Забудьте про Запад! Росатом: Эти ЯДЕРНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ изменят ВСЁ!

Забудьте про Запад! Росатом: Эти ЯДЕРНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ изменят ВСЁ!

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[music] the friendly team of Gheorghe info made a heroic decision to restore regular reviews of the activities of the reason. In my opinion, nuclear energy today is quite obvious, today it is the pinnacle of development of the energy industry from a scientific and technical point of view, the development of nuclear technologies requires the development of specific physics, physics of atomic and nuclear physics, accelerators physics super-strong fields of elementary particles studying the properties of mysterious neutrinos radio physics superconductivity the list of necessary areas is simply huge nuclear technology requires development chemistry chemistry of highly pure substances of a wide variety of alloys chemistry of rare and rare-earth metals both sciences are a working tool of the atomic industry any theoretical research requires experimental confirmation because the activities of our atomic corporation for almost 80 years he has been embodying the idea of ​​physical and technical institutes proposed by academician Aram Iofe has developed a new theory Well done And now roll up your sleeves and assemble an experimental setup that will prove it in experiments, don’t hand it over to specially trained people he himself came up with it himself and Bring this approach to its logical conclusion in full at least allows you to enjoy the opposite effect, new scientific discoveries simply require the development of technology directly with nuclear energy is not always connected. No matter how amazing they may seem to us from a modern point of view, such by- products of scientific research were confidently shelved; it was not before during the nuclear arms race that the properties of lithium were studied completely good, but for now everything that does not concern the lithium isotope 7 is on the shelf; thermonuclear weapons are more important, this is just an example. I don’t want to go into details right away. But no one prohibits those same gas centrifuges from enriching only Uranium with medically useful isotopes of other chemical elements with their help. a dime a dozen Well, and so on and so forth,

we will definitely try to figure out where exactly new and new business lines are shooting out of Rosatom. Rosatom is no less interesting, and on the other hand, it remains a completely state-owned corporation, not a company, but a corporation, a fundamental difference from the same Gazprom and Rosneft Rosatom did not exist and does not exist due to the absence of shares as such, as a result, there is no active stock exchange read as a speculative component. Rosatom is almost the only living embodiment in Russia of antibes economic ideology, it is not just state-owned. Rosatom has retained power since Soviet times. Vertical practically

unchanged with whose the names we primarily associate with the dawn of the domestic atomic project are the face of the country of biri, the head of a special correspondent without any bureaucrats, subordinated exclusively to Stalin, Kurchatov, the head of the scientific and technical direction, the creator of scientific teams responsible for specific sections of a huge project. Of course, the creators of the atomic project are dozens and hundreds of more talented people, but they are the first to emerge in memory With these three names in our modern Russia, there are only two state corporations that are directly subordinate to the president of the country and Rosatom. And if you look into the charter of Rosatom, you will find that the highest executive body of the corporation is its general director, not something collegial board of directors meeting of shareholders presidium committee, but a completely specific an individual in the amount of one piece is approved by a presidential decree is counted before the president is removed from office by the president where is Kurchatov contemporary? An interesting question for which there is no answer. So, the name of Igor Vasilyevich became known to the public much sooner rather than later, this is completely normal, since the nuclear weapons complex of Rosatom has not gone anywhere and won’t get away And this complex manages without KP and without CV and this dinosaur fragment The Soviet Empire competes today with the joint What the kind liberal capitalism managed to give birth to with the notorious effective private owners with state-owned companies subordinate collectively to the Federal Property Management and the government the sons of Nima who are saving Russia and this is competition is well known. Although for some inexplicable reasons they are very rarely remembered by large televisions and the federal media, as soon as the government hits an impenetrable topic, Rosatom appears and built The foreigners themselves offended Rosatom with their wings, they immediately crushed them with their composite [music] materials and were frozen solid in the ice. I had to agree that the waters of the Arctic are simply not the place for effective managers. They came up with a garbage reform, into which it was impossible to fit in

