QubitTech Compensation Business Model Changes - Team

 QubitTech Compensation Business Model Changes - Team

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hello everyone how are you doing faith sloan queen wiki here in the house haven't done a video in quite some time i figure out do a recording and um i tell you it's just been hold on okay there's been something really really exciting going on here with um cubitech you know people are always talking garbage you know i'm gonna say something about somebody because somebody's always saying something about something which they know absolutely nothing about right so a colleague of mine said that um someone came to him and said well you know i heard he's a friend of many of ours you know and it's quite all right i understand when you're misled you know but he says well you know we heard that um qubit tech changed the rules of their change to business model right here we go people don't know what they're talking about right don't know what they're talking about change the business so you should come back to cash effects they told my friend so my friend who's got like 3600 3800 people in this downline he um they got a notice from from them saying congratulations you got your commission with three dollars because no one is upgrading he's not getting anything in the unit level because no one is upgrading and um he got a hundred thousand dollar position i think they're trying to get him to go back in you know and get the work over there and you know it's kind of like you guys just need to stop all you need to do is worry about your business worry about what you're doing now so let me talk about the new rules i like it because those especially when you have an upline who's not providing you any service who's not giving you any support who doesn't even talk to you now they won't be getting paid on you you know they got to get the work you know in the binary right in the binary you have a left leg you have a right leg and the way cubitec works is yeah you can get in throw one person on the left throw one person on the right what why is my computer making that noise throw one person on the right throw one person on the left you can do that and then just work one leg but see in cubitech the whole thing is everyone contributes to the ecosystem everyone have to contribute you don't just take take take like a parasite and so what i'm going to do i'm going to talk about some of the changes that occur the first change is this the fast start the quick start bonus remember it used to be 30 days for the quick start bonus right in 30 days every day you can run as hard as you can and every time you get two on the left and two on the right you get a free digital license equivalent to the minimum of those four people you do it again two on the left two on the right boom you got another free one boom do it again you can do that for 30 days originally now you can do it for 15 days is that a hardship that you know they're going to give you 15 days to do some work to get free digital license that they're giving to you no that's that's okay that means that those who really want it those who have to desire people who are really working and stop procrastinating gonna wait till the end of day you're gonna wait to day 29 anyway so here you're gonna wait to day 14 anyway so it really doesn't matter if you're a procrastinator but if you're someone with a desire who's going to go for who's going to run hard and fast then you don't have any concern at all because you are a worker you are a hard worker you do make plans you do write down your task list you do daily consistent and persistent ipas and i don't mean beer for those you think i'm talking about beer you can have a beer but i'm talking about i'm talking about income producing activities ladies and gentlemen that's what we're talking about now let me lay back a bit so now that you get 15 days instead of 30. what's the big deal but also a lot of people are doing that because you're not supposed to have multiple positions we've got people who are multi-millionaires throwing in you know a ten thousand dollar position on the top you know fifty thousand dollars over here fifty thousand dollars over here fifty thousand dollars over here fifty thousand dollars over here all in their name they get a free fifty thousand dollar digital license that's going to be earning on the company's back then they do it again with their millions of dollars right that's a lot of money and they're leaching and being parasitic parasitic off the company's back yeah yeah i like the change of the rule right because now if you have free digital licenses for four months you can ride it for four months that's kind of like the break even point but if you haven't done anything in those four months and those aren't real people anyway that you put in you put in your dog your cat and you put in your mom and your dad you know they're really all you then you shouldn't be doing that anyway so it really doesn't matter to those who are doing the right thing right so now and then they put another one under there one on the right one on the left a hundred thousand hundred thousand eleven hundred thousand right they get a free hundred thousand dollar digital license right right and the whole thing is that's not right you're not supposed to be doing that you're not supposed to be doing that so there you are and so those people who are doing that you're bringing in your dog and your cat you know your dog and your cat are not going to work you just want those free digital license so you can earn passively on two million a million dollars some people are doing that with a thousand dollars no you can't do that contribute to the ecosystem contribute to the community stop trying to get over all the time right come on talk to a couple of people and bring them on board what's so hard about that be different in 2021 do things differently empower yourself get a little uncomfortable