95% of You Will Ignore This 2018 Marketing Strategy | Business Squared Keynote in Australia

95% of You Will Ignore This 2018 Marketing Strategy | Business Squared Keynote in Australia

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What. Up Brisbane. Sit. Sit sit let's. Do this. Brisbane. Thank. You so much for that intro, super. Excited to be here it's, been a long week New, York to, Oslo, to Noah to. Copenhagen. To Moscow, to LA, now, here, and I'm, thrilled to be here Sydney tonight so, doubleheader for me which, is exciting, first. Of all I want to thank you guys for taking. The time to, be here there's. A lot of things that I want to cover in our time together and then I also want to really focus on some Q&A at the end but, really the couple things that I want to talk about our mindset. And tactics. I think. The things that will really stand out and and I have, been following, along on social, and Instagram, and watching all of you tag there's, so much context. For what I talk about here I want to make sure that I don't go into places that you guys are already used to or you can watch on. YouTube, I want, to talk about things that have been really emerging, to me lately and. The. Biggest one is mindset, you know to me the thing that has really. Become fascinating. You know the. Reason there's not a lot of content, that. I put out between 2011. And 2014, if, you go back and look at the, Internet is because I needed to go run and build vaynermedia. Again, for myself, because, after writing crush' and speaking, a little bit from, 2009, to 2011, I was. Starting to get into a place where people, were talking about me and calling me a speaker, or a motivational, speaker and or. An author which is super fine and an incredible, thing, to do but. For me my. Pride isn't being a practitioner, and being an entrepreneur and being a CEO I needed to build another. 100, million dollar plus business really, to be frank with you I need to feel comfortable, standing, here, and spitting. My two cents, on things I think that you, need to have an execution. Other, than ideas. To. Have the audacity to stand up here and expect people to waste. Their time and money listening, to what you have to say and so I'm proud that, over the last six years I've. Been executing, vaynermedia, and while. I do this garyvee, thing, Gary. Vaynerchuk the CEO of 150ml, our holding, company from scratch is exciting, and interesting and it, really has, become obvious to me why that's happening, and it's around mindset, i I, think, that there's way too many people in this audience that are in the excuse, business, iva. And, yeah. And it's an it's tough because I'm, empathetic, there's. Always things you, know you could have two, parents that were drug addicts you could have, lost your parents in a car accident when you were a kid you could have had your money stolen to you by, a partner. There's so many things that happen in life I'm. Super, empathetic, to it the, ultimate, problem is though is that, the market, the, world doesn't, care right. There, there's so much dwelling. Going, on so, many reasons why not and the, thing that has been really interesting to me is that if you asked, me what. Works, for me its optimism. And. Gratitude. And. Positive.

Mindset Like, it's really interesting to me life is pretty binary, it's. Either black or white it's either yes or no and the, one that matters to me the most is you're either on the offense, in your life right now or you're on the defense you're, either coming up with reasons why not all this, technology all this stuff that why not or, why. Yes, all, this technology all this stuff you're looking at things and you're making a decision and so for me a lot. Of what I've been thinking about is mindset, and why optimism, works literally, seven, minutes ago in the, in the green room I'm on the phone with executives. At vaynermedia I'm getting, texts of a scope that we expected, to sign failed, million, dollars literally, counting, on a million dollars gone zero, not happening right another, pitch ruined a final two eight million dollars didn't get it literally, in 47, second step back in the backroom I lost nine million dollars. And. I'll. Be very frank with you I'm fucking pumped about it I. Genuinely. Like losing, I like learning from it I was like thinking about like why what happened where we go where it was the misstep why like, it's really incredible look when you can afford to lose it and I'm sure people are thinking this it's easier I get it it's not like I lost nine million Vayner lost nine million revenue but to, me it's. Not about anything, other than mine. And so if I got anything out of this I'll go into the tactics, I'll talk to you about social in a minute I'm about to tell you why Facebook, and Instagram you know I did a lot of homework on. Saturday. About the Australian, market on my thesis is around influencers, Instagram, Facebook and snapchat let, me save you a lot of time everything. That you've been hearing me talk about how many people you are consume my content raise your hands thank. You that was awesome, I'm. Just gonna do that again how many people here consume eye contact yeah. So. Here's. What's interesting, literally everything that I'm spitting, comes obviously from an American centric, point of view that's where I operate obviously. We have a UK office we're looking at Singapore we're doing other things but I'm. Aware that outside, of Russia and mainland. China most, most of this stuff that actually works maybe there's a couple of different nuances what, fascinates, the shit out of me is the consumption, patterns of the Australian, and New Zealand market, and the, underpriced, nature, extremities. Of what I believe in literally, everything. That I've been talking about for the last year you, can add a, additional. Twenty to forty percent tax, of, up side it is literally 20, to 40 percent even better, in this, market, and I get so pissed when people are in any place, besides the US market, or China we're like well it's a smaller market, it's, this Satya that's where all the upside is you can only compete against what you can compete against, right. And so I believe, that we are living through the greatest era, to. Be an entrepreneur ever, I think, the Internet is grossly, underestimated. And I think there's a ton of opportunity, but, if you, ask me what I would want to leave with from this talk today it's, to shift one or two persons mindsets, you, know to me. It's. An incredible. Feeling to stand up here and expect. Nothing from nobody and take, full responsibility for. Everything I the, Teleco company that gave, it house and we lost it and we in the back room the eight million I spent zero days and zero seconds, on it I was. Not part of the pitch I was not part of the process I empowered all my people I saw. The news in the back room and I took full 100%, blame. And responsibility I. Am. Fascinated, by, your. Upbringing, both. Your parents and the, neighborhood, and those, siblings and the friends, I am fascinated by, your. Upbringing the era you grew up in the, macro. And micro climates. That you grew up in not the fucking weather I mean the economics, and the politics and that, climate, I'm. Fascinated what. Made, me my. Mom my, dad being. An immigrant from Russia being in America being in Jersey like, like the friends I ran into baseball, cards becoming popular allowing, me to sell something I'm fascinated the, environment, that created me in this completely.

Emotional. Place of enormous. Strength, which, is the engine, and the oxygen, that allows me to be successful in business and life, and. Then what is it, that other people don't have or didn't have and I see it I see how, my grandmother parented, my dad I see, my sisters and brothers DNA, different, than mine you, know just timing and things of that nature and so I'm going heady for my opening spot because I need you to understand, to many of you are gonna take fucking notes right now and think, it's about a Facebook ad too. Many of you are about to take a note me like okay Google, how to use, Instagram, influencers we'll, get to that I'm about to talk about that but. If your, foundation isn't, right, you have, no shot of long-term success, if you're, not in a place where you believe this and look this is super. Like I'm even like throwing up on my to be very frank here's what's happening my head I'm listening, to what I'm saying right now I'm like this fucking sucks. I'm being serious I'm, being really fucking serious with you actually and I'm. Saying that because I'm like man it's so what, I'm talking, about is like so hard to. Like touch right. But, it's. Still my truth it's what I believe like, you're either on the offense or you're on the defense you either see all these technologies, as the gateway drug to your entire future or, you're upset, that it was much easier to do this on email, and SEO, and you don't like this social media thing, right. I don't like these new things either I built my dad's business, from, a three to a sixty million dollar business on email and Google AdWords I didn't want YouTube. To come along I didn't want Twitter to come along right I didn't want Facebook, to come along I didn't want snapchat. To come along I don't want voice and Alexa. Skills and podcasts. To come along I'm not looking forward to the, our the, problem is technology. And the, way we live doesn't, care about my opinion or my feelings, and it doesn't care about yours either and so you can walk around earth and judge. Oh it's, so sad that all these kids can't communicate because, they're on the phone anymore or, you can walk out tonight and have dinner and see people at a table and nobody's talking to each other and they're all on the phone and you're judging, and you could talk about a day and age when it was simpler, and nicer. And all this nobody, gives a fuck and. If. You don't adjust to. The reality of the situation you. Will be completely, left behind and that's it too many people are executing. Or hoping. Or trying. To figure out how to live in a world that used to be or the way they wish it was versus. Attacking, the reality, of the world and here. Is the reality of the world my friends, the. Cell phones that you're all holding right now or in your pocket are.

