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Felix and this is the week's tech technical analysis we are looking at in the following order and I'm going to cheerleading off a palantir apple near Sophie DV NVIDIA PayPal and most of the turkey is this in our portfolio so without further adieu I just have to say that this is not for financial advice so do your own research check your own fact and if you want to learn how to do this yourself you know I teach it you know it in my master stocks course so do check that out it's risk-free and Charlie and there is still that build wealth coupon 29% off to take advantage of it what have I got on the screen is Thailand yet and it's moving sideways I think this chap should have chosen better than anything well like that it shows that you know it's just me moving sideways so yesterday not a wonderful day again so we basically a back to where we were on the 28th of July and that seems to be just the way we're moving way so that zigzagging sideways is that terrible well let's look and see it the first thing I usually look at is is our volume moving in the same direction as the chart and is that what does that mean it means a turnaround is coming serving magnify that why you obviously you know if you decline these two days and you can see down here volume falling off and what does that mean well less momentum less people trading on the last cell of the day before the green day was I meant by positive one and then should have turned around again and that's kind of the swings and roundabouts at the market does soup that's a good sign it means we are not expecting to fall substantially lower we also building some quite nice support lines here is sent actually around side of 2160 2170 or thereabouts I'm just going to put a flag and here at 02160 something like that and what am I facing out on well the bottom of yesterday's market I mean that's the one Downside of this candle is we closed at the very bottom of the market but isn't ideal would like to close we like to have a tail like that because it means the market rally backup that gives us author is an indicator that it might be a Green Day the next day so this was kind of like ok everybody is sold off that day but they weren't very many of the most people basically stayed at home or turn the switches off and then you can see that red dotted line here's pretty much also the low of two days ago it's the closing price more or less of the day before so we are building that support around about this 26 2020 121/70 price point at $26 will be lovely wouldn't just put up a quick Williams are here to see so we have actually get a sell signal yesterday which is let me show it to use you to draw a horizontal line in here at the - 50 lb line or thereabouts and then as that purple iron cross through it you get that sells signal again with these things you should always look at volume also it helps you so you can kind of see that volume that bicycle yeah it was there but again on very weak volume so it might not last and I didn't which is why I didn't trade on that and then here again that was such as exactly so basically moving sideways that's the way I see you in I think there is a good chance you're going to keep moving sideways till the 12th of August which is earning date and I've just put out the earnings video call for that so make sure you see it you set that reminder to you you get to join us because it's tremendously interesting to listen to management and Anna's asking questions and let's move over to a PPL bigtech has had a a bouncy week apple was down down and an app is tiny but the last 2-days and what you can see here is it still the same parallel off volume going up the last 2-days and rice is going up also ever so slightly so you see there is a tentative improvement here but again on very low volume and that's actually the whole market we see these movements but not a lot of people trading so it means there is an all imagine it we did get a little bit of a bicycle here just about it I put a line in here again and you can see the purple I'm just speaking over that £50 indicator but why would I not buy on that line rolling me show you so if you put a let me make that line a different colour say a purple line here throughout volume of yesterday and then you go back in time you see that we are below average volume would say I think we get some real rallying going on here we have more like 100 million + shares traded and yesterday it was 70 so 30% down so I would wait for one more big volume day.and confirms and reaffirms the green sentiment hear that we are seeing on Apple and throwing a car company in here but I think it's a tech company and that's the way I look at it I don't like car companies companies have typically not very good profitability management because they making things out of Steel adding meals that is a bit of a different one with subscription remove just like test that's why we value it like that it would we see her massive bounce that is is really just a recovery from the over so that we saw previous day so that's the kind of China regulatory sell-off 8.8% on the 27th of great big candle here I said that I wanted to point out that one here so we are basically recovering from that on decent volume not massive volume but decent volume and you can see if we look at this there you can see people are basically buying more or less evenly a bit most buying is between 43 and $44 and you're wondering what I'm talking about the blue bars here are the positive volume buying in the orange one to the one setting off so by shift is over a little bit more and can I get rid of the sell-off maybe on a 4-hour chart see now that excluded the sell-off here from the visuals and then you just see the bience and then you can actually see what's been happening in the last 2 days so so this is now and you can see the most buying is actually happening around 4460 and there's also quite a bit of 43 and therefore you also known psychological support lines it when it drops below that people are likely to jump back in on it and then if we add the sell-off to it again then