[LIVE] Day Trading | 6 Stock Trades in Total (did i make money?)

[LIVE] Day Trading | 6 Stock Trades in Total (did i make money?)

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live it is pre-market, right now, looking to get short here 100 shares on i n. Mb. I just adjusted my order so i and mb looking to. Go short, 100, shares for those you're not familiar with my screen at 22.. A market doesn't open up for, over an hour. Uh but you know this one is uh quite a bit of pre-market, activity right now. So maybe a pre-market, trade here i'm not quite sure and i say that just because these are truly live videos this is not a post commentary, or this is not some sort of voice over. I don't know what's going to happen so i have no idea if 22 will actually. Come into play or not. Looking like it has a great chance, like i said if it looks like i get i might get filled up there at 22. I will get the video rolling again at that point if not i'll just see it back at the open well let's let it roll here. I'd like to see it moved up there a little bit quicker so let's go to 2225. At this, point. Just 100, shares. I can't remember if i mentioned this or not i'd like more than 100. But that'll at least get my, feet. Wet. All right well i've stalled long enough if it looks like it wants to break through 22, oh there it goes they're nice all right in for my first 100, shares. Again just 100 so i'm not going to be making much on it i mean. Like i said i'd ideally like to. Get more than. Get more than 100.. Like i said at least it gets my feet wet here. Go for another 100 up at, 22.85. All right well i just decided to give me. 50, meaning i made 50 cents on it so yes i know i'm saying the same thing myself clay, why don't you do 500, shares, a thousand, shares, you could have made 500, bucks, you're absolutely right, but if that thing kept on skyrocketing, skyrocketing, then i don't i wouldn't have had nearly the flexibility. To do what i wanted to do so yes in hindsight, i agree with you i should have done more, but, that's just uh. That's just the tricky part of. Let's see. At this point i want to go up to. Get over 23, now. Yeah so 23.25. And we'll just start the process, all over again. So we'll see if it wants to keep on moving back upwards if it does i'll get the video rolling but if not, hey i'm not complaining. Nice 50, build uh start off the day. Market opens now in about 15 minutes but good example, of why, i'm not saying it's got to be my community sure i would love to have you part of my private community but why being part of a community. Is worth it and why i would encourage it again would love to have you part of mine but, you know if you feel more comfortable with somebody else that's totally cool too but here is my watch list right there. Of stocks, down below, ten dollars and you'll notice that prcp. Was not on the list however, thanks to another member coming, and alerting, it right there, it is now uh. Brought to my attention, and a very very interesting, stock i mean this thing is moving all over the place. And like i said shame on me, somehow, i missed it i don't know how but i miss i guess i i know how i'm a human being i only have two eyeballs, but uh, pointer bean, this member brought it to my attention so even though i missed it, by being a part of a community here, you know that is one of those little benefits, of it so i i don't know if i'm going to end up trading it or anything like that but regardless. Good to know that uh this was brought my attention. Again i'm actually watching this. Hi, let's see. Yeah break up above. Right around five. 85, could be pretty interesting so maybe. There will be. A pre-market, trade here is this one. I'll actually give myself a little slippage so let's watch this together here market opens up like i said in about 12 minutes. So i might get a little quick scalp here.

