[LIVE] Day Trading | I Made $400 Shorting 2 Stocks

[LIVE] Day Trading | I Made $400 Shorting 2 Stocks

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Hey it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live, real quick for those of you, that are maybe new to my videos when i say live what i mean this is not a situation, where i've recorded, everything already, and now i'm coming back and talking about it or doing a post commentary. Nothing like that this is me recording the information. Live so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions, raw thought process. You will certainly get all that with the video but if you want some sort of well edited video. Nicely, scripted, video, this will not be the video for you but if you want the nitty-gritty. Dirty looking to what it's like to be a day trader, how day trading can play out then this will certainly be, uh you know a video for you so as of right now i'm watching, gsx. And i said a bit of context, it's friday, and i think gsx. Is going to be my ticket to an early weekend, i do trading because i want the freedom of time a lot of people get into the markets because i want rolex, watches. And lamborghinis. And that's totally cool go for it i hope you get it for me, especially, as a father of four young kids, i just want freedom of time i want to be able to dictate my schedule, so if i can get my weekend started early, that would be absolutely, fantastic, and i think gsx, is going to give me that winning ticket, i could be totally wrong like i said these are live, so maybe gsx, actually loses me money, or it doesn't give me any opportunities, at all that is always a possibility, but like i said, as far as what i think is most likely to happen i think gsx. Is going to be that. Ticker symbol that allows me to just, make a, worthwhile, amount of money, and then be able to move on with my day so if i can be done in about 15 minutes. That would be fantastic, maybe even 10 minutes, if this one behaves like i think it's got the potential of behaving. It could be a, 10 minute workday, but, we'll see what happens with it so that's the game plan right now that's the context, of things, so market opens up here in about three minutes i'll keep you updated. All right so what you're looking at here is my, private chat room if you're not familiar at claytra.com, i do offer a private community, and this 57. Mark is looking very very interesting. Looks like uh, interesting. Area, to keep. An eye on. And. Structure. Trade, plans, around. So that's what i'm mainly looking for now as of now but see that fast look at 57, right back on the bid there, so 50 no and that that fast that gone but 57. There's no doubt about it there's quite a bit of you know, history right now going on with it in pre-market. So that's why i'm i'm very fascinated, by it i think it'll play a role. Uh but again maybe i'm wrong and maybe this thing's just gonna completely. Collapse back downwards. But let's see market opens up here and uh. There we go about 20 seconds so i'll see you back at the open. All right market is going to open up here any second. And there we go market, is open. So let's see how gsx. Wants to behave. Here. And it's barely even moving right now. Come on. There are wow all right, just like that. Now we have. Life. Good that's what i want to see you want to see some strength here, let me get this little. Okay this is just a dead cat that's really the question right now what is that. So still watching. 57. If it wants to come into play. But as of now. Showing some, strength to the upside which is good. Continuing, to bounce good okay there we go excellent. Well if this thing just goes to a solid red candle right away there's nothing i can do there. That's just not a setup at all. Okay there we go yeah bounce up bounce. Up. It's got to get back upwards though. I can't just have this candle go straight right on me. Here. Yeah there's just not there's nothing. Well. Luckily we're not even two minutes in the day here but. As of now this thing is not exactly, uh. Behaving like i would want to see it behave. But this thing very well may be just getting ready to flush down through 57.. So in at. 57.06. And out there for, 280. Dollars. So fantastic. It's 9 32, i'm two minutes into the day. And, again. Well what's going on with xpev. I'm not sure any place in the market. Why is this not loading. You know i've had problems. With. There we go each oh wow. Big movement here on this one. But as i was saying i'm not sure many places in the world where you can make two hundred eighty dollars, in two minutes. Quite literally i mean you just saw it happen here. Alrighty, then xpev. Xpev. What am i even talking. About. And if this thing wants to continue on up i'll look to get short 300 shares at 51.50.

