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It. Was, a Thursday, that, when I first, saw you, hey, guys so, today I'm, going to be doing in whole-house extreme. Daily, clean with me and I'm also going to be sharing with you my morning and nighttime cleaning. Routines, when, I'm cleaning all day long this, particular, morning I woke up super, early before the kids and as. I'm sure you can tell by my sleepy, face I wanted. To get started before everyone. Else woke, up it, was just going to be me and the kids all day long and I knew that in order to get all of my cleaning, done I would have to get up and do, a chunk, of cleaning, before they, woke up and then. I would continue on throughout nap, times and later on throughout, the day into, the night, cleaning. So I'm so glad you're here I hope you will find this video motivating. I will be cleaning all of the rooms in my house and this, video will be super, satisfying, and hopefully, motivate you to get up and clean your house as well I'm, kind of breaking this cleaning session. Or day, of cleaning, sessions up into three so, I started out a big chunk early, in the morning before everyone, woke up and then I was going to be at doing, another chunk, in the morning during nap time and then, in the afternoon, during at nap time and then later on at night after everyone went, to bed. On, the couch in, your apartment. No I am NOT gonna sleep everything. Has. Changed every. Day. If, you find this video, motivating. And inspiring, if you enjoyed this video will you please give me a thumbs up it, means a lot to me and it helps me out tremendously and, I appreciate, it if you do that. Yeah. The. Couch. No. I. Do want to mention and I'm super excited to, say that this video is in collaboration with Katherine, Elaine here on YouTube, Katherine. Is a fellow working mom who juggles. It all she. Is a mom, to an adorable, little boy named Carson she. Works full-time and, juggles, YouTube this, mama does, it all and it just amazes, me there's, something, about her videos that, is so motivating. But, also calming. And inviting, at the same time, I know you will love her style her, channel all of her videos she, has so, much cleaning motivation. Over on her channel so you definitely want to go over and check it out she is doing a and whole, house clean, with me I will have her channel and her video linked down below but. Again, I know you guys will love her, she's, amazing so. Definitely, go check her out if you guys are coming over from Catherine's, channel I'm gonna go ahead and introduce myself real quick I am Jamie I am so, glad you're here please introduce, yourself, say hi in the comment section let me know your name where. You're from maybe something interesting, about yourself, but I am Jamie, I am married to my high school sweetheart we, have three, girls, which we are so grateful for, Avery. Who is almost, five and we have twins who are 10 months old we, struggled with infertility and. We were blessed, to get these beautiful girls via, IVF, so, it was not an easy road but, I'm so grateful to have them here in our lives I make videos, every single week twice a week here on my channel I do work full-time and. I'm just trying to juggle it all and not. Lose my mind so I would love to have you guys enjoyed, my journey. Once. I took Avery to school I came right home and it was time for the twins to go down for their first nap of the day and I usually have about two hours that. They will nap, I guess if they take a good nap obviously.

