3 Benefits Manufacturers Experience from their B2B eCommerce Systems — June 7, 2018

3 Benefits Manufacturers Experience from their B2B eCommerce Systems — June 7, 2018

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Thank you again everybody for joining. Us my name is Wally Tamra I'm the head of sales here, at X tuple our. Presentation. Today is going to be given by Josh Fisher who's the product manager, of X tuple commerce here at X. Tuple, josh. Has been part of X, tuple for a number, of years number years back we as a company, we're. Looking to. Maybe. Improve our ability. To help. Our customers, on the web Josh had a terrific, team that, was doing that I was, implementing, websites and helping companies with read web strategies. And his. Company became part of our company and and they've really helped us to. Grow and to really better understand, this this market, segment so. We're fortunate to have Josh here doing. That the presentation. I'm. Going to be monitoring, questions. So if you have questions, along the way please. Use the console, that you have the go-to webinar. Panel, there, there's. A section for questions. You can put your questions in there and unless, it's something that we need to stop. For our. Plan is to answer, questions, at the end so any time you have a question just drop it in there and. We'll queue them up for. The end so, again thank you everybody for joining us today and we'll turn, it over to Josh. Great. Thanks Willie. Hi everyone and. Welcome to what's, new and ERP, business, happens on the web, so, while he said my name is Josh Fisher I'm the product manager of X to be Commerce here at X tuple, in. Addition, to that I as, well as Wally pointed, out I've been working within the web marketing, world for, a little. Over a decade now you, know you could say it's a topic that I'm pretty passionate about some excited, to talk to you about it today today. We're, not going to be talking specifically. About X, 2 products. I'm, not going to be giving a demo or anything we're going to be talking about web strategy. Really. It's, it's becoming obvious that things are changing in the world of marketing or, manufacturing. And distribution and. It's. Impacting. What's important, in regards to an organization's, you, know business tools. Um. I'm. Sorry my slides aren't working there we go I. Didn't. Realize oh it's there's there's my picture that's me that's Josh okay, so. So. This is a short webinar, today we're. Only gonna be talking for about 20 or 30 minutes if. You like what you hear today you, encourage. You to sign up for our July, 13th, training, by, design we want that online training. It's a day-long training and we want it to be a pretty small group my.

Plan, Is to go, into more deeper, detail, about, these same web, strategy topics. And what. I'm excited about is getting to know each of the attendees, of that course and I, want to get my head wrapped around their, businesses, then during the training, I plan to use those businesses, as examples. Of how web. Marketing, can be used to grow. Organizations. I really. Want each participant. To walk away from the training with a defined. Game. Plan and a list of actions that they can take when they get back to the office you can learn more about that a textual comm, slash, sales - growth, -, training. Or, obviously, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us so. Let's go ahead and get started. Now. If you're here because of our recent, emails, then, you likely saw the three, points, that were in those emails, and those three. Points we're number, one be 10 times more productive that's, especially for your sales team, number. Two sell more than ever, and number, three expand, your market, now. These are just a few of the many topics that I could go into but these are the points that are pretty universal, across the board really. Across every industry and, before. We get started I want you guys to indulge. Me here and and really, keep an open mind about the. Topic of web marketing I know I'm sure that all of you have thought about how the, web is impacting. Your day to day business and I. Guess. The thing is I'm not sure how much time you've taken a step back and thought about it strategically. And you, know thought about it conceptually to see. The. Way you could, use it to grow. Your business I. I honestly. Believe, that right now the this era, that we're in right now is a, perfect opportunity for, manufacturers. And distributors to, start using the web as a as a sales, tool as, a strategic. Sales tool at. The end of the day it's just going to make you more competitive. The, competition's. Not, doing. This yet it's really your opportunity, to get out ahead of everybody else and obviously. The more competitive. You are the more deals you're gonna win. Now. Today if that's not the kind of webinar you were looking for if you were looking for a demo, of the product don't don't, worry.

