Abraxas' Precipice Episode 15: Business, Dinners, & Dates

Abraxas' Precipice Episode 15: Business, Dinners, & Dates

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oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] i think uh patreon is great nice giveaway is records the password is vinyl thank you everybody watching stuff that was the summation of it that was good that was good yeah that's how that happens i should have checked that before thing i don't know what i could i think i moved my mic around last week there we go okay cool now you guys can hear how beautiful i am and uh it might get the full shadow stevens uh thing i referenced john stephens dude no one knows what shadow stevens is anymore it really bothers me um that's a good voice guys don is like we watched hollywood swears all right all right so um last we left off the group had arrived on sirius station and had a and they were there by the the beck and call of one anderson dawes the newly appointed governor of syria station he um you responded to his call he had a uh proposition for you a job for you um one that was interesting enough not the most like he wasn't telling me to go out and do this thing right now and the ship's leaving he was just telling you like this is going on right now and i want you guys to find it out and because you all represent different interests of the inners and the belt it'll be best if you help us out with that what's up discreetly right discreetly yeah yes until it's no longer appropriate to be discreet he'll i guess might be the way discretion there's a lot of discretion here so uh after leaving the uh the governor's office uh in the upper parts of series station where the gardens are full and the trees grow uh you move on to the core these provided you which are about a level or two below they're not they're not like dingy they're not but they're also not like the regal royal you know type of experience um definitely something that like you could see like a senior officer on a ship stand type thing but not like i mean they're not like you know having gold foil stuff like that too this is very practical there's a small space of prep food um you've been given two rooms so each is two per two per room uh the rooms are set up where you have um uh bedrooms there are two separate bedrooms are kind of tiny but there's a common bathroom there's a small kitchen area in a small like kind of you know living area and such um and you've been provided like also like you know a little bit of a um uh what do you call here like a like a stipend for food so you can order out to like the local food places and you know dog gets built for it and they'll deliver and stuff like that too so it's not really an issue um but yeah there you go that's kind of the setup and i was kind of curious what uh what kind of stuff you want to engage in prior uh or do you wanna start your investigation do something like check on what are we doing on series station today should we go visit your wife donna yeah yeah oh yeah okay oh dinner it's not really an issue you guys go by the room uh put down your bag whatever you have and stuff on there uh you're noticing that like the rules on serious station right now for weapons is it's pretty much open carry um but you probably don't want to be walking around the rifle or something like that like it's not like a really serious weapon sidearms are okay stun gun stuff like that but anything more open you're gonna definitely uh they're gonna kind of frown on it people are gonna look for sure um but uh you can easily get to uh you can take a walk and uh go to the uh the transit station to get to the the commercial area where your uh your store is how did you get donald uh sorry myrtle what's your what's your store's name oh crap you would ask me that or do we have where's my let stuff put my mountain series station too before i forget i have to imagine like our new place like just the flavor when we got the new place i would be like oh man i don't know about aliyah but i feel much better staying in a place like this those fancy things they made me kind of nervous yeah i'm okay with this yeah at least they got a bathtub here there actually is not a bathtub in this one oh no it's not that fancy it's like a shower and stuff it's much more like practical than you what you saw uh luna's nova yeah this this makes more sense to me for sure yeah i just wrote it down as cooper's goods that sounds pretty good yeah i was like where's my character she why i can't find it so i'm gonna do a show what was it called again uh cooper's good super's good okay very very straightforward into the uh to the the point so you guys are currently staying in uh one i'm gonna have you guys around we'll call it the midtown stretch is where you've been been staying uh where your current residence is it's a ways off from where anderson dawes had it you met him up i saw that too uh you can go into the transit station really quickly uh over to the area of uh camden station which is where your your shop would be and it's a pretty high or you can walk you that way it's actually not very far walk but it could be yeah or you can also take like a cart uh they have small kind of like quads like golf carts is kind of these weird wheels um that do a lot better under uh the low gravity sure yeah we could do that um how is uh and also let me get let me get a check i want to get a self discipline so a willpower check from both myrtle and um wyatt honestly yeah you're dealing with coriolis [Music] the power [Music] all right so you both get in here and beyond the spin gravity is is not too bad uh this area is much higher it's it's closer to the surface what we call a lower level uh it's not with the higher levels where the coriolis you can actually see stuff like go sideways quite quickly um but yeah you go ahead and um you're getting kind of used to it and the graveyard too bad and uh how'd you guys want to go was it car transit or walk [Music] a cart park you called the carton uh this uh this lady maybe like uh maybe like mid-20s pulled up and goes uh i uh we're going uh down level we're going uh or down the road we call it a road in space station we're going down the road over to cooper's goods i thought that was the earth when you're talking don't worry about it um yeah okay oh yeah yeah yeah i'll go i'll go right there and like you guys yell the card and it can hold like six people quite easily it's kind of like some of you sitting uh four so you sit backwards like [Music] and and the whole the whole station is a giant ramp that you're going in but it's very subtle at points where you kind of feel at other points and you see people walking around um you like i said we played last time you're seeing more open opa logos um some people are now like uh doing different versions of the split circle so there's like the classic like anarchy version that you've seen but you're seeing people a much more kind of like we'll say art deco logo more stylized kind of thing yeah they figured out as to draw a straight line i'm into it yeah onyx is like oh this this design is good it's very you're realizing the one you're wearing your flight suit is out of fashion now yeah yeah i gotta fix that i gotta fix that man yeah but it's kind of interesting to see like um it's almost like looking at like designer logo contest but it's like not official at all uh but yeah it feels very interesting it's kind of an interesting precipice i mean nobody you grew up uh you grew up with uh even jack rabbit all of you also known about it feeling something different