Affiliate Marketing Better Than A Traditional Business!

Affiliate Marketing Better Than A Traditional Business!

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hello hello everyone happy tuesday everyone uh we're here again going live to you uh i'm josephine with my two partner here david and maria i'll let them introduce themselves later on but yeah we're going live again to give you guys some insight or what we think we were talking about since last week about uh brick and mortar having brick and mortar business versus a digital business especially our digital business so today we're going to give you uh we experience the benefits of having a digital business in our experience versus having a brick and mortar so tune in guys and thank you if you are tuning in thank you if you're watching later for a replay thank you very much but now i would like to encourage and let them introduce themselves my partner maria and david this maria you wanna go first hello okay so yeah thank you so much for hosting today this is josephine and thank you for everyone for tuning in today uh my name is maria as you can see on screen i was born in spain originally from west africa the gambia living in scotland i am a mother a wife a postgraduate student a successful and proud digital business owner and mentor so yes that's all about me josephine that's amazing thank you very much thank you thank you we we well known you now because every week we see you and hear you i'm sure all of our viewers okay uh david yes hello thank you how y'all doing everybody doing good yes uh awesome hey good i'm uh david i've lived in texas all my life uh father of four married uh full-time truck driver full-time business of a digital business owner and uh i'll stick with it and love every bit of it and that's pretty much what i do you know that's amazing oh sorry that's amazing to hear thank you brother david for sharing and so maria is from uk uh brother david is from texas usa and i am josephine a little bit about myself i'm married i have one son and i'm living here with my family in calgary alberta canada so yeah so today uh we would like to extend a discussion or share about our thoughts about having a brick and mortar business versus having the digital business especially you know we have uh so much uh online business going on right now especially with all the pandemics and all of this thing that we have to stay home and one of that is our digital business which is we known from last year we are the biggest and the most global business in the world so so yeah sorry uh so today we're just gonna share based on our on our experience and based on our journey the benefits that this online business is bringing us cuz these guys is amazing so so yeah i would like to ask uh maria or david i think ladies first to go to go what what she think or what benefits uh this online business is bringing her into her life as a mom as a student i i wouldn't know that she can do this but she did she's doing great with this thing so let's hear it from sis maria thank you josephine for giving me the opportunity uh to share this but yeah the benefits of doing this digital business uh compared to a brick and mortar is the fact that you can do it anywhere you don't need like uh the physical store to run your business and we're just leveraging the the internet and i'm just able to do my business with a laptop or even my mobile phone so that's that's the biggest advantage and benefit of this digital business the fact that with only my phone and internet connection i can still run my business and now the benefit is like the automated system that we have in place that allow us to to to to run our business 24 7 without the need of being there and we are not doing any selling or any like holding an inventory or anything like that because the system is doing that for us in the background so that allows as a busy mom as you said and postgraduate student um able to invest only one hour of my time and then the rest of the day is for me with my copy commitments and to focus with my on my commitment so that's the other benefit of our digital business that there's so many out there but the difference that we have is the fact that we don't have to sell or bug any families and friends to come on board because the system is there to do it for us automatically so yeah i think for me those are the main ones because that's what i'm enjoying about this business the flag that i have the flexibility uh due to their system automated system and the fact that i don't need to run a store and to to run my business with the employees involved all the costs involved and i'm still able to to to run a business so yeah i would say those are the main ones for me yeah that's absolutely like you're right on that and for all of us i guess uh that's that's what we're looking for the flexibility of this business is is just so much help for especially when you are a busy person you are you're having full-time job and you would like to earn more so yeah that's amazing that's that's really really a good point to have uh i think to a reason to have a digital business and online business okay we're gonna hear from our uh friend from texas usa thank y'all thank y'all hey yes uh you'll follow up with maria you know this was a good point she brought up and uh i remember back i've always had the entrepreneurial mindset so i remember back in the 90s late 90s i actually had an idea where i wanted to invent i'm a big-time fisher and i'm a big time hunting and i've heard i wanted an event a lure that would flash underwater well i didn't have the capital to start it up and i was like man i don't have the capital out of the money well i remember somebody come up with this and i was like oh my goodness that was my idea why didn't i pan it well uh this thing took off for you know maybe a couple years but it died out and uh i'm like man you know it's probably a good thing i didn't do it and i probably would have made money but where would it had gone you know you always gotta and that's the thing about uh uh being like a brick and mortar you gotta have the right physical product you gotta know what people want you gotta make