Curious So if it can break up through that 585. Mark. So in at 5. 90. Let's see if this thing can at least get up over, the six dollar. Mark. Again i'm in at. 5.89. Pulling back here a bit though now. Might look to add some i mean it's just a five dollar stock so it's not, uh. Definitely not anything huge. So first want to see it show some signs of strength by trying to come back. Up. So let's see if it wants to show that it wants to get back up above 550.. So if it starts to work its way back to the upside. Let's see market opens up here in about 11. Minutes. See if we can get a bounce off this area. Which secondly, speaking is really what you would want to see happen here. Whoops. I'm working its way back up. There. Like i said let's see if it looks like it wants to get through 550, then i will pick up some. More. So just. Ideally, trying to bottom out here. So again watching, that area very closely. All right well. Got 400, more. So i'm at, 575. Now. As my or excuse me 573. Is my average. But if this thing can get up through the 575. Mark look at that size right there. That's going to be the key. Break. So 575. Like i said. If it can get through there it should. Should move very. Nicely. See all that size right there. Right there the 206. So that's, the number that'll definitely need to be. Broken. It's getting hit. Getting. Smaller. It's trying, there's the. Break. Oh i'm short 100 shares now. All right all out there, reason i got out, you saw the big number you saw it break, and then nothing, really happened, it still may go but. With as big of size as that was as i showed you, in my opinion, when that broke. I wanted to see it move, i mean it should have gone like boom then and it really didn't i mean how high did it actually go with that break. Went up as high as. 584. On that much volume and now you can see the thing is just pulling back, so i mean the power of level 2 is there, identified, an area where a whole lot of sellers were all those sellers were wiped away. And then as soon as they were wiped away nothing. Nothing really happened. Uh so that's why i got out there could prove me wrong, but as far as the level twos are concerned. Um. And now that fast you know it's made its way back up to there but like you said as far as what i was looking for, it just simply didn't happen, and. When things are not happening, what you believe to be happening, or should the you know or the way they should be happening. Like i said there's no shame in just kind of admitting yeah you know what i don't think i quite got this one right. And then you know you can just get out of the trade there but uh. So that's. 30 bucks i mean and that's a great thing about having a strategy, in trading, is i mean you can still be wrong. Um or be partially right which i was and still walk away making money so nothing, great there but, um. I'm glad from a video perspective i was able to capture all that on video because you saw exactly. The big size, you saw the big size. Be wiped away. And then the price just really didn't budge or move you know really that much at all and now you can see back down it goes, so i am going to keep an eye on it uh so again i mean think about it, that's 30 bucks more in my pocket, that wasn't even aware of thanks to that member so uh you know jetlag. Who, made that alert. Next time uh if we ever meet up in person. I got 30 bucks that i owe ya so. I'll we'll go out to lunch or something but, all right well let's see market opens up here now in about five minutes. Little update here on in. Mb, uh and now down below. Dollars and fifty cents. Uh so yes in hindsight. I should have just i should have shorted like 10 000 shares, and i should be still holding right now but, that's why we are all, trillionaires. In our hindsight, trading accounts. Uh but i figured i'd get a little update on there because i'm not sure if i'm going to watch this one anymore or not but. Well. In all actuality. What looks super interesting, is 1850.. So for those of you that are wondering. Now this one is still, right there at the top my watch list when i'm when i put this but sometimes what i'll do.

Is You know when certain levels really stand out i will make additional alerts so that's what i want to do here so you can kind of. See. So on the open means after the market officially opens up uh 1850. Looks like a very interesting, level. I'm definitely going to be watching that and if it can get up there and potentially, get the break up through it. Or it looks like it's, you know near around that area that looks like like well like i said a key upside break point i'm not quite sure what else needs to be said so there we go members have the same opportunity, as i do, so this is not some sort of uh. Game of musical chairs where i first buy, and then i get everybody else and then i alert it and then everybody buys. And then. They're pushing up the price so that i can sell into it and you know dump on all the members and walk away and brag about my profits, but no nothing like that i don't have any right here as you see, i just made the alert, typed it up right there. And then again this is live so will 1850, come into play, maybe not but even if it doesn't at least you kind of see how. You know the behind the scenes of the private community works. Something, very bizarre, is going on here 1759. Has just been sitting there for the past couple of minutes now i mean it literally hasn't budged you look down let me bring down the chart. And you can see that these two candlesticks, right here the most recent one see these little black. Blips. That just means that there's, been no range, i mean, the thing just hasn't moved. So i don't know exactly, what's going on here but. Very very. I don't know. Something strange is going on there with that 1759. So we'll see what happens with it but. You really don't see that something's so volatile then all of a sudden. It just isn't budging. It's almost like this thing wants to get hot there we go it's finally broken. So we'll see what happens with it but yeah that was quite the strange little dynamic there market opens now in less than one minute. All right market, is open. Like i said 1850, is that mark i'm watching for. And i missed it. Can i get a pullback. Nope. Shoot. Well if you look if you're not familiar with my screen if you would look down if you had looked down there you would have seen. An order in white. Which means i had my order into the market i just didn't get it filled. Well now it's pulling back so maybe i'll have another opportunity, here. Still though that made a nice little scalpel, opportunity went up as high as 19, so that was a 50 cent move there in less than a minute. So bummer i could have definitely. Capitalized, on that. But as you saw i was just a little too slow. So we'll let things. Start out here. Oh boeing. Now it's going up back up to. 19.. Well. That's all hindsight now i had my chance to, to play on that pull back there but. Just didn't quite play out the way i wanted to all right well let me keep looking around. Right interested, for a potential, short here of boeing, at 175. Very very key level. Going back to yesterday. So let's see if it can. Close enough i'm getting in at, 175. 12.. I'm taking on some risk here though because i never quite got the confirmation, of the break. So we'll see if that proved to be, unwise, or not. Oh look at it price is really spiking up. Now. All right if it wants to come down below 175. 50 if it looks like it wants to break that i will add some to the position. So let's see if this wants to actually come back down here. But yeah things so far not looking so good. But let's see if this thing wants to. Fail. Oh. Wow look at that that's crazy. All right well. I don't want to get shaken out on this. Potentially, elgo, move here but at this point. Yeah i can only take some. So much. So we'll see if this was just a spike. With no power behind it or well. So all out there. Not. Pleasant. Wow that thing was crazy and of course now it starts to come back down here, but. And look at that now. Now it. Drops. Yeah i try to give that thing will groom but at some point you just gotta. Admit that you you've given it enough. And it's looking like it maybe got me but. I am definitely still interested, if it wants to come back down to that 175-ish. Area, so i'll keep an eye on it but yeah as of right now down over a thousand dollars. And i'm gonna get short here at 176.. I think this thing wants to. At least retest, the 175.50. Mark if not even go lower than that. Let's see if we can get it down through. 175.50. Thing is all over the place.

