“Cheeky Chappy” Estate Agent Turned Online Business Success Story

“Cheeky Chappy” Estate Agent Turned Online Business Success Story

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all right so welcome to another champions guild video where i have a special guest today who is a personal friend of mine and we actually met uh when you saw one of the adverts for scrap the 95 on youtube um and then we met i think at uh several live events since then so joined today by mr matt cook man the myth legend how you doing buddy good to see you amazing mate thanks for having me on of course any time thanks for coming on really appreciate it because um i really wanted to speak with you mate and just dig into your journey and and the progress that you've made in your business and really the idea is going to be for anyone watching who is kind of in those early stages i think to hear that journey that you've been on and hear some of the results you've produced some of the shifts that you've made and ultimately how you've been able to create that result from walking the journey i think is going to be one very inspiring but too also very valuable for to help people understand how to connect those dots and how they can move from you know somewhere maybe where they're not happy not fulfilled in their current situation into the space that you're in right now which uh which i think is fantastic and we'll get into this even more um so correct me if i'm wrong with any of this uh any any of these stats and numbers matt but what i understood uh about your journey so far is that you started in uh september 2018 was when you came across affiliate marketing at the time you're working uh full-time job is that right no yeah estate agent yeah state agent cool good stuff uh and then you by december 2019 kind of started getting some traction in the business so we're talking just over 12 months later um 4k months so we're getting to the point of like starting to you know replace an income make profit um and then by was it may 2020 was five figure months yes yes yes cool yeah so glad i got that right awesome mate um so can you talk us through uh just first of all the what what were the first parts of that journey like when you first discovered affiliate marketing you're working in your job like what what was the thing that kind of inspired you to start to make that change and and walk that path yeah absolutely so let's rewind let's start with september 2018 and at the time um just turned 26 i was i suppose in my corporate job sort of where i wanted to be like dream position i was the youngest manager in my firm as an estate agent by like 10 years i've been there for like two years in that position and um on paper on i was where i wanted to be i was doing well but i just felt this massive sense of like unfulfillment and actually i actually felt more broke than i never felt before even though i was earning more money than i'd ever earned before because just naturally at that position i just acquired more debt nice car and everything else and um just just being honest with you for a moment like 12 months before that i lost my mum to cancer she was 50 and one thing she said to me me and my wife before she died was just just go out there and like live your best life like travel the world do everything you want to do because when you're in my position you'll realize like how precious life is and i had that ringing in my ears for like just over 12 months i was still a manager at the time when she when she passed away and i just kept thinking like i'm not living my best life i'm not doing what my mom said i should be doing i can't see how my life's gonna change like yeah okay i could transition from a manager to like business owner in a state agency and i looked into that and thought well i'm not going to be like part of the rat race i'm going to own the rat race and i just thought you know where's that going to get me and it was actually two weeks before i saw your ad that my wife's grandma forced me into having reflexology but if you know what that is but it's touching your feet which freaked me out to start with and um he didn't know me and we we sort of sat there and he was doing reflexology on my feet and he just sort of said to me so so matt you know tell me a bit about yourself and i just said i'm 26 i'm an estate agent he said i didn't ask what you did i asked who you are and what i realized in that conversation was i was telling i was i was a shell i was just an armor i was just telling people i was an estate agent and what he wanted to actually know was who i was as a person and i couldn't answer that question i didn't know who i was and i realized that 10 years in the state agency had virtually turned me inside this robot and um it really sent me on this path of discovery to just wanna just create a better life actually admit that i hated my job and i didn't actually like the stress and everything else that came with it and it just got me on this rabbit run of like um you know jim rohn tony robbins those sorts of videos on youtube and then that's where i saw you i remember it while it was like 10 p.m on a sunday night you popped up and there was just think about your cheeky face i was just like i just i i like the sound of this guy and i just watched it mate and i literally didn't even watch the three videos i just signed up there and then like straight away like i just trusted you so much and um the morning after like the monday morning i actually said to my wife like before i'd even submitted my application i found something that's going to change my life i was 100 confident mate that day before i even submitted my application i was in but i hadn't done anything else i even like recording myself a video for the future to say like i'm gonna change my life for this i was like that sure of it and um yeah so sort of through september and october may it was just like head down outside of like work just getting through the modules as we do positioning at elite just to make sure i was surrounded by the right sort of people mate and um just have my head down uh in those first few months and yeah throughout the rest of 2018 it was just