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Cristiano. Ronaldo's. Has, joined the, shapeshifters. Promo, in squad, 2 as a, right-winger. Shrine alexander arnold can't a there, are bangers, this week in shapeshifters. So, we're gonna try and get them today for the first time in fifa, history. Cristiano. Ronaldo, has, a left-footed, card, we are trying to break the foot off world record, and the most subscribers, in one day records so if you cook it the subscribe button it, would help us all together get. A world record for the most subs, in, 24. Hours so I need your help in doing that please, subscribe. But. Wing of formation, is vital. But. Sadly we've. Only got the 4-2-3-1. Calling, it Cristiano, Ronaldo, shape-shifts. Isn't start 11, but if formation is so good we don't need him yet, 94. Messi for the bench oh, I'm. Gonna, take it mean and we still have 4 slots at Cam's to, get bangers striker, come. On just, start off correctly you, say viola, that's huge. But comes good as well and oven ira taken, any of those when, you save you 94, that, has a good star I had love sent affords a striker you can play them a kami get good chemistry, but, cams regardless. We've. Got 97. Sedan Oh My, gods. Guys, crazy. Sees you himself other, cams, this, is all, very, caustic. Aggie I knew. It was an icon. Still good final. Cam imagine. Like a de Bruyne or something, oh the. Go p-- future, start nice and mouth now, that isn't. A bad front for why did I take Mesa Mountain you wonder well, I'm planning on getting a team of the year from, Chelsea, and, we just get the, team idiot nominees one gray. Obviously, becoming for one man for swimming meet every, rating we can get the, goat Sonali plus, six other side, and, cants. O. Zanetti. Only. Free ratings, lower link our tastes are not too bad we've, already got four icons, but the thing is though if you don't get team in years it means nothing so hopefully, now we. Can pour Team of the Year I think. You have an 87 cards to go for him other size, I'm, sensing. Or. I thought. I didn't, feel like we're gonna get trend there I go, for the Italian, name linked up nicely, Center, back number, one Baresi. This drop is crazy. Other center back if we can somehow poor team of the year we, would have been good but this is still crazy is already, a 190. Without, a keeper come, on keep on please, please. 90. 82 keeper come on. Get. A link I'll go for Edison, it's already, a one line to what, imagine, we can pull an allison he would actually work as well we're audio. Yeah. It's down to 101, as well oh my god man. It's good but if we don't get team adheres the dress useless, like orange is good but. We need team, of years like that's the difference sheena 1 9 2 and a 1 no fault, come on come. On team of the years or. Over, Mars is huge, we've, put you in our where, can I put you only, one has one there that's, good enough for me and it's the one though free, if we, can get one cam come on wait I'm begging. Team of the years ah Van, Dyke night to, is such a good freezing. Oh I, can't get too near one but I had to take your boys we, need that rating we need them right back and a better cam that's, what we need, i hazard, though that's not bad. Where, can I put hazard ah I, guess, he stays on the reserves for now okay, final, reserves to, decided, this success, reserves, or a stinky, one Tarara, it, was kind of successful when, we need a lot more I can't, lie Brian.