The Remote controls of our society, they, are the single most important, thing in the world there's nothing close literally. Literally. I would rather have somebody roll up on me right now stab, me with a knife and steal my wallet then. Lose my phone. The. World is being lived through, that device and, you. Can judge it you can do anything you want but that's the reality and if you sit here today and have any ambitions, professionally. Personally whether, you want to sell a course, whether you want to sell a sneaker, whether you want to raise money for the PTA a non-profit. Gets somebody elected whatever. You want to. Happen in life, whatever. You want to happen in life you. First need somebody's, attention and then, you need to tell them about it in the written word in audio, or video this is how the world works, and always, has you. Want, something to happen you need, to figure out where the people are to tell them about that thing and then, you need to communicate that to them in a compelling enough way that, they do the thing that you want them to do you can do that in the written word you. Can do that in audio, and you can do that in video that is how it's been it, was called the newspaper the television, and the radio, now, it's called a blog a vlog, or a podcast it's, the same thing, nothing's, changed, except one thing your. Attention, is moving, to a new place and leaving. An old place the. Other thing is we, have not figured out the, creative, strategies, to be successful, in this world the, other thing is there's, a lot of people in here who are not self-aware, and don't realize they should only be writing, and not making videos because they're not good at it or reversed. Or. Reverse. These blanket, statements that everybody needs a personal brand or everybody, should be doing video, that, is ludicrous. What everybody should be doing is deploying, self awareness and figuring, out who they are quadruple. Downing. On what they're fucking good at and trying, to get resources, to support the stuff they suck at, I've. Written for thank, you I've written thank you I've written for, you, know when she was like he's written for New York Times best-selling books I literally was laughing, as I was about together this there's I'm like I can't put two fucking sentences, together if my life depended, on it, but. I know how to hire a ghostwriter and I. Definitely know how to sit down for nine hours straight and record a book in one fucking sitting. Right. You. Need to figure out how you communicate. To the world as, an, executor, which. Medium some of you could do all three some, can do too but watch what's been happening over the last ten years in 2000, or 15, in 2002, to four it was the era of the blog it, was bloggers, how many people here were a blogger from 2002, to 2005, at any point raise your hands so some, of these early pioneers like they felt the impact right right. You were blogging that was it that was the medium WordPress, or you know even going back further like it was just a very. Important, medium YouTube, had been yet to be invented, you, know it costs too much to stream video online there, was no video players. Podcasting. Then came in 2005. And six had a little blip but then right quickly after that Twitter, came out YouTube, came out and everything, shifted, to short form writing and video, right and then, in the last two years audio. Has risen again how many people here now listen, to, a podcast raise your hands how.

Many Of those hands did not listen to a podcast. Three years ago raise your hands hold. Them up actually you know what watch this for visual we're gonna do this one more time how many people, watched. How. Many people are listening to a podcast now raise your hands I want. People in the front to look around see what I see all. Right an, insane. Amount now, of. Those people, are the people that now listen to a podcast stand. Up if you did not listen. To a podcast three, years ago I. Need. You look around because. If you want to understand, why, I'm standing, on this stage right now I, didn't. Say sit down I'm just kidding again. If. You want to understand, why, I'm so. Blessed to sit on this stage is I, have a unique, uncanny, get, I take no credit my parents get all the credit ability, to slightly understand, what you're about to do before, you think you're gonna do it and so, what I do is when I know something's, coming I have. Humility. And this. Is a word that I would love for people, to look up understand. And start, really becoming religious, about for all my ego, and peacocking. For the ones in here who've been paying attention it is my humility. That. Has allowed me to be successful not, in the way that I interact with you and being kind because that's kindness, in the, humility, that when I believe something new is emerging, I take, the. Perceived. Risk, of. Going. There first. Spending. Countless hours with, no clear ROI. And, the short you many people in here have left ungodly, amounts of money because, when social came along they said well what's the ROI of Facebook and Twitter, do. You nobody people here will lose the next frontier because they're gonna debate what the ROI is a buying or building a 30,000. To 50,000, dollar a Lexus skill or briefing. For their business a lot, people. Don't have the humility, to take the risk of their time, I'm. Not even asking for money the. Fact that you didn't have the humility, to waste, three hours a day even though you had the audacity to. Want. To be a entrepreneur, that lived on your own terms. Fascinates. Me. I'm gonna repeat that statement for all of you again, the fact that you don't have the humility to try the new stuff. Because. Your time is so valuable yet. In, parallel. You, have the audacity to, want. To live a life where, you don't work for anybody, and. You make your own blows. My mind until. I die and, I. Expect, to win the whole thing until. I die I will never deploy, the audacity, of the, situation, that I've asked for which, is I've asked, for the loneliness of being a number one I've, asked, to be able to choose my path on an everyday basis, I've asked to be an entrepreneur and I, know that you, don't get to hang, out or rest, on your laurels, literally. Literally. Everything. I've done up until an hour ago is completely. Irrelevant to where I'm going next and so. Many people, get some a little, level of success and start, thinking there's somebody, I looked. At a couple of you who, tweeted me and like pumped, and can't wait to see this and then I went and they're hungry and they're gonna do it and their bio says I'm gonna be this and that and then I look at your Instagram, and you've got 11 14 23 thousand, followers and, you, haven't replied to a single, person that's. Left a comment on a post, in the last year, because. You think you're somebody and so. I believe. That once. You get your mindset, right of, accountability. Empathy. Gratitude. Humility. That. All of a sudden what I'm about to talk about next makes a hell of a lot more sense which is the following my friends if you do not spend 2018. Completely. And obsessively. Around. Facebook and Instagram you, will lose let. Me say this let. Me I'm making this very, simple, very. Black-and-white, very. Fucking basic, if you. Do not spend next year completely.

Obsessing. Over how. You become successful on Facebook. And Instagram you. Will be disproportionately. Less likely, to win because, the ungodly, amount of attention of regardless. Of where your consumer, is regardless. Of the age if, you use those two platforms. We'll cover the far majority of, what you're targeting if you're targeting under 20 year olds then I'll start getting a little more comfortable with a disproportionate, snapchat and Instagram audience. But if you were targeting, literally, 20. And above twenty. To a hundred I, don't, want to you guys the, number one converter for, me on Facebook, across our clients, my investments, and my audience are 50. To 80 year olds on Facebook, because. There's something called stream, time and do, you know what happens you know the difference here is a 29. Year old on Facebook. Here's. A 68, year old. Do. You know the difference they, consume, the, videos and the pictures and the words to a higher degree and, so, I really. Need you to wrap your head around the, fact that Facebook and Instagram have. Ungodly, attention. That, the ad product. On those two platforms are disproportionally. Underpriced, and. That. That is where you should be trading not, because I like Facebook, or Instagram but. Because I want to be historically, correct and I have one real. Micro, regret, in my business, career not. Passing, on uber in the angel rounds not other things because, those things are kind of come and go there's a lot of variables that go into it no the, one time when I knew what I was doing but I didn't go all-in when. I was building my dad's liquor store Google, AdWords came, out and I. Bought every wine term for five cents a click and I. Owned every, wine term you can imagine for five and 10 cents a click from. Australian. Wine tuberosa. Valley right, -, you, know Penfolds. Grange, 1994. Like every, SKU, top-middle. Like understand, I was. Getting customers, for 40 to 80 cents, apiece that were worth 10, 15 dollars for me but I couldn't wrap my head around how. Special, that moment, was I was, young, right. I didn't have experience I was just learning about print, and outdoor and Direct Mail was all working because, of the macro product, I created price wise and selection wise but. I sit, back and when I hear I built dad's store from 3 to 6 the million and everyone's like hey I'm, like fuck that guy, that guy should have built it from 3 to 250. Million if he was smart enough to take his energy, and money away, from print and radio and television and Direct Mail and put it all into Google because, Google had, that moment where, it was grossly, underpriced. My friends who was the biggest advertiser, on Google from 2002, to 2008. Amazon. Amazon. Was. The number one advertiser. On that platform, in the early days they, siphoned. Underpriced. Attention, to themselves and, now they've built one of the biggest companies in the world who's, one of the biggest advertisers, in the last five years on Facebook a shopping.

