28 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Growing (Grow a Business That’s STUCK)

28 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Growing (Grow a Business That’s STUCK)

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This is going to feel like a tough-love  video, so buckle up buttercup. If you   need to grow a business, but you are stuck  or stagnant, you can't seem to make it go,   we're going to talk about 28 reasons why  that might be the case. I want you to treat   this like an audit, grab a pen, grab a piece of  paper and ask yourself an honest question with   each one of these, “Does this apply?” You ready? I'm Tara Wagner, breakthrough coach and lifelong   entrepreneur. I help other entrepreneurs  use a holistic approach to business   so they can create profits they can depend  on without burning themselves out. If that  

sounds like your jam, be sure to check out  my free training on how you can do the same.  Business stagnation happens  in two phases of business.  The first is just the getting off the  ground phase. This is going to be in your  

first one to three years when you're new to  business and you can't seem to figure it out,   you can't seem to gain enough traction to  really get the ball moving and you end up   feeling like you're just not cut out for this. The second phase that this is going to happen in   is a little bit later on down the road. When your  business is more mature, you are making money.   Now, instead of trying to get off the ground,  you're trying to get off the plateau, right? Or   you're hitting your head against that ceiling.  This is going to be where you're making money,  

but you can't seem to make more than what you're  making right now or what you've always made.   And you probably feel a little bit like you  can't keep your head above water either.   You're totally overwhelmed. And you're starting to  think, do I even want to grow my business bigger?   Because if I'm this stressed out now, how much  more stressed am I going to be down the road?  So let's talk about the 28 reasons why  you're stuck right here. And these reasons   can apply to both phases of business.  So regardless of where you are   pay close attention. And again, be honest with  yourself, ask yourself, how does this apply to me? 

Now, by the way, most of these are not  in order of most common to least common.  However, this first one  probably is the most common.  You are using a wait-and-see approach to  marketing, or maybe even a post and hope   approach. This means all the marketing you're  doing is basically putting stuff out there,   but you're not actually going out  there and bringing people to you.  

You're putting stuff out there and then  hoping that people find it and come in,   really take an honest look at all of your  marketing strategies and ask yourself,   “Am I just hoping people will come in, or am I  going out and actively bringing them in myself?”  Comment with post and hope if you feel  like I just called you out a little bit.  Number two might actually be the second, most  common reason you can't grow a business. And that   is, you don't know who your buyers are. This could  be related to not having a niche of buyers. And I   know that that's a tricky topic. So if you do not  like that topic, make sure you watch this video   because I don't love the topic either. But the way  that I talk about it is a little bit different.  

However, this could also apply to just not having  a really deep understanding of your buyers.   If you don't really know them, almost as good as  they know themselves, maybe in some ways better,   you're going to have a hard time selling  to them because all of your marketing,   all of your sales strategies, everything gets  geared around their psyche, not your ideas.  Number three, you're confusing your buyers.  This could be because you have too many offers,  

you're chasing too many ideas. You're going in  too many different directions, or it could just   be the things that you're offering up aren't  exactly clear on how they're going to serve   that ideal buyer, that ideal person that you most  want to serve. We talk about in the Inner Circle,   having a cohesive pathway for your people  to walk down, something that is streamlined,   all of your offers, fit together and follow a  natural progression. If you don't have that in   your business, one cohesive pathway, you're not  going to have people who know how to walk it.  Number four, you're chasing excitement versus  consistency. We're all guilty of this one.   This is where you're changing your offers, you're  changing your marketing based on what piques your   interest or what seems new and exciting at that  moment. Or maybe just what seems less hard versus  

sticking with one thing long enough to really  gain traction in it. It is better to do fewer   things for a longer period of time to get really  good at them than it is to try all the things,   to figure out what's going to work. Nothing is  going to work right out of the gate. There's   always a learning curve. There's always time  that it takes to really start to see the results   of something. So if you're not consistent  with it, you end up just doing too much,   which ends up being, not doing anything at all. Comment with “excitement” if you think  

that this one might apply to you. The fifth reason you can't seem to grow   your business is that you haven't really done the  market research to validate it in the first place.   Oh my gosh. The number of us that are guilty  of this, I've done this too in my business.   If we have a great idea, we just run with  it thinking it's a great idea, of course,   people are going to love it. But if you haven't  done the market research, if you haven't tested   it, you haven't proven that your people are  going to love it. You can end up wondering  

why it's just crickets. It's just crickets because  you ran with your great idea, not making sure   that somebody else thinks it's great as well. This doesn't just relate to your first offers,   by the way, you could be in business for five  or 10 years and decide to add something new.   You still get to do the market research  to validate it before you put the time,   energy, and money into trying to sell it. The sixth reason your business might not be   growing is that your messaging is missing the  mark. When I'm talking about your messaging,  

