5D Visionary Business + Sacred Missions

5D Visionary Business + Sacred Missions

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i'm ready for ready for sm to come through for us all and build all of our stuff on there that will be really sweet i had a really vivid dream about it last night and i was like showing interesting the design and like it was just so so breathtaking yeah yay okay it looks like we're live and the title came up okay cool sweet [Music] it was so breathtaking it was [Music] so cool to be here with you missy and everybody that is here to join us play with us co-create with us in this space in this moment feels really special it was really celebratory and i'm just excited to be with you and see what comes up see what wants to kind of to integrate we just we shared a really special journey these last few months in the 5d visionary council and it doesn't really feel like it's over it just feels like we're evolving into like phase two or the next phase of whatever it is and yeah i'm just feeling all that like landing wow we were just on a big journey we're still on a big journey but what an intimate special moment moments we got to share it's really such a gift i just love you so much i love you so much sydney i love group containers like the council because it gives an opportunity to be triggered in ways that you wouldn't be triggered otherwise in a group container just working with other women all around the world we had women from germany india russia is that right germany uk russia no no not russia where did that come from i'm like yeah russia no you're from uh uk germany switzerland india asked to austin texas utah maui um la and hong kong but then also she moved into costa rica so all over the place yeah really cool yeah we did some major grid work and i was tuning in about that earlier like wow talk about healing the feminine too like healing the sisterhood wound you know it feels like we emerged into this really sacred safe space immediately like that was a lot of the energy we got to really transmute and that's such a big part of what gosh this has been coming up in so many sessions and conversations lately like really healing the wounds of the feminine you know evolving through these patriarchal structures that have conditioned us to be a certain way to not be ourselves and that have also conditioned a lot of shame and repression hiding all of these different dynamics with a lot of complexity across most cultures you know and what a gift to be able to explore those energies especially the unconscious ones you know and so they do come up in groups with other shiny beings and what a gift to to be able to meet those energies when they arise in the moment and meet them and integrate them heal and learn and just not be afraid of being vulnerable right and really learning to also receive support i know that's been a big re-patterning that we've all pulled together like i can actually receive support it's safe to lean into being vulnerable and trusting that i'm supported and also just speaking to things and saying the thing there's so much power that comes with just saying the thing that you feel resistance to saying it disempowers the entity disempowers the hiding and the concealing and the shame and when you shine a light on it it disempowers a lot of the things that play in the background of our field as women competing with other women silently um this comparison programming that i really had a lot of um opportunities to work on and also i think a lot of my medicine comes in just saying the thing saying it speaking to it and creating an opening for a conversation how many times did i say i was triggered on one of her i'm triggered and it just it it allows for an opening for it to leave yeah i think that's why a lot of us are here to be comfortable with saying the thing no one else wants to say so we can actually free ourselves yeah like the thing nobody else wants to say is like the thing that everybody usually wants to acknowledge but they're like afraid you know and then there's like that little activator in the group that's like the source point to name that energy so you can usually feel the current of the unconscious energy that is running through the whole field and you can feel it maybe even more than everybody else and in a way it's our assignment you know to call that out to name it to bring it into the light so that everybody can acknowledge it together and share responsibility for moving the energy this is why i love working in groups like i love collaboration i love one-on-one intimate space but man so much magic can happen in the group field when we have all these other dynamics present and all these other mirrors and reflections it's like it just feels extra accelerated all of the healing you know that we can move through and it's just more energy to work with it's fascinating just the concept of a container because you share a container in commitment with others you're processing what they're processing during that time you're in a container and you're reflecting off of each other as mirrors that entire time and so whatever somebody's processing halfway around the world you're in some way also a part of that and that's what's really cool about one-on-one containers and group containers because the dynamics are so different but the healing is um like you said accelerated yeah yeah it's funny to even give words to so much of what we experience like i who just kind of laugh a little bit like a part of me wants to be like missy how did you come across the visionary council and like and like what was it that you were wanting to like you know like the marketing side of me is like what attracted you to this field and like what was it you were intending to like work on and receive and in this like linear frame to like tell a linear story of some kind you know how did you get from point a to point z but like the journey that we went on was so non-linear and i think the journey we're always on is so non-linear and it feels so good to play with other beings that acknowledge that and we're not putting pressure on ourselves or each other to like rush from point a to point z as if there's a straight path and to just continually drop these these conditionings that have told us like we have to be a certain way we have to get there at a certain point and i should be doing this in my business and i should make this and i should talk this way and everyone else is doing it this way and just dropping all of that and man it's not a simple deconditioning so many layers and so much trauma around all that and dropping control and dropping comparison and and just coming into more presence and really listening like and trusting like when is it the right moment for me to create to share maybe there's actually a lot of rest and healing that i get to do before i'm even ready to go and share anything you know and making that okay like so many containers i've participated in and have even hosted in the past have been part of that old conditioning of like okay we're gonna get all this energy and excitement galvanized to like you know everyone's gonna start a business and there's like this implicit expectation at the beginning really frankly a lot of pressure put on everybody to like you know accomplish some massive goal as though it's all possible within my timeline you know five months should be enough should be enough time to launch a business and generate success and make all these promises to yourself that if you don't accomplish them you later beat yourself up for or even the facilitator who hosted the containers like beating