$200/Hour Pressure Washing Business (17+ Years and Still Going Strong)

$200/Hour Pressure Washing Business (17+ Years and Still Going Strong)

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- Wouldn't it be great if you could have your own pressure washing business without having a single employee? With his business, Accolades Pressure Washing, Allen Cox doesn't have one single employee and makes a stable $8,000 a month. (upbeat music) In this UpFlip episode, we talked to Mr. Allen Cox about how he became so successful. The man went from McDonald's, and now he has this huge rig that's one of the biggest in the country. I mean, take a look at this unit right here.

This thing is huge. And this is his moneymaker. - This is the largest machine in the United States, - Okay. - and probably thereby by the world. I had one month and I made $100,000. This top one is 350 feet long, and this is a 2,000 gallon tank.

Once I can show the customer what I can do different and better. - Yeah. - I always get them. I really have no competitors. I've never lost a customer. If I work for him once, I work for him from then on.

The average jobs is probably around $2,400. 'Cause here's the heart, pretty big generator, big enough to run a house. The potential for this truck alone, you could easily make all by yourself a quarter of a million dollars.

- Wow. He's gonna talk about how he's been in the business so long, how he pays attention to detail, and how he keeps his prices so nice that he can go home with a little bit of money in his pocket. He's gonna show you all that today on this episode of UpFlip. (upbeat music) Could you just give us a little background, introduce yourself, you know, tell us how you got into the pressure washing business here? - Well, I started working with a couple of other big companies, - Okay. just an employee, found out I wasn't a good one. (Justus laughs) Decided that I would start my own business where I could be my own boss and troublemaker.

- So, what made you get into the pressure washing business? What was attractive about it? - Well, it's kind of fun to clean things - Yeah. - and make a big difference. At the time when I first started back in 1985, it was a relatively new industry. - Oh. - And so, to that extent, I was somewhat of a pioneer at that point. - Got you. - And then it just kind of grew well. It's a job where you choose your own times, and it's a fun business from that point of view. - Absolutely.

And from what we spoke about behind the camera, you had a pressure washing business before you started Accolade. Can you tell us about that? - Yeah, the first business was my first machine I built also. - Okay. - And it was about half this size. - Wow. - And it was big for the time and it's kind of an industry standard now. - Okay. - But this one is twice the size of the industry standard.

(upbeat music) - What sets Accolades Pressure Washing apart from other pressure washing businesses? - Well, this is one of those areas where size matters. - Okay. (both laughing) - And this is the largest machine in the United States - Okay. - and probably thereby by the world. - Wow. - You can't buy this, you have to build it. - Yeah. - So you need to have some mechanical background to do that kind of thing.

It's a very simple machine if you look at it in sections because all of the pressure washers pretty much do the same thing. It just does it bigger. - Got you. And tell me this. How important is it to you for your business to be unique and stand out from other pressure washing companies and businesses? - Well, the unique thing is, again, the size is what dictates that. That's what I wanted to stand out for.

I want to do commercial work only. I very seldom do anything that's not commercial. - Okay. (upbeat music) - What were some of the initial costs for you? And what did you invest in the very beginning just to kind of get up and running here? - Well, this machine like I said, it's my second machine, and it's more than twice as large as the first one. - Okay. - But this machine I put about $86,000 in it. - Wow. - And you know, I had to borrow against the house to do that. And it's been an excellent machine, but today it would cost more than twice that.

- Wow. Got you. So over time, the cost for something like this is- - Well, everything's gone up. - Yeah. (laughing) - Everything's gone up.

- And of course, he's gonna show us everything inside of his rig, his tools, the equipment that he uses that you could possibly invest in and use to start your pressure washing business. So make sure you stick around 'cause we're gonna get to that in this episode. (upbeat music) So, Mr. Cox, when it comes to profit margins, you know, what kind of are we talking about for your specific pressure washing business and doing commercial work? - Well, what's nice about working for myself, I don't have worker's comp. I don't have to pay employee something else. - Right. - I don't have to worry about somebody getting injured and I have to pay him when he's not working. - Very true.

- I don't have any of that. - Yeah. - So my profit margin is really high, - Okay. higher than most businesses.

I charge about $200 an hour and I've been doing that for a decade. - Oh, wow. - It's time to raise that up. - Yeah, raise it up. Go ahead, raise it up.

- But on the other hand, when it comes time to giving bids, once I can show the customer what I can do different and better, I always get them. - Got you. - So there's a real benefit to that.

