2021 Lundquist College of Business Virtual Commencement Ceremony

2021 Lundquist College of Business Virtual Commencement Ceremony

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[MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome, family, friends and soon to be graduates, to the Charles H Lundquist College of Business commencement for the resilient class of 2021. Today marks a celebration and a transition. Unfortunately, we could not gather together in person, but we are still connected. If the past year has taught us anything, perhaps it is that we are all connected in more ways than we can imagine, that we must be patient and caring with one another, and that we must always focus on what is important-- family, education, respect, and justice. Though the global pandemic has put a spotlight on systemic inequalities, deepened divisions, and given rise to terrible tragedies, the fact is this year has been a formative part of your, and of all, our lives. The hard work, resolve and dedication you have shown over the past year, as well as throughout your college career, will serve you for the rest of your life.

You have persevered in the face of global uncertainty, and I urge you to harness thIS spirit to go forth and build the world you want to see because it's yours now. Own it. Care for it.

Make it better. It's what Ducks do. This is why as you embark on this next phase of your life, I have no doubt you will change a changing world.

You will, and we are so very proud of you. This commencement is different in so many ways, but there are some things about Ducks that will always ring true. You are innovative, you are hopeful, and you, dear Duck, are truly remarkable. And most important of all, you are ready. PhD graduates, your work here alongside some of the best researchers in the world is valued and valuable. As you move forward on your path, you are contributing to the teaching and learning that will impact generations.

You have a deep understanding of business theory, but your work with people, your future colleagues and students, will be some of the most rewarding relationships of your life. Oregon MBA grads, you have formed bonds with peers, business leaders, and faculty that will serve you the rest of your life. We know you will be leaders in your chosen fields, that you will take on the mantle of Ducks before who changed entire industries. MSF candidates, you have fortified yourself with credentials few can offer. It has been an honor to be alongside you as you've honed your skills. We look forward to watching you serve as financial analysts with distinction.

Master's of Accounting Ducks, or MACs, the world needs your talent and acumen more than ever. You are in a unique position to create value for others. Your skill set can be the difference between failure and success for many businesses, and for individuals, as well. It's a gift to help the world in this way, and we can't wait to see what you do with it. And to our exceptional Bachelors of Business Administration and Bachelors of Accounting graduates, you have studied with great minds, adapted to new ways of learning, presented with exceptional fellow students, tackled real world challenges for top companies, and learned lessons passed down from leaders of industry.

You've organized and attended first of their kind events, and created new methods and new career opportunities for yourself and for others. And you've inspired us with all of your energy, passion, perseverance, and creativity. So go forth, Ducks, and continue to create a more just, free, and prosperous world through your actions.

We are confident you will manage it with efficiency, care, and determination. And don't forget to reach back and share your experience with future Ducks, as many of your wonderful alumni and friends have taken the time to do with you. From your very, very proud faculty and staff, myself, and the University of Oregon, congratulations.

And now I'd like to turn it over to Diane Del Guercio, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, and Director of our PhD program, to highlight our PhD graduates and say a few words. Thank you, Dean Nutter. As PhD Director, it is my pleasure to honor our five PhD graduates this year. Graduates, I am very proud of your accomplishments, and I'm so pleased that you are going on to promising academic careers as our next generation of faculty. It takes a great deal of hard work, perseverance, and determination to complete a five year PhD program even in normal times.

Yet you crossed the finish line with flying colors during a most unusual and difficult year. This year brought many new challenges, including learning to teach classes fully remotely, and facing an academic job market in a year of unprecedented uncertainty for higher education. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the people who supported these amazing students during their journey, in particular, their professors and mentors from the Lundquist College faculty.

On behalf of these faculty advisors and mentors, I will close by saying to our graduates, you are a source of pride for the Lundquist College for decades to come, and you will always be Ducks and part of the University of Oregon family, congratulations graduates. And now, I will read each graduate's name, their thesis title, and advisor name. And also, a personal message of thanks. First, from the accounting department, we have Khalid Abdul Salaam. His thesis is titled, Do Financial Analysts Influence Employee Treatment.

His advisor is Kyle Peterson. His personal message, "I will always be grateful and thankful for all the support I received throughout my journey here at Oregon. Special thanks goes to Kyle Peterson for the endless support and guidance. Once a Duck always a Duck."

Next, from the finance department, we have Sean Chen. His thesis is titled, Common Ownership Along the Supply Chain and Supplier Innovations. His advisor is Youchang Wu. His personal message, "I would like to thank my advisor, committee members, and my family and friends.