themselves up because people didn't get the results that were promised somehow from a totally different reality when it started so it's just so fun to decondition all that from our programming and hold space for like what's someone's authentic pace like maybe we all get to slow down and actually like heal and rest and nourish and then serve from overflow like really share from that level of presence and authenticity as ourselves what does that feel like i love how from the very beginning of the council you were very much like slow down slow down which is hard for me because i love to move quickly i like to glide through time really fast but there's something to be said by just slowing down and being present in the body and allowing for the information to come in and through and talk through your body and through your intuition and like you said listening to the guidance hearing the calling it's not coming through the mind it's not through linear thought it's intuitive and it's an ever folding thing like for me in april i heard so clearly this calling to go to costa rica and there were synchronicities just one after another around doing this everything was like do this i remember that and so i purchased my ticket and wealth series started right after that or right before it was like right at the same time and energy knocked me straight out for like two weeks i could not function i was just laid out and i finally said okay okay i i won't go right now and it let up on me within like two days i had all of my energy back and so that was a great lesson for me in just discerning when and to not use my my will or like this masculine energy to just push through it and to fight through through it but to really slow down and listen to it still says to go energy still says to do this but it's about a timing something's lining up that's outside of the mind that doesn't make sense to me as the personality you know and so i think this is a new way to do business because we're opening ourselves up as channels for the information to come through from something much higher than the mind or the personality it's like a divine calling and can you listen to the call can you take the action steps forward when you receive the information knowing that you may very well make mistakes and get knocked down you know like it's not a straight shot of um getting it right straight out the gate it's a constant recalibration it's guaranteed you're gonna fall down you're gonna fall on your face and it's gonna suck a lot sometimes are you willing to fail you know really but it's so cool like i love i just love the journey of entrepreneurship so much like i'm so grateful i listened to the call i got real loud it was like slapping me across the face i was um helping you know kind of run an agency a pr agency in new york and i had like golden handcuffs like dream job you know paid really well amazing team a lot of creative freedom like really cool like amazing but my intuition was like it's time to do your own thing it was such a cool opportunity it wasn't like i hated my job like life was terrible no life was really good it was very comfortable but my soul was like i'm i'm hiding out in this job i'm i'm not really doing the thing i'm here to do i'm not feeling safe to share the magnitude of what i'm here to share and i didn't feel safe to like come out of the closet about all the like galactic like you know experiences i was having the akashic records healings i was doing and the reiki i was doing on the weekends and just side hustle healing you know hiding and then being in this kind of corporate environment it wasn't i didn't do it and my soul was like you gotta go it was so terrifying because at that time and that has continued to be a thread through the journey there was this deep fear of like how am i gonna get paid there's such a conditioning that we get infused with in in the what we now know of in the modern world is like working and having a salary and a paycheck and that whole thing and benefits and such a conditioning of like a power play and a false sense of security right like that paycheck twice a month same amount of money and and that feeling of like that stability that that brings and then you take a leap and you detach from that gosh that terrified me i was like how am i gonna do that how am i gonna you know recreate this on my own how am i gonna take my power back from this job and do the thing i'm here to do and have fun and but something that happened and it's such a cool story it's like speaks to the universal wisdom and magic when you really do have that soul calling to do the thing you're here to do and you take action when the timing is right i didn't just quit my job overnight you know i was like really sad with it and i was working with a mentor at the time that really helped me gave me the permission to expand into that vision i could do that i could do that and then i gave myself a two-month runway put in my notice terrifying conversation with my boss at the time i was so afraid i was like almost crying and he's like oh yeah i thought you were gonna leave i knew you were gonna leave soon just not this soon that was so funny and literally i put in my notice within the next week i can't make this up the universe aligned to literally offer me two different consulting jobs being a marketing advisor for two startups that not only replaced my salary that i was making as an operations director but um you know i was working half the amount of time with my friends and it was just like oh cool i'm in alignment i'm doing the thing i'm here to do and then there was this like allowing of the spaciousness and like freedom and but the deconditioning out of that like nine to five or in that case nine to seven like 60 hour work week and working and having to give so much and be exhausted honestly like to just have that be the norm especially in certain industries it's like marketing advertising in new york it was like a badge of honor and i think that's societally something we're dealing with right it's like a badge of honor to be busting your butt and exhausted and like my hair's falling out and i'm so stressed out and i'm just working so hard and for what for a paycheck but there's like a weird there's a weird way we've learned to value that right that's like a real that's a real role that i feel is like a distorted way we've learned to value ourselves or to like orient to like justifying justifying yeah i don't know what i'm trying to say you know what i mean that makes sense maybe it doesn't have to be so hard yeah maybe things don't have to be so hard maybe we can do the thing we're here to do and maybe that isn't a company some people are meant to be in companies and be entrepreneurs and activators within organizations we're going to have companies for a long time we need great companies some people are meant to be entrepreneurs and do their own thing and innovate and create can it create in a much more accelerated pace in that type of field sometimes and well maybe none of it has to be so hard i mean none of it has to be so arduous maybe we can listen to energy more clearly and trust that there's like a higher timeline that these businesses were given to steward forth have their own soul have their own energy have their own blueprint that can literally tell us what to do how to do it when to do it and it's all already planned and it all makes sense and it's a lot easier and more fun for me the jump from working a nine to five job into you know working for myself creating my own businesses that jump is a huge ancestral clearing breaking every single program