《 사내맞선 》 Business Proposal Episode 1 Reaction | This is so FUN!!

《 사내맞선 》 Business Proposal Episode 1 Reaction | This is so FUN!!

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hi, welcome back to our channel we are here today to watch the new comedy...romantic drama. romantic comedies on my favorite! "Business Proposal", with a very cute girl. i've never seen her act, i've seen her in variety shows, but she's very cute, so i'm quite intrigued about it. i've seen her act in one Instagram video that was so freaking funny. i have no idea what the premise is, to be honest. oh my! very colorful. what is going on here? what's going on? why? it's like a webtoon! are they saying that he's so handsome that he looks like a...yeah

haha stupid nice so sad oh gosh...walk all over me! really? if you just dropped coffee on me, i don't care how cute you are! you lie! what? i don't care how cute you are! you lie! ...but now you can be pissed, yes. I've seen him somewhere. yes, in a reality show remember? I can't think of the name.

who do you think you are? all of this is for this? the smell? she was just working on fish, that's why the (??) smell! she's so cute she said: get lost I like the girl in red! she's so rude, I love her she's really trying to be part of it she's way too excited rude! she's a very happy person what is that? what's going on? is that how we play golf? is that even possible? boom! as if! go to the Olympics! what are you doing here? it's giving me the vibe of "what's wrong with secretary Kim". exactly. D-list celebrity. that is so harsh and what? I hate when people start with that, because they don't really have anything to say did you just trip on air? why is it so embarrassing? it's just water but why does it feel so embarrassing when it happens to you? and what are you doing honey? my question is: why would they accept people on the field when they know it's gonna be sprayed on? your boyfriend? oh and she's gonna ditch them! exactly. bye! she's tough! can we see this again? oh god, what does she want! why? she's doing this...honey, no he's not your boyfriend! isn't he? no! the way he talks, i'm pretty sure that's just unrequited love! he's not for you, girl that was way too familiar that Minwoo guy is not a very good guy. wow! at least reject people in private!

whishful thinking? because the way they're planning it, it just sounds too...but also, he's not the main actor, so... it's not it's! just a random guy! i like the secretary better! yes! oh gosh... workaholic! he's so cute time to watch drama? i like this grandpa! wow...a drama in a drama yeah that's what i would do he's so cute oh god, i have a bad feeling about this one i mean... poor her! it's a lot of misleading clues oh my god... they're so dumb!

there's some stuff...she actually... and she really did it! oh no no his face doesn't look like... the cake... the necklace was for that woman! a coupon? no way! the webtoon! haha they're so dumb! (meaning "funny") now leave! i mean he could have come to you, then. why does he make you go all the way to the restaurant?  a concert ticket! the heck? that is rude. very rude.

the way he looked at him! "he's not my style" the secretary's so much more handsome than the guy! in my opinion... oh, this huy! where have I seen him recently? in "I live alone". oh yeah! she's not wrong. we should celebrate mothers, seriously. yeah it's really more like the mothers' day! "i'm dying!" he's defeated why are you rubbing it in her face? clearly she doesn't! you're about the get sued! more like breaking the spine! the sign is good, but...

that's a good point. you could have said something, you! or you could have done it! that's a cozy room! that's a comfy bed! oh that looks nice. oh that's pretty. oh wow yes but...that doesn't really matter. that was for the father, not the son. exactly! just go on the dates, and say you didn't like anyone! "biological father"?? "to be possessed?" what??? one more time?? "filthy mortal" why does she need her to do that, though? she could do that herself! 800...800000 maybe? what happened in your head? i don't like it either...i don't like!

tiktok style! if only it could be that fast, that easy! if only... why do you want to make her pretty, though? isn't it the point? but they said they were doing the "tough girl" concept! what i don't understand is that he never saw a picture of her! apparently...you can just google her, literally. usually, that would be the first thing. awkward!!! are you not going to say a word? isn't that her company? oh yeah, she's screwed. oh, the stress. you're an employee and you are going to get "employee of the month"!

i would freak out too! why...why!!! I can't...she's so funny the external smile with the turmoil inside! okay... the editing is awesome! oh god... boobs? her boobs?? wow! okay...she's so dumb!

damn! it's not working... what if he says yes? what are you going to do? that would be...yeah exactly! exactly. girl! you're not even...you can't even back it up! yay... why are you going? he's having the time of his life, the bastard! he's thinking "this is fun".

why, why? who is Minsik? what? it's not!...ah, the same clothes! thank you for saying that. thank you! didn't they pay for the room? exactly. isn't it better for you? why is everybody just watching them, not doing anything? i found my match! he has a plan, yeah. "marry"??? oh, wow... she's thinking "what the freak?" i don't know...you might be in for a surprise.

"I wan to marry you" that's a big karaoke room! huge... who is dying over there? that's a good man! feminist!! haha oopsie! yeah what did she half-fall?? take the next one, girl! what are you doing?...at this point... oh god, here we go.

did you see the guy behind? the other girl? the friend? would be nice. yes, friendly friend! he's so cute. did she just write on her white pants? she's rich, she doesn't care! she can buy so many! just from the company... really? your wallet and your keys right there? stupid! yes, go! she's just staying there...

can you people stop bumping into each other? i don't understand. so, her romantic encounters are only based on looks? well...seems like it. okay! THAT'S A LOT he didn't talk to you, what are you talking about? well, if you think he's your soulmate, you should have. and she's here again. she's literally right there! no! who asked you? what if I don't want it? she doesn't want to! he said that with so much confidence!!! "we're gonna get married" Ummm...listen... i thought you didn't like dates? and now you're getting 10? yeah, he's just trying to shut up his family, to be fair. he doesn't care!

how often does that really happen? you both fall. that's what happens. kind of harsh, but okay! she's right. she needs to be clear! now stop it. she said no listen...you have no life, you poor thing...

this is a random car...this is a random car! how did you get in there? it was his car, but... why would you get into a car? it's not a taxi, i mean! if it's a taxi, i can understand. you just... also why...why would you run in the same direction as the guy??? run away! this is a very dumb drama, this is my style!!! i love every scene of it! but she's a good actress. i love every scene, the editing is gold!

the acting is golden! bravo! this is the true heir to What's wrong with "Secretary Kim" uh yeah! honestly, same vibe to me. same colors, the editing too! very happy! i like when i find a cute thing like this, good!!! she's cute, but she's not overly cute, too. i like that a lot! she's not trying. she's...she's grounded, at  the same time, she's very dumb! very, very dumb (meaning funny)! anyway, we'll continue watching, and we'll see you later. bye! okay now i'm going to sleep for 15 minutes...

2022-03-15 17:43

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