I'm talking about the things you say and how  you say them. Are they grabbing your people?   And the way that you know this is if people come  to you and say, oh my gosh, I read your stuff   and I was in tears, or it was like you were  reading my diary. Or I was just saying that   exact same thing to so-and-so the other day.  If your messaging isn't grabbing your people,   it's not going to convert your people either. Now again, remember, these are just reasons  

why a business might not be growing. They  don't necessarily go in this order. However,   number seven is your branding doesn't match your  pricing. The number of times I've seen people   want to have premium pricing, but not have the  branding, the messaging, the images, the copy,   everything around it related to it,  all of your branding for your business.   On point with that price point, it's not going to  work right? If you're trying to sell a high ticket   item or you're trying to sell something that is  more of a premium product, you got to make sure   that your branding speaks to a premium audience.  If it doesn't, you either need to change your   branding or change your pricing, one or the other. On the flip side of that, you might be spending  

more time on branding than you are on marketing.  You can make everything look perfect, polished,   absolutely beautiful, high-end. But if you're  not marketing and marketing in the right ways,   what does it matter? If your website  looks great, nobody's going to see it. 

The ninth reason you can't seem to grow a  business is that you're spreading yourself   way too thin on marketing. This is when we  try to do every marketing strategy out there.   What I want you to figure out is the  right strategies for your business,   and then sticking to them in the right  amount of ways, until you have the ability   to outsource it, to bring other people  in, and to add more to your plate.  Number 10, you are carrying too many buckets while  not building a pipeline. This is something we talk  

about in the Inner Circle, buckets versus  pipelines. If your job is to bring water   every day, you can haul buckets to do that. It's  fast. It pays the bills it's necessary and yes,   keep doing it. But at the same time, you need to  be building a pipeline because you can only carry  

so many buckets in a day, in a week, in a month,  which means you're going to hit that plateau or   that ceiling in your business and not be able to  grow past it simply because you are doing work   that you have to show up for every day. Once you start to build a pipeline,   that's going to start bringing people  in, right? This is the marketing and   sales that brings people in naturally and is  scalable. It doesn't require a certain number   of hours from you every single week, which  means you're not going to tap yourself out.  Really ask yourself here, how many buckets  in my hauling versus how many pipelines,   if you're new to business, do not neglect your  buckets in favor of a pipeline. Pipelines are   slow. They don't bring in things for a long time  to come haul those buckets but make sure you are   setting aside time on a consistent, probably  weekly basis to be building pipelines at the   same time so that you don't hit that plateau Comment below and let me know the ratio   of buckets you're carrying versus  pipelines you're building in your business. 

Number 11, you’re playing small. You're not going  after big opportunities. You're talking yourself   out of those opportunities because you don't feel  ready. How many times have you said to yourself,   I'm just not ready for that. Or maybe down the  road, or this is just not the right timing.   I want to encourage you to question whether or  not this is just a form of imposter syndrome,   keeping you where you are or whether it's  actually a legitimate reason. I want to say  

most of the time, it's probably an excuse, but  there are times when it's legitimate. So you   need to be honest with yourself. Are you keeping  yourself small or are you just pacing yourself?  Number 12, you're not actively developing  your weaknesses. You cannot grow a business   if you're not going to shore up the holes in the  boat, right? We all have weaknesses. These are  

mindset weaknesses. These are skillset weaknesses,  things in your business skills that you need to   grow this business. If you are not setting aside  consistent time to develop yourself, your skills,   your mindset, your abilities, you're going to  stagnate in your business. You're not going to   be able to grow if you're not growing yourself. More specifically, you're not actively growing   your KPI skills. It's not enough to just  grow your coaching skills. If you're a coach,  

you need to grow your KPIs, your key performance  indicators. These are the things that actually   grow the business that bring in revenue. These  are things around marketing and sales primarily.   You need to know what those look like in your  particular business and learn how to develop   each individual skill in them, not just  an overall skill but learn how to hone in,   dig in deeper. For instance, if you do sales calls  in your business, learn how to master different   sections of the sales call, not just being  good at the overall sales call, dig into the   pieces that you're weak so that you can develop  those skills so that you can grow your business. 

