2018 UB Attman Competitive Business Prize Competition

2018 UB Attman Competitive Business Prize Competition

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Well, good evening everyone. It's. Great everybody. Here I'm, Marie I'm married I Allen the Dean of the marriage school of a business, and and this, is an advantage we. Look forward to a every. Year it's it's. Very important, to us and you. Know some people ask you know why. Is it that we're running an entrepreneurship, competition and, it's there's, two simple, reasons, entrepreneurships. In our is, in our blood you know because AUB we were funded by entrepreneurs. And, so. It's in our blood and, a. The, second is is that you. Know we. Provide practical. Career focused. Education. And there's no better way than learning about business then actually. Trying to do and so, that's why our student entrepreneurs are our, here. I just. My job, here really is to welcome everyone. We've, got many friends here. From. The Entrepreneurship, community in Baltimore, students. Faculty. And also. We're live-streaming this, say around the world at the moment so we, we. Welcome, a our friends, from from, from around the world I want. To introduce our president, who who's, gonna kick. This off, president. Kurt Schmoke so thank you great well. Thank you. Thank. You very much, Dean. DL ladies and gentlemen it's a real pleasure to see, you as Marie. Mentioned the. University of Baltimore was, founded. By entrepreneurs. For entrepreneurs, it's. Actually, back. In 1925. It was a merger of a night Law School and a night Business School and we've been focused, particularly, on, education. For adult, learners. For. So many years and we're very proud of the fact that we're, among the best, in the nation in serving. That, population, this. Particular event. Is, the, Leonard. And Phyllis admin competent. Competition, it's, a great. Competitive, business prize and certainly, as. An initial matter we'd like to greet. And Phyllis, admin who are here thank you very much for being here. Not. Only are they the. Sponsors, of this competitive. Prize but, I know Leonard in particular took time from his very busy schedule, to come out and meet with the. Finalists. In this. Program, told, them a little bit about his, story and, I think really inspired, them and. They're. Going to compete. Tonight and then one day they're going to try to compete against you Leonard that of the. Compete. Against your kids okay, you, real good I would like to also. Note. That this. Competition. Has been very successful, in moving our students, from, being. Students to being successful. Entrepreneurs. And, take for example Shelley. Blondell, now Shelley is over here Shelley was our winner last year. Thank. You very much. With. The seed money that she won Shelby. Was able to transform, her idea, for a three-in-one. Crab. Mallet. Knife bottle, opener, into a business, and it's, called, the sheller in the, past year, with the help from her earnings, here she's, gone into production and sold, about, 1,000. Shellers, providing. Enough revenue, to invest back into the company for expansion, including. Adding, a second, model directed. At restaurants. So we everybody, go buy a sheller. And. Whether, you know it or not Shelley, you're. Part of a larger. Trend according, to National, Women's Business Council there. Are about 10 million women owned businesses.

In The, United, States an increase. Of more than two million in companies, in just over, ten years, women-owned, businesses, are now generating, more than a trillion, dollars, in the US economy and that number is on the, rise and I, can tell you one of the reasons we had an, addition. To a, Marie, deal our former. Dean of the, business school now our Provost, dr. Darlene Smith, is over here really encouraging. Women, entrepreneurs, and we thank her very much for the work that she's, done, so, in any event I want, to thank you all we're gonna get on with, the, competition. But at this point it's really my pleasure to. Introduce a, man who has been very involved, not only in business. And entrepreneurship, but, in public policy, helping. So, many ways to encourage education. Throughout. This, state mr., Leonard Admin. Pleasure. It is to be here again this year and share, this. Wonderful. Idea. That, my wife and I put. Together several, years ago. My. Wife among. Others, has, had. Several. Businesses, that have been extremely, successful as, a small, business, start from, a zero idea. To. Very successful, ideas. And running and controlling. And doing. All by herself. Some, with other partners, some with our children, three. Fabulous businesses. In, the Baltimore, metropolitan area. She's since retired, she, says she's not tired but, she was tied for her to move on and try to spend some time with her with, their families, and and, sort, of travel a little bit with, us all as well so, it. Can be done. I've, seen, it, from. What. It is that I was able to get. Started, with through the. Help of my father and. Starting. In the deli and working, down there and going. All the way through when I married, was lucky enough to marry my wife and, her. Father. Was, in the real. Estate development, business and I began to work there not. Knowing anything about, real. Estate banking. Of being, a. Geologist. Or anything, else that had to do with building or development, and so. I. Started. Long ago way. Back then as, a matter of fact when we started building apartments. There, was a young lady here, who was just introduced, before that. Was working, with us that, I got, to know later when I came back to the University of Baltimore and that's, the Dean. Darlene. Smith, who is your business. And, here. As well so, Darlene thank you very much for starting with us and it was great to see a be a fabulous educator. Back here at University, of Baltimore. Henry, Mortimer thank you very much for putting all this together with, Murray Dalzell, and. One. Other, judge. That was supposed to be here with us tonight was. Out doing some, things that were very important. In expanding, our family she, gave birth to a wonderful young, son just. This week, so, as. Great-grandparents. Fellows and I are very happy to. Announce, that to you but she said that she's, probably watching the streaming as well to, see what was going on here tonight and making. Room for her son to come here to University, of Baltimore. So. At, any rate. At. Any rate I want to thank all of the judges, the coaches, and all, of the people that worked hard with the other 26. That, applied, for. Participating. For here for tonight and I. Was, lucky enough to spend, some time with. All of the presenters. Here, today and I can tell you they are all energetic. They, all have wonderful ideas and, we. Can do our best by encouraging, them, for, each and one of their ideas thank, you for being here thank you for participating in, a prize and thanks to the University of Baltimore.

