$BTC #Bitcoin Bull run over? Quick market update 3/04/22

$BTC #Bitcoin Bull run over? Quick market update 3/04/22

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so   what's up what's up what's up what's up out  there i want to say hello i'm big i want to   send some love to you all throughout the world  let me know you can hear me let me know where you   are in the world there's a lot of hurting going  on in the world let's try to spread some love let's try to spread some love that's what we're  doing here right we can only do what we can do   that's what we're going to try  to do friday night big chats   let me know you can hear me appreciate that i  love the feedback let's get this party started   i love the feedback and i love the fact that  you're willing to take a little bit of your time   and spend that here with me on a friday night  we're going to talk about bitcoin we're going   to talk about the crypto market i'm going to try  to make it educational things can be incredibly   confusing and you know throughout my career i've  learned that the simpler you make it the better   right there's no doubt about that let's check in  with the chat room greetings from portugal 10 f3   i don't know where that is that's interesting  to me 10 f 10 refi i don't know where that is   now rondo it sounds can you tell me where you're  from that's really interesting portugal south   africa costa rica i need to get on a  plane and check out some of these places   algeria i love i love algeria in the house um  it's great you know everybody's all over the world   toronto canada latvia belgium so listen we're in  this together right we're in this together we've   got to kind of look out for each other we got to  uh we we need to we should really look out for   each other that's what i'm trying to do i enjoy  it and i hope you're enjoying it too let's get the   spiel out of the way of course i am on twitter at  big chads i like to think of my feed as academic   observations about the price trading psychology  risk management uh that type of that type of stuff   um really just a chart nerd but i'm just i've been  wrecked i'm trying to help you not get wrecked   um check out my youtube channel go to chad's  trading and while you're watching this please   consider hitting that like hit subscribe the  likes will help with the algorithms to kind of get   things up and running hit that like it subscribe  you're brand new to trading you're not sure what   to do where to go ingredients from the  netherlands france pakistan in the house   south carolina valencia hawaii amsterdam look at  this north dakota pakistan this is unbelievable   netherlands i mean look i never you know 20  years ago you would have never told me that   i'd be able to do this what what a thrill  what a absolute thrill armenia parrav harut haroot i have an armenian friend patagonia that's  pretty cool right isn't that uh patagonia that's   amazing philippines komastapo salamat right  thailand look at this uh bitcoin live members   these are these are my family i spent a lot of  time i put a lot of love into bitcoin live we'll   get to that you're brand new to start to trading  like what do you do go to my tutorials on youtube   watch the educational live streams they're really  going to help you out how do you set up a chart   like what am i looking at what am i even like how  do i even start to understand what i'm looking at   what's a trend right watch these live streams all  right i'm the author of course of trading wisdom   50 lessons every trader should know i'm very  proud of this book the feedback's been ridiculous   um i don't even have the link up but let's just  right there in my profile on youtube on twitter   let's go look at that i mean look at this five  stars 4.8 out of five almost 500 reviews that's   like unbelievable um and it's important it's a  wonderful project it's helped a lot of people   kindle uh hardcover paperback audiobook um but  guess what i got the free version for you on   my youtube go to that playlist right i'm gonna  do all 50 lessons for free eventually i'm doing   one every three four weeks i just did lesson  12 recently some people when the book came out   um some people couldn't afford it and they  just don't want to buy it and i say okay i   totally respect that check this out free  version on my youtube i also have that   really great series i've been developing  long form interview i have a new guest i'm   uh i'm talking to bob lucas who's a fellow bitcoin  live colleague we'll get to that in a minute um   on monday which is a great honor he's a wonderful  trader but look at just the list of look at these   folks there's some really smart people um and you  know i i come in unscripted i just talk to them   i try to ask the right questions australia good  to see you in the house nice to see you as well   uh viva chile viva china and china would  love lover bakaya and chicago of course   uh much love to you as well i see ohio i see  kosovo folks if i missed that i apologize look   tons of chat tons of comments in the chat room um  i'm proud of this long form interview series i i   feel like i try to ask the right questions  i want you to get something out of this   