"My Intensive Technology Detox Diary" -- A NoSleep Read

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You. You. You. Have, you ever wondered, why we are all so obsessed. With technology. Look. Around you right, now. Everyone. Is on a laptop a, mobile. A tablet. They. Are immersed in their, own little world. Oblivious. To all that transpires, around, them. It's. Like an addiction a disease. And. I, need. To cure myself. I am. A technology, addict. I. Desire. It I obsess. Over it, I. Have. Gone days, without sleeping, or eating when I'm gaming. I lose. Whole weekends, watching YouTube videos. My, every, thought and, action are visible, to the whole world on a dozen social, media applications, that I update. Endlessly. I. Lost. My girlfriend to my addiction a few months ago and I am determined to, win her back. She. Told me that if I can go eight weeks, without technology. She. Will think about, getting back together with me. I've. Made the decision to try an intensive, cold. Turkey, style, technology. Detox. I. Thought. It would be cool to keep, a diary of it and. Share it here with, my no sleep buddies. Come. On my no sleep brothers and sisters help, out one of your biggest fans and support, me on my technology, detox. Okay. Let. Me start with the, rules. One. I. Can. Work on my laptop for, up to eight hours a day no, more I don't. Want to be unemployed as well as single, do I. -. I. Can. Use my mobile for, phone calls and important, texts, only. At seven. O'clock p.m., it gets locked away until. Seven o'clock the, next morning. Three. I. Am. Replacing technology. With wholesome. Healthy, activities, I'm. Going. To exercise for, at least an hour a day, read. Instead of watching YouTube fail vids and I'm, even going to try meditation, to replace the hours I waste on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Wish. Me luck. This. Is, hard. I. Have. Been so, twitchy. I. Have. Been walking to work and back which has been quite nice, apart, from Wednesday, when it rained. I'm. So. Desperate. To go online I keep reaching for my phone but I've pretty much stayed on the wagon just. One. Minor blip on. Thursday. When I jumped a no sleep on my mobile and read a couple of stories, they. Were amazing, by the way and, it. Was 8:45. Before, I locked away my mobile. I've. Started. Reading a paperback called dune by Frank Herbert. Guys. If you haven't read this book it's amazing. You have to check it out. I'm. Finding. Meditating, tough, my. Mind wanders, so, easily, but, I'm, determined to keep going. I rang. My ex to tell her she. Seemed, pleased I was giving it a go so that's, given me a lot of hope. I'm. Calling week one a success I. Went. For a run this week, twice. Not. Too far just three. Miles but I'm suitably, smug about it I. Listened. To Spotify, on my first run then realized that was tech. I'm. Getting, much better at meditating, I. Can. Go for about seven minutes at a time now that. Doesn't, sound like much but try, it it, feels, like an awfully, long time when all you were doing is sitting in breathing, I. Look. Like a different person already. My. Complexion is not as sallow and pale. I'm. Out. In the Sun three to four hours a week now with walking and running. I've. Started to lose a bit of weight but, there's. This weird red dot on the tip of my right thumb. Sleep. Was, always, a problem for me I used. To wake several, times a night and jump straight on my phone often spending hours, on social media. My. Sleep is already, getting better, but. I've, started to dream, I. Never. Used, to I don't, think I was ever asleep, unbroken long enough to. It's. A vivid recurring. Scene I'm. Sitting. In a room with my friends, and we were all talking. Slowly. The conversation, drifts away from me. My. Friends stopped hearing, than seeing me I. Shout. And scream, and, shake, them but it's like I've stopped existing to them. Freudian. Huh. No. Blips this week but serious. Cravings, and my resolve has been tested many, times. On a, couple of mornings when I woke up my mobile was next to my bed instead of downstairs. I must. Have forgotten to lock it away a night. You. I. Think. The honeymoon is over I. Really. Want to go online I'm, obsessing. About it. Everything. Was going so well for the first two weeks. Week. Three has not, been as doesn't. It. Started. With the headache on Monday dull, at first but ever-present. The. Stomach cramps and nausea are worse than the headaches. They. Seemed to subside when I'm at work on my laptop but the rush at the time I feel more, Hutten. I. Still. Manage to get out for a run but just, the one I. Was. Hoping to build on last week not go backwards. The. Healthy glow I was starting to see in the mirror last week is less, evident, now I. Have. The mother of all as its forming, just above my left eyebrow.