about today um especially having gotten serious station was the biggest station on the uh this in basically out there period they got rebranded yeah yeah new manager yeah hey onyx i bet you could come up with a really nice design for this if there's going to be so many changes and you know it's kind of looking a little sharp you know maybe you could come up with something and maybe we could sell that in the shop and you can make some money from that when we're not here that's a good idea and i like take out my data pad and i'll just start putting in weird sketches you just see onyx like working on different reworking logos you start a file you know you start like you start a file next time we see daws i show them a bunch it's just like regardless yes yes all right so while we're when we're on this cart um you know before like last time i was here is all star helix right yeah uh are we seeing any kind of like what i see um like recognize anybody from star helix who is now kind of doing stuff here uh uh you see like so the security security yeah you don't see like stark helix uh basically like badges you don't recognize you don't see like the people on the beat that you kind of remembered um but what you're seeing more of is like uh i would describe as like opa militia right uh they don't have uniforms but they have arm vans and they tend to be also be the only people walking around there's a few of them that walk around like big weapons like like rifles and stuff like that too um they're not they haven't like slung casually they're not sitting there trying to do it um but like as far as like if you see any kind of crime happen they usually seem like they're more willing to talk it out before they start beating uh where star helix at times could get a little rough with the especially the belters yeah so it's yeah it's it's so it's it's a little bit more uh soothing to me that way because um you know star helix definitely is a hit first ask questions later kind of you know that was kind of the experience you know with some of the other builders like people who have done contracts for us in our store it's like it's good to see you know the belters not getting harassed just for trying to do a day's work um the one thing you you are about myrtle though is that because some of these guys are newer to it you think that like they also might be easier to they might be on the take um they might be easier to bribe and they might be able to add more corruption and also like cronyism with with people they might they might give certain friends more protection than others will say right well this kind of it kind of goes with our perceptions and what we know of dawes and then what's his face [ __ ] nut over on mars you know yeah it's kind of that you know those deals it's always deals it's always the politics internal politics and you know some people get better deals for their loyalty i know that creden guy he corrupt i know even though a dog said he he'd fall in line i bet you he corrupt [Music] hey donna all right john is we're driving on this car do we pass any more of those explosion types of sights like the other guy did show us before um in this area as you drive through um you you do notice kind of one off in an alleyway um it looks like they didn't if it did explode it didn't blow up the storefront but maybe it got into like the back like kitchen or uh like they didn't get in the front door basically when it exploded does that make sense so but it's not in this area it's not quite as explicit um you're not seen as like openly open storefronts going um and a lot of the attacks we saw were on the um the lower the lower level so basically close to the surface closer to the docks where the earthers and the martians have a bigger presence this feels pretty belter oh the the littler one yeah this whole area feels more belcher or focused oh you go when you go to the docks yeah i imagine jack rabbit sits up front with the with the with the woman is driving the cart she would just kind of uh gesture over at that uh real casual like being like oh man we saw another big uh explosion up top that type stuff that crazy you know anything about that um says um um no no no no we're doing it uh we hoping the opa security force is on the task though the uh dodd says uh he's gonna stop it he's gonna put a stop to this but oh opie gotta come together we gotta come together we can't be killing each other i mean i know what mostly arthurs and martians but i mean who who's gonna who's still cleaning up the mess you know who's going to eat these places who's working these places you know even people talk about how bad star helix was but stark helix imported beltos yeah what do you think of this dos guy huh oh don't really buy all this stuff he's talking about a build to love built-in love we all do it together all that stuff it says um you know he makes sure the roads work the road seem good he makes sure that the air always distributed the water always turned on um i mean things have changed for that it's not uh earth is trying to uh you know raise tariffs and taxes and you know make it between the point where like we can't afford it or we die yeah i mean i guess if we're gonna get screwed we get screwed by another belter right yeah no i mean you could talk you know at least you know hey look if if if he drives the station to it where it blow up he blow up with it so that's good you know she's like they don't care at least here if we start suffocating he's suffocates too [Music] um as you come up into the into the uh the area you uh all of you guys spot pretty quick and and you can sense on myrtle there's kind of a an eagerness there uh to say the least um where you're pretty stoked to get to this place you go get back to myrtle's goods um and you guys can kind of feel the tension on on your merle's body the excitement they're in um the the driver pulls up and stops and says all right that'd be uh some uh you and how who's uh which one are you paying we all look at myrtle i guess it's not it's me okay you throw that you throw the cash down it's not much it's pretty easy to afford um and uh she goes all right doki doki and she goes off to the next find her next uh fair staying outside myrtle's goods you see a storefront probably about maybe like like six meters wide it's i mean it's it's it's a bit bigger than like it's it's a storefront uh it's not like a huge storefront but um you do know that like it's uh from what morrow's got talked up it's more about the trade the trade element kind of setting up the stuff here um but you can see through the windows you can see there's some goods in the um like it's like a like a nightstand that's kind of got kind of a nice lamp on it uh there's some kind of um just like like hanging like robes you know in the window uh it's kind of showing off comes in some finer elements the store and you can see the big sign uh you know i don't what kind of letters would you have myrtle's goods in um probably it would probably just be you know like kind of like a dark blue pretty easily red font you know pretty kind of standard that you know comic sense right not comic sans and not papyrus no papyrus came to came to power he banned comic sans that was his move and that's why the popular leader he's president it's a nice kind of it's a kind of it's a it's a business playful font we'll say business is fun what comic stands is all right um but it's a nice looking sign and uh you guys can see the uh through the windows and there's some doors and there's kind of like a front to the place but it's all