that has deep inside of my dna that's really embedded in my family that says you cannot do that we don't do things like that go get a job a job at amazon like go get a really tough job and break your back for money like this is my go-to is struggling for um for money struggling for what i need was your goal too yeah this was this was so deeply ingrained in my dna that to make this jump is just um i met with a lot of resistance and there's a lot of internal healing and clearing that i have to do on my end just to do this at all and i think there's a lot to be said with that because for me personally i know that i came into this life to move through some really hard things some really um dense situations working through 3d the chaos timeline addiction homelessness you know sexual assault really dense things and with that coding with that agreement knowing that i could transmute that into wisdom and value points to share and so there's this there's this space in that of actually stepping into that calling and it's a calling it's like can i listen to the information coming through me and just be of service to others create containers and healing opportunities for others to step into with me in a container and hold the space and allow them to move through their suffering and their clearing through my reflection and example and through my experience and wisdom that i've learned through walking through my own journey you know one thing i love about this new paradigm in business is that the facilitator is not perfect that's over it's this pedestal where you know the facilitator is like i'm perfect i'm an expert i've got it all figured out this is old this is old news yeah the real way of doing um business now in this new world is being as real and authentic as possible saying the thing saying the thing and allowing for people to see your process and that's hands down my favorite thing about you sydney i love so many things about you and i started i i first came across your stuff maybe two and a half years ago and the transition that i've seen you go through from then to now is absolutely amazing absolutely amazing and another thing i love about you is that i could literally take anything to you as your student as your client as you as the facilitator i could come to you with anything and say sydney you trigger me in these ways and i think you're this and i'm judging you for that and you would honestly be like congratulations for you is vulnerable this is great like this is the healing this is the opening that we create with each other as long as somebody is coming from a space of wanting to heal and they come and they bring something to you you are like oh my gosh you are so awesome how amazing you know and this is i think a new way of doing things you know to create that level of safety with clients and students and people that we work with yeah so much with that sweet acknowledgement such a reflection of you and your willingness to do the same to be the same and it's such an honor such an honor to connect with others that are on this path and really devoted to being real not hiding you know and i i love when i do for some reason kyle is like coming up with my awareness and because you know i just love so grateful for the the friends that i get support from you know we're all here supporting each other i consider you a dear friend um i hesitate using the word client anymore that to me insinuates some kind of hierarchy which is dissolved it no longer i do not exist in that paradigm that has been a huge deconditioning of the visionary council has been to really like and we do this in the akashic training and it freaks a lot of people out at first where they're like you're not gonna tell me what to do and like i'm gonna raise my hand and you're my guru teacher whatever and it's like you know i start the call i'm like hey everybody how you feeling who would like to lead a practice and just like give all the power back and like we're all equal co-creators and like what do you have to give like what are you bringing to the space i put on every application for the retreat for the training for the council any client i work with what are you giving what are you bringing to the table what are you contributing you have something to give that nobody else can like you what is that and maybe part of our work together is to explore what that is it's like what are your unique gifts what is your key that you're going to bring what is your unique contribution that might birth into your sacred service your soul mission business thing you're here to do you know and but i just love i'm thinking of kyle because when i do facilitation support sessions with her she is just so good at not letting me give any power to her you know because sometimes that conditioning can be so prevalent of like you know it's predominant and the way that healing sessions are facilitated where it's like you're gonna pay me hundreds of dollars and i'm gonna do this healing session and i'm to heal you some people well a lot of people used to come to me like that and i would be more in that energy probably my ego liked that you know and but it doesn't feel good anymore and and then sometimes the best healing you can give to someone is like they're asking you something and they're just depending on you for life to give them the answer like please just fix this thing that's wrong and then you know the guidance will be what if nothing's wrong what if you're like totally fine as you are and like or what are you seeing what are you sensing what are you feeling about this what is your intuition guiding you to say and sometimes the facilitation isn't so much about getting an answer but asking a better question that helps whoever it is you're collaborating with to better understand what they're actually moving through so that they can move through it because they actually know the best way to move through whatever it is they're like they're the one that knows how to move through that and you know wow like i just think of all the times i got in the way of that process because i was trying to as a facilitator as a healer all the trainings i did too like they were more in that energy and maybe it just spoke to the time we were all in back then but it and it's a thing from recovery from aaa from sponsoring like do it this way take people through this experience like these are the results these are the promises you know just a lot of layers and everybody wants to get somewhere doesn't want to be where they are right now and like you know and save me and all that and it's just so fun to flip all that on its head and like throw it all away and just practice again and again showing up like what's here in this moment what's right here and now what's happening let's listen i used to prepare for calls like for sessions and for councils and groups like facilitating group stuff and then i just learned like that's not my style like i could plan something 10 minutes before and then when you show up in the field with who's there your energy is saying something else and are you going to be attached to the plan that you made from a different reality and timeline and try to superimpose that on everybody or are you going to listen is there something else that wants to happen that is probably way more fun and like way more aligned with what's meant to be you know and how do we get out of the way let's get out of the way of whatever that thing is that's like so much better than our plans yeah these these containers in this new way are intuitive and you show up open and willing and step into it and there's like this it like