And I still make really good money when I'm working. - Got you. - Yeah. I'm kind of winding down 'cause I'm 67. So, I don't go out and really beat the bushes for a lot of work. I wait for old customers to call me back. - Nice. - The money is great.

- So from your $200 or $300 that you might charge initially, what will be your takeaway, your percentage you would say from that, at the end of the day, once the job's complete? - Yeah, I would say it's about 80% goes in my pocket. - Okay. - And then the rest is for maintenance and taxes and stuff like that. (upbeat music) - Mr. Allen Cox is gonna give us the insides, the outs of his huge rig.

You heard him say it earlier. It's one of the biggest, if not the only biggest in the country, maybe the world. He's got a lot equipment, a lot of tools in there. And now he's gonna show us exactly what goes into this beast right here. - We'll start here at the end. And what's interesting about starting here is, right here we have both the beginning and the end.

Beginning meaning this is where water goes in. And so, water can go two ways. This is an inlet hose. It's 250 feet long. And I can hook that up to a spigot or to a fire hydrant, either way. And then this is another way to fill it. I can hook it up to a fire hydrant with this fire hose.

And then it goes in the side, and it dumps into the hole here at the top of the tank. And this is a 2,000 gallon tank. And then when I'm done with a job, I can drain it by pulling this valve. And it comes through that big drain. This is a chemical dispenser. This is a 25 gallon tank that I can put full-strength chemicals in, and then spray it with this little sprayer here.

And then this is the outgoing, these two hose reels. And they're just two different lengths. This top one is 350 feet long and it's on a 12 volt hose reel that'll pull it back in when I'm done. And this is a 200 foot long hose when I don't need that that whole length. (upbeat music) - What's your overhead like for this business that you have here? And what's your biggest monthly expense? You know, the thing that every month, you know, you always got to come out of pocket for, but it's essential to what you do.

- Probably the biggest, and it's a roller coaster like the business is, that's the fuel. - Oh, right. - If I'm using all, you know, full amount of hot water, I use 12 gallons an hour of diesel. - Oh, wow. - So that can be big. And without heating the water, I'm only using a gallon and a quarter an hour, - Okay.

to run the pressure washer. - Got you. - So, but that does go up and down. And my fixed business insurance, about $1,100 a year, - Okay. - keeping this guy licensed. I pay in mileage.

This is a 33,000 pound truck. - Wow! - So it requires a commercial license to drive. - Got you, got to have that.

- So the red plate costs me $400 a year and then it's six and a half cents a mile. - Oh, wow. - You pay that monthly. - Got you.

(dramatic music) How long did it take for you to even break even just to, you know, make enough money to be okay? (chuckles) - With this one, or the first one, or both. - We'll do this one, Accolades, yeah. - This one, of course, it made money right away. But as far as getting to the point where it's paid the machine for, - Yeah.

- It probably took two years to pay for the machine. - Wow! For you, did that come quickly or did that two years, you know, just drag along for you? (laughs) - Oh, the first few months dragged. - Okay. - But after that, it picked up pretty regular.

- Yeah, would you say there is a difference with those two years than when you had your first pressure washing business? Did that one take a little bit longer? - Yeah, you know, I wasn't that much different than everybody else with the first machine. - Yeah. - But this machine is just so different. - Right. - It's a different clientele.

It's a different impression. - Yeah. - It does different work. - Yeah. - And I really have no competitors. (upbeat music) Oh, you may have noticed I have these lights here.

I do a lot of work at night, and I have 20 of these lights around. - Wow. - And I'm able to power that with a 25 kilowatt generator that's in here. - Wow. - It's a pretty big generator, big enough to run a house. And I need the electricity, one for those lights inside here. And then the burner part of this use electricity.

But here's the heart. And this is a Perkins diesel four-cylinder engine. It's a 98 horsepower engine.

It has its own governor, starts right up to 1,800 rpm. And it stays there regardless of the load. - Wow. - So a lot of the little pressure washers are going ee-ay, back and forth whether they're spraying or not. That doesn't do that. It just stays in one rpm. - Wow!

- And over here, we have the two pumps that make the high pressure. They, each one is nine gallons a minute at 4,000 psi. And they run by hoses over to these water heaters. But underneath that, this is the generator, the 25 kilowatt generator.