open right now um most the businesses in this area seem like either restaurants or uh maybe clubs um this is not an area that has if there are brothels in the area they're pretty high-end and they're they're more discreet um but you can see that uh this business like i said about six to eight meters wide it's not like it's not huge you know it's not you're trying to walk into like a freaking target or something like that but it's a it's a storefront so um yeah what do you guys want to do go in go in all right can i i'm gonna wait outside and uh just look at uh maybe her like camera system make sure it's secure i'm just worried if somebody's gonna attack the her her uh cooper's goods all right so i have onyx kind of chilling out watching checking out stuff chilling out uh what about jackrabbit or wyatt i'm gonna hang back with uh onyx just to keep him company all right so i got so i got i got the two two guys hanging outside i was kind of shooting and making sure things are safe and watching people yeah put a camera there and i'm like showing wyatt all these places i would put cameras or you know things to help her security and and i say to myrtle like oh let's go see this uh this is saka let's make sure she good for you huh myrtle i told you never trust a belt a lady that you did you did say that but i think that you'll like her just fine she's she's lovely do you want to go in there by yourself you know and not have no come on i don't know she might get jealous you walk in with another belt up by your side ah no you're fine i'm gonna uh kind of like put my arm around jackrabbit come on and you know open the door and you put your arm on top of jackrabbit and you kind of go in and uh leverage her into your store and you you go you go on in and as you come on in you can see the counter where it's same spot you left it you can see the decorations and some stuff has moved around and changed and the colors changed a little bit stuff you kind of expected but different seed in person versus like a big screen um but as you come on in uh you do see uh it's some lee does i say some lee a similar samilla you see samila standing behind the counter and she lights up when she sees you and she rushes over and uh gives you you know embraces you and uh gives you a you know i don't know how do you guys show affection kiss kiss kisses okay okay i wasn't sure so uh but she goes and she kisses you and you you guys kind of have this moment jack rabbit you're watching myrtle and uh you you've seen myrtle kind of like imagine i'm watching i'm watching like this and just going like yeah you kissed that you kiss that girl you tell her hello oh sorry sorry you could you to go at it and then i just gotta go like look at one of the robes or something and put it on over my clothes oh sorry that probably make it dirty put it back sammy uh sammy i want to each introduce you to my friend jack rabbit here oh hello hi this is our new family our new family so i didn't you didn't know you were getting new family oh we got have been good so i'm i'm not worried i'm not worried at all it's all been good and i've been kind of keeping up with you as much as i can so yeah go ahead and put that on please we get those uh right now sewn up there's a uh there's a guy uh floating around in a uh jeez that's producing silk from these specially uh crafted uh silkworms and they're making these fine fine uh robes please try it on the jackpot and chelsea i don't know if this thing is made out of worms i don't know she's going to put it back on the thing uh that sounds a little weird to me uh and she what i want to do is like i want to get a read of this of this uh belter filter woman i want to lay on the belter like creole super thick like i want to like gauge like how belter is this belter or you know that kind of deal i'm gonna sit back like this and just kind of like okay because i can't if you if you guys start going deep creole i won't be able to follow you so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna sit amused what do you how do you wanna how do you wanna trigger that on her like how do you wanna try to like open up the belt or creole what do you want to say to her and like see how it goes from there like i mean yeah it's it's not it's not like that aggressive because this is somebody myrtle likes and it's it's a little bit more of like uh uh hey like a little bit jabby though because it's jackrabbit so she's something that says something like uh how do you feel with your girl being out in space all that time huh you get worried about her being there what about you being alone got to be hard huh like so she kind of takes a second and she's like you know uh basically tells you like kind of throws it out that her that myrtle and and um sam is assembly uh similar no just call her i never write this for myself so uh i don't remember you just call her sam make it easy okay but she um i did well you know it's kind of explains you that i heard myrtle met when myrtle's still in the navy and that like they got kind of secretly married uh on myrtle's like second time around a series station for some leave romero's using her leave actively trying to come to sirius station and that she basically waited for myrtle like i mean nine months a year to a time so she's like kind of like it's only been like like six months or something like that it's not that bad um but that's also she's gonna you know that's also the job you know that's just what we have to do to go up there and find stuff you know she's like come on she's like she looks at you and she has sizes you're from rockhoppers right you know yeah the rockhoppers they go out they have to go out and grab some some rocks and come back and that takes a lot of time too so it's no different we're just not bringing back rocks oh yeah but that's why i guess the word sometime you're not bring back rocks what you're doing with your hands but never mind never mind uh yeah it's good it's good to see this place murder uh it feel like all the things you've been talking about yeah there's like you know fake candles and like really soft pillows and couches and you know fabric hanging from walls so it's it's very kind of carpety lush you know kind of relaxing in there so you can kind of tell you know that the influence on that is probably not my influence it's probably a combination of our culture's influence to bring this together yeah i like it hey uh i think onyx out there and i gesture to um similar and i point yeah it's like a storefront window we're all tapping on the window yeah he really he really serious about making sure this place stays safe and it don't get bombed like those things up up top are you worried about that kind of thing yeah the bombings there's always been a few and i mean they're going after places for a lot of people most of people that come here we just deal with we deal with through uh the network and we talk to them we set up trades and the likes so not too many people come in like just personally um but all the targets that places almost places how people like you know like a few dozen people die so uh i don't i don't it's kind of like the humor looks like i don't think we're indeed are we in danger i kind of look at jack rabbit like not sure now like being kind of put off [Music] maybe myrtle don't tell you that everywhere we go we get shot at you know we always in danger all right have you told her you've been beaten up and shot her shot at no okay so she kind of looks at challenges i thought something was weird and she kind of like she goes into myrtle and like she