Are you doing income producing activities daily in your business? | Scale Your Business With Jeremy

Are you doing income producing activities daily in your business? | Scale Your Business With Jeremy

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basically this is a topic i am very passionate about because i've had a career spanning 20 years in sales got a lot of information i've run different sales teams at different organizations and i really really geek out on training people on how to be the best sales people they possibly can all well maintaining your soul right that's the biggest thing is people don't want to feel like a sellout they don't want to be inauthentic and be that slimy sales person that's all about themselves and losing their soul in the process right it's all about keeping your own voice and maintaining your soul because you can sell without selling hey thanks for checking out this episode be sure to click the subscribe button make sure you click that little notification bell so you get notified for the next video that i dropped it only takes two seconds to make two clicks so go ahead and do that real quick and let's get back to the video coaches are always asking how they can grow their businesses but there are so many other questions that you should be asking yourself first like why is my marketing not working and which strategy should i actually be following and how should i be positioning my marketing message and how can i generate more leads and what can i do to close more deals and most importantly why are potential clients saying no when i ask them to buy with these unanswered questions we deal with having the fear of the unknown and fearing to fail we deal with information overload from everything out there and we end up not hitting our goals and not growing as fast as we want and we soon find out that we don't have enough time to learn everything with all this going on in our minds no wonder we struggle with answering the question how can i grow my business i've dedicated my life to helping coaches find the peace and freedom they wanted when they first started their businesses by answering these questions in this podcast and i'm going to bring simplicity to the four main pillars you need to grow your coaching business the four pillars are mindset marketing sales and operations i'm jeremy kenderson and welcome to the ultimate biz builder podcast what's up what's up what's up everybody welcome to level up tuesday that's right today's tuesday i don't know about you but yesterday was kind of weird like i literally thought it was friday and i was talking to a customer and i said goodbye i said have a good weekend and they were like what i'm like yeah have a good weekend they're like this week is going by slow so anyway today's tuesday is a short week because it is the fourth of july which happens to me my wedding anniversary that is 16 years married to the same wonderful person it's gonna be an amazing week so let's get this kicked off right so basically what i'm gonna do for level up tuesday is help you guys anybody out there that's feeling like i hate doing sales i hate selling in my business it makes me feel slimy i feel like i'm manipulating people or i feel like people aren't gonna like me like whatever those things are that's going on in your head that's stopping you from generating revenue because you're don't want to or you don't like to or you're afraid to ask for the sale or you're afraid to do the steps necessary to get enough people to ask for the sale whatever it is that you're dealing with i'm going to help you with that today and the rest of the week so i'm gonna go there's a lot of information uh basically this is a topic i am very passionate about uh because i've had a career spanning 20 years in sales got a lot of information i've run different sales teams and different organizations and i really really geek out on training people on how to be the best sales people they possibly can all while maintaining your soul right that's the biggest thing is people don't want to feel like a sellout they don't want to be inauthentic and be that slimy salesperson that's all about themselves and losing their soul in the process right it's all about keeping your own voice and maintaining your soul because you can sell without selling and that's the process that i teach and today i'm going to go over two main parts of that which is the art and the science i'm gonna flip that around i'm gonna do the science over here in the art over here it doesn't matter where but that's what i'm going to do i'm going to cover those two things today there's so much information packed into those just two topics alone now i'm going to be digging a lot deeper in each one of those topics all throughout this week because there's no way i can fit all this information in one live for you guys all right so let's go ahead and get started first things first i'm going to be talking about the science of the sale like i said there's the art and the science so let's get this up here we're going to talk about persuasion which equals sales in your business okay next thing we're talking about is the science so hopefully this is a good enough talk to where afterwards you feel like i blinded you with science all right remember that song hopefully hopefully i just didn't date myself because that is pretty old so the very first thing with both the science let me put that over here real quick we got the science and the art okay and with both of these we have say the 80 20 rule everybody's heard of the 80 20 rule if you haven't heard of it you can google it just like everything else i have questions about google it right basically the 80 20 rule says they can pretty much break up anything you can really apply this to a lot of different things in your life and your business right but for the science of the sale this is what i'm going to explain and the 80 20 rule means that 80 of your time throughout your day how much time you're dedicating to your business eighty percent of that should be dedicated towards revenue producing tasks all right revenue producing tests eighty percent of time should be spent to that well the other twenty percent should be spent