And here I just have a fuse breaker box for turning on my lights. And there's some plugs here, right? It's a 220 generator. So I have plugs in the back, if I had to run a welder for some reason. (upbeat music) - So, let's get down to the brass tacks, let's talk money. That's what people like to make, and we need, of course, to survive out here. Would you say monthly, what would you say ballpark number your revenue is? - Again, it's somewhat seasonal. - Okay.

- Summer months probably runs around 8,000. - Okay. - And then in the winter, if you talk about January, it's a good vacation time. - Right, yeah. (both laughing) And of course you said it's seasonal.

So, in what month, or what year do you think you made the most in a month during the summertime that was just ridiculous? It was like, you know, - Yeah. - crazy for you? (laughing) - I had one month that I made 100,000 but that's just rare. - Oh, my goodness! - You can't bank on that.

- 100,000 in just what, 30 days? - Yeah. - That's it. - Yeah. - Wow. - I had two big jobs back-to back. - Okay. - They went faster than I thought they would. - Really? - I thought it was gonna take me probably three weeks to do. - Okay. - It took me three days. - Wow!

- And the bid initially was $80,000. (breath whooshes) And all my expenses worked up to about 11,000. - Wow. - So the rest of that job for three days, was, you know, - All pocket money. - All pocket money. - Very nice. (upbeat music) - What's yours average total invoice amount? And then also, what are the profit margins that you're gonna see off that invoice once the job is complete? - That's a wide, wide range. - Yes.

- The littlest thing I do is a graffiti job, and I kind of have a flat $300 rate to just to go out and do that, plus chemical. - Okay. - So it's gonna range 312 to say 348, something like that. Those are the smallest things.

- Okay. - And it's possible to have several of those in a day, but usually it's just one. - Okay. - And then you have the wild ones that we talked about that, you know, they're just, you know, 60, $70,000 - Right.

- that you can't even count on them 'cause they're just so rare. - Got you. - The average jobs is probably around $2,400, and that's something I can get done in a day. - Okay. - The profit on that, those are usually cold water jobs. So I'll probably have, you know, 60, $70 in fuel. - Okay. - And you know, I have all the stuff like insurance and stuff that's yearly cost. - Right.

- You know, you need to put that in there, but they really are small over the period of a year. - Got you. So out of the 2,400, you'll take home about- - 22, at least. - Okay. Not bad.

- Yeah. - Not bad at all. (upbeat music) - These are water heaters. Inside each one of these is 480 feet of schedule 80 pipe.

It's coiled up in coils. They get smaller and smaller inside, so then it's pretty small in the center. And what happens here is underneath here is an oil burner, much like an oil burner that might heat a house, only it's a bigger nozzle because each one of these will use six gallons an hour, each one of them.

And so there's this big flame that shoots up to the center of it. And this is just an exhaust pipe to let all that out. And so it heats the water as it travels at 480 feet. So I can heat 18 gallons a minute instantly to boiling.

And I carry enough fuel to do that for 36 hours nonstop. - Wow! - They're just a simple dashboard over here that tells me about the motor, tells me the rpm, and water temperature, and fuel, how many hours it's run. These little bulbs, they're kind of strange things most pressure washers don't have. If you've ever run a pressure washer, you've probably feel it shake. Well, that's because there's three little pistons in here that are pumping the water and they make individual surges. These take that surge and even it out.

So they're filled with nitrogen, and then there's a kind of a bladder in there that fills up or collapses depending on what it needs to equalize that surge. And the advantage to that is it keeps things from wearing that we're taking that vibration - Wow. - along with your hands and everything else that was taking the vibration. - Yeah. - It takes all that out. (upbeat music) - What's the best way to bring in new customers? And how have you kept customers with your pressure washing business? - Well, I started in a number of different things.

- Okay. - My biggest client was a school district. - Oh. - And the way I started with them is they had a community service day. - Okay. - And I volunteered to do that.

- Wow! - So the guy that ran the maintenance came out and he was just really surprised because I had done this huge courtyard that usually takes them a week and I did it in four hours. - Wow! - And that impressed him. - Yeah. - And so I've been working for him exclusively the last 14 years. - Wow! - And I find that because of the machine and because I do great work, - Yeah. - and I always try to find something extra to do they didn't know it was coming.

- Right. - I've never lost a customer. If I work for him once, I worked for him from then on. - Wow! - So as far as the advertising going, if I was starting today, the most important thing for a startup is a great website. - Okay. And you need to keep control of it yourself, or you can add videos - Yeah. - and change them.

And partially because it's interesting. And the other part is Google likes you best. If you change things, they keep you up in front. - Got you.

