As Good As New | RM250 Rebuild 20

As Good As New | RM250 Rebuild 20

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hey guys welcome back to the channel we're gonna  make some more progress on the rm250 today it's   back to work so haley and i just got back from a  wedding not too long ago that ended up working out   just absolutely amazing it was uh just a blast  out there in hawaii we had a lot of family and   friends that came out but it is back to reality  and back to work so i'm gonna show you what we   got going on today so in the last video we got  the forks back together these things turned out   absolutely beautiful and now it's on to the wheels  got some new tires got the tubes rims are anodized   and basically got everything to put these back  together just gotta coat these hubs so that is   gonna be the first thing on today's agenda  now to get these ready for cerakote just got   to clean them up get all this grease and dirt off  of them and give them a blast in the blast cabinet   now before i blast these i found  a few areas i like to clean up   just smoothing out these uh casting lines  here there's a few little wear spots   and some lettering i like to just add  my own little touch of these things   all right got them all smoothed out looking pretty  sweet this will give it this little extra sauce hubs are all smoothed out and blasted so to  smooth out the casting imperfections i used   a rough wheel from prime and for the sandblast  media it was a hundred grit aluminum oxide now   one thing i noticed with these hubs on  sandblasting is inside the bearing bore   there are some pretty good scrapes down near  the bottom that's going to impede the new   bearing from seating all the way so when you see  something like that you definitely want to smooth   it out i was using a little flap wheel to get in  there but at the very bottom have to take like   a pick something to dig that material out of there  and what's nice about cerakote it's only about a   thousandth of an inch thick and so you don't need  to mask off like the rotor mounting surfaces or   the mounting holes only thing i really mask  off is the surface where the bearing sits crazy so so all right guys hubs are all done check out  this color hard to beat that so this is called the   tungsten h-237 from cerakote man seeing these hubs  all coated up and looking good it's getting me   really excited to get these back together i think  this tungsten is going to go perfect with that   yellow last thing i got to do with the hubs is  press in some new bearings these ones are from pro   x so a method that i found that works really good  for popping in these bearings is using basically a   sweating in method where you cool down the bearing  heat up the hub and that creates a diameter   difference where it just basically slides in so  here in the ziploc bag i've got the secret sauce   this is dry ice basically just put the bearing  on top of the dry ice for i don't know 30 seconds   it cools down that bearing pretty quick and then  just use a torch on the hub so the reason why this   works is when you cool things down they contract  or shrink and when you heat things up they expand so it works good if you have these  in a ziploc bag and then it's kind of   crush up the ice and put it around the bearing and  you're going to hear them squealing a bit that's   when you know they're cooling down all right the hub is nice and toasty  you want to make sure you have a   socket and a hammer as well as your  spacer handy that way you can work quick so the bearing will get pretty much  flush and then you just got to either   press it in or use a socket and a hammer  just make sure the socket you're using   matches up with the outer diameter and that's  what you're pounding on and you just don't want   to pound on this inner race here so you want  to work quick while that thing is still hot and then when you get to the bottom it'll  start to sound a little bit different like a   different sound to the hit now we're ready for  the other side and you absolutely do not want   to forget the spacer that goes in between  i've done that before and it's uh pretty   frustrating so drop that collar in there  and then you can just do the same process   it also helps to throw a little grease  on the race here after you've heated it up you can see if you work quick that thing  will just drop right in and then you can just   tap it in the rest of the way make sure you uh  are aware of the spacer in there you don't want   to get that crooked basically just tap it until  you make contact with the sleeve in the middle   all right all looks good the bearing still  spins smoothly oh that's hot and just throw   a little grease on the lip for the seal and those  pretty much just press right in with your fingers now with these seals you want to make sure the  flat surface is facing out and also with these   bearings too if you have a bearing that has this  seal you want that sealed to be on the outside so   i push these in basically just until they're flush  with the hub all right that's it for the front hub   let's move on to the rear now this one's going  to be a little bit different because you have   two bearings on the sprocket side and you  want to pay close attention to the bearings   like the width the diameters some hubs you'll have  different bearings looks like on this one all of   them are the exact same size now one more thing  with these bearings they come pre-packed with   grease from the factory but if you wanted  to just for peace of mind you could pop   off these