[Ep20] How to invest in Property with Slava Investments?

[Ep20] How to invest in Property with Slava Investments?

Show Video

good morning good morning ladies and gentlemen trust you're doing well you're happy you're smiling yep welcome to the leos lava show my name is lilo islava and this is where we have conversations with entrepreneurs that inspire an expert to admire so ladies and gentlemen normally we have guests on the show but what i'm going to do today is we're just gonna have a bit of a chat is that okay tell you but more what tell you about what i'm doing in the property space and tell you how you can get involved if that is something that you want to do how you can get involved in investing in property with us okay and then i'll just give you a monthly update and tell you what our future plans is so i think let me wait for a couple more people to log on let me see we have online yeah okay there we go right say hello so guys like share subscribe to the youtube channel right so today we're going to talk about what we're doing in property i'll tell you about a couple of deals and how you can get involved in it okay just gonna wait for a few more people to log on so it's exciting times ladies and gentlemen because while people are out there looking at all the problems we're looking at the looting the government corona virus vaccines the anc the whatever it is so many um things happening in south africa and in the world this is a good time that to look for opportunities while everyone is complaining worrying stressing this is a time to start focusing on the positives and focusing on opportunities i'm gonna tell you about a couple of opportunities that's coming up so like share say hello here let's see we have online okay let's see we have here all right a couple of people are logging on okay so as i said today we don't have a guest today i'm going to tell you what i do um just to summarize version what i do and how you can get involved if it is something that you would like to do okay so i invest in property i'm a property investor i've been doing that for the last eight years or so yeah 36 now i started about 27 28 ish around that time um so about eight nine years i've done about over 30 deals from buy to lit buying event into a family multi-leds rooms auction started buying at auctions buying and selling properties back-to-back deals where you buy a property and you have find a a seller immediately which means you don't use any of your own money done quite a lot of that um developments so i'm gonna tell you there's a few opportunities here for you today so guys you log in on the right time fila how are you feel at last on here who else is on you guys comment now if i'm gonna tell you what it is and then if you have any any questions you can put in the comment section i've also put on my details here so i've got my cell phone number um on the screen with with my email number so you can send me an email as well right so as i said i've been investing in property for about eight nine years and i've done about over 30 property deals in the last couple of years and what i've realized lately because most of them i was doing it by myself i was doing with a family member and but what i've realized lately is that if you want to do big things you need to partner up with people okay so i'm going to tell you what's what's happening and how you can invest with with slava investments so i've got the company's lava investments which all the investments are done in vancouver is it okay right okay so we got a couple of people let's go so so guys there's a huge with all the nonsense happening in south africa and all this there's still a huge shorting of housing in south africa right there's a huge shortage of housing in south africa which means there's still a massive opportunity in this space to take advantage of it and as i said i've been doing this for the last few years successfully um i've invested in over 30 deals i've spoken done seminars one day seminars and all over the country i think i've spoken to about over 50 000 people in the last five years plus minus over 50 000 people about property in the last five years i've personally coached close to 100 people on property and most of them have bought property as well so that's why um i'm gonna tell you what i'm doing and you can get involved if you like to so first thing right so if you want to invest in property you say listen yeah leroy i want to invest in property i don't have the knowledge i don't have the skills i don't know what to do i don't know what to invest in where the opportunities are what areas to invest in then you're in the right place now okay email just came through there from an investor by the way and you're saying listen i want to invest i've got a hundred thousand i've got a million two hundred three hundred thousand i've got a million ten million whatever it is you have right i want to invest i don't have oh i do have the experience but i don't have the time okay then you can come and invest with us it's lava investments okay and currently we're working on who we got marcus oh manila marcus daniels how's it sir currently we're working on a couple of deals which you can get involved in immediately right um and the first so now we've what are we busy with so last year we finished the 31 unit development in box book okay and so that one is done that one is complete it's fully tenanted that one's going well so this year i'm working on a 52 unit uh 52 units flats one bed two beds bachelors and there's also a school on the premises which uses 18 shops so this one is almost complete right has been it's close to being finalized um 52 units and a school using 18 shops okay then the net then what we also have in the pipeline is a 43 43 units okay and then i'm signing another otp today for another building so these are the projects that are currently on the table 52 units plus a school thank you sir all right so it's 52 units plus a school which is using 