sure that product sells uh if not you gotta recreate something different and you're always spending money on uh hey what are people going to buy what are people going to need what i'm going to do with this leftover stuff now i got to go make a big sign saying hey 20 off on something you know coming you know come get come get this item and you lose money out on it and uh the thing about the digital side is that we already got everything in place assistance are in place uh you'll never run out with other products that we got they're in place so uh everything on the online digital uh business side is set up compared to having a brick and mortar where you have to keep uh coming up with an idea what what can i sell now what what more products can i get so uh what clothes are gonna sell so it's kind of hard to keep inventory in stock compared to the online side where we already got we don't have to mess with inventory we got all the products in place and uh we don't have to worry about losing our money and uh and you know it's it's like uh and it's a lot better than i know a lot of people go to what uh they become an affiliate for amazon and amazon's real hard to do because you have to buy in bulks and your money is stored in another country so if you want your money back you never know if you're gonna get your money back and uh so being an affiliate for amazon or walmart is so hard to do and uh because you always have to buy bulks and you don't know if that product's gonna sell so our system teaches you the better way uh uh you know and where you don't have to buy bulk you don't have to buy products you don't have to sell knock door-to-door bug friends and family so uh like i said our business model is a lot easier and uh you know we're gonna invite you later to our workshop training which i hope you know we're actually going live tonight so i hope people can make this training so uh yeah people don't really understand so we're here to educate people to help them out you know not to join something that they might get uh that's too heavily involved or you got to keep up with uh the physical side and you know you know even you know running like i said running like amazon being affiliate for them it's kind of like a brick and mortar because you always have to try to buy these products and sell these products and if you don't then you're stuck with a lot of a lot of inventory and like i said all your money is stored in another country that you don't even know where that money's at but uh here you know where you know you have your money you know what you don't have to keep an inventory because you know that everything is in place for you uh so that's a big difference between our system and other people's system is that we have a better setup than anybody else out here and uh you know i'll let i'll let josephine take it over from there before i go because i'll keep rambling on yeah i think you you get a big point as well there because uh that's absolutely right i have as i said before i have this like half online half brick and mortar business that i started but then you have to order this product first before you can even have and you need to sell this you need to sell this otherwise you're gonna you're gonna have uh you're gonna lose your your uh membership or distribute or id something so you have to have quota and everything and if you don't sell anything you don't get commission of course which is yeah and my other my other thing that i was doing before you need to have like you need to do the demos so actually you have to invite people like friends or friends like you're you're gonna be bugging friends to invite them and ask them if you can do demo with them right to show the product and something but our online business doesn't doesn't need us to do this we have we have the system that do this for us and and that's right uh when david is saying that uh when he's trying to he was planning to build a brick and mortar business i think that would that would uh bring you like whenever you gonna uh think of stopping like if you're tired of it you cannot just do it when you have this uh brick and mortar i guess because now online i'm seeing so i'm i'm joining this uh so much group that they are doing online sailing and something and i see people that is just like giving away their stuff the the remaining product because they cannot sell it anymore like if you have a jewelry store before and what's happening right now in the world i don't think somebody will be go shopping or shopping going in store to buy this jewelry because we don't really need them anymore we cannot go party so much right now so so yeah so i saw her she's uh joining this group to to sell her product online to put it 70 to 90 percent discount for sale so i don't know how much she going to lose maybe she's just trying how much she spend for that uh to just to have that product but i don't think she's gonna have a profit anymore if she put it 70 to 90 so so so yeah i think that's a good point um good point for people to understand that if you're having brick and mortar uh versus digital business digital business especially our digital business we don't we don't take care of everything like most of it like the product in terms of product inventory we don't do it uh the taking care of the shipping and and to send out if somebody would like our product we don't take care of the shipping it's the company taking care of that so our system is actually uh build and set up for just anyone that that really interested to do it and they can just do it easily that's why one of our motto as well in our group is we teach you how to work uh what's this but not harder like to work smarter but not but not harder so i think that's really fits on our our our system right sis mariah what do you think no definitely definitely i completely agree and that's it that's that's how we are getting all these benefits and the flexibility of doing our business anytime anywhere because we working smarter and like there's no too much hustle um to to to work like as in if you were working nine to five you don't have to get that with our business because we've got the system that's doing everything