[LIVE] Day Trading | A Trick to KEEP Your Stock Trade Profits...

[LIVE] Day Trading | A Trick to KEEP Your Stock Trade Profits...

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com okay i got to get this order in place right now um 154. i know this is really not the most professional of there we go of uh a beginnings to a video uh but anyways so uh welcome this is a live video live trading video and uh what do i mean by live well you kind of just witness what i mean this is not anything where everything's been recorded and now i'm coming back and doing a post commentary or some sort of voice over i'm recording myself seeing this information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions you're gonna get that here if you want a nicely edited video a nicely scripted video as you just saw you're not gonna get that here but if you want a nitty-gritty looking to what it's like to be a day trader then you will find that here and i'm watching gme right now looking to try to play a pullback here on this surge upwards and gme this thing uh is a mover and i'm prepared to potentially take a bigger loss than what i normally would but the context of that is that um my previous results going into today have been fine so i have wiggle room i have cushion so even if i take a bigger loss to normal it's not like i'm going to sit there and be blowing my entire week or my entire month or my entire year nothing like that uh but this is one of these stocks where you got to be willing to uh you know you got to be willing to accept the fact that yeah things might get rough if they don't go your way just be based on the function of how fast it moves so in fact i'm glad i want to go down to 152.

so looking for a pullback here to 152 now because these are live i don't know if that's actually going to happen or not um that all remains to be seen but i wanted to kind of rush to get the video because uh as i was getting the video set up the price was starting to pull back now it's consolidated out here a little bit so i suppose i didn't need to rush through things but and i feel a little guilty but not really i've already made one trade on it so over here you can see that i'm already up 222 dollars but this trade was at 7 40 in the morning lasted 17 seconds and uh made actually not 17 seconds 27 seconds and made 220 220 on it but point being that happened so early in the morning i mean i can't remember the last time i took a trade at 7 40 in the morning uh but happened too fast was not didn't have the software anywhere close to being ready uh so didn't get that one so technically speaking i do have a little bit of a cushion there uh but we'll see what this wants to do i'm contemplating potentially playing a break up over this 163-ish area if 163 can be broken i think it's got a chance to at least get up to 168 but that's going to require a little bit more wondering if i want to try play 162 up to 165-ish because this is a nice little consolidation uh going on right now but i will go ahead and pause the video and if this thing decides i want to pull back more or look like him well what's i'm curious about is it's almost nine o'clock so nine o'clock is when those brokerages there they go so let's see again right up around this area yeah 160 now it's pulling back again big pullback yeah let's see if it wants to get up there through [Music] 164 but as of now pulling back quite a bit but if this thinking it up through 164 oh wow total total turnaround there yeah now i'm not sure how i feel about buying that pullback because that's a that's a pretty steep pull back there all right well i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now all right tesla or not tesla uh gamestop here may be making a move here in there at 163 looking for a move up through 164. so there's 164 can it get through 164 there we go and all out there for the scalp which is what i was looking for might keep going but given its pre-market a little too risky but i really like the surge there it was patiently waiting got to move upwards got the break and yes in hindsight i know clay if you would have held you'd be up more that's true but the way it was behaving just wasn't quite sure i clearly got it wrong but again i don't know i didn't get it wrong because i followed what i wanted to do i got it right but and that's the tricky part with hindsight and the little lesson there is whenever you use hindsight as your judge you're always going to be wrong let me take that back 99.9 percent of the time you'll be wrong because you'll have that 0.001 percent of the time where you