I Think we can get the break of 175.50. This thing's got a great chance to pick up just that much more downside. Pressure. Let's see what it wants to do. And i'm in at. 176.04. Can it get through, 175.50. On this, current movement down. Let's see. That area is stubborn. I'm gonna get that updated, though. Be a update. 175.50. Flush, point, one minute, oh there nice it. Broke. Okay working its way down to 175. Nice. Let's see if we can get it down some. More. So all out there. For a very nice score. Good i got that alerted to members just in time. So uh. Now down five hundred dollars so still work to be done sure but i like that loss a lot more than being down over a thousand bucks but. We'll see if i can. Find another trade out there or not still watching it but yeah, still interested in potentially, short i just want to see it bounce up some so we'll see what happens. And just a quick little. So i, i think you probably heard me typing it but there was the update that i did, the 170, 50.. So for those members that got that, excellent. And it's it's disappointing. I mean i got stopped out basically, up near those highs. Uh and then the thing just totally rolled back over but that's the thing is you just had that thing kept moving and moving and moving you just don't know in hindsight, yes i'm i'm irritated, that i. Um. You know that i i took that loss but. Like i said i'd be extremely, extremely happy if this thing just kept skyrocketing, upwards and it was at like 180. You know 185. Right now i'd be saying oh that was a great loss, i mean it was a great loss so yes in hindsight. That one's frustrating, but. It is what it is. Interested, in another potential, short here. Around 170, 450. On boeing. Let me get this. 170. 450.. Well now it's right back to being that 175. Mark being an interesting, level. So now i would be interested, on a break of, 175.. Want to see what kind of candle here forms first. Yeah you know is this a dead cat bounce which is a. A valid and logical, question to be wondering at this, point. So in at 175. 21. I think this thing does want to pull back some. Let's see if we can get down there we well it got through 175. For a. Split, second. Let's try that again. Here. There we go. Okay took 300, out so i have 200, left. Let's see if we can get this down below 170, 450..

So Now, 100, shares, left. So i want to let this one work for me, here. If it goes up over 176. I will be out. So we'll just use a mental stop for that but if this thing wants to keep on rolling down, that would be fantastic. But again if it goes up over 176. Then. I. All right well looking like this thing. Hammer candle here. All right well, now i'm down let's see 340. On the day so another nice trade there and. Again just with a theme of. So there was that alert the new flush point 170, 450, which worked out beautifully, there. So even if now i took it at 175. But the 174. 50 mark still. Would be playing out very nicely right now. Well i got spooked out on that i should still have those 100, shares. But we'll see what happens, all right well, i'm chipping back a little bit here. I'm in order. 179.25. Here to go short, on this bounce here. So let's see if it can work its way up to that. Area. Well it did but it didn't. Quite move as fast i want would want to see it. So let's try 179. 45. Here. I mean this is a crazy, crazy move right now. Well, in hindsight, should have just kept it at 179.25. But that's good old hindsight. Sneaking up once again. All right i'll pause. Go ahead and get long here at 15, 49. I think this thing wants to get up over. There's the break let's see if we can get some more follow-through, now. Nope hesitating, too much i'm just going to take the win right there. Very happy with that, all right well there's a quick quick scout, let's see what else i can find. Have an order at 1845. Here. Well. I'm gonna go up to 1895. Now hesitated, too much. Looking to go. Short. Well this thing's getting all over the. Place. All right well at this point i'm going to get up over 19.. Go to 1945. And i'll let you know if it looks like it wants to get up there. All right it's. Moving. All over the place it got up as high as uh. 19 and then rejected back down that. Quick. So i'll keep a close eye on it. Right there's the break wow, exactly what i was looking for. Broke through 19, and i don't know if you could tell but it jumped up basically 75, cents immediately, problem is. So let's go to 20 50 at this point. Problem is i wasn't quite good enough on my entry point so let's try 2050.. Again i want to see the same thing want to see it break 20. And then just shoot up. Although is it going to get halted right here. Yeah it looks like it's going to get. Halted. We'll watch for the halt. And there is the halt. Well very clearly. And. I uh again hindsight, speaking but. If there's any consolidation. Then. That alert right there to members, has me feeling good. 1550. Upside, break you saw me take the trade i bought in right before, 1549. Or right before 1550. At uh 1549. There, and you saw me i mean don't get me wrong i still made very very quick money on it but. Had i been a little bit more patient. Then yes you could see that no i'm not saying that i'd still be holding even right now but point here being, just a monster, move to the upside, so for those of you members out there that played that break. Uh congratulations. I'm still very interested in this one though. Well it's open again have an order at. 21.. Well once again just. Let's keep stopping right where i want to get in so let's try 2150. Instead. Just 100 shares now so very very, small, position, size. If i can build up something bigger that would be great. But again i'm not interested. And for until entering until at least 21.50. So let's see if it can get the break of. 21.. I will keep you updated. All right there's the break. Went up and hit as high as. 21.45. I'm staying at 21.50. Though. All right well i just. It just keeps stopping. Gotta go up to 22, now, i mean it just, literally is flirting right in fact it hit. 21.50. But i didn't get filled. So i'm gonna go ahead and pause. All right 22, 25, i'm in at, or um i have my order at i should say excuse.

