1918 Flu Pandemic - Lies - Extra History

1918 Flu Pandemic - Lies - Extra History

Show Video

Welcome. Extra historians, to lies the. Episode where we fess up to our mistakes and flesh, out the things we skipped over today. We're doing the 1918, flu pandemic it's, a big global story we've got a lot of ground to cover you had a lot of questions a lot of Corrections, so, we're, just gonna lightning round it we're gonna go real fast. So, first. Of all we're going to talk about our recommended, reads there's two this this. Series one. Is the great influenza, by John M Barrie this, is a great book if you want to know anything about the American response effort, Welch. Park, and Williams Avery, all that good stuff. Next, Pale, Rider by. Laura Spinney great. Book has like a the global context, of the flu, it's. Sometimes, been criticized by you for. Going a little too far in some of its conclusions, but I think it's overall pretty solid, especially if you take it with a little bit of a grain of salt but. It's probably, the best, just. Global. Palette of what's going on you could possibly find so I highly recommend it. Let's. Get to like the big, embarrassing. Upside-down elephant, in the room. This. Is the flag of Germany. This. Is the flag of Yemen, so. It. Would take too long to explain exactly how a mistake. This big happened but essentially. I said, I send off photo references, when I when I finish an episode the artist sends me back a prop sheet the. Flag was upset on the prop sheet I took, the prop sheet and I took the reference, for the flag of the German Empire and went yeah, that's the same because the, pattern recognition, part of my brain has gone a broken so. And. Unfortunately we. We. Had already uploaded three, episodes worth of it by the time we released, the first one and people mention that it was upside down and you know I kind, there was something. About it that bothered me but. Then I looked at the prop sheet it was right on the prop she the prop sheet must be right right so yeah. Sorry, that's totally, my fault.

Some. Of you were a little concerned that we focused too much on the United States I actually. Agree, with you my original concept. This, series was, going. To be a lot more like, jumping, between medical, teams in different countries but, after kind of conferencing. With the artist I realized. That that was asking, way too much of them like, it it's a lot to change. Change. What country. We're portraying because it's different national costumes, modes of transportation, architecture. And they. Have to pull like I have to get a big photo library, together for every new country. And. Basically. Have them create. Unique art assets for it so, the best we can do basically was just one, episode that was just like boom boom boom boom just hitting kind, of notable, places in the world and, that, was not ideal it's not what I had envisioned originally. But it, was the best we could do I'm sorry about that. Mispronunciations. We had a few. We. Were very very busy had a difficult. Time we. Recording, stuff because we were recording so much during this period. The. Koch Institute has. The hook instead, of the Koch Institute. We. Said Arizonian. It's Arizonian, we. Said John Hopkins when, it should be Johns Hopkins, I. Can't. Remember exactly what Brown said pronunciation. We used for Manchu, but it was wrong and. Pongo. Pongo is the capital of American, Samoa not Paco Paco a lot, of these stuff for things that we flagged we just didn't, have time to fix unfortunately. So. Let's move on to Episode one what. Have you pointed out that we used the caduceus, the. Rod of Hermes as a. Symbol, for American. Medicine, and. Really, it should be the rod of Asclepius, we. Did use that for the American Medical Association because. The rod of Asclepius is the. Symbol, for the American Medical Association, but. The symbol for the US Army, Surgeon General. He. Is the rod of caduceus because, they were confused, when they picked. It in the 1900s. Excuse, me the eighteen hundred's so. Yeah. That's a mistake, but it's a historical, mistake. Some. Of you mentioned that. There's no selection pressure, toward, deadliness, in a virus that is true. But. As, long as a virus. Basically, can still spread it doesn't necessarily, matter, how definitely it is you know it's all just sort of a genetic rule with the dice and. The. Spanish flu progressively. Got more definitely while still spreading. Very, well but you were absolutely right. There. Is no selection pressure. Pushing. A virus, to be more deadly we. Also. Had. A lot very indirect. Line about the randomness, of an action natural selection we should have said the randomness of mutation. Natural. Selection is not random. Someone. Pointed out that Gila Tripp cyanosis when people turn blue, right, when they had a cytokine storm inside the, lung hole area very. Scientific. It. Didn't look like the patches that we showed, and that's true. The, thing is tinting, is a very difficult thing to do in our animation styles so we just kind of used as a cheat in, general, you'd get kind of like a purplish, tinge to your cheeks and ears and it would spread and eventually turn, you blue and. That's, how, it would really look it would just be sort of a deepening, rather. Than those patches, that we showed in the animation. Some. Of you mentioned that lug rip is. Not, a nickname for the flu it's just French for the flu true. But. English, and an, American trip started calling it that too there was this really interesting linguistic, exchange. Going on in the trenches. A. Lot. Of you mentioned that our. Section. On Ludendorff and the Spring Offensive was, an oversimplification. 100%. True rather. Than explaining all, of that because we have so little time I've, actually suggest, you just go over to the Great War and watch, every, episode because, the the Spring Offensive is just about over over, there and, they. Do a, great, job in all of their German flags are right-side up all the time I don't know how they do it. We're. Going to episode 3 now, Welch. Actually. Didn't die he, lived until 1934. That's, my fault I wrote it that way to increase. Increase. The the tension and I. Accidentally. Misinformed, people that the belch had died he had not but. He was knocked out basically, for the rest of the crisis. A. Lot. Of people wondered why. Officials. Particularly in Philadelphia, didn't treat flu seriously. Part. Of it was just focused on the war part of it was just, thinking that flu was a, seasonal. Thing that would go away but.