on you know admin stuff things that are necessary that have to get done in your business but that aren't revenue producing now i have a whole other teaching about how to delegate because a lot of the stuff that is not revenue producing or doesn't require your specific expertise um you really don't want to be spending a lot of your time on that stuff anyway but uh for the sake of the conversation that we're in that's the 80 20 rule with the science of sales okay 80 of your time should be spent on revenue producing tasks so your marketing sure uh content sure lead gen sure picking up the phone getting people on appointments having closing conversations we're going to talk a little bit more about that because there is a process with that so basically all in all in a nutshell the the science of sales is your will let me do this you know let me do this in a different color so it stands out a little bit i don't know if you're like me but i'm visual visual person i want it to be visual helps me i'm sure it'll help some of you all right this is your will all right the science of sales is your will well over here the art is skill okay so i hear a lot of people say you know like i'm just not good at sales yeah i'll never be good at sales i can't talk to people i don't have the gift to gab i was born with a silver tongue blah blah blah all those different things right it doesn't matter i've coached and trained and managed so many different sales people with so many different types of personalities and character traits that it doesn't matter because this the skill it's not a natural gift i found the people that have a natural ability to talk and to sell usually were not my top performers because it was very very hard to teach them anything because they number one they thought they were too good and they didn't need to take any advice on the person that really didn't know or didn't feel comfortable all that stuff can be taught and those were my highest performing sales reps people that kind of went through a process like i did like we weren't good and we learned and we implemented and when we got good we realized what it took to be good so that we could um you know work harder on those skills and craft those where somebody just doesn't know like they're good like they know they're good and they end up not knowing really why they're good so when they're in a slump which happens okay you're in a slump you don't know what to do to correct that slump because you don't know why you're good in the first place it's just natural so you don't know what you're doing different or what you're doing wrong i digress again so that's the skill the skill can be taught the will cannot be taught and hopefully if you're running your own business you already have the will the tenacity the drive the motivation people shouldn't have to coach you and teach you on that you should automatically have that because that's why you're in business for yourself in the first place right you don't just get into business and expect things to be all easy and hunky-dory well maybe you do i did a lot of us do you know we jump in we're like it's gonna be awesome it's like oh my gosh i'm providing my own paycheck what do i got to do where do i go how do i get clients right like all those different things so this is your will your will if you don't have the skill your will can actually get you results now okay so first the will starts with the 80 20 rule really prioritizing what you're doing throughout the day reorganizing them and saying okay revenue producing stuff is the most important thing in my business everything else can be postponed delegated put off just not done at all like whatever the case is if it's not revenue producing you really need to take a second look at the fact that you're doing it because a lot of times i'll talk about this a lot so i'm not going to i'm going to try not to go down a rabbit trap on this but um a lot of times we end up not liking to do the revenue producing things because it involves other people it involves like us feeling uncomfortable and then we create all these admin things all these little tasks and checklists and you know we feel comfortable that way hey i got a lot of stuff to do look at my checklist i got 20 things done today and it's 20 things of bs that isn't helping you make money today okay so that's key so that's the 80 20 rule i'll get off that the next thing is goal setting all right so and the reason this is so important like goal setting is so important is because well a few different reasons but number one the reason is sales is a numbers game that's all it is it's a numbers game and what i mean by that for all you people my age or older that is not hashtag games that's a pound sign and it reflects numbers so it says numbers game sales is a numbers game all right because no matter what your skill set is let's just say for example uh somebody shows interest in something i always like to use the example of even numbers so i'm going to say a hundred right so let's say for example the average close rate i shouldn't say the average close rate i would say that out of 100 people that show interest in a product or service 10 of those people are ready to buy now they've already done the research they already know what they want what they don't want and now they're just waiting to find the perfect thing to say yes to right think about when you go car shopping how many times do you go to the dealership when you're still kind of checking it out you're like six months out you kind of want to get a feel for what you like you want to look at a bunch of different stuff and you go and you tell the salesman you know i'm just not ready yet you know what i mean so pretty much 90 of the people that come to that car salesman during the day are tire kickers they're just checking stuff out they're not going to buy but it's not based on his skill set really of selling those people they know what they want you know they they kind of know what they want and they know that they're ready to buy right now you know maybe there's a car accident and the insurance is paying and they need a car right now so they come in and they're the 10 that are just ready to go that doesn't