App Called, wish how. Many people here are familiar with wish raise your hands raise them high I want people to see this if. I did this three years ago nobody. Would have raised their hands they. Are now a multi-billion. Dollar retailer, that spent all of their money until recently, now they're doing like the Mayweather and McGregor. Fights sponsorship, and the Lakers and they're doing kind of branding, stuff because, they've so penetrated. To billions, of dollars, on Facebook, they were former. Google, engineers. On the ad product, quit, making. Millions, of dollars a year and started. A company selling stuff and only. Ran, Facebook, ads this. My friends is called pattern. Recognition. I will. Do the same thing over and over I will be a 97. Year old Yoda, looking dude standing, up here and yelling. At you about some, cockamamie, insane, and it, will be the same exact thesis, that, I'm spinning, to you today get, your fucking mind right first, so. That you can then put in the time and efforts, based on your ambitions, and becoming. A humble. Practitioner. Of where. The attention, of the consumer, is and if you have a moment. Like. We have right now on Facebook. And Instagram, ads, and Instagram. Influencers. You. Will win I spent four. Hours on the flight DMing, influencers, about my sneaker, release and my upcoming book release I did it me not, my intern, not, somebody I hired in the Philippines, my two fucking, thumbs at. Point making, tens of millions of dollars a year because, I've humility. To understand, what, needs to be done to, win and everybody's, looking for scalability. And I'm gonna hire my 23, year old niece and she'll reply to somebody on Twitter and you completely downplay. The reality, of what I'm talking about you are grossly, under, estimating, what's happening right now and. I. See it by the way I don't know you I'm talking about the market. 98%. Of people are grossly, under, estimating, how good it is raining you will look back at this talk all my, content, during this era there, listen, how. Many people have heard me say watch, what I'm doing not what I'm saying raise your hands good.

Usually. That refers to like what hashtags am I using what, why am I using Facebook, why did I start a podcast, now. I'm gonna take it to the most macro watch, what I'm doing not, what I'm saying why am i, producing so, much content, during this era why, am, i flying around the entire world over. And over speaking. To this subject, it's because I know what I'm talking, about right now is gonna. Go away I just. Want everybody to understand I'm making you a promise of, a, micro, regret, if, you do not listen to me carefully and way, more importantly, go, execute, on it you. Will regret that you heard it in a. Passionate. Way and. I think we can all agree I'm not hedging, up here right now. I'm. Desperately. Trying to force this down your fucking mouth, right. You. Heard it and, I. Believe, that 95%, of you will not do anything about it I mean, this I think that 95%, of you will do a little something you'll, run a little bit of edge of this you'll do a little something you'll do enough to make it feel like you did something and. You. Will regret not. Going all-in how many people here play poker. Good. I don't, but if you do, when. You have the best hand it's. A good idea to go all-in. Right. Now for. The next. 12 months I feel comfortable, maybe you last 18, the. Biggest companies, in the world are, not spending enough money on Facebook. And Instagram and, snapchat, let me explain, friends what's going to happen, over, the next three years when, coca-cola. When. Budweiser. When. Mercedes-benz. Finally. Gets. Their act together in the, next 12 to 36 months and take. 30, million dollars that they would spend on outdoor billboards, and sponsoring, of the World Cup and television. Commercials and they put it into Facebook and Instagram. And, influencers. You. Reaching, a 41. Year old you, know mom of two living in Hunter Valley who's. Interested, in your shit today. Costs four six, seven, dollar CPMs. Seven, dollars to reach a thousand, people when, that costs, eighty six, or, forty. Nine it. Shifts. I. I'm gonna you. Know I know that everybody's, got different angles Facebook. And Instagram, and, snapchat, are marketplaces. They're, not like going to the Sydney Daily, News where they give you a price that's, a bottom there marketplaces.

They Start off of pennies, and more, people bid up the feed is only one feed everybody's. Trying to get in and if you want to get in it costs, more and that's, why they become big businesses, because if they have the attention more. People want to get there but, the price keeps going up. The. Words that I spend five cents a click for some, of them are now $14, words. Not. As good of a conversion, as it was in 2003, more, importantly, you, guys got used to seeing Google's, ads and, you don't click them as much as you used to back, in 2002, when you didn't know if it was just organic, results, or if it was an ad, today. Facebook, and Instagram and influencers are under priced you're, in a feed they're, under priced and you're still interested, in clicking those ads in four, and a half years, you're gonna be so tired of seeing those ads and Facebook and Instagram you're, gonna click less and they're gonna cost 20, times more, understand. That. Is. Basically. All I want to say I'm, actually considering, leaving but I think I'm obligated to stay on stage. How. Many people here sell a physical, product like a sandal, like a peanut butter like raise your hands, tonight. You. Go home you. Have an how many of you have an Instagram account for that business raise your hands great, you, go home and you, DM, every. Single person using the hashtags, that are associated with your business and you direct message them and you ask them to send you a sample, of your product, to them and stand. Would, they post it nine. Out, of ten won't even answer one. Out of 30 will post it the, others will ask you to give them money to post it you. Should pay them because, 90, out of a hundred of them don't know how to price themselves properly, for the attention, that they're giving you in return, right. So. Influencer. Marketing one more time people with products. Raise. Them high and, now. How many of those people who sell products are selling them direct-to-consumer like, your own e-commerce or, things that nature raise your hands. Okay. Listen for. The hundreds of you if you, are not spending ninety eighty Google. AdWords if you're not spending sixty. Five percent of your money on Facebook, and Instagram ads, and Instagram, influencers you're, leaving money on the table, blanket. Statement without, knowing every detail blanket. Statement if you're not spending sixty, five percent of your money on those environments, you're leaving money on the table because, you have so much opportunity now look everything. I'm talking about is 100 percent right I know it here's, my only concern and I want to spend a couple minutes on it the, creative, is the variable. I'm. Right, about the thesis but, if the picture, or the, words or the video that you post to put in front of each other sucks, you're, not gonna sell anything. So. The reason this scares me when I speak about this subject to this kind of audience is I'm not in control of the pictures in the videos and the audio that you're putting out but. I implore you to try a lot of different pieces of pictures and videos, and written words spend, less money on the ads upfront see, what's working and then pour money on it too many people in this audience hear me they get excited they go and Google how to spend Facebook Ads, by the way all of you have to do this yourself I don't care how fancy you are if you want to be successful you need to be the practitioner, not somebody in your office if you don't know what to do it's called Google Google, how do I place a facebook ad three, hours later you'll place a Facebook ad it's, not complicated. Everyone's. A fun I don't know how to do it okay, it's, fucking 2018, use a search engine you know like it's you know so, so. The. Picture, and the video and the words are the creative variable, so please please, please, please, do. The following and this is where everybody makes a mistake they hear this they get excited they go and spend $5,000 trying to reach 25 to 30 year old women in Australia, and they just spend it's blanket. And they spend on one, picture or one video and it doesn't work instead. What, you need to do is put 25. To, 30, year old women in Australia or, in Sydney, and make a reference in your copy to the ladies of Sydney you've got to make a contextual. Context. Is the. Secret, behind the, content, that, allows you to be successful in this new environment. Context. Colours. We debate, the first three seconds of the video the, headline, the, colors the words the, words are different on Instagram than they are on Facebook because even though you're the same person your mind sets different when, you're in your Instagram, feed and when you're on your Facebook feed the, psychology, behind it the network effect how to get people to tag and refer their friends, this is fucking science, my friends this is 2018.

