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in this video i'm gonna be showing you 10 easy ways to make coins in fifa 21 however if you do want to leapfrog all this you can buy some coins using the link in the description mule factory have been my sponsor for a very long time and they have got some of the cheapest coin prices on the internet they've got a 24 7 service and they are completely reliable use the code in the description le5 cheap to get yourself a discount however let's get into this video so let's jump in straight into this video this is going to be 10 different ways to make easy coins in fifa 21. i've done a video like this before but it was around team of the year time so i thought i'd make an updated version of it mainly because i want to show an updated version of all the methods and the last one got 100 000 views so however as you'll be able to see i'm currently trading with icons at the minute in an attempt to finish my trading to one million coins series if you want to see a step-by-step guide on how to go from zero coins to one million coins or the team of the season just drop a like on this video and we'll just see how many likes that we can get make sure to comment down in the comment section with the best player that you've parked so far during team of the season and subscribe if you are new without further ado though let's get into method number one now method number one is gonna be talking about the silver method now as you guys know i used to advocate for this method so so much but i don't really do so as much anymore because i know that this is a really really boring method now all the methods that i'm going to be talking about in this video are going to be starting off with the low budget stuff with the higher budget stuff towards the end so this is basically a video that you can come to as many times as you want sure about as much as you want to and these are in my opinion the best trading methods in fifa 21 so what you need to do if you're on a bit of a lower current budget is go up to silver find yourself a top five league and go to the chemist style basic you set the camera style to basic because we don't want goalkeepers on this because they don't really go for as much then what you need to do is find the minimum price of all these players now at the minute for the premier league it is pretty high because we have recently had the league sbc's return and it's made these prices go ridiculously ridiculously high so with those league sbcs coming back basically what happens is is that silver players have some value because they're needed for different league sbc so basically you can do this with any league that's featured within the league sbc tab and with it being team the season at the minute a lot of people are grinding these so basically what you need to do is you need to find whatever the minimum price is so at the minute it's around 1.1 k and you just need to put it down a couple hundred coins and just sit here and snipe and see how many cards that you can see now you can do it like this if you want the absolute easiest way to do it or what you can do is just set it to whatever the average minimum price is so around 1 100 at the minute and go over to the 59th minute you're going over to the 59th minute because that's where all the new deals are and then what you need to do is potentially pick up a deal and you'll start to learn the prices of those cards so for example robinson here i don't know how much he goes for maybe he goes for a decent amount but at the minute west brom players are a bit all over the place because the league sbc has changed they used to be pretty decent to trade with but basically ea have put loads of requirements in there that don't really need all the players anymore so it's just not as good never play yourself don't ever play yourself don't ever play yourself don't ever play yourself congratulations you played yourself so this is going to be the first little method and you're basically waiting for any players to pop up if you want to you can put this the tiniest bit higher and just take a look around here basically if you put it the tiniest bit higher and you scroll to the 59th minute you're more likely to get a better deal because not a lot of people do that or you can sit here and just put it to maybe as little as 1 000 coins but pretty much just sit here snipe build your coins up this way it's a really really effective method and you can start off with the premier league but try and go into different leagues if you can do because everyone who watches this video is now going to do the same thing but there we go i've just managed to get one at 350 coins and this guy's currently selling at 1 100 so i'm gonna do i'm just gonna stop for a thousand coins and make some profit easy stuff moving into method number two it is gonna be silver individuals method i've just made that up off the top of my head basically it's going to be talking about the league sbcs again so if we just jump over to the league sbc's if you take a look at some individual teams some of them will be really really expensive to complete now i don't know if any of you who are watching this will have completed a lot of these but say for example you want to go and start stacking packs for a friday that's coming up you might go over to let's just say the la liga santander for example you might start to complete it all and then you get to say a team like husker i think that's how you pronounce the name and you look at it and you go right you need exactly 11 of these and i want to do it because i want to complete the full thing the issue is with this is that the majority of these players are pretty expensive because you need exactly 11 and the silver so what you need to do whilst you're doing that first method is start to learn the prices of individual teams and then check them as often as possible so i'm just giving you a filter there straight off the bat husker i think that's how you pronounce the name of them are pretty expensive so what you need to do you need to go over to say the la liga just in this little example here we're going to use husker and then what you need to do is basically start to learn the price of all these cards so if you just go over to the silvers and just take a look at husker cards you will be able to see that say right backs are currently going for like 1 900 so what you need to do is just slowly but surely start to learn the price of all of the players from this team and then start to trade with them as much as you can do so there's one there at 1.5 k which is