check these out i'm really proud of it we've got  great stuff maine was last trader main this guy   unbelievable story really trader i respect a  lot check that out um no doubt about that so   check that out my youtube i hope that's of  value to you if you're interested in really   learning how to trade you got to join bitcoin  live i've been doing this for almost four years   twice a week i do a long form full market update  i don't care where i am i'm on vacation i will   always do an update i never miss it and like  we don't we haven't been surprised like ask a   bitcoin live member if we've been surprised like  for the last six months or a year it's just really   like bitcoins it's just paid it's just  traded based on key levels it's made sense   and i'm going to walk you through that  tonight i have a whole bunch of tweets   um that i've kind of set up ahead of time to kind  of walk you through the progression of the price   action i think this is confusing for a lot of  people but anyway check out bitcoin live i'm   incredibly proud of that i really put my name my  name um everything behind this check it out okay   so like what's the deal and by the way thank  you so much for watching thank you for letting   me get letting me get that spiel out of the way um  trading's like incredibly hard and um you know i   trade other markets and i just took a big fresh  loss in another market i was trying something   i took a loss like i know you know don't don't  expect like all these people you see on youtube   and twitter we're not all like 10 out of 10  traders we don't just like hit every trade   like we all take losses um you have to reflect on  your losses you have to have to stop and say how   did i get into that position you know why did i  take the loss um you know did i have a stop loss   did i have a thesis did i respect when the thesis  failed you got to reflect don't just like you know   don't just bury the losses take time or you know  learn your lesson from it i'm learning my lesson   um but with bitcoin i you know bitcoin  really hasn't surprised me in a long time and   i would encourage you to watch and by the way  i have a you know watch all my youtube videos   watch anything i've done on youtube bitcoin live  like it's ages well because bitcoin has made sense   you know we haven't really been surprised you  know we topped off really this top was easy to see   coming i've detailed it on twitter i've detailed  it on youtube we've been in corrective mode since   then but like what's the deal and look i haven't  done a lot of youtube videos recently because i'm   trying to i don't want to do too many really i'm  trying to give it all bitcoin live and um i don't   want pressure on me to do a youtube video but this  is a good moment i'll catch up i'm trying to kind   of balance things out i want to help you folks  what like what do we think is going on right now   well guess what bears are still in  control right bears have been in control   and the level bears needed to to kind of reclaim  to kind of say hey i'm back in control it's always   been 46k so if you again review my public  comments review my bitcoin live comments   down here when we started to bounce and we had  this outside bar long um outside bar high waves   spinning top january 24th i'm not gonna do all  the tweets for that i'm just kind of i'm gonna   do my tweets for the last kind of uh you know last  uh you know week or so in in this kind of lateral   or kind of rectangle range if you go back i mean  i talked about you know we're due for a relief   rally here and then we got the spring okay and we  got the spring um and we bounced from that spring   and when i what i talked about and what i  is that 46k was the level that was like the   last level for bear it's like the last bear  argument level like bears bears still have a   good argument and have had a good argument  as long as we're below 46k why right why   you know our what's rule number one and if you  read my book thank you and i didn't really put   it out this way but and by the way i really do  appreciate it i really do mean thank you um i knew   many of you had and you know it's helped a lot of  people for you know five stars so it's not like   it's like thank you for reading a bad book but you  know what do we do rule one right we listen to the   price and we understand that we kind of had that  attempted double bottoming pattern that's been   i've done this in like five videos you can check  it out it's a big level right that's a big level   failed support levels you know we listen  to price we look for the data points   there were a lot of data points there so just  in any chart if you had lost that you come back   retested from the underside it's a pullback  you know classical charting bearish retest   that's the level that has to flip it's a momentum  level and like your job your whole literally your   whole job is to figure whatever you're trading  you know and i try to i try to only trade what   i'm watching i try to only watch a few things at a  time not too many although it's you know literally   you know it's my job i cover the market but like  i trade what i really watch and here it tells you   like this is a