Thank. You mr. admin. Good. Evening everyone, so tonight is going to be a audience. Participation, encourage, kind of a night so when, we say good evening or, when we bring our contestants. Out I'd like to practice. Getting a round of applause so good evening everyone. And. Thank you and welcome to the sixth annual Leonard. Leonard, and Phyllis Atman business prize competition. I'm Henry Mortimer I'm director. Of the center for entrepreneurship and innovation and. Before. We get going I just want to take, a couple of minutes to. First, before. We introduce our judges and competitors I want to say a few minutes to say a few words about the, center which we, are as we, call it the front door for entrepreneurship, in Baltimore, in. 2016. The, CEI. Celebrated. 10 years of, encouraging. And supporting, entrepreneurship. And learning. Among UB students, and alumni and faculty and staff our ongoing goal is to help students, and others. Launch and grow business ventures, while providing, opportunities. To educate engage, and. Collaborate with, the Baltimore Business community, which is really why we are here tonight. The, types of students, that we attract are first, and foremost we, have our entrepreneurship, fellows, they're, select, students, that come. In. Apply. In with a business idea and then spend two years in the classroom and in the center as, an incubator nurturing. And, we hope launching, a business when, they graduate, we also attract students who are studying entrepreneurship, some, of whom are probably here tonight, they may have their own businesses, are considering, entrepreneurship, as a career or perhaps are taking classes here at the university and, we also welcome alumni looking. For at least five years back, they. Are encouraged to come and take, partake in our programs, initial. Counseling, physical, space and the, ability to set up a new business with us so. Our main goal is to provide emerging. Entrepreneurs, with access to the business Baltimore, business community as I mentioned, we have partnerships with numerous, local, organizations. And companies including, startup Maryland, the et Cie beta more mica cop, and Morgan and Towson University's, and then our entrepreneurship, and residence taps, tap. Into the local expertise, of volunteers, in their fields, we, have folks from score, the Baltimore, Small Business Resource Center, as well, as specialty. Professor, or specialists, professionals. At legal. Accounting. HR marketing. Etc, who come in and spend many many hours volunteering, their, time to, work with our students, so, we also offer workshops, and, seminars and several, business pitch competitions, throughout the year including tonight we do this again in the spring and all of this is available to all, students. And everyone on campus at the University, of Baltimore and available for free and, we are housed right. Next door so that's a list of some of the the folks that we work with some of whom are here tonight next, door we have in our physical space we. Have set, up a sort of a collaborative incubator, co-working. Space similar to what you might find at the e.t.c we. Also offer 3d printer, which. Is supported, by UB Center for digital communication. Commerce, and culture and a, digital recording studio downstairs, for commercial grade video production, our. Goal really is to serve as a bridge from. The classroom, to help students, gain, real-world practical. Experience. And to advance their careers, and. I invite you to come by for a visit any time, now. On with, a competition. But. I want to take one, quick moment to thank the many volunteers who tireless, efforts, tireless, efforts.

Have Made this evening possible, including. The first round judges, and coaches, and mentors who are listed on the back of your program as well, as the army of students, who helped me manage the Center for on, a weekly basis, on top of all the other things they do including, working, full time likely, taking, a full load of classes etc. Next. I'd like to thank and introduce, our. Judges for tonight's competition. Wendy. Levin so you raise your hand when I call your name Wendy Levitt Oz executive, vice president admin. Properties, so, Rebecca, is, at, home as we just found out with, with a new the newest Adnan Klan member, Rebecca stellar director, marketing, advertisement, Angie, management, company Johnathan, admin director, of acquisitions and, development, admin holdings Harris. Levitt AHS TPC, racing and then. Joining us on this side Laura, Newman an entrepreneur, and former Anne Arundel County executive. Angela. Singleton the, priest who runs the pre seed fund at Ted Coe and Deb, Tillett president. And executive director, for the emerging technology, centers, and, our honorary judges, last but certainly not least leonard, avenues chairman of the board admin properties, and phyllis atman president, of phyllis l and leonard j admin foundation. Exactly. The. Rules of the competition are, simple, each of the six finalists, will have five minutes to present their to pitch their businesses, to you all into this panel of judges and. And. They are listed they'll be coming in the order they're listed in the program and. The judges then have a combined, five minutes to ask questions, so around, ten minutes per, participant, I'll keep time and they'll, let let everyone know when there's a minute remaining, and, then, as I mentioned before audience, members you do play a part here we, encourage, you to cheer on the contestants, like I mentioned, we'll try that again right. You. Do want you to cheer loudly because, we're, out on the Internet the world wide web there, although. I do ask if you refrain, from clapping, or cheering during a presentation, and. Then, don't forget to vote for your favorite contestant. Using the ballot inside. Your program that is the third prize for this evening, one. More acknowledgement, speaking.

Of Prize money so I want to make before we begin I'd like to invite Jason, tag ler to come up here and deliver, the, first prize, of the evening the. Pitch creator hustle, award, I'll let Jason describe, what that is thank. You. Good. Evening this, is a wonderful, event it's great to be here I'm really excited, thank. You my. Name is Jason tagger my day job is I'm a growth equity investor, at Camden partners, and my volunteer, passion, project, is pitch Kreider I founded. In 2014. With, the goal of helping to create jobs in the Baltimore area by, teaching. Entrepreneurs. How to communicate with investors and lenders and, raise, capital for their businesses, and. We were really thrilled to work with Henry and the team here, at UBS. Entrepreneurship, Center this year to help the six finalists, prepare for this competition, and, the, way we did that is we have an online course and we've wrapped around that online course some. Custom, coaching, so Calvin young who works with me worked, one-on-one with all the finalists, and. Calvin. Couldn't be here today so he's sorry he couldn't join but you, know as we all know. Ritt persistence. And hustle, are really important parts of entrepreneurship, and, we. Wanted, to just in our way from the pitch crater team side you, know recognize. And celebrate the, entrepreneur. Finalists, who work. The hardest during the coaching process in the preparation, process and made, the most progress so, we, call that the hustle 500, award it's in the form of 500. Dollars in this jar, and. This. Is unlike, Bitcoin and aetherium yeah this is accepted, at all Baltimore, establishments. And, hopefully, it will get used for. Celebrating. And, potentially. Putting back into the business but we hope celebrating, so, without further, ado. Calvin. Who did all the coaching. Shows. The finalists, of the the person who's gonna win this award and I don't even know who it is so we're gonna open it up and find out, and. The. Winner of. The. Hustle 500. Award, is Krystal. She's. Not here. She's. House hustling, she's practicing. Okay. The. The. Entrepreneur. Who worked the hardest and, made the most progress cuz we. Yeah. We have learning, objectives. And we. Actually measured, each, entrepreneur Calvin, measure each entrepreneurs, they improved, against those learning objectives through the coaching program and we, thought it was important, because some, of these students, actually, have businesses, and others. Are starting from scratch with an idea so, some of them have a little bit of an advantage in that they've already got a business up and running so. Okay. Well we we, don't want to hold up the show so we have it here too much and we can we can give it to a Witter thank you very much thank you. All. Right well. She, comes. There. We go. Alright. So without further ado on with the show it's. Everybody ready was that exciting, was that fun we're. Giving out money tonight people and.

