ZENTEC #Zen Technologies Ltd.#Earnings Results ConCall Q1 FY_2022

ZENTEC #Zen Technologies Ltd.#Earnings Results ConCall Q1 FY_2022

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evening to all of you who kind of logged into  the event of zen technologies limited i'm going   to hand it over to my colleague abhishek mehra to  take over the proceedings i will shake over to you   uh thank you mr uh welcome everyone and thank  you for joining the investor day event for zen   technologies limited today we have with us mr  ashoka or chairman and managing director and mr   nagin rabu head of counter drone systems uh we'll  be starting the event with a brief presentation   from mr florey which will be followed by the q a  session and virtual product development station   i would like to remind you all that the call is  being recorded and everything said in this call   reflecting any output for the future which can be  constituted as a forward-looking statement must   be viewed in conjunction with the uncertainties  and risks that the company faces with that said   i will now kind of hand over the call to mr  atlaui over to you sir uh hello everybody   i'm really grateful to the ir team for organizing  this event so that i could directly interact with   those investors and um i'll start with the  presentation but it will my presentation   will be lately heavy on some slides know typical  pareto rule will be followed where you know eighty   percent of the stuff will be in twenty percent  of the slide so i'll i'll hover around them a   bit more but if you feel that i've gone over some  slides faster than i should so put them in the   question and answer session and i'll be more than  happy to answer so i'll just start the session now the more you sweat in peace  the less you bleed it more   so again you know i just want to focus  on the anti-drone part of the business   in this presentation because we already have been  talking about uh simulation uh presentation for a   long time i mean we have been in that business  so we see that uh we you know we have informed   everyone that in the last you know i don't know  august 31st we got an order from indian air force   for over 155 crores for supply of counter unmanned  systems counter drone systems and this is this   is actually a very big deal in many ways because  you know we started investing in this technology   almost two and a half years back when  this was not really in fashion but we   you know our team bet that you know i think in  future the drones will become a threat and uh   we would be uh there will be a lot of  demand for counter ground technology   and i know in fact we were  preparing for 2012 2023 23 and you know i have talked about this armenia  azerbaijan war this is the war where conventional   war equipment became as outdated as swords in  front of guns so you know if there was a huge   difference and uh people who had drones so you  know in azerbaijan war they used drones to such   devastating effect that they just literally  walked into the country and they signed uh   armenia signed a deal conceding defeat so how did  this happen because they were they were having   swords and azerbaijan was fought fighting with  guns so what does it mean is that there's a huge   shift in the scenario people a lot of countries  all over the world still are having swords with   them they are fighting the old war but the new war  is coming and that's why we and indian government   has acted very very fast they saw the threat and  they started buying it we are really fortunate   that they bought it from an indian company and  completely indigenously developed technology very   little competence imported in this and we were  able to get it so there are i want to you know   go a little more heavy on this so what we have  seen is that when we are talking to our foreign   customers and everything and when we are 28 year  old company we have never seen such frictionless   reception i say frictionless in the sense the  moment we say anti-drone they chase us rather than   we going after them and educating earlier we used  to educate them why training is important but now   they are running after us and they are saying  listen we really want to comfort on technology   now why why are these inquiries have become and now because the the one one of the questions  that we usually get stumped at was they would   ask has the indian armed forces have the indian  armed forces purchased these uh the counter drone   system from you we could not say yes to that  before august 31st but now we are saying yes   they have purchased it and that and they know  that one of the toughest customers in the world   very very difficult to convince players the indian  armed forces and with this we actually are into   the picture and we think that a lot of foreign  countries will be coming after this technology   so that's the big thing that we feel is  a big change and then we and you know   we think there'll be a lot of orders that  will be coming for counterfeiters we are   not able one of the questions how much will  this order be we are not able to even start   how big these orders will be they will be  very big and as we are approaching you know   the what is happening in the coming months so the  you know the counter-prone technology consists of   uh two varieties of system one is a soft kill  in which you don't actually shoot down the thing   but disable with electronics the drone  that is coming and then the other is the   hard kill in which you actually shoot it down  or use a laser or some guns or something like   that so we were focused on actually we were  focused on soft kill option that till now but   as we are speaking zen is ready even with hard  kill options not they are not trying to go with   fancy things like laser and all that but we are  actually integrating the conventional weapons   which are already there with the forces into our  counter drone system to shoot down the drones and   that that we think is huge because other people  will be offering newer weapons but we are offering   a a a subsystem that you fit into their existing  it's almost like you know putting a gun into the   store kind of thing so you know it's difficult  to visualize but that's what we are doing   and then you know our marketing and sales export  team is very focused on android one systems   and again we think we are also looking at other  markets non-military markets like oil refineries   and other strategic asset protection  the