little seals little small flat blade  screwdriver and pack some more grease in there   if you wanted to but i found they already  come packed pretty good from the factory sounds like i'm wrestling a pig over here   just gotta choke them out and you definitely want  to make sure you give a lot to get to this thing   whoa anyways make sure you don't have the  torch tip in the hole before you start but just give it lots of heat that'll help  things slide in a little easier and even with   it cera-coated it ain't gonna harm that coating at  all as long as you're not heating directly on the   cerakote that's what i'm talking about that's  crazy come on let's see if this one will go to so you can see it's kind of a hit miss  and you got to work really quickly   i don't think that second bearing was  all the way on the ice the first one   just dropped it immediately so basically tap  in the bearings until the collar in the middle   is just barely able to move and see it has a  little bit of play but isn't just floppy in there all right that is it for the bearings hubs are  all done now at this point we are ready to start   lacing got my spokes back from zinc plating these  things are looking brand new again just gotta grab   a rim and we can get after it let's start with the  front man that color combo is going to be wicked   now this wheel uses all the same spokes it doesn't  use different length or different angled spokes   now if you have a wheel that does use different  spokes you're going to want to refer to a diagram   or maybe some pictures you took before you  disassemble the wheel but on something like   this you're going to start popping in the spokes  might be easier to do all the bottom ones first   and then the spokes that go on  top like these ones do them after you don't need to have the pattern perfect or  anything because we're going to flip it over   just want to make sure the top spokes are  on top of the bottom spokes get all these   spokes pulled through laying flat and you can  just do the same thing with the other side now we're going to set the rim  over the hub and you want to   look back at those photos or a diagram and  see which side the rim faces which way so   on this wheel the stamping was on the  non-rotor side of the hub set this down and just kind of turn the rim around until the  spokes start to line up you'll see kind of a   pattern here give you a little better view of  how this lines up so grab a spoke coming from   this side of the hub line it up with the rim  and it'll line up with that hole there and   you'll notice on the rim there are holes that  face up and face down like these are facing up   that one's facing down so you want the spokes  coming from this side of the hub to line up   with these holes that are more upward facing you  also notice the holes on the rim are either facing   right or left and you want to correlate that  to the spokes and how they come out of the hub   which direction so this spoke here is coming  out to the right it's going to line up to   that hole there and this spoke turns to the  left and it'll go to that hole right there   and also the pattern at least on this specific  wheel is you'll have spokes that cross and you're   going to have one hole in between or one spoke  in between now once you determine which holes   the spokes go to and the pattern around the  wheel you want to grab some anti-seize and   put it on the threads of the spokes if you want  to wear some gloves for this it's pretty messy now we can pretty much just start lining  up some spokes and twisting on some nipples so i've got one half of the wheel laced makes  it simpler just to do it one half at a time   so as you're lacing it you want to make sure the  spokes coming from the bottom side of the hub are   in between each of the spokes that you thread in  you can see that same pattern all the way around   once you get going you'll kind of see what the  pattern is and it's pretty straightforward so now   i can pretty much just thread in the other half  the spokes and as you're threading those nipples   on only go about a quarter or third of the way  up the threads any further than that and you'll   kind of pinch the hub to the rim and you won't  have a lot of room to get the other spokes in   now we're going to need to tighten down the  spoke nipples and keep this wheel as straight   as possible we're going to want to tighten  these nipples down evenly so we're going to   hit it from the back side with a screwdriver and  just go until it's just snugged up basically just   snug it up till there's about three or four  threads left then we're gonna skip two spokes   tighten down this one same thing until  there's about three or four threads left   and just carry that same pattern  all the way around the rim   and that should keep it pretty true  and we'll do the fine tuning from there all right we're all snugged up i'm just gonna  get all this anti-seize cleaned off of here   and then move on to getting  the rear wheel together all right with the wheels all laced up i'm going  to take a minute away from these things and   introduce you to the new guy on the team and  got some printing to do as well this is nick   he moved all the way from wisconsin to help out  here at the shop he's been just killing it helping   with prime helping with the videos with a contest  around the house you name it he is the go-to   guy how you like working here oh it's great i love  working here filling out orders left and right   getting things punched out it's a blast yeah he's  working on one right here