we see that there most of the cell of was quite and all the bits of just below 40 is so here is a big chunk of yellow in the yellow to sell off all this particular chat and it's go back to the day we did get a nice big by signal here on the 29th of July and those have been pretty good typically 444 nio I think the indicator works reasonably well so say say say say say something hear what I'm highlighting is was a sell signal so right on the 26th of July until this to get out of the stock so told us to get out at about $50 and then it's telling us to get back in on it at $42 that's pretty good if you trade it at the same options I wouldn't I wouldn't ever I wouldn't show so I think it's a risky move with options is interesting and profitable trade you would have made a very very nice return on that trade here so things are looking up for nio but just bear in mind the whole China sentencing is going to drag on somewhat also coming up again I've just said your dad to make sure you hit the set reminder button for that one but I think Ne-Yo is recovering I think the sentiment of analysts is very much that and here is a little bit special more special than the big guys Howard Sophie is this thing ever going to catch your break it is actually and what I mean that is that it's trading now nicely between 15 and $16 is trading sideways where is before it was coming down like I was falling falling falling and we didn't know where the it was putting it out and now we know 15 bucks is basically where is bottoming out so close against that the more affordable it looks have we got a buy signal yet we do not we are still down here below the dotted line momentum falling off again a little bit yesterday DE12 going to wait for their well again I think earnings could give us a boost unfortunately there at 5 in the morning my time so you won't have to listen to it on your own how would you put it on the patreon the link if you haven't already seen it to listen to it if you're pressed for time 4 time just listen to the last half hour that's normally wear the Q&A part isn't at the most interesting bit you can read the numbers yourself positive what I would say is that for all cell of yesterday the 1% down the volume is almost non-existent so again we are building support here and therefore I think there is a pretty good chance that if you would let me do men have show you that we are getting a new support line here at side of 1530 1540 and that might help as two Bouncers about the $16 again at the moment it's a it's in neutral for me it is a sideways move and I need to show you a bit of a new SIA and that's just out it's that Chinese transport ministry is going to put more pressure on DVD and they've tapping the language and I think I've even rumours of that might be taking private again I might be taken off the market is people thought that was a great thing because it means that they're going to get paid but it also isn't all that great you don't really want your freshly listed stocks to go to go back of line so to speak so that's nothing explains that 11% down since yesterday another 5% pounds to me on the line story not from technical point of view I think he is exceptionally risky I think the regulatory problems they have a massive underestimated and they already have 90% market share so they're pretty much only have something to lose and very little to gain so I think that's the position I see this in and really this one is is trading that way that's the way I see this and that Littledown 3C here I think some people call let you know the dead cat bounce or something awful to let my feelings hear that but I think it's sort of a people think it's cheap now isn't it it's great it's going to be brilliant this to Chinese uber and yes it is but I think it's the Chinese uber with seven or eight government investigations into it so personally I will run no matter what the technical say hey technicals do not read the news so yes there is this movement here too kind of recover but I would take profits and Run not advice because I cannot give it to you I'm just telling you that's what I would do if I bought it I didn't because I didn't like the business model to start with and you can watch back my videos from pre-ipo on that sound this is this morning will be talking about this is more of a proper recovery a you see that this is sort of the direction is heading in fairly continuously reactor 441 split which didn't free people out thankfully it did a bit so don't bite house before that and now we're kind of recovering and we got some signal for the latest one on the 27th of July which so we kind of like dancing the sort of little you know by doing these things here and I think at the moment I would be better than that direction because that's what we're looking having said that the last 3 days of positive growth and she did ask there was a red one even though the Paris cream volume is pretty flat it's it's coming off just a little bit is so let's have a look at momentum here as well LA Adidas ok momentum is really turned around let me find the 0 marker also with our bicycle on the on the Williams I've just looked at Sue is improving and continues to and that's a positive in the last rallies we have had two on the 20th of May if you go back here is that would have gotten you in 143 and then it would have gotten you out at 203 you would have missed quite another cell off and now it's getting you back in so that makes me pretty positive I must say that sort of changes not mind a little bit on here I think we are looking a lot more positive then perhaps even the chat give the way here and if you just follow That Dream little chat I've driven here I think I think that looks to me like the direction we are heading in earnings also coming out very soon on the 18th so those are of course a big event that we have to be have to definitely watch out for what is next I think I put in my head slightly in the wrong and I'm following my order sorry guys I want to make sure that I can give you guys tags that are in the right order PayPal PayPal just fallen off completely having beaten earnings