(upbeat music) So for commercial pressure washing, why is a rig like this necessary? Why, like, why does it, why do you need all of this here? - The main thrust is of course the size, and the speed, and that I don't need employees to do the work of, you know, four or five guys. - Right, right. - [Allen] And then like the hugeness, like up here, the top reel is 350 feet long. - [Justus] Oh, my goodness.

- That lets me park the truck in the middle and work 700 feet. - Right. - And I don't have to stop and reposition and all that. So it's a time-saver. - Yeah. - Same thing with this hose inlet. I have this 2,000 gallon tank, which sounds like a lot, but when you're shooting 18 gallons a minute, it only lasts about an hour. - [Justus] Oh, wow.

- So you need to be able to consistently replenish it. Most places can't give you 18 gallons a minute, unless you're hooked to a fire hydrant. - Got you. - What you can do with this, you can hook this up to a fire hydrant and fill this tank up in five minutes.

- [Justus] Wow! - But it fills the tank hub. And even if you don't have 18 gallons a minute, it really slows down the emptying of the tank. And this is 250 feet long. So it can be quite a ways away from the closest spigot.

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You're gonna put it right under your dashboard, and it's gonna you all the data and information regarding your car. It's gonna help you keep it nice and healthy, and maintained even in dangerous situations. Now, how can you get it? Just check out the description right below this video.

There's a link to Amazon and at UpFlip, we trust Infocar. (upbeat music) As you mentioned, your website, have you had it all the years you've been in business? Or at a certain point, you said, "I need to have a website now because that's the thing." - I started when, right away. - Okay.

- I used a local company. And so that turned out to be local is good. But in my case, it turned out bad 'cause it was a husband and wife team, - Ah. - and they divorced. - Oh, man! - And so, I can't get into it. - Right, yeah.

- You want to be sure you have access to make changes yourself. Even though you don't know how, you want to be sure that you can, - Yes. - so that if you want to see you just want to change your price or you want to take one picture out and put another picture in, you don't want to have to pay somebody to do that. - And would you say the majority of your business comes from people going to your website? - Not anymore. - Oh, got you, okay.

- It's important to start with. - Right. - And it's important if you're still looking for more customers. - Okay. - The customer loyalty is phenomenal with this equipment and what I do.

- [Justus] They stick around. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And that's why like right now, I do very little advertising, mostly because I'm wanting to wind down at 67. - (chuckles) Yeah. - I stay as busy as I want to be busy. - Yeah. - The potential for this truck alone, you could easily make all by yourself a quarter of a million dollars.

- Wow. - Free and clear. - Yeah, easily. - But it comes down to advertising. - Right.

(upbeat music) You've mentioned a lot of your clients hear about you from previous clients. - Yeah. - How does that work for you? And are you asking for referrals or does this just happen naturally? - [Allen] The referral thing kind of comes naturally. I don't ask for it. - Okay. - I probably should, but I don't. - Yeah.

- It's kind of a, you know, people talk about this machine 'cause it's spectacular. - [Justus] Right, it definitely is. - And so, if you have like a meeting of people that are property managers, they will talk to each other. - Okay. - So that's helpful. - Got you. - School district people that manage the property, yeah, no, they don't talk to each other. It's just depends on interest. - Yeah.

- So, as far as getting word of mouth out, it's a small thing. Maybe it could be bigger if I pushed it. - Yeah. - But I don't do it. - Got you. - You know, I like to be able to select who I go to. I don't want somebody talking about this great machine.

And then the first thing they think of. "Yeah, I need my driveway cleaned." I don't want that. - Yeah, no. You don't want that, no. You want the big stuff.

- I want it the big stuff. - Yeah. - So it is best to look for those and go talk to him. (upbeat music) And then we come back here, and the tools that you use every day, - Okay. - all the time are these right here. And this is called a surface cleaner. - Got you.

- This was originally made by a company called Steel Eagle. - Okay. - I had to remake everything. The only parts that are original is this handle and this piece of metal right here. - Oh, got you. - Everything else I've changed. - Okay.

- And because of the size of the machine, the original ones are made with stamped aluminum. They're about 1/8 inch thick. - Okay. - This one is 1/2 inch thick. - Got you. - The reason that I needed the weight, the factory one, when I hooked it up to my machine, it became a flyer. - [Justus] Oh, wow! - It was going up. - Okay.

