[LIVE] Day Trading | These Days Are the Worst...

[LIVE] Day Trading | These Days Are the Worst...

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live real quick if you're new to these videos when i say live what i mean is that this is not a situation where everything's already been recorded and now i'm coming back and doing a voiceover or some sort of post commentary nothing like that you are seeing myself get the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions raw reactions you will get that with the video if you want a nicely edited video a nicely scripted video you will not get this with the video but if you want a nitty-gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader and how day trading works and like i said you will certainly get that here now what i'm doing right now market opens up here in about 10 minutes but i'm watching ticker symbol scps that right there is the pre-market chart of it and i'm very curious about that 22 dollar mark so much so that what i'm doing here is just get this uh communicate to my chat room here now if you're not familiar at claytra.com i do offer a private community 22 upside break point here in pre-market or on the open so there we go scps has been alerted there at that 21 mark now will 21 come into play i have no idea again these are live so i truly don't know what's going to happen next but at least there the thought process is documented and also just shows you how the community works we are looking for a potential upside break point on it as i sit here and talk it's almost 21.85 maybe even a little better entry point just looking for a quick scalp on it so i'll go ahead and pause mark it opens up here in less than 10 minutes quick little update here uh it is now pulled back quite a bit down at 21 so uh a dollar below where it was uh alerted never went up there and broke through it so i never got any sort of confirmation or anything like that uh but 22 has actually become that much more attractive now is if the price can recover back up to it uh but just the update right now nothing's occurred other than a pullback here but still watching closely so what i'm gonna do here is actually get this update here because actually i'll just type in instead of break of 21.85 and then hopping in with expectations it gets up through 22. so in other words no longer

really looking at 22 as the key upside break i'm looking at 21.85 and if it gets through that level then hopping in with expectations it goes up to 22 and beyond so that's the current game plan um and again those alerts it's not like people have to take them it's not a group of sheep uh you know we're like a group of wolves right we're all searching we can all think for ourselves but we'll still share overall ideas with people but it's still up to each trader to make that decision for themselves so this is not like a bunch of puppets that are not going to do that some people may look at that and say nah nah that doesn't really fit my strategy nah that doesn't really fit my personal risk tolerance and that's totally fine because we're all different in that regard uh but maybe some people might like it somewhat might make their own tweaks to it so again not a bunch of sheep but a bunch of wolves working together pointing things out and then letting you know every each individual trader figure out what that best c fits but who knows maybe something else will pop up at the last second i won't even be watching this at the open i suppose you never know market does open up here in less than three minutes all right the market has now officially opened and i am indeed watching scps out of the opening gates although very slow open here all right there we go in at 20 there we go got the break out there 22 33 for a quick scalp 166 dollars and look at it go and it looks like it's not going to get halted yeah hindsight didn't play that one quite right but i wanted to i wanted to start the morning off with a nice profitable trade and in order to do that i figured doing a scalp wow look at that gap that that and that's why we're all wolves but you can see it right there it bought or i bought wow i got filled at 22. i thought i'd get filled a little bit sooner before there but i let it break through the 2185 i mean you saw me what i was looking for so that all occurred looking for it to get up through 22 and now members are looking at potentially a massive score because this is halted right now and it's looking like no no way it opens up at 26 if it does i hope so that'd be great for members not good for me but like i said for me um my goal i just wanted to start off the day with a highly likely profitable trade and i made that highly likely by requiring it just to be a scalp uh yes in hindsight i chose poorly but that's why i'm worth a whole lot of money in my hindsight account but i'm still gonna take it i was in that trade for all of quite literally two seconds you can see my times down here if you're not familiar with my screen so that shows the time of the order and you can see the first order right there 9 30 and 24 seconds the buy got out 9 30 and 26 seconds so two seconds later and 166 dollars so i'm not a greedy savage i will take it but wow look at this thing now it's suggesting maybe it opens up way up there fantastic that's good that could be a huge score for members huge score for members 32 no come on and that's the goofy part about halts is you never quite know where they're going 35 wow all right well i'll keep you posted just on where this ultimately opens up because this is looking like it's going to be a massive massive win for members which i'm very excited about watching 140 well i was going to say 140 25 but it just broke down through it clearly was not convinced enough as i didn't take the trade but watching mrna scpc still has not opened up yet okay things have returned back down to reality a little bit 25 still awesome though if it opens up at 25 from where people could have gotten in at 22 or below that that's going to be a a big big score for people but i mean this thing may just keep on skyrocketing upwards and then get halted again to the upside um but yeah overall pretty pretty excited for members let's see what roku is doing here i'm trying to break out right now all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause all right watching 350 here excuse me i missed it shoot all right well i tried to get short at 350. if you look at my screen there you would have seen a white order show up white means that i submitted it to the market i just didn't get filled on it so that is a missed trade at 350.