for us most of it to be honest so you only need to invest 10 percent and that's probably to check up on things and see how you doing but the system is doing everything in the background for us and that's what i love the most the fact that i don't need to invest the rest of the time bugging families and friends to sell something i love that because i can be using that time to uh invest it on my studies and be with my family and do things that i like rather than being there solid on focusing on business business business yeah absolutely yeah and also one point is uh uh about this startup cost we all know that uh having a business you will have a startup cost but if you're having a brick-and-mortar business i don't know i think uh david can tell you so much about how much startup costs compare uh of having a brick and mortar uh versus having a digital business because i think this is a way way way way much bigger difference because on especially when they are using our system is everything set up and we don't have to have the monthly bills for that like and like having your having your brick and mortar you have monthly rentals employee salary or maintenance for the for the building or insurance right and and ours is is just really i think it's very i hear so much people that has because we have everything in our in our community we have people from from insurances from uh real estate uh we have people from like working a 20 years plus employee in oil and gas industry and we have people that are really business owner brick and mortar or traditional business owner and when you hear them saying that oh my gosh this is a no-brainer to start this online business because they already know what's what's uh they going through with this brick and mortar so i think yeah i think uh there's just my point is no uh no business you cannot start a business without a capital without investment so yeah if uh brother david wanna share and add on to that but yeah i think that's the point there yeah like i said you know uh you know a good a good business just for getting your your building and your real estate you're looking at a good 150 000 already uh if you're buying the property if not you're gonna be paying rent and i'll tell you how much you know most of these uh uh commercial places want to charge on uh rent especially if you live in big cities uh but it was like uh it's like a uss maria saying you know the digital side is so much easier you know you got you got you were you working part-time and you you know since maria is a work work a university student i'm a full-time truck a full-time truck driver and uh we don't have to uh put our what you call we know to trade our time into this business because it's running on the back end so so what i want i just open my phone up see what's going on for a little bit and close the bag do what i gotta do get off get off work so when i'm ready but now when i get ready i'm gonna quit because i'm loving this digital business but right now i don't have to worry about going uh to uh going going to my store i don't have to worry about checking out my employees i don't have to worry about anything because they're just running back in for me so when i want to go go get off here work i can go mow the yard take the kids to dairy queen show them put a bunch of ice cream down their face so they leave me alone for a little bit and uh so you know i don't and i don't have to mess with nothing it's just it's just a business that runs in the back end all you need to do is just spend a little bit of time make sure everything's in place and check up on it you know you know every two two hours a day at least you know you don't do it you know spend two hours on it at once just 10 minutes here five minutes there 20 minutes there just just a little bit here and there and uh and you just you just won't have to trade your time you don't have to trade that's the main thing your freedom that's what we're looking for the word freedom we're we're trying to get everybody educated this platinum platform because of freedom uh uh save your money you know well once you invest in something like this you don't have to keep investing and investing like you would with amazon walmart uh ebay uh just just so many sites you can be affiliated with they got to keep buying the bulks and keep wasting wasting their time to keep trading their time and not having no freedom to try to sell these products we don't have to worry about that we get more freedom so that's why we're trying to educate people to this system so you can be free with your with your family uh free if you want to be go go to school be a part-time uh be part-time uh work full-time work whatever you want to do this this system allows free though uh so so that that's what we're trying to educate people on yeah i'll let y'all take back over yeah and you cannot quit you know when you start just to let you know david you cannot quit anymore in this business because when you start earning the passive income you don't wanna you don't wanna refuse the passive income there because yeah if you once you build this business this is going like no quitting even if you don't do anything but once you build that foundation that it will run for you it will work for you because every one of us is looking for that freedom freedom of time that we can spend so much more with our family taking care of them and financial freedom i think that's the most two things that we are looking looking forward to achieve when we start a business and this digital business is is giving us is is allowing us to have this we have like 90 91 more than in our global community nearly 93 000 members now oh boy so that happened in in two years like we rank up when i started it was like 24 000 and now it's 92 thousand so and that's uh people around the world this one goal one one one what's that one one one thing that we're aiming is to have this freedom because everyone now is don't have time you don't have time for your kids you ask somebody let's go we have a something invite someone in your house to have just chat and have some coffee i don't have time i i have to go to work and like this and that's that's