[LIVE] Day Trading | How to Survive (and Thrive) as a Stock Day Trader

[LIVE] Day Trading | How to Survive (and Thrive) as a Stock Day Trader

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live. Um a little recap, here it's actually 10 o'clock in the morning and i thought i'd get a video rolling because. If if i do my job right, there should be a valuable lesson here in terms of why risk management is so important what do i mean by that well right now i am down. 22 dollars and 15 cents how am i down where did that 15 cents come from check this out on beyond this morning, i tried to get short 500, shares, and it gave me one share. Yes. One share of the 500., i'm not quite sure i've ever had that happen. Uh in my entire trading career but it gave me one share, so i just got out for a loss, and then boeing, had to go into risk management mode there and that ended up costing me 22.50. So right now i have two losing trades. But two losing trades, and i'm down 22 dollars and 15 cents, so if i've done my job right. Then it should not you know it shouldn't take me very much to get those two trades back right, i'm not gonna have to exactly trade like a super hero. In order, to make those trades back. And that's why risk management is so important now to be fair maybe maybe the hole gets a little bit bigger, but you know what a whole little bit bigger that's all right you know nothing that i can't climb out of but right now, again i set the context, i've been wrong two times. How was i wrong with beyond, well clay i only gave one two that's true but i was i was i was too slow. And i was too slow and that's why i only got, the one share out of 500., so in that sense i was wrong in just the speed at which i executed. So if this candle can stay up above 192.50. I will take the next candle short, but it didn't. Okay. Oh whoa tesla coming into play here maybe. Uh yeah tesla 408.50. Let me get that alerted tesla. When i say get that alert if you're not familiar i do have a chat. Room. Yeah, bummer on boeing. I thought that was gonna be the one that was gonna bring me back. And it would have it just didn't quite behave, the way i wanted to see it behave in its entirety. Let's see what tesla wants to do here. Even 409, i could see 409. Down to 408.50. Yeah. Again want to see this go sideways, uh at least a couple more candles. Because this movement here is a bit overextended. But i do like that pattern. Quite a bit. Okay well i'm going to go ahead and pause, and, i really do want to be done. Uh relatively, quick. So, um. But like i said, i'd like to get back to green. And the the goal here and the idea here is hopefully i can offer up just a real life learning lesson, with the nitty-gritty, details, of trading, that why risk management is so important i should have noted, uh if you are beginner to these videos when i say live, this is not, something where everything's already been recorded, and now i'm coming back and talking about it and doing a voiceover no i am recording. Myself getting the information, live so if you're looking for raw thoughts, raw emotions. You know raw reactions, you will get that so i mean as of right now that's why i say i think, i have no idea if i'm actually going to be able to overcome the 22, hole that's. Like i said it could very well get bigger i don't know and that's me being genuine because at this moment in time. You know i really don't know what's going to happen good, beautiful. Like to see this action here on tesla. So 409, i like now as an entry point. If it can even come into play it might not maybe this is the the start of a bigger move but, i do like how it's now. Calm down here a little bit. Yeah let's see if it wants to come back down to 409. Actually let me get that updated. In the room. Update. 409. There we go. Okay well i will go ahead, and pause for now. All right it's sitting right at 409. See if i can get some on the back test or did i miss. It. Ah looks like i missed it. I was watching, in fact i need to go back to peloton, because that's what i was watching, what kind of pulled my attention away from. It. This one is deceivingly, fast. Mover. Yeah 95.50. Maybe an interesting level, shoot. And then their tesla. Goes. Well that's what happened sometimes, i turned my attention, rightfully sophie, peloton was an interesting setup, but just didn't quite work out. Let's check on beyond. The one just the one that just toyed with me.