actually like buy the bottom and sell the top perfectly you'll probably have one of those trades but other than that unless you're buying the top selling the bottom and playing it perfectly then hindsight's always going to be like no you did something wrong you know you did something wrong so i and i've been doing this for years and i still as you saw there fell into that trap thinking i didn't quite do it no i did it right i got the breakout was patient let the breakout happen let the price move in my direction and then got a very nice trade from it and now i'm up uh i don't know what how much did i make on that trade 500 i think because i was up 222. now i'm up 544. i'm not a mathematical wizard but uh and so again yeah it's still going uh but hey you know what 500 dollars in you know a minute well however long that trade was i'll i'll take it but yeah 700 i'm up 744 dollars and technically speaking the market hasn't even quite opened yet but uh yeah i'm gonna let the market open now and uh their uh gamestop goes but like i said i followed my plan feel great about that trade absolutely fantastic and i should know check out where this thing pulled back to pulled back right to that area that i was talking about 152 never hit 152 though i don't think so that's the problem but um i moved on and was working on some customer service issues so i cancel that order out but yeah i'm not paying myself on the back there but the power of charts check that out you saw me talk about that area you saw me put the order in and then right there is yellow is probably a poor choice but right there down there bounced off that level so talk about hindsight i mean i geez clay could have bought at 162 or 152 and i'd be up basically going on 20 per share but yeah you know i anybody got a time machine uh so again as a trader whether you're new or old always remember if you're gonna use hindsight as your judge you are always gonna be wrong market opens up here in about seven minutes but you know i don't think i'm gonna touch gamestop anymore because the nice thing about pre-market trading which for those of you that are beginners and maybe new uh that's what you're witnessing right now uh with the right brokers you can actually trade before 9 30 a.m eastern time which is when the the markets open up which is called pre-market trading then you can also trade after the markets are closed which is called after hours post market trading uh again with the right broker but the difference being between after hours pre-market trading and normal hours is normal hours good old uncle sam likes to step in the government knows best so um you know you know the government sometimes i say you know stock you're getting a little too crazy and then they just halt the stock which totally removes control from the trader to be fair sometimes it can work out very much so in your favor other times it can just punch you in the face and i don't like having that uncertainty in my trading um and there's a high likelihood that gme is going to be halted during the the day um and during the prior morning session here and i i just don't feel comfortable with that i'm not saying i'm gonna totally avoid it but odds are very high that i am definitely gonna be avoiding it right out of the gates because i want to see how it trades and like i said that could cost me a lot of money and that's a very very real possibility but you always got to remember that's a two-sided coin because it could also save me a whole lot of money if something crazy goes on and you know what slaughters a bunch of traders i'm okay with just kind of watching the bloodshed from the sideline um but to be fair hey maybe those traders they're playing it right they're gonna make a bunch of money but welcome to the wonderful world of trading and you just never quite know especially with these videos because right now there is no hindsight here i have no idea what's about to happen because this is live and uh look at gamestop now up over into the 170s uh but like i said that's gonna be my plan i'll probably watch tesla out of the opening gates but i'm gonna be super picky just because i'm up 700 so i mean worst case scenario i don't find anything that meets my you know kind of picky high maintenance snobbish standards if you will okay who cares i'm still up 740 so i mean i will be picky i am going to be high maintenance but we'll see what happens all right the markets are open let's just watch gamestop let's see if it all ends up getting one of these halts or not that i thought could be a possibility that scares me i think my level twos are off i don't know maybe maybe not yeah these level two are you just going bonkers 170 interesting breakout area i'm going to alert it and i'm not going to take it but for those members yeah she doesn't want that kind okay well that's the only kind i have in here so that's my daughter faye coming in she's supposed to do some homeschool stuff but apparently the materials that i had in my office were not suitable to complete the mission and yeah this is frankly i thought for sure it would have been halted during that first minute got that wrong um but yeah now it's just a matter of kind of looking around seeing what else is out there if you do hear typing you're not crazy that's just me making alerts uh in the chat room over here so i can't believe my broker shell is cherished to short 152 flush point i'm gonna get that alerted too give people a couple different choices i'm not quite sure what to think of it it's moving but it's very very jumpy and i feel like at any point it can make some sort of movement in what direction i don't know and the problem is those movements i mean i suppose i could go down to like 50 shares um and even in that case if you know if i were to move ten dollars that's a 500 loss so i'd still be green on the day so yeah maybe i'll do that so if i short at one that's such a wide range even that even for that to make that's more than a ten dollar range right there right yeah that's