Babble Martinez, come. On de bruyne just, come out to pay the wine please. Oh damn. It so far it's. Gonna be a 192, boys, unless. I just get a big, deal, it is one night two of them one, people way, this. Is not one my free. No. Ways, this, house. That one mine too. Ah, okay. I need to get. One cam does, that get me the full chemistry, and put the rating it, does not. A bad first drafts, but this is difference between one life force and, one mine two's you, need the team of the years that's literally, a one, life full foot draft it, just need a team of the years but look at that for y con n scream wait, that's. Crazy, we have switched to the Xbox because, on ps4 and, FIFA. PC. It keeps crashing, on load up that everyone. Arcade. So, now we're finally here for, two free one again no I'm gonna take wingers I'm really. Ban, him on that Ronaldo and you know what, so, Campbell, icon links up so everyone doesn't, take up a slot where we can get a banging, captain, or well like a banging forward so, ago Campbell, right, wing imagine. We just get Romero from the get-go we. Don't but a 95, messy I've seen, worse an 89. And a 95, now. A strike, up oh. The. Only one who links is a Cardian. Oh ah. I'm, gonna go ebooks, as a better and Bappi I risked, it but not too much now. Oh we. Could have actually paid a car dealer in canaima but, god bonce it's only one ring lower than the knee Mart this isn't bad set, the mids can we pick up a Gerrard yes we can. Sleepy, G that's, a banger, this, is looking not bad you know other sites, can watch come back no. But we got his Real Madrid counterpart, in Toni, Kroos you've got three icons already right. Back, ok. It's not great you. Have got I'm a winters, upgrade car so I'm gonna go I'll. Go Cedric, left, back come, on Jordi, Alba we've. Got the Jordi Alba this is linking, up nicely another 66. Chemistry, we just need some big defenders, beretti's. Humongous. The best in the back you can get other, than the ninth or Bresson team of the year's, solids. Now, final defender, come, on icon. I can't, get an icon on that border you probably like what yes you can no, because the only two icons you can get centre-back Primerica. Moments on that border are per se in Campbell and you know what we, have both of them so. Go Dean Oh kula. By e IQ. By RS kit for cam plus free there we go, now keeper, there's, no icon keepers why you show me that border, hand, danovich links, we, only need seven, more cam and that's Eva a new, strike are a new or a new right back so, we're not gonna go sub keeper next we don't need a keeper at a moment reserves. We, have got a black that's, a better than what some people we're gonna get let's have a look if we, actually would have got a good subkey, / no. So, we kind of lucked out there, come, on yourselves number two we've, got Cristiano. Ronaldo, but green Cho what's, better and, we want a baron out of saccharin sure there.

We Go way, better chemistry, I doubt, it's going to 9 1 I can't, really fit um, Messi. In I guess if we do that goes 91. Now, we just even, need the new centre back or new striker, which are full lights coming now, all Zanetti. Have to take it there, we go +4 it says it's 92, that is huge wait. Okay. We need Messi in the start 11 so, we need a striker to pop so, badly, please, a striker, please. Oh a. Grey, road does, he do it I, don't. Think he does for another Sanchez don't it's. Gonna be a 92 if we just get a new psych up come. On the, last good for racing this, is going really well we just need a striker, of Bama yang upgraded. Gal. Graded the boss will run four games in a row apparently. So, so I'm gonna go as fast and, you're like Alfie that wasn't even a high street er there but, watch if, we go bang and then, put you in there and then, there. These. Just show me one by two that'll make my day it's. One line - this, is going well come on we, need a team in the air to pop please, all. We're, taking future stars, it's. Not looking great oh yeah 87. The new Chelsea, man two, picks remaining baby Blinn's finally. We got ruined, on the reserves but. Manager. It's, a solid, one then one I'm gonna play with it so that's, not too bad I can't be too upset I can't believe it we only got shown one. Of the shapeshifters. And it wasn't even a new one there, are so many icons, that's, kind of lit I can't lie winger, formation, please, the. 5 2 2 1 I have, a theory of taking, the same formation, back to back it's a logo, we, are not gonna be doing that so, I'm gonna go 4 3 2 1 we, can still get the Ronaldo in right forwards, hopefully. We don't see him as Captain we. Haven't, had, I'm gonna, go for him over hazard because hazards, takes up a stop where you can get a better Ronaldo, a better, hazard, of team, of the amani whereas, Hagee the, only good sentiments, in foot, draft of trying, jared and beyond. Me and memory on the spot shouldn't, go together where do I send the mids first I knew we were gonna get bad hit so I went to the mids, our, limit builder 93. Gerard's, I, crossed. My fingers we, didn't we go dumb ingress okay. I'm sensing, because. We've got Dominguez. And Hagee it. Makes sense from an out oh he, would work so well here I saw. The green of boy could be with Haldol ah we, go far Mohamed Salah the Egyptian, got himself, left-wing. Bonds. Is, always. Bonds on that border I'm gonna go for it no I don't need to