Adunola Feature

Adunola Feature

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So I am, here with the lovely Ana, NOLA and, she's. Gonna be talking today about her, coaching, experience. And. It's, funny cuz just before this recording we. Realized. That it was exactly twelve months ago that we started when. We first started working together so, it's been a full, 12 months, so. Add NOLA introduce, yourself, can. I run about your business and he helped. That's. It you got that elevator pitch perfect. So. You work, with young. Professionals, and. You help them get, unstuck in their careers. So. Tell. Us a little bit more than about how, it. Started, so the name of your business I don't think we've said, it. The. New employees. And. I. Got, started so a, year ago before I started working with you as you, know I was you, know I didn't, really consider myself a blogger but looking back like that's what I was like our articles, I wrote articles well, but. I didn't, really have the brand. In the face I would say that. I needed to position myself as a coach, so, I didn't have my. Website I had no pictures of myself on, my, Instagram. I. Didn't. Have anything I love the business but I didn't have it set up in the I could, actually start. Making, money from it and. So, working. With you definitely, helped me put all that structure in place so that can go from bloggers. Yeah. I remember that it's funny we were just talking about before we started recording, ads. Anolis. Old Instagram. Theme, and, I said I had a screenshot, from you, know twelve months ago before we started working together and it was just it, was yeah, it was a bit all over the place wasn't it and. Then. You. How to show, it I. Mean. It's so nice obviously from my point of view as well just, seeing a brand grow in you develop like the, aesthetics, the the tone of voice or brand messaging like everything, is just like it's, amazing, from my point of view as well knowing that again I helped you do this it's great and. It's really nice to see you like it's so confidently, as a, business owner right, like. You're. An actual business owner working with paying clients. And. I. Can't. Remember I, can't, remember I. Don't. Think you had a name you hadn't like to find your title that's all that had you. So. What was your experience. Working. With your, first paying client, what, was that like and how did that come about I can't even remember now, it. Came. Didn't. In what happened is two in a day and, then I can't remember. And. I, was like I'm fine. It's my day it's. Been. Like 11 and you're like you haven't, had that many, like you. Need to have more and I was like oh come. On I had to change something like I was like maybe I'm not doing my business right maybe I'm not selling myself maybe.

I Don't have the right program, and you're like like. You're fine, but you need to have more cause and so I. Increased. Them on a cause I was happy and I. Remember, I remember. The second time I was like something's not right you're talking and you're like, you're. Not, you're. Not making, them feel like they, should have it you're not really letting them know that they need this, and I remember you told me literally three. Things I need to change and, the. Next day that I had my cause and I changed, those three things I landed, two clients that same day. I. Remember. I emailed. You the first I, just look oh my. Gosh. I. Remember. Because I'm. Ahead of you in time so of the same in the UK and I remember waking up and seeing those two emails, and the first one was like I just wanted to paint quiet and then the second was like oh my, god I can't even believe I just wanted another quiet and I was like literally, like so excited, in my bed for you just like. Wow. Like someone's paying me you, know like you. Can have the idea in your mind for a long time but then. Validate. It yeah. Monetary. Gain, you know you're like oh wow this, is good, like this you're onto something you know so. Working with my first client, really was because. I had worked with a client, before free, just to kind of make sure that I knew what I was doing and then so, I could would have paid crying and seeing their result and you. Know feeling, like they. Got. Game even more than they paid was, was. All the confirmation, I needed to know that I'm correction, and. As crazy because looking back I I thought, I was charging so much like, in that first time, and, looking. Back on. Charging. That low like it was so low like my prices, have doubled since then and. You would argue an aphasia still increased which I don't disagree with, okay, yeah. It's. Crazy because I was charging that part and I felt like this was so small, I mean so much and almost. Willing to pay that and for the first time so that, was just a great. Yeah. And you realize you're, bluffing as well and you're like yeah this is this, is it like it's a business now it's not it's.

Not Just a blog like you would say yeah. So. Are you you still enjoying working with your clients. You. Know you're working one-on-one. With, your clients, I know we've talked about what the next kind of big thing is for you so, you know scaling, up but, I mean are you still loving what you do is still loving working with your clients even 12, months on. Really. Enjoy I. Think one thing that has, helped me be able really, enjoy I, just. Don't anyone, you know like a lot of times people they. Just want to get that sell there's, a longing, and. For, me it really is about abundance. Office pricing like not feeling like every person comes through the door I have to work with them and. So I, really. Take into account if I measured, the pricing before I work with I'm like if we can really do great work together they. Have potential, that they don't realize yeah. The, things that I can help them do that I know I should do for them the food work together and so. Taking. It from that mentality and not just saying like oh they want to work with me so I have to work with them has, really helped me because when I do work with someone it's a great, fit you know like I know that we're gonna do great work together I'm so, yeah I love it like. It's. So amazing, to have clients like email, me like this, is what's happening. Because of our work together, like. And, it's like twelve months later I have so many different testimonials, and you. Know I never really, thought how, I knew what. What. Is my business I know from my own personal experience, right it's all new for myself what it meant to me but to see how much into, my. I'm. A call with me and we're talking about their careers it's, like whoa like this, is life-changing you know I, don't, think anything is better than that like being able to. Live. And know that you, know it's because of the fact that you said yes to yourself and decided to do it. Yeah. I love. It it's the same like for me like that. Feeling that you get it's like you, can't put a price on that the, feeling that you you know that you've helped someone transform. Their life like that is like oh it's. Amazing isn't it it's like the best feeling. So. I mean for you if you think about where your business is now and, where it was you know 12 months ago before we kind of got started I mean what what. Would you say is was the biggest kind of like change. Or the biggest kind of thing. For you or turning, point or what. Was it like coming through the program that you, know, really. Kind of made, that difference from where you were at, obviously. Where you're where. You are now. So. Much and to trust Mike that was something, that really helped, me and, I feel, like even, helps me today because I still think about like how I just really felt like I wasn't doing the right thing anymore I have to go and change all these things and I remember you told me like sometimes. You see the change one thing like just cuz one thing is if something isn't going right doesn't mean you have to change your entire business, you, know like find, out what that one thing is and, then fix back, and that's something I've held on to because, sometimes, things won't go right and it, can make people like your disaster and, you know you're milling and maybe. You just need to change your captions, or maybe you just need to change your photos or you just may need to have more cause like I. Think. That. Mentally. Was a great being acting for me but also knowing, you. Know that I can. Make the amount of money that I want to make and. It's, not I. Think has. Been said and I might only can make that money but I can do it in a consistent and predictable way. Is. What. I feel like I can, take those who possess in my life because even, when I'm low or when things are going why.