Don't. Hesitate to reach out to us because we can set up a meeting and we can do a one-on-one demo, plus you can go to x2 cocom and there's. Access, to free trials, and, we're, in the process creating videos Forex tuple you so there's gonna be plenty of materials, for you to get to see or experience the. Software, but today. I want to talk about the strategy, to. Kind of help people understand, why the software, is so important, so, with. The first topic be 10 times more productive. The. Route of making your company, especially, your sales team more productive is using. The web as a tool, for your business now. That may sound a bit exaggerated. Or you may think it's not advantageous, for your organization, to move in that direction but I want you to scratch those thoughts from your mind and just think about this with, me you know using, a clean slate really in. Many. Instances, you're already using the web you, obviously, you rely on email you rely on the internet for research and education today, you're learning, about web marketing strategy, through this exact webinar, so, it's really natural in today's business world to use the web in. Each of those instances you're. Using technology, for information. Transactions, right and, the truth is the, way that you use the web is no. Different, than the way your customers use the web we've. All learned to, use the web for educating ourselves about topics, doing research and learning and and, now it's just a part of our daily lives it's it's just so normal, but. If, you think about it right now how, much information, about your business and your products are you providing on the Internet. You can go through a list you have a website do you offer a catalogue, of products, with extensive, details if you're, a job shop do you go into detail about what you're capable of. If you if you sell extremely, complicated expensive. Products, do you go into detail about those products online if someone. Were to go, to Google right now and do. A search using keywords related, to your industry or, your products, would, they find your company within 10 minutes and if. You're, saying no to those things you're. Really missing out if. I, had to imagine how you're functioning right now I guess, that buyers. Probably. Find you through networking word-of-mouth, or, conferences, and things like that then. They eventually reach, out to somebody at your company they end up building a relationship with one of your sales reps they ask, that rep a ton of questions and, then you're at your rep asks them a ton of questions and eventually, hopefully, they. End up buying from you but, let's let's, dissect what's, really happening, there the, sales rep is likely, answering, the same questions, for all potential, buyers time and time again and they're. Likely hearing, the same questions, right. Discussing. The same products, in the same way over and over and over again it's redundant, and it's repetitive, in fact, I'm, sure you, hold your best sales reps up on a pedestal for, talking the most eloquently, about their products I. Mean. It's pretty common those that know the products inside now and have, their you, know their pitch tuned, in just right, they're the ones that succeed, and grow, businesses, but. How much of their time gets, dumped, into that process what, if you could accomplish the same results, with a fraction of that time and think, about that for a minute he's back in back in 2015, Forrester. Did. A research. Study on how. B2b, buyers want, to buy business, products they. Found that more than 50%, of, b2b, buyers at that time in 2015. More. Than 50 percent preferred. To research, products, online versus talk with a sales rep and the. Problem, was what, they were learning is that not, enough information was. Online so the buyers were forced to continue, doing things excuse, me doing things the old way like through the phone calls and the you. Know just the typical standard ways of talking, to the sales reps now in. 2017. Forrester. Did that same survey, and the, number, jumps. To 68. Percent that's, a 30%. Increase in just. Two years, so, 68, percent it's a 30. Percent increase so. 68, percent of b2b, buyers, say. They want to do their research on their, own time, but.

