[LIVE] Day Trading | How I Make Money for Vacation... (watch til the end!!!)

[LIVE] Day Trading | How I Make Money for Vacation... (watch til the end!!!)

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Good morning just clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live currently watching, n-e-t-e. Was alerted. Uh by a member of the community, have an order in to buy, if you're not familiar with my screen down here so n-e-t-e. I wanna buy. 500, shares, at 13.25. As far as these being live what do i mean well this is not some sort of. Recording, where i record everything, and then i come back and talk about it no you are getting my raw thoughts my raw emotions, as things happen here, uh so 1325. I have no idea if that's going to actually play into the video. Um, maybe it'll never come into play maybe it will i don't know, but that's it so if you're looking for. A nitty-gritty. Real life looking up to what day trading looks like this will provide that if you're looking for something like polished, professional, video. You're probably not going to get that because i'll be stumbling over my words as i try to think. Talk to you, make alerts in the in the private community. All at once, i mean if you watch any of these past videos you know sometimes uh, things can get a little bit bumpy, but that's what i mean by live is you are seeing stuff play out for the first time that i've seen it also so i mean. The raw thought process and everything. So as right now i'm thinking yeah if it breaks down through. 1475. It should go to the downside, that is. Very clearly a buyer right there at 14.75. Now when i say it should go i don't know if it if i mean it'll drop all the way down, and fill me at 13 25. But. I'd like my chances at that point so all right well i will go ahead and pause and if it looks like i'm gonna get filled or something else comes about, i'll get the video rolling if not i'll just see you back at the official, open. I do like 1650. As a breakout, point it's broken above there a couple of times and has made a nice move so you gotta i like 10 chances of at least getting up to 17 if it can break through 1650. Again. Both times it has it's gotten up over 17, so. I mean, if you just plan on getting to at least 17, that seems like uh, of course nothing's, guaranteed, but uh. A valid thought to be having. So i'll keep a close eye on it. In fact what i'm going to do here. Is get, 1650. Alerted. So nete. 1650. Upside. Break point. Gotta like, the chances, it at least, goes, to. 17. This is on the two minute, so there we go so now members of the community have the same exact, alert so in other words it's not like i bought and then made the alert. We're all watching. And it's not like they're gonna do it just because that i mean we're a group of independent, traders i just alerted 1650, as an interesting, point but it's up to members to decide. If they want to do anything with it or not. But yeah right now it's looking like it's.

Do Or die between 1475. As support, and 1650. As resistance. Even if 1630. Is broken might be. I might try to anticipate, the break which is a little higher risk because technically speaking 1650, want to be. Broken. So again 1475. Is. Definitely that key level of support down there, all right so i'll go ahead and pause. All right this thing is really just behaving like it wants to make a move. Really in either direction. And because it since it can move so fast i'd hate to miss. What goes on with the video. But like i said if this thing can. Potentially get up through 1630. That may be good enough for me, again, higher risk because technically speaking. 1650, wouldn't have been broken but. High risk but that would also give me a better entry. Point. So let's see what it wants to do. There's a break of. 16.. And back down it goes. Yeah definitely struggling, right up around that area. Yup, 16, 30., that does seem to be the level. I'll keep the video rolling in case it wants to try to recover back. Up. And back down it goes. All right i am going to go ahead and pause. All right once again behaving, like it might want to do. It. In at, 1636. Looking for that move up above. 1650. Can i get up there we go. Oh that was a bad fill. Got up there to 17, which is exactly what i thought it would do, and it's above 17. But. Um. Yeah i thought i was getting out. Much much closer to 17, than what i did at. 16.65. I realized i sound like a greedy savage right now you know made 143. Dollars, in all of about. 10 seconds, and i'm sitting here almost complaining, about it, so i'm not complaining, i get that could sound really bad, i'm more than grateful with making 143. Dollars in basically 10 seconds but, all i was saying was, i thought i was getting out closer to 17, which you heard me say in which. I typed out and also just to show how the chat room works, um i did make an update and the nice thing about the chat room is you can you know click right there and then. Um you know, where to edit a post so anyways i edited it and of course i always throw in the word update uh to make, uh, note that it is an update. Or excuse me in edit. But right there, 1630. Seems to be the main breakout point now, and i got in slightly. Afterwards, at 16, 36. Slight little pullback, and then just. Went. Very very nicely right up to 17, which again. You know i got to like the chances of at least goes to 17.. Unfortunately, for me though. And like i said i'm not saying that in a greedy savage way but just thought i was actually when i was selling it was closer to 17., but, that's the nature of the beast when you're trading these highly volatile, stocks like that, it can happen but a nice little example there of how the community works, how members. And like i said we're all independent, thinkers so for all i know maybe there's some members that are still hanging on right now, they're thinking their their, thought process no i think clay it's, i think it's got the chance to go up, above 17. i think it's got a great chance to get up through 17 50 and 18.. And, if they're right well then they're gonna, they're going to be making a whole lot more money than what i did but the the point here being, i alerted the 1650. Revised, that to 1630. Got people's eyeballs, on it and then it was up to them maybe some people didn't even want to take the trade that's cool too, uh but. You know we are a group of wolves, not sheep, and i say that in the sense that we can think for ourselves. We'll work together, to identify, levels but the end of the day, we're not a bunch of sheep that just blindly, follow one another. So if you want the mentality, to be a wolf, as compared to a sheep, then yeah maybe consider, joining but if you're like no, i want to be told what to do every single step along the way, uh yeah you're probably not gonna fit in. All right well, the market opens up here in 15 minutes. And uh we'll see if anything else comes about. Maybe i should have noted earlier i guess that's just uh the nature of these live videos but i am, um heading off, today for a little mini vacation, with friends.

