"""" or some stuff.... but them kids kinda feel like gender st people .

still/./ looks like people got their female) favouries take care anyway

surely - wont a penny have more proportional drag?

gen z respoinse to the newton story (oooh).... snowflakes

Nobody on "Hills with socks?"

anti grav for disc complaints??

level 6 - Neil the astrophysics black guy

mhm, yeah...mhm, yeah, mhm... yeah... mhm... yeah, mhm.. yeah YEAH YEAH HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

This is an amazing approach. Very informative and one of the best ways to start with, build a better comprehension and to pass to a curiously creative level of thinking about the concept in question, all in a single short video. One will at least have to spend a month or a year to come to the level of understanding and thinking which this video helps you to. I loved it. Magical!

Regardless of topic, i could listen to two brilliant people discuss what they are passionate about all day.

Finally my field of study. And a woman is explaining it. Love it

Take a shot every time the college girl says “yeah” or “mhm”. jk lol

Did I just see Kim kardashian lookalike lol that girl with Curley hair

Well done Wired. She's gorgeous. You know how to get clicks :|

Level 5 looking at her like: "tell me something i don't know"

Level 6 ... Joe Rogan and Bigfoot explain Astrophysics while High AF

She is quite good

So basically the more you know the less you know

So woke. A white woman, admittedly with curly hair...starts with multi-culti but ends with...

@Chase H Boom!

boomer spotted


The child was already really smart

24:15 “populating the periodic table..” beautiful description

Understood everything til the expert came in.

okay she’s either moving too much or he’s barely moving. he freaks me out

the expert btw

I dont think that this video has no scripts the persons have to follow.

So interesting! Thanks

Am I the only one that finds intelligence like this a major turn on?

Really loved this video! Had to share

Teen @?

I was bummed to see that for the last two levels they chose males

I had to skip the teen part, too many ''LIKE''-s per minute there.

Don't really get the point of the last two. Certainly the last one. What was new for him?

That teenager was completely confused

Ok the neil degrasse tyson ad I just got is the only time I ever sat thru a 2 minute ad

pls make one of chemistry!!!

All matter is energy. The optical illusion is that all energy formed to be matter is actually solid, other than gas, light, and liquid. That fact that radio waves are going through your body with some DJ announcing some event happening this weekend is the indication the universe is merely an energy nebulous. Because energy can be formed into anything everything is a temporary state of nature.

If gravity is a theory then why aren't we floating? Calling gravity a theory is like calling life and death a theory. A real theory is floating people that are supposed to be dead but are actually alive.

@jpt Its no longer a theory if it is a proven reality. Its the theory that leads to defining reality. George Washington being dead is not a scientific theory. It's a reality that has been proven. Going to the moon in 1950 was based on scientific theory. Today that theory is no longer a theory but a reality.

I'm looking for level 0 explanation.

Ayeee where’s all my City College people

The expert reminds me of Ben Shapiro

One of the best things I’ve seen in a while

i love that the word smush was used by the grad student hehe

The college student was just agreeing, I would have been intimidated.

Why is the child more clued than the teen?

That's Isaac Newton y'all. ..the expert guy

Watches beginning, skips to the end ... “I’m an idiot”

im gonna come back and watch this high

I thought it was Galileo who discovered that heavy objects fall at the same speed as light ones.

All science is theory that has been tested with positive results or “more than likely true” results. In the end, their discussion is peer to peer, but hear the language and understand, they have to have FAITH in the theories that they believe to be true.

*Time and Gravity are NOT fundamental to this universe* Spacetime: *Nonsense* Quantum-gravity: *Absurd*

1. *How is QM the most successful theory in all of physics whilst, also being the one that's least understood?* 2. *Holograms do not inherently contain a 3rd dimension. It is an illusion that exists only in perception. What are the implications if the universe is a hologram of some kind?*

the teen is just more stupid than the child wtf

Hilarious how many people make "expert" comments on gravity as if they understand what it is and the scientist does not. Wonder if religious nuts and flat earthers got into this discussion.

So much education, beautiful words, knowledgeable people, etc...Can human kind really fully understand something as amazing as the universe?

I'm beginning to wonder what it would be like to be sitting in a class where Einstein himself is explaining these concepts. Mmm...that's a beautiful thought.