terrible yes i guess honestly i do agree and i think it's time because we having resources that we can leverage like the technology is there for us to leverage we um the fact that we need to be like i think we need to shift ourselves from that cycle of world homework home because we can leverage with things that we we created ourselves like the the technology like we can be using it wisely and be enjoying things that like our family and have that freedom that we are talking about because still it looks like we are still enslaved into that nine to five sort of um cycle like work home work home and we are telling you that we have a solution like we shouldn't be like that i don't think we deserve it and i don't think it's fair and we can have that freedom through these amazing solutions and opportunities that are out there you know yeah because i'm enjoying it to be honest and this we've seen it our community within our community that people who were like within that cycle they managed to create and build their dreams and that's what i think that's what everyone deserves and we can do it we can make it happen and we are making like we we are there already so um anyone can can join us and the fact that you don't need any like requirements like first like personal like any educational background you don't need anything you are trained to do this and and everything is giving out to you like video based and you have the the community you have the physical support as well you have mentor and coaches assigned to you as soon as you join us so it's easier for you to go through this journey and become successful as they say we are a successful community so if you surround yourself within success of people you are likely to become one and that's how i say i'm a really proud and successful digital business owner because i'm i'm part of this amazing community that we all have the same a goal we are there like we always moving forward and guys that's why we are here every single week sort of like telling you this amazing opportunity that we can help you we are professional mentors here that can guide you through this journey and allow you to have that uh freedom that you might be looking for is right in front of you we can only talk about it but you are the one to get the action at the end of the day so yes yes so true so true well yes thank you very much for pointing that out sis maria and yeah i guess uh we say so much today i think that was a good point that we we extend this conversation about this topic but yeah it's amazing that's all we can do to share what we think share our experience if we inspire people check on us connect with us maria david myself and we're here we can guide you we can help you and yeah if you need to use the webinar yes tell them invite them please so today we have in the webinar which we all went through the same process and on how to start this business and yeah guys is a live webinar that you get to see real testimonials and you get to hear our business plan yeah and it gives you an insight of the pillars of how we do this business and you can watch it through uh by just connecting to like with one of us and just going to our website and registering with your name and email address and then the automatic email will be sent to you and then the further steps will be there as well to invite you to the webinar if you um go through any issues or anything like that we are more than happy to send you the link easily yeah watch it and get this set up to watch the webinar because that is what thanks to the webinar today i'm here to tell you guys that this is real and it has changed our life so yeah guys you can you can you can do it anyone can do it yeah yeah right so yeah just to also add up this is costs nothing you need to just register your email address so you get the link emailed to you and if you uh ever can't make the live one because it's at 5 pm pst and i'm sure it's in uk it's 1am so if you cannot make the live one when you registered you automatically or allow us to to send you the latest replay after that live done it will send you the replay so you can watch it anytime and if you need help you cannot find it we're here message us anytime and we're gonna help you out and look for it so but yeah it's free it's a information session that will lay out everything how this business work how how you can start your own as well and yeah so yeah i think that's just an invitation for today as well because we are going live and i don't know what else to say [Laughter] that's yeah that's everything yeah that's it that's it that's amazing uh uh conversation today and thank you thank you for clearing more about this topic because i think it's very important that people would understand and maybe they can think about it because all we have to do is share share our our journey our opinion and it's it's for them to decide yeah right uh exactly yeah completely ugly so yeah i think we we've covered pretty much everything i think actually we will definitely see it because you will have yeah you would just go for it so yeah i think that's everything yeah after you take the first step watch this webinar if you want to go ahead and do the next step it's up to you but yeah it's all up to you guys and if not then it's all good it will not cause you will not lose anything but just gaining those information that finally you hear and yeah you're gonna say oh this is for me oh oh not my thing okay but yeah thank you guys i just want to thank you thank you sis maria thank you brother david i know he's at work right now so i'm sure i don't know he get cold or he has an internet problem but thank you for joining us thank you guys for tuning in and if you're gonna watch the replay thank you very much and let us know uh connect with us if you need help and to to checking this today we have um live information session in canada it's thursday 5 p.m pst hope to see you guys in that live and yeah hope we can help you as well to setting up your own online business thank you guys bye bye for now have a great tuesday everyone hi thank you so much josephine thank you

2021-08-06 07:16

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