[LIVE] Day Trading | An Interesting TSLA Stock Trade...

[LIVE] Day Trading | An Interesting TSLA Stock Trade...

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good morning just clay at claytrader.com this be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live uh real quick what do i mean by live in case maybe you're new to these videos this situation where i have not pre-recorded anything so i'm not doing like a trade recap or a voice over post commentary nothing like that uh this is a video where i'm recording myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions raw reactions you are going to get that here if you just want a nicely edited video nicely scripted video then in the spirit of honoring your time uh you're not going to get that here but if you just want a nitty-gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out uh then you will find that information here i'm watching or you'll see that here but as far see what i mean about the no scripted part anyways what i'm watching right now is ticker symbol tsla tesla maybe you've heard of it uh but i think i'm gonna be watching that one moving forward i had mentioned 680 dollars so to give a little context there right here if you're not familiar i do offer whoops bring it over to i was in the lounge where people just chit chat but here in the what is called we call the trading pit much more stricter rules alerts only but anyways point being that 680 was that level that i was looking for at the open as a flush point meaning wanting to see the price go down believe it or not you can make money when prices go down that's known as shorting uh but as of now tesla has uh looking over here you can see has separated itself out up quite a bit four dollars now above where it was so maybe 680 won't be coming into play maybe it will it is tesla so it can move very quickly but uh maybe a change of mind here uh but then again that's just kind of how it goes uh this is i don't know what's coming next so maybe i won't be trading and just like that amc now popping up so amc hello oh yeah amc night so i don't know we'll see i i think i'm still going to be watching tesla but i suppose you never know market opens up in one minute so i'm gonna go ahead and pause the video and i'll be back at the open and the markets are now open so just uh wait and see looking around at various wow tk or k a t def that's something's going to get halted thinking about 32 on that one but these ones move so fast and i get it some people that is their bread and butter but i mean so fast let's go back to tesla here this right here is the one minute chart meaning this is candles representing the first minute of uh you know that takes place it's all right well i'm going to go ahead and pause right now and uh give some of these setups a little yeah wow look at that so that's what i mean tkt last time was like a big old green candle knots moved down basically four dollars in the matter of minutes so um yeah that's kind of why like i said some people do very well let's see what is that 686 could be interesting there 686 would just do 100 shares 690. so that'd be 400 yeah so i'm just talking myself right now tess i'm gonna get that alerted 686 flush point one minute if it comes into play here like i said this might be a legitimate bounce and if it is then so be it kind of moving down in at 686.

see if we can get it down below 6.85 there we go so it took some out there took some more out there see if we can get this now down below 684. it's waiting to see if we can get some more bloodshed down below 684.

getting close there we go good good good good and all out there for 166 dollars not bad for just 100 shares hindsight yeah should have done more but again just to show you how that worked out made the alert right there in the chat room tesla 686 flush point um and had i done my normal size of 300 shares 200 250 shares on tesla i mean that would have been a big bigger trade there but again it was so early in the day i wanted to manage my risk a little bit there via position size itself so yeah in hindsight you know that could have been easily easily over 500 but i just went with 100 shares because it had that gun against me then that could have easily easily been 500 loss which i was not okay with starting the day but still walking away with a nice little trade right there so up 166 and a good kind of real life example there of uh how the chat room works in case because i know a lot of people are always wondering about that so there we go uh and what is tk that one now halted yeah so now that one's halted just like i said i'm not i'm not saying you shouldn't trade socks like this i'm just saying for me and i and i will trade stock like this but i it just it makes me you know it's just not quite and look at that tesla right back up so i'm very happy where i pulled out those final profits but i'm almost wondering do we have another do we have another opportunity here at uh 686. maybe i'm gonna let tesla play out a little bit more all right well there we go got a nice little trade there and of course like i said the voice of uh you should have done more clay why don't you do the more you know of course that voice shows up just like i'm sure it shows up to you but you got to remember the alternative of things well had i been wrong that could have been you know uh a bigger loss 680 250 though seems to be more so kind of that overall break point and then looking at the five though five minute meaning got to keep an eye on that purple line there that's right where it bounced off of i mean the power of charge check that out price went down there bounced right off of basically 681 we'll call it 50. so that's going to be another key area to watch even if the price does break down below 682.50 but i am like let's see six 82.50 what