Lol at level 1, I had difficulty following along, and I'm 40....

It’s crazy to see the gap between people’s knowledge and it’s kind of beautiful

Her explanation of lightspeed to the teenage girl didn’t make sense

F dot dr

Yeh, because your body’s muscles push the individual parts of your spine upwards to even out the gravity on it.

Take a shot every time the college student says yeah

Please do the same with a biologist and evolution. I feel like a lot of people, especially Americans, tend to not understand, or misunderstand, evolution.

This was great! And also made me miss life with my Dad. No one has ever replaced our endless conversations. Not even 14 years later.

gravity disappears when helium is applied the a balloon....

Everyone talking about the expert, but the child is so smart!!! I hope she gets to feed her curiosity growing up and goes on to do great things! Very impressive!

She looks like kim kardashian.

college student: yea, yea, yea, mhm, yea, mhm, yea, mhm, mhm, mhm, yea, yea, yea, yea, oh yea, mhm, yea, yea, yea, mhm, yea, mhm, yea, mhm, mhm, mhm, yea, yea, yea, yea, oh yea, mhm, YEA, YEA, YEA, mhm, mhm, mhm, thats amazing.

I wish you could like videos multiple times

Seems like the 16-year-old should have been level 1...

We'll not get to that 'any time soon' xD

Gravity? Me: Oh, I know gravity - Experts: Multiverse, Big bang, quantum physics. Me: Wtf?

nice concept. love it

thinking about how it is too late for me to pursue my career in astrophysics and now im just so freaking sad.

Was waiting for the " gravity as you know it doesn't exist momment " they did a good job just by not having the kid say "it's the thing that makes things fall "

sooooo actually im not that short. the earth’s gravity just pulling me down stronger than everybody else making me look shorter! i hate gravity!

"There are stars that have died " - Poor stars who killed them :(

My reaction on different levels Level 1: yeah, I already know all this. Level 2: this too. Level 3: mkay, still nothing new. Level 4: ooooh, that sounds really interesting, but what if... And what if... And what if.. Level 5: I give up I don't understand this crap


The expert level made me feel like a child again.

I was more impressed by the little girl than the teen. Probably they should have switched levels.

Level 6: Joe Rogan teaching DMT to the Astrophysicist

Unless Atmosphere resistance slows lighter object, no?

the teen is soo pretty she looks like kim kardashian

I think I understood it up to the college student but honestly I could be completely wrong

What's funny is that I felt like the conversation with the expert was gonna be wilder, but guess scifi movies and video games prepares you to understand certain terms and events.

The teen had no idea what she was talking about at the end.

ou she is in love

Nobody: Not a soul: Not even me: My brain: Is it me or it's getting a little bit hot in here?

She is excellent

Bruh the amount of “uh huh” and “yeahs” the college student did was sooo annoying

The expert-to-expert conversation was fantastic! I learned more about quantum physics than I did about gravity, but it was interesting to hear the implications of quantum physics on the classic understanding of gravity. *And maybe we're really 2D?!*

Explain the Quantum Eraser double slit phenomena. ....i dare ya!!

Trump: see I was right There's no such as temperature No such thing as global warming

When she was talking to the kid, it looked like she could be talking to her younger self

I'm kinda shocked that the physics major didn't know more.

That teen was definitely auto-piloting

That whole bit with her trying to describe temperature was very thoughtful. It has quantum mechanics footprints all over it. That's why we don't understand it.

the kid is sooo adorable

Maria could catch it k maybe not she doesnt seem too smart

That kid was so impressive i can see her growing up a scientist .

Can you do a chemist explaining something in 5 different levels of difficulty? That would be so cool :)

Level 6 is how our math teacher explains things.

5:38 she looks like Kim's daughter North West, but grown up?

You know you’re really into it when you can understand and explain at all 5 levels.

Next can we do: Flat-earthier explains retardism at 5 different levels

33:15 hee hee ha ha ..physicists making inside jokes... This Is this what a physicist dinner party would sound like in a vacuum

33 :15 hee hee physicists making inside jokes

Although I'm college student but I have a brain of a child :/

I love this series.

teen looks like young kim k, but smarter

By level 5, I realised I shud have taken my Advanced level highschool(am african we use the british education system) physics more seriously. Tf they talking about????