big level there's a level you have  to cross 46k love from philadelphia pennsylvania   checking in in the chat room here uh spirit uh  periodically thank you for live streaming thank   you hi everyone thank you chad's i don't know  i don't know what this means metamask i don't   mess with any of that stuff thank you for live  streaming great all right hello all right good   enough uh tanarif is in europe where is it in  europe europa like i've never heard of that   place and i'm trying to anyway aloha from hawaii  aloha to you um 46k like it's the bottom of that   it attempted to bottom there right so when we were  relief rallying back here for me there was these   there were all these like levels where it could  initially reject right so let's it just this is   like standard relief any relief rally will  do this and you can apply it to any chart   um and i've talked about this before so if you're  if you've been watching my videos thank you you'll   know if this is i'm consistent that i've talked  about the lower bollinger dip the overreaction   after breaking that key level breaking that 40k  level right there that kind of lower uh bollinger   the kind of overreaction and now you're first  looking ema eight you're always looking ema eight   right exponential moving average more sensitive to  um more sensitive short term price action so your   first watch so it's these levels ema eight okay  ma20 right that's first level second level may 20   then you get the ma cross we get the m8 cross 820  getting some momentum and then price test the 30   the 34 the ema 34 fibonacci number right 8 21 34.  it just works and why is 34 important like uh did   i pick 34 out of out of a hat am i you know am  i am i cherry picking no go to my tutorials live   streams watch the live streams i don't pick the  34 the price picks it it just works it's not it's   not me you know i just pay attention okay i'll let  me let me kind of make that case a little stronger   rejected here relief rally rejected lower  bollinger ema34 rejected yellow line how about   here flash dip over reaction volatile move which  is what you want as a trader overreaction dip   relief rally stalls where ema 34 right it's the  whole concept a whole concept of like a primary   uptrend support upper ball injured ema8 and  you kind of dip a little bit and you get the   secondary the ema34 right and then in reverse  it's a primary and secondary uh moving average   resistance exponential moving average resistance  and if i bounce around too much you know you know   sorry about that watch my tutorial so ema  8 ma20 ema34 and now we get the first close   february 4th we have we have the first sign of  weakening bear trend checking in the chat room   from everybody all right hello from everybody okay  just checking and making sure everything's good   all right checking in in the chat room so ema  eight relief rally ema eight so we'll really lower   bollinger you dip below the lower bollinger your  first kind of you know target obviously is the   lower bollinger right so even from here you can  say okay lower bollinger first target second ema8   ma20 ema34 boom first sign to bear weakening  we have our first close below of first close   above the ema 34 on february 4th first  close above the ema34 since we go back   since really broke down at top so that's kind  of noteworthy so now you're thinking all right   we understand a downtrend will go down it has  to force sideways both for sideways then maybe   you get a reversal so like one of those pivot  points it was 46k was the pivot point okay when   we hit that ema 34 right we get that first close  we're kind of starting to force now we're sideways   that's that is a notable sign of weakening  bear trend because bears were unable to force   candle body clothes here on the daily chart  below the ema 34 at that point and they had   been able to maintain candle clothes below ever  since the breakdown right so that's you know   relief rallies have rejected there so we're kind  of setting the table right ema 34 and then boom   ma50 that's big we're getting really excited ma50  february 7th we're getting really excited you're   seeing a lot of people calling bottom here right  if you go check the feeds we're getting a lot of   bottom calls here folks bottoms in all right it's  in ready to go it's done right tell me i'm wrong   in the chat room tell me i'm wrong folks please  do to you got a lot of people saying that's it   we hit the bottom and you know there's some signs  there ema 34 ma50 but as my good my good friend   uh well not my good friend yet but someone  i respect a lot uh mr john bollinger would   point out perhaps you you've really done um you  have already done at that point kind of a lower   bollinger to upper bollinger move i mean that's  a relief that's a big move it's a relief rally so   like the onus is on bulls to really push  through and what happened we got rejected   i mean you know it's logical underside support  bull pullback bearish retest we're rejected so   we're setting the table we got rejected now we  have the throwback the bullish retest of the   declining m a 50 sma 50 simple moving average  50 period i'm here for chad what's up carmella   