currently an undercut for around 300 coins so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to see that one at 1.5 k i'm gonna pick it up and then list it on at 1.8k and potentially get a deal out of it now it might not look like the best deal in the world 300 coins at the minute but when you start to learn all of the filters you can make yourself some really really good profit and at the minute i know all of the filters for this and it is actually a perk in my discord and if you do want to be in the discord you need to be a youtube member so make sure to click the link down below it should be a little join button and you become a member and you can get loads of exclusive content as well and you can get into that discord if you're a gold member and trust me you'll make a lot of coins by doing so now moving into the next method this is a method which i really really enjoy and i advocate for and to be honest i would highly recommend this method probably over the silvers but to be honest if you want the direct guide for what i would personally do from going to like zero to a million you can click up here and watch that series that i've been doing or just drop a like and i'll get that video out tomorrow so what you need to do you need to go over to goldberg you need to go over to the shadow and then what you need to do is one of two things similar to the silver method you need to find the average minimum price or say let's just say 2 000 coins currently and then what you need to do is you need to have a look on the market now i've already picked up a card because i know for a fact that that card is a deal well basically the average minimum price is what a couple of cards are selling for just just a few cards like a handful of cards so it looks like 2 000 is the average minimum price at the minute there's around three cards there maybe it's the tiniest bit higher around 2.1 and then what you basically need to do is search up and pretty much just snipe and you need to change something every single time and scroll over to the 59th minute again similarly to the silver method all the deals are usually going to be around the 59th minute so you come in you have a look you back out you change this max price to refresh the market and then you come back in and you keep doing that over and over again now you can if you want to come over here and just find the minimum price and go right this is 1.6 k on the minimum price at the minute and it's snipe it say 1.5

k but realistically you don't want to do that the main reason why you don't want to do that is because there's just way too much competition literally everybody will try this out and it's just too competitive going over to that average minimum in my opinion is a hell of a lot better so you've just seen that i've got myself a matineo now if i was sniping at say that 1.5 1.4 k mark i wouldn't have seen that matino and i would have missed out on that deal and we've just been having a look at what cards on the market for like five minutes and i've just found myself a lemma at 2 000 coins and basically the reason why these sell on is because a shadow will increase the value of that card and if you can try and get them in a position change as well so typically you can expect a added value of a minimum of around 500 coins on decent low end meta cards please don't go and pick up any of these cards in shadow who aren't a defensive player so basically anyone who is a striker they don't benefit from the shadow so there's no point putting it on but matino for example as you can see on the market currently is going for what looks like around 2 000 coins i would have to double check to see how much he's going for with the shadow on him maybe it increases his value maybe it doesn't but typically it will increase the value of that card and you're looking for players who have got a bit of a gap between the normal card and one with the shadow as well so i'm just going to come over here and i'm going to go and take a look at metino and i'm just going to see how much he's going for at the minute so with the shadow on him at the minute he is currently selling for 5.4k and we've just got one at 1.6 okay so if i list that up it's a 3.5 k it's a huge undercut and someone will probably pick it up so that's going to be the next method and to be honest it's one of my favorite methods of all these if you're wondering what my favorite is there you go 3.5k 2k profit really nice it's free real estate moving into the fourth method similarly to the shadow method you can do that with hunters as well now hunters is the opposite way around so with shadows you're more focusing on say defenders or defensive minded midfielders like cdm's or people who are in center attacking mid who and maybe more of a defensive player or senator made it maybe a more of a defensive player but with hunters you're mainly looking for people who go further forward and who benefit from that chem style being applied to them so at the minute hunters i mean i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it and i probably shouldn't but i'm gonna do it just picked up a lasagna at 1.1 k just