The last segment just got me, that was one of the best brief exchanges I've been privileged to listen to. Just amazing.

Like, yeah. She’s like young. Omg like wow....


10:01 "when you dont understand , laugh."

Where is YouTube rewind

I've read a few books etc on Gravity and it was interesting listening to her. I assume that her forte is the math. The only reason I say that is because stuff like gravity are very abstract math constructs that take a special teacher to explain without the math. Not everyone can do it. The only reason I know that is because I've seen it explained better. If this sounds like I'm saying she did a bad job, then no I am not, it's just that I've read better explanations but to be fair they were in context and not just an isolated explanation. Also, is this video proof that boys don't study anymore or something else? Just curious.

Watch guys putting their morning heights in their tinder bios

That little girl is actually so smart.

Is gravity caused or created by the displacement of space by matter? Like a ball displaces water. Larger (e.g., Jupiter) or more dense (e.g., Neutron Star) masses would cause a greater displacement of the space around them. Thus the space around a massive object would be concentrated (more dense) close to the object and defuse (less dense) farther away (based on inverse square law). The concentrated space causes nearby objects to stretch out in the direction of the larger mass and in proportion to the distance separating them. In my mind, displacement of space is a better model (3D) than the warped fabric model (2D) that we are taught or shown most often in scientific descriptions of gravity. Could someone qualified please comment in response? Thank you.

Smart little lady.

Dam you Quantum Mechanics! Always making stuff weird. -My takeaway

what i learnt. *MM HMM, YEA*

That teen can't complete a sentence without the unnecessary "like"

Very exciting to think about maybe we're 2 dimensional objects as the quantum things do it secretly and that blue screen of death is a good joke i will talk about it someday for sure LOL

Somehow i feel Feynman vibes in the way the expert was talking

They were definitely flirting in the last level.

just look at the chinese girl socks..

When you learn something during the child’s gravity lesson

LA accent sounds braindead

Overuse of the word quantum. In One year of theoretical Quantum Physics I haven't heard that word so often. I guess they use it because it sounds "cool".

Why does everything smell like copper

How did the teen not know about centripetal and centrifugal force considering she is studying physics

I only understand the child level

Why does gravity travel at the speed of light?

Téa Leoni interviewing Charles Dance. Nice.

Level 5 is so hot

Hey toots how bout a spin for the camera?

Gravity is actually space time curvature

Getting tired of the college student going mmhhmm

If "space-time" is real as the physicist say it is; how much time exists in a cubic meter of space? Let me sum up this explanation in this video. Gravity is real, it's a force but it's not a force because it is the warping of space-time and we know all of this because of thought experiments. Lol! None of them know what gravity is. They believe it exists even though there is not a single scientific experiment that can be provided that proves its existence. All the while not considering other known phenomena that can explain the effect of things falling to earth.

@Brent Bennight Globe religion zealot?! ROTFL We are "taught" crap in school?! No, dear, we are taught crap in YouTube videos made by idiots who thinks they know everything better then scientist, yet they are unable to produce one single formula presenting their clueless claims...

@max5250 lol! You're so up-to-date on this subject, aren't you? (Complete sarcasm) It's better defined in terms of electromagnetism and relative density. Check into sometime if you're not a globe-religion zealot and can handle hearing explanations that don't fit the crap we're "taught" in school.

"All the while not considering other known phenomena that can explain the effect of things falling to earth." Like density and buoyancy?!! ROTFL

These videos always make me feel so dumb

Okay the teen sounded like a 9 year old. Wth

Level 5 was like a foreign language to me.

Wasn't it Galileo who first observed falling objects travel at the same rate

so.. the reason l'm only 170cm tall, is because the earth's gravity likes me so much. But only relatively, since it's love is ultimately part of a grand 2dimensional illusion.

I was keeping up until the expert came on. Now I'm only getting maybe 10% of it. Now I feel dumb. :D

teen should be before child or even todgler, teenage years are usually "downgrade" in our brain "software" .

Is it a coincidence that the expert reminds me of Sheldon Cooper?