In Philadelphia. You, have a very special case so the mayor is a little, distracted, during this time because. He has just been indicted in, the death of a Philadelphia, policeman. You. Can go read about it his. Name is Thomas. S Smith and he was working, for the veritable, machine and. Philadelphia. But. The long and short of it is basically. He. And a bunch of his cronies during a Republican primary hired. A gang from New York to come down and beat, up their primary, opponent and a. Philadelphia. Policeman stepped in to try and defend. The guy and ended up getting shot and killed so. He was indicted for. The. Actual, charges were. Conspiracy. To commit murder and impeding. An election. We. Had. Anna. Williams kind, of look like she was the same age as William Parke actually they were exactly the same age 55. That's, again, like the shading thing right it's difficult to do someone with kind of like salt pepper hair in. Our animation style and I like the contrast of the kind of younger in Spirit Williams, with the older. And spirit Park. Some. Wondered is this Gorgas the same, guy. Who battled, yellow fever during the Panama building of the Panama Canal yes. He is I. Don't. Think he was not Surgeon General at that time but, yeah. That's Girgis yes, and that's the thing he's most famous for to this day. I'm. In episode 4. Someone. Mentioned that we seem to beacon using. Vaccine. With. Antitoxin. With serum, that vaccine is preventative that. It should include antibodies. Conceptions. Of what a vaccine, has have kind of changed a little bit but, broadly that's. Right like but we were sort of losing as a shorthand for all three of those things they were making all three and, by the way the Rockefeller, Institute wasn't. Just like hoarding, vaccines, and keeping them away from the public they. Used all their vaccines, on the army and civilian. Workers who were supporting a war effort so, it wasn't like a stingy thing of like now here get, away from our vaccines, they. Yeah. They were all gone and, some, had to be made for the civilian population. There. Was a question was there international cooperation. Largely, not. But. These. Doctors were reading, medical articles that came out in different countries, and. There. Was one interesting thing where early. Upon. Entering the war the. Rockefeller, Institute found. A very, effective treatment for gangrene, and they, started wondering, like hey should we publish, this in a in a International. Journal because then it'll help the Germans and they, have ultimately, decided, our duty, as doctors, is above our duty as soldiers so they published, it and indeed it was, used. In the German army. A lot. Of people asked if dogs. Eaten, the you pick family alive. Possibly. Because, there's a thing that happened all the way across the continent on the island of Labrador. Where. The. Village just stopped feeding the dogs because everyone got too sick to get out of bed and the. Dogs started literally jumping, through windows, and playing, indoors, and attacking people in their beds and, we know this because a guy came looking for his friend he hadn't heard from in a while and, he found the guy sitting, up in bed with a rifle across his lap a box of bullets surrounded. By dead dogs so. Yeah. Go to sleep with that. This. Is a big one why. Didn't we mention Germany, in China, so. I. When. I realized, that we hadn't put numbers for Germany in the fifth. Or sixth episode I tried, to go in and add them to the sixth week we didn't have time, the. Number I came up with was four, hundred and twenty six thousand, for, what it's worth but, the. Thing with the, German numbers is they're a little spongy, because you what you do is you get a baseline, for. What the, death rate would be in. A place at that time and then you figure out the excess, mortality, right. Very. Difficult to get a baseline on Germany, in 1918, 1919, there's, a lot of people moving around a lot of people going cannon out of the army I suspect. It's higher, than that. 426,000. German. Officers, tended to cover, up the fact their, soldiers had died of Spanish flu not, because, they didn't. Want people knowing but, because they just didn't want their, families, to know that they hadn't died in combat that they died, in the hospital, you know wasting away from a terrible disease same. Thing happened in the US Army by the way, with. China, we.

