Beat the Chef: MYSTERY INGREDIENT Challenge

Beat the Chef: MYSTERY INGREDIENT Challenge

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all right a few weeks ago we revealed a mystery ingredient to our Chef Ben and normal Mike we then threw them on a plane to Germany to learn all about that ingredient so they could each create an incredible celebratory dish with what they've learned now they're back Marcus had some help here from our food team to balance the scales so let's see if he can be the shack boys you have two hours on the clock get ready in dry ice I like that totally impressed I mean I have no idea whether it's correct right boys do you want to tell us what ingredient you're working with well you already know but you don't our mystery ingredient was grapes so you can imagine how teachers Petty he's been for the last two weeks it was good fun oh yeah no get out of my space with your grapes I am making a German style schwein Bratton style pot pie with mash and a slaw style yeah lots of styles because there may be a chance I'm not 100 authentic with this shock oh well that would be a first for us so schwein brassen loose translation roast pork slow cook so I'm basically going to Brown off some pork I'm going to use that in my pie filling which I'm going to I'm going to Stew it for 45 minutes not roast it hence the style yeah okay right so the translation is roast pork and you're doing fried and stewed pork but I am using flavors like Caraway which are synonymous with swine broth and so you know I'm giving a nug to it ebers how are you planning on beating the schweinbraten I'm kind of doing a snacking selection of soft salted German pretzels mustard smoked ham and raisin Beignets and pickled grapes raisins another cheese board he's doing a cheese board he always does cheese boards I've taken a couple of baked potatoes and I am quickly just scooping out the Flesh and mashing them quickly before mixing it into my shoe paste what have you done with the rest of the potatoes nothing yet I've stacked them neatly on the side in order to decide and Beignets they're that famous German donut are they I'm also adding in raisins which are sun-dried and then rehydrated in wine and Black Forest ham so Oak smoked ham from the same kind of region because I want to try and get some of the flavors of the oak barreling that we were shown into the dish an oak and Nutmeg things like that come from the oaking of wine tastes like vanilla my beignet mix I will dollop and Fry off later on I'm frying my pork in grape seed oil it's like grape seed oil but with a g in front no it's nothing like rapeseed oil it's made from the seeds of grapes which is a byproduct now that's beginning to Brown a teaspoon of caraway seeds in gonna let the flavor from those release in the hot oils and then I'm going to transfer the pork to a baking tray I better stop there because I don't want to get Cara away so we were in the the founts region of Germany which is just off the Rhine and The Vineyards themselves it's kind of an ideal location for growing grapes and it was there that we met Christoph who owns and runs a Hamel Winery as it has been there since 1723. German Jamie better German better German Jamie can you explain how wine gets made from the seed right up until the bottle what's the process the recipe the ground recipe never changed in the last 8 000 years we take grapes fresh grapes refresh them we have juice we ferment it and we have wine but of course the technique to produce it that changed of course in a thousand years a lot because in the cellar uh we we have all the these possibilities of of very clean stainless steel tanks we can cool down we can heat up yeah all this kind of thing to get most of the of the aroma out while we were there Kristoff gave us a spectacular lunch so soft pretzels some cream cheeses Bavarian cheeses lots of meats and pork sausage some liver verse some radishes a real delicious spread that we could all pick and choose from and accompanied with wine now I'm using the same pan all that lovely pork juice and I'm frying off turnips onions carrots lovely balance over sweet and bitter veg now my veg is softened Garlic's going in the thing that brings this dish together is the bread that it's all eaten with and in this case I'm going for soft salted pretzels so this is a bread dough strong flour yeasted same as we always do although with lard so you don't need to flour it out you just roll it out so you get something about that length then fold it into you cross it over over again and flip stick down fingers in the middle and onto a tray you can always tell when he's slightly nervous about something though because he doesn't do it slowly yeah quickly because it's like a muscle memory thing yeah and now my little bread knots need to prove for about half an hour in this room temperature before the next stage boys white wine vinegar oh more great I've got to be honest when I think of European wine countries Germany isn't the first that comes to mind no you're right in the sense that I think by wine volume it's France by amount of the country under Vine it's Spain but Germany hundreds of years ago had probably