[LIVE] Day Trading | How You Can Make $325 in 2 Minutes (hint: trade stocks!)

[LIVE] Day Trading | How You Can Make $325 in 2 Minutes (hint: trade stocks!)

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Good. Morning is clay at collector calm this be a live chat video I try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market. Opens up here in about five minutes so I'm gonna watch bowing out of the opening gates either Boeing or FS ly, both. Unfortunately aren't, really behaving, necessarily, the way that I wanted to see them behave and. Just kind of give a little game. Playing right now so. Let me bring over the chat room so you can see kind of how things were alerted in case maybe you're wondering how does my community work but anyways so originally, I wanted Boeing. Let's see where did that go that, is right though talking about let's. Make that a little bit easier to see. And. These are totally live by the way so this stuff isn't this is not some sort of voiceover Boeing. Right there 184. Is that key flush point, then. I put assuming the price can open above it unfortunately, right now like. I said the market now opening in about four minutes looking like the price is gonna open blow up but maybe not maybe it'll actually creep back above it but right now below one a four and then I just did that right there with the update, talking about you know at this point I would you know I'm looking for a break back above one eighty four and then. A potential, short if it, then falls back below, so. Again want to see it back above it and then, if it falls back below it I would. Be interested so that's kind of the set up right now and then F s ly which, was the other one that was. Really. Looking attractive same exact thing right now in fact. I'm. Gonna type that up right now and. Sorry. I can't type and type with this there I can't talk in type of time but if price opens. Below. 7450. Then. Breaks, above, it and then. Falls. Back below. Potential. Short entry. So. There we go so there's another alert on FS ly, if. I could get the. FS. Know. Why I. Let. Me know below in the comment section do, what you like seeing alerts, like this in real time do you like to see how the community works I'll let me know because I realize we're two minutes in and there hasn't been really I mean the markets aren't even open there hasn't been any trading so I don't know do you like seeing that or not I'm. Curious on your feedback I feel like a lot of people kind of like to see just how you. Know the community works and how trading can work and how things can kind of be mapped out before you. Know to trade plans map out before they actually happen but I'm curious in the comment section so that is the game plan right now FSL. Why be a to key levels that I'll be watching, so, yeah market now opens up in less than two minutes well. Looking like Boeing might actually open up above, 180, four very closely to it so, I'm interested, in a potentially, a quick scalp. Nope. Never mind now. It's right below 184. All. Right at the last second, the market opens up here any second, now and. It. Opened up down below it. Alright. Well I can't, short at this point that would be chasing but again if it wants to break back up above 184, and then look like it wants to, break. Below it. And. That would be interesting to me so. Getting, the break above 184. Like. That let's see if it can get up here a little bit more and then start to roll back over. So. We'll give. FSL. Why also. Almost. Trying to do the same thing I. Mean. Again let's let this first one-minute, candle play out here no never mind and FSL, why just leaving. Even. Everybody, in the dust. There. We go, good. Might even be able to get a better entry point. Here. I'm bowing. Ok. 184, going to be that key level that I'm watching now. Nope. Drink it in I missed it missed. It and there. Goes. Maybe. Some sort of retest if you, watch over here you see excuse. Me you'll see my order showed up in white which means I put the order in the market but I didn't get filled. Well. So. Would have had that quick scalp there. May. Be but now it's bouncing, a little bit so.

I'm Not gonna give a while all right f s ly actually, all of a sudden. So. Again remember the same thing there. Wow. Quite the move here. Very. Very fast a big spread though. So. Let's see what this wants to actually do here. I'm. Gonna go back to be a just because. Right. Around 184, I like, now oh. Come. On. What. Does my deal with this one. All. Right there we go all right. There's. That area I'd. Like to see it back above 184 though. I'll. Back above 184, and then a failure. There. We go good good. Okay. There we go not missing it this time. But. Let's see if we can finally get this thing, to. Roll back to the downside. Markets, are certain now attempt. To pull back a little bit here. Let's. See if we can get down below 180 there we go so. Out there. Let's. See if we get down below 183. All. Right so 100, shares left stop. Is going to be above 180 451. So. I could still potentially take a loss on. These. Remaining. Well. If this thing can break down through 183. And I'll, move my stop loss down, at that point. Can, I get down through 183. It's, trying there. We go so, now it's a winning trade no matter what. It's. Just and this is the great spot to be because I have no idea how far down boiling actually wants to go and it's traders this is the spot you want to be in or, it's not if you make money but just how much money am I going to make because I don't know how far down this thing is you know it you, know collapse. Which, is a stress-free spot, to be in I assure you I have no stress the, only stress I have right now is how much money am I going to make. So, all out there for a nice. $325. And it is 935. So. $325. In, five. Minutes, fantastic. And that I mean you saw you, saw how that played out from, literally start to finish you saw the updates, you saw what I was typing in the chat room you, saw the whole idea about. Again. Going back to. I'll. Just bring it over so it's a little bit easier to see I'll just take the screen shot of it just give me a second, there we go. So. I mean you saw that right at. This point we'll be watching for a break back above 180 for you saw break back above it now I didn't really tree that perfectly, I but. Eventually it gave me the the opportunity to get back in I got in at the 184, and, I, suppose in hindsight maybe but. Whatever, I'm talking in hindsight and, give me a break you know threw, in 225 bucks in five minutes there's, not many places in the world where you can make that but so there there was there members have the same exact opportunity. To. Do quite well on it but yeah I'm very happy with that and given, we're only five minutes in maybe I can find another trade but I don't know I might call it a day I'm happy with making three hundred twenty-five bucks in five minutes I'm no greedy savage as I've said in past videos hopefully, you're not a greedy savage either but let's, see what else is out there all, right I am potentially, interested in Boeing only gonna be risking right around $100, now but.