Me. Gonna go back to how i traded this one in the pre-market, with that 25, order. So we'll see if we can get the break at 22.. All right quite a bit of downside, pressure all of a sudden hitting it so watching 20 very closely for a potential, short-sighted, trade. Like you said a lot of pressure all of a sudden just hit it. Downside, pressure that is. Just not quite sure if it's real yet or. Not. Okay in at 20.. Let's see if we can get more to the push to the downside. Here. Well i tried, down to there at 1950. Couldn't get it though we'll see if it can want to make another move to the. Downside. There we go all out there finally got that one. So look at that i am actually green 25. On the day. Recognize, the selling pressure that came in took advantage of it. And just like that. Green 25. I'm happy. Well i'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up it is 10 30 and uh you know recently, i like to be done with an hour at most, ideally. Done within 30 minutes 45, minutes but an hour is where i like to cut things off, um so, closed, green. 25. And uh, maybe the the moral of the story here is that you know sometimes. And if you watch other of my videos you'll see you know. Five hundred dollars in five minutes fifteen hundred dollars in you know seven minutes and crazy numbers like this well here's an example we're one hour. And i made 25, dollars. Um, so you not every morning can be. Great not every morning is it gonna run down you know rain down cash, sometimes, you're just gonna have to you know fight back claw back. And, today would have been. Actually a really nice day, had. Boeing. Not behaved, the way it did and i just laughed because i played it the right way. Because all it would have taken is for that thing to keep on going up and up and up and then i would have been looking at instead of a thousand dollar loss, a two thousand or three thousand dollar loss i mean, the. Case in point because this is what. Let's end on this. So. This is what i would i didn't want to see happen i mean because boeing has a potential, where it breaks out and then it just grinds, and grinds, and grinds in fact it's doing it right now, just going up and up and up and of course this time. It rolled back over i would have been okay but what if again what if, the price would have kept.

Going Up and up and up like i said that thousand dollar loss could have been so much bigger. And it would have been that much more of a difficult, hole to climb out of but i kept the loss manageable. I kept you know the the loss within my realm of okay i'm still confident, i cannot necessarily climb out of the hole but at least, keep it a modest, day, and in this situation i was actually able to climb out of the hole but uh, yeah you know the voices are definitely playing clay if you would have just, held through there, that would have been a winning trade, and then you had all these other winning trades i mean you'd be looking at, maybe even a thousand dollar a day clay yes the voices are definitely telling me that right now but those are the good old hindsight, voices well 31, minutes in if you are still watching this video, then seriously thank you very much i i appreciate your support, i appreciate you sticking with me for this long, and. Oh great, now this is making me want to. Take no clay. It's 10 30. you got to move on with your day, um. So i'm i will move on with it but um. The voice the youtube voice is showing up clay don't don't show subscribers, you only made 25, bucks, try to get one more winning trade that way you can but that's such a stupid voice right but it exists i have no problem admitting that uh you know always the the youtube, voices are another dynamic, out there but again, thank you very much for watching, i really do appreciate, it. If you enjoyed this video. Do me a couple, things to let me know hey clay yeah please keep making these videos. Time, a time efficient way to do that hit that like button comments questions suggestions, leave those down below. And then also check out the channel as a whole like i said lots of other live trade videos so you'll you'll notice some, where, in the title, it is some very. Respectable, amounts of money in some very small amounts of time, but you know just keep this video in mind too, it could you could be an hour, and you could be at 25, or some cases maybe you've even lost a little bit of money, um that's just the life of the day trader that's how, uh things actually work out but like i said if you're still with me now really do appreciate it thank you for hanging out please hit that like button, and hopefully decide to become a subscriber to the channel. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee, to being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay. That i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-07-31 22:35

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