15 Secrets RICH People Use to Get Everything in Life

15 Secrets RICH People Use to Get Everything in Life

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what if we told you that every successful person out there has used very specific secrets to get to where they are in life it doesn't matter if you're looking to get more money find fame find love live a life of fulfillment by helping others these secrets can be applied to absolutely anything you want to achieve in life and they will dramatically improve your odds of success we hate the word secret because it implies there is something hidden for most people that only the rich and successful are privy to but by the end of this video you'll understand that it's not the information but the way these people use this information is what makes them get the results they want the secret is using all of these 15 in your life together because they build on top of one another that's why some people are able to do things in five years that would take others a lifetime welcome to alex.com the place where future billionaires come to get inspired if you're not subscribed yet you're missing out buckle up for this is an immensely valuable video for those who have the ears to listen here are 15 secrets rich people use to get anything they want in life number one they constantly re-evaluate themselves most people use a pretty simple way to know what their life is like it's one of three scores not good meh or okay-ish that's how most people evaluate their life holistically the rich and successful do it differently though they break their lives down into five big pillars intellect money relationships health and emotions they take the time to see where they land on each one of these individually and at a group level where the group could be your family your social circle or your business unless you know in detail how well you're doing in every specific category how are you supposed to know what to focus on most people bundle them all together and wish that somehow their life will magically fix itself rich and successful people re-evaluate their lives every quarter that's why businesses report how well they're doing quarterly as well it allows you to make changes fast enough to improve results number two they focus on one objective at a time a while ago somebody put the idea of multitasking on a pedestal and the entire world ran with it as if it were something from the gods themselves the truth is multitasking was a marketing ploy where companies instead of hiring more people decided that the same employee should be responsible for more than one task that way they could improve profit only employees multitask the rich and successful choose one specific goal for every segment of their lives and put all of their efforts into it jeff bezos made his life's purpose to make amazon the biggest store in the world that was his one focus you might be thinking elon musk is a very good multitasker but in reality elon only has one goal and all of his companies work together toward that same goal to make human life sustainable in the long term everything else is a subset of this goal every company he decides to build is another pillar supporting this one goal and once the company is in place other people are put in charge of making the smaller company sustainable the more things you do the shittier the quality of the outcome and everybody successful knows this that's why you have to put all of your energy into one medium-term goal and every year set one different goal that builds toward it number three they play long-term games this is the curse of mediocrity everyone wants success but it has to come quick cheaply and without sacrifice long-term games are quite literally the opposite of all of these three characteristics the average person thinks quickly means in a couple of weeks for the rich quickly means in the next decade the average person thinks cheaply means without spending money while for the rich cheaply means not having to trade all of their hours in a day the average person doesn't want to sacrifice anything in order to get something in return while the rich know exactly what kind of sacrifice is required so the goal can be achieved every action you take daily will have effects over the long term buying and reading a book now can provide valuable information that will change the path of your life a small investment in an emerging technology such as bitcoin could have massive results in 20 to 30 years mediocre people think about how they can score a quick point in the game of life while the rich are focusing on winning it all in the end number four they use specialized and updated tools and information the average person spends a tremendous amount of time online exposing themselves to information but the information they choose is bad or low value they are consuming the equivalent of junk food in terms of content and entertainment why because eating healthier is more difficult than eating healthy food and it's the same with content learning how to invest money how to grow happiness in your life how to have better relationships and friendships it all takes a work time and sometimes money but that's why so very few people are successful quality is expensive but most people want it for free in order to have an edge in this marketplace we call the world you need to have new tools and new knowledge both of which will require you to spend some money think in terms of traditional versus modern agriculture while the average person is out there working the field by himself the rich use technology to read weather patterns use drones to see how their crops are doing and modern day machines to optimize their results this is quite literally a race between someone running on foot versus someone in a ferrari the one in the ferrari will always win long distance figure out what you need to learn and then learn that figure out what tools you need and then work until you can afford them number five they set goals in a unique way that allows them to achieve them as of making this video it's the end of february most people have already failed or are behind on their new year's resolutions they set out for themselves why because for the normal person a new year's resolution is just a wish they set out into the universe and pray that the universe will give it to them almost every successful person out there uses a very different system of setting goals for the past 10 years we've done the same and the results are by far superior they build what is known as goal pyramids where the big goal sits at the top of the pyramid and everything else is broken down into smaller supporting goals until you get to the bottom of the pyramid where you have your weekly goals normal people struggle with procrastination because they lack an effective calendar which allows them to get the important things done quickly and without needing much motivation normal people don't know how to use the domino method in order to achieve big goals by building stepping stones that open them up to bigger and better things we've been studying successful people for our entire adult life we've read every book on success and goal setting out there and for the past 10 years we've tried it all at the end a lot of it was [ __ ] but there were a few things that worked consistently we took everything we learned about how to set and successfully achieve any goal you have and put it into what we consider to be the best product we've ever put out it's called goal mastery and it's available for purchase starting today at goalsbyalux.com this course will be your digital mentor to help you find the specific goals you need to set and what you need to do to achieve them you've never gone after your goals the way you're going to learn to go to goalsbylux.com right now and use