take any skill to sell that person that's ready to go because they're ready to go it's the right time for them they people buy when they want to buy not when you're ready to sell them so what you want to do is find the people that are ready to buy now all right i'm going to talk about that a little bit later but for this part of the conversation we have 10 percent of people so if i have 100 people find me this month without any skill i can get 10 deals all right so let's see where were they going with that it's a numbers game right that's what it was so what we want to do is play the game well how do we play the game we have to know the rules right and the rules to sales is i need to figure out what my conversion rate is so if i want 10 deals a month but i'm only getting 50 leads then guess what i need to increase my skill level to close twenty percent of people or i'll implement some of the science that i'm about to go over with you to help you get that additional ten percent of your closing rate okay so if we got uh the reason i was going into that is it's a numbers game we need to know the the what the numbers are so how many people do you need to speak to in order to get a sale right and that's really part of what goal setting is talking about is uh number one if you want to like your goal right what is your goal and i like to reverse engineer this part i'm not gonna get you know what i'm not gonna have enough time to get into all this but basically goal setting you want to reverse engineer what's my goal okay i want to make 100 000 a year great how much is that a month okay it's eight thousand some dollars a month okay great how many deals do i need to get in order to make eight thousand dollars a month that's the number of deals great how many deals do i need to get per week in order to get those deals you know that's uh you know whatever say it's 20 deals so a week i need five deals so that's one deal a day reverse engineer that i need one deal a day cool now how many appointments do i need each day to make sure i close one all right i'm gonna need three appointments and three closing calls a day to get one of them to say yes each day great how many people do i need to speak to each day to set three appointments so before i get done with my 80 before i could do my prospecting for the day i know before i pick up the phone or close the computer i need three appointments how many phone calls do i need to make to get three appointments 50 100 whatever it is you got to figure that part out on your own but basically you're reverse engineering that goal setting right so if i know i need to make 50 phone calls a day which will average out to three appointments a day which will average out to one deal a day i'm getting 20 deals a month which is helping me get my goal so number one is figuring out the actual goal right is it a dollar amount you know whatever that is and then you just reverse engineer each step to okay if i if i really want a question i had someone tell me this one time they said jeremy if you want to make 100 000 a year you need to make 100 phone calls a day that's the science that's the numbers game like if you want to make that you need to sit down and make a hundred phone calls a day wherever those leads are coming from every company industry is different but i need to call 100 people a day then i know that it doesn't matter what my skill set is if i just talk to 100 if i call 100 people a day x amount of people are going to answer x amount of conversations i'll set x amount of appointments i'll close x amount of appointments and i'll do that each week each month each year i'm hitting my goal all right so the importance is understanding your end goal in reverse engineering here's the other part that this plays in it if you keep the end goal in mind when you go all the way over here it's like i don't want to make 100 pound calls today like you have that like day right maybe it's every day whatever like it sucks right i'm going through something here that sucks that i don't like and the only thing that's going to get me to overcome myself in my head and my thoughts is to look at my motivation and to look at my goals my motivation is my kids i need to hit this goal so that i can spend more time with my kids and have more uh be able to take them on vacations to create more memories so that they can grow up and live a better life than what i had when i was growing up right that's the goal that's my motivation so there's two parts of the importance it drives you when you're feeling down and it tells you exactly what you need to do each day to hit your goals okay so that's goal setting uh the next one is all right well how do you do this right well you need to have excellent time management if you're not managing your time your time is managing you which means every time something comes up every time like a phone rings every time a notification happens you're running to and fro like that to and fro you're running to and fro dealing with all the crap that's coming up instead of managing your time and now i want you to really get this part is that time is the most precious commodity on this planet it's more precious than gold diamonds platinum uranium whatever you figure is precious right it is the most important thing because it's the only thing that you can't buy more of you can't make more of and you can't get more of you have a certain amount of time on this earth your time may be different than mine whatever that is you get this a lot of time and here's the scary part you don't know how much that is so just squander waste that time on anything that isn't benefiting you and your dreams and your family is a freaking waste okay so don't let anybody waste your time but most importantly you don't waste your time alright so the best way to do time management i'm going to get into that i guess a little bit later but it's something that i talk about a lot which is time blocking right so this is monday right and i got this time allotted for you know emails messages and i get kind of like in the swing of things in the morning and then i'm doing prospecting which means i'm picking up the phone and i'm calling people that are potential people