um all right making sure everyone  is okay in the chat room folks   uh all right so we had the bullish retest little  bounce and then fade and we drop back to 40k we   lost 40k i became bearish i became bearish i  tweeted about i talked about on bitcoin live   and i talked about it because it's a head  and shoulders failure at that point right   and and we'll kind of get to that in ada in  a minute it's a head and shoulders failure   we kind of breach that potential right  shoulder that's a big bearish signal   it's a a little bit of an analog or essentially  um a copy of what we had back here in the four   hour when we had an attempted head and shoulders  here check the tape again a lot of bowls we're   tweeting about a head and shoulders here  none of them talk about the invalidation   invalidate right right shoulder failure sorry  right shoulder failure okay 598 of you folks   here lovely folks once again thank you for  watching please hit like please hit subscribe   appreciate you taking a little bit of time to  listen to me ramble i'm head and shoulder failure   here right so i get bearish rightly bearish right  any kind of attempted reversal pattern that fails   any any kind of signal that fails you know it's  usually a powerful signal in the other direction   so we dropped and then we got that over over  reaction right overreaction on february 24th   february 24th there was a tweet i wanted to  look for did i find it do i don't know if i   i was looking for something earlier  setting up uh february 24th no okay i was curious because i try to have a pretty good  instinct about when we're there we go there it is   well see where it was there february's 23rd due  for a relief rally where is that that's right here   that's pretty good i mean what february 23rd all  right so let's set the table i want to kind of set   the table and like the premise is this like don't  you don't have to feel helpless and like ah what   what's happening it's not really complicated  we clearly topped off we know why and we've   been correcting since then and we've just been  focused on key levels and i've talked about it   and i've talked about it and i've talked about  it and i've talked about it it's all there   it's not magic it's simple horizontal levels of  support and resistance right we'll just draw this   one because this is like unbelievably obvious  so i set the table now we know why we're here   so uh that is not the right tweet that is not the  right tweet either and i'll get to it here we go   all right low time frame we're due for a relief  rally i feel like okay february 23rd and why do   i say that we've already rejected here at the  head and shoulders failure and now we've dropped   to lower bollinger it's a lower bollinger in the  daily and we still have potential at that point   for some type of a higher low versus that like  late january low checking in the chat room hello   from florida what's up cheddar from vermont how we  doing there i keep dancing that's absolutely the   way to go um all that good stuff good to see you  folks appreciate you um reaching out thank you so   um you know we you were at the lower  bollinger so what so where are we at again   february 23rd overdue for a relief rally all  right you know and it's not magic it's just   kind of you study i'm this is why i tell  people like cut your watch list in half   like you you have to play stuff you understand it  like i get bitcoin and it's not magic i literally   tell you what i do i tell you my method i don't  hold anything back i don't anything back i just   tell exactly how i'm playing it and it's obviously  time and experience i mean i understand that but   i mean look at the bollingers i've been talking  bollingers for years i've been talking about   relief rallies due for relief rally we're  tagging it we did go lower so it's you know   and that's the thing you're never gonna  nail you're never gonna nail the exact   top or bottom it just doesn't happen it's not  about that it's about playing with confirmation   of a trend reversal so what does that mean  the spring talked about the spring bitcoin   live i talked about on twitter there was your  beautiful entry look at that right off of spring   right so i said do for a relief rally next day  we get that flash dip um i think i remember i   remember waking up and seeing okay we've kind of  held in it was one of those nights where it's like   you know you're thinking am i going to wake up  and is btc down like 5k it doesn't happen a lot   but it can happen we were right there i remember  waking up and thinking i it's kind of held in   like it's it's handled whatever the volatility was  in the broader market obviously stuff's going on   but it's like okay i just remember  thinking that's kind of held in you know   it's held up rather and then boom entered a  boom recapture the spring right this is a really   textbook entry where you can establish a low you  break below and you kind of come back up above it   you can just go straight you go long right there  and use your stop loss as you're as pretty much   your entry maybe like three four two maybe two  two three percent lower and then you want to do   a three to one risk reward