Going Up to traverse, city. Which if you've never been to traverse city, which is in michigan, i mean it looks like the bahamas, out there the water. I could show you a picture of traverse city in lake michigan up there, and then show you, you know a picture of the bahamas or the caribbean, you want to be able to tell the difference, it's crazy, anyways. Pointy bean. Um, gonna be going up there, so not even gonna be a full day but. I will maybe still make some trades but, i don't know i'm i'm i'm happy i mean up 143. On a day where i'm leaving, for vacation, some nice little spending money, the nice spending money was made within 10 seconds. Um, so i still like said might make a trade, but i would also say that i wouldn't be shocked. If i just uh called a day here, which is kind of crazy to, be done before the market technically even opens but like i said i'm not quite willing to go that far, i'll look around see what kind of opportunities, are out there but that's kind of the the background, context, of what's going on in. Of the video right now is i have, that in the back my mind knowing, that i'm i'm going on vacation, i want to enjoy myself. So although i'm still a little. Disappointed, that i didn't get out i mean i was i was thinking. 250. On that one and i'm up 143.. But that's okay you're probably getting sick of me talking about that but that's kind of the psychology, right now that, is still in the back of my mind so i need to be careful about that not that, not let it. Affect any of my future decisions, but all right well market opens up here in about five minutes so we'll see what happens. All right the markets, are open. N-e-t-e. Pulling back. High of that is let's see. 40.. We'll see what it wants to. Do. Definitely not going to trade this on the first minute. Just wait and look at that i mean you know where there is people that uh and link's going to get halted too all right well. So any te is gonna get halted. So. That one's no good spi, is halted already as uh. Would be suspected, and this is you know what i just so again just to see how. Uh the chatroom, works. Uh where was that. So i just made this comment here um in the chat room. Uh. Spi, and i made this right here if you look closely at 9 22 am sbi, you got to think ends up in a halt in which direction i have no idea within the first minute. So if you're thinking of trading it ask yourself how you feel about being stuck in a halt, again going back to them if we all think for ourselves, maybe some people are okay with that taking that risk i'm gonna buy. And we'll just see what happens with it, um and i'm willing to be stuck in a halt other people may be saying no i definitely don't want to be stuck in a hall. Uh but you can see right there played out perfectly but i gotta oh tesla wow.