She Earned it she earned it so our first. Finalist. Is Brianna Billups, who will be presenting, fully-grown. Brianna. Come. On out Brianna. Round. Of applause. Hi. Everybody my, name is Brianna bulbs and this is my story I was. Born and raised in Baltimore Maryland where I spent the majority of my professional, career cooking, in various restaurants and, teaching, essential healthy eating lessons, in city schools. For. The first time I saw Rachael Ray on the Food Network channel eleven-year-old. Me knew I wanted to be a chef, I even. Remember hosting. My own cooking shows with my childhood teddy bears in the studio audience true, story when. I was 19, I piloted, the sweet Green Schools program the, educated, students about healthy eating and sustainability, in Baltimore. The. Idea for fully-grown came about during my first assignment, in culinary school which. Led me to discovering, that I had lived in a food desert my entire life. As. You may know food deserts Drive disparities, in health education and. Economics, learning. These negative impacts of food deserts challenge. Me to find ways to improve my community, my time, here at UB has inspired me to find a way that, business can be a part of the solution which, leads me to my company's mission to. Grow our communities, the way we grow our food fully. And sustainably. I'm. So sorry he's gonna come. For. Many busy individuals, and families, they. Have a hard time making, healthy, eating choices. Myself. Included. We. Often have a hard time finding healthy, food options locally, we. Lack the knowledge of how to prepare fresh food options, and simply, lack the time to cook. Fully. Grown offers, a three prong solution, the, first we. Offer fully, prepared meals at an affordable price to fit the customers everyday needs while, also giving them the power to make healthier food choices the. Second, we, offer seasonally. Seasonal. Fruit based snacks made from 100% all-natural ingredients. And lastly. We increase awareness by. Donating a percentage of our proceeds to, our nonprofit arm, the garden project, which, supports, urban area culture programs and city schools as you, can see fully, grown offers a complete solution to the problem, a. Revenue. Model is simple we, make our money through the sales of our products wholesome. Meals and healthy snacks an. Average, meal cost the customer $7 and our, fruit roll-ups are sold one dollar per roll wholesale. Fully. Grown currently. This. Year so far we've made 14 thousand dollars and we anticipate that number growing to $50,000. By next year. The. Size of our opportunity, can be broken down into three phases phase. 1 is focused on the local Baltimore, metropolitan area. Phase, 2 is focused on the mid-atlantic region, and phase 3 is focused on growing our company nationally. Fully. Grown currently has two subsets of existing, customers. Retail. Locations, including dovecote cafe and ok natural, in the, 27, recurring customers who on average purchase four lunches and two dinners on a weekly, basis. We. Are currently working to have our products placed in prime. Corner grocery store Eddy's markets, local, Whole Foods Market, stores and nine other retail, locations. Our. Indirect, competitors are, prepared, deliberate meals blue.

Apron And other milk at delivery services, and free, snack brands such as Amy's but, in reality our direct, competitors are the. 867. Fast-food, chains and corner stores located, in Baltimore City alone. Our. Advantage, over the competition is, that our meals are affordable, made from fresh ingredients delivered. To the customer to enjoy by simply reheating, our, free snacks utilize, seasonal, flavors, and we uniquely. Have direct buy-in from our customers, as we are engaged in the same communities, as they live work and play. Since. Our last round of funding we have achieved the following milestones. We. Have secured commercial. Kitchen space at Citi seeds, we. Have reap rent our milk our packaging, to feature 100%. Compostable packaging, we've. Partnered with door - Drive to, facilitate, our delivery growth as we scale and lastly. I'm the proud recipient of, the first Better Business Bureau spark award which. Acknowledges, young companies, for their dedication towards, culture, community. And character. If. Selected. As the winner of this competition we, plan to use the funds in the following ways three. Thousand dollars to research an act to continue to make on mobile, ordering easy. For our customers for Mel Pratt as well. As social media marketing campaigns, to grow our local brand awareness and, an additional, three thousand dollars to, secure a co-packer, for our fruit snacks as well as shelf stable packaging. Thank. You for your time I look forward to your support any. Questions. Thank. You Brianna so as you can see this, isn't easy and it's certainly not fun going first, that. Was just because your last name is B sorry. How. Did she do everyone. This. Is not easy. And. You have lots of lots of food samples, for the audience. Afterwards, right to make up for. Cover. It all. Great. Judges, do we have any questions for. Brianna anyone, first okay, we'll start here. Where. Do you prepare, the food at. Our commercial, kitchen. And. How large is it. So. It's through the partnership of school. Of food and, they have a teaching kiss a teaching, kitchen there where they do their cooking classes, and. They started entrepreneurship. In residence program and with the first thing. It's. Just me and my co-founder today. So. On average we make about 500 meals per month because we're only in the kitchen one day. Hi. You covered a whole lot and it was terrific I really appreciate, it the one thing though you mentioned, social media but how do you find your customers, what are you doing, really.

In Terms of marketing so if I wanted, to find out about you how would I. But. We do have an Instagram page currently where we do promote fully grown male crap. Hi. I'm terrific, job I know it's hard to do this you were very brave thank, you very prepared, I'm. Where, I'm struggling is I'm having a disconnect, between the prepackaged, meal and the, food desert, concept, you, know I grew up in a food desert in East Baltimore and we went to the corner store and bought. Prepackaged. Food like, tasty, cakes. And so that was a real desert there was you know we we, bought produce off of a horse-drawn, carriage called, a robber that, to me was a food desert and you're talking about your. Competition being blue apron and Whole Foods so. Help me make the connection, there who is your target audience, and how are you directly, serving them okay, so. I would. Say that our direct competitors are those corner stores who only feature processed, foods and tasty cakes. But. In people's, minds the first thing they think of is blue cake when I mention a packaged meal, so. As far as the food as it goes, our. Competitors, are the corner stores and we want to be able to bring, a healthy meal that's already prepared, that takes the thought out of what's. For dinner and. Allows. Customers, to make a healthier choice without having to think about does that answer your question I'm sorry yes so let me just take. It a little bit further so your price point is seven dollars for a meal which. Could be pretty expensive if, you have four or five people in a family that would be fairly expensive, per, person, is it seven dollars per person and secondly are you able to get it to those locations, are you servicing, the corner stores or are you able to deliver to those locations to serve the audience so. We do delivery. Yes, so we deliver straight to your door. Hi. Briana that was a great presentation, and the, foodie in me it has the question how far does doordash deliver. And. Consistent. With the question you just had I just want to make sure I understand to that, your target, market, overlaps. With your existing, customer base are you finding, that that, at seven dollars a meal. You're, able to service the desired customer base or is, your customer. Base a little broader than you thought I was. Their customer base is pretty broad okay, so now I think I'm finally understand your question. So. Food deserts don't only exist in the city as. Well, as people who priorly, who, had previously lived in a food desert so do you parent, we still live in a food desert today. No. Right, so we have people who have previously lived in food deserts they move away but they take those same habits. So, to answer your question as well our base is broader, so I think the furthest customer we have is probably Harford County and while he still has the habits, of living, in a food desert not being able to make healthy choices, fully, grown milk crap surprise him with that but we also do have people who still live in the city and in food deserts in it because. If you think about it they're spending the money anyway so. You're still once at the corner store it's probably spending ten times the money you will spend on a healthier meal on processed, foods. Thank. You Brianna. Alright. So, next. Up we have. Willow.