- So I'd have to a heavy one so it'll stay on the ground. - Yeah! - And so I had this custom-made out of 1/2 inch aluminum, custom wheel. These are solid rubber tires. The original ones were pneumatic. They go flat and then you have a bad day. So these are the kinds of things, and one is you learn along the way.

But this is specific for this machine because it's huge. - Got you. And what would you say the price range is for these right here? - You know, to buy this the way it was originally when it was too small for me, - Yeah. - they were about $1,400. - Okay. - I've got twice that in this one. - Okay. (upbeat music) How have you grown everything? 'Cause you're the owner, you're the operator.

You do it all. How have you been able to do that, you know, yourself? - You're not going out nine-to-five like everybody else. - Right, right. - So those days you're not working, you go out again, and you look for your work to be done. And you find out who controls that. - Right, yeah.

- And you talk to them and you leave a card, and you hope they call you someday. The other thing I do is I've partnered with another pressure washing company that has a lot of little machines. They do a lot of residential.

And when he gets a call to do something big, he either hires me to do it for him under his name, or I work with him. - Wow. - And that's a tough thing to get into 'cause you really have to trust each other not to steal each other's clients. - [Justus] Right, yeah. - So you have to be honest, both sides. - Yeah, it's been working for you guys. - And it works great.

As far as getting, you know, jobs that he can't do or can't do alone. - Yeah. - And then he brings me in. - And would you advise others? Do you think that could work for them as well? - Oh, yeah, it works for anybody 'cause I still get the calls for the house, and I say, "Well, I don't do it." And I tell them why. - Yeah. - And I said, but here's the guy I really suggest. And I give him his phone number.

- Nice. - Yeah, so it works back and forth. - Yeah, great teamwork.

- Yeah, it is. (upbeat music) - All right, guys, now it's time for the blitz questions. Just five really quick questions we're gonna run through with Mr. Cox. Mr. Cox, are you ready? - I hope so. - All right, (chuckles) first question.

Was there any point in time when you thought about going back to any old jobs and quitting the business? - No, nothing I've done before. - Okay. (laughs) Nothing before. That's a good answer. What would your ultimate business superpower be if you could one? - Oh, I wish I had one. It was sales. - Sales, okay.

- Sales is the most important thing. - There we go. If you could be the CEO of any company that you like, which company would it be? - General Motors. - Okay.

General Motors, that's not a bad one. That's a good one. What is one thing that you can not start your day without, except coffee? (Allen sighs) (Justus chuckles) - You know, I usually I start with nothing. - Okay. Got you. Oxygen.

- I just go to work. - There we go, self-starter. And then last one, number five. What is one quality in a client that is an instant deal breaker for you, that you will not work for them? - They ask for a discount.

- (laughs) Okay. No discounts. - No discounts. - You heard the man, straight from the source. No discounts. (laughing) (upbeat music) So as you've mentioned for commercial work, I'm just curious, why is it better to have a bigger rig? You know, why is bigger better in this business? - Yeah, well, roughly when you're doing volume, you'd look at the gallons per minute you put out.

Every time you double that, you quadruple the work you can get done with it. - Ah. - And that's why I can do the work pretty easily of four people with a commercially-made machine that's always much smaller than this. - [Justus] Got you. - And there's certain things that become important. Rinsing is the biggest part of the job.

Cleaning it off is just a simple function of pressure. - Okay. - And of course, the more volume, the faster that goes. - [Justus] Right, right. - But now you have a bunch of sediment or gravel or whatever you moved around and you have to rinse it off, otherwise you're leaving a mess. And the volume is rinsing. - Okay.

- And that's kind of, you kind of imagine how much faster you can go with a fire hose than a garden hose. - Right, yeah. - And this is a fire hose. - Got you. - And the rinsing is important because you want to leave the job looking good. Anything you leave that looks bad, that's what they remember about the job. - Right.

- Those are the details that gets you callbacks. - Got you, so volume is key. - Volume is a big importance. It's probably the most important just for the rinsing point of view. - Okay. - And it takes as long or longer to rinse the mess you've made than it does to make the mess. - Got you. (Allen chuckles)

Volume, (chuckles) that's it. (upbeat music) What else we got here? - Well, these are, this is probably the most common thing associated with pressure washing. - Got you. - And that's just, you know, spray gun. - Yup. - Then the interchangeable nozzles, you can pull these nozzles off and change them. - Okay. - This piece of aluminum pipe here, 1/2 inch aluminum pipe, I carry this stuff to thread new ones and make new ones right here in the truck. - Oh, got you.