What. Am i a teenager. Maybe. I'm getting, ill. On. Thursday. Morning I woke up on my sofa instead of my bed the, TV was on in the background, I. Must. Have crashed out after work I. Turned. The TV off as soon as I woke up but ended, up flicking it back on. My. Headache is crippling. Now and the TV took my mind off it for a while I. Called. In sick to work on Friday. I've. Caught. Myself on a couple of occasions just. Staring. At my phone. I have. To leave it out of reach at work otherwise I keep, finding it in my hand. It's. Getting harder, and harder not, to just jump online and check Facebook. The. Weird red dots are on the tips of most, of my fingers now. I started. To feel a bit better after Friday of last week. Maybe. The illness, has passed I'm. Back. On with the meditation but, when I'm just sitting with my own thoughts it just draws my attention to, my headache and turns. It from a dull background, pain to a sharp blinding. Agony. My. Sit is growing, it's, going to be a monster. I. Tried. Squeezing, it but it's bloody painful I. Think. I'll leave it until it forms a proper head before popping it as. The. Week has gone on the nausea and cramps have come back. When. I started this process I called it a detox, but it really is starting to feel like I'm coming off heroin or something. I'm. Sweating, then, shivering. And I have cravings, I'm. Desperate. To look at my phone and check in on social media. My. Dream is really getting to me it's. Like my subconscious. Is talking to me. Not. Interacting. With people and social media has made me realise how I don't have any real world friends I. Woke. Up on Saturday, morning and my. Bed was, covered, in blood. When. I tried to get out of bed a burning pain flared up on the soles of my feet. They're. Shredded, and filled. With tiny, shards of glass. I. Think. I've pieced together what must have happened I, obviously. Got up in the middle of the night to get myself a glass of water from the kitchen and drop the glass smashing, it on the wooden floor and lacerating. My feet. It's. Odd. Though. There. Was no spilt water just, broken, glass and looking. At the trail of bloody footprints, it almost looks like I walked repeatedly, back and forth through the shards I. Don't. Think I could have damaged, my feet more if I deliberately, tried to. That's. Unfortunately. Put the walking and running on hold. One, other weird thing I. Keep. Finding tiny, shriveled, black, hairs all over the house. They. Aren't mine. It's. Getting, tough no sleep, please. Keep sending your positive, thoughts. The. Cravings, are, unbearable. I haven't. Been able to go into work all week. I mostly. Lie on the sofa shaking. My. Every, thought is, consumed. By technology. My. Skull is itching on the inside and it feels like my brain is burning. I so. Desperately, wanted to go online I know it would make the pain and the aching desire go away. When, I read my, eyes stream. In the words are blurred.

Meditation. Is agony. It seems to focus the pain around my eyes they feel like they're going to burst. My. Zit is the size of a grape in. A. Desperate attempt, to relieve the brutal, pain in my forehead I squeeze and squeeze screaming. And pain until it bursts, a. Heart. A black ball the size of a pea fires out bouncing. Off my bathroom mirror and rolling down the sink before I can catch it. The. Black hairs are all over. The house now the. Tiny, red sores are all around the edges of my eyes on my, fingertips, and even my tongue now. They, look like infected, hair follicles, and in. My dreams the black hairs sprout, from them like questing, antennae, while. My conscious, mind takes, refuge from the constant, blinding. Pain I'm in. Three. Nights in a row I wake. Up at my kitchen table. My. Laptop, is on and my phone is in my hand I. Don't. Remember any of it but I've made, hundreds. Of posts in the night all on my social media accounts. They. Are bizarre. Insane. Things. Vile. Insults to some of my closest, online friends and colleagues and help, landish, lies as. A. Result, my. Accounts have gone into meltdown, with the amount of furious, and worried replies I received I. Revel. And how good it feels. At. Least my dreams about being invisible, to my friends aren't too likely to come true now. My. Headaches lessen a little. I. Get. A letter from work telling, me my contract, has been terminated. It. Hardly, seems to matter, I've. Come. So far on. This detox that I can't stop now despite, everything that is happening to me. If. Only I could remember why I started doing this in the first place. I'm, lying, curled up in a ball, shaking. I. Have. No idea, how long I've been like this the. Universe, has contracted, to be nothing more than two opposing forces. My. Burning insatiable. Desire, to go online and my resolute, will to see this thing through to the end I. Can. No longer trust, my body or my senses, so I take matters into my own hands I. Take. A hammer to my laptop and phone and smash, them to pieces. It's. The only way to guarantee I won't, succumb, to the cravings. I'm. Vomiting. Now blood. And bio and a cloudy gray fluid, filled with tiny black hairs. I'm. So. Weak I could scarcely move even if my feet weren't covered, and agonizing, infected. Cuts I. Think. My addiction, is going to kill me I. Would. Welcome death. The. Spot over, my left eye is swollen and engorged. It bursts. Spilling. Forth a foul-smelling, yellow. Past and dozens, of tiny black balls, in.