Hendershot's. Who. Will be pitching, prevail. All. Right so how, many of you play or at least know someone that plays video games. How. Many of you have or know someone that has a mental illness. Those. Questions might seem like miles apart but I'm willing that some I'm willing to bet some of you thought of the same person, when you answered those questions I, know. That because I'm one of those people, my. Name is willow Hendershot, and I've been living with depression and an anxiety disorder, for, many years now growing. Up I was afraid of meeting new people and going outside so. Instead, I say I stayed inside and play games and through. Going on adventures and fighting, evil from the safety of my couch it made me a little less afraid of the outside world but. I'm not the only one dealing, with those sort of problems, according. To Nami one, in five people in America suffer from some sort of mental illness it. Costs the US economy about, a hundred and ninety three billion dollars, each year in lost, earnings due to mental illness conditions, in the workplace and. Suicide. Is the second, and cause of death in ages 10 to 34, on. Top, of that last, year nearly, 60%. Of those people with mental illnesses did not seek any sort of treatment this. Is usually due to cost. Or a, general inaccessibility. And I, want to do something about that so I, started working on a computer game called prevail, it's. A 2d, platformer. Like Mario if you're not as familiar where. You play someone, dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, and as, you, solve. Puzzles and, make choices in the game it reflects, how the character. Is dealing with their PTSD, and how they prevail this. Is a way for people to see the real, symptoms, of this illness and to hopefully resonate with people that are going through it currently, and. There's, a lot of people that this can reach worldwide. Over. 2 billion people play video games of those, about. 60%. Play, on computers, if, we divide that by 5 with, the 1 and 5 from earlier it, gives you a target market of about 200, million people that I that I can, potentially reach so. By the. First year of release I'm hoping to get at least 500. To a thousand, copies. This. Is mostly going to be done through Steam it's the world's largest online, gaming, distribution. Platform, in the future I'd like to also expand. That into PlayStation. Xbox and, Nintendo platforms. And I'd, also like to reach out to crisis. Intervention, centers, and impatient, therapy facilities, to see if those patients, could, benefit from playing the game and it's. All just to reach that target market of, ages. 15, to 34, who, either have a mental illness or who don't but want to learn more. So. Obviously. I would like to sell on my own website too but in selling, through Steam even though I will only get 70 percent of the profits it'll still I'll still be making almost. Double, what, I would normally make if I just publish it on my own, my. Main competition is going to be other independent, games they cover a very wide range of topics but, most, only cover mental. Illness from a personal, standpoint rather. Than with the inclusive educational. Aspect I'm trying to, there's. Also triple-a, games which are your high end very, massive. Action. But those. Typically. Don't talk about these sorts of sensitive issues because, it's just too much of a risk with their multi-million, dollar budgets there. Have also been some psychologists. And psychiatrists, that.

Have Commissioned, games. From small development teams but, these are also usually expensive and they only reach a very small target of that, doctors patients, prevail. Is something different it's, suppose to give. A sense of solidarity to, those people that are dealing with this problem. That. Might not. That. Might not have, any other support system. So. Besides, having lived through this I have, a degree, in game design I. Started. Working on prevail in 2015. While I was getting my degree when. I was working on it in class it was voted the best indie, game within. My grade. When. I came to you ball I also applied, for both the Wilson Presidential, Scholarship and the, Entrepreneurship, Fellows Program in both, applications I, included my work on prevail and it was the primary reason that I was awarded both of these scholarships. So. I'd like to have a demo released by late next year after, I've developed, after I've got my own website up after. That I'm going to need to start building another team especially. A programmer, in order to start working on the full release of the game. With. This round of funding most of it would be going towards a new computer, so that I have the hardware and software needed, to, work on this demo any, extra. Money is going to be going towards more research and other, software, and external. External. Tools for, developing, that demo, so. That hopefully we, can start I can start figuring out how people will prevail in 2019. Thank. You. Is. Anybody any, of the judges any judges have any questions for willow. This. Is not a question but. Look. Into a company called brink bent their. Reach do you know them I had actually spoken with Evan fuller uh-huh, mentioned, that he, mentioned that he was going to connect me with the, rest of the studio I can do that for you Evans moved on to mosaic which is also games and learning but yeah. Brian Bamford, is bring Pitts and you design, published. And you, know sell. Right on their own platform, so, great. Thank, you so. Is. The goal a really terrific job by the way and kudos. To you for you know tackling, such an important subject is the, goal to bring awareness or, to help those with mental illness better, deal. With it so. It's meant to do both the primary audience is going to be people that are currently suffering from mental illness, but it's also on you, know anybody can play this game if. It can also educate, people who aren't as familiar with this sort with these symptoms then. That's all the better. Thank. You. So. Willow what a great vision you have and, I know you will prevail. The. Great. Name yes what. Analytics. Are you going to apply to know the effectiveness, of your tool in solving. The problem, so. The game has multiple, endings in it the different choices that you make throughout the game determine. Which of the multiple endings you will get and I'm. Going, to have I'm going to have analytics, that sort of figure out how many people reach. What endings to get a better sense of the. General the, general player. Base and. How, they the. Different ways that they look at the problems throughout the game. One. More. With. The questions but I have one more suggestion. University. Of Maryland systems MIPS partnerships. They, be a great opportunity for you to potentially. Get the, research done by, one. Of the University of Maryland systems, schools. And paid. For that's, awesome MIPS. So. How will you market. The game how will people know. What. It is and most people with mental, illness don't really realize they have it as, well. Most. Of the marketing will be probable, probably be done through Steam. They. Do a lot to sort, of they do a lot to bolster. The. Different, indie communities, and the small even, individual, developers. I'll, also be trying to market it through my own website and, also there are several people on YouTube that, play video games on there, that have already expressed interest in playing the game for. Their what for their channel. More. Questions judges, great. All right thank. You. Well. I don't know about you all but we're only two people into this and I'm already having a hard time figuring out who's who's, my favorite. So. Next up we. Have Karima, McClendon. Who will be presenting. Karema McClendon. Bridal, fashions, let's give a round of applause.