Earlier On in the day. Pulling back not really an opportunity, there, all right well i mean maybe this will be a video where i. Think i'm going to cover the loss and then i just end up posting a video where nothing, really happened well i mean things have happened but you know what i mean no trades have actually happened but i mean i hit that record button so. I'll be posting, it but this might be a video that turns out to be not exactly what i thought it was but i'm not going to give up hope quite yet i mean there still seems to be quite a bit of opportunity, out there, just wasn't quite fast enough to capture, it. So i will go ahead and pause. Have an order at 13. 35. 500, shares i would like more than 500, shares but this would at least. Get my feet wet. So i want to see a fast move down through 13.50. That was fast that was good let's see if it can go a little bit more. There we go. So in for my first allotment. There. See what it wants to. Do. Wow 1340. Does not really want to let it pass does it. And all out there for. A 50, trade. So nothing big. You could say clay. Dude you only made 50 bucks. That's true, but guess what now i'm now i'm green on the day. So let's let's piece all the, everything together here. I was wrong, two of three times. The one time where i was right, i quote unquote, only made fifty dollars, yet. Here i am sitting, green on, the day. That. My friends. Is why risk management, is so important. Is risk management. Exciting to talk about, no. Is risk management. Something that makes it easy to sell courses, and easy to sell, you know, programs, and ease no, it's much easier to just talk about winning look how much money i made look at this, look at but no that's not, the, pillar to any, long-term, success. Is risk. Management. Acknowledging, that you're wrong just being wrong. And, keeping, things under control. What do you keep it under control well your losses. And in this situation. Again i was down. 22 dollars and 15, cents. Wrong two of my first three trades and yet here i am, still now green on the day and my only winning trade was fifty dollars, so when a fifty dollar, trade. Can bring you back to green when you've had two losses. Well then hey you know what. The risk management, is you know on par where you need it to be uh so. That is you know. Definitely the main driving lesson. And. I'm i'm wondering right now did i force that trade but i didn't force that trade that was a great trade i mean in fact, you could argue clay why did you sell so soon now look where it's at you're right. But like i said with that strategy that i was using, you just got to take what the market gives you i was hoping to get up more than um. 500, shares but that didn't quite work out. And look at tesla go. Bummer. Missed that one but congratulations, to you members i took advantage, of it. But yeah this is a video where i get it. You you look at the numbers and you're saying clay you're up 27. And that's true but that's also. A good kind of quiz question for you is are you somebody that's looking at this saying you only made 27.

If You are, then i would encourage you. I think you've been brainwashed, by social media a little bit i think you've been brainwashed, by this thought process of it's all about, winning and how much how big can your wins be, that's not the way trading works trading. Is all about. Risk management, controlling, losses, and making sure you're keeping yourself. In the green. And. Again i'm remember these are live so i'm literally. Looking at scans trying to do a little learning lesson here and seeing what else is out there but. You know at this point, i'm just going to go ahead and wrap this up and, you know it's 10 18, now, so over the time frame that i'm usually looking at to trade. But uh. It's crazy. How fast things can turn, uh, yeah previous, to this, day. I, made 860. Dollars, in 30 minutes, so 860. Dollars in 30 minutes, today. It's been about 45. No, what, 860. Dollars in 30 minutes i think that's what i said, but today. It's been 45, minutes and i've made 27, dollars. So that's just that's just the nature of the beast right that's the nature of the market. One day oh man. 860. Bucks 30 minutes, today, 45, minutes. 27. So it happens doesn't make you a bad trader it just shows that every day in the market, is different, but the one constant needs to be, to manage that risk, so if you found this video helpful, more so from an educational, perspective, or, maybe hopefully you already know the importance of risk management so maybe this wasn't a lesson but just kind of a reminder, to you hey yeah thanks for the reminder risk management is the most important thing but if you enjoy these live trade videos. In general, a couple things first off just hit that like button that's a very time efficient way, to to do that these are not the easiest videos to make it would be so much easier to just record everything, and then come back and talk about it but that's just not genuine right that's, me being able to develop my thoughts and and you know, but i like the raw approach, so if you like the raw approach, you literally see. You know how things play out. And. And, now i'm wondering oh that looked like an interesting one as i look at my earth screens but if you like the raw approach, like i said just hit that like button or, in fact you know comment down below, that makes things even, all right that's what's going on with. Spg. Okay. A movement. But not the greatest of volume, so never mind like i said if you're liking these video well what's going on cvs.

