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We're. Live, are, you live on it's really you, yes, so. They can see you, yes. I. Can't. Remove that phone call, it's. Like xxx, Konishi only remedy. To a record. High. Beam. Black. Lung a looong career, yes, I take no isn't now, do. You know, why, are you selling your injures new with great writing it word on the dress you know trendy, I'm not trading it my. Little dream because. I think I, want to take the tenth. No. Stuff. Sorry. I'm. Gonna hack into the system. Yeah. Like you can even freaking get on this oh really. Alright. Y'all. In here anything. Wait. How. Was that black that she ex P oh. Wait. There, look like, party. Hat, already. Having such a Blackburn. Plus a good -. Sorry. Left I know it was there but only. Chance. Oh. Wow. What does thanks be me X days laughing fit art explain, this to do. He looks at the captain's if you put a piece. That. Looks. Like yeah. Brother D is upside down so, it doesn't look, see. Cuz it has a line going up unless. You do a catalyzer, can, keep on your dirty. Clothes. To. Wear. Good. Look. At this I stuck it on. Whatever. Watch. This. Something. Did. You not see this, any, TV AJ. Kenny. P they. She. Called me running one person woman yeah. Cuz, it differently. One. In Rebecca's, one minute ago. Well. I, took, one of this I. Do. It in a way I get like five people in two seconds. No. I don't have anything to give away except. For like a red one I don't, have a red line I have the headdress, and a. Cleansing. You're aware enough yeah, can. I tribute it like everything I have so all you have right now only it all or, you have it I. Have a lot of late, worthless. Items or, give them away they're. Worthless and, then don't tell them. They're. Gonna unsubscribe, now. They know but. Say. I'll give you anything to please, wait. Why, don't you see what, I. Just. Gave, you one. You. Know. Just. Do anything. You. Know. Yeah. Okay. I don't want you ruining this, Braille is here when people ask me what are you like I don't know just awful. You don't understand. But. Like. Exactly. Here. We have to us with garbage. Maybe. You're just a liar. I'm. Gonna give you a free, gift review comb. At daddy, good, looking you said. But. They did it and you didn't do it, because that's what you said I don't have anything that doesn't mean I. Do. Good. Peanuts. AJ, you. Know peanut. Any me. Through. Sniffing, so frickin, any, ejo peanut. I'm. Gonna give my background sounds like why not let's. Back. Up. I. Thought. Your hair won't count no, I'm like three counts. We. Disseminate. Jammer, oh no my agent got a perfect, zero, zero. Is. That your boss. No. Yes. It is. Of. Course. Why. Do you have such a big house pick, up. How. Do you get money I have a way mayor outside and I, have 75,000. Pounds. Because. I just do in am i right. Yes. Practically. Join. One which. One Nathan get the biggest house the biggest. House maybe the smallest house. Really. Cheers. One that you think is the biggest, that. One, this. One yeah let's doing it in right, now well, then let me see in, the. Small house nope. A Waterford, no good, boy yeah oh it's, gonna be the barn at first but I thought you, know what it might be the smallest. And. Then. You want to see the smaller that's your house right there it's, just house smokes mom I know how. Squawk. Just touched every face in. Disguise that. Is. Your guy. I. Stopped. Playing Piero's horns oh. My. Boys don't wanna be back in company, cuz, I like the tire huh. That's. All I did was get, animals, running around hello. Go. Take traitor. You. Should train the pink room my, big girl yeah but I, mean. That. One. Yellow. Train. Attack. It's. Eerie. I was. Ears. Ear. Mr.. Krabs. After. Sandy. Sandy. Is pretty weird, really. However. She's. Got a spice. Girl. Yes. Squeeze. Her. Well. Haha. Oh. They, where to. Willy. Billy, Oh three. Well. This is a tight. Mammal. Wool. Fool. Membership, with all your, accounts you have me on it and, Fred. You.

Have A. Nikkie. Right whatever. Yes, you're able to count on yeah well. You have me as, a friend over. I. Have. 822. Do you think. Your. Your, brown. Yes. Quick. Deepened. Okay. My name is I, will. Remember what I see it. Little. Three head. It's. On tier D. Look. Wasn't. That close around actually yeah but. You. Know I'm unlocking. This so energy I can't send me a ticket, pick it up take it oh. I. Don't have enough. Oh. Guys. Like. No. Eat. You, resume me. Like. This I. Have. My bike in. Does. It sound any different. Why. Might you owe y'all, clean s like whatever. Just. Waiting for day. Offline. Whines. Ready. Freddie, ready. Good. Kind. Of. Cake. Is Bootsy, dude. Is she training me or what. It. Shouldn't, take that long. That's. I. Don't. Know what y'all do, computer, luck okay she left, um how. Would ever I guess she's not joining me.

2018-08-04 16:37

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