I'd Like more than 300.. Like i said i want to be done in 10 minutes so i get i still got seven minutes left. We'll see if i can get another trade on that one or not but there we go so two minutes in the day up 280. On a friday, i am more than happy with that. Well. Gsx. And as you saw there uh again as the reminder. Jesus i mean you saw me type that message up 57. Talked about 57. All members had the exact same opportunity now if if they took it that's up to them. But had the exact same opportunity. Okay, is xp, ev gonna. Potentially, come into play, here. All right at this point. I needed to go up to. 51.85. 300, shares. Again i would like more than 300, shares but that will at least get my feet. Wet into the position. So let's see what it wants to do, oh. Gsx, though. It's looking good looking good. Choices, choices. I think i got to go with gsx. What is that. Uh. 5650. Flush point. Gsx. Round, two. 5650. Flush, point one minute. So watching, 56.50. Here. I'd like to see it come up even more now it's a little bad. 57, yeah 50. Maybe 57, will come into play again. Would like to see this move up, show me a green candle here and then come back down. How much of a green candle well this needs to at least get up over 58., so if we can get up over 58, and then come back down to. Uh 5730. I like that so step one now in order for me to be interested is it's got to get up it's got to get at least above 58.. You could be totally justified to say clay why are you being so high maintenance why are you being so picky because i'm already up 280, dollars, so i mean i'm gonna be picky right that's the nice thing about when you make a good first trade, you get in the green then you can be extra picky and you can tell the market, exactly what you want to see and if it, doesn't give it to you, oh well you're already up x amount of dollars in this case. And then there it goes so. That's all right, it did not give me what i wanted, let's uh what's going on with xpev. Here. Just consolidating. Out there so not. A whole lot. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause. All right um, had an order at. Oh yeah i to cancel it out now i had an order at 52. 85. And it just, skyrocketed, and and, in a second went up to 52.66. So that was the move i was looking for and it didn't fill me. So again in the spirit, of being. Extra picky. Gonna go up there to 53.55. And actually gsx. May be coming back into play here again. I do like that. Let's see what is that low 50 ah 57. 15.. So let's see if 5715. Wants to come into. Play. Or is this actually the start of a bigger bounce to the upside which is which is always a. Possibility. Some bizarre, trading, a one cent spread, so when you if you scroll back and look at when how this thing first opened up i mean we were looking at 50 cent spreads now it's at a one cent. Spread. Yeah i'm not sure how i feel about that all of a sudden to have this thing tightened down so. Much. Got about two minutes left, and then it'll be at the 10 minute mark which is, what i was ideally hoping to be done in. Yeah gsx. Pretty disappointing, here what ex. Bizarre, bizarre, trading. I'm. I'm not quite sure what to make of it all of a sudden. They said you look on this candle right here and if you scroll back to the beginning of the video and watch the level twos i mean we were talking 30 40 50 cent spreads. Now things have tightened down in such a way where the thing's barely moving. What's going on with xpev. Potentially, along at, 5235. I don't know if i want to go long on this. Seems just a bit overextended. Right now all right i'll pause. All right have an order at 50. 65. To get short. Although it went up and hit a high of. 50. 59. And did not fill me. So at this point. Got to go up to 50 95.. We'll see if this thing can work its way up there i'll go ahead and pause. All right well i broke my own rule i said i wanted to be done in 10 minutes and now it's 9 45, so 15 minutes but i am definitely going to call it a day i'm more than happy 280. In 15 minutes and i just noticed but, the crazy thing is the time stamps here. Got in that trade at 9 30 202. Got out at 9 30 207. So five seconds.