grabs like by her collar and it goes to pull it down a little bit and like where you have from the bruising from where you guys got like the [ __ ] kicked out you on mars so what the hell is this she's like outside and she sees like like white and kind of realizing like wyatt and like got got a few bruises in there but it's not bad but jack or something like a breathable person like appreciate that like little kids getting bruised up all the time uh and kind of looks and kind of seems quiet and can see like she's like what is going on here are you what who's trying to shoot you who are you are you shooting them oh my actually look and this is when we enter onyx come on in the store hey okay i took a look it looks good hey how's it going hey and i like sort of uh break the awkward conversation so you go on in and and you can see then she's kind of looking at you and she can see like um she is she from syria she's from series right yeah okay she kind of sees alex come on and she goes she goes you hey this is a you got a serious boy with you yeah ah okay i don't i don't know this one but i can tell by the way you walk you're you're good on these uh you got the legs for it oh yeah yeah i grew up here in series i've been here a long time but uh myrtle man i've been going with myrtle and she made me a big star and i put my arm as i stand there like very proudly and i'm looking around the shop very impressed she kind of she kind of leans over to myrtle and like whispers in your ear she's like this is the one that made that stuff yeah yeah yeah huh i smile all night yeah and she sees your with your purple your checkered purple teeth yeah um so i would grab her hand and just you know kind of say back to her they're all good people and i believe in them and they believe in me and they believe in us well she's like but yeah i mean you know but this this fighting thing this these attacks this is where this who did that well we just happened to get in the middle of something it wasn't bad at all like three or four times we get in the middle of something look man outside of getting here guys like i'm married and i have a wife and i don't [ __ ] lighter because of this so myrtle you can go to deception check [Music] yeah deception communications deception now communication okay so that would be eight thirteen okay she goes it wasn't this is this has happened more than once hasn't it she's kind of looking at all you kind of like taking it in and your jacket would smile like without your teeth but you don't really lose your teeth actually it might be wyatt's smiling i swear we are fine um we'll have some dinner later and i'll tell you everything make it make a communications persuasion [Laughter] let me remind you i don't want to explain to my wife i got beat up but i want to talk about right [Music] 17 uh 18 19 20 21 [ __ ] all right so yeah so you she goes she said you seem pretty relieved that you're here and you take a second and she goes okay okay um yeah you know it's a bill of business day i got i got some customers we got to talk to um why don't you she kind of looks at you she's like she's kind of looking at she says um why don't you touch that up on your neck a little bit and if you want to go on some calls we could talk to someone clients together that might look good for us yeah we could do that so she's she definitely wants to get me wrong what's that the fish deal gone wrong the fish still going wrong we don't talk about the fish deal um but uh but yeah she's kind of you know but her wanting to work with you and like do that that's kind of her way of trying to spend time with you right now and she has to run the business by all means and she has like agendas um but she could you know and uh do you want to tell her like like so she's kind of like um yeah she said so what happened did you talk about the fish deal uh yeah sort of okay do you want to tell her so she's asked as well she's like well let's get our mind off this violence that's occurred to you why don't we talk about these dealers i think you were talking to someone uh there was like a minister on mars a fish monger right right yeah so um so yeah so i'll kind of talk about you know like meeting the pastor guy you know because i mean some of this just the business deals i've talked about so i just kind of fill in the blanks a little bit about you know how we ended up here and then we were on a run to get some supplies and oh my gosh we were invaded and none of it's our fault and whoops that's how come we got into a fight or more and um but i'm just gonna i'll be honest but low-key about it you know and just like you know we're fine uh you know we grow as a team and we're able to help this but we've also decided not to just jump in things randomly and then we had this fish deal go wrong and if you ever get any kind of fish deals coming from mars just say no because it was disgusting you gotta do the second they do it they use it as a front to get rid of bodies that's why yeah so like so like in like the d so you're sitting behind the counter with your wife like like in the computer guys have this moment and then like from the distance you hear jack rabbit go no they put bodies in there and you turn around and she's got like some weird like beanie hats with tassels on it or something that she's trying on as she leans in and then puts that bit oh sorry sorry alex is picking his chrome teeth and he's like yeah like agreeing with her bodies i think uh i think maybe us two or us three should uh leave them be for a little bit let's go check out that bomb and where that bomb just down the road do you guys enjoy the sites okay yeah that's my way of like getting them away [Laughter] to stop making things worse um okay so you guys want to show us what the ball means okay so um the there's what the nearest site is not like one of the more dramatic ones but it is one um so i just want to see if there's anything left behind from okay like so it's been kind of it's been blocked off there's like uh like their version of like you know taped off type situation here uh there's like signs up saying you know do not enter uh you know it's been cleaned up and it's made sure to be structurally safe you can see that they have like a um like a support jack in one of them and one of the fronts make sure doesn't collapse um just in case and it looks pretty safe though like the engineers here are pretty good um but uh yeah they're you know you're kind of standing in front of this one bombed out storefront um it looks like it was a uh a restaurant at one point uh you can kind of see in the back like like the light kind of flickers you can see what like the the kitchen was and everything you can still see someone like you know the the prep gear the refrigerator metal parts of that and everything too but like you can see strewn about tables and i mean just some silverware here and there but it's pretty torn up and the blast didn't go that much into the street maybe like six to ten feet into the street but it was mostly like whoever anyone in there was probably either injured or killed is there any like residue on the ground that i can uh maybe uh try to analyze later or now um okay yeah you want to go over take a look at so it's this one was bombed like a uh almost like a like a week or so ago or a few weeks ago um so there's been a lot of traffic there you can certainly try to uh pull some residue if you want to um go ahead and give me a um give me a perception smelling check see if you can find any no more demolition intelligent demolition actually first okay i'd like