the usage for this is you know from   simple uh prism cells you know where people  are getting uh drones to drop or knife and cell   phones into the presence and you know even one  president dies there's a huge woman cry so even   the prisoners they have we have been approached  by prison so you know how do we have a counter   drones as a strategy in place all the way to oil  refineries and where you know we have seen around   the saudi arabia being attacked by some terrorists  so those kind of things are expected to happen now   so in addition why this is  happening you know in a strange   twist even our uh export orders for our simulators  have started picking up you know we got in july   we got about 154 worth of order and we have said  that even this order will also be executed in the   next four quarters without i mean it  will be done by the first quarter of uh   the first next financial year that is the  latest it could happen earlier than that   so so we so this is going to be a big year for  us but again in addition to the old efforts of   simulators are paying off and you know as we go  ahead i think in the next couple of weeks or next   couple of weeks or maybe at most couple of months  we will be hearing the smaller orders coming   out of positioning improving so that's uh  that we feel little positive about that   again our foreign officers are really really  doing well at the uae office we are getting   a lot of inquiries a lot of customers are  watching remotely the demonstration we have   set up this remote demonstration facility due  to covet where people could see it remotely   sitting in their conference room and this huge  huge uh uh you know we used i i tell somewhere   else but we have two per month now it's come come  to about four per week so that's the amount of uh   thing again you know we said we are expecting  orders of 60 crores in in the coming months this   may be sooner than later uh u.s office also maybe  may be getting orders and um we think that uh   our subsidiary uts we have i have written 15  props in f5 22 i think through much much larger   than that this was the the agm figure but now we  think they will get into a very very big figure   and so this uh it's also so ut has also in  addition to counter drone anti-drone system that   they have specifically been helping us with they  also have some other products and technologies   that they are focused on and i think that that's  another story that will develop as we go ahead   again medical technology we are focusing on a  couple of simulators that is something uh that   may happen by this year and we may be able to show  something in that regard but that's a new market   i think the gestation period is going to be a  little longer than uh expected have we talked   about resource to the customer so you know we we  always feel that you know even though we claim   the credit as the promoters of the company it is  made it possible and we really want to reward them   so we have started uh we will be starting offering  esops which was recently passed in the agm   again the current order book position is  this that um the domestic orders are around   278 crores and exports are about 124 floors so  400 crores of pending orders and uh so the in   this the equipment cost of 284 crores we expect  that these will be executed in the by the first   quarter of the next year that's our expectation  and uh so it's going to be a big year for us   and we do think that by that time the order book  position will be much much larger than what we   have today so these two things uh uh show that we  are very very optimistic about the coming future so this is the snapshot of what we are doing so  another thing you know i just want to highlight   here is that we also started getting into drones  so we will be uh you know as we go ahead we will   be showcasing the drones that we have developed  in fact one of in one of the toughest terrains   in uh you know lay our drones work very well be  qualified and both grown so so we expect that   these drones have market not only in india when  mill indian wealthy but even across wherever there   are difficult rates so we will be getting into  drones in a big way and i think there will be some   positive announcement in the months to come on  our efforts in drones and how they are paying off   the how we are how we are getting more orders  in the drone segment other than counter drones so so this is uh you know they i i mean  i just want to say that you know this   government has been very very extraordinary  helpful to us for our exports for the various   policies that they are doing and uh and  uh the orders that uh they placed during   this order was you know this was one of the  fastest orders we ever saw the government saw   that there is a threat and they identified  or you know in cycling in this particular   order that we got there were a lot of foreign  companies that tied up with indian companies and   they came and demonstrated their wares and but  against all odds we were able to win this thing um the whole whole uh play that we have in the  zen people who have understood i mean you know   we have shareholders who have been here for two  almost two decades with us and they understand one   thing that you know this zen is the ip play the  intellectual property that they have is is massive   and they can at any point in time you know we  really don't know when it actually fractifies and   becomes into huge orders and that's playing out at  this point in time you know all these 110 patents   that we have filed over past where 28 years are  actually playing out so we have this huge uh   r d investment that we have done there are a lot  of products that are yet to be commercialized   and need to be offered to the customers so all  those things are also coming into play in the uh again uh you know i just want to talk  about annual maintenance contracts we   think annual maintenance contracts will  reach the critical point you know it'll   achieve a critical mass in the in the next one  or two months and we will be having enough annual   maintenance contracts to sustain us through the  process for the periods we do not have to depend   on equipment sales for that so that i think that  will increase our risk for more r d but that's   the situation that's going to emerge in a month  or so for which we are very very very you know   we feel very happy about that you know  we don't have to worry about that time   zero or kobe times next week