all right never mind i'll go ahead and pause another level that i'm currently watching here tesla 621 60 flush point flush meaning pricing going down so the first trade you saw i was making money because prices were going up which is the traditional way but believe it or not for those of you that are new to the markets you can make money when prices go down also that is known as going short and that's what i'm looking at potentially here although maybe even a higher entry point right up there at 6 24. and i missed that one all right good got filled on the back test there so let's see if we can get this thing to come down here again got filled at 6 24. i'd like to see this thing roll back over here there goes the 624 let's see if we can get that push to the downside all right now it's being stubborn there's the break that was a terrible follow-through though there we go ah come on that was the break i wanted but i didn't really get much follow through from it and now it's bouncing back up see what it wants to do if it comes back down now that's going to be a a beautiful beautiful setup there it goes coming back down can this be the move here finally come on get down through 623 there we go let's see here it's trying to bounce again come on make a push down through 623 get moving here can it get down through 6 22. you know i'm just gonna get out there whoops now i'm long all right well that was a train wreck of a trade 74 i gave it plenty of time to move to break down to break down and ended up taking well yeah and now you can see it bounce in here i'm still gonna watch it though if this thing comes back down again that is a very interesting setup here still but yeah i just couldn't get the breakout or excuse me break down which again i wanted because i was short but nonetheless still made 74 bucks on it uh wasn't a very clean trade didn't really behave the way i wanted to behave i mean i was right in the sense of it did break down but i was wrong in the sense of i thought it would break down a little bit more and now look at this bounce so we'll see what it wants to do like i said if it wants to come back down here again we could definitely have some potential but all right i'll go ahead and pause and wow what a score for members absolutely nailed it absolutely stings oh man but you can see here it's halted once again but opened up at about 25 skyrocketed up to basically 28 got halted and now it's showing a potential open of maybe 40 i doubt it opens at 40. but regardless to know i mean you saw everything play out i don't really need to explain anything to know that members had the opportunity to get in at 22 or below um and could still very realistically be holding this actually isn't unrealistic because i mean you saw how it played out gapped up and they could they still be i mean even in that pullback right there they still would have been up basically a dollar per share so i mean very realistically members are still holding right now on the long side so that definitely makes the tesla trade feel a little bit better but uh overall fantastic fantastic move and i kid about oh i should have but in all actuality i had a trade plan i had good reasoning for my trade plan i followed my trade plan so yes i i am very happy with that trade because i followed the trade plan and i didn't break from the trade plan yes i know had i broken from the trade plan i could be making a lot of money but that's just not a good habit to have when you are breaking trade plans because guess what and i speak from multiple personal experiences here when you start breaking trade plans bad things happen and that was just not my trade plan to have to have gone for a bigger move like this i wanted like i said to make the a very likely trade i can't say guaranteed but a highly likely profitable trade and in order to do that i had to make it a scalp um and but it just i you know i chose poorly but i chose what i thought was best for me and it just uh it didn't quite work out in that regard but that's that's the key lesson here is don't let those voices that show up and say you know had you broken you know mr trader tom the trader tom the trader had you broken your rules of your trade plan you'd be making a lot more money you know what voice never shows up though the voice that says tom the traitor had you followed the rules you would not be down a lot of money right now that voice never shows up where it acknowledges the fact that you know what your decision-making process actually was protecting your account so just you know you're not alone when you have those voices show up they show up to me they're trying to show up right now but i totally played that uh trade right because it fit my parameters of what i was looking to do get myself off to a green start and um so far everything's been working fine i mean even after that tesla trade which was just uh not a very solid trade uh still up 240 dollars in the market at that point had only been open basically 10 minutes so 10 minutes 240 bucks i'll take it let's see if i can find another trade somewhere though i'm gonna go ahead and pause all right right now watching mrna 142 15 flush point one minute keep in mind the context so that looks like a potential short area here or to be fair maybe this is just the start of a much bigger move to which if it is going to try to get some short at 140 355 just get filled on the offer it wants to shoot up that way because as right now i'm not looking like 142 15.