to also try to figure out where the bomb exactly exploded at if so you kind of take a second here and uh you start kind of like trying to sip around for like the different kinds of residue and um you've it's hard to smell because it's been here for a while and also the air filter the air filtration system seriously would just feel like crap out pretty quickly um why give me a demolition check this would be intelligence demolitions [Music] sixteen double sixes six on the drama um you go up and you take a look and you can tell that like the it went off pretty close to the center of like the floor area um and the you're guessing like it was one of like the patrons like a customer type person brought it in uh what are you gonna drop a die six i got double six what's that yeah so double sixes yeah if you pull a big investigation stunt here you could do uh breakthrough um yeah i'll do that okay um okay let me go check me get that down real quick here all right are you a real um so you gotta you're kind of going through and you have a pretty you have a pretty big uh detail here of you think like whoever it was so it was a customer um unfortunately though you're guessing also like either they walked out or they died with the blast okay um as you're standing there uh you gotta unexplain scratch sniff with the uh the walls here um some some um you see a guy with an opa armband carrying a piss a pistol sidearm that's openly carried come to go hey you guys do get out of there right now come on oh this is going to play around with no no excuse me this guy here do you notice face do you notice face he onyx mundos he's a big famous artist now he's doing some research for an exhibit that he do and it's about bringing people together after explosion it's a good thing all right yeah try to get some of this residue and make a paint uh all right jackrabbit make a persuasion check with a minus four to it okay you know you guys know uh persuasion so this would be um uh communications oh not not deception okay yeah personally we should have just been like we're trying to leave at this restaurant yeah maybe you do believe that he's like a big time shot artist are you trying are you trying to see the guy are [Music] uh that would be a 14. that was my four minus okay hang on sorry 14 minus four yeah that's a 10. so this guy kind of looks at you and uh onyx like i know it is it is a 14. okay so you can kind of look at you can get looks back and he's like he's thinking about for a second he's like he's like let's just move on guys come on he's like it's not it's not a big deal here he's like i i appreciate your turn to do here he looks so honestly like but i can't people poke around trying to loot this place everything's been taken out of the value anyways yeah sure sure sure i just sort of slowly like walk out there's nothing yeah i don't there's nothing we see anyways that we wanted like clues we want to take or nothing right yeah i just get out so you you managed to you managed to kind of clear the air in this guy like he's not going to call it in and make it a bigger deal than it is but as long as you guys kind of walk away right now or take a look around that said though the one thing you do kind of derive from this um with uh wyatt is that like you're pretty sure someone like carried something in here there um like shops that are still standing nearby oh yeah yeah they're all in they're all in like the walls and stuff like that too it's not a problem like they're they're and they're active right now like the ones next door to this place are active are there cameras on the outside anywhere pointing towards this building well there are cameras on sierra station yeah pointing down the uh the walkway so yeah it's all monitored um so you're guessing like if they would probably know would have known who did this so i got to um if someone did walk out yeah is there a way to are we allowed to like contact dogs at any time he's not someone you call arbitrarily if you're gonna call them up like you better have something really good to tell them i was just trying to see if we can get some of the security footage sent to us yeah look through i would probably say that to wyatt like are we not supposed to tell these people that we're here because dogs say we hear like maybe we ask him if he let us use this odd thing so that we can at least have access to things what do you think well maybe yeah if we bribe them too remember they said some of the them on on the take the corrupt maybe we could uh give them a couple credits you know probably neither none of us have that very you know we're pretty sure yeah i mean once we get myrtle back yeah but i think if maybe we go check out one of these things and see if they got cameras there too and we can't ask for daws yeah or maybe we could tap in uh the camera while we distract them and we can look through some of the footage actually i like that idea i'm good at making distraction well you you certainly so why give me a intelligent security check enter the expert i'm not an expert today it's kevin kevin um yeah you're you're kind of thinking about like i mean you guys don't have an ace hacker to break into the security system but like i don't know man it feels like um uh [Music] there's gotta be a gap somewhere in security especially if they just change security forces there's no way they brought everything from star helix over that quickly yeah hey wyatt why don't you get a job here i mean don't say we're supposed to like hang out for a bit you know i can go uh get a job at the bar i can talk to builders you can get a job with the security people you look like a kind of guy i wanna you know that they bring on i'm william i'm willing i can do that um can i can i also research this business this restaurant to see maybe why it was targeted what what made it besides just on the front being a restaurant like maybe there's something else uh yeah go for it uh give me like a um can i do a research yeah so you start kind of digging through like the old like menus and network stuff yeah sure i just want to see or just see like what i what can i find out about the business i'll give you a plus one on this because it's a serious station based place and what's that research intelligence yeah okay let's do okay to uh 13 and i had a five on the drama die but i could also re-roll for academic specialization do you want to reroll yeah let's do it [Laughter] so yeah uh the 13 would have given me information it would have been a good success but um it would have been a great success uh so this place is called the um uh it was like really kind of like [Music] they they were like the italian place here on station and they were called the grand bambino okay and like supposedly this was like they had like a lasagna that was solid they their fake cheese was pretty good like pre-respectable um kind of place you take your family for on like a uh if you had some money or whatever it is very special occasion not really a belcher thing birthers would come here um that's kind of what you know from like when you're a kid as far as like what's going on with it and uh where'd you get on the drama die on that on that seven three three okay so as far as like when you were a kid you kind of think you kind of remember but like looking at the reviews of it recently i mean people were like this is like an earth or these are like wannabe earthers they should be deserving of red kibble like i went in there and i wanted my pasta served to me in a burrito form they wouldn't do it i think they're racist like stuff like this