[LIVE] Day Trading | I'm Proud of Myself. Good Discipline!

[LIVE] Day Trading | I'm Proud of Myself. Good Discipline!

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live real quick what do i mean by live if maybe you're new to these videos i mean that this is not a situation where everything's already been recorded and now i'm coming back and doing a voice over or some sort of post commentary nothing like that i'm recording myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw reactions raw thoughts we're all analysis i mean you're going to get all that with this video if you want a nicely edited video nicely scripted you will definitely not get that with the video here but if you want a nitty-gritty kind of dirty looking to what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out then yeah you should find some good value here market opens up in about three minutes and as of now i guess i'm kind of going back and forth i have tesla up right here but i'm also considering watching bb by that's a lot of bees out of the opening gates uh just getting destroyed down basically 13 uh so i'll probably be going back and forth between them i am looking at other charts that you can't see on the recording part of the screen here but that's gonna be the game plan right now market opens up like i said in about three minutes so i'll go ahead and pause and see you back at the open all right what i'm doing here ncty22 upside breakpoint on the open uh that right there is if you're not familiar with claytrader.com i do offer a private trading community um where i get my watch list alerts and stuff like that so i just want to give that context that i am going to be watching 22 dollars as i might have said 22.50 i meant 22 though as an upside break point there market opens up in less than one minute so yeah there's all sorts of stuff to be watching right now uh bb by already broke down below 18 that was kind of the level i was looking at so maybe that'll rule that one out for right now keep an eye on ncty and then also tesla oh wow just shooting up all of a sudden all right well the markets are now officially open seven seven seven i'm just i'm just bearish on tesla i feel like this thing has gone up so much it's one of those situations where i mean can it really go back down and i think i can get a quick scalp here so in at 7.78 looking for this thing to at least get down to 777.

there we go oh wow it moved so fast okay out there took out another 50. let's see if we can get down through 776. oh i might have missed that one let's see if we can get the make uh the move down through 776 but might be bouncing upwards so i'll just take out the rest right there for 239 and it's 931 and i'm not very sure of many places in the world where you can make 200 basically 40 bucks in a minute so i am not a greedy savage i am happy with that baba okay i'd mark 225 as an interesting area but as of now it's going the exact opposite direction so i don't i suppose at some point i mean we are only one minute into the day 225 would come into play but um as of now mrna has been a good one i didn't realize that was gapping up that much nice move what did bbvy do anything okay interesting area right there at 18. yeah actually 18 let me get that update bbby 18 flush point one minute but how did ncty oh whoops shoot well one of those situations where i just chose to watch the wrong thing um i mean you saw me type that up right uh where was it ncty22 upside breakpoint on the open and yeah it broke through there and has you know gone up as high as what was that about 23.75 now pulling back uh so amazing how the mind works i want to be like all woe is me and somehow shove out of my mind that i just made 240 bucks in a minute and i realize that makes me sound like a greedy savage and it is it does make me a greedy savage but that's why the human mind is a crazy crazy place because i don't know how i can all of a sudden be kind of disappointed with things uh but it is what it is and i say that kind of tongue-in-cheek but also like oh shoot i should have been watching ncty but again what am i thinking i just made good money there on tesla and maybe tesla oh that fast again it just it's so i mean it's one of those things where and not that i'm expecting tesla to crash but at least some sort of a pullback at least some sort of movement back into the this gap area and not even necessarily to fill the gap but just in general i mean i guess it is tesla and i guess tesla can theoretically just go up every day if it really wants to but i mean it's just absolutely crazy what do we got going on spy the overall market's just starting off very strong all right i'm going gonna go ahead and pause and i'll keep looking around all right well it's 18 i mean you got to think if this thing breaks it's going to want to get some momentum to the downside so let's see if i can see if it can break down below 18.

