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Hey. Friends, my name is Jamie and today I'm going to be sharing with you my 6 a.m. morning routine, this, is a typical. Morning right, now for my family of 5 as we all stay home together I have, three kids a five-year-old, and two 1 year old twins and things, are not easy for us right now and I was finding that without structure, and routine I was getting nothing done and by, about 2:00 o'clock p.m., I would be irritated. Because nothing, was getting accomplished. So, I made some changes so I could gain control of my day and be the mom that I wanted, to be a productive, mom that is also present with her kids throughout the day so, I'm going to show you what our routine, and schedule looks like every morning and what I do to be a productive, mom. And get things done so I can gain control of my day and get things done. So, my alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. and I am one of those people that as soon as my alarm goes off I jump right out of bed and I get to it my husband, on the other hand is someone who hits the snooze button about, three times before he actually gets up but. As soon as I hear my alarm I get up and get moving and I. Need to be motivated, to get up and get moving before everyone, else and I promise, you it is not easy at all I promise, you it's hard especially on morning's like this where I did not sleep well at all and I'm super tired but, with my life right now I have, three small children two. Of which who are one, year olds and I have to. Capitalize on the, time that they are sleeping so I have before they wake up their morning nap afternoon, nap and when they go to bed and that's. If I don't have my husband to help that's the only time I have to get things done so, I'd like to get up get moving and maximizing. The time that I have when they're sleeping. I. Like. To start out my morning by working out and it's really important, to me especially right now I feel, like with. Everything going on in the world it truly clears my mind and, I like working out in the morning because I feel like it gives me a boost of energy and, it, helps set me up and clear my mind for the rest of the day and here's, a tip for all of you if you if, working out is really hard for you in the morning what, I do is I go to sleep and my workout clothes and I, don't know if you guys noticed but when I woke up I already had my workout clothes on and, I don't know I feel like one of the biggest hurdles to working out is just getting, dressed so, if I already have my workout clothes on I, wake up and I'm in my nice warm workout, clothes and I'm, eliminating. One of the biggest hurdles to working out so try that out in the morning and see if that helps. But, then I go downstairs and make a cup of coffee first, and foremost, I love my, coffee, and, while I'm waiting for a little bit of caffeine to kick in I empty, the dishwasher from, the night before and kind, of clean up if there's anything, in, the kitchen or living room that, I need to put away from the night before. I. Truly. Enjoy working out from home and a lot of people think that's boring, but. Right, now it's working for me I have a treadmill I also need. To order a spin bike my husband Mike. Quote/unquote. Bought me one for Christmas but he said I'm gifting, it to you but I want you to pick it out because I know you want to pick one out that you really want I'm still, dragging my feet on that so I still need to pick one of those out and I've also been doing workouts, on the peloton, app right. Now it's free I think for 90 days but it is free right now and. I just love working out at home because it saves me time I'm not driving to the gym driving. Home I can workout during nap time if, need, be and it's just one, of my favorite ways to start the morning and what, I'll do is as, I'm warming up and still kind of letting that caffeine, hit me I will, go through and answer comments on my, YouTube video see if there's anything that I missed in, the comments section any new. Videos. Or Instagram things you, know like just kind of check things out and you. Guys know it's important to me that I read all of your comments. So, I like to kind of catch up here, as I'm. Warming up before I start doing my interval, running, I. Also. Will use this time to kind of think about my upcoming day and start my daily to-do, list I am, a big, list, maker and I love marking, things off of my list when I accomplish.