My. Fever dream they unfurl, tiny. Black filament, hairs dragging, them out of a premortal, soup of my blood and pus. They. Skitter away, heading. For the nearest darkness. I. Spend. The rest of the week weeping. I'm. Staring. In the mirror, scalpel. In hand. The. Pain behind my left eye is so. Crippling. That the cold kiss of the razor-sharp steel, would be a welcome relief. As. I. Raise the blade I see the skin around my forehead cheek. And eye socket pulse and shift. My. Tear duct, suddenly sprouts, a thousand, black filament, tears. They. Stretch, and probe, reaching, out to grip my face the, base and taps anything, they can find. I'm paralyzed. With fear as something begins to pull itself through my eye socket, a. Flash. Of pain then. A wet red, explosion. As my eyeball, pops I. Scream. Its. Path, suddenly, freeze as the horror drags, itself out of my skull a ball. Like body and a monstrous, tail adorned, with a cruel needle, with sharp hooks trailing, a ruin of gore and gray brain matter behind, it I. Lose. Consciousness and. Perhaps. My. Mind. My. Ex-girlfriend comes. To see me in the secure psychiatric, ward. Speech. Is difficult, for me and my. Brain works slower now making it hard to find the words I. Told. Her that we, can get back together now, I, beat. My addiction. She. Cries and strokes. My hair when I tell her she looks just as pretty through one eye, I. Think. Her tears are pity. Not. Love. No. One seems to believe me about what happened, about. The. Creature living, in my brain the real source, of my addiction. How. It made me crave the constant, stream of data fed, on it how. It bred in my brain and multiplied, sending, out its young to enslave more, Minds I. Shudder. When I think about my old commute to work, surrounded, by strangers, with their heads down each a slave to the tiny electrical, device in their hand and the monster, it is feeding I. No. Longer care. I'm. Free. Of my addiction, and my mind is at peace. Thank. You for your help no sleep I. Couldn't. Have done it without you. I'm. Glad, you read my diary but. Please. Take. Care. Stop. Now. If you feel the urge the. Craving, the, obsessive. Desire for. Just. More. Story. You.

2019-01-31 04:56

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So does this mean there's a spider fueling my caffeine addiction? Oh no! It's time to get the scalpel... :V Good story and a great narration :D

Always excited to see a new upload to listen to while studying :)

And yet another great narrative Lucy! Keep jt up

Thank you! :D I plan to!

You are my new favorite narrator! You have a beautiful voice, great for falling asleep or during the day! Thank you and keep em coming!!

Ahh! That's so wonderful to hear!

Ronnie sent me! ❤ I'm glad he did, you're Mellifluous! New Subbie

That's a word I haven't seen in a while, but a flattering one nonetheless! XD Thank you so much!

I only subed recently and am glad for it. You are an amazing narrator. Your energy, expression, everything is awesome. I am just confused on why you don’t have more views and subs cause you definitely deserve them. It honestly makes me sad. I cant wait for your future content. Keep up the good work Spirit Voices!

You are so sweet! :,) Thank you so much for such kind words, and I'm so glad you like my content!

great video! :) ill be sure to share it!

Thank you! :D

Somehow, I don't think it's worth it. *continues to browse YouTube*

+Spirit Voices definitely Worth it instead of wondering life in a crowd of faceless droids you become aware of self and the truth of how separate humans really are from each other

Don't say I didn't warn you!

+Spirit Voices I'm sure they will and will probably read at least 1 before bed.

Certainly! :) Here's the link to my profile, everything should be on there. https://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:SpiritVoices I hope they live up to expectation!

Can you guide me to them please

+Spirit Voices it is your channel lol so it's also a place to show off your stories and I'm sure everyone that's subbed on here would love to hear them and I will be going to the wiki soon to read those stories.

+William Phelps I'm glad to draw you in. :D And in my Halloween compilation there was a poem written by me, but that was sort of a last-minute decision because of permission issues; I'd feel bad taking away attention from other authors, lol! I have two stories on the Wiki, though!

+Spirit Voices lol well I neither have the voice for narration nor the talent for writing but I love listing to stories especially when I find a medium like you that can actually draw me in to a story. Are any of stories so far yours? Are you going to share any of yours?