back in the corner this   is his uh office set up over here but surprisingly  like working for me i'm kind of a dick huh yeah so   he brought his bike out here show them your bike  all right so here we have the 2014 ktm 150 sx   i bought it only had like 20 hours on it so  it's pretty fresh just finished a pipe for it   redid that dude that thing is looking  sweet yeah we're gonna have that   on in a couple days and ready to go yeah me and  cameron get some ripping in so yeah he's also   got a youtube channel how much are you gonna  pay me for a shout out pay you for a shout out   a t-shirt t-shirt all right sounds like a deal  what's your your channel called uh mint works   mx all right i will link it down below sweet so if  you guys notice the videos are a little more crisp   or a little better give some thanks to this guy  good deal so i'm running a little bit low on these   decals here these are like the really reflective  ones so i'm gonna print more of these up   we've got red gold silver and blue these are  the colors before they go into the printer   so the first one up is the two  soaked i'm gonna do that in red we are all stocked up on stickers now   nick's getting these things punched off the roll  that brown you see is just the backing there   pretty sweet looking stickers so we're actually  going to be doing a giveaway with the stickers   for the next couple days so any order on the store  over ten dollars you'll be able to pick a few of   these stickers up let me go on the computer and  show you guys how this works so what you'll want   to do is head over to the website  on the home page here click on free items   scroll down you'll see the stickers here i  only have one on here so far but click on   it and you can add it to your cart just select  whatever color you want here add it to cart and   make sure you have at least ten dollars worth of  merchandise in that cart or else it won't add so   there's one last sticker i want to print up here  with july 4th coming up i want to do a little red   white and blue and uh some two strokes involved  so let's fab something up on illustrator here all right this is what i came up  with let's see how she prints out check out these stickers it turned out absolutely  badass what do you think nick those are awesome   so i will have these up on the website you guys  can go check them out so once again these are a   clear backing the brown is just the paper backing  on there i'm also thinking of doing some shirts   with the same design on it let me know if that is  something you guys would be interested in seeing   enough of the sticker print let's get back to  the rm all right with the wheels all laced up we   can move on to truing them and doing the final  tightening so chewing them is basically making   sure they are spinning straight you can do this  either on a truing stand like this here or on   the bike for example if you grab the front wheel  throw the axle through it mount it up in the forks   you can spin it and hold something like a marker  or a little indicator against the fork tube here   and you'll be able to see where the wheel is out  of true and you can make your adjustments from   there so we're gonna get the front wheel set up  on here first slide the axle through and i want   to put this sleeve on either side of the bearing  as well as the collar so you want to pinch these   sleeves against each other into the bearings that  will hold the wheel tight in place snug them up   and then the collars on the end will just barely  touch to the bolts there or the bearings so now   this is going to be a test of how good of a job  we did with the lacing how evenly we tighten the   spokes let's see we got a little bit of wobble  there not much up and down just mostly side to   side so we're going to start with correcting the  side to side wobble here so we're going to get   this indicator bar close up to the rim right  there is about perfect so we're going to find   the highest spot on the rim here looks like right  about here now to correct this we're gonna tighten   the spokes coming from the opposite side of the  rim so we're gonna try to pull the rim over to the   right here and so we're gonna tighten the right  side spokes and you want to make sure the left   side spokes are loose we're going to loosen these  about a full turn then we're going to tighten the   spokes on the right side of the wheel about half a  turn you just want to go in small increments here then we can give it a spin and see where  we're at looks like we're a little straighter   i'm gonna find the high spot again looks like  right about here we're gonna do the same thing   here loosen three spokes coming from the left  side and tighten three from the right side getting a little bit better that is looking much much better already see it  just takes a little tweak here and there to try to   correct it if you do too much you're just going to  play the game of going one side to the other back   and forth and about every three adjustments i'll  take the wheel and flip it around on the stand   that way we're not pulling the wheel to  one side you wanna kind of keep the rim   in the middle of the hub here let's see if we  can dial this thing in a little bit further i feel like we got it spinning pretty straight  side to side keep in mind it is a used rim   and the rim itself isn't perfectly straight  and it is a dirt bike wheel you are riding on   uneven terrain and you know bumps and  holes and ruts and whatnot so now that   we've got the side to side movement  worked out we're going to look