the promo code my goal for 100 off we're closing the door in seven days now it's your call if you want to remain the same or make the investment and see what happens here's the deal we believe this will be such a game changer for you if you don't feel like you got your money's worth we'll provide you with a full refund under our 60-day guarantee no questions asked you literally have nothing to lose just make the investment and put in the work see you on the inside alexers number six they have friends who specialize in different fields that have a common purpose a big secret successful people use is building networks of other successful people or at least of individuals that have the same goals as they do if you're over 25 and your friends don't talk about investing about the future about building and they all talk about partying complain about money and the good old days you need to level up your inner circle do you realize just how powerful it is to be able to pick up a phone and somebody provide you the answer to a problem you're dealing with just how much money and time it saves not to mention that these people bring you in on deals and help you accelerate your growth because you do the same for them their friends are smart and specialized they do incredible things in their own fields and all of them are pushing hard for similar goals this is a massive competitive advantage number seven they don't quit until they get what they want most people don't even try out of the rest a very good portion try just a little bit figure out it's too hard and give up that's why the rich are called the one percent because the remaining 99 are not able to do what they are doing to not give up if this is the life you choose for yourself how are you supposed to give up after one year two years or even five years it's mind-boggling to us if this is what you want to do you know that long-term it'll be the best outcome for yourself and everybody you care about then just keep pushing figure out how to survive the shitty part of the journey and keep putting that one foot in front of the other as long as you've got breath in your lungs do not quit while normal people keep trying the same thing over and over again and expect different results when we say keep going and never give up this refers to keep learning and improving every time you try you try with new knowledge with more understanding of the process and every single time your odds of success improve the best thing is you only need to break through the wall once for your life to dramatically change that's why you need to keep learning to invest in yourself in your tools and to not give up it's just a matter of not quitting before your time is right number eight they invest first and spend the interest this has been one of the biggest financial hacks we've learned early on in our journey and it's paid off big time let's say you want to go on a holiday or splurge on a product that is fairly expensive before you pay for it you have to make a large enough investment that the outcome pays for your purchase as a rule of thumb if you can't afford the investment where the interest pays for the product you want you can't afford the product we love traveling which is why we have a travel investment portfolio we want to travel a lot so we have to keep putting money into that travel portfolio the interest we make on that portfolio pays for our luxury trips normal people earn a salary and then go to the apple store and spend it on the new iphone when you leave the store your wallet is empty compare that with our position when we come back from our holiday we have more money than we have when we left because the portfolio keeps making money for us a simple example is let's say you want to buy a new car buy a rental property first and allow the rent to pay for the lease on the car this change of thinking the idea of having different portfolios for your splurges in life is a game changer which will allow you to grow wealth indefinitely number nine negotiate absolutely everything this is why some people think the rich are cheap they keep negotiating things everywhere they go why because the extra 10 to 15 percent they negotiate gets to be reinvested in the portfolio as we mentioned earlier 10 doesn't sound like much but when you factor it in over long periods of time you're leaving a lot of money on the table especially if you can get a good price on large purchases an important rule we learn from a very rich real estate investor is the profit is always made at the point of purchase if you're hoping that prices will go up you're basically gambling but if you can purchase something below market value that's immediate wealth you're bringing into your life you see aluxers reality really is negotiable but most people don't know how to negotiate a better reality for themselves number 10 they invest a lot in their own growth listen to us very carefully nobody can take away what you have inside your mind your mind and your ability to use it is the most valuable asset you have if you use it right you'll get everything you want in life every good thing in your life right now is the result of good decisions you've made in the past and the best thing is you can develop your mind the same way you would improve the value of a house only you don't do it with new kitchen floors but with new knowledge and insights that's why rich people read so damn much they're looking for money and happiness between the pages of the books they read and more often than not they find it again and again they pay fortunes to spend time with even more successful people than they are just so they can peek into their brains and extract valuable knowledge from them from this day forward think of yourself as a business if you want your business to grow you need to invest in that business you need tools you need knowledge you need better marketing and so on you are a business but you don't know it yet the reason why you as a business have not grown fast enough is because you failed to invest in yourself look back at your previous years and ask yourself how much money did i actually invest in myself as a business you'll find it probably wasn't that much there's even another layer to this if you actually do own a business investing in yourself is a tax deductible take our goal mastery course for example let's say you go to goalsbylux.com right now and decide to spend 499 on the course this money is seen as an investment by the government so you don't pay the money in tax instead of giving this money to the government not only are you giving this money to yourself but you're investing in something that will provide recurring value to your life for years to come five hundred dollars is nothing for a business that's why you see rich people spending tens of thousands of dollars on similar coaching sessions it's the businesses they own that are paying for it and it's they themselves who are reaping the benefits number 11. they develop good judgment over years of trial and error your ability to develop good judgment is what will make or break you elon musk warren buffett bill gates and the likes of them are so successful because of their ability to make good decisions the richer you are the more is at stake with every decision you make so developing good judgment is key if you're very good at making decisions people will even trust you with their money to make decisions for them that's quite literally how the entire hedge fund industry works people respect those who have good judgment and elevate them to positions of power if you can improve your decision making process by just five percent a year in less than ten years you'll get everything you want in life because even slightly better decisions end up with incredible long-term outcomes picking the right life partner deciding to quit a job and start a business picking your friends making an investment or not are just a few examples that depend on decisions but carry outcomes over decades number 12 the money is there to buy you time so you can think a big secret rich people use to get everything they want in life is they make it a priority to give themselves time to think their decision making is so good and the type of decisions they make have such large impacts they need to consider it all carefully the average person gets home from a job and completely disconnects be it with netflix food sports or video games successful people work hard so they can take the time to work on the future by thinking and strategizing about it that's why we're all so damn stressed all the time we're constantly thinking about the future here's the golden nugget you're looking for the mind cannot create new value if it's already busy with something else very few people take thinking seriously we spend a lot of money to get as far away from our office as possible just to give us a better thinking outcome because when we come back a single idea or decision we've come across on our journey could be worth millions that's why you see successful people spend tremendous amounts of money in remote hotels they're not paying for the hotel buffet instead they're paying for their ability to think freely number 13. they break life down and look behind the scenes the more you study the way the world works the better understanding you have of what's happening behind the scenes you get to a point where you can look at any business and understand how it operates you look deeply at yourself and understand why you act in certain ways the more you understand the world the more obvious the outcome is once you look at the source code it's pretty easy to do anything in life you simply follow the tutorial we use the word education a lot but people confuse that for a degree education is what you're left with once the degree is out of the way it's what you're able to learn about the world that has a value good luck memorizing the name of every river in your country it will not help you pay the rent the more educated you are the more you're able to break society down and then navigate it number 14.