If You're not giving, them that option they're, not going to be finding you right they're gonna be searching for these topics online and if, you're not there. You're. Just not gonna meet them, additionally. 93%. Of those b2b, buyers said that they'd prefer, to, place their orders online rather than through a sales rep, 93%, doesn't nearly everybody, right, and there, the research report is full of a lot of great information here are some other numbers that you, know stood out to me really these these numbers are just from the first couple pages it's it's a long document, the. Other thing to remember these, numbers are from to or from a year ago and the. Problem, is in ten, years from now all this will just be the standard, this will be the main option, if you're. Not on this train rank now you're going to be left at the station, okay and to. Help us understand, the future and how things are gonna change down, the road let's take a look. You know backwards, let's look back so, here's. A here's an image that we. Probably all remember this is AOL. From. 2001. Hey you think about it that's 17, years ago in the history of business like, that's nice no time at all right, think. A minute for how about. How this changed, the industry in the 90s, how, many people. Believed in the, email, would have the impact that it did you, know it's, like in that period of time nobody, was looking at email thinking, that it was going to change the world maybe, maybe somewhere, but I remember, in the 90s. It. It. Wasn't recognized. As being. Potentially. The impact, that it was right and then. Just ten years ago how. Many people thought that smartphones would change everything now you look at this graphic from Apple just ten years ago GPS, was being introduced, to the world through a phone like just imagine now not, having GPS, on your phone at that time it was, unusual, for a person to have a smart phone do you remember that like, the, the person shows up at the office with the iPhone, and everybody gathers around to check it out now, it's the opposite, if you see somebody on the street with a flip phone it's, something, that you kind. Of chuckle. About right. What. I'm saying is that's. Where we are right, now with b2b e-commerce this. Is not an extra, option or a cool feature that your organization. Could offer this, is how the world is going to work over the next couple years big, organizations. Are already adopting, the technology and they're they're seeing major benefits, now, the technology, adoption is slowly trickling. Down to medium and small-sized companies and, for, instance coca-cola was used in that Forrester, Research, study they, were just one of many reference, points and they. Reported, seeing sales, increase. And customer. Satisfaction. Skyrocket. Right a brand is old as coca-cola is, saying that customers, are happier than they've ever been and I'm not talking about consumer, customers, I'm not talking about you and I I'm talking about the distribution, centers that, provide coca-cola. To the public they. Were happier, than they've ever been because they have these web-based, sales, tools to use to engage with coke and it's. All it's all because, coca-cola, had the foresight, to recognize, that, this. Internet. That the web could be used as a tool to engage with their customers and that, feedback is just going to continue to grow we're gonna start seeing it everywhere, so. Imagine, that you, follow suit and you get all your product and comfort company, information online. Customers. Are now researching, and educating, themselves about your business they're doing this on their own, suddenly, the, hundreds of redundant, questions your sales reps. Would have answered on the phone there now being answered online, and that. Information, is available 24. Hours a day seven days a week and 365. Days a year right. How. Much time do. You think that's gonna save your sales reps two. Hours four. Hours a day, no. More answering, long phone calls no more long responses. Via email, the sales rep can just say go to this Resource Center online you'll, find everything you need to know then reach out to me when you start having questions that the site can't answer you, know if that happens and. The. One thing to keep in mind here this is what the buyers want this. Isn't your sales rep just. Sending people away the. The buyers want, access, to that information right.

Now. If. You. Have this sales information online. Every. Minute of the day you've just multiplied, a single. Sales rep exponential. Exponentially. Think. About what that saves so you, end up saving let's, just say three, hours a day with this new strategy right, the sales rep ends. Up saving 15, hours, a week 60, hours a month and. In. And in 720, hours a year think, about what that, sales rep could do with. All that time and really it's. Kind of hard to imagine these, numbers right and so. Take a look I did, a screen shot at a calendar and I started drawing these outs so here. You, have three hours a day just imagine. Your, calendar, where this red block is the, free time that your sales reps have to. Focus. On things, other than answering, redundant, phone calls right, and a. Week that's. Almost, two days out of their week and a. Month it's, about a week and a half and in. A year it's one third of the year when added up right. One third of the year in business hours, it's. Just so, much time just imagine what your sales rep can do with that much time and, you might be thinking they'll, play, more golf which, was a joke that somebody else made but. In. Reality if. They're, a really good sales, rep they're going to use all this extra time to their advantage right the most constructive, thing that they could do is. They. Could become, more consultative, they, could they could build, more consultative, relationships with, customers, so. Let's to, think, this through let's just focus on existing customers, for a minute, imagine. If your sales were up had the time to visit with existing customers, learn about other business, take tours of their location, get their head wrapped around those customers. And their business. What. Would happen there they, start to see the challenges, that those customers, are dealing with they'd see the gaps in the customers, business flows, they'd, see the projects, that they're working on the problems, and the struggles, that they deal with then, hopefully, if you have a good sales rep they'll. Find ways that your organization. Can solve those problems, they'd. Figure out ways that your organization, could extend the relationship, even further and hopefully more profitably, right and the. Customers they'd love you for it you'd, be solving, all the problems you'd actually be caring, about them, and helping. Them grow and that's the position that. You want your sales team in that's. What's going to make them more productive. And. By the way I should mention too if you've done your own research about b2b, e-commerce. You. You may have come across these. Articles. About how you. Know the sales reps are going to eventually just be replaced, with b2b e-commerce sites. Right and I don't believe that I, don't think it's true so it's. Not to say that, there won't be a decrease, in sales reps and it's. Not to say that those sales. Reps that are really just order takers aren't, going to be pushed out and when, I say order takers I'm just talking about the people that answer the phone, jot. Down the orders and get it into the ERP. They. Potentially. Could be replaced by an e-commerce. System, right. But. For. The really, great sales reps the ones that are, great, at building relationships and. Seeing strategic. Opportunities. This. Change is really going to give them the opportunity, to flex their muscles and and. Build those relationships and. Win more contracts. In. The long run it's going to help them make your organization more profitable.

