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Hey. Guys welcome back to my channel in my last video, I asked, you guys what, you wanted to see a 5 a.m. morning routine or a morning, cleaning routine I had, so many requests, for both so we are gonna do that in today's video I am gonna set you up for success on, waking up early in the morning and totally, gaining, your day back not. Letting it escape you, doing, the things you need to do and honestly, just feel like you've got a grip on your life so that actually starts the night before then, after. My routine I am going to show you my morning cleaning. That I do this, videos gonna have a lot in it I'm so excited to be doing this video and also this. Video is in collaboration with. One of my best friends, Amanda, from this crazy life vlog she. Is one of the first people that I really connected, with here on YouTube, she has always been so willing to help willing. To do anything. I mean anything for. Me and it has just been amazing. Establishing. And growing a friendship, with her not only on YouTube but, in our actual, real, lives which, in, this real life but, we, talk, almost every single day she is somebody that if, she needed me to fly straight up to Utah I would be there she's, amazing, she's loving she's caring and I know if, you aren't already following, her you're. Missing out she's got so much cleaning motivation, she, has so, many little hacks to keep your life organized, and running. Smoothly so head, over to her channel let, her, know that when sent you I absolutely. Adore, her you guys are gonna love her so, much and, let's. Go ahead and get started oh and, she, is doing a nighttime cleaning, routine so like after dark nighttime, cleaning so I've, got your morning covered she's got your evening covered that is a full day of mode. So. My, 5:00 a.m. morning routine is going, to start out actually the night before it is so so. Important. If you. Want to start getting a grip on your life and getting ahead, you have to plan, I know, I want to start waking up early and I know that, the morning goes so quickly, so, I'm going to go ahead and do the things that I need to do to, make the morning go smoothly one. Of which is preparing, the kids lunch, I will, also set their backpacks, at the door and get, them ready that all they need to do in the morning is just put their lunchboxes, in their bag and they're, good to go I like, to check the weather and then I will pick out their, outfits. For school I will put them on the barstools, here so. In the morning when they come out from their room they can go ahead and get dressed. It. Is now the, morning and, my alarm goes off and I do not hit snooze but the first place I go to is, the, coffee maker so, I'm gonna make a little bit of coffee and I am gonna take this with me to, do my morning workout. Heading. Into the garage or the spin bike is, I will, get set up here I'll put my ear pods in and I, am usually listening. To some music or just. Having some quiet time it depends, and as. You see I don't fuss, over this I'm still in my pajamas I cannot. Make a big deal out of this because, I just want to make no excuses and get going while, I'm gonna spin bike I will do my devotions, and often I will reply to y'all's messages. And respond. To any emails but I really, try to stay off of social media because it gets very very, distracting. So devotions. Exercise, and then. Moving, on so. I do about twenty to thirty minutes on this spin bike and then I will finish off with about. Fifty, squats in 30, lunges, I. Let. All of my little furry babies, out as you can see the cats are full, of life in the morning and then, I bring, the dogs out with my coffee and try, to get, the, sweet puppy to go potty we are still trying to train her it's not going to great but you. Know she's a baby and I will give her time to learn I love.

Coming Out here in the morning I love the dark sky I love, just. The way it feels it's, so. Soothing, for my soul and it's a nice time to have a little quiet time. If. You guys have some tips, on potty, training a puppy please, leave in the comments, below. Everyone's. Still asleep so I go and get my shower, I do not waste a lot of time in the shower but. I don't need to wash off my sunless, tan and this, tool of skincare that I put on the night before I, love this stuff it's a probiotic, night, time skincare and I love it and, I wash it off with my Biore, cleaner. This rose quartz and charcoal. Cleaner is my, favorite. My kids keep stealing it from me and I love. It I am, probably only, in the shower for about five minutes, I don't. Need to waste time because, I need to get things done before my kids wake up. I'm. Going to put my city, Beauty multi, sculpting, cream all over my face. My, neck my chest and the tops of my hands, I. Will. Then apply my, it, cosmetics CC, cream all over my face I love this it's perfect for dry skin and my skin is pretty dry right now it makes, it so, smooth and a nice flawless look I. Will. Add a little concealer because, I think all of us, moms need, some concealer, and then, I will finish off with my Becca, the, hydro, mist powder, this is great for dry skin. I. Love. To use my Urban Decay reloaded. Palette and then I will try to do a very, light. Look, on my eyes obviously. This is a daytime look I like, to get dressed every, single day including, here in makeup because, it makes me feel more, productive even just. Adding a little jewelry, a bracelets, and earrings just, whatever you can do to, make yourself feel good and ready for the day I'm telling you guys these, are amazing tips and they work. I promise. They work that doesn't mean I'm always washing my hair but I'm always putting a little makeup on and just doing something that makes me feel, good. To walk by the mirror and it gets me ready for my day. Now. That I'm all dressed I've got pretty comfy clothes on and I'm, going to start cleaning up my bathroom a little bit just so it doesn't look like a disaster all day and, my, shirt is from Walmart and these are some Marshalls. Jeans Lucky, Brand I love Marshalls, always a discount, shopper. I'm. Gonna go ahead and start, and load of laundry the. Earlier I start this the better because laundry. Is not done until. It is put away in the drawers and that is something I have been holding myself to and it, has made me feel so much more productive even if it's one load from, start to finish, I'm, happy, because baskets, aren't all over my house.