+William Phelps I'm glad you think so! The latter was one of my main purposes in starting this channel--to recognize authors that are currently flying under the radar. :D I write too, so I've always known how hard it was, haha! And as for the emotion, I really think this is a great voice acting exercise, lol! XD

+Spirit Voices you read with a lot of emotion in your voice which draws me in to the story which is great and also your putting out stories I've never heard which is even better.

+William Phelps :D Aww, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

+Spirit Voices great story as always. Was sitting at work waiting for this to drop. Looking forward to next week.

I have no idea what to comment so here's a dumb joke Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing

XD That's the kind of content I like to see.

Wow! That was a great story and narration!

Thank you so much! :D And u/Capon-breath is talented and definitely deserves that praise. :)


Yaaaasssssssssssssssss!! ;D

+Spirit Voices Anytime

Don’t tell me what happens next!!! D: ... or do. Maybe I’ll narrate it. XD Thank you as always, Bloody!

+Spirit Voices :) I will thanks lol

Sterling Benevolent That’s great!

+Spirit Voices I just got done with your stories on the Wiki. The beginning of the first story was kind of jumbled but once I got into it I was hooked. I really loved the twist on the "monster". Dead Lyrics was really really good and while I'm not one for poetry it was very good also.

And onto the next story I go. I just can't get enough of these creepypastas. I think I may be addicted to them. Muahahaha. Seriously though, great story and narration!!!

you remind me of blackeyedblonde. ;D there you go.

PhantomOfDarkness Hahaha! Thanks! I’ll have to listen to her videos again.

Tip #1 for detox: never do it alone, have a detox buddy. They can help with the electro parasite issues

+Spirit Voices Sweet! I'll be there!!

Crystal LovesHorror Thank you so much! :D I’ll have another one coming out on Tuesday—maybe feeding your addiction? ;)

creeoysin sent me. Just awesomely good. Subbed. Thank you.

Hoary Dragon33 No, thank you! :D For giving me and my channel a chance!

It’s funny when he does not know how to fill the time, and I’m thinking... “Job.” LOL. I like the story though


Scary! Remember, quit only one addiction at a time, otherwise you could really hurt yourself. Great naration, I had a good time. Thank you very much.

Exactly! I'm glad you liked it, this one is one of my more quirky ones, lol

Four minutes in and I have to say it. I came to be spooked, not for an existential crisis.

This one was disgusting though you did an excellent job lol. I downloaded about ten more of your videos just now. Premium will only let me keep about that many at once for some reason.

Hahaha! I'm sooooorryyy~ But I'll take it as a compliment anyway

Oh, yay! I'm so glad you like my work! Yes, this one is... gross, to say the least, but super fun to read, hahah! Thank you! ❤

You have one hell of a sexy voice you can read me a story anytime as for your ex she must have not been doing something right (KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK)

Lol! Pfft, thank you!

@Spirit Voices Sweet! I'll be there!!

@Spirit Voices Anytime

@Spirit Voices :) I will thanks lol

@Spirit Voices definitely Worth it instead of wondering life in a crowd of faceless droids you become aware of self and the truth of how separate humans really are from each other

@Spirit Voices I just got done with your stories on the Wiki. The beginning of the first story was kind of jumbled but once I got into it I was hooked. I really loved the twist on the "monster". Dead Lyrics was really really good and while I'm not one for poetry it was very good also.

@Spirit Voices I'm sure they will and will probably read at least 1 before bed.

@Spirit Voices it is your channel lol so it's also a place to show off your stories and I'm sure everyone that's subbed on here would love to hear them and I will be going to the wiki soon to read those stories.

@William Phelps I'm glad to draw you in. :D And in my Halloween compilation there was a poem written by me, but that was sort of a last-minute decision because of permission issues; I'd feel bad taking away attention from other authors, lol! I have two stories on the Wiki, though!

@Spirit Voices lol well I neither have the voice for narration nor the talent for writing but I love listing to stories especially when I find a medium like you that can actually draw me in to a story. Are any of stories so far yours? Are you going to share any of yours?

@William Phelps I'm glad you think so! The latter was one of my main purposes in starting this channel--to recognize authors that are currently flying under the radar. :D I write too, so I've always known how hard it was, haha! And as for the emotion, I really think this is a great voice acting exercise, lol! XD

@Spirit Voices you read with a lot of emotion in your voice which draws me in to the story which is great and also your putting out stories I've never heard which is even better.

@William Phelps :D Aww, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

@Spirit Voices great story as always. Was sitting at work waiting for this to drop. Looking forward to next week.

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