ignite there's an egg ignition there's a you know the energy ignites and whatever needs to happen unfolds you know i love working with kyle on support calls too it was really new for me when i would get onto a call with her and she would say okay what do you want to work on like what would you like to do there was no agenda there was no plan there was no you know modules we're going to do this and that all of that is gone all that is dissolved and you know with my first program i'm launching my first program it's called a program it's not even a program like that's not even no that's not even true it's just a one-on-one um mentorship container basically and in it there is some kind of a structure it's like nine weeks long there will be like um energetic readings on the first week of those months three sessions per month and i have like some kind of um intention with alchemizing you know misunderstandings into wisdom that i will help guide people through but be beyond that it's just about creating the container and then having full faith and stepping into it and holding the space with unconditional love no agenda and then just trusting that people who feel the resonance will come there's not this need to market and and to you know find clients and to go on like this wild goose chase of scarcity it's it's creating the field and holding the field and allowing for it to just come together in divine timing with full faith and it's brave and it's awesome and it's fun [Laughter] yeah congratulations missy it's really big you mentioned the piece about you know alchemizing your own family uh conditioning programming around like the slave mentality and just struggling and suffering and scarcity and all that and i resonate completely uh it's a very deep deep programming that we step into as we really choose consciously again and again to do the thing we're here to do and to really believe in ourselves you know no matter what and to really affirm again and again like yeah i i love myself and and i'm gonna like have so much fun playing with these amazing people that yeah i'm really meant to help and to be light about it to be to be light about it yeah to be light about it to enjoy it and it's so cool i've even gotten some lessons about this last few weeks which i shared with the council like gosh you know when you're really listening and you're really meant to do this kind of sacred work and it's like really yours here to do and it's kind of giving you the guidance the container etc it's like it's always a constant invitation to do the work on ourselves you know and to create more space like we are the container when we say container it's like my energy field merging with the energy fields of those i'm collaborating with creates the container and if we ever find and this is where like traditional business just totally misses the point and all the programs i've done and ran and invested so much money in that are like we'll build you a funnel to get all these clients and it's all this external gymnastics and logistics and stuff that never really felt good and they just totally missed the ball about energy because when you do the energy work to clear the trauma and clear space and allow your energy field your container to expand the people the opportunities all kinds of opportunities all kinds of abundance shows up because you've made space you're available so many people i've worked with and starting businesses or refining you know doing the work that we do they're like this isn't working or i'm not happy in this relationship or i'm not getting enough clients or whatever and they're still externally focused on to what's not happening and they're like what can i do out here to change it and it's always in it's always the invitation is to look in here okay where where can you create more space like what trauma is being triggered right now in this let's look at your earliest memory of feeling scarcity and not feeling safe or seeking validation you know to feel love because you really feel at a deep level and unworthiness and i found with many people that you know a lot of people start businesses even in the space of spirituality and healing they can start these missions from a place of unresolved trauma you know and create the whole business model around healing people with the issue that they're not willing to heal within themselves pretty common yeah yeah i think another another side to that i love it because i'm always coming from the opposite side you are i love that how cool you know i know so where i'm coming from is a different side which is i'm not good enough to do this i haven't done enough work to do this i'm not worthy enough to share my wisdom and that's another interesting side to be i'll never be ready i have more work to do you know and if i that's all an illusion that is not true and we're coming into true reality now this is true reality all of this light all of this data is just shining on this planet it's highlighting all of these untruths and as all of those untruths come up and i face them i'm like this isn't even true and as i do that reality shifts right before my eyes and then the next time it comes up that's not true and it clears faster and it clears faster but what i if i zoom out of my own trauma and my own belief systems i have so much to share so much to share like i have the most first-hand experience at recognizing that it's the internal belief patterns within yourself that reflect your reality you know i was in homelessness for three years in deep levels of scarcity you know i wouldn't eat for days at a time sometimes i came into sobriety malnourished completely broken ran by entities for years because i internally in my own belief patterns didn't believe i was worth it i wasn't worth help or support and i truly believe that but this is the cool thing it's it's like as i cleared that and really did the work and took a look at all that stuff my reality shifted and changed we're in a time on this planet where we can heal things faster than ever before we can clear things faster than ever before we don't need to go to therapy for years to get to the bottom of things like we can honestly just let things go i i feel like people there are people having a really hard time on this planet right now because they're trying to hold on to things that no longer are in alignment with who they are meant to be you know we i really know if i know nothing else i know this and it's that i chose the life that i came into the family i came into the corruption in my dna that i was inherited the disease the destruction the chaos all of it and when we honestly own that support comes in from all angles in the spiritual realm our ancestors our descendants our spirits our guides and they rally for us all of this light coming on the planet now we are fully supported in clearing and in healing and more and more people are actually ready to do the work they're in suffering and like i'm being called out to step into this role not work at amazon not go work at a warehouse or you know just some ridiculous job that i would be that and responsible and i'd show up and all the things but to be micromanaged at this point in my healing is like insulting to my spirit you know girl if you were up in that warehouse i would come over to utah and i would like put her like i'd like lasso you like get the hell out of there sorry yeah your choices you have so many choices you yeah we all have like so many choices so much more is available to us than we ever imagined and never consider and those of us with that kind of special abandonment and scarcity trauma that we got very