therein lies your win now so that's one change so buddy boy is that so difficult is that a massive change where people are going to leave cuba tech in droves no what's the other change the other change i like it because my sponsor sponsor and my sponsor sponsor sponsor when i came on board they promised me a million dollars on my left leg they promised they're going to give me some leaders they promised me the world that was when i got on board august 25th of 2009 2020. guess what they've given me nothing but they saw what i was doing they saw me working they saw us me and alicia creating all of this volume together guess what they did put about 10 positions underneath us in their names so it can build on in there so they can have some leverage and get some leaders in or whatever i don't care what reason they did it but it was bogus it was shady it was gummy dude i wanted to take a bath after that no i don't talk to them anymore but i don't care and they were making money on me because they were ranked five six or whatever right so when you're ranked five for example you earn a matching check bonus on everyone that you personally brought in and they personally brought in all the way down um five levels when you rank 10 down 10 levels when you rank three down three levels so they have this long leg i've got 20 million dollars in my left leg no i have 20 million dollars in their left leg and every time i get a big huge binary bonus they got a piece of the pie they got a pizza to pie on that matching check bonus for ranking they always i didn't care i don't care i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do i'm gonna work my butt off that's what i do that's what i enjoy doing you know but now with the change they gotta work so here's how it works let's say for example like me for example let's say i get 20 000 in binary bonus tomorrow my sponsor will get his percentage whatever it may be five six seven eight nine whatever that percentage is he'll get that because i'm his personal my sponsor sponsor because he's ranked five or six or whatever he'll earn remember five levels if you're a rank five i'm in there so he will get some percentages off of me right and my sponsor sponsors oh ghost guys did not help me at all but they were really getting a lot of money because i was getting a lot of great binaries a lot of great binary money so they were making a lot of money but now here's how it works if you don't have 30 percent or more on one leg in your binary you will not get the binary matching bonus i like it you know why i like it i work it has no negative ramification on me those people who are working if you are ranked as a leader then act like one support your team don't just disappear and go in another deal and get at the top of that deal and rape the people there and you get all i can name some names but i'm not they're in five different deals where they're at the top because they got the gift the gap they bring the people in and they get all the commissions they don't support them or anything they go on vacation and then they go to the next deal they convince the owners that they're superhuman right they convince them that they're super human and that they can bring in this and they bring in all these people in and they get all this commission but they don't support it at all they stop building they don't do anything they don't absolutely nothing same thing here in cuba tech so there was a binary so i got i've got 20 million dollars on their left leg they don't have anything close to 20 million dollars on their right leg their weak leg that's the pay leg but they are still getting matching check bonuses from everyone right that they personally brought in and that they personally brought in and they personally brought in depending upon their rank either down five levels down six levels or whatever i don't think not neither of them are level seven i'm level ten tomorrow i'll be level um i'll i'm ranked ten tomorrow i'll be rank 11 where the company will give me 250 000 immediately withdrawable in my back office so what are you talking about what do you mean what's wrong with the company they changed their plan it's a great change let's see you talk about trying to get people back in cash effects using that as an excuse i don't need to use cash fx to get people into cuba tech i don't have to use another company and trash it i don't tr i'm not trashing cash effects at all as a matter of fact it's been so out of mind for me out of mind i don't even feed people and what they're posting about cash effects as a matter of fact i see less and less of it but i'm not trashing any company just to get people into my company just to get people to keep it tagged that's weak that's lame that's bad marketing i wouldn't join anyone like that in their deal if they trash another company in order to get me there you don't need to do that build your company on its own merits on its own accord now let's say for example i've got 20 million dollars let's say tomorrow it only goes by the week so by the week we got a gauge in our back office it tells you what your percentages are let me show you let me show you today is the first day of the gauge in our back office you got seven days to have at least 30 percent in one leg let me show you how easy it is to do that share screen this is my back office okay i don't you know you can take my email if you wanna don't read email i have 45 000 emails in there so i don't care oh i got 6 500 cool okay so if i click on network and i'm going to do some back office training soon [Music] i click on my network my network my network okay oh this was a promo right here they had a promo that between that time that it started i can't remember november or something through through um january 31st if you get 30 000 in volume on your front line people you personally bring in you get a free trip um you pay your flight though but you get free lodging to the promo event and you get fifteen