I'm. Going to come into the kitchen and ask the boys what they want for breakfast, and usually, there's some, deliberation. But, this morning they decided, they were gonna have some gluten-free blueberry. Bagels. These are by far my favorite, bagels. I get, them at Target so if you find them pick them up, I'm. Gonna toast these, for them and put a little bit of strawberry cream, cheese. Time. To start styling the boys hair I will spray it down with a little bit of water to get rid of the bed head and then, I will style their hair we, cut their hair so, it. Looks like it is time for Noah to get another haircut. So. My goal is to teach the boys how to get, themselves ready, in the morning Liam can do his own hair and so Finn Josiah Noah, is not there yet, Liam, has been practicing. Making his own lunch in making, Noah swatch, Josiah. That sleep boy likes to eat the. School lunch and honestly. If it makes them happy it makes me happy. On. The, days where Chris hasn't left for work yet he will usually help, me make the bed he is the most helpful, husband, I have. Ever had and, I can honestly say that he. Is always looking for ways to help and to make my life easier even though he works two jobs he's. Such a good man, and he's, starting his own channel so I'm, excited for that I will give you guys more information, and when it is time but, we, are going to start finishing, or finishing, making the bed and then I am gonna go and make myself a little breakfast, I'm gonna eat the same bagel, that I made. So. I noticed, the dishwasher, is already running but there were a few more items that I needed to throw in there so I decided to do that before it even got close to finishing a cycle, I like, to usually run it in the evening, but we forgot that's. Life and we are gonna do it now and I will unload it in the middle of the day I also, notice the trash is full we. Have smaller trash bags because, I installed, this, little, trash. Compartment. Under the cabinet, so we have to take out the trash so, much more. If. Your family, is like mine there are always water bottles, and cups of water left, out so I will use that to, actually water my plant here and this. Is a peace lily I love, it over here it just gives it a pop of green and I heard it had some air purifying, factors, but don't worry the animals do not get into it I am, going to fold the blankets, because I, think like most houses there. Are a plethora, of blankets, but the dogs don't even feel like they, need to move they. Never do. Chris. Is gonna make himself a green, smoothie I'm gonna be honest I am NOT a fan, of, green smoothies, lots, of spinach and carrots, Oh No. Thank you, I just cannot, I'm. Gonna move on into the boys room open, up those windows and, then add some light in here and I'm gonna start picking up their floor, if I, put the kids to bed as, I've mentioned in other videos Chris. And I alternate. Evenings, and he. Did it last, night so. The. Room is not clean I, will always clean the room before I put them to bed I just firmly, firmly. Believe, that kids, sleep better in a clean and organized, room so. I'm, gonna go ahead and fix it up right now making. Their beds I am definitely going to be investing, in some Betty's hopefully, this year but, until then I got to make the bed and I've. Been thinking about taking the bunk beds apart, with these rooms are so small, like 10 by 10 so I'm still kind of on the fence of that and I. Know that my boys actually all three of them want to share which I actually might let them because drew is a teenager and I think it's time for him to have his own room I. Am. Going to start putting away some laundry. I have, already dropped the boys off at school and so. It's about 8:45. At this point and I notice it is already, warm here in Florida so, I had to take the jeans off and, put some short side. Life. While. I am putting away the clothes I am also decluttering. Whenever. I put away clothes or I am folding laundry I am taking that time to put things in the donate pile or throw away I do, not put. Clothes, that I don't like or we don't need or they don't wear back, in the bins and I've, got a little, pile already. Started in my closet, full of things that we no longer want. Now's. The time where I will start hanging, up all the boys clothes, one thing I noticed, with staying on top of the laundry is I, see, what these kids are wearing and I, see the things that they grab to so, with knowing, that I'm, able to get rid of the stuff that's just hanging, in their closet and taking up space I, know that. There are other kids up there that would benefit, more from these clothes. So. I'm gonna also declutter, the top of their dresser, that's what I was doing over there and put, away some of these toys I have not gone through the toys again because I did that before Christmas. And there, are so, many more.