if and when they  happen again you know we think indian army has   training establishment a huge global  addressable market is huge and this even though the focus here again is you know  suddenly turns to our training but again i   want to say that we think counter drone  system is is a huge huge uh bet that zen   has made and it is paying off we think there  are abundant global opportunities in this and   one thing we know is the customers when they buy  from us there is a huge difference from versus   when they buy from any other foreign foreign other  foreign companies typically we have seen the other   foreign companies buy it they they sell it and  forget it that's it you know they are sold and   they want somebody want some maintenance or some  support or some evolution they charge a lot of   money and we know our track record has  been that you know we we try to support the the governments for the long term and we  have seen that this particular product the   counterpart system is an evolving product it  is not a finished product for a simple reason   the threats that it will have to handle are still  evolving and as the evolving uh threat scenario   because of the evidence scenario everyone  every buyer will seek a person who is going   to handle them through the whole process so that  is what we expect to uh happen uh you know that   because of this uh handling which is required  they would rather go with the company that has   a track record of hand holding the customers  through difficult times on long term basis   through the life cycle of the product rather  than who are just hitter and run operations   so again you know fulfillment capacity we have  we can wear a satellite model we get orders we   can execute it without any extraordinary addition  of plant and nationally we have a huge land there   we can add space because the most important that  we think that we do there is integration once we   develop a prototype we outsource to the supply  chain and supply chain does the manufacturing   we do very little manufacturing of integration  integration and software testing at our site   so that's the thing you know i'd like to give the  favorite example of the chinese bamboo tree like   unfortunately it is chinese but it  should be indian perhaps so you know   it doesn't grow for four years and all the  four years its roots are going inside it's   becoming stronger and stronger and only in the  fifth year it grows by it by almost 80 feet   so maybe it's a zen story being done there so  with this i'll conclude my brief presentation   but i'm completely open for the questions  answer which i think will be more interesting any participant who wishes to ask  questions please raise your hand yourself and go ahead thank you for giving this  opportunity and hope you're doing well it's it's   great to reconnect so i have a few questions uh  so first there were a few questions regarding   the order book like you said 284 crores of  equipment cite the order book that we have   that would be typically executed uh by q1 of  next year right so yeah so i want to understand   sir in this current order book that you have  from especially from the indian air force uh   is it more uh is the entire order for the  anti-drone kind of equipment and how much   okay okay and how much uh from this equipment side  uh you know is there a potential of you know some   amount of uh order turning into an amc like post  the delivery of these anti-roll systems yeah so we   are not able to confirm on that but they have the  if has the option of you know asking us to do the   amc so but we are not very sure at this point  in time of what model they would like to follow okay okay and so for the uh equipment side  the on the export side the order because   of 125 crore so what does it basically uh  comprise of if you could just give a breakup okay okay laters and training equipment yeah  okay and i think that in one of the previous   calls we were also uh looking at uh logistics uh  drones i don't know on the logistics how is that qualification and we qualified unfortunately  we didn't win the because of the price so   but i think we have got an idea you know how to  bid next time and that i think is going to be a   a place where we will be able to generate   not only in india but even abroad so i think we  were your problem with the startup so they really   believe that they should not make profits so when  you compete against startup is difficult to win uh   even in conventional business so but but  we will resolve that issue i think we are   so cost competitive that uh very few companies  will be able to uh you know beat us on cost basis   so what kind of uh you know a potential can this  uh this segment has uh for us so any numbers uh i think mostly by understating it but  you can imagine it's going to be huge we expect the revenues to be huge but i mean  the market to be very huge i think it's you know   everything is turning to you know even medical  therapy i don't know whether you saw that or not   yeah but i think the biggest challenges are you  know heavy heavy uh equipment being moved you know   20 30 50 kilos and above being mood and that's  what we are focusing on at this point in time   and also i think in an earlier uh you know uh   call uh somewhere you had mentioned that  we haven't you know export target of 35 so how do you think we are placed for that  and what would be key two three things that   would lead us you know to this target of  thirty five thousand crore of exports by fbi then how much do you think we can you know get  from this say what kind of potential do you see   for us you know we i think uh you know this is a  very early but you know the kind of response we   are getting from the from the export uh countries  is huge i mean uh it's running into you know few   few at least few hundreds of the enquiries that  we are getting i know how much will translate   into the orders how will it happen is some things  we still don't know but i think this is just the   trickle that has crossed and we we think that  it's going to uh become a huge flood in some   time okay okay and so i have a few more questions  can i uh ask them now or should i rejoin the queue   i i don't know yeah i mean you may continue  please okay okay so also you know earlier i   think somewhere in feb we kind of had a 500 order  in discussion you know both on the domestic side   and 400 crores on the export side so i want to  understand the current order book for 400 crores   