For Karina. And her her plot which, I can see coming out right now. Do. We sing here comes the bride. Wow. Karema. McClendon everyone. Hi. Everyone how, are you. I'm. Fine. I actually want to tell you a story, about the time that, I got married and it. Was so excited, I'm gonna be a bride. It's 31 years old at the time and, I. Decided you know I know I'd worked in the industry as a game designer but I'm planning a wedding a long distance I can't. Be bothered with this so. I went, gown shopping and, it. Was a disaster. Every. Style was, the corset style and, I'm, thinking, my. 90, year old grandmother, in law to be it's gonna be sitting right there. I cannot, have cleavage up to here and my, back out and so, this became a problem, because. Every store, that I went to only. Seemed to have these styles for, younger brides and, that. Happened in 2005. It's still, happening now that, the problem is that there seems to, be not. Enough gowns for, brides that are between the ages of 30 and 55. Years old and so that problem becomes that Brides, like me either. Have to go shop. From place to place and, settle. And again that's inappropriate. Settle, on the gown that's the cost of a small car or. Have. Your gown made, like I did now, luckily I knew how to source, and I, knew how to go. And get the best prices and I knew who, I could trust to make my gown but, not every bride can do that and so that's where my company comes in Karuma. McClendon, Bridal aims to. Solve the problem that stores have of having. This the. Spot, where. Brides cannot, find a gown that's suitable for them and what. We can do is supply, stores, with. This gown. We. Use, designs, that are. Sophisticated. But not dowdy, we'll, use silks. French. Lace and we, can supply these gowns and a price. Point between. $2,500. And, $6,500. Retail. So. Our, pricing, model our revenue model is twofold. One. Revenue comes from the, actual stores buying the samples, the, gals that you see normally, hanging in a bridal shop when you go in and. On, top of that and we figured we can sell three per season or six per year per, store on top, of that when. The stores generate, more sales through. Those samples, that's, more revenue, for us and so total, we figured that we can generate per store one hundred and one thousand, five hundred dollars and when you take away our, expenses. For manufacturing. The gowns marketing. So on and so forth then we can net forty nine thousand, three hundred dollars, per. Store, now. What's important, about this is that in the United States Bridal. Company is the three billion dollar industry even. With us, getting. One, percent of the. Industry, of the market that. We would have we could create. 15. Jobs for. Stitchers, these, are jobs that are here in Baltimore, because the quote the the gowns would be manufactured, in Baltimore, and that we.

Can Also. We. Can also have these as skilled, full-time. Jobs with. A livable, wage and, so. Our plan is to roll out between. Now and February. Of, 2019. Working. On our first collection of gowns. April. Of 2019, is considered. The, national open to buy for stores but we would only target, the, mid-atlantic, region, and call it a soft rollout, and, October. 2019. That's when we plan on rolling out the stores rolling, out to stores nationally, and selling our gowns nationally. Now. I have some competition of course, but. What I do better than my competition, is that I can deliver gowns because they're made here in Baltimore, within. Eight weeks as opposed, to my next competitor, I'm Saleh who, has to spend twelve weeks or more manufacturing, a gown or even. Berta. Who her, gowns, are coming literally, from, a slow boat coming, from China it's six months so. What. I plan to do. The funds, should I win this competition is, use, $1,000. To. Help, finish. This, first collection. Another. Thousand dollars for used dress form much like the one that you see here she's a plus-sized dress form so, that I can actually offer gowns and larger. Sizes so that I can fit all brides and all, sin and $1,000. Would go towards, working. Capital to. To. Hire stitchers, to help with this. Collection. And, going forward so. My experience, I have over 20 years experience in, the Bridal and fashion. Industry, I've worked notably. For Arnold Scaasi, bride. And for, e. Before, sight Cynthia, Seon company and I also consulted, with a company called Nicki Versace. Lingerie, that was based in the United Kingdom. That's. Everything. If you have any questions, I feel, free to ask thank, you very much. Thank. You Korean. How. Do you make the gowns yes and. You have a group of people that help you make them right now I do I do not I am searching for syrup, for. Stitchers. And so I'm actually going to be working out of open works with the hopes of collaborating, with other stitchers, so, that we can get the process is sewing faster because I so pretty, fast but, it's just me right now and so that's part, of what I'm looking for is that we, now are you going to put them into stores, into, stores yes. Let. You put them in there I'm, selling, to them wholesale yes, okay yes, thank. You. Great. Great idea yeah I've, had, to make that choice, a. Couple, of times, anyway. You. Know just a couple times so, I got it I hear you. My. Question. Is and I don't think you went over it you said you will be in stores, it's but I. Thought. There was a lot of rental, stuff, going on in, bridal. Gowns is there a mic I'm. Not old no so there's no rental and bridal gowns the problem is because we. Have so. Many curves. That, when you fit a gown to say, me that's. It okay. You'd have to find someone else he's five feet tall and, built. Like this yeah I got you okay, it was something, I didn't see and obviously I don't have the domain expertise, except. Do, it anyway. Thank. You. Thank. You for sharing that that was wonderful I really enjoyed it I, particularly, enjoyed mature, aesthetic. Because that was my category, when I was shopping for a gown I. Didn't. Really define it that way at the time but I liked it this, is my question have you sketched out your first collection, and, you, know for those of us who are amateur aesthetic, there are certain things that we're always looking for that are difficult to find in a gown the, arms, the waist we, want something that's comfortable yes. But at the same time feminine. Flattering, so I'd be curious to know if you've already given some thought to what the first collection will look like yes absolutely, so this neckline that you see on this dress this, is like the most flattering neckline. For all women it doesn't matter what your weight, is I was, heavier, when I was married that was the neckline that I wore because. It was indeed, the most flattering and and also like a Basque waist where, it does this so it makes you look taller and slim. In the front because when. I designed initially for myself it was, and. Then. When I tried on the the first sample. It was horrific so I had to like slim, you know build, in slim in the front and then have more, of the drama in, the back and so that's what I for, women who are built like me you. Know you can still have it slim in the front and then all of the drama in the back and it still be quite flattering yes. Yes. Yes. So I'm wondering you. Know you mentioned, that. The. The markets you're. Targeting is between, our women, between the ages of 30 and 55 yes, do you know the actual, size of that market and is it growing, that. Market is growing so. The. Part. Of the problem with the industry, is that, when. Brides were first you, know getting. Married and are sort of in our minds eye of what we think of a bride was, from 1960. When she was 20, years old, the average age of a bride getting married for the first time now it's 31.