over ten dollars that for what would that so i i suppose i could go down to twenty five dollars or not twenty five dollars excuse me twenty five shares to try to overcome that but there goes tesla down again i alerted 152 on as the flush point there flush point meaning making money when prices go down meaning shorting but then also alerted that 170 break point but yeah 151 definitely if that level fails should make oh wow look at that look at that down yeah that's too rich for my blood holy smokes that was fast broke 151 and look at ten dollars down just like that you'll have to scroll back and watch the level twos if you're new these are the level twos but 151 broke and it was down like four dollars instantly and i get it clay that was the alert that's what you said that's what you alerted and you're so right but you got to remember the opposite side of the coin and this thing's gonna get halted which is what i was scared of so watch this is all gonna shut down right there shut down so that is a trade hall that's the government stepping in saying listen you little peasants we know better than you do this stock is too crazy for you to trade your own money that you've worked hard to earn we know what to do with your own money better than you do so we're gonna halt the stock and now who knows who knows where it's gonna open up it could open up way down here it could open up way up here it could open up right there but the point being it's just all uncertainty not right now it's all unknown and i don't like that but going back to my original point yeah you're right you're rational to say clay you said 151 flush for it to go down and wow it just totally cratered and you're right but the other side of that coin is i i'm a human being it's not like i'm right all the time what happens if it bounced off that level and then went back up that could have been just as nasty in the opposite direction so uh you know it's always easy to sit here and play that game but um and to be fair maybe somebody else in the community hopefully they took that hopefully they were in a better risk tolerance place than me but for me for my personal risk tolerance i'm not saying it was right or wrong with me to not take that trade i'm just saying for me personally it just didn't quite fit my risk tolerance so that's why i didn't take it but uh yeah great example there of how the chat room works and how if people that had like set a little bit different risk talents than me if they took that 151 which you can like i said pointed out already but the 150 oh wow even better i didn't i said 152. so they could have gotten in a dollar more i thought i'd said one oh yeah 152.

so even better 152 flush point absolutely beautiful for those of you members that watch these videos a big congratulations to you but i'm kind of just blabbing on just because like i said i'm going to be extra high maintenance and i know from past feedback in fact let me know in the comment section do you still enjoy when i kind of just do this general feedback just watching things trade actually oh wow all right all right all right let's see what i do like this what is that 26.65 oh i can't even short so i looked i should have looked over here if i was able to short that part of the screen right there would show me a green e so we'll go back to james gamestop to illustrate that and you'll see see the green e over there now the 100 red that just means that it's taking up all my there's basically no margin on it it's just straight up eating into my cash position um but okay well never mind on pltr see what i mean about these videos being live i all right cruise ships looking like they're getting beat up pretty bad right now let's see oh yeah all right i will go ahead and pause and we'll see if i can find a trade but like i said i'm by no means going to be forcing anything it was looking at cciv here was curious was interested and then once again looking over here you can see no green e therefore no shares to trade um gme is back but it's looking like it's going to get halted again maybe so still trending downwards really at the end of the day i i would not be surprised to see this thing at all go back down below 100 seems to slowly be fading out here could very well be wrong and maybe this is just a temporary uh profit-taking thing before everything returns back upwards but you got to think there's a bunch of people out there that were holding and hoping holding and hoping oh please come back come back and it's actually made its move so all those people right now very clearly oh wow i'm taking advantage of this i was looking at some big losses now i'm looking at either a break even or maybe a much smaller loss or who knows maybe actually looking at gains so uh it makes sense now why this is pulling back and it's just really a question of how much profit taking how much how bad how many people actually want to get out of this thing now as it continues to pull back but um again i could be wrong and with gme if you were wrong you can it can be a very painful wrong so that's why i'm just watching from the sidelines i am watching tesla at 7 29 here only 50 shares because if i'm wrong it'll cost me a couple hundred dollars which is okay because i'll still be well in the green in there at 7 29. let's see if we