I'm, Still in control of fixing, that you know there's nobody else and you, know people say that entrepreneur, entrepreneur. All the time but. You, know with you like it wasn't just like a thing, like this is the breakdown of how you can make it happen I mean we're just talking earlier and you're like no you can do this by, doing this that's. What I love is mattress like you can do it if I know you can do it by doing X Y & Z and, if that doesn't work then we're gonna go back to a B and C. And. The bigger picture. Yeah. I love that I mean, you I've seen obviously you grow over, the last. 12 months, so some incredible, things have happened so, tell. Everyone about your thoughts. Writing. For. One. You. Know. As. A coach, and not having like the criteria. Like you have certificate. You, know credibility. Was a big thing for me because I, want any wasn't know something for my clients but I think for myself to. Feel like I am, in the right place and so that was really one of my bigger biggest. Goal, of last year along. With getting new science, and still being, able to be a fourth contributor, and writing for boards monthly. Is. A dream come true. Happen. In less than two, years of having a business and. So I, definitely feel like that, confidence and you were able to help me I. Can't. Tell you how many times say you're a good girl like just. Tell. Me how many times that really helped me just blow out okay just do it. Yeah. Before is contributor, I'm, gonna also write for Fast Company. And. I'm starting, to speak more in. Person, themes so. Yeah, a lot of interesting, exciting things since, I love. It I couldn't. Just say that again I add, a NOLA write for Forbes come, on I, just. Wanna hear you say it like that. I. Love. It I mean what I mean we're talking about this a little bit earlier I mean what does that mean for you in terms of like your coaching business as well like not just like an amazing personal, goal there that you've just reached but you, were saying that it brings you in, new. Discovery. Cores and you get to talk with potential clients because they've seen your work in Forbes right. Probably. More than thirty cause last, month from people from boards, which. Was crazy. Coming. In at that rate you know and so being. Of course I think we really solidified, my place, as a thought leader in my, in the career development industry, um. And since. Then like I've had people reach out to me everywhere. Literally like on LinkedIn, also on Twitter on Instagram through. Email. And it's, amazing, to have people read something, and they like they wanna go and find out who, wrote, it yeah you, read a lot of things that you're like I don't know who the author is you know and so to, have people like on LinkedIn like hey just, wanted to connect. With you I read your article is like wow yay, thank, you you know.

And. Put. Me in front of more eyes which, time, and. It's been an easy way for me to just connect with a lot, of different people yeah. I love. That honestly like oh, it's. Such a joy like seeing, this like, just come like I know from our conversation, like if you think about our first, strategy, cool discovery cool whatever you want to call it like 12. Months from there actually if you think about all the things that you've done in those 12 months Mike, it's actually crazy. Yeah. I. Love it cause by now you've said. Like. Yeah, you're gonna need to have bigger dreams because those things that you want to accomplish. Yeah. It's, funny cuz we we laugh like this all the time anyone watching this right now like seriously I love Adam. Like. I mean, it's been a year we started working together over a year ago and, we still like we're in touch we're thinking, about doing. Some more work together. I mean tell, everyone what, what. Skál is like what is the, even bigger picture like if you can get bigger than writing for Forbes I mean what is like the bigger bigger. Picture, for you. To. Be able to reach more people at once. So, I'm looking into doing coaching. Rather, than just agriculture. So, that I can be able to help more people too honestly you know working, one-on-one is amazing, but it does take away from that to work with other people, so. Why, don't you do coaching, wanting to do more in pricing things too with more people so. What it being able to reach more people is my vagin. Yeah. I love, that impacting. More people helping more people receiving. More emotional. Emails from your clients, thanking, you and just, yeah feeling, fulfilled in every way I love it. But, then she. Has. Been, national. For her. And. So to. Have someone go, through such a traumatic experience. That's. It though that's the that's. The power of incredible. Branding, and being authentic and, you know that work that we did in the beginning to to, build your brand up and lay that foundation like, this is the effect that it's had a year later on people like that who are just reaching out to thank, you for just existing. And being there and having a an influence. On them I. Love. It cool. Well thank you so much just, for taking, the time to chat with me and. Anyone. Who's watching this thank you guys for tuning in, I, mean, how can they get ahold of you where can they find you I know you touched on your Instagram. Is. That the best place for people to reach out to you, you, can go to meet, me on Instagram with the new employees, or you can load my website employee, redefined.

That. Or. You just go to my Instagram and click on the link oh this. Cool. Awesome. Well thank you so much again and. Yeah. We will speak to you guys soon.

2018-03-14 23:13

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