and earnings surprise was up to present earnings my great but they're forecast swearing little bit more depressed I mean not really depressed but not as glorious as people have come to expect from PayPal PayPal credible round this year it's by the way my number one position side by this literally at the moment every two weeks I bought some more yesterday and the day before because to me yet momentum of the child's tell me do the opposite but this is for me one of those cases where a CD fundamental long-term story so I'm not buying this on technical analysis point if I did I wouldn't have thought yesterday I buy this every two weeks and would make don't care what the share prices but there is sense and listening to the analysis and it would have gotten you in on the 21st of May at 2:50 and I would have gotten you out basically under 28 at 320% age grade and now it would have saved you from from that sell us personally I think people is such a profitable business with such tremendous margins that I think people are going to buy The Dip think possibly we are going to go as low as that of 267 and why do I say that because that's where the 100 day moving average line is very rarely fall below that we did in May for a little bit but then we've always bounce back and we have done that for ages it's basically behaves pretty much like you so occasionally you get these sort of opportunities here and putting in the purple dot sorry for the low that and then moving average line typically it it keeps going and usually when that happens it's because you have one of these massive sell-off date on the massive volume said of days and putting a few arrows in the old magnify that for you just a second and see this was the sell-off just you see that huge volumes bike the negative volume and then we had that here also just after earning so same thing happened after earnings and then again previous owners he also had that two people at trading this on earnings people and making bets one way or the other and it could be option trading in there as well and that's what causes he's massive spikes and money from that options and if that sounds interesting to you you have to learn options trading which I teach you in that caused the Angelo have a think about that but to me this is just one of those dancers so I'm just going to keep buying through it no matter what but if you wanted to get in on this then this would not be the right time you have to wait a little bit for momentum to improve and will deter Anna and then I'll let you know when that happens hopefully sometime next week now Alibaba our lungs suffering and happy depressed Alibaba so here is the purple momentum 0 Mark and I don't need to show you that momentum is pretty unpleasant men that - 16 only goes 2 - 20 in a bit actually no it's been kept by his 23 Alibaba is proving out and it's just trading down with continuously it has done for the last 8 months what's going to stop this I mean reading learning is coming up and I've caught on livestream without 12 so again that call is out check out out all night my channel let's look at William Zahir we had a brief spell loved icicle seal from the 21st to the 23rd 2 days of positivity that would have gotten you in at 2 or so it would have gotten you add a 206 losing trade at a false indicator and and now we are not even managing to break through the £50 line we celebrate cover a bit and then we fall off again so Be Somebody by somebody else's basically going and throwing in the towel I've had enough I haven't got the Patience I've just bought a video looking at the fundamentals the numbers are great mention the lack of momentum is a problem with this though so I still don't I still don't see this going anywhere in the next couple of months sorry guys it doesn't mean I've I'm running from Balboa it just means I don't see this turning around all of the negative China sentiment always gets thrown under Bargains the most famous Chinese stock that's listed in New York so so there we have it it's it's moving your basically between 190 and 211 that sort of our our range and and will probably continue to do that unless you know that SCC announcement becomes more sinister about they basically stopped Chinese company sufficient security so if I wanted to raise some Bonzo so much as you so much as and in New York at the moment it wouldn't be able to until this regulation is sort of fine-tuned what could move this well if the US and china actually sit down together and agree on exchanging audit papers of China says here at all the paper still fine checking out yourself that might do the trick a little bit that would help to rebuild confidence but at the moment you know it's just one of those things great company wonderfully profitable marvellous business lots of growth and going absolutely nowhere and that sometimes happened it's going to happening here for ages barbers basically been getting cheaper every single year since 2020 15 or something like that in terms of price earnings ratio just been falling so is getting more profitable is getting cheaper but it's only for people with a very very long-term Horizon I would say that's pretty much the if you have a website good academy.org take some take my free mini-course it's absolutely

free as I say absolutely no obligation you never want to hear from you again after that you unsubscribe once you never hear from me again and I'll never pass on your data that's absolutely promise and if you haven't already join the master stocks cause if you want to learn technical analysis and you can do this yourself it's very useful because it helps you time things get in and out and there's still at Builth Wells coupon 29% off I will be closing the master stocks and Roman soon possibly in the next week or 10 days because the people and roll every week is brilliant fantastic I love you for it I want to make sure I can deliver you guys a good service so for that I am I need to slow things down and it'll be closed for a while so jumping on that before poop and see you on the next video

2021-08-03 04:11

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