every single day they do something that gets them closer to their goals the thing is it's not enough to not quit we've used this metaphor before but it's so good we're gonna repeat it you don't start with a complete wall you start with one brick you pick it up and place it as perfectly as the brick can be laid the next day you pick up another brick and do the same brick by brick day by day you have the idea of the final wall in your mind you know where it needs to go and the shape of it but your actions are focused on the brick itself time goes by and when you step back you realize you finished the wall you set out to build successful people become successful because they focus on that daily brick not a day goes by without them adding one brick to their wall as you go through life ask yourself what is one thing i can do today that builds toward my wall and then do not let a single day pass without putting that brick in its place number 15 they study other successful people and steal skill sets and know-how we're not created equally but if someone managed to do it it sets a precedent that it is possible to do it people thought a four-minute mile was physically impossible to run nobody has managed to do it ever then one day a lad by the name of roger bannister comes along and does it the entire world watched in silence something they believed was impossible was just proven otherwise by this individual right here in the next few years tens of other runners broke the four-minute mile it was a psychological barrier that couldn't be overcome until someone did it we look at other successful people the same way these runners looked at roger breaking the record now we know it's possible it's just a matter of putting in the work and breaking down how he got to that kind of performance but one thing we know for sure it can be done every successful person out there has a plethora of other successful people they look up to that they study they analyze and try to emulate what they're doing because it's obviously working if you train like roger you might not be able to break the four minute mile but you're sure as hell about to improve your performance now who else is giving this much value out for free if our free content is this good just think of how amazing our paid products are every single one of the things we mentioned in this episode will have a long-term positive effect in your life and we're curious to know which of these secrets do you believe will have an immediate impact on your life let us know in the comments and as for those of you still watching these videos until the very end you're about to earn a reward here's your bonus they use the alux method to get everything they want faster in our journey we've developed this system that allows us to create cycles of growth it just so happens that the four steps involved align perfectly with our brand name so of course we decided to take it for ourselves we call it the alux method and every two years we use it to break through a higher level in our lives the alux method stands for four things a analyze l learn you utilize and x multiply you begin by analyzing your life and comparing it with a life of someone you look up to in order to figure out what they do differently then you learn the skills you're missing this takes a while but fortunately for you we live in the best period of information in human history the third step is putting this new skill to work this is where you see the fruits of your hard work come into play once you begin to see results you become addicted this is when the last step comes in multiply or expand you push this new skill to the absolute limit the alux method is what's allowed us to jump from one industry into another and has brought forward the big leaps in our journey in goal mastery the advanced and broken down version of the alux method is the first thing you learn as a beginner to advanced goal setting and it only gets more interesting from that point on since you're still watching this video right now we want to thank you for your continuous support and give you a secret discount code use the promo code 150 off and you're going to get a 30 discount on goal mastery paying 349 dollars the 150 dollars is our gift back to you so use it wisely for those of you who made it to this point in the video please write the initials gm in the comment section that way we know that you're about to master your personal goals thanks for watching alexers we always value your thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe for more great videos you

2021-03-02 22:50

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