at the   up and down movement basically how much the  rim moves up and down compared to the hub actually it looks pretty solid there's  a little bit there let's throw the   indicator bar on it and see you can just  kind of slide it underneath the rim here   and that'll tell us where  we're at for up and down play so it's not looking too bad i'm  going to find the high spot on here   so right here is the center of the high  spot and we're going to tighten the spokes   and this will basically push the rim towards  the hub and even out that high spot so since   it's a pretty minor high spot we're just  going to do two spokes on either side   it will tighten once again it  doesn't take a whole lot here all right let's see how that affected it could use a little bit more i think that's about as good as we're gonna get  for this wheel now one other thing to keep in mind   with dirt bike rims they always have a seam here  like a welded seam where they put the rim together   and that's always gonna have a little bit of a dip  or maybe a wobble one side to the other that isn't   the actual rim out of true it's just the uh seam  kind of playing a trick on your eyes so with the   wheel all trued up there's one last thing we want  to check here and that is the wheel offset and so   usually you measure this on the table let me pull  off the stand real quick so the wheel offset is   measured from the rotor mounting surface to this  edge of the rim so basically this gap right here   is the amount of wheel offset now suzuki doesn't  provide the wheel offset for these wheels so i   can't really do them to spec like that it isn't  super important nothing to sweat about the last   thing we got to do is the final tightening we're  just going to go around and make sure all of the   spokes are tightened to spec now you can do this  either with just a spoke wrench or a spoke torque   wrench like we got here so the objective here is  to tighten all the spokes without throwing the   rim back out of whack so we're gonna pick a hole  on the rim here i'm gonna go with that one there   start at the first spoke tighten that skip  two tighten skip two tighten go all the way   around the wheel come back to that hole and  then start at the second spoke from the hole   same pattern all the way around and then do the  third spoke from the hole follow that same pattern   and once you've gone three complete times around  the wheel you will have hit every single spoke   evenly and that should keep the wheel in  true now the torque spec for these spokes   is three foot pounds or 36 inch pounds that's  what this torque wrench reads by if you're using   just a spoke wrench 36 inch pounds should  be no more than the amount of effort than   to uh like turn a doorknob so it really isn't  a lot but it is nice to have a torque wrench   just to make sure you're not over tightening  or under tightening go ahead and set it to   36 start up the first spoke from the hole  right there it's 36 we're gonna skip two and then just follow that same pattern now after the final torque you want to spin up  the wheel again make sure it's still straight   looks like this one went a little bit off after  a little tweaking let's see how it's spinning   oh yeah she's dialed i'm honestly really  surprised this one straightened out as   nice as it did it is actually a used rim use  spokes and nipples used hub the only thing new   on this is pretty much the wheel bearing so  it actually spins pretty close to a new wheel   not bad for a 20 year old wheel this goes to  show you can make old stuff pretty much new   again with just a little love all right let's  move on to the rear wheel see how this one is this one's gonna need a little bit more work so once again if you have a high spot like   right here what we're gonna do to correct  that is tighten the spokes coming from this   side of the hub tighten about three to  four and you're gonna wanna make sure   the spokes coming from this side of the hub are  loose once again three or four on either side   looks like we got her spinning pretty straight  just gotta fix the up and down play here that is looking really good  last thing we got to do   is hit it with torque wrench  and we'll be all dialed in well guys that is it for lacing and truing really  happy with how these ones came out actually one   more thing with lacing and truing i made a video  a couple years ago that goes a lot more in depth   it offers some troubleshooting and just  a lot more detail than this video here   so if you want to check it out i will have  it linked down below if you guys are doing   something similar and need any recommendations on  tools i will have all the stuff i use throughout   this video linked down below that includes the  stand torque wrench spoke wrench even like the   parts i used on the wheel coatings bearings you  name it i will have everything linked down below well that is it for today's video hope you  guys enjoy this one i know i definitely did   lacing and touring is one of my  favorite things to do on a build   and next up we have mountain the tires  which is going to be another great video   so if you want to stay posted on that make sure  you hit the subscribe button and i want to say   thank you for watching the video i really do  appreciate it if you enjoyed this video or   learn something new please give it a share  that's how the channel grows and i can continue   bringing this content to you guys so with that  i will see you in the next one keep it prime

2021-06-27 15:42

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