Specifically, Avoided it because China, is very. Contentious. There. Are people who think that. It. Had a really. Really high death rate and that's based on reports, from Western missionaries that were going up in the mountain villages but it could just be that those more isolated, communities got hit, hard. There. Are people who think it really doesn't hit that hard at all because there doesn't seem to be the same kind of thing in China you don't have like mass graves in Shanghai, and Beijing I looked. Here in Hong Kong and, I, didn't, really find anything and that. Might suggest that it emerged from China and most. People were immune from the, mild first wave, we. Cut out like a bunch of other possible, origins. There's. One from a military hospital in France, some. People think that migrating, Canadian geese spread, it. Basically. Name. Name. A country and there's a theory about it we. Could take this whole episode of just talking about emergence, theories but we we picked two that we thought were pretty likely if, you're curious about that sample of Spanish flu it's in a CDC lab in a very secure, area, they've, sequence its genome now and, we. Don't really know though at, what point. What. Point that sample comes from so, is it from the more, mild wave is it from the, deadly second wave I had it been mutated and become less virulent. We. Don't know so. It's it's a little bit difficult to know if how. Good a sample that is but they're working on it. One. Thing I wanted to point out that we didn't get to in episode 6 is that. The. Way that. The. Horrors of World War one, sort. Of killed the optimism. About technology. And human, progress a similar. Thing happened in medicine with Spanish flu so. They're. Like. Major doctors. Before. The the outbreak were talking. About like in, 50 years communicable, disease may disappear, we, may have a disease for your future and. Victor. Vaughn who we briefly, had. In, the episode he was the guy charting the disease on the map has a great quote about this. The. Saddest part of my life was, when I went us the hundreds, of deaths of the soldiers in the army camps and did, not know what, to do. At that moment I decided, never again to. Prate about the great achievements, of medical science and to, humbly admit our dense. Ignorant, in this case I saw. Hundreds, of young. Stalwart. Men in uniform. Coming. To the wards of the hospital, every. Bed was full yet. Others crowded in the. Faces were a bluish cast a cough, brought, up the blood-stained, sputum. Let's. Go through some famous victims of Spanish flu that we didn't have in the episodes the, first one we did mention was President Wilson but I wanted to add a little color to that so, Wilson, drops. In the, middle of the negotiations. In Paris for. What will become the Treaty of Versailles, and he. Is bedridden, with, what we now suspect was Spanish flu and. Probably. Brought on the stroke that later killed him. What's. A, big, issue with that is the fact that he was one of the main people that wanted, an equitable, equitable, treaty, with, Germany because. He believed peace in Europe was not possible, if, they forced a punishing, treaty on the Central, Powers. So. How. Might history have been different because once he dropped. It. Was done like, he lost all his strength he abandoned, all of his positions, he just got walked over my table. So. In addition to, him. We have the president-elect, of Brazil. Rodriguez Alvis he's, interesting, because he. Was very pro-vaccine and in his first term of office he. Actually. Instigated. Something or he. Put. In a policy of mandatory vaccination. That led to something called the vaccine, revolt so, yeah. He was a big proponent of medical science actually. To the point where. People. Ended up rising up against him because, they didn't like medical. Teams breaking down their doors and forcing them to get vaccinations, understandable. We. Also have Clementine Churchill, wife of Winston Churchill. John. And Horace Dodge Brothers who found a Dodge Motor Company. Kings. Kaiser Wilhelm King. George the fifth of the United Kingdom. Hale, Solis Emperor, of Ethiopia probably. Mispronouncing, that I'm sorry king. Alfonso xiii of, spain. Writers. And artists TS. Eliot Raymond, Chandler D. H Lawrence Franz. Kafka, Georgia. O'Keefe the American painter advert. Muench who painted a self-portrait, while, he had Spanish flu called self-portrait. With Spanish flu. Austrian. Painters Egon. Shila and Gustav Klimt they, both died I wanted to repeat that because if, Klimt, did die from Spanish fluid it argues for an earlier emergence, we.