nope it's gonna come into play actually let's do this let's see if it's a br it's a fake break of 143. it's a 142.65 okay i can see i can see people getting excited that it's broken one in at 142.69 let's see if we can get this moving now to the downside here a bit nice when the world was at how did i not get filled there at 142.51 wow that turned around quickly turned around real quickly there that was bizarre see if it wants to make another trip back to the downside here took out some for a loss there just because i'm not quite sure what this thing wants to do now yeah all out there for a loss of 196.

that was that was goofy so still up 40 on the day but um wow that was crazy it was pulling back in my favor it was looking fantastic and then just like that shot upwards so i'm not done with it though because this move is i mean look at the five minute on this thing this is just getting ridiculous right now so i mean i'm not done with it but that was just some flat out craziness there i could see 144 being a potential flush point to the downside oh missed that one though well that was a bummer that was a bummer for sure but i mean i'm glad i got out because had i not gotten out look i mean that that move there would have put me right on the day but uh you know and that's actually that that brings about a very very valid point which is what i'm talking about here is i i chose wrong again what did i choose i chose not to scalp out now had i just taken the entire 500 shares off at 142.51 that that would have been like uh what about uh let's let's call it 75 bucks in my pocket just like that 75 bucks in my pocket but because i chose to not to not to scalp and then hold on to things what happened it ended up costing me money so that's just why you know in this situation you consider and say well clay you should have scalped you're right i should have scalped in that situation just like in the first situation i should not have scalp so do you see how the market kind of works it's you're never gonna have it figured out uh so it kind of sucks for me but in a sick and twisted way a solid example there 143.75 wondering if that's a long oh i did 140 75. i'll keep an eye on it look at tesla go i may i i probably should just call it a day because i am i what is that 626 that's interesting that is a good setup that's not me imagining stuff either right in that 626 let's see a push down here to at least 625.50

it's bouncing right now but i still think there's some weakness here so let's see if this thing wants to come back down yeah 6 2608 is my exact entry point there although 6 26 85-ish area is being very stubborn all right there we go okay now we're getting a pull back here can we get down through 6 26 though oh back up it goes wow this is just not my morning huh well if this thing goes up over 628 i'm gonna have to bow out and be have a red day and it's looking like this thing wants to get up through that level well just uh not my not my day approaching gotta get out so there's a loss there so now i'm down 583 on the day and look at it go and that was a good setup too i didn't do anything wrong there that was not a force trade when the chart was looking like that that was beautiful it just didn't work out and now look at the thing go so again i'm glad i got out where i did but well what a turnaround absolutely beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful day for members and then for me well not so much well i apologize i took it was a very very fast trade so much so that i didn't even have time to get the recording going but shorted mrna at 140 201 got out uh 50 cents lower so for right around the 250 gain so down 315 right now and look at this congratulations members absolutely fantastic look at that craziness i should have held huh i should have held hey like i said at the beginning of this thing this is live i had no idea that any of this was going to be going on but welcome to the wonderful world and oftentimes frustrating world of being a traitor uh because this is the sort of stuff that can happen maybe i'm crazy but this tesla move has got to act human at some point so watching 629.50 as a potential entry point here but who knows maybe this is uh truly a strong move and i missed it are you serious of course i missed it and then it goes right in my favor well that just kind of summarizes my day i don't know how i missed that one i thought i was getting myself plenty of wiggle room there so that would have been a nice little scalp all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause i will take 629 short but it's gotta first get back over 6 30. so step one for me it's got to get up over 6 30 first and then come back down if it doesn't do that then i'm just not interested so we'll see if that can occur but i want to at least get my thoughts documented here um but i don't know if it'll happen well there we go can it get up over 6 30. it's trying look at that 629.50 coming back into play here again in it oh nice got in at 6 30 actually i thought i was getting closer to 6 29 50.