That's Not always how it goes, they are typically, really, good Nappers, so, I lay them down and after. About the two hours it's two and a half hours I have to leave to go pick every up from preschool, so, this, portion, of the day is a true, speed, cleaning, because I was trying, to get as much as I could done before the, babies got up or we had to go pick a 'very up so, I started out in our bedroom, and I just wanted to pick things up and get our bed made when, I'm cleaning in the morning one of my favorite. Things to do is make our bed I used to not be a bed, maker I just was like I don't want to deal with it it kind, of is a waste of time and I would focus more on the, kitchen or the living room, but something, about making my bed recently. Has made me feel better when I'm home all day long and it just makes me more ready to start out the day. I know, it's not ideal to have clean, clothes on the floor but. As I was picking out shirts earlier this morning to wear I noticed, that the drawer I was in was a total, mess, and it, was angering, me I was kind of annoyed so I just threw everything out of the floor because. I was annoyed and then I planned on free, folding, everything, to put back in the drawer a little bit nicer, later. At this morning. For. Me it's, not my birthday cuz. I got it silly looking, like a gift for me laughter this is me baby. Then. When I was done pulling our room together and went back downstairs to, clean up the mess from breakfast, and actually, clean the kitchen so, I kind of wanted to focus on obviously, getting my bed made because you know that's kind of been my focus lately early in the morning and then after that I like to focus on the kitchen in the living room because again, with. Kids your, day is so unpredictable that if I can get anything else done at least I know the, main levels, of my house are cleaned and picked up. To. Move so, fast baby, I will show you how, you can catch. If. You're, wondering what I'm using to spray down my countertops, and you're new here you probably have never seen me use this but, it's a cleaner that I DIY. That I make myself it's. 1/4, cup of rubbing alcohol a, teaspoon, of Dawn dish, soap and the rest water, in a spray bottle it is, my ultimate, favorite. All-purpose. Cleaner I love, using it all over my house and it's safe to use on granite countertops, and it, just makes so many of the surfaces, in my house clean. It's cheap, to make and everything looks so shiny and it's just my ultimate, favorite cleaner it's. My go-to. The. Puppykins. Could, it be first, in the second and third, Cresta. So. What you're seeing me do today for the most part I'm gonna admit not, everything, you're seeing me do today is what I do every single day but I will tell you that a majority, of what I'm doing if this makes sense is what I like to do every, single day when I'm cleaning which, I know is, crazy, but, I had to do laundry so that is part of what you're gonna see today of course there are some days where I only get one load of laundry and to be honest most days I only get one load of laundry done but, today I had, to do, many. Loads and this was one of those days that I was just I felt like constantly, doing laundry all day long I also wanted to clean my, cleaning, rags so, more, laundry than most days I also, had things to put away I wanted, to wave things down scrub, out my sink, wipe, down appliances. Make my bed mop, and. I know it's a lot but to be honest with you it doesn't always happen so I have, my routines, and obviously, you saw the mess from yesterday. That I didn't clean up at the end of the night so this does not always happen but. I really, really try my best not to let my house get too out of control and here, you'll see me wiping down my cabinets, and that is something I definitely don't do everyday, but. I had noticed some sticky. Greasy. Fingerprints, when I was cleaning up the kitchen so, I just kind of wanted to wipe them down and. Get. The cat the handles, that we touch frequently, so a lot of this stuff the basics, I like to do every day if I can but. Of course some of the things you're gonna see is things that I'll just like pop in and do if I notice that they need to be done, again. Everything, you're seeing me clean is not what I do every, single day but, if I have a day like this where I'm able to clean and little spurts and all day long this. Is my routines, and this is what I like to do get up early get a chunk done and then, kind of clean throughout the day and get a lot of stuff done it just makes me feel productive and, it, makes me feel good about my day. Good, that I love this elastic. I'm a peasant right if you give me a chance.

Oh. Right, is wrong, you, did it right, that's what you say when you started, the fight we came to an end I put up the strings. Shake. In. The, play just you, and. Mother and. You're still in, my plan just. You just. You. I. Did it wrong you, did it right here that's what you said when you started the, fight we came to an end I put up the strings but they really. Which, room do you think is the most satisfying. To clean the, bathroom, or the kitchen or do you have another room that you feel is pretty, satisfying, let. Me know down below. Yeah. Okay, so here on my channel, soon I'm going to be doing a major, kitchen. Declutter. And organizing. Like, I'm gonna take everything. Out of every, cabinet, and, go. Through it and clean everything out so stay tuned for that but, I'm also going to be cleaning out, refrigerator. It, really needs done right now, but, I, don't. Have the time for it today but. It's really, bad I just need to go through clean. Everything, I know, I have some old things, things. That expired, so. Stay. Tuned for that I'm going to clean out. This. As well. So. That should be up on my channel here maybe in the next week or so. I've. Seen those, faces. I've. Heard all. The lies. But. You ain't. Gazin. Someone. In, denial. Cuz you want down pills right, now, but. You gotta work, real, hard, I. Know, you want it to, be easy, so. Let. Your guard, down. So. I pretty much finished, with the, downstairs area, and, it's. About time for, me to go pick up Avery from school so, I'll pick her up and then we'll come home and do the whole lunch thing and then. I will smile, a the baby's down for. Their nap I will. Continue. And clean the upstairs. I'm, gonna get my dinner going, but. That's kind of the plan breaking. It up early morning, morning. Session, afternoon, session what am I gonna do when my girls don't take two naps a day I love the, fact that they take two naps a day it's like a little break from me lets, me get some things done and, Avery. Can kind of play by herself and she usually has rest time anyways, because. She's pretty, tired after. Having school all morning. But. Yeah they usually take a really good afternoon, nap so. I'm, gonna continue on and try to get everything done, that I need to and then anything I know I'll just finish up. So, once we were home from school we, made, lunch ate lunch and then, I laid the babies down a little bit after that for their afternoon nap and Avery, was also napping, - she will be five in April at the, end of April on the 23rd, and sometimes, she naps and sometimes she doesn't nap but, on school days you can tell she really wants. And needs of the nap and today was one of those days she asked. To lay down so. If she doesn't nap if I need to clean or get things done in the afternoon, if I'm home with the babies then, she, will play by herself she, really enjoys, doing, things by herself or, during, this time I also let her have quiet, time maybe watch a show or play by herself or read a book or something like that but. Because, of her age I think she does a pretty good job of playing by herself which, allows me to get things done if I'm home with the babies in the afternoon. Somehow. She. Waited. The, meat hey, it's. In the mess baby. Okay. Completely, honest dusting my ceiling, and walls is not something, I do on a daily basis, but, again this is one of those situations just, like the cabinets that as I was cleaning I noticed some cobwebs in the corners in our bedroom and I just wanted to take care of it and dust so. I wasn't putting it off.