that could buy okay i'm not intending to sell them on these prospecting calls that's not the intention of the phone call that's where a lot of people feel sleazy and slimy as they're calling up like hey is billy there yeah billy hey long time no talk man hey how's the weather over there cool yeah it's good it's good yeah it's good over here too summertime so uh by the way do you want to buy my stuff right like that comes off as an authentic i think that's what a lot of people are afraid of picking up the phone is that that person's gonna think that they are you know solely out to sell them it's kind of inauthentic or whatever and if you can go into it with the intent that hey i'm not here to sell this person i'm here to serve this person because i know i don't know yet but i'm going to ask questions and find out if my product or service is actually going to be a benefit to them is it something that they need or want right now and if it's not what is it going to take for them to want and need that you know what i mean and if it's not a good fit it's not a good fit you move on but if it is it's like hey you're not ready now that's cool man like i totally get it but like you know when do you think this is something that you'll be considering uh maybe three months from now cool i'm gonna set a reminder for a month from now every time someone says three months and i call them up three months they already bought from somebody else so i like to cut that time back follow up to them just to see where that hey i just want to see where you're at later better now a lot of times people appreciate it you know what i mean when i'm interested in something and i'm in like the decision-making process like i know i'm not ready but i appreciate the person reaching out and falling over because a lot of times i forget about certain things right um so that's time blocking and then you know another thing could be your marketing content and then another time block could be you know admin stuff like basically the moral of the story is you're time blocking your day so that your your phone or your computer goes ding and it tells you what to do next it's an amazing concept how technology works nowadays right and i can literally stop going through my emails because my emails will be there tomorrow i can stop uh you know my messages because my messages will be there whenever right they're not gonna go anywhere if anything if there's a fire i shouldn't say fire but that's what i used to call like like problems right if there's a fire within my business like somebody will reach out to me in a way that's going to get me to react right now email is not and when i send an email i'm not expecting a response right now that's insane when i send a text messages i'm not expecting a response right away because people are usually doing things and when they see that they go dang okay cool yeah i'm still talking to this person right i'm not expecting that so if i get a phone call okay cool if i get a second phone calls like oh crap there must be an issue but really a lot of in my businesses anyway a lot of times if there's a fire someone will reach out to somebody and then somebody will reach out to me and go hey there's an issue and say okay jump on it you know i can stop doing what i'm doing those things happen so i'm not telling you in time blocking that it has to be 100 this way or nothing but it needs to be like 90 10 otherwise you end up not respecting your time at all and you end up wasting your time so when the thing goes dig i start doing that when it goes ding i start doing that sometimes i can move those around on my calendar as long as i make sure i'm doing all the things every single day that i need to do to generate revenue in my business okay that's the key of time blocking so again i'm going to talk about more about that the next piece is follow-up all right now this is part of the science because like i was saying earlier that eighty percent of people are i guess i didn't say this earlier i thought i was talking about something over here oh yeah the ten percent like ten percent of people are ready to buy now right well what about the other 90 usually 10 it usually gives you bad information like a bad email a bad phone number right but you got 80 of people that are engaging with you that don't buy right now this is what happens a lot of people go this is why follow-up is so important because statistically speaking that um most deals happen i like like i should say most deals like a small percentage like one percent of deals happen on that first touch with a client potential client and then i think it's like three percent on the second touch five percent on the third touch eighth percent on the fourth touch and then eighty percent happen between like the fifth and the twelfth touch now ironically sales people you and me anybody in their business that's doing sales um they'll follow they'll make an attempt to contact one time and never reach out to them again ever that's like taking money out of your wallet letting it on fire and throwing it down the street like you might as well just be doing that if you're not following up with people so follow-up is key and most people don't go past the first touch i think it's something like 90 of sales people or something don't don't follow up after the first attempt then it goes to 75 after the second and 50 to the third and then only 25 of people follow up after that third or fourth touch and really what we're talking about is we need to make 12 touches so 12 touches is 12 attempts to call someone you know maybe it's 12 attempts to call and six emails maybe it's six calls three emails and three text messages whatever it is you need to have those 12 touches because people buy when they want to buy not when you're ready to sell them so if you have like i said before those 100 leads and 10 of them buy right that leaves you with 90 10 are bogus information you have eight that's 80 of your leads they're going to make a purchasing decision sometime within the next 12 months so if somebody shows interest in your service or product they will make a purchasing decision somewhere within the next 12 months how do you stay up with them well you don't