Them And this is another reason why I love waking up before my kids because, when. My kids wake up I don't even get a chance to, think about myself at that point and I don't mean that in a selfish way but. Every, single day I have things I need to accomplish to keep my life running to keep my kid's life running so I like being able to kind of think for a second, before I, start, taking care of them and I'm able to do that as I'm warming up here and getting. Ready to start running and I kind of also, forget, about all of that stuff so I'll kind of think, about my day put, it all down on. My. To-do list and then. As I'm the caffeine has hit me then I get to just go and run and kind of forget, about my day for a, few, minutes while I'm doing am i running and it just clears my head before, I hit, full steam for the rest of the day. Always. So hard to get started, but, once I do once, I start breaking uh sweat I feel. So much better and energized, so just. Get up walk, a little bit and. Get moving you'll feel better I promise. The. Bed and, then before I go up and shower I will set the girls breakfast, out so it's ready to go and by this time. Avery. Is already, she's, woken up she's kind of sitting down watching some TV in the morning and the, twins are still sleeping they've been sleeping in till about 8:00 or 8:30 so, it gives me some time in the morning and by this time my husband is up stairs. Working, in the office. So, I usually will set out their. Breakfast, just so it's kind of so it's ready to go, when they all come downstairs Avery. Is not a breakfast, eater I don't, put up too much of a fight because, she. Eats a really, good for. The most part healthy lunch and dinner so. She. Doesn't that even ask for a snack and to lunch time so this, is clearly filling, her up enough, in the morning I guess, I'm personally, a breakfast eater Mike is not I just feel like some people are breakfast eaters and other people aren't she eats with her milk Avery, loves milk. And, then. For the twins I have their. Vitamin, D milk. They're. Still on bottles. They. Are they, were born seven weeks early so they are preemies, and even, though they turned, year-old two weeks ago I just feel like they. Don't they're. Just not ready for a sippy cup we've been working with them and they're just they. Can't really seem to grasp. On to holding. It and putting it up to their mouths and all. Of that we've tried multiple sippy, cups and it's just not working right now which, is okay I'm. Not gonna rush it and I just think that there's something to them being, seven weeks adjusted, so I'm not putting up a fight, with. That right now and, then. For breakfast they're having pancakes, and, so. I'll just heat that up in the microwave and, honestly. I don't even add anything they eat it pretty plain and then egg muffins, and this just has egg. Scale. And cheese. And some spices in there so that will be their breakfast, and it's all ready to go when, the, girls wake up I. Will. Usually spend a few minutes before I go upstairs and shower and just sit with Avery you, know in the quiet morning, before the twins wake up and all, of my attention goes to them because, they need most of the attention so it's nice to get some one-on-one time with her. To. Me it seems that anyone. Else just feel so, much more energized, when, the sun is shining I. Do. It's. Gonna be a good day because the sun is shining. So. I, only wash my hair once, a week I have officially, and successfully. Trained my hair so I only need, to wash it once a week which, is amazing because, it's a pain to wash hair. Does, anyone agree with me so today was not a hair washing day so I just rinsed and washed my body off and, I was actually going to put on some makeup for you if you, follow me on Instagram you know that I don't wear makeup every single day but since, it's a filming, day I just feel like it's easier for myself to. Look at myself and have makeup on and honestly, I've been putting on makeup more now, that I'm staying at home just because it gives me something. To do and it kind of sets me up for my, day. But. I just use a vitamin, C serum a moisturizer.