finishing the modules getting the website done like being 100 sure started marketing in the january and then made my first sale at the end of january so that was like the very first part of it mate and how i got into it awesome just for anyone who's who's not sure what matt's talking about here is an education company that teaches people how to build affiliate businesses and it's actually funny enough that was how i started as well on my journey was like same education company teaches you the foundations and so on um so so why why affiliate marketing what was it about you know when you saw my ad and got involved in the education company and then started learning about how affiliate marketing and building an affiliate business works like why was that the model that really stood out to you yeah um to me it was the it was a mind-blowing prospect that you didn't need your own product or service to get started with right and this educational company really did open my eyes to the lifestyle the ultimate lifestyle that can be created from affiliate marketing i actually thought you had to have some tangible like a physical object to sell online in order to create an income and i think watching your video and then and then listening to the mentors within the company talk about the fact that you could promote other people's products it just gave me this realization that i could get started from scratch with relatively nothing and and you know start generating an income so that to me was what i just loved about affiliate marketing initially just not having to worry about the customer service or anything else just just actually starting you know got it and you mentioned something actually when we were we were speaking before this that i wanted to pick up on because i thought it was so powerful and it was about this perspective of um you know do i have to sort of sell you know online you know i don't necessarily want to be a salesperson and you came from a sales background i came from a sales background and you said it and i felt it that in a way that actually held us back because the whole mindset of corporate sales is very different from if you're starting a business online you really don't want to be selling to people um can you just share that perspective that you shared there about the shift that you made before you started getting the results in your business yeah absolutely so for a good six months so from january to sort of like june july i really didn't get any results i didn't get the results i wanted to get because i was trying to be a salesman right that's what i was that's where i come from i was trying to sell people on the front i was coming to go cross cells in my ads and it wasn't until i invested in myself and you know did some life coaching to understand who i was on a deeper level that i realized that actually affiliate marketing all it is is inspiring action you know we're we're here to to open doors for people to create better life we're there to motivate but what we're then not there to do is sell because as affiliate marketers we don't ever sell that's the whole point of the product or the service of the business and that they sell on their sales pages or their videos or their webinars so why am i selling and it was that perspective that actually stop focusing on money in sales focus on focus focus on helping people change their life and it was that changing perspective in um august 2019 that completely catapulted my business yeah so that that was the change you know in fact yeah like you said we're both sales people but i really don't think you need to sell together you know that is i think that is such a powerful perspective because the there's so many people i think that don't start you know journey of building a business because there is a fear oh you know i don't know how to sell like i couldn't sell i don't have sales training oh this is going to be you know such an uphill battle but actually you don't need that if you're the type of person who really enjoys providing value helping people connecting with people understanding people's problems and helping them solve those problems really just creating value in the world then that's the foundation that's what you need that's your role as an affiliate marketer is building you know an affiliate business is to be somebody that understands people's problems and helps them solve it by recommending solutions products services etc that will do that so i just i love that perspective mate brilliant thanks thank you for sharing that um so let's talk about then when you so when you started creating the result you started seeing you know the the the impact that you were creating was being um you know there was a financial return for that um what would you say were some of the major challenges matt that it took to get to that point like what did you have to overcome either in yourself or you know in in the business like what were some of the major breakthroughs that you made sure so i i actually made the decision at that point i was so confident that what i was doing was going to work i'd quit my job my wife and i actually together we both quit same time and uh it was a massive risk but you know when you're so confident aligned with your dreams and your mission then you just go for it and it was do or die for me like literally so it was like the biggest risk at the time but i was like 100 confident i know i actually um i heard you talking about your own journey and i really didn't lean into that fear and realized actually that when you break the boundary and you lean into it's not as bad as it actually is because what's the worst case scenario you just go back and get another job yeah being in that position with my back up against the wall it really did inspire me to really like try and just go out this like a bullying and trying to stop and just try and help as many people for me my biggest um i suppose things that held me back you know maybe even um you know on a daily basis would test my mindset was just the fear of um money running up i think you know i had like a certain amount of savings like six months and it really was detaching from that and