hundred dollars if you get sixty thousand dollars you can bring a guest that they pay for right and they give you um thirty five hundred dollars so i was eligible on day two that they announced it and i said oh okay i could do that right so that's what this promo result is i'm there i'm going that's brazil watch out i'm going to the base camp in brazil too now i want you to look at this matching bonus indicator i've got on my first line sales a hundred thousand four hundred out of twenty five hundred i'm required to bring in right every week on my front line twenty five hundred dollars if you are a leader in your rank and you can't bring in twenty five hundred dollars a week you're not a leader twenty five hundred dollars and you're a leader come on so that's not a hardship leaders are like scoffing at that nobody's complaining about it except for people who are outsiders looking in saying how negative it is twenty five hundred dollar volume shoves you guys need fifty thousand dollars in volume and cash effects just to become an executive and then you lose it the next week because your volume rolls off on the 30-day time period i was done okay so here all you need is immediately 2500 right i already got that this is the first day this is january 25th and it ends february 1st one week i already met that criteria and that many other people have already met that criteria that's nothing 2500 on your front level your personal referrals 25 hours 2500 the second criteria is one of your legs you got to have 30 or more in volume well shucks i got 52 48 on my right leg my team put in ninety six thousand eight hundred dollars it's gotta be your team and not spill over for the week your team all of these matching bonuses are based upon your team ranking is based upon your team so therefore the matching check bonuses in the binary based upon your team i'm all fine see this would say negative and it'll be read if i hadn't achieved it i already achieved it in day one okay yeah i work faster than a lot of other people fine but let's say for example you're doing 10 of what i'm doing so you will still have 52 48 if you have 9 680 on one leg and ten thousand six on your twenty on the other that's fifty two forty eight as long as you don't let a leg get below thirty percent you're fine who left the leg gets lower than thirty percent oh i know who left a leg is lower than thirty percent my up up lines they won't get paid see you shouldn't be rewarded for doing nothing that's the problem with a lot of companies rewarding people for doing nothing in the network you know that's why they call it network not net fit if you want to just do nothing go do the passive thing don't don't recruit don't braille or build a team don't call yourself a leader leaving them out in the freaking a red feet and a canoe without paddles just throwing people in to collect commissions direct commissions you know you guys are going to have to change that's when this industry is going to change when you guys change you guys aren't leaders you know you guys aren't leaders i wash the hips not the lips everybody talk about what they can do and who they are you're gonna give me leaders you're gonna give me a million dollars then it became a half a million dinner with a hundred thousand but you gave me zero i'm not mad at you just don't talk to me unless you make it up to me i don't know any girls i've forgiven you but don't talk to me about small talk pretending like nothing happened pretending that if you didn't lie you lied but i'm fine with it because i'm crushing it without you and you are so happy now this requirement says anybody who's leeching off of the company and not doing any work and think they're going to make a bunch of money on one leg on a somebody like queen wiki or somebody like alicia or somebody like whomever's on chelsea's team or or delocious team right or somebody on steve silgram's team somebody on d washington team they're working their butts off and you guys making money and you haven't done a darn thing well it won't happen on dee's team it won't happen on the loach team it won't happen on um my team well i mean you won't have an unleasher saying why because i'm the sponsor i'm the leader i take full responsibility for helping my team i do that's why we have no problem in team queen wiki now if you have a problem with your sponsor you need to get with them and they're going to be all disgruntled because they know they're not working but we haven't had one complaint about this but we got outsiders want to inject come back over to cash fx i heard that cuba tech changed their business model yes they did and i am happy for it so all i have to do is log in every day make sure i'm on target make sure that one of my legs is 30 or more i'm already there 106 thousand dollars on my left 96 800 on my right and the day just started and this is day one the week just started so i'm gonna repeat that because i ramble but this time i'm gonna repeat it succinctly the first change that was made is those of you who are getting free digital licenses free digital licenses nothing changes for you except instead of 30 days you get to run hard and fast 15 days they give you to give you this gift of free licenses where you earn 250 percent passively that's a whole 250 profit right and if you want it you'll go get it so that's no biggie okay that's that's required and after four months which is about your break-even point on those three licenses after four months that means you're broken even but you really didn't break even you made 100 profit because you didn't buy them you made 100 profit but you are required to bring one person in i don't care what for what amount right bring in one person it could be a hundred dollars could be a hundred thousand dollars bring in one person a month and you get to keep all of your positions all your free ones they're not going to mess with the one you purchase for all your free once you get to but if you don't