Have It being. In 1917, 1918. It. Would have had to have come yeast. Into, Europe. If. If Klimt died from it we're still not sure a. Bunch, of silent film actresses, including Mary Pickford and Lillian Gish survived. Margaret. Dumont who is the rich widow and all the Marx Brothers movies was a Spanish flu survivor. And, in religion, in, 1917. Three, Shepherd children reported. Seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese parish of Fatima. After. A series of miracles prophecies, and Marian. Apparitions. Which. Are still remembered and venerated today as Our Lady of Fatima two. Of the children made a prophecy, that, they would die in the Spanish flu outbreak. And. Unfortunately. It, came true they died that was their last prophecy, so. Finally, Walpole. We've, got a little unusual one today so. I. Have. A, little. Excerpt. From a diary from Horace and that Horace Walpole kept during. A flu epidemic in, 1743. The. Last ships have brought over all your epidemic, distempers, not a family in London has scaped under five or six ill many, people have been forced to hire new laborers Grenada. The apothecary took two new apprentices, and yet could not drug, all his patients it, has a cold and fever I had, one of the worst and was. Blooded on Saturday, and Sunday he means bleeding. But. It is quite gone my. Father was blooded last night this. Is but slight. The, physicians say there has been nothing like it since the Year 33, and then, not so bad the bill of mortality, the death rate mostly, the same in short. Our army abroad would shudder to see what streams of blood have been let out of, course his father Robert. Walpole how. Does this connect the 1918, flu pandemic, well. Flu strains are related it's, very likely or possible I should say rather. Than likely that, the, Spanish flu was a descendant. Of this flu, thanks. For joining us today come, back next week we'll be heading down to the Indonesian, archipelago and, the island, of Java or, will see Hindu Buddhist kingdoms war for control over, the lucrative, spice trade it's, gonna be a ton, of backstabbing. And Mongo fleets and. Probably. One. Of the trickiest. Characters. We have ever had on extra history. This. Guy is neat tune. In there's. Gonna be war from elephant back and all. Sorts of neat stuff so, see. You next week when we explore the kingdom of Mercia Pyatt.

2018-08-22 17:26

Show Video


Many thanks to Rob for his awesome work on these challenging episodes! You can enjoy the music for this series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FAA-rhA2Qo

Extra Credits I’m an animator sooooo if you need me reply please

Do one on attila the hun

I'm starting to think they're getting the flags wrong on purpose just to see how many people are paying attention =p

It's pronounced Hi-lee Sel-lassie.

One thing my dear....ISLAND of Labrador? Labrador is part of mainland Canada, unless you are talking about a different place.

Majapahit? Gajah Mada intensifies!! :D

Could you please do Josip Broz Tito next.

>Video published today >Comment from 4 days ago Guys plan ahead. I like that.

Ugh! Don't get me started on bloodletting.

I think so

Extra Credits Did y’all go through a cast change?

Ah yes, ever signed off on artwork that's been looked at by at least three sets of eyes and it's still wrong? I have. Of such things is amusement made and sometimes gnashing of teeth. Also, I have to ask. Is that HMS Hood?

My life is a lie

My suggestion for illustrating someone with “salt and pepper“hair is to leave the main body/fill up their hair the original color and just make the outline/ink line gray.

Take advantage of the fact you have two colors available for your stylistic illustration choices in that aspect as well. This approach was used for the virus so it’s not a new precedent

Indonesia Wooooooooooo

can you do something on the older civilizations like Rome, Persia, and Babylon? do you vote on topics thru Patreon?

Good day extra credits! A new subscriber from the Philippines! I just wanted to suggest a video about my country, the Philippines. I just noticed that you still havent made one, I watched some of your extra history videos and i loved it ❤! Specially when it is about the women who made something revolutionary yet let's go back to my main pont. I really wanted to see a video ahout the Philippines maybe about the Spanish Colonialization or maybe our former president Ferdinand Marcos who created the Martial Law and what we're the events that happened. Anything about my country will be appreciated ❤. I look forward to your uploads, thank you very much! Love from the Philippines ❤.