trusting um spiritually as it sounds i'm i'm i am fairly spiritual now i wasn't but almost believing in the universe you know just yeah i have my back you know i'm just going to let go uh you know i'm just going to go for it i'm so aligned with it what's the worst that's going to happen and i think detaching myself from money although actually money was everything because it was what was going to help me survive really and focusing more on how can i help each and every customer new member that comes through really create their best life transition towards this that was what helped me mate and it really was detaching myself from that that was that was throughout that period of six months that was my uh biggest challenge got it i think we had a very similar journey in that respect because i i can certainly relate to that and it was very much the same like there was it's almost like the shift in you start trusting a much deeper level like you trust yourself you trust that the journey that you're on you trust that the result is going to come even if you're not seeing it there at the moment and really just letting go and just moving into the fear like stepping through the fear and the thing about like quitting your job again i think that's another thing that holds a lot of people back they feel oh you know i can't quit my job now and you don't need to quit your job straight away because you didn't quit your job for was it the first 12 months or so yeah 12 months and by that point it was worth noting i'd already figured out what didn't work yeah so so you know by the time i quit my job i was confident about what would work you know yeah so that that was the difference if i'd quit in september 2018 when i first saw it uh for you i would have found for a year you know so i would honestly say that you know look at your job as your ticket to freedom you know fund and actually you know it becomes enjoyable then because you realize that the investment is coming from your job and it's helping you towards your freedom it was at that point of quitting that a few things were happening in my corporate world in the state agency it was just a perfect timing you know it just aligned perfectly for me still a big risk because i hadn't had any results in my business but you had that confidence and that belief that you were able to do it yeah because i knew i knew what didn't work what hadn't been working for six months and it was sitting down and taking two months out to figure out what would work that worked and i was 100 sure of it that was that that was the thing you know i just knew it would um and he did and i suppose to get to that level of certainty that that wouldn't have happened unless you've gone through the whole process beforehand of like you know improving your skills doing the work putting the effort in failing failing failing and just figuring it out um so so what would you say to someone matt who is they're kind of thinking about starting right maybe they're watching this right now and they're thinking okay you know i get that there's um i get the idea behind affiliate marketing i get that this might be a way that i can create the result maybe i'm not certain yet i can't see the destination i don't really connect with it but i'm thinking of starting what advice would you give to someone who's in that space right now if you're even debating if you're even aren't asking yourself that question then you've just got to start because you know hindsight is a wonderful thing and yeah you know time and life goes so quickly and you know we've all had similar journeys it's it it's never going to be a walk in the park from day one you're learning a new skill like walking or riding a bike for the first time you know but just say to yourself this that what could your life look like in 12 months from now you know and if it's if it's in your mind something better than it is now then that's it's got to be worth starting i honestly think now you know i started for different reasons pre-covered you know i started for lifestyle freedom travel i actually would say to people now that we're in a world where it's never been more obvious about the digital world and the fact that it's never been more important actually for your own financial security in my opinion to leverage the online world you know create different streams of income even if you love your job what's stopping you now just opening your mind to the reality of the prospect of earning additional streams of income around what you're doing now and just making your life a little bit more comfortable you know how would that change if you could have additional streams i've been going through let's say affiliate marketing like me you know um and it's only going to grow and i think caravid19 has just highlighted that about people just flooding to the internet through no choice really you know so that that's what i would say like if you're even questioning yourself just start maybe an hour a day you know just just try it out yeah and i think that's such a powerful thing to think of in the grand scheme of like what's important to me in my life you know what do i want to achieve do i want to be doing what i'm doing right now in my job for the rest of my life until i retire um and if you do like that's great you know you're doing something that you love and that's the important thing but if you don't then if something's gonna change when like how much longer are we are we gonna wait until we take action and move forward and so it's like just having this perspective of what is it that i want to do in my life if i'm lying on my deathbed one day in the future and i'm looking back over my life what am i going to regret not doing what is it that i feel will feel that i've missed out on like what is important to me on a values level to to achieve and create and do and you know spend my time doing in my life do i want to be there watching my kid grow up or you know do i want to be with the people that i love do i want to go traveling with my other half what what is it that you want to do in your life and and and if you can make that a priority and make that a focus and then develop a plan to