obviously asymmetric  um ideally as well but there's your spring entry   lower bollinger pretty textbook kind of relief  rally type of entry right um nothing we haven't   talked about before on this channel of course and  then you bounce overdue for relief rally okay all   right i get it all right chad's yeah good good job  right whatever right relief rally so what's next   uh let's see february 28th let's get to february  28th is this is was interesting so february 28th   november 28th boom right here so and this  is like okay overdue for relief rally   you know we bounce a little bit and there's  some rejection here but it's like all right   so at this point what i don't know what you folks  are thinking but you're like all right you know   are we you know what are we doing bull pennant  you know bull flag you know it's like it's like   it doesn't matter what you label it as long as you  understand that it's likely bearish continuation   right you just kind of look at things simply you  get benefit of the doubt it's a trend in progress   we kind of had a fake out here we kind of had this  you know if you want to call it a rising wedge   probably better to find the lower time  frames we have the fake out candle here   boom right fake out and then run so it bounced  february 28th so okay if you didn't enter in the   spring right there you enter right here pretty  pretty textbook where is that 40.2 it's a little   late because obviously i think you're going long  on 40k psychological we've talked about that um   so here we go where are we at we're at you know  41.3 i've already passed 40k i put out a tweet at   the time which i'm not highlighting here which i  basically said like you know your long trigger has   you just went long you know because we're above  40k at the go check it it's right there um and i   try to you know i try to i try to be as reasonable  as possible but you went long is it like a super   obvious long unbelievably obvious long trade you  went long at 40k 700 people that's great 707.   so during that candle and so i'm already kind  of thinking all right all right great we're the   balance but like we need to kind of keep an eye on  the broader channel what are we doing like what is   the context everything is context and i just you  know you can't stop thinking about that level 455   46k so i say so i said working on a green marabozu  but i kind of also pointed out to you primary   resistance i put that out there i put that out in  intentionally i put that out in this in this tweet   where i'm wanting you to understand i'm trying  to make it obvious which is so obvious to me   and inherent is that inherent in that is  two or two things are two things first   the green marabols will likely lead to  some bullish continuation which we had   here this kind of five candle cluster that or five  or six candle cluster that rejected at primary   supply resistance supply resistance resistance  secondly primary resistance like pay attention   so both i think we're going to bounce but i  think we're going to bounce and reject that's   what i'm trying to say that's like in between  the lines of this picture that i'm giving to you   is we're going to bounce and then reject  or bounce and then at least test okay   uh boom so what i said here though  assuming we hold 40k it's crystal clear   46k is the level that needs to flip to  confirm a return to the primary bull   trend what does that mean we're trying to  confirm or turn dow theory turn the 20th century   we have a primary bull trend we are in a secondary  bear trend that's it what does that mean chad i   just explained it primary bull trend we're in a  secondary corrective phase the corrective phase   would have ended in my opinion and i'm just one  person back up above 46k and that's the point   i'm trying to make all right that's the point  i was making at that at that time in this tweet there we go february 28th look at the image and  you can see why now it's basically like saying   hey pay attention right primary resistance all  right good enough so we're bouncing and it's   assuming we hold 40k now we've just broken 40k  intraday really we're in this massive green candle   we've been around long enough we know that  green candle could reverse and and just you know   fool everyone but it's assuming 40k holds because  40k is a really important level so that's also   a point in making that tweet what's  the next tweet same day i said look   if you want to head your btc long take some  shorts on the weaker alt coins that just bounced   okay uh what is that tweet i'm looking for i want  to show you this tweet let's see from let's see   that's how you can search my tweets from  cole and big chats people ask me where you   know what textbook type in from your chest back  textbook there's my textbook recommendations right   from the chat's end of list here you go viable  and profitable trading plan options buy the   dip in an uptrend sell the rep in a downtrend  or take a nap like basically do nothing right   so what you want to do is you're trying to go  along in bitcoin be really not sure all right   we're here we're super long uh you know we're  we're clearly momentum long plus 40k but we're   kind of