early on and the patterning that comes it can be challenging to really feel safe to expand into the level of choice that we do have and to see ourselves in our real right size not inflated but big big big beings powerful awesome humans like beautiful you know and to really feel that to love that and i just acknowledge you and celebrate you so much for your example and the life that you bring and everything you just shared is so beautiful and um i still sometimes feel like am i am i ready for this like the frog thing is loud and it comes up i find the bigger our dream gets it's like that stuff comes up and then like some big big dreams are like manifesting now in my life it's huge big expansion we get to infinitely expand but to really explore that like wow that's a whole other experience what does it really take to expand what does that really feel like what is it like to build a capacity for more abundance for more love for more safety for more trust for more stability and that can be infinite you know in in our exploration and the fraud thing and the unworthiness these different shadows that were set into motion unworthiness unlovable unsafe very early core programmings from infancy even pre-infancy pre-incarnation like in the womb you know dna patterning like you've said all of these flavors of our patterning are what powers our reality until we make them conscious and we we really do the work to really be with ourselves and to not you know to not orient to these things as like traumas we have to heal you know maybe that's part of the old paradigm it's like i got this trauma i have to heal it so i can move on maybe the real healing is oh this is happening this is occurring right now that makes sense that i have a part of me that's on that feels unworthy of this like level of abundance and love success freedom that makes sense that i have that fragment present look at what i've been through look at the family i come from look at the experiences that i had look how i learned to operate and the family system that i come from that makes sense and that's okay and that part is welcome here and i love you and i'm sorry that no one was around when you were little and i'm sorry that you didn't feel safe and it makes sense that you feel scared venturing into this unknown reality now but you're safe now and you're here and you have this whole arena filled with spirit teams and human support and guides and facilitators and just there's so much support here and how would it feel good to receive love and support right now how can i take care of you how can i nourish you is there someone you'd love to connect with right now that feels like home that can help you like really reconnect and that's it like that's the process this self judgment and the internalized projections that we can have going on even after doing a lot of work this is something i still work on with you know different somatic therapists facilitators it runs really deep this rewiring you know and it's like can we really learn to not be so hard on ourselves to have real compassion to be really honest and to not avoid the parts that come up that are in pain still they just want love they just want acknowledgement they just want acceptance there's nothing wrong you know and it's just so it's like a simple it makes it all more simple and it just brings everything into presence like what if there's nowhere to get to and it's like already here and how can i feel more of my wholeness and then from there we create so much more space and then everything can be you know just feels like life is just wanting to bless us up looks at people to help opportunities to create amazing ways to explore like and it just shows up and the less you know i hear it again the less i do the more i can receive the less i do the more i can receive but that's the rewiring that we get to play with i feel like you've taught me a lot about just asking there's so much information that can come through simply by slowing down coming into the body and asking there's a lot of healing for me to feel safe in my body and to be present in my body and to actually connect with my body and ask it for the answers you know i i did a really good job of escaping my body for so long and yeah for me i think the journey is just to feel my feelings and not try to escape them just to really go into them as deep as they go and have the courage to feel the pain as deeply as it goes and as i cry and as i ball my eyes out i'm like cheering myself on internally good for you good for you missy because i i didn't cry for years i just was such a hard ass you know like my misguided i call this the misguided warrior you know this misguided like owned almost wounded masculine that i came into this life with i was like i came into it with i didn't learn that to unlearn that and to integrate that with the feminine not to clear the masculine not to shun it like oh i need to be more like a woman i need to be more feminine but to like let them play together and to just be me that's one of the biggest takeaways i've gotten from the 5d visionary council was to be slow to receive but the first few months of the council i tried to be like okay i'm not going to be masculine no more punk rock music and exercise okay i'm going to be soft and slow and that didn't really work out because it was like there's like this aggression this rowdiness that wanted to come out and to like let that come out and play and to be like oh i'm super focused i'm getting this done right here and to also be intuitive and soft and inflow with that and move fast and be direct and say the thing and go after what i want you know it's like it's beautiful it's like both of them are dancing within me you know yeah that's just you integrated yeah and it continues integrating more and like finding your own pace even these like expectations of like you know embodying the feminine and whatever like how limiting is that what if i mean i feel pretty androgynous that's something i felt from the beginning of my life and then i was always very confused about having a female body i think i've been a man a lot of lifetimes and i'm more familiar with that embodiment and yeah just makes more sense made more sense to me for whatever reason woman in this life but always felt kind of confused by just the limitation and those choices and the cultural dynamics and programming about gender roles and gender in general never made sense to me and you know it just feels fun like this next uh i want to say like echelon like next timeline one dimension we're exploring like i get really excited about the new potentials we get to anchor and template around relationship and around just like dissolving even more of the identity and being more androgynous and just being ourselves and it yes embodied in the masculine and feminine but but in our own unique you know blueprint like there's a unique flavor in it that we each bring and it's like so much more than any label we could put on it and then what new relationship dynamics can build from that too is like wow not just like romantic intimate sexual but like all kinds of different that's just something inspiring me and i feel that's a flavor in the visionary council that we tapped into is like what are the new dynamics of really authentic relationships across the board and how do we how do we orient how do we really be ourselves as a collaborator as a colleague as a mentor as a healer as a wife as a mother you know and just bringing more of ourselves into all of those fields you're an innovator you're always trying to find like some new way to come out of the box with that