18 shop as an anchor tenant and then there's 53 units which costings everything is there that one is in the pipeline and i'm signing another otp today for another building okay so if this is something that you're interested in if you're saying listen i want to invest in property and these are obviously bigger deals guys these are obviously not your your one your these are all buildings all right so these are all buildings so if you said if if this is something that you would like to get interested if you would like to get involved and you say listen one of my passions one of the things that i wanted to do was invest in property but i never knew how to do it or or i don't want to do it alone right then you can come and invest with with what's lava investments okay our details are on the screen there you can see my contact numbers there and my my email address is there as well which you can send me an email or you can send me a whatsapp or phone me and i can tell you more about the projects that we busy with one project 52 units in a school that one is almost done guys so that one that one is almost done it's going to be difficult to get involved in that one because we close to finalizing that one probably in the next two weeks okay and then but what you can get involved in we've got another project after that once this one comes in which is 43 flats one beds bachelors um two bits and then there's another building which i'm securing today signing the otp today on so that's also something that you can get involved in right as i said if you've got money let's say you've got a hundred thousand two hundred five hundred a million two million ten million twenty million whatever it is you have and you're saying listen this is what i wanna do but i don't have the skills or i don't have the time okay and then you can contact me i can show you the projects and we can partner on these projects right two is better than one guys when i started out i did everything by myself or tried to do everything on myself because i wanted ownership i wanted to own everything but now i'm realizing that if you want to do more you have to partner with people and if you want to go bigger you have to partner with people okay so there's currently three projects on the table which you can invest in if you want to invest in it right um and there's two ways to invest in this so i'm not going to keep you long today as i said i don't have a guest um i just want to tell you how to invest with us if it is something that you would like to do and also i'll give you an update on what's coming in the future so there's two ways that you can invest with with us first way is you say listen leroy um i've got a hundred thousand five hundred thousand a million i would like to invest in it and but i would like to be an angel investor i'd like to invest but get a better return than what i'm getting in the bank what what what what's the returns you guys are currently getting in the bank let me know in the comment section guys what are you getting current in the bank in your in your savings account or your investment account right not much so you're saying listen i want to invest in this and i want my money back in a year or whatever it is and i want to get a better return than what i'm getting in the bank and obviously your money secured in the property okay so that's one way to invest you're saying listen i want to get involved i want to invest and i want a better return than what i'm getting in the bank right we call that an angel investor maybe write that down angel investor and then the second way you can invest with us is that you say listen i want to be a jv partner a joint venture partner i want ownership in the deal so i've got one five hundred thousand a hundred thousand a million ten million twenty million whatever it is you have i wanna be a partner in the project and obviously the the the amount of ownership you have or shares you have is obviously how much with the amount of money that you can invest in the in the property two ways one angel investor i want to invest i want to get a better return than what i what i what i'm currently getting in the bank okay one way okay and then after a year or even longer to be in the project you get back your capital and your interest okay and second way you can invest is i want to be a joint venture partner i want ownership in this delivery i want 10 20 30 of this of this building i want to own it with you okay that's fine so there's two ways to invest let's said for the last time first way i want my money back after a year or a few months on the investor hundred thousand a million ten million and i'm gonna get my money back with the interest that is agreed on okay every deal will be different second way i want ownership i want to be in it for the long term okay i want the cash flow and what i do want is i want this to be a legacy for my children whatever it is right everyone has different dreams everyone has different goals so that's what you wanna invest as i said currently there's three projects available one is a 52 unit um flats buildings right one bit two beds bachelors and there's a school on the premises okay that one is almost complete now so last year we finished 31 unit development this year i was working on this one this one is almost finalized the finance and then and everything then we've got a 43 unit block of of flats that one is the project in the in the pipeline and then i'm signing another otp today for another building i'll tell you more about that one once it secures right those are the those are the projects available okay let me see in the comment section anyone what you guys think let me know if you have any questions about it i see a few people join log on okay and another advantage is you can also learn as i said i've been doing this for eight nine years i've done auctions multi-let's buy to let's flips back-to-back deals developments um different places right so you can also learn and say okay