want to feel like a sleazy salesperson and constantly calling them and bother bothering them and badgering them that's where i'd like for a better bet or better oh you don't want to badger them right so you want to do it in a way that is authentic and okay there's a fine line between that and going to the extreme where it's like i don't want to call them because it might be dinner time i might make them mad like all that stuff is preventing you from following up that's bs so what you want to do uh with your follow-up is number one there's what's called speed to lead so if you get a lead you want to call them right away and then you can send them an email right and then you can make another phone call and then you can send another email and you can make another phone call and you can send another email the trick is if you could do this in 12 touches the trick is not having to think about this okay we only have a certain amount of decision like quality decision making that we can do throughout the day and if you notice mark zuckerberg wears like the same t-shirt same gray t-shirt every single day it's not the same one his closet is full of great t-shirts because he said that's one less decision he has to make he doesn't have to decide what he's going to wear he doesn't have to look in his closet what am i going to wear today he goes to his closet pulls up shirt throws it on that gives him one more important decision that he can make quality decision that he can make so you don't want to think about who to call and when to call them or what email to send when to send it you don't want to think about all this stuff the problem the reason people don't follow up is because they do it manually and they have to think about it then they don't do it and then three days later all of a sudden i got a list of people i gotta get all these people it's overwhelming i'm not gonna do it again taking out the wallet taking out a hundred dollar bill lighting it on fire and throwing it down the hall like might as well just be doing that if you're not freaking following up with people right so follow-up is key literally by implementing something along these lines and it's automated so like you just get a list every day that tells you who to call like you don't have to think about it just hey buddy just want to call you you know it's been a while i wanted to see if you know you're a little bit closer oh no why not really tell me more about that right you're having a conversation all you need is conversations you need x amount of conversations you need to call x amount of people a day you have x amount of conversations a day you need to set x amount of appointments a day and then you need to close x amount of people a day like that's the science right so having that follow-up automated through a system means you don't have to think about it and there's less things to do if you had automatic emails going out then that's automated that's one less thing you have to do of typing out an email and sending it right so that follow-up system kind of goes hand-in-hand with lead management and having like a system right so if you have a system like a crm it calls a system like a crm or a marketing automation software that does email as well as crm and then you can you can take all of your prospects and categorize them right so if your sales funnel looks a certain way like okay i'm i got a new lead i haven't talked to him yet okay i reached out to someone they answered now i'm prospecting them trying to see if there's actual opportunity to sell them and once they show interest they become an opportunity and then from that opportunity um is there did i set an appointment you know do i have a closing call scheduled did i close them these are all different sales stages that you can use and trust me for your industry and your business you probably want more specific ones than that but that just gives me an idea of these buckets sales stages or opportunity stages so in my lead management system i can quickly just pull up a list and go okay here's everybody that is you know pre-closing like i'm ready to close these people i just need to get them on the phone right now at my intention after i go through my time management of prospecting i can like go hey i need to get a quick sale today let me call this person let me call these five people that are really close let me get them on the phone and make that deal it also is one less thing that you have to think about because you can see where everybody is in the process instead of getting a list of people and going where's billy like what am i talking to him about today or being able to see like oh this is where they are in the process great when they pick up the phone hey you just want to give me a call you know we went over this last time and you know i wanted to go over this and see if there's any questions i can answer for you something along those lines right so that is very important of having systems so systems is part of the science um following up is part of the science all of those things is part of the science now here's a few other things that i will write down i think i might be losing out on space over here so i'm just going to erase this and put some of it right here so the next thing on the science is always always ask for referrals number one if you're closing 10 percent if someone gives you a referral on average that closing percent is going to be 20 means that's twice as easy to close all right you'll close twice as many of those people because they are giving a referral of trust and likability so always ask referrals i'm surprised on all the people that i talk to how many people don't ask for referrals every single time and the reason is because they feel awkward about it they feel salesy about it when in reality they can have a system that automatically asks for referrals and that way you're not necessarily doing it but it's being asked for every single every single uh customer okay always ask for referrals you'll be surprised at how many people will say yes oh i got this person instead of just hoping somebody refers you like how many times you're out with a friend be like man i had this phone call today with this plumber