So In, summary. If you take the redundant, work away, from your sales reps they'll. Have a lot more time and energy to put into building stronger, relationships, with existing customers and, additionally. They'll have time to find new customers. Now. On to the next point sell, more than ever and I know I know. That sounds very salesy, it's very marketing heavy it's kind of like clickbait. Right just, hear me out here there's. A lot of truth to that comment, we've already talked about it a little bit but let's let's get a little deeper. Imagine. That you now have all of your organization's product. Content online and I, should mention too there's a myriad of ways to do that I know manufacturers. Are especially protective. Of inside, information but I'm not suggesting that you just start plastering your secrets all over the web that's. Actually, um that's a topic that I'll get into more in the, July training, we'll, talk about how to protect your intellectual, property online, but. As. You, imagine, this with me just imagine, that you're you're putting your information online in a very smart way all, right so you have all your information online, in a smart manner and. Sales. Reps are building better stronger, relationships. With existing customers and. Prospects. People, you don't know people, you've never met they. May not even be close to your locations, they start finding your business online, when. They're doing research, right, at, that. Point your website, really. Your web presence is functioning. As a sales, tool it. It's. Almost like you. Know like the first mission. Has been accomplished, if you. Give the customers, the ability to place orders online in addition. To gathering information. The. Customers, will. Begin buying, more and this, is something I heard from existing. X/2 pool commerce customers, right but I didn't feel I never felt like I had enough proof to talk, about this publicly until. I saw the same, report. From, that Forrester, research paper and in. The research paper what they found was that existing. Customers, the ones that made regular orders on a on a pretty regular schedule, they, started placing orders online there were five percent larger than their typical, past, orders if you, think about why would that happen um, it. Actually it kind of makes sense if you're if, your household, is anything like mine it's not a lot different than coming home from work and finding. One Amazon, box on your doorstep once, a week right, and then. A year later you, start noticing to, Amazon boxes, on your doorstep like. Every other night right, it's just so much easier. Now. It's, it's. Well. What people love to do is they, love to research, products, and they love to learn about things online. Um. Everybody. I how. Do I put this buyers. These. B2b, buyers they're. Simply people like you, and me right, they sit at home they watch TV they scan the internet from their couches on their laptop. Or on their iPad they. Like finding, solutions, to little challenges, around their house so it's a pretty universal, definition of how Americans, live now right it's extremely, common. These. Same people are the.

Professionals. That have to keep a business moving forward they're, the ones that are going. To work, every day and they wanted to use those same tactics, at, work if. The. Information. About the things that they need to buy is out, there it makes, the purchasing, process so. Much easier people, will do it right. People. Love digging into details on their own they like researching, they like being the one with the knowledge they like. Finding, solutions, to challenges. Plus, with the website you have the ability to upsell, things you can even do that in an automated fashion. Right. I, pretty. Much everybody seen this you're, online you're shopping for something the. Website, recognizes, that you bought this product, it introduces, you to other related products. Or. If, if. You have a, site that's functioning, for your team your, team can start looking at trends, and the, end so you can start seeing trends about buying, processes, you, start to realize where the opportunities, are even, looking at analytics, about products, that people were maybe, looking at may even adding to their cart but they're not buying they're, not converting, on them you. Can see that information, and that's just gold. For, you and your, strategic team, right. So. If you make buying, easier. And more accessible to those customers they're gonna do it more often, right, if you use these tools you're gonna get more insight, about the, the, behavior, of those customers, as well as well, and it's. Just gonna help you grow. Okay. Last but not least, expand. Your market in, the. Previous, point. Talked, mainly, about existing. Customers, but. What about prospects. What. About the people you haven't met yet, or. What about customers, that you've had in the past for your sales reps they, don't have strong relationships, with them you. Know they're they're basically those. Two types. Of people in the market the, prospects, that you have, no chance of meeting that, are looking, for your products but. The. Chances of you crossing, paths with them are, slim. To none and then. There's also the customers, that are too expensive to service so let's, talk about each of these individually. Okay, so first let's this. This. Prospect, that you have little chance of meeting we've, already said the b2b buyers love to do their own research and it's, a good bet that many, b2b, buyers are already out there searching, for your products, but, they're never gonna find you if you're not online there's. That old saying go, fishing, where the fish are right, the same is true here. Becoming. An easy-to-find, seller online, starts. With building a web presence a a. Ka a you know a good website and it doesn't have to be flashy, it doesn't require a design, agency from New York or LA frankly. It doesn't even have to be a difficult process you just need to get your content, and nice, images, online really that's those, are the fundamentals. Think. About what it takes for you to trust a website it, has to look good it, has to present well and it, has to not feel outdated, right, the. Next step once. You have that web presence, is to begin. Building and continue, building. Quality. Content about your organization, your products and your services again. You don't have to share all your secrets, but you you want to get plenty of useful information, out there and it's okay to repeat yourself a bit from page to page think, about how many times you have to see something before you take action right your customers, are no different.

