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All. Right, got. A seelix position on here I am trying, to play some spy weakness, and get these charts in here. I'm. Playing spy, weakness, in the T VIX as you can see I've already got a little position I'm 40 cents and the money, would. Really, like to see, a. Big, opening, cross and spy, so. I can. Add. Into. My. Position. Here, in. So. We are, gapping. Up about, five bucks. Or so here. Around. 28, I've got orders out at 28. 15. Above. Here, if you could see that so, let's wait for 28:15, to see if that comes and I'm. Willing to buy anywhere, to basically, about 27. I want to give this enough room, so that if we do get a serious, pop in the spies back. Into the 28 40, range I have plenty of room and. Protection. To add. We'll. See how that, happens, but waiting, on my executions here in civics, so. Just. Remain patient I, saw a nice little dip here nice, consolidation. In the morning, around. Here, so I wanted to start, the position, it wasn't full-sized, scalped. Out about a quarter. Of the position here added, it back and. Now we're treating back towards that 28, level, we're probably gonna get a pop to 20 and 15 where my order is out there if. That does happen you'll see you'll, see my sell X occasion pop up there, nice. Morning so far a lot of weakness, these. Are the types of moves that I love, this. Is when I sort, of you don't put the music on and ignore everything else that's happening because these are some days where you can make some serious change, but. We're gonna just wait here for the open got about 30 minutes to go and then. We'll see what happens but I'm looking to push it today. You. Can see I got my pending, order down here this is this is just myself 20 and 15, not. Too big right now. Could be a little bigger but we'll see if I can get that fill up 2815, where I am out there at. Some. Decent free market free market action usually uh not. Support Judas. See, if that Phil's gonna come in about five cents away. Not. Sure we're gonna get it, twelve. Spies. Were trading down here. There. It is got it filled. Yeah. So. Another piece out there we're trying really nice I got about 60 cents in the money on this pre market trade this. Is gonna make pretty, nice day if we can continue lowering the spies let's, see us break down into, the 20s, 20 handle region got this 2026. Load of tests coming up and about I guess, right now actually, so. Yeah. We're really weak thank trump you, guys you know you're traitors you want a politician. At. Donald Trump wakes up in a bad mood every morning just. Getting ready to smack the out of this I'm gonna put out another offer a twenty eight fifty. Just. To make sure that I realize. All, of this move you know we're probably gonna get a real real real dump, today. Could. Be a big one, let. Me put this water out here though 28. 28. We. Need. Sixties. 2863. All. Right so you can see my orders out there I. Got. About 80 cents in the money here almost almost a point this, morning really, really really nice trading, let's. See how, we continue I'll, be looking to add, if. We can continue in this range I'd like to keep above this what, is this, 2870. 2775. Is almost a blip in my line they're also. Giving, its line below. So. Now we got this is the which, we call this is my position price, right here which. Is about twenty seven fifty give or take a few cents, so, I'm sitting nice and the money right now would. Really like to see this continue. Stopped. Out, probably. 28. 28. Trades on. The spies, the. 283. To. 282. Five Rangers key looks, like we're staying in that again, someone's, bidding us back above that range. So. You can see we're keeping in this range here this half a cent range, someone. Brought us back in we had a little breakdown. Beneath. That range there but we're getting in that top and I wouldn't be surprised to see us trade a little sideways until, we get that 9:30 New York open, in. Which case I would love, love, love love love a big pop big. Flash pop flush, flush. Those guys out flush the shorts out immediately and then come. Back right down to that 28, to 5 level. We shall see I am. Gonna. Go sneak to the bathroom, hopefully won't. All. Right I'll be right back we're gonna sneak to the bathroom. Alright, I'm back I had some pastries, in the kitchen I'm. So. Let's see if we continue I got my offer on at 63. Really. Really nice trading so far this free, market, basically. Hit my, hit. My level I don't. Really trade. For P&L per se but when I do have, a string. Of pretty decent trades in the morning I that I tend to scale back I want, to keep books mine, don't. Want to get back too much against we hold on. So. I got some other action on the side here, so forgive, my silence. Hope. You guys had a nice weekend, I was feeling, very, very hard.