and this guy was amazing you should take his information and use them next time you have a thing like that just really rarely rarely freaking happens right so you need to take the initiative of asking for referrals and you don't just arbitrarily or not that's a word arbitrarily it is i don't know if i'm using it right so moving on but basically if i don't know if like i don't want to just trust that hey do you have any referrals oh no i don't got anybody right now all right cool or hey you got any referrals yeah totally got a referral cool now what right like get that person's information and call them and say hey i was talking with billy today and billy said you might be in need of this i helped him it's amazing glad you got it out you can start that conversation okay um get them to do a warm transfer that's cool but a lot of times i just want to get the information once they get off the phone with me they're gone they're not gonna think about me again and they're not gonna you know refer some take the time to give them my information or whatever so i want to get their information right there in there that's a that's a good trick uh the next thing is networking this doesn't take really there is skill behind this but if you're not out and about talking to people then you're missing the boat okay so the science is just going out there and doing it join some clubs join some groups and get out there and actually talk to people you time block that stuff right like you just got to put it in your calendar and then go do it it's that simple it's not hard you just got to do it and then the next thing is appointment setting and this is something that i talk about with well i i call it a next step selling i don't think i call it that i think somebody else did and i just learned that was next up selling that no matter when i'm talking to somebody no matter where they are in my process or my my crm or my stages or whatever wherever they are before i get off the phone i'm always scheduling the next step what's the next step so that you can identify that with people so they're clear on what the next step is that way the next time you call them on that date that you set up is the next step to contact them they're not like why is this person calling me like they know that you're calling and they know what you're calling about and if they don't it's a quick refresher because they'll remember that conversation again so always always set the next step always always try to set an appointment an actual date and time is way better than just give me a call in two weeks you know it's like get it on your calendar because your calendar is time blocked so you need to fit them within that block okay so went over a lot i'm going to switch over now to the art uh i'm left-handed so this is going to be kind of weird but we're going to try it so the 80 20 rule uh the art is eighty percent of the time they should be doing the talk all right and then twenty percent of the time you should be talking so for a lot of you that's probably a little little hard it's like well how do i oh yeah i'm the one who knows everything and i need to tell them everything so that they can have all the information they need to make an educated purchasing decision right that's common sense telling us that but i'm here to tell you it's wrong okay you need to be talking just 20 of the time they need to be doing the talking okay now how you do that is i don't want to go too far down the rabbit hole but you want to use open-ended questions all right you want to you want to ask questions that spark conversation you don't want to be like hey what's your favorite color blue cool you know it's like what's your favorite color blue oh really tell me more about that oh yeah why is that why do you like the color blue now it's sparking more conversation right because if you get them to conversate about what they want what they're looking for what they don't like the pains that they're having you know the obstacles to them reaching their goals um if you can get them to conversate and you're just asking questions like tell me more about that what else like they are just going to unload all over you give you all the information that you need so instead of like going through like a and i like an interrogation list of questions you ask these really wide open-ended questions and they just tell you everything and you're just taking notes they're answering all your questions you know they're telling you exactly how they want to be sold they're telling you how they don't want to be sold you're gathering all this information out i call it you're taking you're taking arrows and putting them in your quiver you know if someone's like man i just won the lottery last week cool in my quiver you go because when you tell me at the end that you can't do this because you can't afford it i'm going to take that arrow out and i'm going to go you got plenty of money you just won the lottery and i get to overcome that objection with all the things that i was able to put in my quiver from them talking 80 of the time okay so the next piece is i'm trying to make this a little bit smaller because i know i'm going to run out of room here is rapport now report is really really important i've heard some people talk about how it's not it's dead and and what you don't want to do is be a robot you don't want to like have a conversation and immediately go so are you married how many kids do you have oh me too it's like you don't want to be a rapport building in the middle of it what you want to do is through your as they're talking 80 of the time you're hearing certain things that allows you to get relatable right it's like oh wow you live in arizona too what part oh that's cool wow i'm over here on the east valley we're going we're talking you know we're able to build rapport and reporters basically just creating a relatableness and a likability and that creates the trust factor that you need when you ask somebody to buy from you that they feel comfortable doing it okay so that's the rapport don't be a robot don't do it in the beginning uh incorporate it into your conversation all right the next thing is so for the art really it's like in the skill