I really miss the old cast

Extra Credits can you guys make an episode about the EDSA revolution or something? I find the topic quite interesting, or you guys can make a video about the war on drugs on the philippines, or about the argument on who actually claims the west china sea? i find all those topics interesting

perfect time 20:18

You should call this extra lies

"on the island of Labrador" Aha ha...no, Labrador is not an island. Are you sure you're not thinking of Newfoundland?

Anyone else wanna be an epidemiologist when they grow up

There is good information in your video. However, it was very frustrating that you didn't mention the overall POINT of the video right in the beginning. You talked about many random things, and perhaps your regular viewers (you referred to them "many of you....") but a new viewer such as myself really didn't understand the context of your thoughts or the overall point.

What is with the music from the Catherine episodes

Excellent work with the Spanish Flu! I never had any idea that this pandemic was as bad as it was; amazing how deep history and its secrets go! I do have a small critique for you, though. Take it or leave it, as you need to. For your next project, might I suggest not doing the Lies segment from behind a desk? I know it seems silly, but the tone set from a person speaking across a desk implies formality, impersonality, and distance from your audience. It’s as though we’re getting a lecture from “the boss” instead of an extra episode where the fun information you wanted to add but couldn’t sees the light. I realize that there could have been recording issues, equipment issues, etc that prevented this. I also understand how being nervous in front of an audience (who isn’t? ^_^ ) will want you to put something between yourself and the camera. If none of these were a factor, please forgive my presumption. But if you want to really win your audience over, I recommend you make friends with them. Push away the desk. Pretend you’re inviting us over to share your amazing stories. I can’t wait Extra History’s next project, Rob. Keep up the good work!

The 1918 Flu Pandemic is one of the best series on this channel!!!

Wait for it... the Mongols

extra history ussr

At this point, I am convinced the flags are portrait wrong intentionally, to indicate how irrelevant nationality is.

Three things. First, loved the series. Second, loved this episode of "Lies". Third, I love that battleship model, what ship is it?

I know the cause of the flu

Haile Selassi is pronounced quite differently to ... what you said. Very roughly it should be: Hye-lee Suh-LASS-ee More accurately: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/Haile_Selassie.ogg As penance you should totally do an EH series on him.

I started watching you guys not far ago and from the first minute of the first your video I've watched I've fallen in love with your script and with your drawing style. You guys are awesome and I won't stop watching you! Love from Italy!

Hi. Do you take suggestions? I really enjoyed learning more about ancient history. If you could do more episodes about famous conquerors like Alexander the Great or Napoleon that would be great! Or maybe something from Ancient China perhaps. (Really enjoyed the episodes about Japan, Genghis Khan, Hannibal and Admiral Yi)

They let their topics being choosen by their supporters on patreon

Another lie: it's Canada geese, not Canadian geese. ;-P

You should do one on Queen Liliuokalani of the Hawaiian Kingdom

Correction about the great war channel they finished the spring offensive and are now on the one hundred days offensive

Despite the errors you pointed out in this episode, please be aware you are putting out a very high quality product and I personally appreciate it.

There wasn’t James in this one, and Dan has left the team: But Walpole? Walpole is eternal.

Thanks for doing these correction episodes. My grandmother told me about her memories of the 1918 flu when I was a kid, and it sounded terrifying, but I learned a lot watching this series. Thanks for that. And finally, I'm looking forward to the newest topic!

Hey can you make another video about iran history and what happen with iran an the muslims after khosrau died

Thee N You need to support them on patreon. Then you can vote what the next topic shall be

I like Ned Kelly more than this but good job

Ive been loving this channel do you think you could tackle America's forgotten civil war the Shay's rebellion?

fuzzydragon If you want to influence what topic will be choosen next, you will have to support them on Patreon