Science, Social. Media, marketing, and by the way there's no such thing as social media it's a slang term for the current state of the internet. Social. Media marketing, is the, absolute. Singular. Advantage. In the marketplace do, I believe during a big time sporting event on television, that a commercial can be seen of course do. I think it's still, overpriced. For, how many look at it yes, because, I know how many of you when it goes to a commercial reach for your phone and start engaging elsewhere. All I will, ever do is chase your attention, as it, is now going from video to audio, I'm Tripoli downing on my podcast and on, my alexis skills watch. This you'll find this interesting how many people here. How. Many people here listen to my podcast let's start with that great. Thank you very much, of, those people how. Many of you have now started listening more. To the podcast, and watching less video, because, of it raise your hands raise it high I need. People to see this it's a significant, number of people who in the last year, have started listening more and watching, less because, time is our number-one asset and, if. You can hear me while, still doing something else the, audio is more valuable than watching, the video which you have to watch as a medium, so, if you do not have an audio, strategy. For your business if you have not started, creating, the podcast, or really. Leaping to the strategy, behind building, an Alexa, skill for, your business, you were leaving an enormous. Amount, of opportunity, on the table please, please please start, getting your audio strategy. You. Guys are runners for the mics yeah. All, right I'm gonna use one more minute and then I want to start, thinking about raising hand for a question my, friends listen, this. Is you know you, know how like you know how many people were here or good at cooking raise your hands raise them. It's. Pretty audacious bunch I. Couldn't. Even begin to think about cooking right it's not a skill set I have for, so many of you it just came natural from the beginning right being. An entrepreneur, more. Importantly, being a successful entrepreneur is, a, skill set right, and it's. One that comes natural, to some and others not, as much it's, a fun thing to be right now and everybody wants to and the opportunity is very real I'm.

A Great entrepreneur but I think I'm even better at consumer, behavior, and psychology, it's. Who I am it's why a lot of you follow me because when, you cut me down you see that I'm pushing positivity, and a whole lot of other things that matter and trying to get people to do it the right way be patient, do the right thing today. My. Friends you need to get yourself in the right place mentally, and then you need to get yourself, in the right place mentally, because the thing that people have not wrapped their head around is. That this takes a lot of work like. A lot a lot not. A little something and if you aspire. Let me just ground this if you think you're gonna make a million dollars a year, which is funny the way people throw that out like. Everybody gets there almost. Nobody gets there right if. You want to make five hundred thousand, dollars a year which would put you in the disproportion. Top 1%, of income, getters, here in Australia, if you, want to make. $100,000. A year and like, doing it and it's, on your terms and it's your life. It. Takes a lot of work and it. Takes a lot of smart, work the. Thing I talk a whole lot about is hustle the. Thing I talk less about is being smart because I don't think that brings you any value so, what I do is I try to come and speak or through my actions show, you the smart things that I'm doing and then, remind you that it's still hard work the, framework is simple this is simple you, may have not allowed. Yourself, to have the honest conversation, with yourself of how, much hard work and how much patience, it takes to be successful but. It doesn't change the fact that that's the case you've. Never met anybody in your life who. Hasn't worked their face off for a long time that's built something significant, it, may seem that it happened fast cuz they're 27, but, maybe they've been hustling since they were 13 in a different way that gave them 14 years of experience to be a winner in that game and so, please. Please. Wrap your head around what we're actually doing here and more importantly if you were smart enough to be here today and I mean this the. Fact that you came here today. Puts. You so far ahead of everybody else and I, hate knowing. For, a fact that so, many of you are gonna give up your advantage, because, you like hearing me say it and you.

Like The way it feels but. Then you leave and you don't do anything about it so please, Brisbane, do me a favor go, do something about this talk today I implore. You it will change the, course of your career, thank. You. Questions. You. Could pick anybody for to go. Great. How. Are you Gary, what's up man real good, you. Talked a lot about saying, that Facebook, and Instagram and all these places that you're putting a lot of time and money into now for advertising is going to come to an end what, spaces, or what businesses, are you watching to see what's gonna come next so. In general I like to tell people look I'm not fuckin Nostradamus. Right so. I have no idea the. One place I keep list looking at is voice I keep telling you guys guys voice, everybody. In this room in five years we'll, have voice-activated. Devices, whether it's their phone their clothes their car the wallpaper, in their home that, instead of grabbing a phone you're, gonna interact with voice it's, going to be frictionless, you've, got to figure out how your business and service, interact. In a voice environment, it's going to be voice right. So the first thing you should all do is start a podcast if, you think you can podcasts. Are great because you could just interview, people even, if you're not that interesting, or don't know what to say you, could just interview people in the industry or genre, you're in and you just ask nine questions and then boom you're done there's, an app I'm not an investor of anything as I am I'm not called. Anchor, which, is a voice social, app you should look it up it's called anchor where you can record, it on that you hit one button and a posts, to all the podcast, platforms, it's, just so simple it's, the first way to get into voice but, bro let me tell you something Facebook, and Instagram are going, nowhere for the next 24 months I can't, get people here to spend enough time on that let alone worried about what's next until. You're fucking spending is all your money and all your time on Facebook and Instagram I have no energy to talk about what's next you're fucking up what's now. Thank, You. Redshirts, you're in charge let's go let's move quick. Hey. What's up Gary my. Name is Christian now just like I'm minded. Business I do nightclub in Brisbane I do, that and. I also got, a personal, Brent as well -, C for nightclubs but, what I'm stuck I was about. Four months ago I started another business, pretty. Shirts and I'm. Sort of in between should. I cross, Brant or use, the shades logo as the printing thing and the nightclub thing what. Do you suggest it doesn't matter. Thanks. Goody I mean, I mean, I'm being Frank with you like people overthink shit, that doesn't matter it's. Not gonna matter if you use one logo or separate logos like it doesn't matter where I use Vayner and where I don't wine, library or Gary Vee or Vayner it doesn't matter, like. I love, when people want to talk to me about the name of their business nobody cares nobody knew what Google meant or Facebook meant or McDonald's, meant or coke meant a name. Doesn't matter what, you do to make a name, matter is what matters right. So, it's nobody, gives a shit bro, just pick one and fucking go so, it's just all about branding basically yeah, it's about the execution right, like. It didn't matter if he called himself you're wearing a shirt of a guy who called himself multiple.