does it comprise of those orders which were in  discussion we have which have transmitted into   the confirmed order book of 400 cross or this is  separate and they are still in discussion of you   know those numbers you know you know i think they  are these females are very fluid you know in the   sense that uh as of now we are actually talking  again about you know still the 400 figure is   there even though we've got 120 order still the  400 is there we are still talking to some people   but again we really don't know how much of the  fundraiser will actually translate into orders   we know that you know about 60 to 70 percent  should translate but we are not very sure   about that but you know the one thing good  about it you know you will be seeing that   the smaller orders will be trickling in as we  speak and yeah in the export also finally domestic   voters are still intact so they are being you know  discussed and uh you know we think the files are   moving in the right direction so these three  are there still they are intact where in fact   i would say they're little higher at this point  much higher than that okay okay so and also you   know historically uh you know we have seen that  you know uh there have been certain years where   where our profits and operating profits have  consistently grown for two three years and then   there is a phase where we have seen a sudden dip  in our profits you know every few years so i just   wanted to understand this is typically due to  the industry that we operate in or do you think   this trend is gonna you know can change in the  future where you know consistently we will be uh   making profits both operationally and at the back  level and typically what kind of ebitda margins   you know on a steady state basis can we uh expect  both on the equipment side and the amc sites okay   you know what what i would say to you know ask  too many questions but you know i think we want   to maintain at least 30 percent that's what we  would like to do because you know every time   something i really don't get in because what comes  in my hand is the fact that that's the only money   you can distribute to me myself and shareholders  um whatever the first question you asked for you   i usually note it down but i got lost yeah so this  was it like historically you know what i have seen   so that fluctuation is because of the industry  no so yeah it is because of the industry but   what we think is that you know we have got  into so many segments at this point in time   to your question 270 people what about the future  is the future looking brighter will you make more   turnover will be increased or on and so my answer  to that is on an average we should be increasing but with these drones and counter drones it is  almost like it is effortless and they you know   they come across and they are chasing us and  they are saying that we really want to buy it   and there are many players in this segment so we  think that we are placed very well for good growth so i just have two more questions from the  combat training center you know i just wanted   to understand you know what typically is the  revenue model there you know how does that   typically work and what kind of margins or you  know you know can we can we look at for this um is actually a concept where we integrate all the  simulators and the training methodology and they   start from beginners to all the way to experienced  seasoned veterans also it is a training round   for that so what is happening at this point in  time that lot of people who have purchased the   simulator they are asking us to integrate the  simulators and create a combat training sector   so that is what is happening and we think  that so it is just a sale of equipment and   integration that's what  compared to anything okay okay   so so what i understand is we create the training  center for a particular uh customer right still that sense of ownership that the army  is our we should do the same kind of thing   while the advanced countries have started  outsourcing the other countries are still   to get to that place okay okay and then  probably we charge a commission or something and so just one last technical question i just  wanted to understand what is the difference   between anti-drone systems and anti-drone  simulators you know so so you know anti-drone   simulators are used because these systems are  pretty expensive or comfortable system they   are very very expensive they could start from  about micros and go up to you know 30 40 maybe   maybe 100 crores now if you want to train your  soldiers would you use that equipment to literally   train them so you would like to they will be  retained on something or called a simulator   simulator is that that will be used to train uh  personnel before they operate the actual endpoint   understood understood and  uh so just one last question   uh uh how is the abu dhabi subsidiary uh you  know looking at uh looking right now because   uh i think we are very impressed with the kind  of things so i think we should be hearing some   good news what i'm saying about experts is maybe  from there only yeah okay okay thank you sir thank   you so much and uh congratulations for doing  such phenomenal work thank you pleasure thank uh you will take the next question  from the line of mr pankaj khan   consumer please i'll knew justin can go  ahead yeah hello uh hi mr show this is   so thank you very much for the presentation is  quite impressive uh i just want to understand   something on this if you order what we received  here 105 cr so is it going to be fully executed   the current financial year and the second  question is what kind of margin we are talking so you know uh number one your execution is we  have the we have this within four uh 12 months we   have to execute so yes by next august it should be  done that's the deadline we have and with respect   to the market you know we try to maintain a thirty  percent path as i said so we will we will see that   you know we somehow will ensure that we get the  30 percent okay and the last question the second   question is that on this maintenance contract will  you have any maintenance content for this order   or subsequently so so you know the the thing is  this uh there is a warranty period post warranty   the customer has the option of taking the amc so  that will depend on whether they want to take the   amc or not okay so so far they are not from they  are not controlled yes okay thank you