You. Also have to be conscious of how Google, is going to index, your site meaning. You. Need to use keywords, in your content, that. Your, buyers are using when, they're searching for your product, solutions, and. Those. Are the keywords that are gonna help them find you right again that's a deeper topic that's something for that July training, that I talked about. But. Once you're online and once, your contents, out there for people to find, there. Are a series of other steps that they. Need to take place eventually, though, you, start building up this library of content, your. Site starts to get more traction other, sites, sites, start linking to you as a resource, and eventually. You start seeing your traffic increase. Every, month right you start to realize, by. Looking, at your analytics what, content, people, are really interested in what they appreciate, what, content. Do they share and. That, tells you where, you, need to continue to grow once, you have that information you. Start narrowing down the niche and and. Strategically. That's where you begin, to expand, and by. Expanding, that content. It's. Going to help those, people that you've never met before it's. Gonna help them find you right. Now. If you're thinking you know this, isn't gonna work for our business we're. Too unique, or, we can't explain what we do online or, our products are far too complicated. My. Favorite my personal favorite is no one is interested in what, we're. What. We're doing here if, that's. What you're thinking then, you're exactly, who I'm talking about right, if you have a product or an industry, niche then, you have gold for web marketing. Now. If if you think I'm exaggerating about, that check out this book epic content marketing it. Really explains everything I'm talking about it, was written specifically. For, businesses, like yours b2b, businesses, that do unique complicated. Big things right I'm the, I absolutely love, this book I've, read a handful, of of Joe's.

Books But this one in particular is great, for b2b, businesses. And after, the, webinar we'll send out an email with a link to this book so you can check it out highly, recommend, this. And. Then. Of course these are the kinds of things I'm going to go into more detail about in the in the training in July but on. To the second point, now. Second group of customers these. Are the people that want to give you money but in the past you haven't, had enough time or resources to serve them everybody. Knows what I'm talking about here every. Business has this kind of customer they're the ones that they, may make one order, a year, and it's relatively, small or unpredictable, or they, use up like a hundred hours of your sales teams time nitpicking, about every detail. Then. They take forever to actually make that order, or they, place small orders sporadically. Throughout the year the, solution, here is self, service, give. These buyers the tool, to do all the legwork themselves. It's very very common it's, a very very common reason for. Prospects. Or customers to, come to us and want, a b2b e-commerce system, we hear this pretty often we had a customer last year that went live with fixed up commerce and they, had these big plans all these things that they wanted to do with the site very. Strategic, team they're very thoughtful right and, what. I found out in building, a relationship with, them was that the, reason management. Was behind the effort was because they recognized, the number, of difficult, to serve customers that. Could serve themselves, right. In the, last I heard and. You, know we went live with their site and they're good now and I. Reconnected, with their team and. They. Made the point that nearly 15%. Of their annual revenue now, is made, up of those, kinds, of orders right, and. And. You have the thing to like their sales team is not spending any time on, those, orders it's all just, automated, web, business, right. If. You think of just imagine, that for a minute no nobody. Wants to turn away business. Especially. Not in manufacturing, district, distribution. If you. Had a tool that, could make it possible to serve those customers. Not, only are you going to make them happy because they're now able to do everything they need to do online they're getting all the answers to the questions that they have but, you're also your you're not losing that revenue oh.