leave it with me maybe it's a good deal maybe it's not so you do the exact same thing you find the average minimum price of the cards which is currently around 1.5 k and then what you need to do is basically do the exact same thing as what you would have done with the shadows just search up scroll over to the 59th minute which is in between and suffice and inuit because there's one card over the all mark and one card before the hour mark and in the middle is where the 59th minute would be and you just keep backing out refreshing going back in and just seeing if anything pops up between those two players again you can do the exact same thing where you snipe at whatever the minimum price is i just don't like doing it i really don't like doing it i think there's way too much competition you've got competition from bots as well and you've also just got competition from people who just pick up cards and just try and list them on as quick as possible it's just not worth the i'm gonna be completely honest with you it really really is not worth the so this is a really good method to do as well i personally prefer the shadow one out of the two of them but i think this definitely deserves a mention in this list because it's an easy way to make coins and it's probably one of the best ways to make coins as well because people still buy these cards because we've got stuff like objectives people grinding dip rivals and in addition to that as well the game of fifa 21 is currently on ea play so that means that more new players are coming into the game so it's just there's more selling potential for these cards there we go managed to get ourselves a deal in an early watkins at 1.4k ollie watkins is currently selling for around 1.2 k anyway so hopefully with the hunter i could potentially get around 2.1 2.2 out of him and we did get that lozano before which i will try and sell on so i'll just jump over to the market and i'm just going to see what watkins is currently selling at sue let's go over here and go to watkins he's currently selling with a hunter around 2.4k 2 000 coins

now there's one there at 2 000 coins realistically though i can't overlist that and you can do with pretty much any cards that i've shown you anyway you don't always have to sell at whatever the minimum is of that card sometimes you can overlist and you can be quite quite lucky to be honest with what you get so i'm just going to go for 2.2 k and then with this lasagna i got at 1.1 k he's currently selling it around a thousand anyway and i'm just going to sell it say 2 000 coins and halt that he sells on but let's move into the next method moving into the fifth method this is going to be a perfect method for anyone who is lazy now if you are keep listening so what you want to do is something called a club stock now i've talked about club stocking before in my opinion it's not a bad method but it is really really long i think that's the best way to describe it but it's really easy and if you're not someone who wants to keep on top a load of trading methods it's really really good and it can make pretty decent coins so anytime that we get any mass supply onto the market so think rewards there squad battles rewards or think lightning rounds or whatever it may be this is something that you can go and do set the quality to gold comments set the position to center back and choose any of these nations you want to go for argentinian brazilian english france germany italian or spain now in my opinion i think i prefer italy and spain if i'm being completely honest and what you want to do is basically find the minimum price of all of those but realistically on both platforms what you can actually do is probably just snipe it say around 500 coins but what you can do is find the minimum price on the market and just snipe under that so you've just seen the the italian gold common centre-backs are currently going for around 1 200 coins and some of them do pop up at pretty much half that price now you can use this as a sniping filler but in my opinion it's better to do this when we get mass supply because a lot more of these will pop up onto the market so basically what you're doing is is you're finding the minimum price and then you're just sniping 100 200 coins under and then what you're going to do is you're going to leave them in your unassigned so you don't want to put them on the transfer list because they'll they'll just clog up your transfer list space and then what you need to do is wait for an sbc to come out that requires those cards and then you can sell them for a massive massive profit so at the minute centre-backs who are italian are currently going for 1 200 but during rewards these usually go for like 500 coins and you can make yourself really decent coins so what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna go through and i'm just gonna try and get a snipe just to show you how frequent that some of these cards pop up so i've just got one at 850 coins it's slightly more expensive than i would have liked to pay but either way it's one of them so this guy's currently going for what looks like around 1.7 k 1.5 k is anything cheaper than 1.5 nothing cheaper than 1.5 k so i'm just going to list mine up at 1.4k