do anything after they've given you those free licenses they're going to deactivate them after four months that sounds reasonable to me little biggie one person a month everybody can do that everybody on this planet can do that my mother's a rank six one person on your front line a month so you're fine now with the matching when you rank you rank based upon team volume let me show you let me show you where's my ring oh here it is you see here my right leg is my strongest leg well i tell you those guys are crushing it my left leg they're crushing it i love both of these guys they're just doing very very well you'll see that in order for me to rank 11 i'm ranked 10. they gave me 100 000 and i would drew that quickly in order for me to rank 11 i need 900 000 i got eight hundred and eighty one thousand six hundred so i need about what um i don't know twenty thousand dollars less than twenty thousand about nineteen thousand dollars less than nineteen thousand dollars i'm going to meet this criteria i need 12 million on my strongest leg i've got 14 million 202 on my team everything on my right leg is my team no spillover that's my that's my private leg that's my leg this left leg is the one where my sponsor sponsor and my sponsor sponsor um sponsor told me they were going to give me all of that alicia helped build this right and her team 6.8 million dollars they gave us nothing and we've got over 20 we got 21 million dollars in volume on our own with our team and we're proud of it we don't need their help okay so i've got the 12 million dollars on the right leg because i got 14 million right they call it real volume it's team volume follow me on this total volume includes spillover um real volume is team volume total volume includes spillover look at that where's my spillover what have i got fifty thousand dollars in spillover fifty thousand dollars and still over oh god that's what they gave me i guess and really wasn't from them but from other people up there too so um so i met that criteria that's criteria number two need nine hundred thousand dollars on my front line i need twelve million on my biggest line and i need five million on my weekly i got six point seven four nine million so all i need here to get two hundred and fifty thousand dollars dropped into my back office tomorrow is for my front line to buy about nineteen thousand dollars less than nineteen thousand dollars worth of digital license upgrades new it doesn't matter i get two hundred fifty thousand dollars hey what what are you saying what's wrong with cuba tech when you guys rank what do you get our ranks are easy when we rank one our people get a hundred dollars all they need is a thousand dollars on their front line all they need is twenty five hundred dollars on their strong leg all they need 750 on their weak leg their rank one they're going to start earning on everyone a matching check on their front line the personal rank two is easy then they earn on rank one i mean level one and level two rank eight when you get there you're going to earn all the way down eight levels matching bonus but you've got to make sure now but you've got hold up hold on let me call you back yes yes let me call you back that's irene but you got to understand now you you can't just go and sit and put your feet up eating bomb bombs and talking about i'm going to have some plum wine right and some organic chips now what you have to do is watch this matching bonus indicator bring in 2500 on your first front line every week 2500 on your front line i bet you the leaders are like laughing is that it these guys aren't even doing that and they don't deserve to get paid off of me now i said it left leg or right leg it doesn't matter which one better not go below 30 percent that's all that means and when it when it when you are 30 or more you'll see excellent but if you go below that 30 threshold it's going to be red and say negative that means it gives you a warning you got a couple of more days or you got one more day or you got five more days in order to coordinate with your team this is your team volume not your spillover coordinate with your team and say hey you know let me do this let me do this let me do this really quickly and coordinate with your team and say hey guys you know what are you doing what do you what do i need to do to help you et cetera oh this even increased already see every time i refresh my screen my legs i mean i just get more and more volume so i'm fine 52 percent 48 all you need to do is have 30 or more on any one of your legs pay attention 30 or more on any one of your legs and you've got to have 2 500 2500 in volume on your front line your personals for that week that's it and we get paid once a week in the binary matching bonus that i'm talking about once a week okay and so monday we'll get our first payment from the last week i don't even know where we are because they didn't have this gauge back there but i believe i have 30 on one leg i know i mean i know i didn't go below 30 on one leg because both of them are working like gang busters i want to give them a shout out because they are wonderful so that those are the changes what other changes um with the quick start it was the requirement after four months that you bring in one person at whatever cost it doesn't matter um every month you do that after four months then i just talked about this one the people who are ranked if you want to get matching bonuses you gotta do the work which isn't that difficult i've just shown you i mean this could be 106 dollars versus 98 dollars you're still 52 48 so it's that not like well you can do it you know queen you can't bring in 106 on one leg and 98 on the other your percentage is still 52 48 yes you can anybody can bring in 2 500 a week on your first line doesn't have to be one person it can be five people 500 each in a week it could be one person at five thousand dollars it could be one person two people right three people one there's a