Number 14, you're not actively developing  yourself. And yes, this is a little bit like   number 12. But what we were talking about there  was more developing your specific weaknesses.   I want you to develop yourself, not just around  your weaknesses, but around your strengths as   well. And I want you to develop yourself for where  you want to go. Not just where you are, what you   need right here. If you want to go to a seven,  eight-figure business, what are the leadership   skills? What are the mentoring skills? What  are the HR skills? What are the organizational   and planning skills that you're going to need  down the road? You don't need to master seven,   eight-figure skills now, but you do need to  understand that direction and make sure you're   moving in it so that you're developing yourself. Your business can only grow up to the level that  

you are, which means you need to grow  higher than your business at all times   so that it is playing catch up. It will  never grow bigger than you. So make sure   that you are continuing to grow yourself, your  ability, even the way that you view yourself,   right? Not just viewing yourself as a small  business owner, but viewing yourself as a CEO,   viewing yourself as an entrepreneur. Somebody who  could run any business, not just this business.  Number 15, you're prioritizing tasks that  are maintaining or organizing your business   versus growing it. I call these IPA's versus  ISA's. And if you want to learn more about it,  

check out my free class below. I go more in-depth  on what an IPA versus an ISA is and how to   determine them for your business. In a nutshell,  we're looking at income-producing activities   versus income-supporting activities.  And we talk in that class about what   your percentage of time needs to be for each one. Number 16, you haven't structured a business that   can scale. If you're a service-based business,  you really need to think about, “I've only got  

so many hours in a week. How am I going to grow my  business without growing my time?” This could mean   different offers. This could mean bringing in  team members, bringing in people who can do the   work for you. You really need to look, sit down  and look long-term where's my business going and   am I structured in a way that it can continue  to grow and not cap me out at a certain level.  Number 17, you have unrealistic goals  or expectations or on the flip side,   maybe you have uninspiring ones. Unrealistic  goals, unrealistic expectations is when you  

set the bar so high, that it's impossible for  you to reach you, burn yourself out, trying,   or you overwhelm yourself. And when you're  overwhelmed, you take no actions at all.   On the flip side with that uninspiring goal.  If you have something that doesn't excite you,   you don't have a reason why it matters. There's  not something behind it. That's driving you.   You're going to have a really hard time wanting  to show up and grow your business because   what's the point. It's not interesting. Comment and let me know, do your goals  

feel unrealistic, uninspiring, or just right? Number 18 is a biggie. And this applies to   big and small businesses, new or established. It  doesn't matter. You're not tracking your numbers.   You're not tracking your data, your analytics.  This is so crucial. These numbers will not lie.   They don't always tell the whole truth, but they  do not lie. And they will be able to tell you  

what's missing. What's broken. If you have  a sales funnel and let's say there are five   points of that sales funnel, your numbers will  show you which part of the sales funnel is not   working. You must know. You must track. You must  constantly analyze your numbers in order to grow   your business. This is how you fine-tune.  This is how you fix. This is how you scale.  Number 19. Your spending is out of whack.  This probably means you don't have a budget.  

You are either taking too much profit or too  much money is going out into expenses and you   don't have the money that you need to invest in  growth strategies, in coaching and in mentoring,   or in the help you need to fix the  areas of your business that are broken.  Number 20, you are not hiring until you feel  ready. Notice what I just said there. You need   to hire before you feel ready. If you wait until  after you feel ready, it's probably too late and  

your business is suffering. Do you need to hire  before you feel ready? Because that next hire.   If you make the right one can be strategic to  move you forward, but you do need to know who to   hire first or next. Don't jump into hiring out  your sales or your marketing too soon. This is   a tragic mistake I see in a lot of businesses and  it's not the right thing to do for most businesses   right out of the gate. Most businesses hire these  things out because they don't like to do them,   or they don't know how to do them, but you can  only hire something out if you have a pretty   decent knowledge of it yourself, otherwise  you don't know if they're doing a good job.  The 21st reason in your business isn’t growing  is that you're not wowing your clients for your   customers. After they've purchased, we spend  so much time and energy bringing people in,  

but we forget that once they're in,  that's our greatest source of marketing,   word of mouth referrals, testimonials the things  that will increase our business for free. And all   it comes down to is making those people more than  happy. Giving them more than what they expected.  Number 22, your systems are a hot mess.  How can you expect to grow a business if   nothing's automated, if everything is in  your head, everything is a mess. You’re  

the one that has to do everything, you don't  have any SOPs. If you're not able to hire out   because they don't know what to do when they come  in, Messy is okay to an extent, but you don't want   to have things going on in multiple places. You  don't want multiple to-do lists. You don't want   things going everywhere and it will slow you  down. It will stop you from growing. So yes,   it's okay to have a little bit of a mess.  It's okay to be messy while you're growing.   But at some point, you're going to have to divert  energy into the systems that are going to scale   with you. Any system that is in your brain or  on a sheet of paper is not a scalable system. 

Comment with hot mess if you  know your systems and need some   work in order for you to grow your business. Number 23, you are the operator versus the owner   or the CEO. And I have an entire video on this  topic. I highly encourage you to check it out,   especially if you're a service-based business  owner, but even if you're profit-based   if you are the operator, the person who has  to run the business, the person who has to do   the services, the person who has to make every  product you're going to cap out, right? You've   only got so many hours in a week. You got to  start training yourself to get out of those things   and get into CEO mode more and more. And  that video will show you how to do that.  Number 24, this one calls me out because  it's something that I struggle with a lot.  