approaching key resistance we're worried  about that so we want to hedge in that we'll take   some some shorts and weaker all coins it's just  bounced i'm looking at ada i'm looking at ada just   is breaking blow or just breaking or approaching  that key one dollar level from the underside where   it bounced so many times you talk about head  and shoulders failure eight it was textbook   uh wide left or complex uh shoulders and head with  the 150 uh invalidation level ran to three right   broke one boom invalidation right there there's  a bunch of other stuff uh dydx was another one i   tweeted out i tweeted out like several today um  where i gave updates on where it basically said   uh i basically said there you go like right there i'm like i basically tweet  look at it i tweeted out i was like look i mean   like here's here's a playbook dawnlink come  to mind i didn't play those but i took soul   d y d x and a look at dydx it's like it's just  a weak chart that it bounced into moving average   resistance so it's like a hedge plane yeah there's  that hedge that meme like the hedge or whatever   but like you're in a channel where like  if btc broke 46k here we're going to 58k   it's just such a clear breakout at such a clear  level so understanding those key horizontal   levels understanding momentum understanding relief  rallies all the stuff i talked about in this video   you say okay i'm going to hedge myself a little  bit i'm gonna take shorts on some of these weaker   alts i mean there you are i gave you right there  these three i mean look at that eight update   boom soul right i'm like soul ma50 i'm i'm  shorting there that's a great short right in   the ma50 underside right so that's the concept  is that's how you can play these markets where   you really want to be long ptc and if btc flips  46k you close all the shorts you close all those   all coin shorts because bitcoin's gonna take the  whole market with it uh essentially at that point   right what's up yo north korea all right all right  north korea in the house what's going on there   just saying checking in on everybody in the  chat room it's been a while here i've been uh   i've been chad's as a mage i'll take that as a  compliment i appreciate that you're a wizard thank   you so much chad is a major wizard harry no doubt  checking everyone here a lot of comments here in   the chat room all right you folks are having fun  i'm having fun so um that's it right we're hedging   okay all right february 28th what's next march  1st march 1st all right where are where are we at march 1st all right next day it's pretty  good we got but we're but we're observing   something here already large green candle  small real candle body japanese candlestick   theory momentum you think  about momentum candle body size   cheat sheet everything this is me telling you like  you gotta not it's not read between the lines but   i'm a little breathed between the lines and i'm  also kind of being obvious i'm saying listen we   are testing incredibly important resistance why  did i say this march 1st if we break 46 i'm big   chad do you ever see me talking about fomo are  you serious i'm the guy who's telling you to   wait i'm the guy's telling you to be careful  and not fomo okay when you see this tweet   if you break if we break 40k full permission  to fomo like it should be it should be 10 out   of 10 obvious that that is a really big level  really big level we're supposed to reject there   if we don't we go long which is why i said uh you  know if we break 46k full permission to go fomo   then i clarified cheat cheat everything under 46k  is a relief rally i saw some people and folks uh   love you chad good to see you as well  holland as well good to see you awesome   uh let's see sub chads what's going on iceland  that's awesome good to see you iceland i've been   i watched the vikings on valhalla i was  watching uh and then i started this whole   youtube rabbit hole by king canoe the north  sea empire like like norway denmark england   like all sorts of stuff in history i wanted  a whole tangent i'm totally into that stuff   um so i'm saying look everything under 46k  it's a relief rally there were some people   my like um colleagues if you want like you  know other whatever influencers and i don't   i try to think of myself as an educator but  i saw people again like as i said up here   right what were they doing they're calling bottom  they were doing it here and it's like what do it's   like it's like what are you doing what are you  doing like we're still below 46k oh they've got   their own fancy system and oh my system confirms  bottoms in no there's no bottom it's 46k like   your system you listening to this right now your  system's too complicated just watch just watch   key levels just watch key levels it's so simple it  just works it's literally undefeated and you know   i mean not literally not literally but  mostly undefeated you watch my videos   on youtube we've been undefeated we haven't  really been surprised by bitcoin it's just   it's just played to the chart it's made sense  it's been very neat and orderly so these people   who are calling bottom here drove me crazy and  that's why i put out