like that you know um somebody don't like italian but uh i i think i found the reviews that are definitely an extremist there was some hate on the place especially like towards the end and it was mostly built for kind of trolling the place here and there but it'd be like a like a well wallet type place if you went there [Music] maybe maybe that's somewhere to start we look at the business ratings maybe the places that uh we see some bad reviews of people saying stuff like oh there's only sir uh earth maybe there that'll be a hint to the next spot bad idea they get bummed yeah i i look up myrtles actually i look up uh i want to look up um cooper's goods um you go and pull the cooper's goods real quick and on the public reviews and they're solid like they're they're respectable it's like four and three four stars um it most people like uh like those it was a place where they got some gifts really quickly most of the reviews you're guessing the people that they're doing the big deals with don't really are the kinds of lead reviews that's more word of mouth slash like you know i went to your house where'd you get that lamp oh i got here it was more expensive got gears like that but this is more of like still like people buying like robes or uh maybe like a nice soap or something like that like i mean really kind of smaller items i immediately enter a five star review all right all right well good robes great place uh the review the review is awaiting though you're um you need to put in a uh a validated receipt uh number so it's about um you guys are kind of you guys kind of poking around a little bit more okay uh what else do you guys want to do uh so that's kind of like something you're thinking about there why is like trying to maybe like either like directly hit up security or try to get and try to access their computers or like even trying to hack into their their systems rather just go straight up and ask one of them i mean daz has given us permission to do a lot but as long as we're quiet about it i don't think we have a big i don't think it'll be a big deal we also need to find the best belter burrito on sirius station too you remember a place like lower down uh or in the upper levels like towards the core um that's like pretty hardcore belcher area it's also a belcher area because like the reason why the builders liked it so much is the inners wouldn't come down there because they just start puking their guts out like it's a great place to go drink if you don't want any air around you because if they started drinking they would just basically like you know start stumbling and puking everywhere uh well before they started drinking actually yeah i kind of look at jackrabbit like i i wonder if we should go places with a uh you know like hardcore delta's gone we could maybe hear some of the conversation maybe we could hear the talk or we could we could say stuff like oh yeah you see this one place and kind of see if we can sniff the extremists out but i don't know yeah i think that that's exactly what i think and maybe we look at some of those reviews like you talking about we find the kind of things that they say and then maybe we have a whole conversation where we make fun of it and we can drink a lot i always like that that's always that's good things you know so yeah why if you're you're standing there like that security guard's still kind of like you guys are just hanging out he's taking his eyes off you but he's not like eyeballing hard being like get lost he's just kind of like you know you guys left the thing alone he's cool with that um he might be the guy to ask if you want to try to like get access to records or talk a little bit more about stuff yeah i'd like to i'll just start walking over to him he goes uh on this we're trying to figure this out like as low-key as we possibly can is there anything you can give us that can help me is there any records you can show me oh like i have stuff man i just make sure no i make sure no one's trying to run through the streets and uh get clogged up in the gutters uh uh you want to head on down to uh the headquarters we take over the old stock helix we haven't updated that yet but you can see what's called uh whatever the style helix location is you that's that's where our base is right thank you yeah yeah no problem no problem he's like yeah that's funny you know they tell you to go away wouldn't be the first time we've heard that and i'll just walk away right there was that were we close enough that we heard that john or what was that i mean there was like there's like people in the streets walking and stuff like that too i mean you heard a little bit of it you heard the guy kind of having like a i mean he was cordial with the guy he didn't stop hearing tones where it's like you know how dare you mess up my work or something you know but um okay but why it comes back satisfied he's not you can tell he's not pissed yeah what do you guys think about uh come with me down to star helix for a minute and see if we can get anything from them yeah later maybe you guys can go to the lower but there's no way i can probably yeah so yeah let go let's all go together just yeah that's a good idea um the other thing i wonder about uh wyatt is uh you know you worked in security before if you were a part of cyhelix and they out of power and you were mad about it where would you go where would you go talk to your friends about that kind of thing i don't know i mean i know where the belters would go where you guys want to go but i don't really know the station well enough to say where they could go and really open up without being here would i know what a star helix bar would be john i mean there was like a police bar towards the docks um as far as it like still being a star here let's bar it probably isn't it's probably gotten taken over by the dock workers or who this this like the securities op security forces oh that's basically replaced star helix yeah um as far as like you you remember when you were like running star helix i mean as far as like earthers or like martians go on their forest it was maybe like five percent of their force was actually martians even the people in charge of star helix were belters um so you're so like unless they were like die unless they're like well wallace like or they have suicide like like a death wish uh they would have probably could tell to the opa pretty quick um or they died like like in the riots like that too or were taken care of or and if they if they didn't play ball they would have like kind of quietly try to get off the station or just sink into the singing the cracks i'm curious too if when these places get bombed uh what happens to the business if they give that lot that space to somebody else like does somebody else get that space so the business come back it looks like right now um the the businesses they cleared them out enough to make sure that hazard and they're they're definitely like gonna get or possibly reallocated um or that business went like under doesn't like basically like if they were like a martian or an earther business their insurance will not cover them because it's not a earth or martian controlled station anymore [Music] so they might just go away yeah curiously we talked to the people who used to own it too and see what where they go if they get pressure that they used to get pressured to sell it or because maybe they bomb these places and then you know make room for a belt of business that's very possible very very possible but uh yeah we go to star helix whenever you're ready just honestly