A few extra LIES from Episode 6, which hadn't aired when we taped this segment: H1N1: Many of you correctly pointed out that H1N1 is Swine Flu, not Avian Flu. This is correct, though many theories hold that Spanish Flu was an avian virus that got its genes re-sorted in a pig. In fact, some theories suggest it was an avian flu that jumped to humans, who gave it to pigs, who then gave it back to humans! ALEXANDER FLEMING AND PFEIFFER'S BACILLUS: We mentioned that Alexander Fleming left his samples out overnight—but it's worse than that, he left them out when he went on *vacation.* And strangely, he didn't seem to understand that his discovery was about to reshape medicine. In fact, his paper introducing penicillin mostly proposed it as a research aid for isolating—guess what?—Pfeiffer's bacillus! Penicillin didn't effect Pfeiffer's bacillus, so the paper was mostly about this amazing substance that would kill *all the other bacteria* that tended to make Pfeiffer's so hard to isolate. Which just goes to show how people were still hunting Pfeiffer's, even into the 1920s. HOOD MODEL: Great job everyone on spotting my model of HMS Hood! I built it to get a feel for the ship while writing Hunting the Bismarck. But so far no one's spotted the *real* WWI relic on my desk or in the background. Any guesses?

Good video but PLEASE iron your shirt

You might want to watch the NFB film “The Last Days of Okak”. It’s about the Spanish Flu on the North Coast of Labrador. Entire Inuit villages were killed leaving only the children alive. In many cases the dogs did eat the dead but as the film recounts in at least one case a sled dog defended an Inuit girl from the others. https://www.nfb.ca/film/last_days_of_okak/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts3hFJOLFuo

I don't remember seeing Rob before, is he new around here or just hasn't been on screen (much)? :) Or have I missed something? :D In any case: hello :)

muraalia He writes most of the Extra History episodes for a while now

Still one of my most favorite Extra History episodes.

Polandball Nepal in the background makes me super happy

Gajdah Mada isn't it.a A university name after him in Indonesia and I'm currently attending it... It going to be exciting

When's our History of the War of 1812?

Ascension in c is the best track

indonesia,majapahit,javanese im sooooooooooo exciting !!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think you could cover some of the events of the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese History? Creative Assembly have a Three Kingdoms game in the works and might throw some more dosh your way. It would be fitting either way, as Extra History: The Second Punic War was commissioned by them, a nice nod to part of this show's origins.

Well hopefully they will sponsor thi but otherwise the series are Patreon chosen so unsponsored series would not very likely come out when the game does. I wonder if they contact the companies for sponsorship or other way around.


*Canada* Geese. Maybe if we stuck an "N" in "Pago," people would be more likely to pronounce them when saying "Pago Pago." It's not like they used that spelling before we moved in and applied our alphabet to the name.

It is an virus

Sooooo.... what ship does he have on his desk?

I always respect these guys as they go back and correct mistakes etc with these "lies" episodes

Length of this video is 20:18 And this is year 2018. Coincidence? Yes!

You got a bad case of the uhh's my dude.

I am really excited for next week

@Extra Credits Is that an HMS Hood model on your desk?

Where did Dan And Carrie Floyd go?

Oh, I guess that's cool then. :]

Hi there! Dan has left Extra Credits to pursue new projects like his new channels, Play Frame and New Frame Plus His departure was announced at the end of this video here: https://bit.ly/2P5yIH8 The new voice you’re hearing is Matt Krol, a television producer and a VO artist. He’s also our new showrunner!

You have a model of a gray battleship on your desk. I have a model like that of Bismarck. What battleship do you have?

I believe it is the Hood

6:20 Indy Neidell and team would be proud to be proud to be mentioned :)

I just want to know who's idea singing the demonic children ryme in episode 4 was. I watched that at night you monsters! Great show btw

I honestly don’t know why ppl even dislike videos? Like it or move on like fr wtf

What's a Lies episode without some flag corrections?

Poland existing is a lie

not one mention of aspirin

You failed to mention the vampirism outbreak in England at the time.

Pronunciation correction for this video - Canada Geese, not Canadian Geese.

It's probably most accurate to say there is no such thing as selective pressure FOR anything, ever. Selection is always negative. If one strategy is more successful than another that it is directly competing with, and survives while the other does not, it's not that it was selected for -- it that it was a component of the selective pressure AGAINST the competition!

I would like to thank you for the pulp episodes. I have a crazy idea to revive them thanks to that. So thanks and can you do an ep on that? Like tips on how to make a pulp?

James looks a little different here but I can't quite put my finger on how sounds just as smart though

You have a Hawaiian fish hook :)

Is that a model of HMS Hood on your desk?

@13:01 They're called Canada Geese not Canadian Geese

Unless they're referring to any old geese of any species who happen to have Canadian citizenship....