that's like the conversational piece of sales so you really want to have your story outlined and identified you know how did you get to where you are why do you do what you do why do you like what you do you know what obstacles did you face you know what what uh what things were you able to overcome what things did you discover to make what you're doing easier so that you're set as the expert at the end saying hey you can avoid all that heartache i just did because i've learned this and this is going to be the easiest path for you so you want to have your story outlined i'm not a big fan of scripts okay so you'll never hear me say oh here's a sales script go use this and sell number one you don't talk like me so me using your script or you using my script just wouldn't work anyway but also writing out scripts kind of sucks because if you're having an authentic conversation by asking them questions to get them to talk most of the time that conversation could go a hundred different directions if you try to plan out that with a script they're going to go off one direction and you're going to bring it back to your rigid script and you're like dude and they'll be like why are they bringing that up that's freaking weird because it doesn't feel like an authentic conversation doing it this way makes it feel like an authentic conversation which is actually going to help you uh you know convert more deals have better conversations set more appointments and just making it authentic and all about them and a service to them and remember this little caveat if what you have does not benefit the person you're speaking to cut it off like don't try to sell them something that's not going to help them otherwise you're a piece of crap like you don't want to be a piece of crap most people hate sales because there's a bunch of pieces of crap out there that are selling pieces of crap to you and when you buy it and you're like crap this is a piece of crap that person was a piece of crap for selling this to me i don't want to look like that piece of crap to my customers so then you just avoid selling all together it's like no just don't be a piece of crap and make it about somebody else instead of yourself and that will make an authentic conversation it'll be natural because you actually care about what they're saying you're actually listening to what they're saying that's another piece here is uh listening so if they're talking 80 of the time then you should be listening 80 of the time all right which means you're listening you're not thinking about the next thing to say that's where a lot of people miss out it's like the person's talking about heart if i say this let's see i can listen the sale and then the person stops talking like and it's like dude you didn't even listen to what i just said like why are you even talking about that right now it's like they're going on a conversation and then you just stop it and start talking about something that you wanted to talk about instead of them talking about something and then you talking about what they talked about and getting relatable and having that conversation and maybe directing it to something else but conversation is like a dance the skill is like a dance the conversation isn't dance you don't want just to properly stop and then start dancing to another freaking song you know what i mean so i don't like scripts for that reason but here's what i do like about certain scripts okay there's certain things that you do over and over again that you know aren't elaborate like a conversation but like uh an introduction so when you call someone and they say hello what do you say uh hey uh this is jeremy and i uh you know just wanted to call you from this place because you looked literally filled out a form on my website and i uh you know just wanted to see if it was so like what questions you got right that sounds terrible doesn't sound like a professional doesn't sound like somebody has confidence and those two things are really going to help set the tone because you don't have a second chance to make a first impression right so doing scripts for like your introductions uh for your voicemails here's the cool thing about voicemails is when you do scripts for voicemails you start telling which voicemail is actually getting people to return your phone calls and not so that you can say this one isn't working after a couple of weeks you know go then change that and do another one right and then you do other uh until you get voicemails that actually give people to call you back and then the other one is your closing questions like you don't want to get to the close i heard somebody say they're talking on stage like i can see when somebody's about to do a close on stage because they're up there and they're talking about their stuff like it's amazing his story i made millions and i'm awesome and then you know like i got this thing i've been working on it's kind of cool you know if you want to do it you know it's okay you can sign up for my program it's in the back you know it's like two to two to two thousand dollars it's not a big deal you know it's just too grand you know it's two grand between friends and they're like they can identify like when the person is about to sell they go from their pitch to the sale and it's totally awkward and weird and it's because they don't sound professional they don't sound like they have confidence in it and that's why you want to write out a script for your closing questions so you can say it the same exact way every single time because if you do your intro and your closing question and your voicemail is the same way every single time it becomes second nature it's not like you're trying to memorize it um it's memorized and you can just it just flows and it just sounds natural because you could just be like hey this is jeremy i'm giving you a call you filled out a form on my website uh we're talking about doing masterminds and that's something that you uh you know wanted to be interested in and i just wanted to see if you had any questions before you went ahead and joined the group before space ran out you know something along those lines clearly that would suck but what you want to do is you want