A Night in a Haunted Medieval Castle tower

A Night in a Haunted Medieval Castle tower

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Well. Good evening everybody, we have arrived at Bacon's, Volk castle, in Norfolk to carry, out the impromptu paranormal. Investigation, essentially. Using night shot Pam quarters, hopefully, and of. Course with the Ghost Box it's. Just coming down to Twilight, here at the castle there's, still a number of people here children, and some people on motorcycles, that have arrived so there may be some disturbance from them while while I'm talking to you but. You, are much, aware of the history here and I've just read that very briefly it's a late medieval, castle built by the Hayden family, a very unscrupulous, family. Or hastens word they, were here for over 200, years before. Literally. Being. Forced into bankruptcy during. The English Civil War, because they were supporters, of the Royalists, and the parliamentarians. Had their pound of flesh as, a result of which they were forced to demolish part the castle, and to sell it off and, initially. They lived in the inner gate house which, is the scene of much of our activity, but. The outer gate house later become their home and it stood it was a beautiful Pepperpot house until, collapsed in a very heavy windstorm, it, is very very open, here right, across the North Sea so, these, buildings, have to be quite substantial to, last, the time that they've been here and this house before, it fell apart. Originally. Stood from the 15th century onwards. But. I am absolutely delighted, to be here because the. Atmosphere, in here you, can cut with a knife we've just been inside the inner. Gate house and we. Can certainly feel an. Atmosphere, building, in though in that particular building and that's where we're going to focus for tonight, I am, absolutely excited. I'm ecstatic. And of course joining, me for this particular investigation. Here tonight is our, friend Eddie mallet. And wonderful over Eddie. Hey. Hi. There. Well. You've been down there Eddie and we're just very quickly recap, have you felt anything, on straight, away as, soon as I went to the left hand side told us it was media buying Lestrange, forehead, with, definitely. Spiritual, headache, that is how decided and bang for the UN oh yes, hopefully many well. I'm. I've. Said the other side to reiterate felt, an atmosphere, there I'm certainly, hopeful, that they're going to communicate and, just to recap very briefly, last time we were here we picked up this amazing. EVP. And they, were talking about murder. I. Like. Yours I'm going, goes and I you're watching them so if we're going to capture activity, like that tonight it's going to be absolutely, amazing isn't, it I, want, to find out more about this deal that's being stolen, so, already, picked up something about a dual being stolen lifetime, so perhaps something might reveal itself from there I, am.

Hoping. To touch in with the history, and the legend of this place through, spirit, and if, I can project that to you, seated. Comfortably in, your own homes from. Where we are in the middle of nowhere which, is quite. An isolated. Part of the countryside, then, tonight it's going to be very special, and will, speak to you just before we start a little bit later on when, it falls into dusk. And I, thank, you for joining us here today. Okay. We've now arrived. A dusk inside. Be, in a gatehouse we're in the stewards, room and. Here. We're hoping to pick up some live. Hopefully. Will hide Ghost, Box activity, which will be broadcasted. Simultaneously. On Facebook. The. Reason that I'm doing this quite, simply, is that. My. Detractors, have accused me in the past of. Manipulating. The audio, from the ghost box to suit a particular question, which, is the complete and utter nonsense, but. Obviously. To allay those fears, what. I'm going, to do is to give it to you live so you can actually hear, for your own ears. Exactly. What is being said, and, they're. Saying this is going. To be broadcasted. Simultaneously. On Facebook and of. Course we're hoping tonight, that we'll pick up some interesting, activity. Following on for our last session here, which. Picked, up a number. Of voices screaming. Murder and a few. Expletives, and, into that as well as, you, would expect from these angel, and haunted, sites. I'm, certainly, of the opinion, that over, the centuries many neveress. Thieves have been committed, in and around this castle, it is very isolated. It's out of the way and. When you consider going back perhaps 100, maybe 200 years, the. Crimes that people could commit here and get away with because, there's absolutely no. Transparency. For people's actions here you could just do what they choose to do without. Any chance, of being apprehended. By law I. Think. That when, this gatehouse. Was abandoned, probably, about 200 years ago it. Was probably used by general, sleeping, rough here so you, know anything. Could have happened, especially during the period, of the Hayden's.