thousand one hundred thousand one at five hundred that's come on come on you know and some people want to miss a week it's okay things happen in our lives but the next week you get a do-over you get a do-over so i'm ready to rock and roll i'm gonna get paid on mine because i know how to run my business see i don't need to worry about what they're doing over at cash fx i don't need to tell people that cash fx takes took ten took seven days to pay their people just this last week i don't need to use that to get people on board because everybody already knows if you're in cash fx you know it took them seven days to pay her i don't need to spread that around so i don't need to go in anybody's inbox and say hey you know coming to cuba tech cause you know what they're doing the cash effects i don't market that way at all i mark it on the basis on the on the good of the company what other things that i like about it what are the great things about the a model business model what about their role map what about the team that's running it those are the things that i'm going to be looking at and those are the things that i communicate to other people about so those are the changes now that i've talked about the changes i'm going to tell you guys what's been happening we've got those base camps every time someone goes to a base camp a team goes to a base camp they come back fire it up and their team volume goes up like crazy if you think that you don't have to go to these base camps and you think they're just all fun and games if you think that it's not necessary then you don't know the only people who ask me why should i go to any of the events leaders don't ask me that and those who are really actively building their business don't ask me that the people who don't get it who just get in and want to see what's going to happen when nothing's going to happen it's a platform you're supposed to happen and so those are the type of people that come to me and says why should we spend money to go to an event those are the people that mindset aren't quite right because it's an investment in your business and when you have an investment in your business you're going to get an roi on your investment on your time and effort and your money you bring your team with you you're going to see fire in your team you're going to see massive volume guys and i'm i'm not going to talk about that now this is just an update call so now you know what the updates are okay now you know what the updates are i'm going to sign out and i just got an increase up here too every time i refresh this page man it's just amazing i just keep getting more and more money back here see it was 98 and somebody just came in 400 this is coming in you know it's just crazy insane um you know the legs they're doing very very well we've got about 35 000 people on team queen wiki um already i had 133 500 come in on my left leg that's my paid leg that's my weak leg and we aren't even we just the days just started a few hours ago right so this is going to be a lot by the end of the day right and that is what i'm going to get paid in the binary in the binary only so this is just truly amazing truly truly amazing guys i mean so that's the update they have a charity charity yes that's one of the updates they're now taking about one percent of our money to have a charity when we were out there um in tanzania out there in tanzania they gave food to 400 family food clothing they went to 400 families they also are going to i don't know if i'm supposed to say this it was told to me privately i'm going to say it anyway they're going to build a school in tanzania that's going to be very very very exciting all of our team members our leaders we talk about these charitable events and so we plan to do a lot of charity and my team in colombia we're going to do a lot of charity out there right um it's just going to be amazing we're going to do some charity in brazil we're going to do some charity in africa on ghana uganda congo kenya nigeria south africa we're going to do a lot of charitable work and we could tap into the charity fund this has just started it was 90 000 and some have been used already as we're speaking you know they're using this money to help other people i mean what good is it making a lot of money if you're not gonna help any people right so you'll notice here um we the next place that we're going to tanzania would finish with that brazil brazil is a base camp you got to be ranked one or higher otherwise that registration link won't be in your back office from the 17th through to 27th a 10-day event all lodgings paid for um but it costs about a thousand dollars okay it costs a thousand dollars you get your own flight do your own flight plans um if you're coming and it costs a thousand dollars you know talk to your leader maybe they can help finance that for you if you really really really want to go and you really want to participate and you really want to grow your team you got to go to the base camp i'm telling you you must go to the base camp now they also had a competition a promo going on from december 20th to january 31st all you have to do is get fifteen thousand thirty thousand dollars in volume on your front line that's more than a month they gave us thirty thousand dollars in volume then you're going to get fifteen hundred dollars when you get to the event and they're also they're paying all your lodging your ticket is free to the adventure lodging is free and they give you 1500 but you just have to buy your flight your airfare if you produce 60 000 on your front line those are people that you personally brought in sixty thousand dollars total then you'll have a trip for two so they'll give you thirty five hundred dollars when you get there thirty five hundred dollars and both of you will get a free entry to the event and free lodging and when i talk about free lodging they don't put you up in no rinky dinky place they give you the top of the line