but i think this thing wants to roll back over here finally or else i'm just an idiot today i am just an idiot look at this well i gotta let this chill out here a second well time to not let it chill out anymore all right all out there now down fifteen hundred dollars and i am done for the day very disappointed i just this is about as bad as it gets for traders truly about as bad as it gets and wow to think i have to post this on youtube oh i'm not going to try to act like i don't want to post this post this on youtube i do not want to post this on youtube but i hit the record button so it is going on youtube um and wow another again another nice setup there and it just did not work out and look at tesla go well i don't really have much to say all i can really say is i am excited for members that they hopefully did massively well on scps where is that one right now up in the 40s right now still hasn't opened up um but yeah i'm disappointed very disappointed just to think how backwards this day went uh and like i will contest both those tesla trades let me go let's let's take a quick recap here first tesla trade that got me loved that setup then took the trade right there like that setup and then put i mean this are you sure and wow had i gone into frozen mode look at that that lot where i got out at 6 30 four this thing's gone up as high as six so yeah that could have been and look at it's still gone so more of the story there is just get out but all right well i don't have much else to say uh i if you enjoy these live trade videos hit that like button leave a comment down below i know the trolls will be out in full force for this one so yes troll away troll away but that's uh i'm not going to try to act like it i'm disappointed right now not in myself but just in the way the day unfolded and some days will unfold like this it's just you you choose the wrong strategies and then sometimes you just the setups that you know that work out most of the time don't work out and then you can find yourself in situations like this i'm glad that my month is still green so it's not like i gave back my entire month or anything like that today but still a frustrating frustrating day so everybody take care if you enjoy the videos like this hit that like button leave a comment below little things like that go a long way um and uh yeah everybody take care and uh hopefully you had a better day than i did well i am back and believe it or not i think i'm about to go green here i am loving this setup watching 140 350 here i'm only down now 40 with commissions probably right around a hundred dollars but i've continued to trade i've continued to take quality setups and i'm watching 140 350 right now not looking for anything big on this one in at 140 350. let's see we can get some more of the breakdown here sitting on the bed and all out there for uh let's see what was that 125 score and i'll show you the brokers now i'm up 84 but like i said with commissions i'm not quite sure what that actually is gonna amount to um so i'm gonna go ahead and pause right now and i'll let my broker update its behind the scenes thing and then i'll get you back those final final numbers so here is my uh brokerage behind the scenes of lightspeed here that tracks everything with the commissions and with commissions you can see up five dollars and 58 cents and from where i left last left you i'm very very happy with that the setups finally started to work out just like you saw there and you saw me walk through it i felt very very confident in it i was a scalp and it turned out just fine and it brought me back to the green now something you may be asking and it's a wise quest i hope you're asked clay you said you were done clay you said you you know you just need to be done and you know right you know what i think it can be argued from both sides but it's one of those the one thing that i would make the more i reflected on it and the more i'm reflecting on it right now as i talk to you is but as i told you in that previous segment it was not me being a it was not me running around just randomly doing stuff it was not me you know just being a maniac it was just a matter of first off choosing the wrong strategy right think back to that very first trade i chose to scalp i should have held then the second one i should have or i should have scalped but no i decided to hold and then that's what cost me money and then tesla was just setups that didn't work out i didn't do anything wrong on those they were beautiful setups they were high probability setups but here's the tricky part of the market there's no guaranteed setups there's high probab high probability setups but high probability setups and guaranteed setups are not the same but i can i saw so the more i thought i was like you know clay i am not a maniac i just things just are not working out i mean you you've been right with your trades but you you're just wrong in the sense of the strategy that you use again