Your support and encouragement are very important for me to survive in the PhD program and on the job market." Next, from the accounting department, we have Zachary Fox. His thesis is titled Taxes and the Use of Subjectivity in Executive Bonus Plans. His advisor is Ryan Wilson.

His personal message-- "Thank you to my family and especially my kids, Ivy, Zephyr, and Tony, for their constant love and encouragement. I could not have done this without you." Next, from the operations and business analytics department, we have Mona Jabbari.

Her thesis is titled, Patient-centric Innovation in Service Modalities for End Stage Renal Disease. Her advisor is Nagesh Murthy. Her personal message-- "I'd like to express my gratitude to my wonderful husband, [? Maysam, ?] for his unwavering support throughout my stressful PhD life. He always believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself, and encouraged me to be the best version of myself.

I'd like to thank my amazing friends for their support through all the difficult times. Also, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to our PhD program directors and assistants. Finally, I thank my dissertation committee for all of their advice and time spent with me." Finally, from the marketing department, we have Nathan P. Warren.

His thesis is titled, The Tricky Etiquette of Digital Tipping. How Tip Sequence, Payment Visibility, and Default Tip Options Affect Consumers and Service Providers. His advisor is Hong Yuan. His personal message-- "Thank you to my dissertation committee, my co-authors, and the amazing faculty at the Lundquist College of business and across the University of Oregon." Once again, congratulations, PhD class of 2021. I'm Collette Niland, Associate Dean for Advising and Student Experience, and I'm privileged to be here, acknowledging the honors and achievements of our students in the MBA, Masters of Accounting, and MS in Finance programs.

Each year we are privileged to admit veterans and active military students to our graduate programs. I'd like to start by saying thank you to the following students for their past and continued service, as well as their contributions to the Lundquist College of Business. [READING NAMES] The next honor is the academic kind. I would like to recognize our class of 2021 valedictorians for the MBA and the Master of Accounting programs. The valedictorian title goes to the student who achieved the highest cumulative GPA in their respective program. The students who receive this honor have proven that they have fully mastered all of the aspects of their time here.

Our 2021 valedictorians are Gloria Foxman for the MBA and Karmina Alpapara for the Master of Accounting. Congratulations, Gloria and Karmina. I would also like to recognize the students who were voted as the class of 2021's most outstanding student in their programs, as voted by their faculty and peers. The title of Most Outstanding MBA and Master of Accounting student goes to the student who holds themselves and others to the highest standards, and was instrumental in building community within their cohort, the University of Oregon, and the community beyond.

This year's most outstanding MBA Student Award as nominated by her peers goes to Emily Watts. And the most outstanding Master of Accounting Student Award goes to Brenden Tolar-Payne, also nominated by his peers. Great job, you two. The final recipient of the most outstanding Student Award goes to the MSF student whose academic achievements and leadership exemplify the MSF program as selected by program faculty and staff. This year's award goes to Adam Banionis.

Congratulations, Adam. The following award goes to students from our Masters Of accounting 2021 graduating class. This year the School of Accounting faculty have chosen Karmina Alpapara for the Federation of Schools of Accountancy 2021 Student Achievement Award. The Federation of Schools of Accountancy is an organization whose membership is limited to accounting departments in schools with master's degrees in accounting. Each year, the faculty here choose a recipient based on scholastic achievement, collegiality, and professionalism. I would also like to congratulate Ashley Martinez.

Ashley is the recipient of the 2021 School of Accounting Award for Excellence. This award recognizes an individual who has exhibited excellence in academics as well as citizenship. Congrats, Ashley. As we all know, this past year has been a challenging one.

But beyond every challenge is an opportunity-- an opportunity for change and an opportunity for growth. I would like to give special recognition and thanks to the leaders of our graduate level student associations who persevered, stayed committed and connected even when times got tough. Please join me in thanking and celebrating these remarkable students. For the MBA Student Association, [READING NAMES] For the MSF Student Association, Adam Banionis, Sean Madison. And the president of both the Graduate Women in Business and Net Impact Graduate Chapter, Gloria Foxman.

Thank you all. And lastly, the final academic honor goes to our Beta Gamma Sigma scholars. Beta Gamma Sigma is the International Honor Society for business students with exceptional scholastic achievement. Students who are in the top 20% of their graduating class are invited to join. This year's Beta Gamma Sigma recipients are notated in the 2021 commencement program online. Congratulations, MBA, MAC, and MSF Classes of 2021.