hotels um i tell you it's just going to be wonderful so i'm going to be there i'm going to fly out on the 14th give myself ample time maybe the 13th i'm going to fly out the event the base camp where we're going to be walking on glass and learning how to be better leaders and learning how to duplicate um learning about internet marketing having sales competition we're going to crush our competition networking um fellowship it's just going to be great andreas um t-sun you look him up he's a motivational speaker he's working really hard with um cubic tech and they've got him on a tight schedule man i think every three weeks they have a base camp i think in less than three weeks um so that's gonna be exciting you gotta get there big form that's the promo that's going to be based on the volume that you produce you only have until january 31st you got a week to get at least 30 000 in volume from december 20th to january 31st on your front line people you personally brought in be there get there to these events and tell your team members the same thing base camp is going to be in peru i love peru when it was at the pichu machu machu picchu i climbed that mountain when i went out there a few years back i'm going again it's going to be march 21st that's around my birthday and it's like i'm going to be traveling a lot because if this is march 21st i think this is a one-day event i am going to be late for i'm not sure i'm going to do peru that's a lot of traveling i like to be at home sometime but i'm going to try to make it um in peru i'm italy i definitely want to go there i've been to florence italy i loved it loved it loved it um that's april 21st so maybe i'll skip peru maybe i'll i mean it's like two in the morning people still calling me maybe i'll skip peru and just do italy so i'll be in brazil rio de janeiro this is an um a part of brazil is this in uh uh uh um i got it it's on the site it's on the site we're part of brazil you go take a look this one's in brazil rio de janeiro and um in rio de janeiro and um then italy and i'm definitely going there so those are the updates ladies and gentlemen and let me make sure i didn't miss anything let me go let's click on this purple beautiful logo click on content and news um see what other announcements the charity event um oh andreas tisson has an online course it's told to be the billy bong i'm thinking about attending that um he did a webinar on january 26 talking all about it he will be doing a webinar i'm going to be there um to see what are the merits of his um online course um that's going to be wonderful and the results of the leadership meeting um let me click on that one this will make sure that i cover everything um let's talk about the plans to promote the platform in china yes um we're they're getting ready to blow it out in asia guys getting ready to blow it out in asia and i was talking to my colleague my inside guy he told me that if you have anyone who speaks chinese corporate has a chinese speaker an english-speaking woman who can be on these zooms and webinars with us um what else um yes the um corporate license you know if you get a corporate license for car of course you got to have insurance so send in your insurance sending your ownership documents send in your um insurance coverage okay so i'm almost there i think around february 9th my my 40 000 corporate license that i purchased they're gonna give me a hundred thousand dollars and i'm treating myself finally to something material which i don't do often and then i'm thinking about it cadillac cadillac escalade i don't want a lamborghini everybody in crypto got a lamborghini looking like clones i like to do things differently so i'm not even sure what i'm gonna get but it won't be a lamborghini or ferrari or porsche you know it's that's just so possible for me um what else the trading signals trading signals are out in your back office it's a product you can sell to other people just like you could sell our bot to other people cryptocurrency traders and um i they have a 9.99 trial for the signals you can use for a week and i took the signal if um a week ago and it is vec with v cash um usdt pair and let me see how that baby is doing i'm doing this on the fly i never like to do things on the fly see if right they told me to go in at 93 that baby was going up i went in at 92.93

i got my stop loss at 75 i did this trade january 20th i have my take profit at 130. it was about 108 when they gave me that signal and they were right it did go down so i came in at 92.93 it's at 90.78 i only did fifty dollars as a test because all i had was fifty dollars in my um brokerage account and i just wanted to see how i would perform it doesn't matter how much money you put in i'm just seeing the performance if this baby perform i got a huge margin level here so i don't care i'm just minus two dollars not even close to seventy five dollars on my stop loss my take profit is 130 and i don't even watch it i'm gonna let it ride you know you got to be patient with trading so i'm going to go on and buy the service the signal service for 99 i'm sorry 29 a month 1999 or 29.99 a month i'm gonna buy the signal service because these guys are good at trading um let's see what else uh the charity program i talked about that already and um i talked about everything else those are the changes oh what's so bad about them wonderful signing out fake sloan queen wiki here guys we're going to crush this in 2020 we got 35 000 people we're gonna have a party we're gonna be giving away some gifts and things of the sort so stay tuned for that keep doing what you're doing i appreciate each and every one of you you are working i mean i've never seen a team like this before in 30 plus years in network marketing it's amazing all of you guys that are stepping up to the plate and showing your leadership i commend you i tell you i commend you bye bye yes indeed

2021-01-30 13:41

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