- And this one is never a problem. But when we go to the other nozzle, - Okay. - this is called a turbo nozzle. - Wow, that looks like a turbo nozzle right there. (chuckles) - And what this does is it puts all the spray into a straight stream, - Okay.

- but then it rotates like this. - [Justus] Oh, wow. - [Allen] And that just chews things off. The reason that these can be a problem is because of the vibration of spinning. - [Justus] Okay.

- And that vibration transfers up to here and breaks the pipe right there. - Oh, wow. - So, what I've done here, this little piece is sacrificial, because when this breaks off, there's no one way to get it out, and you don't want that into the gun 'cause this gun's almost $200. - Got you. Okay.

Now, would you say, because you're doing commercial, it's essential for you to have two or maybe somebody who's doing residential pressure washing, they might only need one of these bad boys here? - People with little pressure washers don't have a problem with that. - Oh, okay. - They're just too small to make enough volume to hurt anything. - Okay. (chuckles) - That's the way, I mean, I don't mean to just brag about the size, - Right.

- but those are just the facts. (chuckles) - Right, but when you're doing commercial work, you need something heavy-duty. - You know, it's all about speed. - Yeah. - You know, you want to get done and move on. - Got you.

(upbeat music) In the future, do you have an idea of what you might sell this thing for down the line when you're really done or? - I would sell it one or two ways. - Okay. - The machine by itself for about 85,000. - Okay, okay. - Machine and business just for another 10 on top of that. - Wow! You have just like that.

- Yeah, the thing about pressure washing is you can sell your business, but you have no guarantee those clients are gonna stay with you. They hire on to me because of the machine. - Right, yeah. - [Allen] But they don't know the next guy coming in. - Right. Exactly.

- Now he's got an in because he's got the biggest machine in the world, pretty much. - Right, yeah. - And as long as you do good work, - Yes. - you're honest, you do what you say you're gonna do or a little more, you'll retain them. - Absolutely. And do you see yourself say when you eventually do sell this and the business, that's when you'll go into just, you know, creating big monsters like this and selling them? - Yeah, I just would like to try that. You know, I'll build one, see if it sells, if it doesn't, then I won't do that. (chuckles)

- Yeah, got you. Yeah, you got to test it out just to make sure. (laughs) - Yeah, I'd like to sell them to the military. - Yeah, yeah.

I'm sure they'd have a use for it. (laughs) - Oh, they do. They use, they clean jets. - Yeah. - And they clean, you know, helicopters, ships, they clean all kinds of things. And right now they're stuck with the little stuff.

- Right. - They can't get one of these. - Yeah. - They don't know they exist. - They have a need for something like this right now.

(upbeat music) Based on your current business right now and all the success you've had, if you had to go and get a client, a brand new client today, you're going into that office, what are you telling them to earn their business going forward? - Well, let's start with, I would drive around and find a place that needs cleaning. - Okay. - Then I'd ask around usually they're tenants that are in the warehouses. You find out who owns and controls it.

- Okay. - Then you go into that office, and you explain what you do. And I kind of enjoy telling them I have the largest pressure washer in the United States, probably the world. - Wow.

- And I'm specifically set up to do this kind of commercial work. - Right. - And I have great experience at it. - Yeah. - And that usually lets them listen. - Yeah.

- The odds are, you're not gonna hear anything from them right away. People are busy doing their business. - Right. - And now you've talked to them about how messy their business is. - Yeah. (laughs) - Now it's in their mind.

- They're thinking about it. - When they walk out of their business, get in their car, they're, "Oh yeah, that does look terrible." (Justus laughs) - Where's that guy's card? - Yeah. - You know, and then that's how things get started. (upbeat music) - We had a great time out here.

You showed us, you know, how everything works, you know, what you've been doing over the last, you know, almost 20 years to be successful in the business. And you know, we really appreciate it. Our viewers out there, they've got a nice inside look at the biggest rig in the country and maybe the world.

- Maybe. - (laughs) And I don't know if they're gonna be able to do it at this scale, but at least they've learned something. - Yeah. - So, you know,

we definitely appreciate it. - Sure. - And you know, thank you, sir. - Thanks for coming. - Yeah, thank you. And as always for UpFlip, I'm Justus Rogers.

Guys, make sure that you subscribe to the channel, you like this video and hit the bell icon so you get the notifications for our next drop. For UpFlip, I'm Justus Rogers.

2021-07-14 15:09

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