and hope to get on a sell as soon as possible but you can do this with pretty much any top nation it is just a case of finding the minimum price and then sniping so you've got one the 600 coins literally first search how much is this guy going for he's currently going for 1.8 k 1.6 k 1.5 anything cheaper than that nothing cheaper than 1.5 k so with this one i'm going to list him up at 1 300 coins and we're pretty much doubling our coins on each time that we snipe and this is a really really good method for someone who say you can't really bother keeping up with trading and you just want something where you can come on do a bit of trading jump off again this is a really really good method it's probably one of the laziest and the easiest methods in fifa 21 i'd definitely recommend it moving into the next method this one's this one's a bit more time specific i'm going to be completely honest with you you need to keep on top of this method but it's really really good now this is sort of mid to high budget if i'm being completely honest now what this is going to be is going to be trading with out of pack players so basically when a player goes out of packs the price rises so what i'm going to do i'm just going to show you cundy on the market currently so this company on the market is currently going for around i think it was around 5 000 coins they're all there about so as you can see currently going for five thousand coins now the reason why this card's going for so much at the minute is because he is out of packs now the version that is in packs at the minute is the team of the season version so that means that this card is going to be out of packs for around a week's time now what you can actually do is you can trade with players that you know are gonna go out of packs now there's a couple of things that make cards go out of packs so special items that's the main thing so you need to sit there and you need to think right who's gonna be going out of packs now you could go for team of the seasons for upcoming team of the season the only issue with that is is that you sort of hoping and praying that certain players are going to go out now one good way to do this is basically trading with cards who could potentially be getting themselves a team of the week card now they'll go out of packs on the wednesday and they'll slowly rise over the course of the week now say if you've got 300 400 000 coins it could be a really really good investment to do to be honest so i'll show you how i find all the players and we'll basically just go from there so the way that i find the players for this method is basically by going over to fort being going over to the live tab and just clicking on the team of the week contenders then what you basically want to do is you want to go over here and you just want to take a look at any players who have three or more goal contributions so that includes assists and goals now usually three goal contributions is basically what you're looking for so say for example on this page here we could go and invest in armstrong we could go and invest in why con we could go and invest in any of them but ideally you want to go for players who are either fodder used for sbcs are used for objectives or just any decent players in general because they usually go up the most because they actually maintain a value so for example say this is a linski got two goals instead of one goal or two assists or whatever it may be this price of 400 could be a really good price to invest that because if we go over here and we go and take a look at his price during team of the season he was out of packs for the community team of the season and he went to 3 200 coins this is a really really good method to do so the earlier that you are with those investments the better so you could go over to say zelinski right here and say for example he's just got this made up amount of goals that we're talking about you come over here and we look and go right 1.4k what i'm going to do i'm just going to snipe at 1.3k because he could be going up in price so you'll sit here you'll snipe you'll buy a load of them you sit on them until they go out of packs you wait say a couple of days and then after that they should go automatically up in price and then you're laughing because you made loads of coins so that's going to be the next method it's a really good method to do this one's more of a live one now in the discord i shouted quite a few players who were included in team of the season and a lot of people did double the coin so again if you do want to get into that discord make sure to click the join button down below you can become a gold member and message me on twitter instagram whatever and i'll get you in that discord moving into the next method this is going to be one of my favorite methods it's going to be a method which i've used so much it's going to be special and it is going to be the shadow method now the way that you set the pricing for this is you come over here and you just set this first one to 9500 the reason why you do that is because that's the lowest price that someone can list up a special card onto the market you go over to the max price and you can set this to absolutely anything that you want to what i normally do is 15 750 and then what you need to do is put the buy now just 250 or 500 coins higher than whatever that max price is then what you need to do set this to 15 million because we need to refresh something each time that we back out and basically what this filter allows you to do is see pretty much cards who have been used so for foot champions they've rivals who are newly listed onto the market the main thing for this chem style is not the fact that it's shadow it doesn't make them go for any more similar to the gold cam style method this just allows you to filter through loads of different players you search up onto the market and you scroll over to the 59th minute and again we scroll to the 59th minute because that's where the majority of the deals are so as you'll be able to see we've found a compender here at 33 000 coins what you want to do is you add them to your transfer targets you want to go and double check to see what the price is so this price of this card is currently 36 000 coins so realistically i could pick up at 33 and flip on for 36 but what you need to do is you need to start to learn player prices so each time that you refresh say if a new card is