kind of like help it i gotta call them down man i just i'm just laughing i know my orientation is so like i am i am the visionary archetype like through and through i don't just use that word like it sounds cool that's who i am through and through like my nature is that my brain will just spin coming up with ideas potentials new realities seeing the future like downloading the new architecture like that's where i'm most turned on in a lot and a shadow of that has been to really orient to the future or the past and not be present so the growing edge of the visionary is to really learn deep deep presence so that one can become stable and grounded in this moment in the body so that the ideas so that the visions that are meant to come through us for the new world or the thriving earth for all these beautiful creations can really land can really come in you know some of these things we see what you're speaking to what's the things i'm creating they're really far out they're kind of coming from the future timeline like these are new paradigm energies they're new ways of relating we're kind of used to talking about things like this because we're associating with a lot of people that get it but it's new and it's really new for the collective to experiment and these kinds of exchanges where it's like well like you're you're telling me i'm an equal like you're not gonna like be my guru and savior and i'm i can heal myself and i'm empowered and i'm free and i can my thoughts are creating my reality like this is pretty radical so you know it's like sometimes we miss the point i don't know why this wants to come through but i'll just say it like so many other visionaries um you're getting the downloads for the world that's coming like you see how close we are it is it's like we're planning for the next couple thousand year cycle but we're templating a lot of it in this lifetime like we're bringing in the new technology we're connecting with our different star family and different dimensional aspects of ourselves that have the codes for the and the resources for what we are meant to actualize on earth at this time for free energy new economic system new political system just like and it's not even new we've done it before in other realms and other versions of earth and you know we're bringing it back but sometimes it feels like we're bringing it in from the future and so it's so important to really make sure we ground the idea the energy the being the soul and this planet in through our body like we must i'm saying this to myself like because that's been my biggest lesson we've got to be embodied like we got to come fully in otherwise if we're just all floaty around the astral realm permission isn't going into the grid and sometimes you meet really amazingly genius people who have the moving ideas and they're incredible healers but they don't really feel like they're really here and they might be struggling to have students or clients or ways to like get their message out because the information that they're bringing in isn't actually here people can't feel them people don't are not getting the information they're not feeling the resonance it's not fully grounded so this is a big lesson right and we got to practice this together in the council so something i think we're really templating for the collective is this process of how do we birth energetic architecture that comes from different timelines dimensions and sources how do we really anchor it into earth and help to elevate you know the level of insight information and resource that this planet is really ready for that it takes a certain willingness to like you know it's a responsibility okay i'm gonna be fully here to receive what wants to come through me i'm gonna land it into the physical realm energetically and through earth through my body and like really it's like birthing a baby really is this gestation process like i'm imagining the the journey that you know i've witnessed you go through and birthing this container that you're sharing this sacred alchemy all the it's like a total gestation of like you've gone through this like massive de-layering and just expanding and kind of in some cases like upward spiraling around coming back to the beginning again you know until the baby was really ready to birth there's a lot of energetic architecture and anchoring that happened before you were really ready in this moment to like be in the resonance right of inviting welcoming and opening and then i'm excited to see how effortless it all is from there because it's it's really feels grounded and landed in you know like i believe you and you like have this invitation like it i can feel it feels really just feels really real yeah thank you i think um i don't feel any pressure i don't feel any um urgency i feel complete ease about it and so i guess that's perfect timing right yeah yeah what are you most excited about with this like i'm just so i'm like i feel so much excitement and inspiration around this new chapter that we get to share and that you're stepping into and i'm curious what's like alive in your awareness around just like what's what's feeling really inspiring and expensive so i've done hundreds of tarot card readings for people all around the world you know just single session containers with people which is so fun and i love it um but the thing about those sessions is that they're just one-off sessions but to have and hold a three-month container with one person and to really be able to support them through that time and also just like to take a look at the energetics in a co-creation with them like okay this is what i see in your agreements before this life how do you feel about that what kind of things do you want to work on around that and how can i support you through the process opposed to oh i can see all these energies this is that that attaches to here here's how this plays all right bye good luck but to be able to really see their process over time feels like the most um most inspiring thing about it yeah [Music] so cool what happens in commitment like when we commit to a journey sometimes a session can be a journey you know but a longer journey it's like wow we can really witness just really witness so much transformation and hold space for it is like a greater depth than more integration yeah what a beautiful gift what a beautiful gift to share in that way and also just to use my devotion in holding that space like like i would my child you know it's like um me able to my ability to channel my maternal instinct into like you said birthing a baby birthing a business and then just holding that space in unconditional love you know yeah it's a it's a certain level of devotion and um yeah commitment on my end too to just do that for people which feels that's the part that doesn't um intimidate me at all actually to actually do that one-on-one work with people it's like oh yeah i got that it's the actually stepping into and putting myself out there part that feels brave yeah it's hugely brave it's amazing it's like taking a leap off that cliff of the unknown and dropping all the patterning that says you can and you're not allowed and you're not ready and you're yeah i mean we could always say we're not ready we're always evolving and growing and you know my favorite way to learn is just to throw my i mean this is something i really am proud of myself for it's like for whatever reason like i can just i love to go leap into the fire and i love to hang out with people that are like i'm down to go into that fire with you and just see what happens and burn the stuff away that we don't need and