actually make it happen uh i think it's so important to get that tied into in this case you know a business journey of starting an affiliate business because i think for you matt i just i've always got the sense that you know the this bigger picture stuff like the purpose and the the values and everything that you want to create in your life like that has been a major driving force behind everything that you've done it's not just about the money and you talk a little bit about more about that like has it always been the case or was there like a shift or something that you got that made it more important and if so how did that serve you on your journey like just talk a little about that yeah absolutely i mean the one thing i will say is i've always been money hungry you know um from a young age paper and at 11 you know just always wanting to earn you know more money for myself and when i first joined this educational company you know it was to earn more money that was the drive um but you know when i invested in myself in the summer of 2019 and actually understood who i was as a person and i wanted to do that because of what my reflexologist said to me a year before who are you matt and you know tens of thousands in my own personal development and coaching to explore that at a deeper level you know really pulling back who i was as a child how my parents were and discovering that my actual purpose in life is to happy help and support others create their best life right so i thought to myself now i've got that purpose statement now i know what my mission here is to do my mission here is not to make money it's to help people create their best life so surely if i help people create their best life money would just be a byproduct of that and it will just hunt me down behind so that's when i really focused on well how can i do that in affiliate marketing and for me it was set in the goal of 100 lives 100 new customers for that business which would equate to a certain amount of financial reward as well but instead of chasing the money i'm chasing the value by changing 100 likes so everything i do now is actually to help other people create their best life not ever to make money but i just know the money will naturally follow behind because if i see one new life as one new member it's the same thing it's just how you do it so instead of seeing numbers i see lives it's the same thing right but i think as we if we chase money if we always think about money every email we write if money is on the mind how's that going to come across to how if we write an email based on how can we change someone's life it's still going to result in money but it just comes across differently and at that point i i just noticed my whole email list start engaging just you know and that's what i wanted i noticed an email list of no engagement to an email list of high engagement and then that's what i would say you know and i've just focused on helping people make it's as simple as that love it how would you say or why would you say investing in yourself is so important um why is just because like you just it's a it's a why is it because if i hadn't invested in myself i wouldn't be where i am right now you know it was a risk at the time financially but i just thought to myself i looked at my heroes in life i looked at the person i wanted to become in life and i said to myself if i'm not willing to step outside of the square box and do something differently the chances are i'll carry on where i am right now you know investing it wasn't just financially investing in myself it was investing in myself for the greater good right yeah and i had to do that to discover what i was here to do um and yeah that that's why investing in yourself is is just so important like if you for that exact reason yeah i love it mate i've always thought like because because i too we have a lot of similarities i think in the way that we see things and approach life and see business and like for myself i always had this idea that if i'm not willing to invest in myself if i'm not willing to back myself if i'm not willing to you know put money on the line to help me create the result that i'm here to create well you know how realistic is it that i'm going to push myself past the challenges if i'm not even making it important enough to put money on the line and let's be honest in the grand scheme of things like your life your time is far more important than money especially if you're you know currently trading time in an income or sorry in a career to earn an income and the money is currently tied to your time we say well how much time would i be willing to put into making this happen into creating this result into building my dream life and if we're not willing to put anything on the line to back ourselves then you've got to question how important it is and i think the more that we can realize again going back to this exercise of like when i'm on my deathbed one day and i look back over my life what will i want to do if you go well that is really important to me well how important how much like what are you willing to put on the line to back yourself on this journey of making it happen so i love that perspective as well mate there's one other perspective on this actually mate that you've just reminded me with it it was actually your perspective on this so for anyone watching this like dan like you say personal great friend of mine uh inspiration from the start you know um but one thing you helped me with when i first started really considering investing in myself it was that whole perspective of i was to look at a crystal ball and look at my future and see myself living my best life you know discover my purpose and what i am and i knew that i'd need to make a certain amount of steps to get there make a certain amount of investments to get there you know and i absolutely you know with confidence i'm going to get there well when i'm there and looking back at what i've invested and what i've done i wouldn't care right of what i had to do to get there but the problem is when we're this from this perspective and we're looking at where we want to be the hurdles are greater than