listed up you know exactly what that card goes for and i have got some ridiculous deals by using this method so you can see here the lot here 20 000 coins i know that a lot is going for about 20 000 coins anyway but if i didn't i could add him to my transfer targets check for bin to see what his highs and lows have been all day and then potentially pick that card up pepe here i know for a fact isn't going for 60 000 coins so what i do then is i back out and then what i do is i come back in and i just want to see what's chilling on the market so we've got a baby our bibu who has just popped up onto the market he's currently going for what looks like around 27 25k 22's it's a deal but it's just not the best deal in the world and basically this has been the main way that i've sort of ground coins out of that trade into our million coins series i think it's a really really good method and if i'm being honest probably one of my favorite trading methods in fifa 21 especially for a mid to high budget this is something which you should get into if you've got the coins that allow you to do this method and honestly you can make yourself hundreds of thousands of coins i'm being completely serious with it you can make easy 100 000 coins a day by using this method and i have done using this method before i've managed to find deals around 100 000 coins on an undercut and if you don't believe me you can go and check out my trade into a million coin series because i've documented all this but this is another method that you can go and use so make sure to go and try it out moving into the next method it is going gonna be similar to the special shuttle it's gonna be special hunters this works the exact same as well now this filter like i said it really doesn't matter what you put in here basically as long as you can get to the 59th minute you can set these values to absolutely anything that you want so say for example i could go for i don't know 19750 and this next one could be 20 000 coins i could try this one out then what i need to do is go over to hunter and again you're going to see different players with this i prefer the shadow one because i know that one of the tiniest bit more but with this you're going to find yourself different deals so we're going to go over to the 59th minute and we're just going to see what's kicking about gerard moreno there is 60k it's not a deal let's go with this keen 37.5 000

coins his next one up he's looking around 42 000 coins so maybe 37 is a deal i'd i'm probably going to leave it though and then what you do the exact same way is you back out and you just refresh go all the way back over to the 59th minute because again that's where all the deals are and you just see what's chilling on the market and you need to find what that 59th minute is i know it's here because it says 59 minutes at the bottom so whatever would be to the right of moreno would be the newest card on the market providing that it says 59 minutes as well and again i'll back out come back in is there anything new chilling on the market there is there's a promise that's just been listed up at 27.5 000 coins looks like it could potentially be a deal that once let's just pick that one up at twenty seven and a half thousand coins we're taking a look on footband this card's price is currently around thirty thousand coins so the tax on that's gonna be one and a half thousand coins meaning that i could potentially be making around one thousand coins profit on that card which really isn't too bad so i'm just gonna list up at 30k and hopefully it will sell on now position changes can increase the value of the card chem styles can as well but the main thing is the position changes for the specials the chem style really does not bet the price whatsoever you're only sort of putting that chem style in so you can see cards who have got that chem style applied just so you can pick them up on the 59th because if i didn't have that on i'd be looking at all the specials and there's no way that i'd be able to get to the 59th minute so there you go that's gonna be the next method it's a really really good method to use and again i'd highly recommend it so let's jump into the next one moving into the next method this one's going to be a pretty complicated method but i think it's something that you can definitely get into if you've used the special shadow on the special hunter hello with this you're going to be trading with individual players so when you're using those general filters what you need to do is basically track the prices as much as you can do and then trade with individual players so we've just been trading with a promise the road to the final promise now we know that he currently sells at 30 000 coins but basically what we want to do is we want to monitor this guy's price as much as possible we want to see what his highs and his laws are so at the minute he's currently going for 30k right so at different points in the day cards will fluctuate to different points so say for example a good time he's going for 34 000 coins at a bad time he's going for 28 000 coins what you need to do is work out how much a card fluctuates and work out the highs and lows throughout the day now you usually want to do this before 6 p.m content if you're doing it after 6 p.m content you need to be out by the next day and you need to sort of follow that training cycle for pretty much any method that i've said in this video in and out before six and then if you're doing it after six in and out before six the next day so you can see here that he's currently around thirty three thousand coins is his law so this one at 30k realistically could be a pretty decent undercut because you could pick this one up at 30 000 coins and try and sell on at 32 000 coins making yourself a bit of a decent profit but what you need to do is you need to