make something new like that's kind of the nature again of the pioneer the visionary it's like we don't know we're trudging new territory it is the unknown then we get to be really we get to somehow become more comfortable with that and there's a relief in that because we admit that we're not in control we don't need to figure anything out i don't know what's going to happen let's see let's see what happens together like such a relief it takes a lot of pressure off i feel like my highest soul calling if i'm really completely honest with myself is to share my wisdom specifically around my mastery with addiction and get into the nitty gritty like um work with people around echelons and agreements and the dna and clearing the identity of the addict and all of the ancestral lineage density within the dna and my whole motivation for that is to um really anchor in sacred family into this life and have a family that's like transcended all of the story i come from i was talking to jason estes about this recently and he's he said that the children coming into the planet now actually won't carry the mark of addiction because they're ancestral they don't have that mark and so that really helped me shift my perspective a little bit and that it's not so much a mission for me to um create enough clearing within myself to have children without this but to heal enough within my own body to be able to hold that level of light in pregnancy and also um he mentioned how addiction could very well be completely off of this planet within a hundred years and it's people like me willing to do the work and speak to this and be an example of this to create a clear template that helps to rid the planet of addiction and that's the mission right there boom that's what i'm here to do but this first container is just like um really in practice for me in healing for me in clearing my own stuff and helping people clear their own stuff and co-creation as i prepare for for you know other work to come through me that's the beginning yeah well it's like it was quite a sacred mission my friend why you chose chose this life this set up very well [Laughter] fully perfectly designed and it requires it required me to completely let go of victim consciousness as long as i was still the victim of any of it my family my siblings my parents you know disease of addiction any of it the homelessness the rape any of it as long as i held on to that as i was the victim i could never actually do what i came here to do so to hold space for people to heal in their own victim mindset and to really release the identity of their trauma it's it feels really important yeah thank you thanks for doing your thing and being you yay [Music] it's been so fun to see and to watch and to co-create together you know what uh i'm just so excited like what an awesome time we can do anything do literally create anything we want you create so much containers are you holding right now in creation for others what do you what do you have going on sydney uh we have the akashic facilitator training just five amazing women in there we're incredible i've got going till about august the visionary council was nine women [Music] kind of in this next iteration officially closed on the 11th but i think we're all gonna kind of continue to create something together and um i have a few one-on-one students that i work with [Music] at a time and yeah and i got the download i think very much inspired like you were part of the co-creation and affirming this guidance i was already feeling a couple weeks ago to launch a second round of visionary council yeah because it feels like oh and i'm creating a new social media community called ascend you know and i'm writing a new book and i there's a lot more i know but it doesn't feel like people give this reflection to me a lot it doesn't feel like that to me um because again the way i'm oriented is like what more can i do and like part of my training is like be present with like what's here already and like i get a lot of ideas and there's excitement and just okay like really focus like where does the energy really want to be focused right now and it may seem like a lot but it's that's actually where i feel most fulfilled is when i am giving as i've expanded into my capacity i have a lot to give and i'm a generator i'm designed to give a lot of energy i channel a lot of energy and i love that it feels life giving to me i get energy from being involved in all these different fields connecting with so many amazing beings regularly it's a great ally especially as i'm going into publishing this book that i feel is going to really change it's going to change the world in an awesome way and and then launching ascend which is also going to change the world and give us a new social community to play on that i think is going to replace all these other you know portals that really don't feel good or not in vibrational resonance with the level of consciousness that we want to be playing in and that comes out in august and then i'm posting a retreat in a couple days in maui and even more and but it the point being like during this time of expansion and overflow i got the message like it's time to have a council again for the second half of the year because this space has been so nourishing to play in it's really an incubator where i'm doing also my own personal healing deconditioning reprogramming with everyone we're all facilitators we're all co-creating together we're all sharing and amplifying this really potent portal to you know actualize whatever intentions anybody is having this field supports those to come into being and it almost feels like something i just want to have forever like it was just a support field where we're anchoring these templates and new ways of being together you know and so we'll see i'm just listening that says do this for august to january for now see what what goes but it you know another critical piece that i'd like to deepen into in the second round is to do more of what we do in the akashic facilitator training in the council so doing probably for this time i would change a little bit sharing more of the training of the akashic work and using that more as a direct skill to connect with our businesses as the souls that they are and to like that's something i'd like to explore more in this journey that's kind of the takeaway um from the other experience that we shared you know a step more into that yeah yeah that feels really good that's one of the most valuable pieces i received from the 5d visionary council and also just being in wealth series at the same time totally like seriously learning about them i'm like oh my god this is set up so brilliantly yeah you know um the energetics of of finance and you know creating wealth generators within the business and seeing the business as its own soul that you are just allowing to come through and channel and anchor into the earth it's very different than i need to figure this out with my mind i need to get clients i need to figure you know like i'm here unsupported needing to push my way through the work it's like embodying allowing hold it hold it and then go for it so in my opinion it's masculine and feminine so yeah design union business divinity and i think that was one of our uh practices that we did huh i really like the daily practice um aspect of council so yeah i'd like to thank mtv for that inspiration yeah that the course work i've done with mtv over the last couple years it tracks according to the timeline i think where you first connected in with me that was like at the beginning of my mtvo journey and i think