the problem of waste of the first and second hazard classes of those that Mother nature simply cannot recycle or is capable of doing this, so for 50-60 years problems have been pinned on Rosatom, it grunted and dragged a new cart. Yes, I don’t hide my bias, but for me, every new success of Rosatom is clear evidence of the President of Russia in the summer of the first year of capitalism in its the current form has become obsolete, you listen to the president, you receive a theoretical message, you look at the work of Rosatom, you observe experimental confirmation, everything is as suggested by the academician, which is not only about cognac and coffee. It seems to me that the above is quite enough for analysis of news about Rosatom’s activities to be a regular column on our channel. However, Before rushing through the news agenda, I am sure that Tver is preparing for the big media, after all, they don’t indulge us with attempts to explain what Rosatom is from an organizational point of view for them. And therefore, for us, the corporation has become a black box from which information about events and only about events jumps out. And who, how and what did he do to make this news appear, we are unknown to be sure that the lack of curiosity, a mortal sin, is not accidentally recorded in the well-known tablets, which can only be forgiven, see your worries above the chapter, but imagining that I don’t know anything about Rosatom Besides what the big media publishes and federal televisions I suspect that I would definitely be surprised, here the general director of Rosatom is participating in the signing of a binding agreement for the construction of a small-scale nuclear power plant in Tashkent, here he is at the Krasny Bor site dealing with hazardous chemical waste, here is news about uranium tails in the former republics of Central Asia, next photo icebreakers in the ice of the Arctic followed by a few words about the Small Hydroelectric Power Plant project in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan about new types of radiopharmaceuticals news about the accelerator under construction near Novosibirsk in which they have mastered the production of new modifications of nuclear fuel near Tomsk they are digging the latest fourth-generation nuclear energy complex and at the same time extracting titanium ore which is necessary for a 3D printer sealing parts because they are needed for the production of composite materials, the plane cannot fly without them, while a second specialized satellite is already hovering in space over the Northern Sea Route, so therefore exactly one corporation is to blame for all of the above, which is our state-owned one. That