very much hello congratulations mr chloe that's looking good i can hear you i think you know we have achieved what we were  planning for a long time i've got a couple of   questions on this one is all your drones and  these anti-drones must be powered by some battery   right some power backup yeah what will be  the kind of battery and the companies which   are providing this kind of batteries we are  sourcing them from india only the batteries so   it is available in india so now i really don't  know the technical answer maybe that dr nair of course some raw material by these manufacturers  is being sourced from outside but as a unit there   is a commodity for this heavy lift category  of the drones that are being made in india but if the yeah basically we can get them in  it's not a challenge the batteries are stored in   hyderabad you've got one of the best companies  the hbl power which makes a lot of batteries   so different would you be using their kind of  batteries yes i mean we are open i mean we have   we have been talking to everyone and you know  whichever so there is a stage now at this stage   we are just doing the you know prototyping and  showing it to the customers in the manufacturing   phase we will we will be negotiating with  these guys and buying more number of batteries   so if you are just negotiating right now so  that means this quarter there's not going   to be much sales no no don't see are not  saving anything you haven't got any order   and you don't have an anti drone the  account is going on look we got a large   155 that is to be exported in the next  12 months so counter tone batteries um thank you thank you we'll take the next question uh  from the line of the luxury bag   mr lecture please unmute yourself and go ahead so my question is regarding uh heavy lifter  logistics drone so uh do you manufacture these   in-house and apparently do you have any ips or  development in autonomous navigation uh for these   drones no so there is some software and hardware  but we haven't patented them or something like   that ip is there definitely but it is not admitted  so regarding the question about development   of autonomous navigation so yeah for example  obstacle avoidance and all that stuff do you have   uh these things in development for these roles  they have been there yeah the secret avoidance   algorithms have already been incorporated in the  system so they do avoid obstacles while traversing   and so in this case do you have any competition  for example i think i know if only the competition   is there you know unlike the counter  troll space drone space has some players   there are few players in drone space so  we do have competition in the drone space   but again you know you know so many claims being  made only two companies uh qualified in the   uh in the you know for this heavy drone lifting  and we as far as we know no one performed even   close to what we did in uh lay and agar so i think  uh we're doing fantastically well in this case   okay so do you have any uh interest from say  online delivery uh businesses or in general   other sort of businesses which look forward we are  not focusing on that but you know let us see how   it turns out as of now we are not we are focusing  on uh military have a logistic drone applications   only but let us see you know there are some  expression of interest from both authorities want   you know ships that are anchored in the middle of  the sea how do we deliver those kind of things are   going on but we are not sure how it will pan  out okay yeah thank you thank you thank you uh we take the next question from  the line of sister manish wendari   uh mr maneesh please unmute yourself  and go ahead hi good evening ashok my question is regarding the anti-drone technology  anti-drone product what you have sold so would   there be a different technology by the offered  by the different competitors and maybe in going   going forward a indian air force would be saddled  with different kind of technology or you will have   they will try to hone in on one kind of technology   we think that you know if uh the  indian companies give good uh reliable   technology which i think they have you know  including zen and even other electronics i think they would like to stabilize on  this but you know finally it's a very very   strategic call they will try to take a call but  i think we we are going to ensure that they are   fully satisfiedly delighted  with our product and they just   you know expand their requirements more and  more and buy more of our product and how would   you compete or maybe what kind of import uh  elements you would have in your technology again we have been working for three  or two and a half three years on this   technology so we have deep capabilities and  not only deep capabilities we can really uh   modify and adapt to the customer dates when we  competed with you know by the way there were about   uh there were six foreign competitors in this uh  uh six five or six competitors that had tied up   with foreign companies and that had come but you  know they were they they were double our price   but maybe you know as much as technically as  good as us so you know we are uh competing   with the foreign guys on equal terms  only thing is we are 50 of their price   and that gives us an idea you know that we should  probably go after um other markets also where you   know the countries that want to protect their  broad borders or even strategic assets would   like to buy from a reliable partner a very robust  technology and a person who would you know give   them life for psychic support just not do a  surgical strike sell them and then leave them   sadly with some inoperable equipment  so do did we had any preference with the new defense procurement policy in this  contract yes absolutely uh we are beneficiary of   that here so that eliminates your competition  uh all the six completed foreign competitors   in the process no no no unfortunately there are  two categories one is called the bi-indian idea   indigenous design development manufacturer had  they gone for that actually that is the most   preferred category had they gone for that then  it would have eliminated all the competition   but they didn't go for the most  proper competition for a reason   they were not sure whether indian companies have  the full technology or not so they went for buy   india and buy indian you can collaborate with  the foreign company and come and compete with us   with