get some confirmation here first so if 18 disappears i'm going to enter in but yeah wow 18 is acting very very strong look at that epic battle here and there it goes back up so that's why you want to wait for confirmation so never mind just made this alert bby 18 even more of an epic point now um and i don't know maybe that was the last uh hurrah but i mean if the price does come back down to 18 especially after this bounce upwards then that would be extremely extremely interesting spot i but to be fair maybe this is actually a legitimately strong move that's occurring right now and maybe 18 he's not going to come into play but that's also why the importance of sometimes just waiting for confirmation i wanted to see 18 fail and it didn't um and you know that saved me from getting into something that yeah very possibly could have stopped me out but uh all right i'll keep an eye on it well once again maybe just maybe it's coming back down to that 18 mark so i don't want to miss the entry point if it happens kind of the downside of these being all right live is okay got to be in fighter pilot mode if 18 disappears once again held strong like i said the downside being is i honestly this is live so i don't know if 18 is ever going to be broken so this all could just be a waste and i don't want to say a wasted time but i could be filming right now and this break never ever happens all right i'll pause as it goes back up quick update that's why confirmation can be very important because now look at this thing pushing up into the 1860s so that would have definitely been a losing trade um and sometimes i do anticipate the breakdown um but yeah in that situation that would have led to a loss just waited for confirmation waited want to see that 18 disappear it never disappeared and uh yeah there's very very clearly a big old buyer down there at 18. so i'm just gonna move on for this oh my goodness how did that happen remember when i mentioned 25 on baba earlier in the day we'll look at it now oh man i that's funny i'm not mad about that that's just kind of the the funny irony about the markets is shoot and i'll say no it's not even close right now maybe it could come into play later on and yeah about eight minutes later it came into play and would have been a fantastic fantastic move but tesla is actually giving another interesting setup here at the 785 mark i don't know it's so strong i like that setup as a quick little scalp but really a strong qs and all of a sudden pulling back here 64.50 what is that 64. see if it can snap down there thing with qs is it can get very very snappy so 64 that might be two pi in the sky but uh if you're familiar with how qs moves it may not it may not be all right i will go ahead and pause and there tesla goes again if you had waited for confirmation you'd have never gotten in there anyways uh but yeah it's just just a ridiculous amount of strength let's go check on baba again yeah that one i mean even came down and look at that bounce off of 225 for a little bit took a little breath and then back down it went so pretty cool uh just no i'm not paying myself on the back i am padding technical analysis which is the use of these charts for those of you that are new these are called technical charts candlestick charts will be exact but um you know pretty cool to show that now our chart's perfect absolutely not nothing's perfect but a good little example there of how i was talking about 225 way before and then it would have you know resulted in a very solid trade but all right i will pause all right watching mrna right now 126 or 121.65 as a flush area just looking for a scalp here nice there's a little miniature uptrend here but it's just really a question of can this thing continue and i think this thing again i'm not looking for this i don't think this thing is going to crash down and fill the gap but a little bit of a pullback yeah i think that's a possibility but again gotta look for that 121 65 mark so i'll go ahead and pause for now well a morning of just not being in the right place at the right time mrna i showed that alert it broke down through there and now look at it go down um and if you're new this would be a good thing this was this is known as shorting and believe it or not uh you can make money in the market when prices go down uh that is known as shorting and wow well congratulations to members that got it in that one but um yeah and i'm not upset about it it's just you know again sometimes the the markets trading can be uh just funny cruelly ironic uh because you you don't do anything wrong other than just not being in the right place at the right time you're looking at some other setup you're looking at some other scanner you're kind of making a decision then you look back and oh and this move happened just so fast that yeah all it took was just not really being watching it and here wow bby that 18 really did prove to be the strong spot didn't it all right what i like up here is 1975 to get short for just a scalp if it can get up there and this is more so based on the five-minute chart which you don't see on the screen here but wow and then you know that's one of those that's one of those where if you get stubborn and you don't on your stop-wash or something like that i mean that can turn into a whole lot of pain but i suppose that a good little mini lesson there of why confirmation can matter so much oh there we go tesla finally pulling back a little bit acting human all right i'll go ahead and pause and one quick thing around mrna kind of just dawned on me i'm not trying to come across like i knew or thought that that big of a pullback was coming i thought it could pull back yes but and you know that fast that amount of time no i'm not trying to come across like oh i have some sort of special thing and i knew it was going to go that fast that much no i mean i thought it could pull back yeah to that this area but in that amount of time i did not think that so i just a little disclosure point there that's not what i was trying to imply or anything like that all right looking here for a break of 223.50