is, if you believe the liberal woodpecker economic theories slow inertial and ineffective why the flow of news is so dense is it because each division in the control of Rosatom works exclusively on its own initiative according to its own plans or because all the work is coordinated in the most careful way It seems to me that information about what the structure of Rosatom looks like is necessary even if in a minimal volume, otherwise the structure of the brain trying to grasp atomic news risks boiling, I suggest you at least try to figure out at least in the most general terms what bricks the current building of Rosatom was built from. At the same time, remember when and for what reasons they were born, to begin with, in captain mode Obviousness domestic the atomic project was embodied in hardware largely because at the beginning it appeared at the tip of a pen, if our country had not had a huge fundamental scientific base, we would not have had an atomic project in its two guises, one of which is exclusively Peaceful and the other not very well or it’s really not here how to look at the scientific division of Rosatom - there are only 10 institutes, but the names of which alone are enough to see the entire history of our domestic nuclear project, for this it is enough to arrange these in the list not alphabetically, whatever you call it will play, I don’t rule out that I simply don’t have enough time today in order to go over the entire structure of Rosatom But it is impossible to dwell on these ten in detail without them Rosatom simply and the Ministry of Medium Engineering Special Committee would not have the opportunity for financing, then suddenly the Armed Forces, on the contrary, therefore it is worth giving Roma its due the leading corporation has supported at all times, not only out of respect for its own parents , but also understanding that without them further development, even if it happens, will only be through the stump of the deck, the Armed Forces managed to save it, largely due to the fact that inside the corporation the path from scientific research to the Roma division is exactly known who to apply for slop, this and that happens without tenders and other bureaucratic beauties, the result is known to us And not only there the situation around Russia is difficult, but with the fact that Rosatom is ahead of its closest competitors by 1015 years, no one in the world is going to argue and is not going to complete consensus for the sake of understanding century marks the cradle of atomic science the origin of the beginning of de Vladimir Vernatsky Vitaly Khlopin and the young country of the Soviets which managed in the devastation after the Civil War not to forget about fundamental science today the radio institute is scientific support for everything related to the reprocessing of nuclear fuel and the cleaning of radiation-damaged territories with 19 intu rare and minor metals - this is his full name at that time, his scientific work and today corresponds to the self-explanatory name, the development of new materials based on rare metals, their compounds and alloys, semiconductor materials, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies from among those that are widely heard scientific support of metal-ionic drives and d scientific institutes that worked before the creation of a special committee before the appearance of laboratory number d on the shoulders of which, in general, both arrived in our reality special control reactors on liquid ethanol carriers reactors for our submarine fleet reactors fast reactors for spacecraft and further on the list there have already been two programs on our fi channel and I still hope that at least someone will ask for a continuation, the legendary institute definitely deserves it, in the same 1946, in the glorious city of Podolsk, another mailbox appeared, the name of which was changed regularly, pilot plant giredmet Podolsk pilot plant TL scientific and production association Design Research and Development Technical Institute until the name of the modern scientific and production association Luch appeared in 1989, I don’t even know how to formulate it briefly Development and provision of fuel elements and assemblies for the Rosatom enterprise for various nuclear power plants and developments on some thematically related nuclear fuel for some different nuclear engines in general, well, for example, spherical aphids for gel-cooled reactors 1951, according to the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, no number 10 was created today, bearing the name VNI IHT leading no chemical technologies by name, after all, it’s easy to guess exactly in this int all the mines and quarries are heaped And underground leaching of VS ISO from here Well, then Ostap suffered here technologies are being developed for processing Ores and obtaining lithium zirconium hafnium Tantalum nebi Beria and all these rare earth metals Who said hello Lio battery I heard probably how and what exactly special processing of the same batteries a year later in the city of Troitsk a magnetic laboratory of the Institute of Physical Problems was created does not say anything in 1957 it was already a separate magnetic laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences again no one guessed magnets and nuclear energy are connected through the familiar idiom of a toroidal chamber with magnetic coils colloquially Tamak She is also a thermonuclear reactor modern name Trinity State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute of Innovation and Thermonuclear Research I also don’t like all these innovations with competencies But as they called it, nothing can be done about it Trinity is scientific experimental support for everything connected with the development of controlled thermonuclear fusion and take a closer look at the creation of a laboratory that has grown to the level of a separate scientific institute in 1952, let me remind you that the first atomic bomb with a nuclear amplifier, the so-called puff, also known as RDS 56s, was detonated on August 12, 1953, the peak of the nuclear confrontation with the states, the military-industrial complex The country is just gaining momentum for the mass production of nuclear warheads for thermonuclear fusion and somehow without return on investment damping mechanisms and refinancing rates did not profit for the sake of science, for such was the time in 1954, the first electricity into the unified energy system of the USSR was provided by the first nuclear power plant in Obninsk. I have already touched on this topic, but just in case, let me remind you that the first nuclear power plant was the strong-willed choice of Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov from three promising projects nuclear reactors for submarines in Obninsk in the laboratory at the same time work was underway on reactors of three different types, uranium-graphite and a reactor with a Brill reflector. In 1949, in the laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences number 3, the former Institute of Theoretical Experimental Physics, the current Kurchatov Complex of Theoretical Experimental Physics, the first was launched Soviet heavy truck Tribute to reactors, fast reactors for spacecraft and even for satellites.

In general, hundreds of physicists required at least a little order, and in 1956, the creation of an experimental station began in Dimitrovgrad, which in 1959 was reorganized into a new scientific center with the telling name of neither and Arnie nuclear reactors currently operating research reactors at the institute's sites six things on fast neutrons Boron 6 pool reactors T6 and T10 KIP K50 high-flux reactor cm and loop world and a new one is also being built. You can talk about each one, but not today, today it is important to remember what exactly is here in it they check all the ideas of our physicists on all new types of nuclear fuel on new design solutions on new materials for reactors and further on the list there is no longer such a park of research reactors on the planet, it is possible to have specialists in the intuition of obtaining and future industrial production of generator radionuclides promising in nuclear medicine in agriculture in the economy In scientific research, I can’t stand at least part of the list of which sounds like music preparations of plutonium 242 aricium 243 curium 244 and curium 248 Berkeley 249 California 249 and California 252 these are BC transport elements that are in Dimitrovgrad It’s a pity that none of you Dear viewers and listeners, this topic it’s not at all interesting, it’s just a shame. Moreover, this is not a complete list of comments with the usual Boris, you’re wrong, the beginning of the fifties for Russian atomic physics can be quite confidently called the golden age in the time when young and daring gushing people entered this branch of science ideas that now seem like something fantastic, amazing stories, incredible biographies of talented people, you can write thousands. But today only about one of these stories: in 1949, immediately after graduating from the physics department of Moscow State University, Igor Ilch Bondarenko arrived in Obninsk at the invitation of Dmitry Blokhintsev, and a year later after the Moscow Energy Institute Victor Yakovich Pupko in the laboratory in they fell into the warm hands of Alexander Leipunsky, under whose leadership both young Yes early ones plunged into work on calculating a fast neutron reactor with a liquid metal coolant.