learn as many player prices as you can do and if you can learn the player prices you can then decide whether or not something's a good deal because realistically if you want to go and make loads of coins you can't get there by just sitting there sniping on a sniping filter and making 500 coins a card it just doesn't work trading has changed a lot from back in the day like initially when i first started trading it was in fifa 16 and you could make like 100 000 coins 200 000 coins in a day just from sniping but that's not how the market works anymore you need to work out what a player fluctuates to what the highest is what the lowest is you pick up the lowest and sell at the highest now this is a really really vague way of explaining this method but if you want to see me do a detailed version of this make sure to comment down below and just say i don't know let's just say ticks i'm finally moving into the last method as part of this video is going to be icon methods now icon methods it's a scary place man it's a scary scary place now for icon methods you have to use for bin or you need to use an external tool which can help you track the prices because realistically it's too hard to do it on your own so you've got two avenues that you can go down you can either go down icons or you can go prime icon moments now at this stage in the game in my opinion i would personally recommend to just go for all icons and you can get to all the icons on the market by just setting the league to icons over here then what you need to do is you need to go over here and you need to find the price that you're happy with paying now it's a weird way of me saying it realistically but basically what i'm doing here with this min price and this max price is i'm making sure that that start price when you search up on the market falls under them because basically what happens is if people just rage sell or they just try and get rid of players they'll leave that price open like that so basically what you need to do is just set a price that you're happy with depending on how many coins you've got now you can put this max price as high as you want to i found a good a good little sort of bracket to go for is this sixty thousand hundred and fifty thousand and then you just wanna search up on the market now once you've searched up on the market you're gonna do what we always do and you're gonna scroll to the 59th minute now when you get to the 59th minute sort of similar to the special method or the silver method or whatever it may be you're basically going to be looking for deals now with icons you've got a tiny tiny bit more wiggle room because people panic a lot more with icons and they don't know what good deals are basically so a way to find what a good deal is is you're gonna have to use foot bin what you need to do is go over to fork bin check the market sales history of those cards and we'll do that when we find ourselves what we think could be a good deal and then you need to pick that card up and basically hope to sell it on as soon as possible so i'm back over on forbidden i'm just going to show you how i would know that that call wasn't a good deal so first things first we need to find which version it was it was the mid version and then what you need to do is just click this little button here that says market sales history so i'm going to click on that and basically what you need to do is you need to see what he's been selling for already so you can see here sold for one seven five one eight five so it looks like that is selling anywhere in between say 160 and maybe 190 overnight as you can see over here so basically what i need to do is i need to find the absolute lowest price and then if there's an undercoat of say five ten percent i need to pick up at that price and hopefully flip it on and i've got some ridiculous deals by doing this i can't say too much because it will be in tomorrow's video but that's how i would check whether or not it's a good deal if you can when you're doing this method try and use data from say the past few hours because it's more likely that you'll be able to get that price if people have been paying it more recently than say using data from like i don't like two days ago player prices change consistently and it's just something that you definitely need to keep on top of so i'm looking around the 59th minute again are there any deals as far as the weather's not this lampard 89 could be okay but he's only going for 92 so there's no deals with that one and then what i'm going to do i just back out i refresh the market scroll all the way back to the 59th minute and then i crossed my fingers and i hope that there's going to be an undercut somewhere but it doesn't look like that's the case there's a decor there at 94 not a deal and it's hard to start off with don't get me wrong but as soon as you start trading more with these cards it can get a hell of a lot easier so that'll probably be my my final method for this video if i'm being honest uh lads and if you've enjoyed this video please do drop a like on it would be very very beneficial i have pretty much given you all of the best training methods that i know and realistically i probably could have gone through made 10 videos out of this but i think that this video could provide a hell of a lot more value and i think over team of the season that these methods are a really good way to make some coins for team of the season and sort of ensure that you don't get left in the dark so boys if you've enjoyed this video please do drop a like on if there's anything that i can do better or anything i can do differently comment it down below if you're new please do subscribe bought this baby six louis this has been 10 easy ways to make coins in fifa 21 and i am off goodbye

2021-05-10 21:32

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