180 335. Is that level I'm watching. So. 183. Thirty-five. Again. Reduced position sighs I do not want to risk actually giving, back all these gains but even if I lose a hundred bucks on it I mean that's still 225. Bucks. And. Again 180 335. So, watching that very closely here. All right I'm gonna go ahead and pause quick. Little update on Boeing never came down never gave me any confirmation, so that trade plan has been taken. Away but I am watching, a. Couple of doing things out there NK la. I'm. Just, a monster move on this one I have. An order out there on FS ly, up. There at 7850. Which is, not, it's. Not really close right now in fact with that pullback. I'm. Gonna go ahead and just cancel that order out so, I'm looking around. 18350. Watching, Boeing here for a potential, short again, risking to right around $100. Just. Because worst. Case I'm walking away with. Right. Around now, with slippage we'll, just call it $200, with slippage so if I'm still walking away with 200 bucks. For. Less than 30 minutes of time I would be happy with that. But. We'll see if it can work its way down I'm not going to short it on this candle I need. To see it stay up above the. 18350. On this candle so if this there we go. Now. If this candle wants to break down through it or. Better. Yet if we can get this candle to just stay green that would be fantastic so, let's see if this candle can stay up above 180 350, I'll, pause and keep you updated and. Now looking like it's gonna happen so I will not be taking that well I'm still above 180 350, come. On can I'll stay up above it and open there's the break. So. There's still a chance er because and that's why I didn't take a look at the little bounce there. It. May still well go but like I said I want to see if this candle can stay. Up. Above, that element it's down below it again so, it's hovering right around 180, 350. See. The problem is this the markets, are overextended, now sitting right there lost I cannot take the trade, because. Of this right here check out the SP Y 5-minute, basically down at lowe's with a relatively, overextended. Candle not, that it can keep going down which it is right now but it's already overextended so, put to put on a short right now, I don't like that at all because all it takes is for the SP widest you know to even get a little bit of a snapback bounce and then, Boeing is gonna definitely no go back up and you. Know I just can't have that which right now was, the right choice look at that big bounce. Okay. It went back down but you can see right now that that was it that was a pretty big bounce to the upside I would have still been in the trade because like I said was. Real one at risk a hundred dollars but like I said. Not. A big fan so, that's. Why always, good to keep your eye on the SP why and. Like, I said even if this play works out which right now it's working out. It's. Working out quite a bit but that is okay because that is not. More. Times than not you're gonna have things go back up against you with. The markets in that extended. Stay that they were so I get it here yeah it did work out here and yes technically. Speaking I was wrong. But, like I said if. You're doing that trade a hundred times I would, say, with a high, amount of confidence that over, fifty times. It's. Going to be you're going to be taking you. Know some losses on it. So. Just watching here. Now. Them now the marketer bouncing up here a little bit but. Sometimes. I wonder am I just am I just putting, on another trade for the sake of the video I mean 100 shares collide you really need to be doing this right now. So. Maybe I am just doing it for the sake of the video but at least we got to this, to. See some nice action there play out now, in other potential areas right down here at these lows but I don't. Really like that trade just because that's getting pretty. Now. If it wanted to go sideways for, several candles and then break through the 180 250, ish area that'd be pretty nice but shorting, it right now I just don't feel comfortable, well. Look at this 7450. May be coming into play here again on FSL, why surprise, surprise look right where the price decided, to start to go sideways essentially, right at 74 50 slightly, above it but generally speaking right.