Good morning. I am Angela Davis, the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Programs at the Lundquist College of Business. I am thrilled to be here to recognize the outstanding graduates of the class of 2021. But before I announce the academic awards, I'd like to add my congratulations to all of the graduates today.

As you leave behind your college years to embark on the rest of your life, I encourage you to stay true to your passions, be a person of action, and above all, live your life with integrity, and remember those less fortunate than you. I think I can speak on behalf of the entire faculty when I say it's been a pleasure to work with you over these past years, and we wish you only the best in your life's journey. Now we'd like to acknowledge some of our most high achieving students and those who contributed greatly to the Lundquist College of Business. First, we have Beta Gamma Sigma members. Beta Gamma Sigma is the international honorary for business students with exceptional scholastic achievement. Students who are in the top 10% of their junior class or the top 10% of the senior class are invited to join.

Students who are members of Beta Gamma Sigma are notated in your program with an asterisk by their names. Congratulations to all of them. Next, I'd like to recognize graduates who completed the Lundquist College of Business honors program. The Lundquist College honors program is a highly selective program focused on academic rigor, leadership, and ethics. 36 members of the Honors Program are graduating today.

We are extremely proud of these students. They pursued their intellectual curiosity and pushed themselves to meet the demands of this program. We thank them for their exemplary leadership and contributions to the Lundquist community. Congratulations, honors graduates.

Next, we have departmental awards. Every year, an outstanding student is chosen for each concentration and major in the college. Faculty select the top student from their respective area. This year, I am delighted to recognize the following recipients of top departmental awards. The recipient of the Oregon Society of CPA's Outstanding Student Award is Regan Dee Lantz.

The recipient of the Charles H Lundquist Outstanding Student in Entrepreneurship Award is Zoe Amber Stanley. The recipient of the Operations and Business Analytics Outstanding Student Award is Dolores Lea Noggle. The recipient of the Outstanding Achievement in Finance award is Rebecca Claire Reynolds. The recipient of the outstanding Student in Marketing Award is Zoe Amber Stanley.

And the recipients of the David Warsaw Outstanding Undergraduate in Sports Business Award are Douglas William Duncan and Margaret McCabe Bidasolo. Congratulations to each of you. Finally, I would like to recognize graduates earning Latin honors. Graduating seniors who have earned at least 90 credits in residence at the University of Oregon and have successfully completed all other University degree requirements are eligible to be considered for Latin honors. Latin honors are based on the University of Oregon cumulative GPA. This spring, to achieve cum laude status, students must be graduating with a cumulative GPA of 3.8 to 3.89.

The 2021 cum laude graduates from the Lundquist college of business are [READING NAMES] Congratulations, cum laude graduates. Magna cum laude status requires that students earned a cumulative GPA of 3.9 to 3.99. The Lundquist college graduates of 2021 achieving this honor are [READING NAMES] Congratulations, magna cum laude graduates.

Graduating summa cum laude is the highest academic honor that the University of Oregon bestows. To earn summa cum laude status this spring required a GPA of 4.0 or higher. This year the Lundquist College of Business has 15 students graduating summa cum laude. [READING NAMES] This is truly an extraordinary accomplishment. Please join me in congratulating these outstanding students.

Each year, it is our tradition to recognize the student with the highest GPA in the Lundquist College of Business graduating class. This year that graduate is Lydia [? Schmidtke. ?] Lydia is graduating today at the top of our spring class with a 4.2 cumulative GPA. You may wonder how she earned this high of a GPA. The UO uses a plus and minus system, so a 4.2 means Lydia received a lot of A's and A-pluses. Congratulations to Lydia for this outstanding academic achievement, and congratulations to all of our award winners.

We've invited Lydia to provide remarks for today's ceremony, and I will now pass it off to her. Thank you, and congratulations, class of 2021. Hi, everyone. Wherever in the world you're watching this from, welcome. I'm sure we've all acknowledged by now that this is not the graduation we imagined for ourselves. I know this isn't the first time you've heard that sentence, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

I'm not looking to stand here and tell you a bunch of things you already know, but I believe it's important that we get the opportunity to relax, reflect, and celebrate our accomplishments with the classes before us, although I'll admit it doesn't look quite the same. I am, after all, talking to a camera instead of all your lovely faces. Now, I prepared for this speech the same way many of us have prepared for important term papers. I procrastinated a lot, Wikipedia was heavily involved, and the majority of the speech was written at about 1:00 AM.