Three. Don't don't do it on this one. 366. I like it if it can hold up above it let me get that alerted. Tesla. 366. Flush, point, one minute. It's sitting right at that level but i don't i'm not going to take it on this candle. Oh. You see the next candle started and then immediately broke down through it. So we'll see how this one wants to behave, here. Uh p-e-n-n. Looks like a potential, dead cat bounce let's. See. Um. Oh yeah wow. Flush. Point. 64. One minute. What is that area, more so 6425. Let me get that edited. 64. 25.. Just bring that over so you can see that, right there flush point. 64.25. 64. 25.. So let's see if this thing wants uh. Act like it wants to roll back over. Or maybe this thing is just going to keep on grinding i don't know. Low of, 64.89. All right broke to new highs. I like 64.85. Here if it looks like it can break down through there. Let me get that updated. Edit. Update. 64.85. So let's see what it wants to do here. In at 64.89. Let's see if we can get down through 64.70. We can, all out. Excellent right there for a quick 109. Scalp. I will take it. Now up uh, 250. Dollars, but let's see what else i can find. Well. Hindsight, totally hindsight, trading here but you saw me, talk about 366.. Um and just so you know that this is not me hindsight, training or anything i mean literally everything, here. Was documented. I mean right there. I was in a hurry. I promise i know how to spell flush so uh with the w there but everything was documented. So i just show you that so uh you know, you know that i'm not like talking here in hindsight, this was all alerted, but for me the example, here is, i wanted i didn't want it on that candle and then you saw and you can scroll back, the neck the very next candle it just broke down through it and you know at that point it just seemed like it was, it left me in its dust, granted i went and p-e-n. Turned out well, but yeah very good morning for members in the these alerts some, some very rational, behaving, stocks i mean stocks are behaving the way, you would you would think that they would now nothing is guaranteed, but there are scenarios, in the market which is why, you can have consistency, in trading where you can say you know what that's, more likely to happen than not, and everything that was more likely to happen than not so far, has occurred. Including pen i mean look at that that was a big winner. Granted i chose the wrong strategy, in the sense of a scalp, for people that maybe again, thinking for themselves, joe something differently well then hey they could have made a a lot more money on it as i went down over a dollar. That's going on with dkng. Here let's see. Come on, chart. Oh e-signal. Why is that, is it e6, there we go. All right that one's kind of already made the. Move. I mean it's like i said i'm already up 250, bucks i'm going on vacation, today, traverse, city. Crystal blue waters. I don't even. I don't know i feel like almost i'm being a greedy savage right now wanting more. I don't know if it's that or if it's like i just want to make like let's just get another trade for the youtube video. The youtube video voice is very real. Wow, boeing just getting. Crushed. I can't say i alerted that one why i alerted that just the, the opening candle right there but nothing, too specific, it was because it was just kind of more broad context, at that point, so no can't quite say. Well any t's back open. Oh, let's see. Yeah this thing has just got such a high halt risk now, and i do not feel like having to sit through a halt and being at the mercy of the market. That's just not uh what i'm looking to do. Um. So i'm gonna have to just. No more net, for me. Just like i said, the risk of being in a halt is too much and i i don't like sitting through a halt, spi. Still halted. So you know you got some nervous, people out there. Where was it oh wow this i mean look at look at that range. I'm sorry, but if you traded spi, out of the opening gates you're you're not that wasn't trading on your part that was totally, gambling, all right. I'm not i'm not a gambler yes you were, you are a gambler if you traded spi. You you really were. The spreads, the high risk halt, everything. And let me put it this way if you didn't know that it had a high risk cult, before opening up you shouldn't be trading at all, i mean that's just a fact of the matter and and i know. Well. You're mean clay you're, that's just how it is like you should know that spi. Had a very very high risk halt. So to still be trading something when you, when it has a high risk halt. That's totally gambling. To not know that it had a high risk halt, but you're still trading, that is gambling. There's just really no way to get out of it. One minute. I'm really not good at typing, and talking at the same time. Where are we at time wise on this video.