is that six now that now that level's at 682. might just be smart to wait to see if it can get down below 682. would not be shocked to see it bounce off 682 here did not bounce is this going to be a true breakdown though is the question that's trying but 682 that general area yeah and that fast so you can see the prices bounce back above it so that's why i didn't quite take that may still go but what's going on with this one here and cpng already this one earlier what is what's the deal with this thing well there's no shares to short so that's disappointing wow impressive move tesla's still kind of hanging there all right i will go ahead and pause for now do like 680 250 here if the price can come back down to it close enough 682 58 oh whoops i forgot to change my share of price all right well i have 25 shares forgot to change that back so i guess we'll just go with 25 shares then who knows maybe i'll have lucked out here uh what is that 682 i will actually add and i'll add another 25 shares if it comes back down to 680 250. so let's keep an eye on it here watching very closely 682.50 to add in another 50 shares in there for another 25.

so let's see if this thing wants to give me that breakdown stop will be over 686 i'm almost wondering do i want to add in another fifty shares down at eight six eighty two fifty i do so we'll add in 50 more shares at 680 250 if it goes back down there because this is just looking like a beautiful setup here okay got those let's see if we can get a little bit more down through 682 though wow this 682 does not want to go do i want to add in some more well it's moving back already down there so let's see if we can finally get the break of 682 so stubborn well this now may be a loss if it goes up over 686 i'll have to get out but okay now should i add it 682 now if it comes back down here that would be yet another failed move here choices choices choices come on just get down through 682. this is crazy it should really plunge if it can break down there we go there we go there we go out there can we get down to 680 or am i being a greedy savage i think we can that was such a stubborn level i think we should be able to get some continuation from there to 680. there we go good took out another 25 there still have 25 left i should have added huh i should have added that what a third time let's see if we can really get some momentum here yeah all right i'll take it so right there up 353 dollars and uh i mean this will make me sound bad because there was some skill involved in that because i was adding but there's also a little bit of luck because i by only adding or by only entering with 25 shares because i forgot to change my share size it allowed me to add in a couple more times which turned out to be a very nice trade and there it continues to go uh but wow that was that was kind of kind of annoying eight 682 was it was not budging not budging not budging uh but um when it did finally go there we go so uh it is 12 minutes into the day i'm up 350. pretty crazy i'm not sure many places in the world you can make 350 dollars in 12 minutes but um i went and i want to be done soon i want to move on with my day but i mean it's been only 12 minutes so i'll look around look for another trade and um yeah yeah i'm i'm just thinking from a video perspective i'm glad i decided to record because that was a pretty cool one actually just uh because i love the setup the setup kept getting better and better which is why i kept adding but that one time when i was that final time should i add again i was a little nervous do i want to add again and then have this thing and that's the time where i i definitely should have added probably another 50 shares at that point but good old hindsight there have you ever been there making a bunch of money in hindsight so all right well let me take a look around some more well i'm looking at tkat for maybe a 30 break but i think this one is just can it get above 30. yep there it goes yeah that's just i mean i look i alerted this one here just made a comment about how it looks good coming out of the pullback consolidation which is true i mean totally looked good but i it also for me looked just not quite fitting what i'm looking at and i get it in hindsight yeah you should have taken the trade but there's just that feeling you know if you don't feel right about something then you don't want to put yourself into the trade because you're going to freak yourself out and for me that one just was not sitting right for me even though the chart pattern looked great you know that's only half the battle the other part of the battle is your own psyche right your human might your human psyche now again it's halted what do i mean by halted well you look right here and you can see that nothing is going on so that's what a halted stock looks like but your human psyche is very important too so just keep that in mind uh and tesla just keeps on keeps on bleeding now i realize what are you talking about clay tesla is a crazy crazy stock and that's actually more than valid that's a that's a very fair assessment but i have a lot of experience running tesla i'm watching tesla every single day so it is volatile yes but i because i do watch it so much i'm very familiar you know stocks have personality and the more you trade and especially the more you watch a particular stock you get to know that these stocks do behave in certain ways and because i do have so much experience with tesla you know it's not like i'm always perfect on it but it's not really as volatile as what it may seem because i i understand and i've seen it trade enough to kind of realize you know what's going on with it uh but we're as far as tkat i have no idea if i've ever traded that stock level i don't even know if i've ever heard of that stock before so there's just totally there's no familiarity with it and that can prevent uh you know prevent prob or present there we go there's the word i'm looking for present problems also see what i mean about not being scripted but anyways all right well i will go ahead and pause all right i'm liking tesla here at 6 75 and i'm good there we go so all out there for a quick quick scalp that all happened very quickly i understand but i just took the hundred fifty dollars uh because i don't know if this downwards trend let me just bring over the five minute not quite sure if if this is really wanting to get down further i like the chances of it at least testing 673 so i was giving myself plenty of wiggle room by just being okay with 674.50 on the scalp because like i think at least it wants it test 376.73 but