I spent a lot of time-- probably too much time-- on YouTube watching various graduation speeches, and a favorite of mine was from Conan O'Brien. I wanted him to relay all of his jokes to you, one, because I simply don't think I could do justice, and two, because it's probably some form of copyright infringement. Not totally sure. BA325 Business Law feels like a lifetime ago. But I'm pretty sure I can share a couple of quotes with you without too many major legal issues, so here we go.

In 2011, Conan O'Brien told a graduating class, "Whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that, through disappointment, you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality." Ten years later, a quote about disappointment resonates with us more than any of us could have imagined.

And I say that not only as a graduate of the class of 2021, but also as an Oregon Sports Fan. But through disappointment, we've gained clarity. We've gained clarity in the things that truly matter most. The word "essential" has taken on a whole new meaning. We've been asked to put the health and safety of others above our own comforts and convenience. We've learned to use our own voices to stand up for what we believe in, and we've learned to listen to other people's voices and understand that each of us experiences the world in an entirely different way.

Although our diplomas may signify knowledge in marketing, management, analytics, accounting, or finance, the knowledge and compassion that we've gained through our unique experiences is far more valuable than anything that can be found in our textbooks. And so I ask you, class of 2021, as we step into a world that is changing, adapting, and looking to rebuild, that we will not let this world be rebuilt the same way it was when it all seemed to come crashing down. We have the opportunity to use our newfound clarity, our unique perspectives of what really matters, and our compassion for the lives and experiences of others to change this world into something better than it was just a year and a half ago.

We have everything we need to change this world for the better, and I have faith in the brilliant minds of this class to create some truly incredible things. And so I'll end here by saying, to the family and friends of myself and my fellow graduates, thank you for tuning in to share this day with us. To the Lundquist College of Business faculty and staff, thank you for your efforts to provide a meaningful experience for us, even in times of uncertainty. And to my family, specifically my parents, thank you for all your support, morally, emotionally, and financially. I'll never be able to fully express all that your love and support means to me, but I'll start with a thank you.

And finally, to my fellow graduates in the class of 2021, thank you for an amazing few years. Congratulations, and go Ducks. In addition to all of our honorees and award winners, I'd like to recognize this year's graduating Peer Advisors, Duck Guides, and Career Ambassadors. Every year, students in the Lundquist College of Business are greatly assisted by this group who selflessly give of their time and expertise. These individuals play an important role in making new and prospective students feel welcome and informed.

They support their fellow students, connect them to resources, and provide academic and career advising. The College would like to recognize them for their efforts. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. Congratulations, class of 2021. You did it.

Now go, have fun, and go Ducks. Class of 2021, you made it. Congratulations on what was a crazy year. Please keep in touch and tell us about all the amazing things you accomplish. Once a Duck, always a Duck. Graduates, you've persevered through challenging coursework and challenging times.

Congrats on all you've accomplished. I know you'll make us proud in your new role as alums. Let's go, Ducks. You deserve much gratitude for undertaking a rigorous education, pushing your limits, and putting your talents to use now and in the future to make the world better. Congratulations. Go make a difference.

Have a great career. This is a true milestone in your life and we are thrilled to celebrate this day with you. Never doubt that you were born to do great things.

Congratulations on behalf of the entire faculty at the Lundquist College of Business. Look at all you've accomplished at Oregon over the past years, and now ending in these unprecedented times. With this, you can do anything. Congratulations. Hey, class of 2021. Congratulations.

We are all so proud of you and we know you will go off and do great things. Go Ducks. You did it.

Congratulations. What an amazing journey. We love hearing about your success. Please keep in touch. Go Ducks.

Congratulations, class of 2021. We are so very proud of you. You are a class like no other and destined for greatness. Please keep in touch, and congratulations.

You've pivoted, you've networked, you've built new skills. I'm so excited to see what you do next in your careers. Congratulations, graduates. Lundquist class of 2021, I know I speak on behalf of the entire faculty when I say we are so proud of you. You are strong, you are resilient, and you are ready for anything that comes your way. I know you're going to go out and make the world a better place.

Congratulations. You did it. Congratulations from all of us at the Lundquist College of Business. You make us so incredibly proud.

Now for the main event. It's time to celebrate you in your own words as you take the virtual stage. So put on your mortarboard and make sure the tassel is on the right because you are about to graduate. Now join me as we turn our tassels from right to left. You did it.

Congratulations, Lundquist College of Business Class of 2021. And go Ducks. [MUSIC PLAYING]

2021-06-15 12:53

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