We're At 17 minutes, all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause i'll look for one more trade if not i'm just gonna wrap this up let's see what else i can find. Well spi, is back open again, and, it's just just. It's, it's untradable. When something, has, that big of a spread and it's going to get halted again it was it's been open for 10 seconds and it's getting halted, i mean that's just this is just not trading. It's too choppy it's too volatile. And i get it, everybody thinks spi, is fantastic. Oh look at all this money that could have been made and yeah just because something makes a big move doesn't mean that you should actually be trading it and i also sound like well you're just a hater clay, you just don't know how to trade those i i know i get it the dunning-kruger. Effect, is real. If you don't know what i mean by the dunning-kruger, effect i'd encourage you to do some research on it but uh, i know i'm just a hater, i'm terrible at trading them that's why i'm poo pooing on spi. Uh but. Um, all i can say is go for it, you keep trading spis. And i'm not saying you won't make money on this exact, type of stock but you keep trading stocks like spi, over the long haul. And um. You know, like i said. Just remember who tried to you know who tried to tell you, up front that th this it's not trading that's just totally gambling because there's. Just nothing you can do about it. In terms of, yes, that was a nice move no shares to short. Though. All right well it is 9 42. A.m. I'm up 250, dollars. I made some money to spend on vacation, and that's how i like to make money to spend on vacation right you just. Sit on, sit at home press some buttons on a computer. I'll go, here we go, now tesla, is, just as i think i'm wrapping things up now we got tesla maybe presenting in. Let's see. 359.. That's. 50, so i'm just doing some risk management, here. So if i take 50 and i'm wrong that's a hundred dollars i'd still be up 150, am i happy with 150. Before vacation. Yeah i'd be happy with that still. 359. Gonna go short risking about a hundred dollars. Let's see if it wants to get. Down. In at 350, 901. Let's see if we can get some more push to the downside. Here. Ooh 358. 58, what a stubborn area that is. Yeah that was. Crazy. See if it wants to go back down there again. In fact if it does go back down to that 358. 50ish, area. I might like to add in another 50 share oh. Or just take a loss of 133. Dollars. That that turned around quickly. All right well. Um. So actually a little bit down more than what i thought but that uh that's tesla for you in the big slippage, there and i realize this thing could still come back down. Uh but. It is what it is, this it's tesla so this thing could just continue to rip higher and higher. So. Still have uh so, i'll have to tell my wife sorry. We can only eat chinese, food now or domino's, pizza because i just. My last try i actually set us back some but uh. It is what it is i like this i love that setup actually i'll take that set up all day long and, it worked. It just didn't work quite enough for me to to have it make sense to start taking profits off the table. Uh but yeah that's a fantastic, setup just didn't work out, uh so it is what it is. Well, uh a fantastic. Fantastic, lesson in risk management. Look at this thing go, still grinding, higher, and higher. In other words, not only could i have just given back all my gains, i would be in the hole quite a bit right now. So that is why risk, management. Matters i'll tell you what that feels fantastic, now. It's always annoying when you get stopped out and then it goes in your favor. Uh but when you see things like this occur, and you're like wow you know if i hadn't taken that loss things would be really bad right now. That. That's great. I i. If you've never traded maybe you can't relate maybe this time look at this thing it's still going. Maybe you can't relate. Why are you so happy about taking, i just, i don't know how to explain it other than the fact of, it could have been so much worse and look at this thing it's still going is it going to get up through 360, 750.