the best reputation in the world for the most expensive and exclusive wines 1900s best rieslings the price was 36 marks you know wage per hour at that time was 10 cents ten Penning so it was one two month basis for a bottle of wine if you have a closer look to German history there is no wonder why we had big problems to export German products and of course German wine in the last 30 years what we observe is uh yes a Renaissance of golden times I can understand that wine connoisseurs all over the world are not really very enthusiastic about paying the same amount like in 19th century but the prices are climbing and the demand is increasing now with a know-how of the Young Generation with the technology with the the plant protection we can supply nowadays the quality is very good we are coming back in Germany and and it's a success story ebbas I know you don't talk about it very much but you've done some wine courses and you know a lot about wine were you still able to learn stuff yeah loads on the basis that I'd learned a lot from textbooks and actually it's not until you're in the vineyard you can see what difference all of it makes you sort of assume yeah it's difficult and there's a level of expertise there but times that by 27. thousand that's how complex it is it was really impressive how's climate change affect what you do one thing is clear the climate change is I can help with this human mate with it's in everybody's mouth and it's clear every year in Spring the spring comes earlier earlier earlier earlier sometimes there is not even a spring anymore you have winter boom and Suddenly It's 22 degrees or 24. So Divine comes to life but perhaps too early exactly they're disappointed and then there's huge problems huge bed is looking great and the sauce is reduced down so now I'm chucking in a load of chicken stock and my pork back in that's going to simmer gently for about 45 minutes till the sauce is reduced down but the pork is perfectly tender my pickled grapes are pretty simple a glass of Riesling white wine vinegar a tablespoon or so of sugar and then all of the grapes four different colors all plucked and they've had their stems removed gonna leave them whole and I'm going to bring it up to a boil and then pretty much take it off and leave them to carry on cooking in their residual heat what that hopefully will do take out some of those wonderful colors from the skins of the grapes some of them will blister and pop but some will remain quite whole you obviously had a great trip what would you say is the most interesting thing that you learn I like it when they take the the traditional artisanal approach of you know hand picking and trimming the vines they still do by hand on mass with like new science new technology and the bit that messed with my head up slightly was the release of pheromones so fruit flies which are a pest in the vineyard are attracted to other fruit flies when they give off sexual hormones so they can go and find them don't waft your sexual hormones this way at the end of every Vine he had a little tag that was emitting sexual hormones into the air to confuse the navigation system of the Flies they couldn't find each other mate and therefore they'll die it's a wonder you got home it's not because they eat a lot of kilos or whatever they're not a problem the problem is the worm gets inside what the worm is releasing afterwards vinegar materials and then your Vineyard is infected with with vinegar vinegar bacterials this is I must really say one of the best things what the industry gave us in the last 30 40 years so we don't have to use any poison nothing you know that shirt that you used to wear at Uni when we went out and it just repelled all the girls in the nightclubs it's pretty much exactly the same same as this one wouldn't it I've got some onions sweating down in some butter a bay leaf or two and some mustard seeds this is going to be the base to my amazing stewed cabbage or braised cabbage so I've opted to take some German cheese camber Zola which is a hybrid of Camembert and gorgonzola brilliant that's actually German German cheese wrapped in Vine leaves in celebration of what we were told about the canopy management in the vineyard 99 of the aroma in the wine of the grape is coming out of the skin when the grape is hanging in the Sun the skin becomes bigger bigger skin more aroma so that way you remove the leaves then so the leaves protect the grapes from the Sun absolutely but when they are too much too much leaves and then suddenly you get weeks of rain so when the wind comes it will not go through the grape zone so they're not drying off so fast so you have the problem of fungus if you open up then the wind goes through they are drying perfectly over after rain but then suddenly you get three weeks of very very very hot and then you get a sunburn so it's a little bit like gambling every Vine has to be pruned by hand there is no machine no machine can do that you have to do it onions are looking lovely and soft so I've seasoned them now with salt and pepper and then in with sliced cabbage and chicory so next up boiling water with bicarb so these proved and expanded for