Because of the Memories of Victor Pupko, I, having lived with Igor Bondarenko, fell under his charm personalities Bondarenko was a fan of space and UVK me with fantastic ideas One day we argued with each other Is it possible to make a rocket with a nuclear engine? I note that the dispute took place 6 years before the first space flight, it was normal Yes, quite young scientists at that time in the evenings and at night everything was as it should be, the result the work of two enthusiasts became, however, not a science-fiction novel or a story, but a calculated estimate of a homogeneous uranium -graphite reactor for a rocket using hydrogen as a working fluid, the year was 1951 Lenski was assessed immediately by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev a little later and as a result in the laboratory in sector number n was created for the development of space nuclear power plants in 1956, on the basis of the laboratory’s proposal, a Decree of the USSR Government was issued on the creation of a project for a nuclear rocket engine with a small-sized high-temperature reactor in the same 1956, the Council of Ministers obliged the Ministry of Medium Engineering to organize the production of ceramic fuel elements for such a reactor and build in the village of Turaeva a little later the village merged within the boundaries of the urban settlement of Lytkarina in the Moscow region a stand for testing a small-sized ceramic reactor first name Novo laboratory Ivar research laboratory of high-temperature nuclear reactors Unfortunately, in the future this, in my opinion, promising direction was curtailed, but there was already a scientific team and on the basis of Ivar in 1960 a laboratory of measuring instruments was created, which in 1972 grew to the level of instruments, and these devices should be used in all directions of development have an elemental base that can withstand powerful flows of ionizing radiation; this direction was and remains the main one for n. Our nuclear project began with uranium-graphite reactors, they are optimal for producing weapons- grade pluton, which is chemically pure, that is, 99 for 99% purity, graphite is used in the Kast replacement for the river industry, it’s a shame that this is now often remembered, probably simply because some kind of graphite is boring, no nuclear reactions here, but whatever one may say, a simple pencil has the most direct family ties with all the reactors that have provided us with nuclear parity with the main democratization, an international agreement on this has been signed and is in force but this happened relatively recently, in any case, much later than the specialists of the mine environment Masha needed even deeper knowledge about the properties of graphite in 1964, the Kurchatov Institute and the 8th current Research and Design Institute of Energy Engineering named after Nikolai Dolezal began implementing the project b190 development and creation RBMK reactors high-power channel reactors how their history developed overshadowed by the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant separate sadness and sadness The end result for today unfortunately Well known this technology is simply closed and there will be no development reasons for this in general there were two not only the terrible accident in 1986 but also the fact that theoretically it is possible to modernize the RBMK 1000 power reactors to, so to speak, the original state so that they can produce that same weapons-grade plutonium. Just looking at the situation around Russia and the talented brilliant politicians at the helm in the States and in Europe, I’m talking From time to time, when no one blames or hears, I ask myself the question: Are we sure we won’t need RBMK in such a form? God forbid, of course, but with such a philosophy, somehow later And today we can simply state project B10 19 The main task of the institute is the most in-depth study of properties graphite But in simple words, officially everything sounded much more complicated; comprehensive study and development of special types of carbon materials and products made from them; introduction of them into mass production; comrades scientists solved all the problems necessary for the implementation of the B10 project. But they didn’t think about