they get the same chemistry I was thinking, because, they, both have, two links like a striker, come on a Nikon Chris, bow there we go guys, a big drop you know I've got a 91, Hagee a 90, Salah 92. Crespo 91, hazards, we've, got the racing here we really do we, just need to pick up some. Of these new cards and some, t-midi is we go for this guy since. About number, one Ramos. Or the piracy 94. Come. On this is a big, draft Maurice. He 94, that is my third icon, I was, happy enough with BrahMos but, per se links, up to everyone, other side, now, a team in here would make my day almost, special, cars on that border but. Baton. Who'd we go from here I guess the ports nationality, French. Could come in handy right. Back, I'm sensing. No one I knew, only anyone, I don't know we're going from extreme, Ian's really, good picks too bad, Reuben, Pina, +12. Now, keeper, common, Allyson, I knew. It'd get Alison but I didn't think it would be that one I guess. Laurie, oh wait. The real intox is French I was gonna say this thing Edison see strong links for sodas Murray 95. Chem this, is savable, were only a one team Illya play away from the big draft and now, ego big. Team of the Year roberson they left back himself he. Technically. Doesn't. Really work on my mom but we have to take him only, minus three but it is 90 rated which is a W both team of the air we've seen one, of those new shapeshifter, cards hopefully. More, to come than Sun, Zi Oh. McAuliffe. She doesn't do anything you, know what I really, need I need another icon, sentiment, or, like debris no woodwork insanely.

The. Reserves haven't gone well so far Ramos. Fieri I'm, thinking. Ramos, cook. He kind of completes, that Spanish triangle, where's the area I could paint right. Forward or left forward and he gets orange cap oh I'm. Gonna do that because it's Eva I gets the same cab Oh No, I think, Ramis would have got the same anyway so I'm gonna put you there, and then plus. Three because of the Argentinian, link that was a W, we, just needs, come. On Marcelo, I don't, know what we needs Marcelo. Doesn't, actually do anything I, guess, he does he links up to everyone, to fare plus. 5/100. Chem please. One. No one this is a good draft we need defenders, now and me fill this angle go defensive. A midfielder. Picks through. PA Vincent. Kompany oh I. Go Vincent Kompany 85, come. On boys Tellez. Alba. Tell. Is a noise good this. Isn't happen for us this draft for, ad regos good for racing we, take it can't, sneak him in anywhere, oh come. On icons, Gerrard. There we go that, is beautiful. Get out of here now, we can just have any right back, come, on we. Will take him back a final. Attacker. Suarez. Rui Casas we've, come from average, midfield, to, an incredible. Midfield look, at that a full, waikumete field I don't care Marcelo, slower rate it's a higher, rated I can't speak like a imagine. We get Alison as keeper it, can't be it's, always, the same keepers in that border but go daheia put. Him in if we, order this bench and see one line one it's a double you so, after you it's, 1 9 1 if we can get the chem who needs to get the cam oh we, can keep you in there, we go one by one that's. A sick draft we got one, two three four five icons six. Actually if you include the one on the bench I'm not job set with that so, many icons, and you know me I'm gonna win the foot drops with, that draft 5 2 2 1 again, or. The free fall free flap I'm gonna go five two two one I genuinely, love, this formation. There's Cristiano. Too, bad he's not left footed and, on. The right wing I'm gonna go Owen because there is so many good defenders, right, wing come, on run out that's, a complete opposite, from Ronaldo, give me a good left wing up for the bad right winger. Yes give me the wrong Reynaldo Thank, You a that's what I love to see that's, what I'll have to see, but. Go for Neymar it's a night free rated so it's not too bad, send them in number one Tony. Cruz. It's a nitrate your payer so we can't complain, other sentiments. All. Decisions. I'm, gonna risk it you know me you know me I take every, risk okay, I'm gonna go keep her and see what's in the box we needs we. Have got Alison, we. Will take him send about number one we, got Virgil, I'm gonna take you to see link so well now a baresi, I, knew, it beaver se come on and. You can't risk it every time I risk it with renowed I'm not taking them I didn't, take a messy frightening, that's another risk I'm gonna go in future stars tomorrow now. Left or right back I want, to see a Robertson, or a trend not. That Robertson, but we got a new Ricardo, Barreiro that's, pretty gasps right. Back come on come. On oh we've. Got another one of those shapeshifter, cards but he doesn't work we just need a new right winger and since, he made years some, icons, cook it up he a. Martinelli. We, will take it how did actually works really well for chem but. At night two easy. Decisions. He, gets the same chem and it's an improvement. We, can put not name there, and then if we put me my hair 91. It is a 91, oh I'm. Gonna go house it's awesome improvement, when, a six, you know Appa pays, crazy. Okay. We need a centimeter, fit him in as well the, reserves have been okay. And now, the servers, have been mediocre. Final. Reserves the. Yeah we you know that's. Kind, of unhelpful. I don't leave the area at this moment of time but.