to sound confident and you just say it over and over and over again so it just sounds confident when you say if there's a confident person on the other end of the line i want to hear what they have to say what else is going on you know they're wishy-washy guess what i don't have a free time for this pizza click right same with the clothes want to have that stuff scripted out um and then what you want to have and this is probably one of the most important parts if you want to increase your skill set is your outline convo outline like what are the things that you know you need to be talking about you're asking questions great what questions are they you know is there a flow to the questions that you're normally asking right are those questions helping overcome objections later on right and what you really want to be talking about is what i call like there let me put this in a different i hope i don't run out of space i might draw sideways here but motivation and what's the motivation to actually do this what's the motivation to move forward what's going to get them to to what's driving them to actually do it when they get to a point of not wanting to do it right what's the pain that they're feeling that's making them want to do that and then what's the emotion you know what happens if they don't do that what happens uh when they do do that and what happens if they don't is like you know poking their finger in the wound and making that problem feel way way worse than right now because if i'm talking to you right now i don't really feel the pain is when i'm in the situation so being able to have that emotional conversation kind of makes them relive it and then you're poking at the pain and they start actually feeling it you know so they can actually make a purchasing decision and then value right what value is this solution going to bring to their life and then you go into the close right so figuring out what to say and having an outline so that as they're going and you're talking you have an authentic conversation you're doing a little dance right and once you get enough quivers from the one topic motivation then you're talking with them about what they said cuckoo cool yeah that's awesome oh and by the way boom i'm going into motiv emotion so i'm just going down my outline without a script because i want to keep it like a authentic conversation so kind of some of the other things with the art is there's different types of sales there's different types of sales so like i talked about next step selling uh there's like the consultative sale the feature and benefit sale so there's just different types of sales so what type of sale works best for you in your industry identifying that and then the different types of closes there's a lot of different closing techniques out there and to be honest with you some of them don't work anymore you know they've been overused people are aware of them and when they hear it they get turned off they feel inauthentic from that so using different type of closing techniques that are actually working today is key and the simpler the better i feel and then of course being able to overcome objections mastering that art is key and number one being able to because everybody's going to have objections everybody's natural response is to say no right and you get know a lot and a lot of those objections fall under different categories like time money or fear right every objection falls under that it's either i don't have enough time i don't have enough money or every other excuse is something around fear they don't feel comfortable with you they don't trust you they don't like you all the things they're not willing to say so they make up random stuff of why they're not going and being able to identify what the true objection is and then being able to overcome that okay one of the other tricks too with overcoming objections is you overcome them in the beginning of the conversation with the questions that you ask you're trying to get answers that you can use to make sure there's no objections later on down the road that's really the key and trick to what i teach in sales the art of selling without selling is basically i get i overcome the objections in the conversation so at the end i don't get objections i get so when do we start how do i get started what do i got to do to move forward right like getting that instead of hey so i was just wondering if you wanted to use a visa mastercard and uh oh you don't well hey how about like that sucks compared to getting to the end and then being like well here's my credit card where do i put it in right that's way better right um and then the last thing of the skill is retention so once you get a client how do you retain them to stay a client and that all goes back to the original conversation because you're always selling so some people uh you want to make sure they have a good experience some people want to quit because of certain things that are popping up in their lives that it seems easier to just quit stuff and it's like you want them to keep going because they'll get a benefit out of that you need to be able to learn how to retain them okay so that's just a few things that cover the science and the art of sales all right and like i said i'm going to go into some of these in a lot more detail throughout the week excuse me so that's it for today that's level of tuesday anyway i hope this has been beneficial for you if you like the video please share it and if you didn't like it and if you haven't liked my page please go over to my page and make sure you like and follow that again i really appreciate it and i will see you guys tomorrow if you're new or just coming on make sure you check the whole video out and i am jeremy kenderson this is level up tuesday and i'm here to help you level up your life and your business all right you have a great day bye thank you for joining me for this episode of the ultimate biz builder podcast again i'm jeremy kenderson and if you like this episode then subscribe to my channel so you can get notified of the next episode i really appreciate you and i'll see you on the next episode

2021-02-03 22:47

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