Years Old but. The industry still designs for that prototypical. Twenty-something year old bride and. Then in addition to that 40, percent of that market is people who are getting married either for the first second. Time, one. Partner or both partners and so this is a growing market, especially yes so it's huge it's not a niche play you know yes, interesting yes, great thank, you. Any. Other questions, for Karina all. Right thank. You. All. Right. Do. We have a name for your, bridal, gown model. Here Oh. Sexy. Great. Thank you all as you can see already, tonight, we've got a wide range, of business, types here, that we're producing at UB and the. Whole goal as I mentioned before is connecting, with the community we've had great comments. About who, to go to next, so. This has been very helpful so. Next up I'd like to welcome our award-winning. Hustler, for the evening, Krystal, Santa, fall who will be presenting, Krystal, to to paradise Krystal. Hello. Hello hello everyone, how. Y'all doing. I love. The response thank you so much that'll make me feel better hey, family that's pointing to me all. Right, so let's get down to the nitty-gritty all. Right crystal, - - paradise is a business, that started solely because I wanted to give my niece Krystal, a custom. Outfit, for her birthday party. So. The, birthday party we planted in August, we're like we want to give her this big shebang, it was, trolls. She, loves poppy, she loves branch I had her sit there and tell me all the names of the people issues I guess I left them and left them so. I say okay how can I make, this into a custom outfit, had no idea how to do tutus no idea how to do t-shirts though you can see my skill has improved thank, you very much yes. Thank you for anklet and. So with this I went, to the store and got some ribbon, got some tool which is this material, right here and hands. Hide it onto the ribbon I had, no velcro nothing to hold it together and, thus, came this outfit so. She loved. It she was running around the party, and, she, was like look at poppy look at my tutu, my mother couldn't stand it because the tulle had a lot of glitter so the glitter was all over the house by the end of the party she. Forgave me for it it was fine but, my niece loved it so much it just her reaction, made me see that I want to do this for other people had no idea how I wanted to grow it but I wanted to do it for more people. So. Serena. Williams, she is breaking all barriers with the tutu, so you can't tell me that teachings are not happening in today's society if Serena. Williams, can go to a tournament and kill, it with the tutu why can't she you. Hear that, come. On y'all better clap for that that was a good one thank. You thank you thank. You so much. So. The problem, that to to Paradise is focusing. On is people once you feel and look good for their birthday parties graduation. All these, different events what is an event that is important, to you throughout. The year like what's that one day of the year you want to look dope from head to toe. Birthday. That. Was it y'all just kept it Christmas. I was about to say come over Thanksgiving. Cuz we sit in the house with outfits on that looks cute we, all do it Oh and, so, what teaching Paradise does is we. Want to be a one-stop-shop we. We, are here to cater to your need regardless, of the event we've had people come in order to tease from us for Easter Sunday, so. She. Went to church in a full-length to to like I am the baddest thing in this church praise the Lord and so, we were able to cater to that she. Knew she wanted to look good on Easter Sunday but she just didn't know what it was and so that's when we came in and we gave her that one-stop shop for her and her daughter and this, is one of my first, long-distance, clients. That I did in Kentucky, when I first learned how to do a long teacher and they loved, it it. Was amazing I was I was glad they liked it so, with our financials, it just it just is, clear that there's a market that we can tap into there, is people out there that are interested in buying, Tootie's and our price point our base price point is $35. For, a child, to do so like an average child size like right here you know I'll stand up for me reside, it's. My little cousin y'all so an average child her, size there too to start at 35, an adult, she to start at 50, and so with this these numbers here it just shows us that there are people out there that want about tutus and I mean and it can be for any big or small event, in our. Time our, low represents, what I could do right now. For, a whole year I can do two. Twos take up to two hours each and that's what I can knock out in a year but. The high represents. Just the Baltimore, numbers, so what I did was I went and I looked up the numbers for the women that are in Baltimore that have children under the ages of five that.

Have Birthday, parties and with, that I that's when I got the 19,000. And I went on down and did all the math so hopefully it pleases your wonderful eyes all right okay. So oh, and, art and one more our audience, that we're focusing, on right, now our mothers ranging. From the ages of 25 to 40 that want to get something for their daughters, their nieces and even, nephews I also cater to boys as well as you can see that's an outfit that I did for my nephew's fourth birthday party so. We do boys we, do girls we do men we do everybody, we try to make, sure we company. Everybody but the main point tonight is the little girl to choose. Our. Secret, sauce is that we care we. Genuinely, care that, you want to look good I will, sit on the phone with my clients, all day and all night if I have to to make sure that they feel confident, in their outfits because if you feel good you, act good you just like, your whole attitude, changes. When you feel and look good and so, that's what our customers appreciate the most we also offer flexible payment, plans and we also have Express, ordering as well I had one client she texted me on Thursday. Night and said I need a two to Friday, made. It happen that's. Something that a lot of a lot of a lot of my competitors, aren't able to do and so, with me being even in Baltimore, I even let them know from the beginning like hey this is gonna cost you extra for, the shipping and for the process and everything and they still are willing to pay that money so. That's something that lets me know that customers, are willing to pay that money to look and feel good, and. So. With your investment, crystal, to to paradise as a home-based business so, right now we use home based products, to do arts you choose so, there are times when I'm doing a custom shoe and I may have a big iron in my hand holding the shoe and that can be hazardous I could burn my finger one day something, like that we don't want to end up in the hospital so, what's happening is this investment is going to help us get the proper, equipment we need to ensure safety reasons, and also, to help, with our social media stock, inventory one, of the things I've learned since we've been open in this last year is that whenever I got an order I had to go to pick up the supplies but. If we have stock inventory, that can cut down on our costs that we have to do every time we get a new order and, so that's one of the things that this investment will help us do. Excuse. Me also, the CTP, ambassador, program is something that I'm planning to implement in 2019, this program, will help us bring, on individuals, to help the load so it's not gonna just be me hopefully. In the next six months we're, gonna bring on a young fashion designer and ka my sister she's going to Baltimore City Community College and she wants to do a fashion design so, why not bring her on and give her the skills that she may need to further herself in the fashion business and I also have another individual, who's gonna come and help me on the administrative, side to, help me keep up with the orders to make sure I'm staying up-to-date with those because. A one-man show is just never gonna it's, just not gonna end good so, why not take the time to invest and having other people come on the team and help me reach my goal. So. Crystal. - - paradise is here for you talk. To the tee tee lady and let us spice up your life for any occasion, you may need thank, you.