let me get in let me learn and then i can go on and do this myself right now you're saying leo why should i invest why should i invest with you as i said you've got an experienced investor an experienced team that has been doing this for for many years okay everything will be legal safe and legal so everything is signed with attorneys everything is in paper everything is agreed before the time everything is legal you can learn as well and so those are some of the reasons guys okay and yeah so as i said i've coached about 100 people i was investor of the year finalist in 2019 and that's all i've been doing for the last eight nine years is property okay so that it so that's the one thing i want to talk about today if you want to invest in property you'll invest in buildings you're investing bigger deals you've got some some spare cash available 100 200 300 400 000 then my contact details is on the screen take them contact me i'll send you the details you can have a look at it and then we can discuss it take you to the properties and you can have a look at it and yeah then we can take it from there guys as i said most people are looking at the problems now we're looking at opportunities okay and there's massive opportunities in property right um so that's number one investments lava investing investments right number two is we're starting a new show which is which is like a new show i'm starting with let's some of you might know him some of you might not know him so we spoke about it and what with this looting happening these last last week or the week before that actually saw a comment where someone says that the anc should do this and the government should do this and this one should do this and corporate should do this and this should do this but then someone said listen everyone should do something what are you doing okay what are you doing and i thought about it and i thought listen what can i do in this time to to help people to encourage people and and i said listen okay i've got the show we do get inspirational guests on to encourage people to share opportunities that's good but then i thought let's start a new show lid where we can talk about the issues and start conversations around it and say okay listen these are the problems what are some of the solutions and just start a conversation about it and see where that goes so i spoke to lester i said listen let's start a show where we have a monthly update new show we come in and say these were the issues for that month let's say it's looting jacob zuma in jail 19 vaccine do you take it don't you take good um a couple of things we come in and we say okay these are the issues and we bring in a couple of experts and say what are your views on the problems what are the solutions with covert what are the issues what are the solutions what is right what is wrong with whatever these guys whatever is happening that month in the country that affects us then we chat about it we come up with solutions we bring in experts right and we talk about these things so we're gonna start a new show it'll start in the first week of august start the first week of august it's going to be a podcast i'm partnering with lester you studied politics at you at unisa and and well-informed guy and we're going to bring in more experts as well to chat about that okay so that's gonna start and what we're gonna do is now we figured out how to begin a live stream onto youtube and livestream onto facebook and start sharing shorter clips because what i do now is i come on once a week and we do the show and that's all so now we're gonna share shorter clips five minutes ten minutes thirty minutes two minute clips um weekly so we're gonna be a bit more visible a bit more active there good stuff guys there's anybody there i've got a few people on here but all of you are silent say something say yay say hey say i'm excited say yes so that's so right and then we have the monthly show with pastor edward where he comes and he shares a short message with us shares a few sculptures shares a few messages encourages us once a month okay um which he should come in i think at the end of this month should be next week sometime where he comes in and shares and comes when shares the word of god but i think that's important as well okay getting the word of god in which i know we all are not as as diligent in that space or with the bible and playing as we should be some of us are some of us are more than others right so he comes in once a month she is the word of god and then we are encouraged and we will still continue with our weekly weekly interviews right conversations with entrepreneurs that inspire and experts to admire okay so we're gonna have the new show with less than once a month we're gonna have the show with pastor edward once a month where he comes and shares a message with us from the from the bible the word of god christian message which i think is important and then and then we'll still have our monthly interviews okay so now we so this is episode 20 so we've been doing this for about 34 months and it's been going well guys we're getting like a thousand views a show some with 3 000 almost 10 000. so it's actually been doing very well right um aiden says to call brothers that are definitely inspiration for the youth and even some of us that excite all right we are exiting our youth years no yeah yeah yeah we are exiting our youth here eden i'm 36 now i think euthanasia uses 35 so i'm out of it so yeah so logging guys we're gonna have that once a month right and and we're gonna come on as young people right and talk about these things because most of these things are it's always parliament is 60 years plus so we want to come on as young people and talk about listen what's happening what can we do as young people to improve this country to improve our lives instead of complaining and what can we do i'm sure guys there's something that each one of us can do here to improve firstly improve ourselves our