Template. Min for crews I do. Price crazy. I said crazy a lot but I'm genuinely this getting surprised more, and more every single position we, need a right, winger or a left, winger but we need a messy, we, need a left all bail, gets me 100 chem second. Highest rated we, leave one owes us for now but we know we can get 100 chem now, sedan, that is HUGE. There, we go 100, chem can. We put hazard in now and a maybe swap, Oh, what. Can we do it's, still only a one on one with common, this needs to be an icon if, so. Campbell. Come on wait. I didn't mean to do that, final. Keeper, come on oh. It's. Gonna be a one they want whatever so, I'm gonna put you there and I put bail in plus seven, wait, where someone can listen problem what. Okay, we try and get one cam off the manager, can't be too upset with that draft we got so many icons, again icons. Galore, today gonna go three four one two I've taken five two two one way, too many times today capped, him come on, Suarez. Maisie. Well we're not trying to get messy today Annie goes right mid so we will take him ran out oh my, god you've got Harlan, the saucy German, striker, and please, pop an icon here, Crespo, is, incredible. But, do we go for your savior cuz he's higher rated, crest. Wipers messy on full cam but, you know me if we, get Ronaldo, the camera is insanely. Left-wing. Come. On, Barnes. I'm gonna, go hazardous. I'm. Gonna go Neymar, actually because he's an icon linked up to everyone that's not bad let me go send a box oh that's. Not great I genuinely thought it'd be a good pic centre-back. Number two good. Pick but. How the firewalls. Are, I'm. Gonna take out if I would like yes, and, a final defender, please team, of the year no. 91. Inform, Ramos Stalin it's not bad send. Them it's Gerard. Come on can. Sometimes, get jarred on that border her, a hug gets free camp, Gbagbo. Good. Pre-hook the safe chemistry, can't risk it every time now, no. DeYoung, will not break 100 I'm. Gonna go cast a mirror actually that's, better even though Sal would strongly to pray Holmes well now. He thinks it's a name I didn't even think of that however, Mars is even, better than Hagee curse and Nationality ok goalkeeper, please, someone. Who links we're, really not getting good keep us today you know other keeper, please. Good keeper, we. Take it to Sagan and we all actually gets now, witnessing, Chris something, it's, not bad we need a right meds and a, right-center back we. Will take Tony, come. On right meds right centre backs as why needs of, where. Are you know just good for racing death near one by one it's. Not, I'm really surprised about that it must be a strong 119, Tom. Barnes came back but we don't need him so, go for Salah plus six definitely. A one line one we need racing, now boys hazard. And van Dijk Bandai gets so much better cap. They both get strongly, so we don't get a better camera oh my this is a long day we. Need so, much on, skis coming back go away. Okay we're finally taking up that small camera right plus, with one oh. I. Know what I could do for more camp made me do that and then put a grow up top it's at Morecambe, 90. Hm. And then if we put Messi there, and. Then. That's. The best we're gonna get I think you. Know it's a it's. Not bad 90 a we can get to camp from the manager, today's been one line ones good law have, so many of them they, are all insane, and so close to one line twos but, today I'm just not seeing team in here so I can't do anything the first one line for F are in FIFA, history, cause I'm camera click, here you don't want to miss here it's the highest-rated, draft possible. On YouTube. An absolute, banger hit this video right now you would not owe credit even better, than, this one.

2020-03-02 16:35

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