about half an hour 40 minutes and then I froze them so they're really easy to pick up without them being all loose which means you keep the shape and then you can boil them and then you need 30 35 seconds in there before taking them back out and putting back on the tray and that's kind of what's beautiful about a pretzel it is boiled or steamed and then baked so the alkaline solution gelatinizes the outside which is what helps it to color better in the oven but also it keeps it a tight thick chewy skin and a really dense red inside so it doesn't rise too much in the oven red wine vinegar going in with my cabbage so I'm going to reduce that down to a sticky glaze and then I'm going to add in some grape juice and some red wine ask me which red wine or what which or what red wine Pinot Noir the same great variety of the vineyard that we stood in and interviewed Kristoff so I'm making an amazing Mash cold water in a pan I've diced the potatoes because they will cook quicker but they'll also Mash quicker so I don't overwork the potato in my opinion and we had it lots while we were there the perfect accompaniment to soft pretzels is mustard so I'm going to make mustard so soaking mustard seeds overnight in white wine Riesling water salt and sugar and now blend it up beautiful shut up how much has consumer like tastes and habits and and kind of wine choices changed there are a lot of issues like like grape varieties climatic change let's say everything is necessary but the most essential part is demand and market so what you demand will create future wine and our aim is to find out what our customers seek for so to to find the best fit I am making a roux butter flour coconut flour then adding milk a little bit at the time and the reason I'm doing this is because I'm going to thicken my pie filling with it so I've brushed my tin with egg white and then my filling is going into the tin I'm very happy with the taste and the consistency oh what's that I nearly left in all the flavor oh stretched so I've got to act quickly because if this gets too hot it's going to ruin don't put it in the oven then egg wash it's been attacked by a tiger boys there's just 10 minutes left now for some Beignets scooped into our hot grapeseed oil until golden on each side potatoes are now nice and tender so I'm giving them a mash I'm going to Chuck in some butter some milk and then finish it off with a bit of sour cream to taste right just five minutes please don't drop the pie time high time high time five four three two one step away from your dishes you're only allowed to have half of that because you were mid-air right let's get these into the sexies [Music] [Applause] thank you well that was a battle impressive that is a lot of food here is my dish served with a 2018 spat burgunda which is a red wine for us normals made from Pinot a Pinot Noir which were the grapes that were growing in the actual Vineyard that we went to this is actual wine made by Christoph so let's try that as well at the same time dig in Cheers Cheers Cheers [Music] actually a wonderful pairing that's very lovely it's lovely actually like really sweet as well because the salt island is everything I grow it takes me to a very happy place Michael yes I'm gonna be honest looking at it it looks pretty basically made but at the same time flavorful flavors are really like they're really smart they're they they're sophisticated you've lost the room no no I'm on your side ever let's eat yours this is a bit more Forks down hands in with a glass of Kristoff's third gal I can get into wine if it all tastes like that wow okay Cafe Dimond no not those been here okay that is very good texture for a pretz soup I don't look them in the eye but that was just spectacular dry pickled grape tastes like sweeties oh no what was this cheese it's very German ebbas German ebbers would be proud and would give you a lift in his space taxi any day Mike's already finished it's Muller Barry and I took a long time to discuss that you did because actually we think this is potentially the closest battle for a long time and today our winner is Michael huttlestone [Applause] how genuinely it it may look like a humble pie but once you combine everything together it's absolutely genius cooking from the heart yep and whilst we thought ebers everything on that plate is fantastic I can't get away from a snacking board no you need to you need to bring things together I only got the win because they got bored Cheers Cheers Cheers I do well well you're drinking a massive thank you to Kristoff Bruno and everyone at BASF agricultural solutions for making this trip happen um and bringing me the win and if you want to see more from behind the scenes of our trip to Germany then click in the link down below and that'll take you to hunt scenes video you beat the chef I did you've done it you can retire now have a completed sorted yeah you've completed we know the Germans do pork really really well so basically I just wanted to do a pork based dish serve it with some red wine something robust that will give it some oomph which is also chairman

2022-11-01 06:19

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