the indian idiom company and whoever is the  least price they get the contract so it was uh   there were uh uh indian players who collaborated  with foreign companies so the process did   not eliminate it was more the you know the  competence that eliminated the competition so   are you suggesting that if after this order  if a new thousand crore order has to come   there is a possibility that this will come  in iddm and you may land up with one or two   competitors only is that the whole it could happen  yeah so yes now that it is established that there   is the iddn product so legally all the armed  forces will be forced to go for ideas that is   the whole point it's a filtering process only if  iddm is not there you would buy it only by india the most important part for me will be to know  that how many domestic competitors do you see in   this technology we see zero uh zero in the center  except that they'll become electron if they have   the technology with them and uh so but uh we  don't see anybody guys listen to invest in r d   on a consistent basis year after year not sure  that you will get the reward is a game that indian   defense industry has not played much my knowledge  they don't i don't know if any player very few   players play that game and then is a master of  the game and we have invested you know hundreds   of crores in building simulators now we decided  to go after this market and you know i don't think   you would have built you invested three years and  some 20 30 crores to build a technology which you   are not sure you know however you whether  you can realize funds or not so i i think   we maybe maybe there may be some competition but  as of now i don't see any player who's invested   this kind of money resources and commitment  towards counter-attack technology so how much   will be the price difference between you and the  other elements which will cut off you know so it   could start with you know i mean it could be as  low as know 15 to 20 kind of thing but we saw the foreign collaborators so is it fair to  assume so that for next foreseeable future   as the base expands you will be 30 percent cheaper  than anyone close to except am i right 30 to 40   percent cheaper easily easily and this all this  this business will always be a tender business so   the one with the approved technology and the  lowest cost we keep on winning it you know i   think you know what will happen is one thing is  we will be cheaper we'll be 30 percent cheaper   i i i'm sure that will be 30 percent cheaper  maybe more or maybe less you know in the worst   case situation but the point is you don't want to  go to buy a counter drone technology from a person   whose technology is not proven you know i mean we  are we have they have tested their seniors and it   will be deployed in the field it will be working  and now you want somebody comes and says listen   i have the technology we want to go with them  record will be developed and we will be having a   this will create a kind of a mass but people  will say listen they have a proven technology   it has gone through seasons so we would want to  go with them so i think this track record plus   right disadvantage will be absolutely unbeatable  i think that's what you are driving at but and i   agree with you my another question would be that  if i have to see and if i as i i did follow that   armenian war very closely and i also heard about  this the mishaps which has happened on the border   to secure the border with the anti-drone  technology i think maybe a 50 000 rupees   investment would be less if i have to imagine  i have to stress my imagination so i wanted to   know from your perspective since you work  with different sources and how big will be   the purchases going forward and you know their  plans good enough and how big is this opportunity   yes we do know the plan but we just want to  say that you know we do i don't want to delve   much deeper into that but i want to say that the  figure that you stated is very very understated   it's going to be much bigger than that only on the  anti-drone or the countertop absolutely absolutely   and do they have the time frame also to make this  oh yeah i mean it may really really depending   on the situation developing situation it may  happen much earlier than we think but again you   know you'll never know what for how long it will  take but i think it may happen sooner than later   so would you need to invest in the manufacturing  processes also or maybe there is a part of   outsourcing and if you really really scale  to that level maybe we will have to i mean   again manufacturing process we have a lot of huge  capacities in hyderabad unused empty capacities   we will be going and guiding them most like  that is what my intention is that you know   we just go coach then how to do it use the  prototypes and get it done there rather than   ourselves build the thing maybe though again what  we do currently is we do the final integration at   our place yes we do that but most of the thing  also is about 8500 of the work is outsourced you   would prefer that and uh but if the kind of orders  we think in our little wild imagination come   we we will have to you know what kind of  integration what kind of testing facilities would   be required to even accept those products from  the supply chain would have to be re-estimated   my last question is uh there is a pli scheme for  drone so would you be would you be interested in   taking up that scheme we are discussing with  the team at this point in time about that   thank you thank you team yeah thank you uh we'll take the next question  from the lineup mr ashit koti   or so you may please amuse yourself then go ahead uh good evening sir uh my  question is with regards to   is you are going to be taking a call on  integration the components yourself instead   of outsourcing it so what extent you would go  in for manufacturing those components in-house so you know we don't manufacture at the component  level it's like simulators when we say it is   completely home drawn we say we don't say that you  know the motherboards are made at home or anything   like that what we are saying is motherboard is  the intel motherboard the operating system with   microsoft operating system the application on the  microsoft operating system is my ip the types of   it so similarly we are not doing it at a component  level we are sourcing the best components   getting them into a new combination and creating  boards