Drink. Too much Starbucks. So. Markets are really just teetering right around this 28, to 5 level I do. Think we get a pop at. The open, on that flush we'll see. Game. Of Thrones was trashed last night I don't know if any of you guys watch that. Absolute. Trash they, have oversold, that shows so hard I. Digress. You, guys can see my execution, so far that's a pretty nice one skilled, in long long long sold. A little bit bought, some a little bit I'm. Looking for dumps so I can get long man, this thing could row, row row run. Two books that's a history for anyone who doesn't know, obviously. These aren't real, moves, but, they are market driven so, when there is volatility, this thing gets silly. Towards. The top of that range I'd be great see. I'll probably stop out below 28, 80 or so I wanna I wanna. Really. Nice. Trade so far. Whatever, I see two bars like this we get a big flush down an immediate flush right back up I always think that this is the level that's. Just intuitively. How I think so, that's why I'm putting it there. So, if we get a pop back into, that. Top. End of that range I will be adding into this position so there. We can hear a little bit. There. We go that's the pop I needed let's get let's see that tree, towards the bottom of that arrange there 2863. Is, my offer looks like we're approaching that priest. 19. Cents off a. Nice. Start to the morning, really nice start to Monday happy I'm happy that we're finally getting some real volatility, here, some. Real real head scratch and what's gonna happen volatility. Is always nice frustrated, so. 2863. Is my. Stress. Quick. Point in the market remark. And I should say, this. Is all about guys you want to keep what you make I, don't really want to give away this, trade, this morning, that's a good one so. Keep. You posted here about, 15 16, 17 minutes, open. Probably. Kill this video around, 9:45. Or, so so it's gonna be a long one. Man. Thank. God for Trump you, know I don't, think he's a moral, human being in fact I think he's a, incredible. And laughable. Huge piece of but God am i happy for this guy so, happy that we have an office. He. Is instilling. Some fear in our ally, allies, and enemies which i think is a good thing and it's causing this market to get some, volatility. Pointing. The money here on a pre market trade so I've gotta love that. Markets. Are not pushing good sign. Setting. Up and has it feel like, we're going to get a nice pop into the open and then an immediate, sell-off so that's how I'm, positioning. Myself I will stop, out below, 28. -. 28. It's a give it a few cents some. Wiggle room. Bad. If this was me a few years ago and, I were up about a point pre-market I would be pushing. It and I've run the numbers. You know whenever I'm up and I push it and I'm like I've got money to risk let's risk my day looks, risk half my day let's brisk a third of the day yada yada yada it's, never it's never good it's never it never works out you never smash, your.

8-ball Setups with that attitude it's always kind of lazy and you, know half-assed, setups, we're looking for you know extra dime because we're getting a little greedy so. Whenever I sort. Of feel that I always I always step away you know God bless it's a Monday. Let's, see if we can get Phil out of here in the 60s, and then I'll be really, comfortable with this position letting it run for the rest of the day. Be. Interesting to see if we get that pop beneath. 28, to 4 below before, the open or after, see. I haven't, really had a chance to add either this thing has just been steady, trending, higher so, like. I said that opening cross hire topic, would be to be very fortunate. See. If we get it though. Very. Very good chance that fulfills the lows of the days that I got could. Be the love. 63. Is my offer see. If we get that it. Would. Be nice to get another piece out before the market opens, a very, ideal, for me. Some. Risk off the table. Amb. Our, alpha. Marry Bravo Roger just hit my screener. Up. 25%. Markets. Won't close man treating. Almost down 2% free market that's a big move you don't really see that too often, there, will be a lot of sympathy, plays my, guess all the Blues here we go we're getting to move into the 50s. About. 10 cents off my offer. Another. Piece off. Come, on take me give. Me a piece. Show. Me money. As a old. Treating buddy would say come on bitch. That's. For you Krishna hope you're well man shout, out. Good another fill here. We, really just need another push lower and the spies they're probably, get out of there get another piece out, 2,000. Shares. Like, say look at that big stack but the, T vixx is wholly. Irrelevant when, it comes to book, pressure. Fat. Food it looks real. Nine. Minutes New York open, I am, two-thirds, full size so. Not. As big as I could be but about a dollar. And the money in dollars recent, very. Nice trade. Keep, in mind we could get a real real pop we could get a big pop into, the to 83s here in the spies in, which case the. T VIX would. Take. A nice little move lower here and I'd love to add back into you know maybe the low, teens. Around. That whole whole, number 28, - let's see if we even get there my. Cell. Pressure just might take it from the, morning. And we might just have an entire day but you never know a lot of lot of time to Train stuff. I. Got. Another the. 63, offers about another third of the position, that I'd like to see in 29, or so or. Before. Getting out entirely but, you never know I'll probably stop out below 28 if we go move that well I. Want. To I want to give this thing a lot of room I've, been trying to really let these runners run. And not cut them off too soon, too short which is, unfortunately. What I've been doing the last few, weeks, so try to make a conscious effort to get better at that.