going back to the should i hold or should i scalp out and then tesla those were just goofy ones that was just stupidness right i mean that how often do are those setups gonna occur to you back to back and lose you money not very often at all and upon reflection i thought you know what if you see any good setups just take the trade and i saw high probability setups and guess what they started to work and then they worked again and then they worked even again and before you knew it i was thinking you know what wow maybe i should get another video up here just to kind of update the situation here as uh you know it was quite the big turnaround and as i was telling you i really like the chances to be able to to get through or to get uh back to the green on that one set up here that you saw take uh take place there so there you go i'm actually now closing up the day five dollars and 58 cents right there but that's really and it's a fine line you clay no you just were angry you were revenge trading you were just wanting to get your money back and i under i do understand that and in many situations you're probably right for traders that's a valid claim but in this situation you saw stuff play out and that's why i like these videos is it makes me be able to look back and say clay are you sure it was like that or you just imagine it and when you look back it's like no scps huge monster winner for members you just chose to scalp instead of hold and then mrna oh that turned out to be a loser well that was a loser because you decided not to scalp but to hold but had you chose to scalp that would have been a winner so again you were right that it started to go in your direction you were just wrong in the in the you know management side of things and then again tesla oh yeah those were good setups trust me i went back and looked at them am i sure i wasn't missing anything nope those were good quality setups but high probability setups like i said and uh you know guaranteed setups are just not the same thing i should note though and i should have mentioned at the end of the first one but yeah i have no problem admitting at the end of that first segment i was so mentally beaten down that uh i i totally forgot but if you are interested in the alerts that you saw here especially that first alert that turned out to be an absolute monster for members all you got to do is go to claytrader.com forward slash team and that is 99 for three months not per month but for three months so the question there becomes if i invest 99 to join the service do i believe i can get at least and twenty five cents per week of value because that's what it breaks down to eight dollars and twenty five cents per week if you think you can get at least eight dollars and twenty five cents per week of value you will get a great return on your investment so be sure to check that out and then also as far as these videos are concerned please hit that like button and leave a comment below if you enjoy them these are not easy to make at all i have to think for myself i have to think for the community in terms of what alerts i want to make i have to type up those alerts i have to think for my own trade plans i have to enter my trade plans all while talking to you and thinking about what i have to say to you so these videos are they doable yes are they difficult absolutely so if you would like me to keep making these videos then a quick easy way to communicate that to me hit the like button leave a comment and it can be a thumbs up emoji it can be a smiley face emoji i don't need some sort of five paragraph essay comment i just mean any comment at all if you enjoy these videos and if you want me to keep making these videos because they're not easy but i will keep doing them if i know that there's interest and the quick way to show interest hit the like button leave a comment below even if it's a very very basic comment such as thumbs up thanks smiley face get creative with your emojis a rainbow i don't care just throw up an emoji and then also check out the channel as a whole and um you'll see some days especially if you go through the live trade segment some days are a breeze some days are boom 500 bucks in two minutes other days are like this where nothing goes right but i stuck with it i realized that i hadn't been doing anything wrong and then lookie there ended up getting back green on the day so hopefully if you're still watching this i mean what is it that's probably that puts it about 30 minute video i appreciate you watching all the way through truly i really do thank you for that and hopefully you got some valuable information more so from the trading psychology standpoint but yeah these days truly are the worst when they happen but sometimes they can turn around and this was the day where it turned around so everybody thank you again and take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2020-12-30 12:31

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