[LIVE] Day Trading | One of My FAVORITE Stock Set-Ups!

[LIVE] Day Trading | One of My FAVORITE Stock Set-Ups!

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hey it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in less than two minutes real quick when i say live for those of you that are maybe new to these videos what i mean is that this is not a situation where everything has already been recorded and now i'm coming back and doing a voice over some sort of post commentary or trade recap nothing like that i'm recording myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions raw reactions you will get that here but to be respectful of your time if you are seeking out a nicely edited video nicely scripted video you're not going to get that here but if you just want a nitty-gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out then you will get that here so that is a game plan market opens up here in less than one minute so i'll go ahead and pause for now and i'll be back at the open the markets are open been open for i don't know 30 seconds or so so watching nio here but just want to let this first candle chill out here a little bit but a nice range on it so i'm thinking there could very well be a trade what's going on with qs here not a whole lot viac let's go back to nioh here see what this thing's ah yeah not not really giving much uh not given a whole lot of wiggle room to work with here tesla straight up but then straight back down so that's hard to work with yeah so just no moves there i mean it's moving don't get me wrong but as far as actual okay all right here we go 44.85 step one though is i want to see it get up over there good all right now watching 44.85 let me get that alerted too in the chat room 44.85 flush point one minute or to be fair maybe this is like some sort of legitimate bounce that's always a possibility too which right now it does look like it's a legitimate bounce so looking like that 4485 at least as of right now not gonna be not gonna be very relevant but i suppose never say never so just looking around at my other screens and monitors where i have okay potentially what is that 45 65 now but step one is it's got to get up over 46. so i like that quite a bit but again step one in this sequence is so i either gotta hit 46 or get slightly above it but nope not going to do that huh just going to roll back down okay all right maybe nio is finally taking shape here let's see yeah what is that 34 but even if it so even if it breaks 34 30 and goes all the way down there that's still not even a 30 cent move and i suppose i could increase share size on it but yeah that's just not a very inspiring move all right i'm going to go ahead and pause for now all right i do like 45 here as a potential short on riot oh wow that move happened fast can i get a back test oh man while that happened so fast wow that flew did you see that you have to scroll back oh that was that was pretty cool to capture on video to just see how fast things can move but i mean even if i was using hotkeys that a hotkey wouldn't even have caught that that thing was that was crazy all right i will go ahead and again right still going oh man all right and io's moving up here a little bit so it's just not that fast of a mover all right i'll pause quick update on riot that one stings not saying that i would still be holding or playing it perfectly like that but yeah wow what a move tesla just watching this one here i was thinking about trying to take that one short but i don't know it just feels kind of goofy and yeah right there had i taken it it still may go but it's just i'm not quite sure tesla a little lower volume today so a much choppier and look at that i mean it did it broke down through those lows and all of a sudden it's pushing back up there that quick so just one of those where i feeling good about my decision on that one so didn't play riot the right way uh but tesla i would definitely say i played this one the right way is now would be pushing upwards and potentially you know putting him into losing territory there so just wanted to give you a quick update on the current status but i'll go ahead and pause and keep looking around i don't know if it's going to come into play but i do like 727.50 now as a

potential short if it wants to come back down into play so i'm keeping an eye on that but again maybe this is a true bounce here on tesla and if it is well then it's not gonna you know not gonna harm me at all because again that's why waiting for confirmation is always a good thing so yeah as it continues to bounce looking like uh that is a legitimate bounce so think about it when i was talking about hey you know what i didn't want to take it and it did break down there so that movement you know suckered in some people right there and then just in cruel fashion tesla said hey just kidding and back up it went so yes i i was i was not fast enough on riot but i'm glad i was cautious on tesla because that was uh penny saved was a penny earned on that one all right wait a second speaking of riot 43.50 43.50 i like 43.50 can i get in this time yes i can all right in 500 shares at 43.50 let's see if we can get i'll move back down see what it wants to do here see how this candle closes i may be interested adding to the position if i can see if it comes back down so just doing a little bouncing around right here what is that low 43.75 so let's see if this thing wants to maybe get a little bit up over 44 like it is right now then come back down to 43.75 to which i would add

okay 43.75 watching for the ad watching very closely because as as you've seen this one can move very quickly 43.80 in there at 43.80 close enough let's see if we can get this to come back down now 43-51 still going to be that area that i'm very very curious about so love this movement here in fact what i want to add at 43.50 again add to a winner maybe let's just first see if it wants to get down to 43.50 i might have to sit through a little bit of a consolidation before hopefully it continues on down because this is a pretty stretched move right now yeah 4360 right now that current level so yeah like i said here's a little bit of a pullback or about little miniature bounce back upwards as would be expected when it went down that that far that fast but hopefully this is just for my sake a little temporary balance not nothing big 43.60 that's really you know what

i will add if it can break through 4360 i'm gonna add an anticipation of the 4350 break but first it's got to get down there through 43.60 because that has proven to be an area of support so let's see if 4360 can first break i had another 300. i'm liking it i'm liking it let's see 4360 can break oh come on now okay can it get pushed down through nope well 4360 definitely the area to watch no doubt about it at this point in fact let me get that alerted here riot 4360 flush point one minute i'm gonna add some at 43.82 here i like that candle let's see if we can finally get that move down to 43.60 and that should be the level that sends it down very nicely okay well kind of was getting down through near 4360.