Things, He was the notorious b.i.g and Biggie Smalls and plenty, about like like it doesn't matter. Execution. People, wanted to bait these things because they think that's the unlock, it's not. Period. Yep this, is actually one of the chef's that I printed well that's putting it out there I figured all. Right, let's move let's go, red. Shirts let's go give me some hey Gary let's get some people in the back. At. The end of your audio book askgaryvee you said something hit me in the face in a good way that you, never, met your grand you, granddad, or something and I played a part in the way that you document yes sure sorry how much does that still play a part in your day-to-day decisions, and why does so few people really get that I never, got to meet my Grandad's either and I was like shit really affects, me so that's my question I think it I think so few people think I don't think people understand, I think people think I just talk like. In 50 years they'll understand, that I meant it like, I care about my legacy that's why I think about it like, I only. Care, about my legacy when, I made $100,000, a year I achieved my only, financial, goal that I ever had somewhere. Around thirty nose I can be really cool to make a hundred thousand, you know like when you're coming from humble that seemed big you know so that, was it why. Because I always, felt something in the middle of my stomach that I had something I care, about my legacy I love, that my I love that my great-great-great. Grandchildren, are literally watching this right now I'm long gone but, they're watching this hey Jeremiah you know and so I mean. That's cool I think it's super neat like I think I have a lot to give I think I've impact how many people here to think and don't, don't make me feel good how many people here truly, think that I've impacted, them in a positive way and. I look at that and I'm so, like but, I'm not gonna be able to do that for my great great grandkids, but. Now I am cuz, if I can do it to you I can definitely do it to them cuz they're gonna watch everything, imagine. There was film like this imagine how many people watched a levy, thank. You could you imagine if dailyvee, was about your great-great grandmother no, fun that would be you'd be like oh shit that I do that same thing that sheathe like you know it's so cool watching my daughter do things that I do like thinking, how those get passed on it's gonna be neat plus my man do, you know why I obsess, over my legacy, do you know why I document, everything cuz. I know I'm good. And. When you know you're good both in your skill and in your heart you're, not scared, of the camera and. So. It, matters to me because I care about my legacy not about the short-term money everybody's, so worried about tomorrow. That. It doesn't allow them to see what's actually happening, here and that's, why I always recommend people spending time with older people, retirement. Home I'm a, big fan because you get to see regret, and resentment. Up close and it, starts to help you frame up a life and I did something very weird I don't talk about this a lot publicly and you guys know a lot about me I spend, so much time with, old people when I was little like from. Five to thirteen if I went to a playground, and there, was like a grandfather visiting. Or a grandmother it wasn't just a grand other thing I would. Literally stop playing and go sit with them and sit on the bench and just ask them random quit. You. Know but but it makes a lot of sense to me now because I'm Way. More wisdom. Oriented. Then I like, my energy axe my, energy so micro, fast and intense and alpha, and male and competitive, you know but when you start peeling away it's, very obvious why it matters to me I'm only about my legacy I'm only about what everybody here says behind my back. You. Got it. Let's. Do it, what. Do we have. Hey. How. Are you Jordan good thanks. So I'm a little bit taller I've been in your content, for about 18 months thank you and I've. Really struggled to launch my business okay self. Awareness was a big part of that I started a life coaching thing a while ago and never. Really. Felt connected to it, my. History is one of drug addiction and, car accidents, and I'm in prison yes, and so, I go into youth centres in high schools and I talk for free yes and that's. Actually what I love to do I've never found a way to brand myself and make money because I feel like part. Of me has got a shame theory under I understood the family and the people involved that were hurting my accident, so I'm, I don't even know why I got up to talk but, listen. To your facebook, strategy I think I want to make some videos but I want to be really sensitive around well, so let's, let's actually have this conversation for a second and I appreciate you standing up are, you still in a place where you want to protect the other the, ashamed part, I feel, I feel very comfortable that you you just brought it up so you are in a place where you listen it's your truth you're, on to the next chapter is there, still reasons, to hold it to the best because it can affect others or are you still in the last stages of being okay with putting it out there, I'm.

Not Sure so. I crashed the car you know nine one, of my passengers died, part. Of our crew I was heavily drunken on drugs and I've. Never really been able to connect with. The family, involved, obviously they have their reason so I don't, know whether, I'm gonna stir something sell for them by writing a blog it would tell first of all I adore, you for that answer, right. And and, the best part is it, allows me to give you a really good piece of advice, people. Are confused, intent. Is an. Incredibly. Important, part of all this the. Reason I'm so out there and so the way I am is because I know what my intent is you may not like it at first you may think I'm cocky, and a douchebag I'm cool with that because, I'm gonna win in the end like. You may type refer you all started out not liking me because it's more fun the. Other way right so brother. The fact that you have that intent, I'm, gonna really try to force you to do this you should reach out to them call. Go, ahead. What's. That I wrote a letter great, years ago telling them how I felt wasn't, well-received, respect kid. Do you think they're on Facebook. You. Know I, blocked them because of when I got out of prison I got sent some unkind, messages. Yep so, wasn't nice oh I unblocked them just I blocked them to just move on with my life I respect it how long ago was that. 2014. So. Look listen, if you want to listen there's only one way to move forward it's reconcile, the past right so, you need to do everything you can and listen, you can still talk about your past without mentioning, names you. Know for a long time if anybody's watching carefully, up until about six months, ago I never. Really, made it as clear that, I owned nothing of Wine Library. If. You know only into about six months ago as my popularity has exploded in the last year, a lot, of people, are saying well you can't listen to him because his dad gave him a four million dollar business and I, needed to eliminate that excuse, for, the kids that wanted to listen so.

I Started talking about something I wasn't comfortable with which, was, you. Know talking, about me building such a big business and owning none of it I was worried could shed negative light on my dad. To. Be very frank and I wasn't comfortable talking about it so I've gone 10 years being in public without, ever really clarifying, it I've, only started clarifying, it now because I don't think it sheds bad light on my dad family business as everybody knows it and more. Importantly I have to eliminate that excuse, from the lexicon, so. That people realize you, know what my journey actually, so they can work hard cuz Todd, people. Are really looking for the excuse to not work hard and. So. Anyway brother you can tell your narrative, and put it out there without referencing, the, families sure they could google it and figure it out but if long as your intent is right you, need to start recording those, talks that, you're doing for free putting, them on Facebook I have good news it's gonna work out. Thanks. Let's. Go back there if you can. Hey. Gary how are you good. Now. Uh just. Sounds like a practical. Question we talked about. I. Think for, everybody, put, some numbers on it so say a. Business. Owner here they had $50,000. A year to spend on ads what. Percentage, would you reckon. If you're gonna go get real general, yeah yeah I mean that's the problem what kind of business right if it's b2b with. Only $50,000. I'd go LinkedIn and Facebook right, if, it's selling t-shirts I you, know to people under 40, I would be 80% Facebook. And Instagram with, a little bit of Google AdWords of people that are typing in an intent, with, all the people that like have never, used. You know Facebook, Instagram and, digital. Media before well, what would you say is a really good place for, for, them to start as far, as you know percentage-wise, so you go all right 2 grand per month into that -. Great into that one, going to that I'm not gonna cheat what you're trying to do here and I love it yeah you're doing the right thing the problem is it's super nuanced. Yeah, but, the reality, is is that like, I said earlier they've. Got to spend money on it if you're how many people here already besides, Facebook, and Instagram spend. Over, $10,000, a month in marketing raise your hands raise em, high so. Not a lot right how many people here spend $3,000. A month in marketing raise your hands right, how, many people here don't spend any money on marketing raise your hands right, so you've got a lot of differences, what's, amazing about all this is no. Matter where those hands went up more, than 50%, of their energy should. Be on Facebook and Instagram that's, enough to start all right energy, which, means either organic engagement. And creative cuz you have no fucking money or. That. Percentage, of your money go. Learn, test, and learn test and learn yeah. Cheers. Let's get. Them can we get redshirts key sir, yeah, could you go all the way back there good hello. How. Are you hello. My. Name is Robin I'm, an exercise physiologist and, I run a private practice awesome. So, working in the health industry it's, a little bit harder to kind of push. People, to come and see you because ultimately the end of the day I want people to come see me if they need, my help okay. Do. You have any advice for. Standing. Out on those social media platforms. Well look it doesn't you have to understand this your dynamic, doesn't change if, you. Advertise on Facebook and Instagram or if you advertise in the print or if you know like they're all the same dynamics. Right so. Are you getting most of your customers. From, referrals, and other dynamics, or how are you getting them now mostly. Allied health and GP referrals, right so now, you're looking for more upside because you've got a b2b dynamic, that's driving, to your business.