And 280. Dollars, i i swear the markets, are a crazy place i'm not a greedy savage i'm more than happy with that. Well i say these things are live and they're live because, as soon as i was getting ready to wrap things up i noticed this pattern here. And i like it quite a bit, so i'm watching. 5225. As a potential, area to get short hair. If it comes into play or if it breaks above 53, then at that point i'm wondering. Could that be a fake breakout opportunity. Where people go get all excited, and then it's actually not a true. Breakout. So looking like the opportunity, may actually be the fake break. Of course it's got a break above 53, right in order for that play to be valid it's got to break. Up through. 53.. And if it can, 5275. Would be an interesting, area. And this is by no means, forcing a trade i mean this could be a great setup here which is why i'm willing to technically, break the rules and go another. Few minutes more. But let's see if the thing can even break up through 53.. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause. Okay there was the break. Hold on i want to see it push up there another, one more time. I want to see it get back over 53, again. Make sure that this really is actually a failed, break. Or a fake break i should say. Or is this thing just going to roll right back over right now. Shoot, well yup i mean it broke 53, i just want to see, it. Not immediately drop like it did. Well. There it goes so 52, 25, now potentially coming into play here. Because that's got a bunch of people freaking out there's a bunch of people that just bought that breakout now they're seeing this. So i mean imagine how they are feeling right now. So watching, 5225. I'm not going to take it on this there we go, i was going to say i'm not going to take it on this candle but i am willing to take it on this candle. And i missed it. I missed it. If you're. Not familiar with my screen, if you would you can scroll back look right there you will see it showed up in white. That means i put the order to the market however it did not get filled because i was not fast enough although, it is bouncing here so am i going to get another. Opportunity. Well so much for the. Well i mean it's only 21 minutes in so i'm being a little dramatic when i say that. But still though the whole point. Of. And just uh offer up the context, for, so xp ev, fake break flush, potential, coming breakup 53., so that's the question i threw out there originally. And then i mentioned or flush point. Of, 53. Or excuse me 52.25. But yeah that original flush point or that original alert was all geared on. That 53, mark which, worked out perfectly. I don't know. This 5225. Mark is a little tricky. All right i'll pause and keep one more little eye on it. All right i'm liking this. Green candle which is now phantom, was failing. So if it revisits, again maybe that'll be the final. Time where it breaks at the downside, here. So in at 52. Actually got better than 52.25. Let's see if we can get that break down there we go. And all out there for another quick scalp, of 126. So there we go now i am done. 406. In, 23, minutes so i suppose, in the comment section. And i realized the price is still going down, but that was a sniper, rifle got off the sniper rifle just wanted a quick quick scout. Um, and, you know if people wanted to play it so again in the in the room. And this is why it's not a bunch of sheep right, we're a bunch of wolves we're wolves we work together, as a wolf i alerted hey you know what keep an eye on 53. Or keep an eye on 52, 25, but how people wanted to manage that trade is up to them so in this situation. The people are like no no clay i don't i don't want to get out my sniper, rifle, i want to let this thing work for me, guess what they chose right i chose wrong. That shouldn't have been a scalp in hindsight, oh yeah i should have let it work more for me but now of course, had this thing just quickly bounced back upwards, everybody would be saying oh that was you know.

You Know the people that chose for a bigger move, they might be taking a loss whereas the people like myself that took the sniper rifle scalp, hey they walked away with the win, so i mean hindsight's, 20 20 there but the idea here is that, the that level was alerted very clearly, 52-25. And you know how members want to uh, you know manage the trade themselves, hey. We we all think for ourselves in that regard, but how, wow. Stop going down you're making me look really really stupid now there's a dollar. Down from where it was. I'm just kidding though but like i said i feel totally good about it, my goal was this quick scalp. And, sometimes the scalps will you can look him like wow i'm glad i got out because that thing turned around pretty quick other times it's like this we're like uh, had i held it would have been much bigger but like i said that is totally hindsight, there so there we go it is 9 55, a.m. 25, minutes into the day i'm up 406. Dollars, i'm quite happy with that. Real quick if you do want to get those alerts get my watch list every morning you know interact with me on on a live daily basis then you can do that by going to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, and the way to approach that we'll use the 99. And it's for three months, not per month. Three months, so which breaks down to eight dollars and 25 cents per week so the question just becomes right if i invest the 99. For three months of access, do i believe i can get at least eight dollars and 25, cents per week, of value, if you think you can get at least eight dollars and 25 cents per week of value, then you'll definitely get a great return on your investment, so check that out and consider it also as far as this video is concerned, please hit that like button if you like, if you enjoy these live trade videos they're not the easiest to make when i have to make alerts to the room think for myself, think what i'm going to actually talk about, press buttons, execute. It's there's a lot going on. And like i said i'm willing to do it but they're they're kind of a hassle and a headache but like i said if i know that you enjoy them, i'll keep doing these live i mean it would be much easier, to record everything, and then come back and talk about it so that i can just stay focused in the moment but, from feedback down in the comment section which i appreciate, i know a lot of you just like the raw approach. So if you want me to keep making these like i said hit that like button and even a simple, thumbs up comment or hey thanks clay comment, little comments like that, really go a long way also, and then finally check out the channel as a whole, good variety of videos, sophia, likely enough to hit that subscribe button as i'd love to have you as a subscriber to the channel but yeah if you want to get my watch list every morning trade alongside, me get those very same alerts that you saw play out in this video then yeah claytrader.com. Forward slash team, everybody have a great weekend.

First Off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee, to being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-11-22 03:31

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