again by just getting out at 670 450 that gave myself plenty of leeway so if i was wrong which i was wrong because it never did hit 673 i was still able to make money on it because i didn't i wasn't planning on like the best case scenario i was saying okay i think that has a high chance of happening but i mean it might not happen so how can i still make money from it and you just saw that right there by making it just uh be a very small scalp so yes i thought it had a chance at that point of going down to 673 but i was wrong because you can see right here it's actually bouncing back up however i didn't need to be totally right i just needed to be a little bit right in order to make 150 bucks and because i was a little bit right i'm still walking away with 100 uh 150 on that trade and then overall i am now up for nothing with the screen again right there five hundred four dollars with commissions and i'll probably ride around because i was trading such small share size today probably right around 500 bucks on the day so yeah 500 in basically 20 minutes i am more than happy with that again i'm not saying any of this to break but yeah 500 and 20 minutes i'm not sure of any place in the world uh where you can make that happen so i am definitely going to call it good uh and you know again my approach is to be done in 30. i mean i want to on average be done every day after 30 minutes so i can get out there because i do this for freedom of time trading is a side hustle for me and i don't do it because i need a private jet or a yacht if that's what you want go for it i hope you get it for me i just want to have freedom of time i want to be able to go do what i want uh with my family right now i'm actually at one of my investment properties in northern michigan uh sits over on on over 300 acres so yeah i'm gonna go i'm gonna have some adventures with my with my kids now and uh we're gonna have a go have a good time see if we can find on there's always something to do on over 300 acres when we're gonna go do that but so that's all i have for you uh if you do enjoy these videos really quickly a couple things first off hit that like button and then leave a quick comment even if it's just a thumbs up emoji these are truly live so they're not the easiest videos to make i will keep making them as long as i know that you like them but when i have to talk to you make alerts in the chat room uh you know think for myself operate the trade i mean you saw the one mistake where i forgot to change my order size back so there's just a lot going on um so they're not the easiest videos to make but they're totally doable um and i will keep doing them as long as i know that you enjoy them so like i said if you do enjoy them you can communicate that to me in two very easy ways hitting the like button leaving a a quick comment even if it's simply just a thumbs up emoji those two things go a long way so thanks for hanging out and a lot of good mini lessons in this one i would say in terms of trade management just avoiding stocks if you're not quite familiar with them if they make you nervous and just always finding something that you do feel confident in because hey i avoided you know the one that could have made me a lot but i still am walking away with 500 bucks in 20 minutes so i'm happy with that so i'm actually super excited about this video especially that tesla trade that uh stubborn stubborn what was that 282 up right here waiting and waiting waiting for it to fall and then it finally did but overall thank you for hanging out hit that like button leave a quick little comment first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-04-04 22:33

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