I never liked science throughout the 17 years of my life but at 15:00 I was amazed

lets say the sun instantly vanishes. 8 min till the gravity causing us to curve passes the earth and we start drawing in a straight line. what i want to know is, would we feel the "change in direction" or not. considering how perfectly smooth the gravity wave stops affecting as it passes. I think this might be an impossible thought experiment because it is (assumed) impossible to create or destroy matter, and thus its gravity having effects.

no one: not a single soul: level 3: ~yeah~

25:28 "ravage my quanta."

25:12 that look.

women out

my brain started to blank in level 3

get some liberal arts experts on!

that guy was like _you move your head or lose eye contact you lose challenge_

They should do this with increasingly drunker/more stoned people.

Theres Density and Buoyancy, theres no such thing as Gravity. Your cell phone is denser than air so it goes down, an air bubble in water is less dense than the water so it goes up. Helium is less dense than air, so when you put it in a balloon it goes up. No need to call the law of density and Buoyancy Gravity. The moon landings are fake.


I wanna go to space just so I can grow a little

Like, this is like, how I like, talk, like duuuuh. This like totally like gets on like my nerves.

No comments on Higgs particles even on higher level. When was this recorded? 20 years ago?

i understand that some of these concepts are not very intuitive but so are a lot of game mechanics but it is possible to teach kids these things through games and game mechanics. game developers have done it in years and it stays with them the more they progress through the game and the more the major mechanics is repeated. how about we stop fighting human nature and take a deeper look on how games like flappy bird is so addicting and can teach anyone regardless of knowledge level and can still understand the way that world works. take a basic principle that govern that world and continue to reinforce it with entertaining and at the same time rewarding...nvm why am i even typing...

Gravity like any scientific observation is just a theory... I skews suppose to discuss this in my video on the existence of God... you can

Maybe you should first try to learn what 'scientific theory' is...

I swear the 8 year old was smarter than the teen

The expert's eyes looks lile black holes and its like he dead inside

i dont know how someone could dedicate their life to this, i was so bored in physics class

Where is Justin Trudeau?... he will explain to you how space and time works....and he is an expert in quantum computing...

I'm a 34 year old man and Level 1 (child) sounded like God explaining the meaning of life.

I´d love to have her telling me that before going to sleep.

The teen looked confused the whole time honestly me

People need to stop hating on her because the lady went on and on. I bet she got bored halfway through.

IDK... that level 1 explanation seemed to be a little complex for the average 8-year-old. Kudos to this girl, she is definitely above average than her peers.

what i got out of this: the earth is actually flat

The 8 year old looked so in awe

What I learned in the first 10 min. Sleep more, grow tall

the college student outfit was bomb

my teacher almost walked out in frustration when trying to explain to my class that a feather and bowling ball will fall at the same time

Loved this. Was mostly there until about half way through expert and the holographic thing came in. And then it went down hill big time. Though I get what they mean by gravity just being an umbrella term for quantum behaviour and the like. It's pretty interesting.

Is there like a level 0 for toddlers, cause frankly, level 1 is still kinda mindboggling for me, that whole part with one twin taller than the other, slow down, woman.

The teen got Air Force 1's on....but truly does not know force.....think about it

The first two girls are beautiful and seem related to the physicist

notice how she didn't ask the expert what he learned lmao

Mmhmm yea. Mmhm.

some electrons were flying near the end at level 5.

Level 3: yeh uhu yeh yeh uh yeh uhu uhu yeh

that 2nd concept was a huge leap hahaha

Did anyone else get uncomfortable watching this. Space-time scares me

me: college student: hm

The astrophysicist explained gravity clearly to the kid. Then came the expert,both were talking about how they don't understand gravity.

in physics they talk about like force and stuff

Why aren't black wholes explanding? Are they? And like, if they do why isn't the whole galaxy going into merged black wholes?

it's too bad kids are not learning anything about our real world!Gravity is not real Space is not real.The earth is stationary

28:53 watch the expert smile eerily as he describes the destruction of an object sucked into a black hole. X'D

Really neat! I wish it didn't seem such a one-sided conversation though, even the expert conversation, seemed she was talking at them not to them

By the way, Newton didn't discover gravity.

The college student said yeah so many times

I’m surprised the teenager didn’t know a lot kahdnfn it seems like we’re doing a lot more in class than her

River Song is that you?

You lost me at 'child' level.

*u missed a participant after expert.* *astrophysicist explains gravity to isaac newton.*

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