A Little bit of foundation, blush. Mascara, and that's pretty much it, oh and. Then obviously, dry, shampoo I use a lot of dry shampoo this is my favorite batiste, which, I, am using a ton of that right now and then you probably saw me dry my hair it's not wet I just kind of feel like if I dry, my hair it makes, it kind of look new it's bruce's up a little bit it makes a big difference versus. If I don't, quote-unquote. Dry it with, a dryer and I. Am NOT a pro at putting on makeup I just kind of try my best and keep it pretty simple. We, were, meant to be. We were meant to be. Some. Jessa4, me, talk. Into, the night into the morning, Millington. The. Street I don't. Think I ever wanna call come closer max, to, me try. And. Then by this time I'm so pretty lucky to have the twins sleeping. Or sometimes, I can hear them talking it's, the cutest thing at nowadays because I can hear them talking they'll wake up and they're happy, and I'll hear them just chatting. Baby, chat chatter over, in their cribs so, again I'm not I'm still, trying to capitalize in, every moment I have without them out of their cribs so, even, if I can hear them talking I let them go and I just start a load of laundry and make my bed and then it's time to get those girls up. If. Only for. Under. The sky I. Know. A lot of you guys are probably looking at this routine and feeling, a little intimidated, by getting up early but for, me I just got so tired of week, after, week at being 3. P.m. and I had nothing crossed off my to-do list and it was just I was becoming. Unhappy, and irritated, and one, of the most common questions I get asked is how I get things done with, my, kids and it's, by creating, time. So, that's why I get up early and it gives me a head start and a step ahead to. Get, things done throughout the day. Are. We gonna go get. Cuckoo. They're awake huh. Hey. Hey. Edison. Did. You sleep good. Stay. Tuned because I'm gonna give you some, tips on how I came to this routine, and some, tips for yourself, and how you can create a routine that works best, for you. Spend. My coin for show. Gonna. Be myself. We're gonna make mistake. I just. Wanna feel about. It's. Just, bah are you the crazy baby. Beauty. Crazy baby. Yuda, crazy baby. Can. Mommy have a drink you give. Mommy drinks thank. You. I. Wanna. Drive a faster, car. So. At this point Avery is has already eaten and I can just kind of sit there and feed the girls and Mike. Will usually come down from the home office upstairs, and sit, with us and we kind of have breakfast, talk, and hang out together and talk about our upcoming day. Avery, was having her second breakfast this morning it was probably, because I told you that she never, eats anything other, than a granola bar and applesauce pout but, today she told me she was still hungry so she had some oatmeal which, never ever happens. This. Is something new we are starting, we realize, that, Avery. Needs a little bit of structure, now that she's not going to school so we got this board we're gonna put it on the side of a refrigerator, and everyday or, weekly, we're gonna put down. What. The girls, are eating for. Lunch. And dinner so you, know I just feel like sometimes we'll, tell her you, know we're gonna be eating this and she says she doesn't want it and we decided that we think that if she can see it written out she obviously can't read it that. Things will go more smoothly can kind of say like this is what we're having tonight that, type of thing and then, we're also going to write out her daily goals, so, that would be things like if we have any exercise, getting, outside to play if it's nice, homework. Schoolwork. Chores. Of that type of stuff so she can kind of look at it and then cross, it off so. It's like her own little to-do, list as, well as helping our family stay organized. Did. You ever stop, and think why, spend too much time just getting. Ready. And. Then we all just play Mike, will usually take a little bit of a break and we all just play together as a family until it's time for them to go down for their first nap and, being. Able to get up early, as hard, as it is I find that it allows me to be more present, a more present, mom during. These times and I'm able to enjoy. The. Girls and just play with them more so than if I was trying to knock out all of these things at this point. I am, telling you by making these changes I am just a happier mom overall, because, I'm able to get things done and be productive but, I'm also able to be the mom that I want to be. There's, so much that I still, keep to myself. The, twins typically, go down for their first app about two, to, two, and a half hours after they wake up so, by this time it's about 10 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.. It's. A shame to my hand side shake it all the, time when joy. But this time. Once. The twins go down for their first nap Avery, goes into her room to get dressed and she always starts her daily to-do list by making, her bed and then we go in and she brushes her teeth and, I brush her hair we'll do her hair and we just get her ready for the day before we go back downstairs so, she can get started on her preschool work.

I. Get. So caught up in the maid of. Thinking. Of traveling. I'm. Losing, Sega's eye with. The twins napping, Mike working upstairs. Avery getting started on her schoolwork if I've, had a productive, early, morning I will then use this time to, pick, things up and I want, to be 100%, honest, with you this does not always happen sometimes, I'll just let it go because it's like heck I'm gonna let this go. All day because I'm gonna be cleaning it up at the end of the night anyways, but. Either way I still will always have to clean up from, breakfast, so, I will go in and just kind of pick up the toys if, I want to clean. Up from breakfast just, kind of put things away because, that's just who I am as a person I just have. A hard time sitting down and sitting still because I like things to be put away and. Or. I'll finish anything that I didn't get to finish earlier, and stay, tuned because I'm gonna give you some tips and how I was able to come up with this routine and some tips for you as you, start to create your own routine. I can, carry all that you've got. To. Have your hearts, it's not a. Oh. And. Something else you're not gonna see in this video because it was a miracle but usually when Avery's working on her schoolwork she'll, be calling me over like I'll get called over about ten times and she'll, be like mom what's this or how do I do this and I'll go back and forth and help her but, for the most part it's preschool, work and she doesn't have a ton of questions, but. This is something that she didn't, ask me a lot of questions on this particular day but typically. I'm kind of like bouncing back and forth between helping, her and then cleaning, up the kitchen. Is. There. Anything that you do in your daily, morning routine that helps you be productive let, me know down below. Before. I get started I want to let you know that I do have a new video serious slave the day so, it's similar to this, routine, so every single day it's like a cross between a vlog and I, kind, of get it all done so I will be bringing you along my day I'll be showing you what we do my, kids but, ultimately what my to-do, list for that day is and then you're gonna see me attempting.