that serve our purpose and write software   over them so that they can communicate with  the sensors that are operating to uh you know   be used as counter prone technology so that all  the software layer is completely being developed the software value component would  be how much sorry sorry later yeah what you are putting is your software we arrive at that is you know we  just remove the bill of material cost   and we arrive at the software first okay and uh what is the reason  for not buying it for uh till very intelligent navigation some kind  of integers we are trying to build in   before filing the patent so what the work that is the point that you know we want  to uh file uh ip for uh you know for   all each and everything that we want to  introduce to market but it is you know the current order the current order are  you is it going to be executed in a one   year time that's right yeah that  is right yes so uh what after that   let us hope that we have more  orders to execute by the time no yeah so there's a possibility of you  receiving the orders even from the uh   military i mean say the ground forces yes i  mean yes yes yes absolutely absolutely yeah so addressed for this particular you know  skill auction is not yet addressed so   let us hope for the best and uh all in all how much  of uh tendering we have gone there was an emergency requirement  with a purchase from the   you know indian players like bell and then the  future requirement there are no tenders open as   of now but they will come up with eventually  and we then will be participating in that   i hope you i have already answered questions  uh mr ashok if you wish to ask for any further   questions i would request you to please join back  in the queue uh we'll take the next question from   the line of krishna getty uh krishna you  may please unknow to yourself and go ahead what is the return on equity you  are targeting for your shareholders you know again again you know it should be a very reasonable written  on equity you know somebody came and said   out of the world do you know how much return has  given and i said i don't know how much then he   said it has given 202 21 400 return in the last 15  16 years so that is you know more than about 1500   per annum so you know i don't know how they are  what how they calculated but the fact is that yes   we will we will keep growing and we will uh  aim for a path margin of at least 30 percent   and sir there is a continuously  um circuit for your stock so   you have to say something on that and nothing was  supposed to zero i don't really know what to say competition with the global market and all so  are you working towards that to match up with the   building of your capability and the standards to  meet that competition not today maybe six months   or one year down the line when you leave we are  ahead of the competition now and we are planning   to be always ahead of the competition and in two  years time they will their competition will not   even they will all aspire for second position we  will be absolutely there and your intention is   to dominate the market and be able to dominate  the market and why how do we want to dominate   the market is we're investing so much in this uh  process and so many projects are on at this point   in time we think that we've been absolutely  a good position versus the problem so are you   keeping certain perspectives for the r d and all  those things too yes we are we are addicted to our   india actually all of our uh some of our investors  don't like us because we spend so much on orange okay so thank you thank you thank you so much uh we'll take the next question from the  line of mr bhagat uh mr mitra are you making   yourself and go ahead yeah said i have  two questions one is that uh you know   bale has got this both hard kill and soft skill  and whereas we have got the software so are you   going for the hard kill kind of products and soft  soft skill products uh going forward yeah soft   skill we have we are working on the hotkey now we  are actually really working on good hotkey options   okay and the second question is that on this and  anti-drone uh you know order that we have got   uh what i understand that the gross  money is around 45 45-50 percent   yeah yeah it should be again i said you  know i'm not talking about the gross margin   but fat should be around 30 percent at least  with my name when we may be able to achieve that   okay why am asking this question  simulators we have a much already achieved the the fat will be easily  achieved at 30 percent even if the gross margins   are much lower than that okay and so uh going  forward like you know what can the anti-drone   system or drone adrenaline and stimulator ratio  in terms of revenue or the product mix like we   expect some more simulator orders we expect drone  engine orders also so going forward any kind of   uh product mix in terms of review can be  you know can guide any guidance be given   maybe i i think it could be uh 50 50  or maybe a counter from your really   i'm not very sure but 50 50 is easily foreseeable   okay okay sir uh apart from bill and then i  think one of uh you know going forward if it   comes into the ide and you know any other indian  company you know which you can think uh can be   a serious competitor to this uh i'm not able to i  i don't know personally i think there may be some   companies that are working to get into this but  i'm not i'm not really aware of any indian company   that is developing these detectors jammers  investing their own money they may be importing   and reselling but that is not i don't know  there's some any company having the commitment   and the courage to invest this kind of money okay  and so going forward i'm just trying to reiterate   or trying to understand the growth driver of zen  would be on jonah entry down and export export   of exports right i mean the growth drivers the  counter drone systems will be the growth area   exports is going to be a big growth area for both  simulators and counter drone systems and drones   and of course because we are selling so  much the annual maintenance contract will   be kicking in which will be giving us  sustainable revenues which will make us   profitable by themselves you know i mean  they're sure background back rest for us   and are we banking more on express than domestic  in anything of that sort you know yeah we are   expecting more orders from uh there's no doubt  about that we're expecting more from