I Know clay you keep oh wow. Just. But, if you enjoy the videos like i said, hit that like button super fast easy way to communicate that to me questions comments suggestions, please leave those down below and then also check out the channel as a whole like i said in fact the the day that i'm talking about where i made the 860. Dollars, in 30 minutes, there's a live trade video of that so if you just go to the playlist, and start to go through those uh you'll see exactly what i mean but yeah you'll see some days, where it's i mean there's even, one where it's like twenty five hundred dollars in five minutes. But unfortunately, that doesn't happen all the time sometimes it'll be 45, minutes. And. 27. Of profit. But it is what it is manage risk like i said hit that like button if you enjoy these live trade videos, check out the channel as a whole hopefully decide hit that subscribe button as i would love to have it as a subscriber to the channel get out there and remember manage that risk. All right it is clay and i am back because i just love this setup here. Hopefully, the setup. Occurs. I am looking to get short here at 189. So yes i've wrapped up that first video already, but then i saw this and a very nice setup here, it is 1 18, p.m eastern time. So middle of the day, and maybe nothing will come up of it but i like it that much more especially if this green candle comes back down to 189. So 189. Very very. Interesting, level. And as of right now just a. Question of can 189. Come back into play if it does i'm, like i said interested, in getting short. I believe this could, add in a nice little. Cushion to my day, which has been rough as you know, uh the the. The roughness, continued. With tesla, tried to trade that made, 25. On it. Yeah, 189. If that level can come back into play. Then, that is a very interesting. Spot. The question right now just becomes, does it want to come back into play. And if it does. Then that could be a very. Beneficial, level so i love this setup. But. The setup still got to behave the way i want to see the see the setup behave and as of right now, it is it's great i love this green candle forming. Not just a question of can the price. Come back down to that 189. Mark. In fact if this thing goes up over 190. Then 189.50. Becomes very, interesting. So again just watching 189. And we'll see if that level can come back into play. I suppose, at this point. I would just go ahead and pause because the video was. For me i i forget this feels like a whole new video but i gotta remember this is gonna actually be spliced, into. The recording, i've already done. Um so i don't want this to become too long but i will go ahead and pause but like i said right now, it's all about that 189, mark so we'll see what happens. All right watching closely. In at, 189.09. So anticipated, the break. So now let's see that break of 189. If it breaks it should go nicely. And i think it's got a high probability, now, of breaking. But. There are no guarantees, in the. Market. So 189. Can it push down through. There. I mean i love this setup. So much so if anything i'm debating do i want to try to add if it looks like it's going to get down to the 189, mark. Add in another 500, shares. Now it's just a waiting. Game. We'll see if it wants to get down to that area. Okay it is approaching, can it break through 189. Though. There's the break now can we get follow-through. That's the key. Question. Okay we're starting to get some follow through. Wow very weak though. Give it another moment here. 188.85. Gonna be that key. Level. There we go. Took out 200, there. See if we can get down through 188.50. Yes we can. Took out another, 100, down there.

See If we can get some more downside, pressure. Getting a bit overextended. On this move but i'm trying to play some more of the momentum to the. Downside. Took out another 100 there. This thing really want to get down through 188, that'd be fantastic. Let's see can this break wow. Fantastic. Another 50 out right there. Like i said i love this setup, usually i'm not trading this late in the day but. When you see a setup that you love, take it, my one regret, granted, this is with hindsight, in favor, is i should have added the 500, shares. Or i should have had excuse me another 500, shares. That would be amazing if this thing could get down through 187.50. Okay took out another 25, there. Because this thing is getting, quite overdone. But. You know this thing wants to get down through 187.50. There we go. Let's see if we can get up a little bit more. Push to the downside. Not a whole lot. There we go. And, all out there for 187.50. Kind of a mental stop might have been a little too aggressive, on it, uh but there we go, so. Late day trade. On boeing. Uh what was that about a 340. Trade, because if i was down, i think what was it 22. Before that trade. Um so there we go, uh one trade, afternoon, and. There it goes so yes in hindsight, should have been a little bit more conservative. But the overall context, was still bullish, of things. So i was i was thinking this thing was getting ready to snap back but, i i got that part wrong. Also. I should have listened to those instincts, to, add those 500, shares. I never quite did that but, the big thing i did do right though is i still took the trade i recognized, the pattern. And, i was, honestly a little late to it, what do i mean by that well. I alert in the chat room. Right there at 189. 50.. So there i am playing the the break down where i did at the 189, but members actually had the opportunity to get in at 189.50. So members are doing even better like i said i made that alert, couldn't quite get that, um, but then you know let things play out, uh so patience was required, on everybody's part even those people that got the 189.50. They'd exert some patience because it's not like 189. Broke right away, i'd exert some patience i mean you just sat through me or sat with that through me wait for the break wait for the break, um and it ended up working out, so yeah there we go i am now up, just shy of 400. After, what was, as you saw in the morning session a very very. Rocky rocky start. And it never got any better even after i stopped the recording, like i said i tried tesla one more time and that thing was just as rocky i mean 25. But then, you know what stayed patient, noticed, uh a beautiful pattern come across, on boeing, took the trade, and now my day has shaped up you know much better so just shy of 400. So um, yeah there we go i the learning lesson there, manage risk but also. Sure, even if something is out of your time parameters, for me i'm not usually looking to trade or trading in the afternoon, but i mean if you got a beautiful setup, and you love the setup then just take the trade i mean why not, because uh you know if you feel as though the odds are in your favor which i i clearly felt, in this case and was very right that they were in my favor, uh then you know you can really shift around a day, so um yeah that's all i got and, um. I guess i'm trying to think how early splice this in, uh, like i said earlier, uh in the video, uh if you enjoy these live trade videos if you uh. Like what you see, uh then, hit that like button leave a comment, question suggestion. Down below and also check out the channel as a whole, and hopefully decide to become a subscriber, to the channel thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets, the first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded.

And You can go back and watch the replay. That i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event. If you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-11-20 15:57

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