stopping there; artificial graphite graphite selivan carbon ceramic graphite layers glassy carbon graphite feather carbon city room material BC this already had to be in the middle this huge reserve is used these days What is called in full graphite is the founder of the entire composite program of Rosatom from prigs through fibers and fabrics to composite materials for heat-loaded parts tion engines wings for aircraft lo for sst the creation and use of composite materials at rosatom has exceeded three decades the youngest institute within the scientific division irm institute of reactor materials the date of its creation is considered to be the physical launch of a specialized research reactor and vv2 research water-water reactor it took place on april 23, 1966 the name of the institute at that time was simple Sverdlovsk Institute of Physics and Technology the location of the site at that time of the newly launched first unit of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, the city of Zarech, just in case, the first power unit of this nuclear power plant the AMB 10000 reactor atom Mirny with a large electrical power of 100 MW now of course sounds extremely unusual because by Magat standards, we have a low-power nuclear power plant - this is up to 300 megawatts, but at the beginning it was Shekh. When Nikit started designing it, the name was Ovda, it was an evolutionary development of the first nuclear power plant S E 5 megawatt of electrical power, but the research reactor I2 was conceived for the development of neutron methods for studying materials to study what happens to all kinds of structural materials under the influence of neutron beams to study what what happens to these materials after actual operation in active reactors at the bottom of Reznova Rek, since they use only those materials and alloys that have maximum radiation-corrosion resistance. Of course, everything is told as nothing more than a general introduction, but it seems to me absolutely necessary without such a scientific review division of Rosatom to understand that the explosive pace of development of our nuclear corporation that we are observing online is impossible, there is no magic or surprise behind each area of ​​​​Rosatom’s activity, a huge exchange of scientific studies that have been and are being carried out for decades, the fact that the management of the corporation has learned to move research as quickly as possible from the scientific stage to research work of research and development to the stage of some research and development work from the creation of demonstration samples of equipment to their industrial production and implementation in their numerous enterprises, this is a separate Science and we will all remain the Paradise of VNO scientific institutes just to consolidate it Because I really hope that in the comments for this video I hear I see a desire to continue and deepen it seems to have hinted quite thickly at the wrong institutions As you can see, there are exactly 10 pieces of research areas, just a huge number, but this does not at all interfere with working in coordination and in interaction no one cross-pollination three blocks have been formed for each of them the main ones have been identified goals and priority tasks physics power unit is not irm f and ray scientific research institute of nuclear reactors institute of reactor materials physics and power institute and scientific and production association ray and this is of course reactor and isotope technologies applied and nuclear medicine not nuclear technology base of research reactors go as well as the testing base, an elegant formulation in which the gentlemen nuclear scientists hid the reactor assemblies, accelerators of all types, takamaki chemical laboratories, sounds laconic. Although you can talk about this whole facility for hours, the electrophysical unit is Trinity and the Research Institute of Autumn Instruments for the wire of equipment for nuclear medicine. Development and creation of high-temperature

superconductors, scientific work in the field of radiation resistance of all kinds of electronic equipment as well as the development of production of equipment for the detection and control of radioactive and explosive substances and the third chemical-technological block, which includes the leading non-chemical technology giredmet radio institute and not graphite, here the list of tasks is almost or not the most extensive creation of new materials based on rare and rare-earth metals creation of development of chemical technologies uranium and rare metal nanotechnology nanomaterials that Anatoly Chubais so diligently mocked, it is no longer in Russia, work on nanotechnology exists and continues in full swing, and yes, just in case, when I said that in scientific in the Rosatom division there are only its leading ones who work, so to speak, for the entire corporation within the individual divisions of Rosatom, there are much more scientific institutes, but they are much more highly specialized, deep fundamental scientific research, here in the scientific division of the corporation, specialists of which help with scientific support and management of research in more highly specialized institutes of scientific design and design and the Komsomol, a further review of the structural structure of Rosatom will no longer be so detailed, I suggest that in this transfer we raised bones with meat it will be much simpler and faster Well, at least until your comments appear with wishes about that what has already seemed or will seem interesting to your attention and for today that’s all and all the best to everyone [music]

2024-08-08 10:42

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