own lives and then start improving and what we've said is listen let's start a conversation as young people and see what we can do as young people instead of complaining there's no jobs there's no opportunities there's no this there's corruption there's this this this let's come on um and let's do something and that's why i'm sharing the opportunity with you guys to say listen if you want to invest with if you want to invest with us okay then then this is your opportunity to invest in property you've got a hundred thousand two hundred thousand come and invest with us let's buy up this property there's a huge shortage of housing there is a massive opportunity still in south africa affordable affordable accommodation there's a huge shortage of this okay and and some of you are saying listen but why property um cause it's a real asset right you can feel it you can touch it at property cash flows does that make sense guys you you can get a monthly cash flow from a property so you buy a property right which means you're buying a real asset it gives you a monthly cash flow if you buy at the right in the right area you buy the right property chances are it will appreciate in value okay and you can leverage property so probably let's say you want let's say you've got a hundred thousand you can buy a property worth a million for a hundred thousand doesn't make sense you get a nine hundred thousand bond or whatever it is so with a hundred thousand you can buy an asset with a million which if you rent it out your tenant pays down the the bond and the expenses and then the monthly cash flow there's there's there's very few things you can do that will okay if you buy a hundred thousand worth of stocks you say listen i want to invest in in stocks and shares i buy a hundred thousand worth of shares or stocks you just have a hundred thousand worth of whatever shares it is whether it's naspers whatever it is if you put a hundred thousand in bitcoin right you get a hundred thousand worth of bitcoin obviously go up it'll come down or go up right not a bad investment okay if you what else can you do if you buy gold buy gold and silver you say listen i've got a hundred thousand buying gold and so i'm not saying don't do this thing do these things i do them right i buy gold silver whenever i can i i i buy i mine crypto currencies but my main focus is property so i'm not saying don't do these things but i'm saying with property property is is a real asset right that you can leverage a cash flows okay and it's one of the quickest way that you can become financially free you've done the right now if you don't know how to do it don't do it that's what we're saying for those of you that don't know how to do it by yourself that do have some spare cash come and invest with us let's let's buy these buildings okay you learn invest in your money it grows you get cash flow and there's two ways one way you invest and you just say listen i want a better interest in one getting in the bank i don't want to be in it for the long term second way is you say listen i want to partner with you i want ownership 10 20 30 40 50 depending on how much you come with right and currently there's three projects that you can invest in so contact details on the screen and give us a shout if it's something that you're interested in what else new show with less than coming first week of of of august i don't know what we're gonna call it we'll call it something with with liver and listen and we're going to stay in that live to youtube and facebook then we have the monthly monthly message with pastor edward right and we'll still have our interviews with experts that with conversations with with expert that conversations with entrepreneurs that inspire an expert to admire so that's it for today ladies and gentlemen guys if you got questions hit me up quickly you saw my number on the screen that's my email address if you want more details you can contact me whatsapp phone um or email me any questions around the investment any questions around the show with lesson or any questions around anything so we've been doing this for okay as a question thanks for the ideas i'm new to this faith okay good stuff new to what faith new to property or new to what the first time you're listening what are you new to this marcus say thank you for inspiring so many of us bless you always thank you thank you manil now david property yes fate so take that give me a um contact me and then we can have a chat about how we can get you involved anyone else okay sounds like it's clear okay on the details in vettel invest with us okay um fate says thanks took your details okay awesome i'll wait for you all for your call and then exciting things coming guys we actually want to grow this show we want to grow this channel so we can so we can and the main the main reason i started this was to educate to inspire and to share opportunities so that when you come on here when there's someone who oh you saw the guys oh everyone that comes on here does different things last time we had godfrey he's an engineer needless trainings so there's different entrepreneurs and experts that come on here they do different things that you i want you to listen to them and if it's something that you're interested contact them okay i do property that's my main focus and but the guests all do different things okay so like share subscribe to the youtube channel go watch the other videos there's many videos guys on there from actors to bitcoin guys to um engineers there's sports guys we've got bernie parker on there right we've got we've got many different people on there so so get on there and check that out okay so next week same time wednesdays right um for those of you that want to invest with us there's a contact details contact us and and we'll i'll show you the details i'll take you to the properties god bless you thank you for logging in see you soon

2021-07-24 15:19

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