Right I would, just put out tremendous. Content, that, is the best advice you have for the general public what I do I give, away all my stuff for my best advice do you know me do, you know any advertising, and social media agencies, have, been been, built on the back of my free content, that are doing one to three million dollars a year right. Like. Just left and right and it makes me happy it makes me happy that's something I'm doing for free is helping others because I don't think it's coming out of my pocket that's where everybody gets confused people. Get confused because you think when you're doing something good it comes at your expense, it, doesn't, there's, so much out there I'm, never gonna get to all of it I'd much rather have, your admiration. Or you, know you know love towards, me because I helped you so you should just be putting out your best advice especially. Because all you're getting your business from b2b to begin with and then that will create halo effects for, the entire brand, because right now you're in transactional. Sales funnel on the back end you need to create brand my. Advice - yeah there's a good way to stand out give away the best advice you have forever. For, free for, as long as you possibly can that's, fantastic, thank, you. Goodbye. Gary leaves. My name love. Your work you're the king mate I. Work. For a big. Insurance company, it's not my own brand I'm, not an entrepreneur I think. I've sort of worked that out I respond, but. I really. Want, to connect, with a lot of people I want to sort of be I, guess, looked as in the influencer down the track amongst. My, sort, of industry. I'm, just sort of having a bit of trouble struggling. To sort of get that going and I was just lying whether well. Or just I. Guess. Trying. To work out different, ways to get out there and do it it's I work in sales I don't actually sell. A product. Myself, I help, people sell, it a month's, their work so, you're in a b2b environment where, you're training others or helping others to do that that's right so but what why is that a struggle what's, in there, that makes it tough for you to put out words audio, or videos on Facebook and LinkedIn, just, trying to get the, the legwork, going, I suppose. In the in the first instance. So. What's the fucking problem. What. I really. Wanted to ask a question and it, was a two-parter say please can. I get a selfie with you yeah we. Got to the punchline yeah. You, can come on. Because. That first part sucked. All. Right let's keep it going, who's. Got the mics we'll. Come back up front in a second guy mate. Hi, Gary I just wanted to say thank you you got me off the bench I, was. Some, listening I was out of the game I was nowhere I was kind of dead and, you. Always talk about deathbed. Regrets yes, and I, just started I'm just learning the mechanics like. I've always seen the clouds but you made me love the dirt good oh man I got mad love for you I just wanted to say thank you because on my deathbed. I'll. Be, a happy man. Now. The. The. Question, I want to ask sorry if I screwed up it's a little bit nervous I'm. A teacher I. Know. The story of little guy who really well and one thing I've said on Twitter before is that if. Little Gary in English, class put a written copy instead. Of handwriting lessons he would have gotten a instead of a day, what. I do in classrooms, is, take. Self-development. And peak performance, culture. Yesterday. In a classroom with the little girl she likes horse, riding and I, pulled out audible, and I pulled out crush shit and I, showed this little go crush. It. Now. My, question is this I'm, a teacher I rely on, teaching. Or. My income at, that sort of difficult stage yes. Tactics. Yes. When. I'm in that world because some of the people in the teaching world to. Be perfectly frank pretty fucking, dull yes, and not particularly, inspired, yes, how, do I. I. Either, agitate, from within that world and as risks to that involved, in me yes. Inside. That it's, a you know it's crazy it's a it's a similar, thesis, to clouds and dirt you're. Not gonna win that game my friend. So. What you need to do is deal with that, you. Know be Clark, Kent and, then be you know Superman, after hours, you're. Gonna have to find a different place to scratch, to, achieve, that because, framework, of schooling. And university. In the globe today will, not allow you to do what, you want to do you're gonna be half pregnant, the whole time. I'd. Rather you just become numb to that play. Within the margins, take, it all is upside, right because you're gonna be half pregnant take the upside, of what you're doing in the class as all, gravy. Instead of half empty and then, spend, all your energy postgame.

In A place that doesn't get you fired and you're like you don't shit, on it you just create, another environment. Where you could scratch even more of that itch cuz you're not gonna win that game and you need to wrap your head around that and that's okay I'm. Eating, shit right now vaynermedia. Is not what I want to do for a living I don't wanna have clients, I don't, want to be back there and somebody made a subjective, call, it's just that I'm eating shit half pregnant, to build a framework so, then when I buy brands, I will, dominate, and do what I want to do but I'm right now deploying the most patients, in my career at the height of my Gary Venus, where I could be 25 to 50 million dollars a year just being me and getting admiration. I'm eating, shit and having. Clients and dealing with operations, because I know what do I want, to achieve on my deathbed you should do the same but you need to reconcile, that truth instead, of being romantic that you're gonna be the one person that changes the fucking education, system. Thank. You got, it. Let's. Get up here for this lady right here at some point. Gary. No. Gary, I, just want to ask you a question, the. Start of you talked you talked about, family. Gary. My grandfather. Was head of security for Hitler's. Eagle's Nest he married a Jewish woman, my, father, is, one. Of the worst pedophiles, in this state in the last 10 years. He. Bashed me every day I've been through a lot my life it's, a bit of a miracle that I'm here I do run business, I do have. Great. Wins and, also I, guess, great losses I want, to know you mentioned. Just before you came on this stage how you could handle. A nine million dollar loss I'm. Just curious like I find. That any, time I have a loss I sort of, go back into the things that have happened in my life I, have no family my mother's five families, completely, you know out of my life um. Everything, I have made, of myself um, so, just wondering you know how person, I respect losses.

So Look that. Nine million dollar loss is gonna, hurt a lot less than when I read Twitter on, the way to the, airport right now and somebody who was brought as a friend was like ah too brash for me I don't like him like. You know so like they come in all it's not about you know the losses come in all shapes. And sizes look. Man I'll. Be honest with you the, you're. Like a hero I don't know what you're I don't even you know like I, mean. You. Were talking and, I was like fuck man I wish that was my background. I'm. Being dead serious I'm. Being dead. Serious now. Am i you might say we easy for you to say if you lived it like look everybody. Has good and bad in. Life we're, all born with, either, an advantage, or disadvantage we. Either started, with too much or we. Started with too little and then, basically, you, know your internal. Fortitude, decides, if that was good or bad I've sat with people that have ten million dollars in their trust fund crying saying. That they hate their lives because, their parents took care of everything, and they'll never achieve anything on their own and, no matter what they achieve everybody's, gonna say it wasn't, them and they think it's the worse and they're suicidal this is real now for, somebody like you or others that start with zero you're, like get the fuck out of here. Ten. Million you know you. Know listen, man to. Be very honest with you I'll give you the answer you have no choice. That's. How. What's. The alternative when. You have a setback what are you gonna sit there and say it was your granddad and your dad I mean you know that's not true it's, why you have so many wins, right. So just practice, I just, kept practicing blaming. Myself for everything now I just default, into it I genuinely, believe, everything's but I think it's drizzling here today because of me. Like. I think I think. You just have no choice brother, thanks. Gary you got it. Can. We do me a favor because I'm running out of time could we get this lady right here. Nice. Painter sports shirt in the front thank you you're amazing I just have to pace because I'm intensely, nervous firstly, I'm gonna update my facebook profile, to say that Gary Vaynerchuk call me lady.

So. I, just, have two. Things to say the, first one is almost, five years ago I was left when I was pregnant my baby was diagnosed at birth with Down syndrome I had, to quit my corporate job and I. Finally. Went back I'm not gonna cry I cried in Pat Flynn some of you guys were there you saw it I'm not going to cry for Gary Vee because you're my internet spirit animal, so, I went back to my job at the Australian, Taxation, Office and, I was there Facebook channel expert and sorry if any of them see this but I watched your podcast on one screen well I increase. That following. About 25 percent while it was there I then. Quit my job, and, launched. A course which was 5 months ago launched my first company thanks to you and, also partly, but mostly you and I. We. Turned over, 275. Thousand dollars in core sales and I've, now be able to recurring income and I did that by reaching, out giving back and building my community generously in. The meantime I built out my son's Facebook, and Instagram profiles. With your help my son one baby bonds which is Australia's, biggest, modeling. Competition he, was in the Oscar gift bags last year he's, a beautiful little boy and we're having a selfie I'm so nervous, so. I'll show you his photo, a. Few. Months ago I nabbed, Down syndrome awareness calm what. Can I do to, build his profile because likes don't pay. For his, mortgage so. You're. Asking how to continue, to build his profile, yes, so I can build this out really successfully, for myself, but it's for my little boy he's got twenty four thousand five hundred Facebook. Followers I create resources I've got a website of built called Parker miles common, domain or 3045, I've got, backlinks in Yahoo your videos get picked up by Dukan and I'm Anna ties him I just. I'm so resistant, I know what to do I don't think you need to monetize. Good. Cuz everyone tells me I shouldn't I just I feel like what do I do like do I need to cuz, I just right so, let's talk about it when.