his brain is gone he's got the hamster got on the wheel guys it's good it's because you've spent over a day away from uh in the lubricants yeah yeah i haven't i haven't had any uh oil in the day i feel yeah i think my brain goes so fast now it's amazing um myrtle so uh give me a uh give me an intelligence business check real quick [Music] did you get this five eight which one was it uh business intelligence or intelligence business [Music] nothing really happens it was nothing you really need to be a part of but for her it was more about you being there and less about trading messages but actually like the warmth and kind of like the camaraderie working with somebody and it does kind of pull you back a little bit to your time in the navy working with people close quarters um and some of what you cared about you know some people actually you know we're like oh a person's cool or whatever it is you know um so that it does it does uh restore that element for you um quite a bit so i'm gonna this is gonna be considered a relating activity if you will for interlude um you guys don't make any more money than you would usually with the call it's all the income pack stays on the stand as well um but um it's the milla censoring kind of you know the closing the books of the day and stuff like that kind of looks at you and says i thought i thought maybe both of us could sell that one today look at what well i thought maybe both of us together we could have gotten that pushed him up to buy a little bit more but yeah that's okay it's you know it's the way it is you know it happens well it's just a little distracted because you're here it's just nice to have you back home and such um what did you want did you want to make dinner for your friends tonight or do you want to go out someplace or uh yeah i'd be happy to make dinner because i'm happy to be here with you and then i can tell everybody to come here for dinner that's that's probably for the best i have a little um yeah i mean it's nothing against against you uh dear but like uh going to dinner with the my my earth or wife and your martian friend it's i don't know i'm getting worried about that stuff now um well you know we'll just we'll just do it here we'll do it low-key and that way you can get to know the crew so she so she's like all right cool well what am i um i have i have some in the back i got some uh some dishes that we were i was gonna get ready to ship out maybe we could if we give them a good scrubbing we can still send them out um why don't we bring those out for a special occasion okay we can do that all right so why don't you go why don't you go find your friends and uh can you guys get back i'll have all the stuff breakers give me send me a list of what you need i'll make sure it's delivered okay all right i will take off and uh try to find everybody you gotta you kind of mosey on out and uh uh you want you like dial them up or whatever it is and you have real-time communications because you guys are on the station together a sound issue right i'm like hey hey who's there [Music] i'll just see anybody just like you know we're in our group call [Laughter] that we're getting feedback from all of our phones like they're outside and then some jackass from like theories like air water powered on the call for some reason and you can't figure it out why wait how did that even happen the [ __ ] off his calls aren't good whoops um hey so whatever you're doing out there uh i'd like to cook dinner so if you folks are interested in some dinner tonight and maybe typing vinyl in the chat to try to win an album [Music] sorry because i i got a plug guys sorry go on close but anyway so i'm gonna cook and uh semilla is um you know putting she's getting everything ready to have a dinner and we'll just have a nice quiet dinner with us and that way you can get to know her and she can get to know all of you that sounds like a great plan yeah headed down to uh the old star helix headquarters um see if we can get any camera feeds anything like that would it help to have an earth or with you for this it could can't hurt maybe we could pick up some stuff on the way if you need stuff for dinner yeah okay yeah um yeah we'll do that and then i'll send a message over to samila and just say hey you know let's just go ahead and i'll make um i'll make some faux chicken marsala what do you say like do you mean like [ __ ] or do you mean like like fake chicken fake chicken marsala wine will be real and the pasta will be real but the chicken won't actually be chicken did you want to get chicken that's uh [Music] a fungal base that's like tastes like chicken or do you want to get the bean curd version of the chicken uh we'll have the we'll have the we'll have the fungus type oh man you're saying it's a song now yeah yeah it's got the more umami flavor to it yes all right so yeah so you go ahead and you or she orders okay cool and she'll order these big foreign stock unit station's actually not that far from where it's actually on the level directly above uh like like if you're directly below actually where um your business is it's actually not very far from at all so i'll make my way down there yeah you're going through the tran you go ahead and take the the pathway and the transit down a level and it's not really much of an issue um you come upon they come upon the base and you can see it's it's actually like you remember the last time you were here this is a pretty nice looking place had a really kind of cool like artwork uh you do have to get started what however depending how you doesn't matter how you feel about star helix you gotta admit they had a pretty cool looking logo and they had a nice like metal version of it in their front office that is gone you're guessing the belt has probably turned it into a part of a spaceship or something i mean they they they use it or something um and you can tell like some of like the fallwood paneling and star has been stripped it they're just having to look like a station now um but you can see the desks that are functional are still there um and the like uh the station definitely does not smell as good as it used to though i'll say that but well yeah what does right well you know you had the earth corporation keeping it all fancy and you know looking a certain way to make a certain statement you seem to remember there was like a like a sergeant or a chief there that was really fond of sandalwood and implemented like a sandalwood like vapor policy at people's deaths or something like that so and you were right you were trying to you you guys were at one point trying to like convince her to buy involved from you but uh it fell through for some reason who knew because she doesn't have a job that's what happened um so yeah but you guys can walk on up and they're they're kind of running like a precinct there's a there's a guy at the desk there he goes up he goes welcome to us serious security station uh what can uh do for you all today and look at you all when the belters should talk they have uh i think we should just be in the background a little bit for this okay yeah yeah i moved back i stepped back so jack rabbit's in front yeah i'm suddenly like there and i'm waiting for wyatt to talk and i look back and everybody's taking two steps back oh hey oh hey we got a we got a question uh the thing is and i'm gonna like do a little gesture like coming close to the person it's kind of a private thing uh i want is this someone we can uh talk to who uh maybe can help us with some of the security matter we're doing something are you