Well, Done Christopher, judges. We have any questions like what, color is yours gonna be dead yeah what. Color I got you. So. I think you addressed, it a little bit at the end but this. Is all about you and it's your personality, and your passion, and making. This happen how, is it scalable, how. Do you get to grow so. Right, now so. We're in the process of building our plan because that is something we do want we want to grow so. That's where the ambassadors, come in that's when we want to build our social media presence because, right now we're going against people that have been on social media for a while so, they have up over 2,000, people following their page and so, right now we're. Trying to build a clientele, that will get us that. Wide range of clients cuz right now we'll only focus in on that little bit and so we're trying to expand our client base and I think that's one of the ways we're trying to improve with. Making. It grow does. That answer your question. Definitely. Talked about how long, and how much time you spend, with, a customer, yeah that's very you that's your personality, yes it's ingrained in you how, do you begin to find other people, that, will be that as well and then help you grow your business so. This the CTP ambassador, program I just really, got it to the nitty gritty but, I've actually been using, one of my close friends I've known her for about five years she's. Really been helping me with the administrator, side talking to my clients, for me and she's, able to give them that personality, that I have, where, people still feel like this, is still getting done even, though they're not talking to crystal they may be talking to my helper and she's still able to get what they need at the, end of the day yep. Yes. Pretty much so, yeah first. Of all let me just say you have, an extraordinary career, in front of you I don't think there's any question about that that definitely deserves applause because, you're rock stars, thank. You so much. You're. A rock star and you're gonna do amazing things I'm, looking forward to following, my. Question is very similar to Deb's though I mean look I'm a big fan of tulle I once, put. Hundreds, and hundreds of yards of. Tulle in a dining room to turn it into a little castle for my daughter oh wow so and I'm impressed to you there are it's a pink tulle yes never do that again. So. I love it and I love the concept and, it's really fun but how do you compete with people, who are manufacturing, in China and selling them on Amazon. That. Is a really good question and that, is something that I myself and still figuring out because. With with me being small and one-person. Show right now in Baltimore. Though. I am reaching people that are in Kentucky and West Virginia and different things like that people still will probably go to Target and buy the $12, to to but, the thing that I'm pushing to people is that we are one-of-a-kind so, you're not gonna go to Target, and buy this to tube and not see 20 other people in the exact same thing our everything, we do is made to order like on my table I only have one outfit because it's no way for me to keep everything, that I've made because they're getting shipped off so, everything is one-of-a-kind. We, strive in making sure that people understand, that you're not paying for so, you're not paying to look like Sister Sister in 2018. Like you're not paying to have a twin you pants-a look like your individual, personality, and that's the biggest thing we've been pushing for people, thank. You. Yes. Likewise, crystal I think you answered those questions beautifully. I think you said your secret sauce is heart and, I do think, that heart, is contagious, and that you will pass that on to your team and, that will be your asset thank you my question, is, how. Do, you at $200. Market, this and get the type of reach that you need to help this really grow so, what we've been doing so far with our market reach on social media is we've been using the prime outfits, that we see catch a lot of people's attention so, I know like with the long choose, a lot of adults like those but also with the really cute outfits. That say the little girl's name and the little character, we, use funds to push those, posts. On Facebook and Instagram we, don't do like all the other posts that we pose. So we strategically picked, the outfits that one, that well I feel confident about all my office but some of them you just step back if you like I did that so, the ones that I feel like it's. Something that's different and new I'll push those out there and a lot of people and what, we're trying to do is we're trying to turn those likes into clients and so, what I'm doing now is when people comment saying oh I love that or they tack someone's name I'll send that person a message so we go the extra step in making sure if you liked our post if you liked, our Facebook we're talking to you to, see how can we help you regardless of the, event the situation, the age no, matter like, we we, take that extra step to get a contact with people that potentially, could be clients, yep.

Oh. Yes. So. Right now our fabrics, are coming from up Oh. Her. Question was where do I get my fabrics so right now my fabric is coming from Joanne's, but. Hopefully, with the stock inventory we're looking to buy them in bulk right. Now Joanne's is our main source of the tool and we use jiffy shirts to get our t-shirts, but. I am in the process of looking for a wholesale to. Seller. So we don't have to pay as much for the tool as we would pay at your lens yeah. Right. Yeah so we're so right now what we have is keeping. Us afloat but. We're also looking, to and. Would, decrease, the, money that we spend in buying the supplies, yeah. Thank. You. Thank. You Thank You judges Thank You crystal. I. Said. It before but I'll say it again what, about these contestants everyone, right. I'm. Excited. We. Have two more our. Second-to-last. Coming. Up next is Makita, Thompson, who will be presenting the party, room for, round of applause from Aikido. The. Party room is. A one-stop, shop party. Planning service, for, anyone, that's, planning. A special occasion such, as a bomb itza themed. Party. Theme. Party, recital. Small, concert. Hello. Everyone, my name is Nikita Thompson, and I am the CEO /. Founder of the. Party room I have, been working in the entertainment industry over, the past eight years creating. Custom, props and costumes, for. Individuals, and briefly, as a, venue. Provider, and. I. Am here tonight to tell you about the absolute, best. Party, planning service, money can buy that is, deliverable. To. Your home or any, venue of your choosing. Has. Anyone, here ever taken, on the task of planning a party. And. More than likely you can recognize the situation on my right. Standing. In long retail, lines just, to pay high, price for party, supplies or for, my tech-savvy bunch searching. Through hundreds, of vendors on, bargain, websites such as eBay, or Amazon just. To end up disappointed. When expectations. Fall short. In. Our. Mind we all want that wow, effect when, we plan in a party but, some way or another, we. End up with a situation like this. Yeah. Pretty, lame that's your party. And. The, reason, why is, because. Awesome. Party. Props and decorations. Are, expensive. However. The. Party room is your. Number one solution all you have to do is make, the call our, team. Of experts, will show up to your doorstep ready. To deliver you stress, and ease, by, saving you time and money and, of, course designing. Your party better than you. There. Are alternatives. That offer some, but not all, of, the, options that the party room has to offer our. Research, indicates, that the, party room is simply, the smarter way to plan, you. Way more time, and money while, offering you way, more accommodations. Here's. How. The. Party room basic, package, accommodates. 75. Guests, for. Only, $700. You get. For. Only 700 dollars you get. Invitations. Bhave. Decorations. Themed. Props music speakers. Photobooth. Party. Life fall. Setup. And free, down with. Every. Bookie. We. Also offer. Subscription. Options, for, the. For-profit. Industry, professionals. With. Calculated, savings from 700. To. $1,100. Per year, so, if your entertainment. Manager. Or a. Party. Promoter. Who. Seeks to make a profit from your events, these. Packages, are the way to go. Our. Total addressable market. Our. Total addressable market range, was, calculated. To our. Total addressable market range is, estimated. To calculate, future revenue, based, off of. Recent. Experience, to identify, popular. Party, planning days, that. Are, that. Customers, such as. Sorry. That. Customer that costume and prop customers, utilize. That. Typically, plan events for two to, six events per year. Entertainment. Managers and promoters, who typically plan six, to twelve events per year and. A. Slew. Of dropping, customers, that I've interacted with, as a result, of my 2016. Craigslist. And social media posts that reached out to me.