You Sit down make, the list of the people that, told you you should monetize, it and then. Put me on the other side of the list because they make less money than, me, and you make more so it's, just you know it's not even about honestly, I swear it's not about making more it's, about moral, compass, it's, about legacy it, is about you, know currency, is part of the equation the. Thought that you have to monetize that is ludicrous what you should do is, continue. To monetize what you're doing be, super, successful and you'll have more than enough and, you won't be spending the energy debating. Monetizing. That side of it yep, I think I just needed to hear that because the reason I built it out is because community, is everything, and intent is everything and I just feel like it never really resonated, so I couldn't do, a dog thing you would do this listen I'll leave you guys with this doing, anything. That. Doesn't ring, clean, down your entire operating. System and soul because. You think you need to do it based on somebody's advice that you admire or because, you have short-term, pain, in your life is never. Going to work it. Has never worked it. Doesn't work and it's, just better to wrap your head around enjoying. The short-term, pain and, I mean that like. The process in the, Rocky movies that are good is when it's shitty, not, when he's in the fancy mansion, you. Know like like like that gentleman's background, yours like, everybody. Has diversity. It has adversity, and more importantly if, we put everybody's stories on a table here right that gentleman's story is pretty intense he'd probably be very, high up in the adversity. But here's the problem if you're, sitting with some adversity right now it's, yours, right, no. Matter what your adversity is just, having a mom that wasn't supportive, just so you all know is pretty. Hardcore. Having. An on supporting, mom is a. Unbelievably. Difficult thing, for the majority of human beings so like we. All have it. Go. Ahead I think I'm already getting my return on investment, because I get messages all the time from. My. Nurses. Have referred, them. To my page and they're crying you, don't answer you just needed to hear a thank, I did thank you so I'm gonna read about. Brisbane. I gotta go I gotta, get this Sydney I love you I'm sorry I've, got nothing but love for you thank you so much for coming.

2019-03-21 00:06

Show Video


So what’s the 2018 marketing strategy?

Hey, how's things?, Great Video. What other tips have you got? Right now I am looking at other tip websites Thanks again https://youtu.be/hjy11RLycfk

Splendid Video! It assisted me a lot!


I drank the Gary Vee Kool-Aid for a while. Then I learned the only person getting rich is Gary Vee.

Noble Video! It helped me a lot!

https://www.instagram.com/aryesh21/?hl=en Hard work + perspective + optimism + practicality = Success formula/ GaryVee

Oh wow, can't believe i decided not to come to this... I hope you come back to Brisbane soon Gary.

Love the part about legacy. Well done GV

Listening carefully..

Stop cussing and just speak

What I understand that from 2005 things have changed. That was awesome man.

Impressive Video! It assisted me a lot!

This guy makes so much sense tbh

The Today's Pros and Cons of Marketing https://www.arewasound.com/2019/02/the-todays-pros-and-cons-of-marketing.html?m=1

6 Best key marketing strategies to boost your business in 2019 https://bit.ly/2DBuwKg

Was that worth the 100$ ticket price? Fuck no! Most over rated internet person right now is Gary vee.

The king of 2005 blanket statements is ... Gary fucking veeeeeeee!

Gary? Do you ever actually dispense business tips? Or have you just gone full blown God like celebration of your life story? You point out a lot of obvious and not so obvious things but almost none of them can be used to improve anything business related. You say a lot of things that make the listener say "so true" but barely any of It makes the listener say "oh that's so helpful for this or that area of my business".

95% of the whole speaking time slot is useless blathering about him and his experience with something that has no practical use for anyone that is listening. He loves the sound of his own voice.

awesome marketing strategy

Thanks for share. I have an article about of marketing. Please visit https://catatanbaihaqi.blogspot.com/2019/01/coba-sosiago-influencer-marketing-untuk-promosi.html

I am so grateful to lutherangrants ,com for helping me out .They got me a grant of $24,000 credited to my bank account.


Hi Gary,  I have a question. Your strategies really resonate even though I have no personal interest in spending time online. So, I´m an actor and I just wanted to ask you how you would recommend to use online strategies to market myself? It just seems weird to pay for adds when the product is me.  Thanks!!!

Hey David, we have videos on our channel that could possibly help you out with that question, check them out if you get a spare sec. Have a great day, Scott

Where can I find Garys Podcasts?

I just discovered your channel and I'm already in love. The amount of inspiration you have given me in just a few videos is unparalleled haha. You kinda remind me of my old PI in the lab I used to work in. I look forward to going through all your content; whether old or new, all this stuff is gold lol.

Learn more of this kind of stuff here https://youtu.be/MZaW1mu-3hU

no that guy is a hero i fully understand the amount of loss and pain that Hitlers Army family guy who is woa... what about that lady with the downsyndrome child what is her name i have a wonderful idea for her

Gary V You are seriously the shit I do follow you actually not many people I keep up to date with You somewhat I am encouraged by You, I don't know everything. I enjoy that You are seriously profoundly blunt I am blunt I understand this. I see that this guy with the family that He wanted to reconcile that is good shit.

Die einzig wahre Strategie ! http://bit.ly/2H9qVZ3

you really enforce your audience to move forward!

Hey G vee! Thank you so much for this! I do have a question. I'm in the marijuana industry. Facebook and Insta will not allow us to run ads. What other tactic can I try?

95% of you will recognize his wrinkled ass shirt lol

Wow!!! I have zero doubt that It was meant for me to see this video ... especially on the last day of 2018. Gary Vee, I thank you for sharing a message that had more of an Awakening, Real World, and Will You Do What It Takes? impact on me than any other thing I've watched, read, or listened to, over the entire year. And I continuously feed my brain with Educational, Motivational, and Inspirational Messages. Admittedly, I was initially turned off by your frequent use of profanity. (That actually caused me not to watch a different video I had clicked on, earlier in the day.) It's not that I'm a prude. I just didn't see where it was necessary to make your point. But I learned, without you saying it, that is the point. Gary Vee, you speak the way you are! To use your words, you are true to you core, and that has been a major factor in your phenomenal success. I greatly admire people who always Keep It Real, whether you like them or not. The responses you gave to the Teacher who wants to change some of the old and boring ways the kids are being taught in the classroom truly hit home with me. I am a University Professor, and for only the second time in almost 10 years I wasn't offered a class to teach, though I have one lined up for the spring. The timing is actually great, because I'm starting to build a Voice Over business, while I work a part-time job. But when I do teach, I fully realize that, even with Online courses, I don't run the school and that I have requirements and procedures I must adhere to when providing instruction, even if I don't think some of them benefit the students. With that said, your telling that teacher to stay within the framework of the structured classroom and focus on putting all of his energy and uniqueness into his own projects and way of doing things, on his own time, is Platinum Advice. Thanks, again, Gary Vee! It may sound cliché, but in all honesty, this was a Life-Changing video for me!!! You have a new and devoted follower.

Hey, got 3 Million dollars

That last woman is so nervous lol she doesn’t even make sense

All the woman should leave their too dumb,

Come to India

why somehow i feel we are the same one but i'm not you at all , you're the best man!! Egypt greetings xxxxxx

That last lady was the worst. She ruined the video singlehandedly haha we didn’t need your whole life story and you wasted everyone’s time on how you should monetize your son......rough

Im just a Artist Tryna Find Ways In. I thought of parties and birthday bashes. I wanna take my brand to the next level. Any advice??

Hi, Gary! I am really loving your videos. Any free and quick advice on how to get user attention for a social network app? Without a marketing budget, and starting from non-USA?

Beautiful talk

I probably said "fuck yeah man" about 20-30 times while watching it. 52:00 "I'll be a happy man on my death bed" Thank you YouTube community. Jordan Peterson. Joe Rogan. Gary and all the others out there helping build a community for others who think this way.

This is so TRUE, anyone can do this. Get your mind right and you can do anything like make $100k a month over and over again. People, success is 80% mind, 20% physical. Forget the 9 to 5, this what society tells you have to do but you don’t.Stop listening to this messed up world. Quit serving this f’d up society, the government controls the education system, college is a scam, health like flu shots, and so much more. Take control today, let me give you some tips

I didnt have a great first impression of Gary vee but his ideas have really grown on me. Really intellegient guy and I hope some of the stuff I learn helps me in life.

if your watching This then you are the 95%

If you are a creative person that wants to do business what is the best way to find a practical experience business partner to work with?