If It does should it's probably going to go up here and retest those highs if it can get up through three there it is. And look at this thing, still, going. Now above 368.. Wow, and i got out at 360. So that's, basically another, what we'll call it six dollars. So that would have been another, 300. On top of the 133.. So that's a. Rough, roughly speaking about 600. Or excuse me 733. Dollars i could have lost. So think about that 733. Dollars that means my 250, would been, wiped away, and then i would have been sitting at right around. A 500. Lot and it's still going. Look at this go. And that's what i mean by live. No idea that was going to happen but what a classic, example here of, why risk management matters, why you need to honor, risk. Yes. That was not pleasant, i'm not going to be like oh and i but looking at it now that that almost that feels like a win, and it was a win because think about it what's the alternative. Well holding and hoping. Hold it look at this thing go and right now i am fully stalling, because i want to see how high this thing look at this. I was in right oh my goodness it was a great setup too. So so many learning lessons just because something is beautiful, just because something is an awesome setup doesn't mean that it's going to for sure work. But and so how high has it actually gone. It's gone as high as now. Over ten dollars now right. Yeah i got in at 359. It's gone over, yeah. That's. Crazy. Wow, what i mean think about that it's gone over, ten dollars more against me and it's still going, i'm wondering if it can get through the purple line right there though. Well. Absolutely. Unplanned. Classic, and then look at that purple line starts to go back down, uh but example, on. Wow it's 24 minutes i don't even care there is just this was i you couldn't have ended this a better way in terms of, why you gotta manage risk, because that would and think about that. It could have been a situation, where. Well the last. Two or three times i've honored risk, the price, ultimately goes in my favor. So i'm not gonna honor it and yeah and then look what the market can do to you oh yeah well this time, we're not going to go in your favor we're going to keep showing you why you should have been disciplined in the first place. So, overall though that's all i have for you i will take it 119. That could have been, actually, i'm going to do the math real quick just so give me a second. And look at it now, as i'm doing the math on my calculator. Now i got to redo the math again, but anyways i'll just base it off of that 374. Mark, well we can add in another dollar so 375. Uh went up as high as, that would have been an 800. Loss. 800. Loss instead it was 133. Dollars, so think about that not only would my 250. Dollars been wiped away. And look at this thing, still going. Whoa. Wow. I i. Take, manage risk everybody, okay, if you if there's, no if there's one thing you walk away from this video understanding. Manage. Risk. I get it it can be annoying, you get stopped out you get stopped out and then the price goes in your favor, and it can lead you down the pathway because i've been there of, well the last several times i didn't. You know i honored, i was disciplined, as a trader. I would have been right i would have made money, all it takes is one of these, one of these, where it just keeps going, and going, and grinding, and grinding. And, it can, it can. Knock you out of the game. It can put a massive, hole, in your a trade account. And look if this thing is still just continuing, to grind. I suppose that people wanted that don't want to learn or whatever they've already clicked off, but for those of you that are still here we'll let this play out just a little bit while longer. But um. Yeah crazy, stuff so that would have been like i said roughly speaking. Uh potential, eight. How high did it go up to three, 377. No so potential. Again roughly speaking. 850. Loss. But instead, because of risk management. Right there 133. Dollars. Manage, risk. And i still close the day, up, 120. So yes unfortunately, i don't have quite as much spending money for vacation, but this is how i make money, to, spend on vacation right for vacation. How, you manage risk right, that was that was the linchpin, here, forget the winning trades. Those two winning trades could have easily been wiped out, had i not managed risk so how do i make money. For vacation. By managing, risk, and that's how you need to do it too that's how you need to keep yourself alive in the trading game, don't focus on winning yes winning is an important, thing, but, the most important thing.

Is Risk management, because here would have been two winners. Wiped away with one undisciplined. Loss in a very very big way, so hopefully that uh, helps you out hopefully that kind of sinks in. Now if you are interested, in getting the alerts that you saw me type out i mean it was a very nice morning for alerts, uh and i didn't even alert that one i took a loss on so that one was never alerted just because i felt like maybe a little higher risk there, uh not that i have any it was gonna get that nasty, absolutely not but if you are interested in getting the alerts. And joining me and other traders. Claytrader.com. Forward slash team just go there and you know the way to think through that it's 99. Not per month but for three months so really it's just a question of all right if i invest in 99. Do i believe i can get at least. Eight dollars and 25, cents per week of value because that's what it breaks down to 8.25. Cents per week if you think you can get at least 8.25. Cents per week of value, then you'll get a great return on your investment so be sure to check that out, um and there's also a mobile app so it's not like you have to stay change your computer, as far as these videos are concerned though the live trades if you enjoy them if you want me to keep making them then a very quick time efficient way to communicate, that to me just hit that like button simple as that, questions, comments suggestions. Leave those down below i do read and we'll reply to all comments, and then finally check out the channel as a whole there's lots of other live trade videos, there's a variety of other good educational, videos so hopefully you like what you see enough to hit that subscribe button i'd love to have you as a subscriber, to the channel like i said yeah if you want my watch list my alerts. And to see what i'm seeing in real time during the market, then yeah claytrader.com. Forward slash team hope you decide to join. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency, within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works, then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again. Totally live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event. If you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-09-26 18:49

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