There. We go got hit on 63s, guys I am two-thirds. Out of this position with a bout of Bakken it. A dime in the money here nice you're getting another push here testing, the loads and the spy this. Could get pretty ugly so I'm very happy that I. Taken. Taking, some money off but. Again I would like to add back down into maybe, even the 27, 90s, let's see if we got to push. Sort, of unrealistic, pop back, into spies, just just, recovering and then maybe. A continuation, of that move lower fancy, very. Great very very solid morning so far. All. House money now guys so really, happy with the way we, flipped. Out of this position, so I got a little bit more wiggle, room even so see what we can do with this last third. Also, pretty big sure not in this account with some fron so I would love to see that stock take another nosedive. I'm. Gonna take the final piece about 29, I want, to see I really, do think this this range collapses, here in spots I'm gonna brought an order. Just. For shits 29. See if we can, move. That far it's about a point and a half in the money it's about what I had. But. When I had and wanted, in terms of risk so I'm happy with the strain tremendously, so days. Almost been made, so. Just, gonna sit on my hands here and see what else I can find not. Any. Desperate. Inspiration. Mom that's for sure good. Place to be. Please. Markets. Are ugly. Really. Ugly. Change. This back to a minute short so you guys can see it's, a nice cover there. Let's. See 29. Three, minutes to open and, we. Are still, still, traveling very nice. Showing. 2867. We're gonna be going into the open, at market, low so watch this five here guys and, a, very interesting level. Show. You the four hour even. Weirder, so. We're coming right back down to the low it's hard to see because with all my trend lines down there apologize, but this is basically what we're showing. See, what's up and, a great day good. Luck. See, if we get a continuation, I have. Another offer out of 29 got, about 45, seconds to open. Let, me get. A nice straight, shot 3282, I flip out of that last third, of my position, at twenty nine we call it a day, post. This video up and. That. Spy. Cross nothing, really no imbalances. See. Fifteen, cents off my final offer gonna be great about of this, fronds, popping, interesting. See. We're getting that popping spy. Getting. That popping spy. You. Step in here and buy a piece if we get into that 283. I want to see closer to 283. Get. A real real over-exaggerated. Move. Closer, it's really through the better. Watch. That blue line it's going to be moving up as I increase, this position, I like it so bye. So. I bought some 37, s there. Lots, of twenty fours. See. If we get that sympathy move back down we, had the big. I'll. See I. Just. Got an alert. So. We're testing we're gonna test at 28 interesting. Way, back so. Might not have been as far down. To 83s are showing, to. 83s are holding, let's see if we can't keep. Below. You. Gotta give this thing some room guys so, see, if we get that move back down. So, my Riyadh's, were 37, and 24. Not. The best in the world but take, that you have. There, we go there's the move lower. Twenty-eight. Five, offer, is, out let's, see if we get in a hit. It's. 283, is our big resistance here so I've. Got a decent position right around that price and see I'll, stop out below, you know maybe 28 85, or so. Take. A small loss in this position. We, did get that pop let's see if we get that dump seems like we're holding the moving averages here. Gotta. Give this thing all the room in the world that's for sure. Position. Is. At. 85. Is my heart stop. Let. The market do its thing shake, a little lower. 2785. Hard, stop. Let's. See those 283. Holding, spy I don't think they are. 285. To. 2785. Hard stop make it here. My, knees. I'm, out all right great. Good trade two, for three, decent. Morning, a few grand. In. The bucket probably. Get that pop it's probably the low here. Mama. Sorry guys we'll, look I wanted to show you my process for the morning it, was pretty decent trading about a point and a half on, about. To. Add to restore those executions, they're great. Trading, really. Really gonna try to put out some more content like this in the mornings typically, not super, active free market trader though this, was just a little unique so I hope you guys enjoyed and found some value in there sorry for the length of the video if. You guys could share and you know like comment, do all that I'm, gonna be trying to do more of these on a daily, basis, to sort. Of educate the market out there a little bit on what's going on and what I'm doing so we, should all the best of luck take care.

2019-05-18 12:22

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