than looking back and if anyone's watching this right now i can say hand on heart that i started this this with with no money really right my wife lent me money to get started i really had nothing huge risks at the time to make this work and looking back now now i've created my best life and i look at the financial investments i've made and invested in myself i can say it was worth it but when dan said that to me i was very scared you know you just got to do it and trust it you've got to 100 believe it and feel it you know love it awesome um so final words if somebody uh is let's say that they are feeling the fear right now they're feeling you know the hesitancy of starting the journey maybe even there's some skepticism or something like that of do i build my own business online is affiliate marketing really gonna help me create the result uh what advice would you give to someone who's maybe got a bit of a bit of fear or skepticism or something going on in the background right now sure sure it's um it's completely normal to feel like that you know you're not human if you don't feel slightly skeptical or nervous about stepping into this space you know i did um put up by quite a victorian father who told me that really the corporate world 95 was the only way but if you're here right now even watching this video you are like 99 ahead of the rest of the internet population who are open-minded and i want to congratulate you for just being there right now right and i think if there's just a part of you that knows that there's more to this and just start just give it a go like regret to me is a big thing i know my mom had a lot of regret when she passed away and it's one thing i didn't ever want to have like no regrets right where would you how would you feel in like 12 months time or two years time if if you just saw the internet explode and just how easy it was and by that point maybe got a little bit too hard to get in like whereas now you're in a position where you can you can just get started just dip your toes in the water just give it a try and you know what if it's not for you then you've just given it a go haven't you tried but to me regret is just too much that's why i always just try and just see whether it's for me or not and that would be my advice you know just start if you you know perfect mate thank you so much i really appreciate your time um having this chat and just sharing your journey and again i just want to kind of take a minute to honor to congratulate the journey that you've been on and how you've now got to the other side um i mean to go from like again you we we talk about 12 months as a benchmark and obviously disclaimer no results are typical just because one person starts a business it means that everyone else is going to do it in the same time frame not the case like joining a gym you know you can't say because one person has six pack abs everyone who joins the same gym is going to get six-pack abs it's only each individual person as to whether they're going to create the result but like this 12-month idea if you're looking forward in 12 months and you can look back and say you know i started this journey i i took the steps i put in the effort and then i created the result like such a powerful um perspective to be able to have like what do i want my life to look like in 12 months and so for you mate i just want to you know recognize that journey that you've been on and in that sort of 12 to 18 month period completely replacing income and and then finally as well i just want to finish on this being in a position to now really create something that is so aligned with your purpose that is just your the next level um beyond affiliate marketing can you just tell us a little bit about like what what having the financial foundation from affiliate marketing has now able uh helped you be be able to create in your life sure absolutely thank you dan really appreciate that mate yeah absolutely so you know i got to a point where i created like what my best life looked like on paper my wife and i were financially free we're living our best life coverage strikes and i realized that you know actually i can't travel can't do anything and james and i um uh good friend of mine same educational company we we really focused together growing together and then helping our own members and over a period of six months we saw our own members through this educational company start getting some incredible results just by doing what we've done and we just sort of said to ourselves that you know if we can if we can provide and get these sort of results for other people's companies then we can do this ourselves and actually if we're aligned with our purpose we can really help our own customers coming in and and this is when james and i decided to to actually create our own academy align with our purpose our vision to help as many people all around the world step into affiliate marketing now affiliate marketing is what i'm aligned with i absolutely love i think is the best business model to get started with and that's where we are now you know looking into 2021 being in a position where i'm not just an affiliate just for that one educational company we've talked about multiple companies and now in a position where i now own with james my business partner my own academy where we're now teaching people those exact steps i couldn't be more happy and i'm really excited now to be in that place so and again you know you just don't know where you'll be when you start out and that's that's also why it's just so important to get started and love the journey because i'm i just as cheesy as it may sound just i just love my life and i love the journey i'm on and i'm just excited to see where it would go right so perfect mate thank you so much really appreciate your time congratulations again buddy and uh sure we'll catch up soon obviously when we can do live events again in the future hopefully not too long i'm sure we'll have another uh another meet up i'm looking forward to it absolutely thanks for having me on don appreciate it you're welcome buddy

2021-02-21 04:20

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