Very. Unscrupulous character. Was mr Hayden who, actually created. This console and. I'm fairly sure but some. Business dealings that perhaps my bran would resolved, perhaps, not in the way that the other party. Would have wished but certainly to the benefit, of the Hayden family, so. Perhaps what. Has been recorded here in the past or, something, to do with, him who knows this. Is an exploratory, mission tonight, to establish, exactly, what's. Going on here and as. I've said on. Many occasions it. Is a very haunted society, as an atmosphere, permeates. For the stonework. And the brickwork, around this site and, of course it has a tragic history and, every, good ghost story has, a tragic history, doesn't, it so, there's. A lot key information here, all tied together, historically. And, saturated. Within, the stonework of this wonderful building and, we're hoping, just. Hoping you. Can get the sliver a scintilla, of what, has taken place here in the past and very quickly I will just bring any over and you can speak to you very quickly and, then we're going to continue our work. Hi. Everyone. Looking. Forward to tonight see, what we get and we. Get some good staff at there I've got to record, this part at the moment so. I just have to keeping, this across we get something good, well. That's fine and I'm. Sure, for. Those you said at home you're gonna have a real feast. Of the activity, that we're going to capture and I'm saying that fingers crossed of course because. As one's. Experienced. Or many previous. Investigations. It doesn't always go according to plan. Offensive, abilities, are playing so, now what we're going to do we will set the camera we have a night shot camcorder. Pointed. Towards, location, where we're actually doing, the session and the. Same time we'll connect the ghost. Box to the two. Live broadcast, on Facebook, and. Hopefully. Everything, will come together and, join. Us tonight on our summer. Investigation. Of beatings, for consul. Okay. We do now live, on Facebook, unfortunately, because of the rough surface, upon which we using the work area, I can't, actually get the funds. To photo store ignore those what worked and nearly audio. So. A live there I play mites on the work area and he. Is ready so we're now under enough hopefully. We be able to communicate with somebody connected. To this amazing building. Come. Here in love line please we wish to make friendly, and peaceful contact, have any spiritual, presences, of this buildings, we, are aware that historically. There were a number of problems here in the past, certainly.

Crimes, Have been committed and. What. We're trying to do is touch base all these records and especially. To. The people we spoke to last time and claim that they would murder. And, I believe say you picked, up from these. Spitting. Jammed gemstones so I'm, trying to reach out to anybody in spirit, prepared. To. Communicate with, us my name is Chris. Is. There anybody here, who would like to say something, I'll tape, four. Words in 30 seconds, or so to allow, for response. Please. Can you tell your name. Somebody. Shouted could you figure name please. If. You tell me your name. Somebody. Shouted. When. We were here last time, we. Spoke. To. People in, spirit. Regale. Us about, murder, and what, we're trying to do is establish on, detail, about this murder, I mean, anybody, can actually tell me who you are and, how you're connected, with it I certainly, am aware of the history and particular hayden, created. This cycle, is. There, anybody here who's own bowel regulated. Or any of you. My. Name is. Any. Persons, and spirits connected. With this magnificent. Builder is, for it even if you did. You make yourself. Okay. I can hear something. Could. You try again please you, almost came across then. The. Audio was distorted. Still. Distorted, can you try harder, please a nice easy for me to say and, I know it's very difficult, for you. There. We can something. You. Starting, to come through much, more clearly but, not clear enough yet could you try going please. Could. You tell me thirsty, your name cuz someone just say their name. Yeah. I. Can. Hear group the people talking very pretty, did you try game. We're. Not here to belittle, you or to mock you. We're. Just here to establish, what, happen regarding, the murder that took place allegedly. Is. There anybody who wishes to say something to try again somebody, who's got more power. Could. You try game please could you tell me your name. Could. You tell me what year. We. Are now in. 2019. And a year ago. I'm. A tiny sweet. The Ghost Box. Morris. Yes. Your. Name is Morris. You're. Gonna tell us your power, I think, you're. Gonna have two coffees so, you can also check to check the audio poem, manipulating. The sound. It's. The. Xbox. The. Door definitely, went then there was definitely a bank. With, ever-present. The. Other, room. Yeah. Okay. We. Have. Okay. If. Anybody wants. To. Is. There anybody there wishes to communicate wishes. To speak to us to say something. Please. Do so now you have the opportunity I know it's difficult for you to project, your voice here but you could try. Did. You try again please. Okay. Okay. You folks on Facebook. I'm going to stop this transmission, now, because we're going to reset, our equipment, in the other cells which, was the one where we picked up most, of the activity, the last time with you so. If you like to come back in about five minutes. Thank. You. Well. We're gonna go next door if you wanna join it yeah. Don't. Talk as well he's very bright seriously. Is anybody in spirit. Is to communicate with us if you could share your name and your occupation and, perhaps when you lived. We. Come here in peace in life we don't mean to cause you any offense, whatsoever, we're, just trying to reach out to you to make a meaningful line, contact. If. Anybody here did you tell me your name please. If anybody can tell me your name. My. Name is Chris. Does. Anybody here we should share something with us the, people. That were. Personally. Murdered. Would you tell me a little bit more. Did. You try again please. Yeah. Cuz. You try gameplays.