Your business is not going to grow if you have  become the bottleneck. The bottleneck means   that everything has to come through you. Every  piece of proofing, every idea, every option,   every email response, anything that has to happen  in your business. If you have to put eyes on it,   if you have to check it off, if you have  to see it first, if you have to approve it,   or if you have to have your hands in it in any  way, shape, or form, you're the bottleneck.  And you gotta learn how to take yourself out of  those things, how to bring in the right people   and train them so that you can trust them and  then trust them. Because the only way they're   going to be able to do their job and do a good  job is if you get out of their way. Don't become  

the bottleneck in your business, because this  will slow everything down, right? Think about   a bottleneck. Everything goes wide. And then it  goes narrow trying to get through that bottleneck.   You're the bottleneck. You're clogging everything  up behind you by having to be in everything.  Plus you're spending a lot of brain calories on  things that do not need your time and energy,   which takes it away from the things that do the  things that actually bring in more business.  Number 25, you are spending way too much time  worrying about what other people are thinking   or what other people are doing. This is when we're  looking at the competition and we're comparing   ourselves. When we're thinking about our friends  and family and what are they going to think if   they see our ad or we do this, or we do that,  or we make more money. If you are spending so  

much time trying not to lose, right? Which is  what we do when we're comparing ourselves and   we try to keep up with the Joneses, or we try  to keep down with the Joneses. We try to make   other people happy. All we're doing is focusing  on not losing. Instead of focusing on winning.  I want you to focus on what are my goals, what are  my values? What's the thing that I want to win at?   What do I want to be known for? How do I feel  about this? And then practice, learn how to stop   worrying about what other people are gonna think  so that you can focus on what you know aligns   with you. You cannot make everybody else happy and  you certainly cannot be doing what the competition   is doing. You need to be focusing on making  yourself happy, doing what you need and want and   know you should be doing in your own business  to reach the goals that you've set for yourself.  Number 26, you're not allowing yourself to slow  down long enough to figure out what's not working   and fix it. That takes time and energy. And  if you are so caught up in the hustle and  

bustle and being too busy to actually work on  growing your business, not just maintaining it,   not just getting the things done that  are on your to-do list, but actually   carving out time and energy to work with a mentor,  to work through programs and develop those skills.   And most especially to analyze, what's actually  working. You're not going to be able to grow it.  A video like this is only the start you need  to make sure that you have time set aside on   a consistent basis to figure out what's not  working or where you need to be going next. 

Comment with I'm not slowing down.  If you know, this one applies to you.  Number 27, that you can't seem to grow  your business is it you're burnt out. It   doesn't matter how many ideas you have, how many  strategies you will not be able to see straight,   to think straight, to make the right decisions  if your brain is fried. So if you're making poor   decisions or no decisions, if you're just trying  to keep up with everything, if you're exhausted,   you've got to focus on getting healthy before  you can actually start growing anything.  And then number 28, you're unconsciously  nervous about growing your business.  

You might be in a stage right now where it's  hard or it's stressful. It's really easy to   think to ourselves if it's this hard, or if it's  this stressful now, what's it going to be like   if I grow? If I'm already going through these  challenges, if it's already having this impact   on my home, on my family, what's it going to be  like if I grow, it's really easy for us to not   realize that we're staying where we are because  we unconsciously think that more means worse.  What I want you to realize is that  where you are is the messy middle,   and it's hard to stay in the messy middle to get  to where you want to go means fixing those messes,   which means they're not going to go with you.  They can, if you don't properly fix them,  

you can carry them forward. But to really grow,  to really be successful, it means fixing the   things that are hard and stressful now, so that  it becomes smooth. They become easy. They become   outsourceable so that you can scale your business  and not scale the stress, not scale the overwhelm,   not scale the frustrations with it. By the way, these are all things that we help   you master in the Inner Circle from mastering your  mindset to structuring your business in a way that   allows it to grow without burning out, to learning  how to automate the crap out of everything   so that you can put it all on autopilot. That's the kind of thing we do. If you want   to learn more, I encourage you to check out my  Healthy Hustle Roadmap. I have a free class, How   To Use a Holistic Approach To Create a Profitable  Business Without Burning Yourself Out, that will   teach you the three mistakes small business owners  are making and introduce you to the roadmap and   the strategies I use to help you create reliable  profits in under 40 hours a week. You can find the  

link to that free class in the description below.  Be sure to leave a fist bump in the comments if   you made it to the end of this video. And let  me know your biggest takeaway, give this video   a thumbs up if you feel a little bit called out by  it, and be sure to check out these next videos to   help you grow your business as well. Thanks  for watching. I'll see you in the next one.

2021-11-18 14:40

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