Can someone answer this for me? What happened to the high pitched narrator? Was that just a chipmunk filtering effect? Is the current narrator the same? Or is it a different guy? I don't know when this transition happened.

Daniel Floyd left Extra Credits a few months ago. Matt Kroll is the new narrator

The old narrator left and they retired the voice pitch thing with him (but I think it should have been kept).

It's a... Hood?

@13:00 Canada geese, not Canadian geese. :)

hi this was very well done I have all ways been interested in the flu of 1918 thank you very much

My sources say Thomas *B* Smith, not Thomas *S* Smith. Was there a mistake in Lies?!?!?! (or do I just have crap sources?)

i spy with my little eye... a mini poe bust!

Labrador is not an island I expect a Lies - Lies episode fixing this thx

i really am trying but i dont like the new guys. their voices are just not interesting to me.

That a model of HMS Hood on your desk? I think I've got Repulse from the same series.

Woodrow Wilson at least got Yugoslavia formed and screwed over Italy before getting sick.... Wait a moment, that was a bad thing in the long run.

“Name a country and there’s a theory about it.” *A N T A R C T I C A*

.... is not a country.

Based on this 'Lies' episode it sounds like this series was less organized than the rest of the extra histories.

More like they bit off more than they could chew. Most of their series have been focused on a particular region, and often a particular lead character as well. This one tried to cover a world event, failed to adequately convey the global aspect of it, but also wasn't able to focus on a single main character either. They weren't able to successfully fit it into their usual storytelling mold, and the series suffered for it.

Could you guys do something about the history of the Holy Roman Empire?

Based Imperialism You need to support them on patreon if you want to have a say about the next topic

Where do I need to send my money to have all future Lies done by Rob?

Where are the old people I miss them

No FFXI music... FeelsBadMan :(


“Hale Silace.... I’m probably mispronouncing that.”

We know you messed up the flags on purpose. Its tradition!

Apology accepted. For focusing WAY too much on the US. I get why you did it. But I still think that maybe the technical limitations you talked about meant that this particular historical event was beyond the scope of this channel. Extra Credits is typically excellent. If you're not going to be able to deliver something to your usually awesome levels...perhaps you should just skip it instead of doing it just "OK". There's plenty more history out there...

Sara Samaletdin agreed. Admitting the pov up front is the best solution to such an issue going forward.

I think rather than not doing the series the title should have had US in it with a bonus episode on rest of the world. So pretty much the same series but less misleading title.

Where’s the old narrator?

Shame. I'd gotten used to his voice.

Anglomachian he wanted to move on and do other projects


Anglomachian gone for good

2:02 Don't worry, it wasn't you... IT WAS WALPOLE! (but also you)

@Kitty Lillis- Indeed. Walpole will plead guilty like he always does.

Otto von Bismarck Lets see what Walpole thinks about that

Battle of berlin

10:31. No such thing as the "Island of Labrador." I take it you mean the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Newfoundland is the island; Labrador is on the mainland. They did not join Canada until 1947. Excellent series, otherwise...

My mistake...

Michael Cnudde the Dominion of Newfoundland joined Confederationin 1949, not '47. April Fool's Day 1949, appropriately enough.

they were discussing a disease-free future before spanish flu hit? that might be the most horrifying thing i've ever heard. we think their science was so primitive back then, but... that's what we're doing right now.

Tbf, physicists were even more over-confident at the turn of the century. Then quantum mechanics came along...

i already had a fear of dogs... this definitely didnt help

I think it’s HIGH—Lee seh-LAH-see

4:44 There is selective pressure towards deadliness. Generally the deadlier viruses replicate faster in your body. This makes the deadlier strains to have replication advantage within your body compared to weaker strains of the same virus -> If you spread the disease to someone they are more likely to get the deadlier strain, because that's the most prevalent strain. Deadlier viruses are somewhat more likely to spread, because the infection vectors have more viruses because of the faster replication. Or they would be more likely to spread if deadlier viruses didn't make you more bed ridden... or dead. Both of which makes it harder for the virus to spread.

deadly diseases tend to die with the population it infected. the only reason we have been seeing so many plagues in human history is partly because of how everything is so interconnected and how concentrated we live. though as far as I know a virus doesn't need to be deadly to replicate faster. the common cold is a very mild disease, and because of it you can find it everywhere and its always around coming back in seasons.