And. If you think about it I mean you, know this takes it to the next level but just think about how, those. Customers, or other customers, in general are just going. To share information, if they find that buying from you is this easy. They're. Just going to continue to tell their colleagues, and and and people, that they know in the industry as well right, and if you're not doing this if your competition is doing this then, you're gonna miss out you want, to get those relationships early, like, being, the, first on the block here, with this technology is really important. Because if you if you are the first on the block and you start building these relationships with prospects, and customers that's. A great position to be in because you'll have the relationship. You'll have the initial relationship and, people will just know to, continue returning to you. You. Got to get out ahead of your competition with, this and and, like I said in ten years from now this. Is all there's going this, is all that there's going there's going to be. This. Isn't an option. Like I said before it's not a cool feature this, is something that everyone's. Going to have to adapt to and I, encourage, you to take this very seriously, right, now. Okay. So that's, the three topics, that I wanted to talk about today and really. There's so much more that, I'd love to go into I'm. Even, thinking about doing these webinars on, a regular basis where every, webinar, I go into a specific, topic, like this just twenty or thirty minutes and in, fact if you enjoyed this today be, sure to let us know if if. You'd appreciate these kinds of things over and over again because it's it. Seems to me that you. Know these, strategy. Conversations. Are not, the conversations, that, organizations. Are having internally. There's there's, more of a. Do. We have a website no we don't okay we need one let's just build one and it's. Better to take a step back and think about okay how is this gonna work for you how is this actually going to help you grow let's. Get into the weeds and figure out those details and there's. A ton of things I can go into like here's a list we, can talk about analytics, personalization. Unique. Customer, experiences. Multiple. Channels, on the, web web-based, chat omni-channel, selling. Inbound, marketing, really. The list just goes on and on I could talk about this for. A very long time and, of. Course the reason I'm talking about all this today is because, of. Vic stupid commerce right our. Team has built this b2b, e-commerce web, portal, and it has a real-time, integration with, X to Polly R P. Now. If that that doesn't mean anything to you. Think. About this, everything. That you learned today everything. That I talked about today can. Be done with a system, like this plus dozens, of other things and with, that real-time integration. To, the ERP, you, can manage everything inside. The ERP, now. We all know with the ERP of the purpose is to have one place that everybody goes and they manage everything about the business right. This. Is just an extension of that now. The. The analogy I like to use is that the ERP. Is for. Managing. Everything. Within your warehouse right, all, the orders that are coming in all the customers, all. The accounting. Ixtapa. Commerce is really like an extension, of that ERP. Into, the outside, world. By. Having this b2b. E-commerce web, portal you're giving customers, the tools that they need to. Create. Sales orders and to, educate. Themselves about your products they can even log, in and they see all their information they're, able to update. Their own account information and I can demo all this for you and like I said we're going to be posting videos on X tuple U and everything. But. Really it's a it's a extremely, powerful, tool and it gives your, customers that. Self-service. Ability. To, take care of themselves which. In turn obviously, is gonna save you guys time you can use that time to expand in other things and everything, else we talked about today okay. If you're curious about this you can sign up for a free demo on xtube accom or. Like I said reach out to us and we can we, can do a demo for you I'm happy to do that and. That's.

Everything I want to talk to you about today so thank, you I really appreciate you joining me today, we do have a little time for Q&A so. Um if, you, have questions, ready, Wally. I can I can, address them. Okay. Thank You Josh a. Couple, of questions here people are pretty, interested. In that I guess the topic, of content, it. Says it. Is. Any of the data that's in the ERP I guess they're talking about the X, to people commerce that you were just talking about. Available. As content. Does that become content, I guess they're asking. Well. Yeah. So let's. Talk about that so all your products are in the ERP right, all the all the SKUs of products, you're selling, and. With. Excel commerce. You're. Able to create content, about those products, that, will. Be rendered on the website, right, number one you have the ability to enable, or disable, products. So that they show up on the website or not you. Also have the ability to create customer. Experiences, so this, customer type can see this block of products, and this second customer type can see that, same block of products plus another you. Can control those kinds of experiences but, then within the ERP when you install like stupa commerce in. The item, master there's a new tab called marketing, content now the system, if. If, the marketing, content, is empty it'll just rely on the, standard, description. The. Description second. Line and the extended description right, but. If you do have information in your marketing content area. That will all be rendered, on the website, as. Well plus, all your customer. Information same, thing. Customer. Logs in and maybe they have a handful. Of shipped to addresses, all of that's in an ERP and it gets surrendered whenever, that customer logs in they can see all their ship to addresses and make changes to them add new ones they can now save credit cards to their account. You. Can you know they see all their own customer, specific prices, when they log in so yes there's a lot of information an ERP that, ends up getting rendered. On the website, in real time in real time means you make an update in the ERP and you immediately see, it on the. Website. Somebody, places an order on the website and it immediately shows up as a sales, order in the. ERP we're actually relying on the ERP database, for. Those things there's no um you. Know duplication. Of the information, so I hope that answered your question. Yeah. I think, that does and the next question was was kind of a similar one it said what information.