these tweets a little bit   of a sub tweet to some other folks who were out  there confirming bottom when there was no bottom   cheat sheet you know hey guys you know it's  still a relief rally just to remind you you know   and i'm not here to like be the the buzz  kill i'm not out here to be a buzzkill   like i'm just i just i'm trying to give value  i'm trying to be as honest as objective as i   can it's academic academic to me it's it's  fun it's practice um but like it's just um   i i i end up i end up being that guy sometimes who  says listen like it's not it's no we're not there   yet and it's important because over time capital  like get out you gotta protect your your capital   and you learn to wait for confirmation  bottom line 46k needed to flip   all right so i said relief rally under 46k march  first big big big signal we got march 2nd this is   my twitter feed it's on twitter this is free go to  go to my youtube my twitter it's literally free i   do it for fun um and uh four-legged four-hour long  leg doji is notable at range highs and then i said   ma200 currently says we went and hit the ma200  later all right don't tell me ta doesn't work like   i don't i don't care about the news i only  focus on the chart don't tell me that doesn't   work what do we see here this is 436. i put  out tweet warning sign this is a tweet you  

read this you know me by now you see this  is a warning sign tweet chad just telling me   like warning thank you thank you thank you  you're quite welcome i like it i hate twitter   i'm the same i've had to scale way back and  reading my replies just for mental health   no doubt about that um plan b said rsi  extremely [ __ ] i don't know what that means   i like the guy but we've disagreed on analysis and  if you look i've been right okay rsi rsi oversold   can only be oversold because it's bearish  okay rsi below 30 is a better reason to sell   than to buy all right so you know a lot of people  get that one wrong a lot of people so warning sign   japanese candle six there's the four  hour this is on march 2nd this was like   this is like a high really big signal all right  if you understand candlestick theory and there it   was look at this candle this candle told you  to be careful maybe to sell that was like 43   you know it closed at 43 uh 44k where are we now  we're like 39k look at that candle is so textbook   outside bar after in advance volatility candle  it shows kind of the stalled uptrend it's just   it's it's just out of a textbook it is out of  a textbook right at key supply key resistance   it doesn't get it literally doesn't get any  easier than this it just doesn't it's right   there it is right there relief rally warning  sign ma200 40.5 for our ma200 what did we do   we just tagged the 4-hour me 200 like couple  days later and now we're below it right we   failed to hold there it should have held look  uh you know support failed rejection resistance   resistance flip over should have held it didn't  that was a clue but we tested it all right it's   that easy this isn't you know you're making it  too complicated right just pay attention here march 2nd march 2nd if btc stalls here  your alts are not going to hold up   show me your alts that have held up  from here march 2nd what what is held up   what's held up what's held up i mean i don't  think much is held up i mean what's held up   even the best stuff even the best stuff adam's  pretty good adam's held up actually march 2nd   all right there's relative strength let's go  down the list that's relative strength ftm   march 2nd has not held up and ftm has been one of  the better altcoins avax has not held up avax has   been one of the better ones has not held up luna  from march 2nd has not held up and that's been   you know undoubtedly one of the strongest market  participants atom has not held up nothing almost   nothing has held up look at that go down the list  they've all faded your altcoins you had you had   uh you had pretty clear you had pretty clear  exit signal at that point in my opinion   right it's like listen we got a big warning  sign and your alts are not going to hold here   if btc stalls and inherent in that is that  if we flip 46 go long in your alts add up   to them right but be defensive you have to be  defensive we've just bounced lower bollinger   to the upper bollinger at that  point what's up chad good to see you   west chicago burbs good to see everybody thank you  appreciate that you enjoyed my book from denver   humble brag absolutely my ego is out of control  it's a problem and i admit that i try to be humble   but my ego is out of control so it's something  in the middle i try to be aware of that um okay   so there you go watch your alts they're not going  to hold up okay they didn't hold up and here we go   throw back to 40k right so now we're  throwing back to 40k i'm basically saying   we need to hold 46 right this is from this candle  we need to hold 46 if not 40k throwback to 40k 40k   failed and then boom shields up below 46k march  4th today a little bit earlier i basically said   you know get out basically get out i mean uh  you know we broke 40k it's time to get out right   bottom line um it's a clear level if we