At That area so that area is coming into play once again and I am interested. If. The, price can get a break down below it but. As of right now. Seems. To be holding strong but I'll keep a close eye on it Pete. On right here wow look, at this just nasty, net in fact let me bring over the 5 minute because the 5 and I think illustrates it even better I mean check that out to think start, off so nice on the day some, poor souls probably bought that break of 57, hopefully they honor their stop-loss because if they didn't they were, getting destroyed, right now I'm interested, in potentially going long here. Let. Me stop talking, 50. To 75, for my first entry, point, just. 100 shares I would like more than 100, but that. Allow me to get my feet, wet so we'll see if it can continue, to collapse to the downside again first entry at 50 to 75. All. Right getting there's the break ah. Dirty. Dog stopped, right there at 50. To 85. So. It's close but not close enough. So. I'll put that order down there at 50 250 now and. I'll go ahead and pause alright. It's. Getting close nice in. Let's, see what this thing wants to do here. See. If we can get back up over fifty three so. All, out oh won't. Thought I was gonna get the quick $50 not bad for just one hundred chairs so, it took the quick forty eight dollars there. Again. I like I mentioned before and I wanted more than the hundred shares but. That. Just didn't happen. But. I mean I'll start the process over again if it wants to go down to. 52. Actually. No let's go 51, 75, which. Is a crazy entry point which is kind of the whole idea is if I were to actually get filled at 50 175 that would be wild, but. Either way right, now it's 958. So 30 minutes in up. $373. Not bad for less than thirty minutes and really in all actuality I mean. You saw that trade that trade lasted. Let's. Do the math on that got, in at 950, 746, got out at, 958. 14. So. What is that about 30 seconds we'll call it 30 seconds, on that trade and then, on this trade up here was less than two minutes I got in at 9:33 and five, seconds, and I was stopped out at 934, so. Basically, a minute. And a half we'll just call it two minutes so, let's just call this and, we'll. Call that trade even though it was essentially. Thirty seconds we'll just call it a minute so essentially three minutes worth of actual trading, time and up. $373. The markets are a crazy place but we'll. See if I can find maybe one more trade but given, it's almost ten I think I want to be done but who knows and some in case something really nice pops up over the next couple minutes maybe, I'll get one more trade right.

I'm Gonna get short here on Pete on risking, right around 50. Ish dollars, oh. Man. There we go. So, now just have 50 shares left so at this point. It. Is going to be a winning trade no matter what. So. Put my stop at 50 401. But yeah let's see how far down this thing wants to roll over. If. You can get down below 53 50 I'll adjust my stop-loss at that point but I got to get down below 250 350. So. Again another stress-free, spot to be in I have no idea how much money I'm gonna make cuz I have no idea how far down this is gonna go and that's an awesome spot to be in. Now. I'm not going to be making a ton of money given I only did 100 shares but again risk, management, I don't, want to risk giving back my gains. But. Let's see if this thing wants to get back below, well not looking so good right now. Let's. See if it can stay below 54 if it can stay below 54, I stay in the trade nope, and it does not so. There are now up $80, on it so, again I was, it a massive trade no in hindsight should I have done 500 shares yeah absolutely I should have done 500 shares but that's good old hindsight and you, got to remember you, know play the game with yourself what happens if I would have gotten in with 500 shares and then I'll turn the price would have just done something like that you, would probably be saying clay why, did you do 500, shares you, just gave away a big chunk of your wins what, were you doing why would you risk so much and you know what you'd be absolutely right, but. Of course that didn't happen it actually went my favor so the voice that shows up is clay why didn't you do 500, and it'll try to make you think that you did something wrong so I mean if you've ever had that boy show up just remember the flip side of things and the flip side bean well you could have been wrong and had you done the normal position size it, could have been pretty bad so. I'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up real quickly before I go though if you're interested, in getting those alerts that you saw me walk through and, saw I mean everything I that you saw me take trades on today was alerted to the chatroom as I saw so if you're interested in learning more about the community or potentially, joining just go to clay chair comm, /team. Really the way to approach that and we'll use the $99. Price. Is $99, for three months which breaks down to $8.25. Per week so the question becomes if I invest $99 to join do I believe the service can give me more than $8.25. Not per day but per week a value, if you think the service can help you give and get more, than $8.25. Per week then, you will get a great return on your investment, so that's how you think through there there, is also a mobile app so it's not like you have to stay next, to your computer or anything like that you can say in touch no matter where. Everything's at so check that out and then also just as a whole if you enjoy these live trade videos then, a quick request for me a very time efficient, way to communicate that to me just hit that like button leave a comment down below if, you've ever watched any of my other videos then, log, on through the comm section you know that I will read and reply to comments so, please questions, comments suggestions leave those down below then, also check out the channel as a whole and if you like what you see hopefully, decide to hit that subscribe button like I said check out the community hit, that like button and I hope it has hopefully decide to join and start getting alerts and I look, forward to trading alongside you everybody take care first. Off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go I want, to invite you to a live webinar web class training, workshop, online event whatever, you want to call it but it will be me live, revealing. To you what I discovered. That has allowed me to transform. Myself from being an employee to. Being my own boss, including, how I had only one losing day out of 73, days in total I'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock. Profitable. Consistency, within the markets the first key is super-weird but, in a productive type of way the, second, key is super awesome because it quite, literally is wired into our DNA as humans making, it very easy to use but, in a cruel way this, becomes a pitfall for many traders I'll explain, it although including. How to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds, way to get way too good to be true but it's not and I'll show you how, it all works then, at the end I open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally. Live even, if you can't make the live session please, still sign up as it will be recorded, and you can go back and watch the replay then I will send you click, the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box, so you can get the date and time and, claim your spot which I should know is limited.

Due To the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions, let, me know if not, I'll be seeing you soon.

2020-06-25 22:18

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