Is Available under this topic, of self-service. In quotes, because. You said self-service. A couple of times so. When I say self-service. I'm. Talking, about the customers, that number, one one research and learn about products and. Maybe. They want to. Get. A quote on products. Like, I said before if, a customer has an account with you and you've negotiated prices. With them when they log into the site they're. Gonna see all their own customer, specific prices. Right, so, they can add things, to their cart and they. Can see all the prices and start getting totals and whatnot when they do that it's, actually creating, a quote in the ERP and, then. That customer, as they're building up the cart they have the ability what. We learned from customers, is is sometimes. People, will build up these carts and you have the ability to save your cart you can save it to your account and you can save multiple carts, so. Imagine. A customer, that's. Purchasing. For let's, say a construction, project right, they build up a cart and they save it they know they're not going to have to place that order until, fall. Of next year but they've saved it into their account and they're, able to export. That as a PDF and, they can get sign-off, from. The their. Client, or supervisor. Or whoever, they, can start using it as a tool within, their day-to-day business and then when they're ready to process that order it's just a matter of adding, it back to the cart and checking, out and they can pay with their terms they can pay with a credit card if, you if you offer, customer. Credit to, the customers they can checkout with those if you want them to. So. When I say self-service, what I mean there is that, in all, of those examples that. I just presented that. Customer. Never. Has to reach out to you they, don't have to, engage. With. You to, be able to be taken care of they can do up they can do it a hundred percent on their own from anywhere right. We had another customer tell us that. It's. Been helpful for them what, they've heard for people to be in business meetings they're on their phone they're looking, at inventory. Levels, on products. That are in the ERP and they're. Able to answer questions. That they're being asked, is, there enough of these can we get these by the end of next week they're able to answer those during, these business meetings on their phone and in. Some cases you. Know if they need to they're able to process those orders immediately there is no calling, in and saying you, know hey Bob, need. To get another shipment. Of those. Products, again it's. All self-service, okay, thank you there's a question here that says we. Have an in quotes, image, website. Already, what. A b2b, website via a second, site or a different, site, oh, that's. A good question so it. Could be either, the. The b2b, site, when. You say you have an image website, already. Let's. Just imagine that I'm, not a hundred percent sure what you're saying there but I would, imagine that you're talking about a marketing, site you're talking about a site where people go and they look. At your products or maybe they read a little information about your products, and. Then, you. Know strategically. You'd push them to a b2b e-commerce site, where they. Would be able to add. Those items to their cart and actually, place an order so you could do it one of two ways you could keep what you have now and. When. Someone wants to buy a product you send, them over to the b2b. E-commerce, platform. You would set, it up so that the user doesn't even realize that they're moving from one site to the next but technically it, could be two different platforms. What we've done in the past is we'll take existing websites, and their, content, and their images and since. In some cases even the the theme, and, we'll. Just merge all of that into, x2 po commerce so, that you have the. Marketing, aspect, of your, business and they eat ecommerce. Aspect, to your business just in one place and I should mention with, extreme. Commerce it's built with a content, management system so, it's ready, you, know out-of-the-box it has a blog it, has the, ability to add testimonials.

You, Can add contact, forms so. All those features that you would need for a, strong, marketing, site they're. Sitting, there waiting for you to use you can you can lay out like, really fancy marketing home pages and things like that so. It's, not limited to just e-commerce. Okay. Thank you, that's. Actually, the the end of the questions, that we have here it doesn't look like there's any more, anybody, has any. You. Can put them right in the the questions. Section you. Can also at any time shoot, us an e-mail at sales at x2 people comm we'll both get those a, bunch of us here we'll get those and we'll route them to. Whoever. Is the right person to answer those questions, as. Well as as Josh has pointed out a couple times we're, happy to schedule a kind of more personalized, discussion. And demonstration of. The. Full ecommerce, solution if, you'd like that so. No, more questions so thank you all again for attending. Today Thank You Josh for a great presentation and, we. Look forward to continuing, the discussion, here thank you everyone, yeah, thanks everyone have a good thing talk to you soon.

2018-08-12 21:39

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