Helle Good eveningdje sais pas parler anglais en fait je voudrais juste vous demander a vous msr Gary est ce que avec tout le respect que je vous doit vous pourriez essayer de nous faire passez la traduction en français a nous qui ne comprenons pas l anglais merci d avance

Shit man, haven't seen a Gary video in almost a year. Don't know why I clicked on this, but I'm glad I did.


guys gonna make my soundcloud lit

Nice audio stuff love you.

Thanks a lot for this useful video.

just found this dude. He is blowing my mind.

What did i get here?

Ooh so meta duuude! A marketing strategy to strategically market a marketing strategy video. Bullshit Level: Inception

Thousands of thank yous, Gary!

Does Gary Vee already have a video on how to create exposure for yourself as a Artist, like a Visual Artist? Because a lot of us Visual Artists could really use that

2018 is almost over but it isn't too late to take action! Great strategy tips here. This post is well done and inspirational. I started marketing only a few months ago and I have been able to quit my job after I read the tips here http://bit.ly/2AQT2an I can't rave about this ebook enough. Good luck to everyone who is looking to market in order to work from home! You can have success!


Has anybody heard of REAL SCARCITY? The man is is a #marketing #genius ...love it brother!

definitely....but marvelously done

I dont like the way he talks and present himself. But I do love what he is saying and what he is present about.

This guy is an asshat. There was nothing inspiring about this! He came off condescending and judgemental.

I hear the term "context" being used a lot. What exactly in layman's terms are you talking about? History? Background? Knowledge?

Decided to be a music producer/beatmaker full-time last week, no more day job! Guys like Gary, MJ Demarco and Tony Robbins have really inspired me to take like by the cahones and focus on what I love; making music. Thanks Gary, I fucking love you man :)

i listened to this video like a podcast while doing other work - lol...



Marketing Assignment Help https://www.msahomeworkhelp.com/How-are-online-assignment-help-services-helpful.html

the guy who killed a friend in the car accident I admire him, he is strength and honesty, I would love him to be apart of NEXT movement being formed. Through your work, you will be helping heal and teach forgiveness, https://www.ovientmanagement.com/next I also want the guy who's father beat him and was a pedophile. Please contact me via the link provided.

Wow... Thats. Surreal. He wants to be that guy ...... Wow.. I like him but. I dont get it

Im starting a support platmonth


Amazing video, while I was writing on marketing strategies, I managed to write on marketing strategies for medical practices. https://wowbix.com/marketing-strategies-for-medical-practices-infographics/ Let me know of what you think about it :).

Expeditetools com did hacks for me and sent me $35,000 .I am glad i met em

If companies use a solution like ( Smarp ) you spend 0€ on your leads, influencer marketing, branding.

recently went to a success squarred here in sydney yesterday and Gary Vee speech is straight to the point! like what i understand with Gary said is , the problems is ourselves if we don't change nothing will happen... so i need to man up and change my habits! Go Hussle

Excellent video tutorial. Thanks for sharing this online marketing interesting facts.

That is a good informative video. We likewise have a number of our personal videos that we have inked, and are getting started on wanting to genuinely help people grow their businesses as well. We are looking for new ideas and hope that individuals have the ability to give this kind of genuine advice. If you got some time, have a look at ours and tell us that which you think.

11:40 "What everyone should be doing... becoming self aware... quadruple-down-ing on what they're GOOD at..." [paraphrase] #sogood :)



This is the one video that you must all watch

"I'm not fuckin Nostradamus"

Gary provides so much value in his talks. No fuck@n around. He is right about Australia, small market, but the upside is huge.

I love you

Best Q&A, ever.


I work in an IT Company as an account manager/sales person. I am feeling a little hamstrung by the companies inability to engage with this type of selling, we are a B2B traditionally Enterprise software solutions company. What are your recommendations for pushing the message, or is it better to just take the risk of doing something differently alone?

I'm so late watching this video. I love all of Gary's advice, but I've been working for IT companies in marketing, one thing that happens all the time is my bosses NEVER take on anything I suggest for the company to win more. Like...yeah sure MJ let's go have a blog but...don't spend too much time on fancy tasks because we can't perceive the ROI..." I'm so sick of working for companies that romanticize all their pre conceived ideas of marketing.

Was a pleasure to hear you speak today in London Gary! You talk so much sense. This is a fantastic era to be alive with the opportunities we have!

Well.. this is all taking a new light, now that the anti-social media campaigns have begun due to the privacy revelations to the sheeple. How do you see this affecting your strategy now?

You’re cursing

He's been getting this exact comment for years he drops f bombs in almost every vid... either overlook them or dont watch his vids

“The fact that you don’t have the humility to try to the new stuff... bc your time is so valuable, yet in parallel you have the audacity to want to live a life where you don’t work for anybody and you make your own, blows my mind.” My mind has been blown too Gary. This really hit home with me. I’ve clearly had the audacity, but not the humility. Thank you so much my dude

You are truly my guy my guy

Thank you Gary

This think takes a time years even couple of decades to learn.

Good Video! It assisted me a lot!

¡I fucking love you Gary Vee! Just watched like 5 hours of your speaks while working. High motivation running through me right now.

It's very true that Facebook and Instagram are huge players in the social media and marketing game. The beauty also lies in the fact that both platforms are so seamlessly connected now due to the acquisition a while back...making life easier for companies like us! :)

Nipsey cosigned you. I'm all ears.

Thanks for the giving!

My brain grew a bit just by watching

I have to admit, I am not a fan of his personality, so why am I following him? It's quite simple, this guy knows how to market effectively, how to capture an audience, build a brand for himself, among other things. Think about it, would you or I capture an audience, walk on stage in a simple tee shirt and tennis shoes? Look, I am now part of an aging generation, and if we had what is available now, back in our younger years, Wow. I am learning more from the younger generation, who have mastered this thing called the internet, much more than I ever learned in college or by working in corporate America for many years. This is important enough for me to look beyond the limitations I have put on myself and start looking to those who are moving today's markets. Great job, Gary.


The biggest struggle for me is producing as much content as possible while still enjoying life with my kids. Don't underestimate the value of quality time with your family!


Love & appreciate the Compassion & empathy in which it's Delivered, whereas you should be SCREAMING!!!! ... Gary Vee

Follow my page on Facebook Prime Time Marketing! We utilize the power of social media to generate leads for your company/people. We also do web design/logos!

i have the volume turned off and this character already rubs me wrong.

Please visit https://www.ibayimarketing.co.za it's all about free information about Technology, Cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Great reads and I hope you shall enjoy it's absolutely free.

I am the only one that has the title in spanish? (My first lenguaje is spanish, but i am in the work computer [English onli], so.... Brain explode)

Don’t build me a watch just give me the faxes!

I’m no expert at my field I’ve been in my industry for just over a year. What I have taken from Gary is this remember there’s nobody standing in front of you in our internet market. Do you think every person will judge every post you make ? I didn’t even know who Gary was three weeks ago. I just started doing posts this weekend on regular basis and when I say this week I mean like three days. I have now approached another business about doing work for them and I don’t even know if the company I work for even is on board with what I’m doing do you see this I could be told Monday to stop. If your afraid of judgement overwhelm it put out so much content that you won’t have time to possibly see what everyone says.

I wonder how many people have taken action in 2018 and are now successful in 2019. That's the only way to prove you are not part of the 95%.

I really enjoyed watching this. Gary comment back if you don't think you're something lmao. I've just started my own company and i am soaking up all the advice possible, I thought this video was inspiring. Thanks brother.


50:32 ... what did he mean?

Yeah, Gary, I get that message

He just said facts doesn't care about our feelings lmao.. with different words

They all sound the same. lol

Try This https://jvz4.com/c/1340473/335058


Even in 2019 business is getting more and more emotions, social and mobile. So watching this in 2019 it is still relevant. Cheers @Gary thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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