Year. One our projected. Revenue, is expected to reach one. Hundred and seventy nine thousand, two hundred dollars, with a gross margin of fifty seven percent. Through. Investing. Through. Investing. We. Plan to increase, our inventory, and hire. And. Hire. More, party, room setup Tech's year. Two we plan to double, our, profits. To. Three thousand, three, hundred thousand, five, hundred three. Hundred five, five hundred and eight thousand four hundred dollars. The. Way we plan to utilize the funds from this at pitch competition, 200, dollars will be spent on ten heated buffet trays. $260. For four LED, bar calendars, a total. Of. 1356. Dollars will go towards, four special, lighting units, -, fog machines, -. Portable speakers and two pro speakers of two professional, speaker devices. $1,000. Will cover one, two thirds of the cost of the deposit, for the photo booth and, 184. Dollars remaining, will, go towards, the first two deliveries, for, the zip car service. As. You. Can see the potential for then. This investment round was able the party room to be cashflow, positive by. 2019. And. That. Will bump us into. The. Cash, flow range I appreciate. The opportunity to. Speak with everyone here tonight and remember. To contact the party room for your next event if you want an event you, and your guests will never forget. Readygo. Makena. Judges. Do we have questions, for the party room delivered, anyone. Tell, us. How. Many different. Types of parties, can, you do, because. Each one costs, a lot of money when you do the different, decorations. Okay. The way that we plan to tackle that problem is, I have. Real, estate so it's like I plan to use that as storage for, the things and what, you're getting is a rentable service so it's like you're not actually packed, on purchasing. The, props, as as they are you're, just you're. Renting them for a base price so it don't matter what your theme is whether it's a decade's party, silhouette party masquerade, party you're gonna pay the Dec same price. What. We do is we actually provide. Resources. For, like. Vendors such as caterers. And stuff like that but the, buffets set up does, not actually include the food but we will find, your caterer so that's the whole point of like when you contact, us you don't have to search for anything we will put, you in contact with caterers, to fit your budget we'll put you in contact with, you. Know if you need liquor, distribution, or stuff like that but we mainly, create, the look of your party the theme. Other. Questions, judges. So. The $700. How how. Do you determine which, size event, that's for is it up up. To 75. Accommodates. Up to 75, baths and then the price scales from there and then, the price goes from there correct, like if the event gets larger, because that means that, more. Than like it really all depends on what you need what you need because like, if you in a empty venue, and you need tables. And chairs and setup that could be an additional cost if you need custom costumes. That could be an additional cost but the basic, package pretty, much coverage, your your theme which. Is to set up your decorations. Your. Buffet. Style your bar stall, for your liquor what does not include the liquor your, Photo Booth, you angel you had me when you had the liquor in there but.

Am. I really my real question is about how do you scale it and how did you come up with that base package price the, way I came up with it is because I used to have a party, room venue, and. For. That venue, I charged, only. $500. Basically for the same thing that you get in here but everything, that you, that's, pretty much here was already there in a club so. People. Only pay $500. I took here everything, for them and they was like this is a really great idea and it took, off, so. My question is your. Actual customer is this a b2b play, you're, selling business-to-business, you, want to provide, your services, to people who are in the event space are you selling to me the consumer, because I have my husband's. You. Know birthday. Coming up and I've got 35. People coming and I don't want to fool around with it so which. Is it I'm, selling. I'm B to C and I'm B to B like for you if you want your event in your home we were coming to your home design, your home to. Fit whatever type of theme party you like I'm doing, b2b for. For. Entertainment. Managers, and party promoters, and then even when, it comes to B to C if you don't necessarily want, any house but you want like an intimate setting, like I'm I'm actually planning to you know incorporate, it with like an Airbnb, so we're so if you want to you know rent a spot like through Airbnb and you we come there we set it up that's, more like b2c. Thank. You Makita Thank You judges. All. Right coming. Down to it so. Finally. But. Last but not least, I'd. Like to welcome out. Brittany. Whitby. And her, teammate Demi who will be presenting charming. II national naturals. Ronald. Or. I'm. Brittany whippy and this, is Debbie Abra - and we, are char many Naturals we've. Combined a mix of experiences, in business, sales. And. Chemistry. To, create a hemp based, CBD. Cosmetics. Line of Bath. Body and, beauty. Products that, combines. The dynamic, mix of. Hemp. Based CBD. And, carefully. Selected. Natural. Botanicals. Give. People the benefits of hemp Drive CBD, which has a dynamic number, of hemp pent health benefits and carefully, chosen botanicals, to maximize, the effectiveness of the product purpose, with me with Purpose Driven formulas, and to, maximize your enjoyment.

So. Many. Of you may be aware that CBD, is one of the hottest the most controversial, trends. Of, the. Wellness warrior in 2018. So. What. Is CBD. CBD. Is derived. From a hemp plant it is non psychoactive. And. It. Is legal. To produce in Maryland for consumer. Goods. CBD. Derived, from the hemp plant contains. The. High CBD levels but, low THC levels, so, in layman's terms it. Doesn't get you high. So. Why. Why, topical, CBD, all. Right. Topical. CBD has, anti-inflammatory, properties. And natural, analgesic, properties basically. It helps with muscle recovery joint. Inflammations, strains. It,

2019-01-06 05:53

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