uh yeah because wyatt did it earlier now i feel like i have permission to say it he kind of he as you say this he's like he's like getting ready to take down notes but like based on bad happened you you start talking about talking privately he's thinking like something like really bad happened or you're in danger and kind of looks like he's getting like look at you like asking are you in danger and you say what's for dawes and he's kind of like jeez okay um yeah everything is everybody's talking about anderson does uh [Music] he has us uh we're looking into some information for him he uh we can we're not really allowed to give you all the details but we're trying to find out more about what happened with those bombings we want to know if we could get some other security footage uh make a persuasion check that rabbit [Music] that is uh sorry why is my math so off in my brain today 14 14. just like you guys know uh in the chat the turn got pushed to 10. yeah and you didn't get you didn't get the event so you kind of sit there and take a second and he he puts his data pad down and says um give me a second and he walks away real quick and the data pad locks up as he walks away and he goes there and talks to some other opa uh like someone else with an armband this person's wearing more of like a like um like a sports coat uh a sh they kind of a shirt sports coat they probably look more professional but they're not wearing the tie and all that kind of [ __ ] like the power suit or like you know that he comes over and this um this woman and this uh sports coat and pants and stuff and she has a sidearm you can see everybody has guns like on them they're openly carrying uh she goes um what what's um what seems to be the trouble exactly no trouble at all we're just here because we're doing some work for dogs we wondering if there was a way we can look at the security cam footage of the bombings that happen bombings yeah we've been looking into those um we've looked at the footage and it's a little uh it's a little rough um and you say you work for governor dawes oh yeah um just like you yeah you and i we work for dogs we both have guns on our hips what did you get on the um the drama die for that that persuading joke one all he needs about this so he she kind of scratches her head and says um and and you were in in you just pointing to you are doing this whole case by yourself oh no we yeah yeah me and big pampa here the famous artist onyx mundo murder cooper we a good crew you probably heard of us we we're getting a name for ourselves we do lots of good stuff lately you haven't actually um can't say i've had the pleasure um well you will go and maybe if you're maybe i buy you a drink later and i tell you a lot about us a little bit more you know what i mean hey hey okay um give me a uh okay so you're not trying to like bargain with her briber are you trying to bribe a bargain just trying to be friendly about it i'm trying to like flirt with her to like get her like are you trying to flirt now yeah yeah you want you guys are going into your seduction because i know you have that that talent yeah [Music] you kind of like okay so you offer her a drink you're asking on a date kind of situation uh what else are you doing in that regard because i'm pretty sure that just like offered advice on a drink is not the entire act of seduction no no yeah she just like it kind of started when she was like kind of nodding to her like pistol my pistol like i'm a tough girl too you know we too tough belter women we should probably do something about that see what happens if you put two tough builders together that kind of like that's the that's the subtle undertone to all the things she's saying it was it was a sports coat huh all right um yeah so yeah she okay she kind of she kind of she's trying to take you there and kind of look you over and look at their guidances go make the make a make a communication seduction chest yeah nice the jacker has like i'm so excited about the doubles i just rolled uh so that's a it and then uh if i got some social attitude stunts like i wanted you to win that makes them a four four okay so you want to go with some um soulful stunts general circle stunts is definitely one of them against your target's willpower as a simple social role to change their attitude make your subduction roll all over the seduction role and this is versus her willpower her self-discipline this is so cool oh that she could have been better use them for 12. yeah i want to burn i want to burn

some fortune i thought you had a i thought you had a talent let you like re-roll that stuff oh it does let me re-roll okay [Music] what was the talent you took it was like the talent i took is it's a carousing talent but if you fail a city okay i'm gonna re-roll let's do it oh my god it's the exact same thing twelve yes with a four in the drama and i'm gonna push the fortune on it yeah i'm gonna push it up to four i really want it i really when you pushing on it i'm gonna push it up to four so um eight and i can load sorry i'm having math problems right now [Music] that would make it a 15 15 okay so you burn the fortune and you kind of like uh you you start throwing some like the belt hand signals in there and some of them are a little like you do in a way that's a little there's an implied meaning there i'll say there's an implied meaning there i turn back to onyx and i wink at onyx like i see that dude good job yeah you got it she's liking you yeah i don't yeah jack she knows how to push button besides just on shift you know what i'm saying like um but yeah okay so you kind of you flirt it up with there and uh you go in for the uh the flirt thing and she's kind of like um just kind of like yeah okay you know look she's like i got another two hours of my shift um gotta be you know this sounds like you guys really care about it's not like you and your friends really care about this case um for the the governor maybe we could talk about our drinks a little bit later tonight that sounds good that sounds good that good yeah and i like what i like maybe could fix the footage to help them oh yeah step at a time man you gotta take a step [Music] before you start asking her to like look at her like videos and like footage and stuff like that you know baby steps dude yeah and i just say i hate to be back to business about this because i why you working we work in two so any chance we can take a look at that footage well right now uh we're pretty busy here why don't we go out and have a why don't you come back a little bit after hours and uh just you and me and we have a nice conversation and i can see where i can pull up for you okay yeah so what's uh that sounds good so she asked uh so uh what's what's your name oh yeah i'm jack rabbit what's your name it says uh i go by uh von tris actually well you can she kind of looks over the the guy next to her over the counter she goes uh she kind of looks back and says i'm sorry uh it's sergeant biggs oh yeah sergeant v [Music] well thank you yeah i'll see you later then she's like she's like i'm trying to think of something cool to say here uh yeah she says that uh she says uh thank you little sister or something like that like not her sister oh yeah okay so you have it in so she kind of sets it up that you can cut about three about in about like four or five uh about five hours come back to the station she'll meet you here and let you in like maybe like joel together wants to talk to you more jackrabbit there should

2021-09-24 18:01

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