can get the move down here a little worried about the yellow line there which is the app but we'll see if this thing wants to come down again if it goes back up i'll take a right around a 200-ish dollar loss which i'm totally comfortable with still have me up over 500 well let's see if this thing wants to come back down or if i just got maybe suckered in and i got suckered in so 137 loss not as bad as expected uh so still up 606 dollars so much so that i'm actually still interested in it if it wants to come back down um but as of right now very very glad i only did 50 shares now had that gone in my favor i could sit in here i could be you know sitting here saying oh man i should have done more but hey in this situation i feel fantastic about only doing 50 shares and then gamestop just being back to being impossible another halt about to show up so watch this shut down here any second now there you go shut down another hall uncle sam knows best government knows best uh but anyways it is uh it's ninth it is almost 10 o'clock so 30 minutes in and my approach to trading i like to do what's called the be done in 30 approach which is on average every month i want to be done trading uh you know right around 30 minutes so of course some months i'll or excuse me some days i'm way under 30 minutes uh if you've watched past videos and you've seen i've been done in five 10 15 minutes and then sometimes i'll go the fourth full 30 minutes days like this i didn't have anything else going on um and then other months you know i'll go longer than 30 minutes but point here being that i do day trading as a side hustle not for them not because i want a rolex watch or because i want a lamborghini now if you want those things then go for it i do it just because i want the freedom of time and if i can make some quality money in on average 30 minutes every morning i'm happy with that freedom of time is in my opinion like i said time is the most valuable commodity out there for you maybe it's having your private jet cool man go for it get it um i'll wave at you as you fly overhead but uh yeah as i play out my yard with the kids because as a father of four young kids when we're playing out in the yard and you fly over your private jet i don't know i don't sprinkle us down some money or something because that's cool good for you i'm happy for you that you were able to accomplish that but for me i just want the freedom of time so given it's 9 30 or excuse me giving it's about 10 o'clock i've been at it for around 30-ish minutes i'm going to call it good up let's see with commissions let's just i don't know let's call it 5 85-ish 590 on the day um but anyways as my other saying i like to always throw out there you know 500 a day keeps the day job away and that includes a losing trade so just keep in mind when you get up and if you get up meaning if you're green on the day and you want to stay green just adjust your share size you saw it there on tesla um usually i'm doing 200 250 shares of tesla up but in this situation i just did 50 shares again had tesla gone my favor i'd be sitting here saying oh man i should have done more but you know what i feel so good about my decision to do only 50 shares because i was wrong it went against me i took the loss and i'm still up basically 600 on the get day for you know basically 30 minutes of work working from home in my bathrobe so i am definitely more than happy with that on that one final note here if you do enjoy these videos because given they are live i mean you saw how this thing started off you're probably if this is your first video like what is going on but they are live meaning they're not easy to make i have to think for myself i have to think about what i'm gonna say to you i have to actually talk to you i have to execute my trades i have to make those alerts in the chat room i have to type of those alerts there's a lot going on so i'm not saying these videos are impossible because they're not they are a hassle yes but they're a hassle i'm i'm willing to deal with as long as i know that there's interest so if you do enjoy these videos if you want me to keep making them two quick things you can do hit the like button leave a comment it could be as easy as a thumbs up emoji it could just be some of you are just leaving dots it's just literally a period and that's it that's fine too but a comment and hitting that like button that goes and communicates to me hey clay yeah i know these are a hassle but yeah please keep putting up with the hassle because i am enjoying these videos and as long as i know that there's enjoyment as long as i know that there's interest in them then i have no problem making them so do those two things and that'll communicate that to me and then also check out the channel as a whole hopefully like what you see enough to you know hit that subscribe button as i'd love to have you as a subscriber and then also if you do want to trade alongside me and other traders and get those alerts that you saw here all you got to do is go to claytrader.com forward slash team t-e-a-m and you can learn more about that service there that i provide but anyways thanks for hanging out everybody take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-03-12 21:06

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