To Cross, everything, off of my to-do list so there'll be you, know meal prepping. Working. Out, obviously. Being mom. Cooking. Crock-pot, meals. Instant, pot meals. Cleaning. Cleaning. Organization. All of that so new series on my channel I will have it linked down below go check, go. Check it out so, yeah, they're fun videos I would love to have your guys's support on that new video series. They're. Really fun and they're really motivational, okay. So, you guys just saw our, productive. Morning, routine and there's. A few things that I want to say and if you guys are looking for tips on how I came to this route some, tips for, how you can implement that in your life and how you can make it easier there's a few things, I have for you okay. The reason why I, started, this was I was finding that being. At home you, know it'd be 2 o'clock and I would have nothing, marked. Off on my to-do list and I would feel myself getting angry and just, frustrated. And just I would have my patience would be low because. Nothing. Was getting done and I know a lot of people would sit there and say well you're taking care of your kids that's you know a huge, job you're getting things accomplished, obviously, I am getting things accomplished, by taking care of my kids but, the problem, is is I, can't just take care of my kids, I mean laundry, needs to be done the house needs to be clean you. Know other things have, to be accomplished, other than just taking care of my kids and I, also need to find time for myself like you know the self-care, so. Like, working out and things like that so I, also, noticed, that my. Girls sleep in for the most part and I. Would just like let myself sleep, in with, them and I. Would get up and you guys know how it is when you have kids you know how it is you hit the running and it's. Almost like you don't even get a second, to think about anything for yourself breakfast. Or barely. Coffee you know. So. I just decided I can't. Continue, to operate like this so I just decided, I got to get up early and, that's. What I've, been doing and it's been working so a couple tips with this because. I know you guys are saying like I know this this is not like a secret we all know we need to get up early before our kids to, get stuff accomplished, but, it's hard so number, one is it starts the night before you have to go to bed early if to make for sure you're getting your sleep so, depending on what time you're gonna get up you know make sure you're getting a good seven. Or eight hours, or, whatever you need so I know it's that easy. But, I noticed that if I stay up later I am, less motivated, to get up the next day so that's a tip make, sure you just go to bed like force yourself put an alarm on your phone that says I've done that before like go, Jamie, go to bed and. That way it like breaks your concentration and. Makes you go to bed so that's number, one make sure you're going to bed early, so you get your sleep and you will wake up feeling refreshed and, ready, to tackle your day the. Other thing is start. Small so. It can be very overwhelming to, start a new routine it can be very overwhelming to.

Get, Up early and nobody, wants, to get up early for the most part so instead. Of saying okay Monday, morning it's a new week I'm gonna start out and I'm gonna get up at 5 a.m. I'm gonna get up at 6 a.m. just. Maybe. Do. It, one. Day a week so maybe say I'm only I'm gonna get up early one day this week and. Make it Wednesday don't make it Monday because Mondays already hard enough and overwhelming, so, say Wednesday, or Tuesday or, whatever or Thursday, or even make it Friday cuz Friday's just have that Friday feel to it so, just start out slow start, up small so, do one day, the. First week the second week do. Two days and so on see how it's going and, then give it some time as well routines, take a while to get used to to. Get into the swing of things but. I've just been enjoying getting, some things knocked off of my to-do list, before. My kids get up and it's also nice to have that clear head before. My day starts, you know I get to think about myself before. I tend, to my kids and I think that helps me out it makes me a better mom it makes, me you know clear-headed, to tackle the day and I just I'm more, productive all around so those are my tips that's, what works for me it obviously may not work for you I think some people may rather sleep in you, know like my kids have been sleeping in till 8:30 so, they'd much rather sleep until 8:30 and, then. Stay up later and get. Stuff done so you got to do what works for you this is what's working for us right now it may not be how it operates, in. A month or six, months we'll see but this is what's working for me. Right now it's gonna be it for today's, routine, video give, me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video if you want to see more don't, forget to comment down below and let me know what, you find helpful in creating a new routine make, sure you're subscribed hit, that red subscribe button and, turn on the notifications. Follow, me on Instagram, I will have it linked below and I will see you guys next, time.

2020-04-24 13:25

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