Did. You tell me your name please. You're. Always there, you're. Almost there. Is. There anybody here, connected, with the Hayden family. Yes, I know. Is. There anybody who wishes to communicate with, us feel free to do so we're not here to call you offense we're not here to insult you, we're just trying to establish a, meaningful line, of contact with you. Don't. Anybody here would say something. I'll. Take you. Folks back home on. Facebook, land of picking, something up it's, very difficult, threat is to keep out to delineate, everything, words being pronounced because the, audio, reception, is extremely, poor and it's always led to when I'm editing where. I can clarify what's, being said so, if anybody's, heard anything at all that we may have missed both means make the note and leave, a message, on the, video. Let's. Never get here please. What's. Your name. We. Love being here. Just, like now we mean no harm whatsoever, we, just. Queen. We. Come, here in peace, and love to make, friendly, minimal, contacts, I know. It's difficult for some of you to speak because. Of the problems that are associated. With, this time such as communication. I. Mean. What it really what. It really goes, off. Okay. Is. There anybody please, in spirit way quick when we keep asking the same questions, new server it's, the only way we can establish a, meaningful, contact. And. We, could seriously like to make me for contact so, could you tell me your name a little bit a little bit about yourself, please. Yeah. There's definitely response. There but again. Could. You please try again please dessert anyone here, called peat or Morris. Are. There, anybody, here anybody, told miss Nikki, with Hayden family. Did. You try face. Obviously. Singers rock what someone's turned up there. Okay. We'll. Be going soon and if we, don't, obviously make contact, with you it will be a terrible shame give, you that opportunity to, express yourself. Could. You please tell me your name. There's. A man here I can hear you. Try. Again please. Yes. Someone's talking now. Sorry. You broke, up then you would cut across by another transmission, could you try again please I. Definitely. Heard you speak. Did. Someone shout if you can hear us. Did. Somebody say something around.

What. About the murder. Hello. Jimmy. We'd really like to hear from you. This. Is the first time I've ever done this but I would be so, pleased, if you could just really, tight with us. And. You say you're nice to me. My. Name is Julie. Any. Other. Is. Anybody, here would like to see something please because, we've traveled a long way here I mean, do travel come back to I'll, travel some. Really. Good local people, here please. Any. Kind, people. Like. Kind of candle. Anybody. Here who has a guilty, secret, they would like to talk about. There's. Something you'd like to say. Can, anyone speak to us please. Can. You try harder, please I know it's very difficult because you're trying to promote employers, above the radio noise. Could. You try it a little bit better place I. Know. It's difficult. Did. You try game. Please. Pity clanking. Could. You try again please do, you speak more loudly. Sorry. Try. Again please. Could. You try again please leave we just wish to make contact, with you. Did. You tell me your name. That. You Jim, that. Your name. Could. You please tell me your name or tell, me something about yourself. Do. You want us to go away. They. Wanna talk to us. Then. You want to talk to me already. Are. You afraid. Okay. We've been running this for quite, some time to, try and make a level of contact, with spirit, and quite clearly it's. Not been as successful as, I think previous, investigation. Here warranted. Some time ago I believe, it was in July. June July, last year when, we were picking up a considerable, amount of three plus a EBP, but, it certainly dropped off tonight. But. As. Per usual we, will soldier, on I hope that you've, enjoyed this, I hope that it's given, you some interest, in what. We've captured here tonight and, of course I won't know Antonio, for sure what we have got until, I sit down and review the, video later, but. For. That I thank, you very much for joining us here and I will say to you all good night thank you. Well. Thank you anyway. Thank. You and I apologies, to anybody did light has been here but. We're not here to fill your face we're, going to leave you in peace now no there's somebody here right, now. We're. Just finishing here, oh. It's. Just like a wave any given scene from here is it oh. Yeah. There is I mean. Says I feel, it yeah Kim he. Just came in at that moment strong. But about, a sick feeling, oh it's. Getting stronger now so him towards me where is it, hang. On man yeah that's. Very, very strong, God's, idea, we're. Just about to leave, yeah. The, ways the way and I, felt, something very very, strong walk right through me, and anything. Fit it too so these. Little thing and we're through v8 sorta like they, just. As we packed all their gear away with just about walk out the door yeah. I've gotten my camera gear here as you can see and as. I was about to leave, I. Felt, it over here well, we're just here. And. It. Was hot, and fitted again and it was like a wave of energy just washed over the main very very strong very very strong, indeed. Anyway. With you leave you in peace thank you good night good. Night. You.

2020-08-09 08:17

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