I love this series and have watched almost every single episode released. I was wondering where you get your information for the episodes so I can go into greater depth.

Honestly, you should have your own TV Channel or Book Series!

Why don't you have a lies clip for your Extra History one shots? Don't those have Walpoles and other bits that might need exploring or explaining?

It's not the flag of Germany, but rather of the German Kaiserreich back before the Great War and in the time of the German Republic in the Twenties. Important difference.

I thought it was the Bismark.

A lie* in lies: The Mayor was Thomas B. Smith, not Thomas S. Smith. *Rob probably just misspoke.

The one thing I find I love about the Extra History series is the lack of moralizing when talking about the past that so many other history channels feel obliged to include. Thank you for giving your audience the credit for having intelligence enough to know that societal standards have evolved from what they once were and don't need to have proceedings stopped to explain to them why we don't think certain ways anymore, or to pass judgement on cultures that don't think as we do.

what happened to the high pitched fella

19:30 Nice! I've lived in Java island my entire life but never got the chance to learn about the Hindu-Buddhists conquerors.

I'm also gonna amused if you don't pronounce words from Java/Indonesia correctly.

Am I the only one who doesn't know who this person is? Did I kiss something?

How can y'all not have fan-wear. I need one of dem tshirts with "Bismarck always has a plan" or "it was walpole" lmao. Keep up the solid video's, really fun and interesting. Also consider putting Churchill up for consideration for a season,Ezz 6ep and after all probably the man biggest factor in the allies winning WII. I'd really like to see your take on his story. Similar to Bismarck giant influence on Europe.

Thank you for all the effort Extra Credits!! Much love from the Philippines! ❤

Why? Is me Lie


Can you go back to the Sengoku period series and talk about Takeda Shingen ? :V

The compass?


Am I the only one who doesn't know who this person is? Did I miss something?

+rainynight02 I know. However, I wasn't trying to be mean.

+sion8 .....you know full well what I meant.

Yes, you did ‘kiss’ something.

Adam R do you mean this particular video? This is the last in a series and is a corrections video for that series. Start at episode 1 and this will make more sense.

They do

EH and flags, messing them up is a tradition!

Pissed me off that he just strait up lied for dramatic effect. I want to fucking learn here 1st get entertained 2nd

I'm afraid that there is some misinformation in *this* video as well. Labrador is not an Island. The Canadian Province it is a part of is Newfoundland & Labrador. The island portion is called Newfoundland & the mainland portion is called Labrador, each with their own flag, anthem, and demonym. (I only found out that was weird when I moved away from the Province, Lol.)

Now you're still pronouncing the capital of Samoa. G is pronounced with a soft ng sound that is made where the back of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth. Similar (incidentally) to the sound at the end of the word tongue.

The Royal Navy's largest submarine

The mistakes are mentioned in the comments for those videos.

+David Tancredi Yes, just referring to this video. I was researching the 1918 Flu pandemic and this video came up. I wasnt looking to watch an entire series to be able to understand a video titled under "1918 flu pandemic" not trying to be rude. Just pointing out that my comment about this video being very confusing still stands. I didn't see anything in the title or description saying that this is a particular part of a series, and that other videos would be recommended.


I knew I was right about the German flag being wrong!

Island of Labrador? Peninsula, you mean.

Another documentary about this flu pandemic: https://archive.org/details/gov.hhs.cms.006719

You guys Should totally do the war of the triple alliance. Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay vs Paraguay. Soooooo much history!

15:30 the better timeline?

+ extra credits Please do an episode on the Spanish flu origin theories. Please also do an episode on the dispute on the death toll of the Spanish flu. Some earlier sources say 50 million dead. Whereas modern sources or more new sources say 75 million, 80 million, 100 million, 125 million.

your flu series is lies

Is that a Matau (Maori)/Makau (Hawaiian) hanging off the bookshelf? And that looks like a gas filter and compass on your desk.

An Ebola series???

Levi Baloch it was Walpole

Ah, the pattern recognition part of your brain is broken? We'd make a great team! My pattern recognition is great, it's just the entire rest of my brain that's broken. We'd make one functioning brain between the two of us.

100% The flu pandemic is a lie and overrated. I don't get the shot and I don't get the flu.

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