What. A distinct. Direction. Are you heading, you. See me waiter. I'm. Losing, ground every. Long-distance. Sound. But you would be. Because. I was just trying to save time at this point and I didn't know when the girls would wake up I was pretty much just speed, cleaning, the entire, upstairs just. Wiping things down and doing what absolutely. Needed to be done at this point. One. Close eyes, to, the Sun come down I'll. Keep on waiting. Who. Now why I didn't. Say to you, but. You would be less, oh. Yeah. Why. The. Dark I know. You're coming back, my. Heart. At least things never come, from easily. No, but. Now I think I'm, ready I think. I'm ready ready. It's been so long. Oh. For, you I would. Just. Close your eyes and we'll be, shooting, stars and, you. Know I can't wait for forever. Now. Tell me are you ready, are. You ready. Cuz. I would. For, you I would. There's no looking. Now. There is no looking, back. You. Got, me falling, fast. Fast. So. Here you'll see me cleaning all of my cleaning, rags I had enough for, two loads I'll do one load of my microfiber, cloths because those should be washed separately, and then, I'll do another load, of just my regular cleaning, rags. Downstairs. It, was from some furniture that Mike is putting together for. An office, that. Is, going, in our extra room so we have the, twins room we, have Avery's. Room and then our room and then we have an extra bedroom it's by far the smallest room, in our house and. We've, just kind of kept it empty, it's, kind of become one of those rooms, that you know you. Just put stuff, in that you don't know where you need it to go it, has, been a lot of baby storage, and I've, been okay with that because I'm. Not one to just toss, stuff in a room because it's like eventually, you're gonna have to, address. That and tackle it but. With baby stuff I've. Been okay with putting the stuff in there because I knew that while. We were it, was basically all of Avery stuff that, I knew it would be coming out when, the girls ended, up getting old enough to need some of the stuff like it was like older. Maybe toys. Toddler. Toys and stuff like that and we have slowly been taking, those out so there. Is some other things, in there that I'm gonna need to go through it is a super. Mess it's a disaster, and, I'm gonna be tackling that soon here, on my channel so. Stay, tuned for that because we will be cleaning. Be cluttering. Pretty. Much transforming. Of that, entirely. Okay, so I'm gonna get into dinner going this, is a freezer meal that, we love preparing. Like. I pretty much always keep this on hand in the freezer, it's burrito. Bowls so, it's crock pot burrito bowls it's super easy it's kind of like a dump and go meal it's a bunch of cans some chicken and. I'll put it in the crock-pot, I'll leave the recipe, down below for you guys but I'm gonna put it in here and get the crock-pot going, so we have a warm. Yummy, dinner for tonight. Who's laughing at myself I just looked at my eyes, oh, there. You have it this is what I look like at the end of the day after. Cleaning all day it's not pretty but. Real-life. Messes you. Get real life Jamie this is what I look like today. Don't, judge me I know, you guys are probably me like what she changed, because, you'll probably see a clip here after, this where I'm back in my green, shirt but anyways just when, you guys just saw me switch out the laundry I've just I'll probably put the clip here just so it makes sense, but, I had meant to film, it earlier.

But I didn't get a chance so anyways all. Of my cleaning. Rags are done they're clean so I keep two bins up in my closet downstairs since, that's where we use a majority, of them and then. Like. I have a clean bin and I, have a dirty bin and I, have enough I've accumulated enough, over the years of regular rags, and then microfiber, rags, and then, when I use one I'll put it in the dirty and then when I have enough for, a load I'll wash them I do wash the microfiber cloth separate, and the, regular cloths you're, supposed to do that so I do watch those separately, but, luckily I have enough of microfiber. And regular that when I run a load I just run it on like a superlight, small. Load. And. It's, nice because I don't feel like I'm like wasting, a load just for a few rags. And. I. Usually this, will usually left me about a month. So. If I'm alright here this will you like, I said I guess it depends on how much I clean how, much I use but, approximately a month maybe, just under but either way totally. Manageable not a big deal at all but I think my sister. So, after, it was bedtime or close to bedtime for, the babies, I sent, Avery into her room to pick up her room because of course I could go in and do it but I know it's good for her to go in and clean up the mess that she made so, I sent her in to clean up her room and then I went into a full of the laundry, and kind, of end my whole day, of cleaning thank. You so much for making it all the way to the end of my video I appreciate it, more than you know thank, you thank, you so, much make, sure you give me a thumbs up make sure you're subscribed and, hit the notification. Bell so much more. Motivating. Cleaning, and organizing videos, coming here on my channel, and I will see you guys next. Time bye. To, separate. My, body and.

2020-02-06 20:45

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