That I need to do but you know what I am, taking, one thing at a time, I know this this, is a silly saying, but they say how do you eat an elephant one. Bite at a time if, I look at the big picture I will get totally, overwhelmed so you do one thing at a time, like, every, time I do laundry I take some, clothes out of there that they do not wear and that is starting the declutter in process and when I'm cleaning the kitchen and putting away dishes, I see something I don't need go. Ahead and tackle it right there another. Tip, don't. Declutter. Things that, are hidden I know we think okay we're going to declutter this, closet, or this drawer. No. One sees it stand, in the room you are in and think what, is overwhelming. Me right now and whatever that is tackle. It even if it's super small like, in one of my last videos I decluttered. All of the DVD. Cases and, the game cases, that, was so small it took me honestly, maybe, 10 minutes or less and, it, made such, a big impact. When, I am doing a quick cleaning, I will use my Dyson, here what I want to do a deep cleaning. Definitely. The quantum, vacuum you guys ask me all the time which vacuum, that is it just called the quantum and you can go to quantum.com. I. Think it is I'll see if I could put a link in my description box, but I love it it has a better suction, than my Dyson and I'm saying that, with absolute. Truth in my, honest opinion I, am NOT getting paid to say that, I actually, and, this is no kidding I sold my, dyson vacuum. The actual, push, cord. Vacuum, this morning I shorted. Because it did not have this suction like the quantum, I'm. Gonna wipe down the toilet we had some sick kids just, like respiratory. Stuff but still I wanted, to wipe down everything. With a lifestyle. Life. I could. Not find the rag or the sponge that's supposed to stay in here so I'm gonna finish vacuuming up this room and then I am just gonna get some of this toothpaste, off of the sink by, using some warm water in my hand this.

Is Serious mom life, I don't always have what I need but oh my goodness I'm in here, and I know I'll get distracted shortly, so I hope use what I have and, sometimes that it's just a white brush just my hands. If. You guys are finding any, sort of motivation whether, to wake up in the morning or to clean or whatever, it may be will, you leave, this video a thumbs, up and leave in the comments below what you like most about this video so, far are, you. Motivated are you inspired to do what you need to do I would love to hear what you've got to say. So, I'm gonna run the dyson real quick in the living room the. Puppy loves to pull out the stuffing, and her toys so, I'm gonna tackle this right now and also. Get under the bar because, there are forever crumbs over here. Okay. So I'm about to clean, my office I have. A ton of stuff, from, the. Sunshine. Box for Brittany and I'm, gonna show you guys some things that I got her just a couple of things okay, so. These. Are some gifts that I already had turn-key 50 candles CLECs just, secondary, so. I basically filled. It up with a yellow tissue paper, medical, stuff oh. And. I got her this big cozy, blanket. And I also using, it to, kind of protect some of the items some, of its already wrapped but I can kind of go through it so. I got her voice and coloring books and, the coloring book here a stamping, pad I. Got. Her. Some clips for her hair scrunchies. Some journals. A, hand, lettering pits so. We're gonna do calligraphy and stuff like that and ways to kind of like get her creative, outlet out I'll show you like right I got, some stuff for Sydney. So pajamas. Her favorite, candle. Side. Three. Of her favorite, bracelets, and, right here this big package here is a pretty. Big, crystal. And. I'm. Not gonna tell you what's on the crystal because I really think, that's. You. Know I'll. Let her do that but. I, was not able to do all this without, you guys I. Was. Able to get, her. And her family, so, much stuff, and. Then I have three ornaments. Something that I made for her her, mom and her mother-in-law so those, are the items that I got her the box is pretty big and it is SuperDuper, heavy so, I decided. To go ahead and get that going I'm hoping to send it out as soon as the ornaments, come in they should be in next week so that is all the stuff I got her I'm gonna send all that out next week thank. You all so, much for donating to that I was already gonna send her a sunshine box but because of all of y'all so Nations I was, able to just step it up and go, all, out and get her everything I kidding, so, that is all because of you guys so thank you thank you thank you I know she can feel the love so I appreciate. You guys doing this for her and I know she appreciates, it but you, know I'll let her tell you guys have so. Sometimes. With my camera, once it finishes, filming. For a certain amount of time it will turn off and I am so focused, I don't. Hear it so I was super bummed when I went uploaded. All this footage to start editing it that about, oh gosh. 5, or 10 minutes was completely, not recorded, so I want to apologize at the very end of the video it'll kind of just show. The office, but you didn't get to actually see me like putting away all of the tissue paper and stuff like that but I just, wanted to let you guys know and, I also want to let you guys know before. I go any further if. You are here from Amanda's, channel thank you so so much for coming, over I appreciate, you more than you know, any. Of my sweet followers, please please, please go follow, my besties. She is one, of the greatest people, on this planet and I love her more than words, tonnes. Of cleaning. Motivation, life motivation. She is doing a decluttering, series, on her channel as well so please please please go and, say hello let. Her know that Lynn sent you I hope. That if you're new here that you will hit that subscribe button so you can be family, because when, you're here you are family and I, love you and I appreciate you and I thank you so much for joining me on this journey I have, so many fun things and, store lots, of decluttering lots of cleaning more meal planning just mom.

Life If you, have any suggestions. For future videos will you leave it in the comments, below I would, love to know what you guys have to say. To know what you want to see because I'm a people pleaser and I ain't please so definitely let me know I love, y'all and I. Will see y'all in the next video. Guys.

2020-01-18 17:10

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