on baba for the short-sighted trade although i'm not going to take it on this candle i need to see how this candle finishes first so hopefully this candle can stay up above it oh and it didn't i'm not convinced that this break here is real maybe it is but that's what i wanted it was it was definitely real oh and i missed it by about 10 seconds just want to see how that candle finished forming but unfortunately uh it didn't play out the way i want to see it play out so i'll go ahead and pause all right i think baba wants to start to head down here so watching 222.25 oh my goodness i put in the wrong order it's not 225 it's 222 25 and i missed it well i think that might be the signal that i just need to be done and uh on that note if you do and this will sound like a cop-out but it is it is true there is a true act goodness look at that but if you enjoy these live trade videos please communicate that to me by hitting the like button or leaving a comment below even if it's a simple comment because these are not the easiest things to make and that's just the example right there when i'm trying to think for myself talk to you think about what i'm going to say to you think about what i'm going to make in the alert in the room and then having to enter in my alerts well sometimes i just that's a lot to think about all at once and you just witnessed it right there i mean if i was smart about this i would record everything first and then come back and talk about it so i don't have to worry about talking or anything like that at that time um but in that situation i had the wrong number typed in which is why i didn't get filled and then it went very nicely for a great scalp and it may not be done in my favor uh but i missed it but i'm gonna go ahead and just wrap things up um but yeah seriously i will keep making these videos and i will keep making them raw and live because i know from feedback but i want to make sure that people are continuing to like them so like i said if you do enjoy these videos and you want me to keep making them live although it's not easy i will keep doing it but i just need to know that there's interest and you can communicate that to me very quickly with two ways hit that like button and then leave a simple comment down below even if it's just a basic comment lie what is going on okay maybe a trade on this one here want to see it up over 35 or 34.50 excuse me let me get that alerted real quick all right i will go ahead and pause and let's see if this thing wants to get up over 34.50 all right well i need to wrap things up and uh a frustrating day but i'm proud of myself and here is why and i'm only speaking myself i don't maybe you can relate maybe you can't but think about how i started off the day fantastic 240 dollars in literally one minute and then after there it was just not being in the right place at the right time and i missed several fantastic opportunities and then of course i ended it with uh the misplaced order type but what i'm what i did write and this will sound like i'm bragging but i'm more so just hopefully you can learn from me because i don't know if you've ever been there before for me the cycle goes wow what a great start and then it's filled in with some frustration and then all of a sudden you're tempted to just start forcing trade you're start you know you just want to i want to make another trade because that first trade was so good and then you get yourself in a lot of pain and i've been there before uh but here i i was disciplined i didn't go force anything uh i i feel like i wanna force something right now which is why i'm just gonna walk away uh because yeah it's a little frustrating to be like um i should easily be up over 500 right now had i just been in the right place at the right time so let me go put myself in the right place at the right time right that's how the voices justify it okay i miss it i'm all right i'm just gonna and then all of a sudden you go down pathways that you really don't want to go down so i'm going to go ahead and wrap it up like i said even and even right now it's about 10 40 or excuse me 10 10 so been trading for about 40 minutes i'm up 240 i mean we're in we're in the world can you make 240 in 40 minutes i mean let's just round that up to an hour i don't know many professions many side hustles many whatever you want to call us where you can make 240 in an hour working from home pressing buttons on the internet pretty cool and i'm happy with that um and as frustrating as it may be i don't need to be any there's nothing to be frustrated about all things considered i i you know like i said 240 bucks an hour that's actually crazy if you actually truly stop and think about it and like i said before i thought i saw another trade if you do enjoy these videos then hit that like button and leave a comment even if it's just thanks a emoji a thumbs up emoji something as simple as that goes a long way in communicating to me that these videos are worth my time and sometimes the frustration to do um so any sort of feedback is greatly appreciated and then also check out the channel as a whole a lot of content out there various videos so if you like what you see enough i'd hopefully decide to hit that subscribe button as i'd love to have it as a subscriber but get out there remember just because you start strong don't get frustrated and don't become undisciplined sometimes that's just how the market goes first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-01-13 19:04

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