back to some of those like early livestreams i did with jason and i was in such a different i was just so in my personality and in a really different energy and had a lot of agendas that i didn't know were running me and um bless jason for talking to me and like doing those things like i just i i've told you this before but like with acceptance work on acceptance course i've definitely watched some of those videos and for that practice i'm like oh because your reflection was just reflecting to me all of my personality and all of the things i needed to work on and so it's just a good practice to revisit those videos oh girl tell me about it myself in a live i'm like oh god oh healing so yeah i had so much self-hatred yeah but i didn't even know you know i didn't even know it was excruciating to watch myself on video i tell people this all the time and i give them the assignment like watch yourself on video if you have self-love insecurity self-esteem stuff coming up unworthiness fear you know like it's difficult watch yourself on the video not for like the whole video a couple minutes and if you can't practice loving yourself just practice really watching and being present and being an objective observer notice how loud the judgment is notice how loud the criticism is notice you know just noticing wow like that's how i'm walking around in my life all the time judging and criticizing that is so mean okay but i understand why i understand why i needed to develop that as a way to survive my family my childhood needed to be hyper vigilant and critical so that i could get attention and love and feel supported otherwise i don't know if my parents would have noticed me so you know i get that a lot of us have that in common but it is excruciating at first but it but it will change your life you can really shift your whole perception of yourself and i really attribute um yeah i just don't recognize myself from even that time two years ago you know it's really cool you've integrated like 100 years of information since then yeah we all have and we can when we really choose to do the deal and not bypass or sidestep it and just meet like the really shitty stuff that comes up sometimes and just like really feel it like we can we can move through generations of trauma like we can heal hundreds and hundreds of years of programs like in a moment and it can be in literally one moment like it's it's kind of i laugh sometimes like i had a session with someone yesterday and you know i just reflected to them all i did was reflect to them an insight that they already had and i just married the guidance was for me i'm not thinking about it i'm just being present in the moment and that wasn't wanted to happen was like just reflect back to them what they just said so that they could really hear it and in that experience she just was like oh and like all this energy like left her body like around her heart especially just like and like hands she's like my hands are tingling you know and it just moved so much but it was she did the healing she did it herself but sometimes we miss like we said the insight like we did the process but then sometimes and i really work this way with my people that help me like i just need to hear myself i can't always hear the insight that i do have that's the key to healing and then sometimes i just need that accurate reflection and attunement yeah that's right and then the energy can move it's big it's so big but we when we can just move that stuff it's huge we change forever whole reality can shift when we say the thing when we say the thing when we hear the thing when we speak to it mm-hmm what if we lived in a world where there's no shame what if we practice who i felt so many chills what if we're here to really practice being an open invitation for people to experience complete acceptance and love no shame what if there was no shame wow like how what if there was like nothing you could say that would even freak me out because i've done i mean i've done it all before anyway but what if like there was just no shame no fear and sharing what is true for you no judgment because more and more have done the work to clear those projections to clear those unconscious you know projections that get in the way that make us all filter and and what if like what would that be like well what you're asking is what would it be like without those entities those are all entities everything you're speaking to and right now those entities are being massively highlighted massively they are so loud in so many people's lives myself included i go through cyclical patterns with this where i'll i'll get really um i'll go really deep into it and i'll come out i have so much clarity i can see it all and then the fight comes and pulls me back under and it's this massive highlight of the fear and of the shame and how how how quickly or how willing are we to just let go of the way we think it should look or of the way we thought or you know for a long time that it should be and when we can let go of those things have awkward conversations you know really have the willingness to look at ourselves and our feelings and feel them there's just this transmutation that happens naturally this is energy work so i think it's happening naturally is what i'm saying it's already happening but what's happening yeah it's happening right now i feel energy moving oh my god honestly sessions i laugh about it all the time i'm just like sessions like healing sessions akashic sessions whatever we do it's just like hanging out with friends like that's kind of what i feel i'm like i'm hanging out with someone i love and because we're connected and we feel safe and real and we're committed to authenticity and healing and being ourselves healing is happening there's an amplified field of pure potential that's just excavating stuff that's not true that's unconscious it's naturally coming up we name it we feel it we flow through it and it's just so fun and it's so energizing i remember when i started doing hands-on like energy work back in the day and i was seeing people in new york like back to back in person which is a whole other game but i loved it but it was exhausting i'd feel like totally drained doing that um because there was more of an entrainment of like i'm the healer like giving you energy or all kinds of weird stuff and you know it just feels so energizing now to do any kind of energy work hands-on or just some digital space whatever we're doing quantum and um it's so life-giving you know i think true healing it's like so life-giving it's so fulfilling it's so nourishing and sometimes we feel like a crash afterwards because we're processing stuff but the actual exchange or the transmission that's activated it's like it feels so expanding you know i love that feeling oh i can't just jam with you forever my friend i love you i love you more i want to hang out more let's do something cool somewhere awesome and just meet and play with all of our magical friends and you know that's going to be so fun when it's the right time we love you so much i'm so proud of you you're such an incredible example anybody that fills a resonance with you to do this healing work with you to alchemize addiction to uncover more of their true sacred purpose in life to just be to have a space to frankly just practice feeling themselves feeling their truth that's what we're doing we're creating a safe space for you to really get to know yourself to feel who you are to feel what you're about to say what you want to give yourself permission

2021-06-17 15:47

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