bounce up  right now and we get above 40k over the weekend   is probably gonna chop around if you get about  40k go long again it's not complicated have fun   with that it's pretty pretty nice and simple  um but it's a clear sell signal at that point   that's the key level we extended over we extend  it over we extend it over top of the rectangle   macro lower high january high february low yadda  yadda yadda i think that's um that pretty much   explains it all let's see what's going on 20k  incoming i don't i don't i don't really know um i think if we break 30k   we'll we'll see 20k if we don't immediately get  back up above 30k i think that's kind of how i'm   looking at it we're kind of thinking about  these big major zones you can buy my book on amazon thank you for asking my book is  available on amazon kindle audiobook hardcover   uh and paperback uh and or just the free version  in on youtube you can check that out in my   um you know my tutorials uh love you chad's  carmel appreciate that i'm gonna i'm gonna   wrap it up here in a minute i'm just gonna  see if there's anything that i want to   address from the chat room i appreciate that  um everybody just reading in here everybody i   appreciate that look folks trading's super hard  i'll just look i'll just talk to you directly   trading's really hard um like if you're on a  roll if you're on a roll you're gonna find a   way to screw it up you're gonna find a way  to lose money right so it's all it's just   like battle with yourself never too high never  too low you have to constantly check your game   you have to really have to find discipline so  like it's not just how you're trading it's like   what you're doing outside of the trading are  you outside of trading are you eating well   are you sleeping well you know like are  you doing things in your life that are   gonna gonna offer you more discipline you need  to be disciplined because trading will just   it's just gonna it's just gonna mess with you in  every possible way in ways you could have never   imagined you need to survive as a trader by um you  know risking less and really sticking to your stop   loss so just come into it expecting to fail really  hard and many times before you're going to make it   don't be don't be arrogant don't be cocky you  know just just bet a little bit and try to get   experience that's really the only way you're going  to do it um that was pretty that was a pretty poor   attempt at wisdom i mean it's better in the book  i mean that was the whole reason i wrote this book   let's get this going here i want to remind  you folks that you can find me i am on twitter   at big chads academic observations about  price trading psychology risk management   uh the book is available of course on amazon look  at that look at that that's ridiculous f be 4.985   that's unbelievable i'm blown away so it's  been it's been really well received um thank   you you know deep heartfelt thank you um  and like i said check out the free version   on youtube go to my youtube hit like hit subscribe  playlist trading wisdom i've done 12 of 50. i will  

do the whole book for free um i have a new book  coming out sometime later this year as well i'm   working on it right now it's in draft form it's  some of the quotes from the book and um some   some my other quotes as well i hope you'll enjoy  that um if you're really serious about learning   how to trade i i'm really proud of the fact that  i'm a founding analyst at bitcoin live i've been   doing long-form video updates for them for for  almost four years and i never miss an update   i take my laptop my microphone with me  i have a trip i just booked and i always   already have planned out like where and how  i'm going to do my bitcoin live update so   it's important to me and like i said like we  haven't really been we haven't really been   caught off guard you can you could join right now  you can watch four years of videos and you'll see   especially this year all 2021 we really have not  been caught off guard and bitcoin's just trading   the levels and i'm enjoying trading it trading  it and talking about it and i'm really proud of   that um when you join you get access to everyone's  stuff it's not just mine we have an unbelievable   team you get access to everyone's content so i  definitely would encourage you to check that out   thank you for letting me kind of um talk to  you about that i appreciate that opportunity   it's friday night i want to thank you for taking  time out of your busy day to to listen to me um i   think it's important we try to spread some love  we tried to spread some good vibes um out there   it's you know not everyone is having a good time  so let's just try to spread some good energy and   hopefully that will do something but you know more  than anything i want to let you know i appreciate   each and every one of you  for listening for watching   i may not have seen your comments in  the chat room i may miss your uh tweets   your your notifications but i'm not  ignoring you i definitely want you   to know i appreciate you so that's that  let's have a little bit of fun shall we foreign

2022-03-06 23:23

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