oh come on this settle books so nice just go patience is required can it finally get down through 43.60 there we go should get down through 43.50 now i would think well it didn't it's got me a little worried i thought that would get things moving quite quickly it didn't though not gonna freak out we're gonna give it another chance to get down through 43.50 there we go good okay still have 400 shares left let's see if we can get this thing down through 4320 but there is a big size at that level still have 300 shares left because i'm not quite sure does this thing want to get down to 43 20 or doesn't it 4320 definitely area that was showing quite a bit of size so gonna give it another go it looks like there we go now 4310 huge size took off 50 more just because okay now i'm not sure 4310 can be broken it's getting eaten through so i'd expect 43 to have a whole bunch of size 2 then at 43 if every 10 cent mark is going to have a bunch of size so i'm just going to take that because that's 500 um and at this point it's down at these lows i could very well see it bouncing and when i you know one of my favorite slogans sayings 500 a day keeps the day job away and there we are at 500 and i'm 22 minutes into the day quick little recap here on riot as expected i'm glad i took those profits where i did not really a question of do i want to try to try this again here 44 43 65 100 plus do i want to give back the gains the point here being that the price did bounce as expected well not is expected if i if i truly expected it i would just mortgage my house and went everything in right there uh but i i felt like yeah you know what that was a that was a significant move got down to those lows and then you can see the price did indeed bounce what's going on with pins though all right i'll probably i'm probably done for the day but i don't know i'm gonna look around just a few more moments and i'll see if there's anything else out there all right i haven't even been looking got distracted with my kids um i love the chalkboard that's in my office that for those of you that watch the other videos on my channel when i'm whenever in front of the chalkboard i love to to come draw and do stuff on it so just drawing some pictures of godzilla and king kong on it with them but anyways i'm gonna go ahead wrap things up 10 14 so 45 minutes in i haven't been training this whole time but i will take it more than happy with that we'll just call it 45 minutes more than happy with 500 and 45 minutes i'm not sure of many places in the world where you can do that and i like to make those comments just to help build perspective for you myself i understand it's easy to look around social media and see massive numbers and then when you have numbers you're like oh geez that wasn't that good but i mean if i had made let's just say fifty dollars fifty dollars in 45 minutes oh minimum wage is what like seven bucks or something so i mean it's all about perspective so i'm very happy with it before i go though one final lesson here hopefully that i uh you know can let me bring back up right here and you can see there the bounce has continued so um i mean obviously not to pet myself on the back because i you saw me screw up too so i'm not trying to proclaim like i'm a great trader had i been a great trader i would have actually gotten in up there right that original big flush right there but that's the one i miss but at least i got that movement right there which turned out to be a nice trade and then you can see the bounce there but just think about what had to play out there were some patience that was required and then there was also some some trust in the strategy and it's easy to have patience when you have trust i'm going to say that again it's easy to have patience when you have trust in the strategy didn't say hope in the strategy right because there's a big deal i'm going to hold and hope hold and hope hold and hope i don't know if this is good i'm just hoping though and that's why i'm having patience because i'm just hoping no no just have struck trust and along with trust when you have that trust you can have confidence when you have confidence that's why i was adding and building up that size which ultimately paid off very nicely so like i said that's the importance of having strategy is it's going to be much easier to have patience and then it's going to give you confidence when you can have confidence you're going to actually make more money because in some situations which was the case here you'd have confidence to add to add size but again if you're out there and you feel like i don't really have confidence or you feel nervous or you feel like you're just kind you just feel like you're being pulled in a bunch of directions you're normal all right so we all start off at that point we are all at that phase and really step one is just can you at least be realistic with yourself can you at least acknowledge yeah i really don't have a strategy because i don't really have any sort of true trust i definitely don't really have much confidence and i just feel like maybe i'm getting lucky sometimes i feel like i'm kind of just making it up as i go that's okay like i said we've all been there so there's nothing wrong with doing that the wrong part comes if you don't admit it to yourself because as soon as you do admit it to yourself hey well then you can start fixing it right and that's the whole goal so middle miniature lesson there yeah that right trade took a while to play out but paid off very nicely and the final thing here before i do officially go if you do like these live trade videos a couple requests on my part as i always say because it's the truth they are difficult to make because they are genuinely live so i have to think about what i'm going to do for myself i have to analyze things i have to enter in my own orders and while i'm doing all that i got to think about what i'm going to say to you i have to talk to you i have to make alerts in my private community so there's a lot going on and they're totally doable because i've been doing them for years but as just a good kind of practice of time management i want to make sure that i'm still using my time properly and if if these aren't worth my time then that's okay i just won't do them anymore but i want to make sure that they are worth my time and the easy way to for you to communicate that to me two simple things hit the like button leave a simple comment the comment could be a thumbs up emoji it could be just hit the period button dot boom but those two things smashing that like button hitting and leaving a comment even if it's just a basic simple comment those two things communicate to me clay yeah i enjoy these videos they are worth your time please keep doing them and i'll keep doing them i have no problem with it like i said i just want to manage my time as efficiently as possible um so thank you in that regard so thanks for hanging out hopefully you had a great uh morning and trading of trading too and everybody take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-04-23 22:52

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