exports uh   but domestic is also becoming very vibrant the way  things are going now they're really uh placing a   lot of orders and we see we can actually feel lot  of action in the armed forces that you know they   want to buy more stuff from companies like them  okay okay thank you sir thanks a lot thank you uh we will take the next question from  the lineup mr vivek gupta mr gupta there was a newspaper article some time back that  a couple of startups i think one in bangla and   one i think in delhi and also one order so just  wanted to know are they your competitors are they   do they operate in completely different spaces so  i i would you just i mean could you just name the   companies or what what was the order they got or  something like that i don't know i think there was   a bangalore based company that got an order and  i think there was a delhi or noida based company   i'm not sure uh along with you there were three  other i think two were startups and yours was   another company okay so there is a company so  there is there is something called as a jammer   gun that that was to have angular company i think  and there was a a drone order that went to another   base company that is right yeah but they are not  into the counter ground space okay so they are not   really your competitors no no not at all not by  far they are not can you just tell me regarding   the material and the software that is needed for  the drones do you kind of make it yourself or is   there any quality check on that you know we do the  quality check on that so is this material imported   or sourced locally it sourced india it's a well  done they are available in india most of them   also just want to know other than  the military which which other aspect   for the drones do you think has tremendous  opportunity is it the agricultural space is   it the delivery space what is the space that you  foresee could have i i think agriculture is vacant   personally i think agriculture is going to be  big because that is most easier easiest to do   but you know but we are really not focused on  that at this point in time we are focusing on   the logistic problems uh just one last question  you also mentioned about the heavy lifting drones   yeah up to what capacity or what weight would  you be able to lift so this this can go easily   up to 50 kilos in the sea level areas but  you know at very very very high altitudes   they could be 20 30 kilos um just one last  question regarding the anti-drone what is the   area that the antidote can cover is it five  kilometers ten kilometers twenty kilometers depending because they come at a cost it's  like you know how fast can the motorcycle   go you know it depends on how much  can we can pay for the motorcycle so   here here also to completely depend on you know  what kind you know 20 kilometers is not very   difficult to achieve it can be achieved if you  want a particular that's a different ballgame   and you know what kind of uh threat  neutralization do you want do you want from uh   just a soft kill base or what kind of you  know hard kill waste so this will determine   the cost of the thing if we have to a  question most of the ranges are possible   you have 20 kilometer range your 40 percent  ranges are possible oh thank you thank you i would request all the participants to  limit the question to two co-participants   will you take the next question from  the line of uh mr sudhir mahajan   mr sudhi you may please  unleash yourself and go ahead i just wanted you to just talk  a little more about that uh the combat training uh simulator  which you have before is that   a tender still open or is it closed because it  closed last year some time then there was one that we are giving we are already they have  simulators we are creating an integration   facility and giving ctc to them but they are  never being any cpc tender but i don't know   last focus which tender are you talking about  i'm not able to recollect immediately okay thank you we take the next question from the  line of mr nagar agra so you may i think he's not in the questions okay we take the next  question from the line lineup mr lavnish mohan   mr mohan you may please yourself and go ahead hi can you hear me lovely i can hear you yeah  so i just wanted to know what is your current   sales and marketing setup for the domestic and  the global market and what kind of investments in   terms of manpower you have planned specifically  on the sales and marketing scenario given the   fact that you know the the markets are now the the  auto bookers order books are growing and therefore   uh you know i think pressing the accelerator on  the sales and marketing front is is going to be   the key success driver going forward yeah so  you know we have a very uh you know dedicated   team for this a very competitive and dedicated  team for exports you know we have a high level   airwise march through that's the other thing and  then we have a support team that is doing it here   and then we have a demo team that is uh based  for virtual demo a dedicated team whenever   export comes they are immediately activated and  they you go through all the things we also have   people who can speak arabic based in the uae  who actually give the demonstration in arabic   so that there is interaction and typically you  know most of the people do uh you know come to us and they are seeing the demonstration so but again   it's a fantastic point that you made we really  need to scale up our investments in the uh export   front specifically to aggressively uh address  the market that's one of the agenda and focus   area for investment for them that we will  really want to you know this is this is   almost like a startup game where you really want  to reach out to the most number of countries   very fast and you know install our systems  there but of course not uh losing money in   each installation like the startups too  but we need to act as aggressively and as okay thank you yeah thank you uh we take the next  question from the lineup mr marlow shah uh mr i just wanted to if you can comment on the  pipeline bid for your content role system and   another question is can you explain what are  the tender stages when normally uh government   comes out with a tender like financial grade  technical bits and so on so how how does it goes   so yeah so the pipeline for  adhd again as i said there going on that they want to scale up  the operations and then there'll be   a huge way they want to scale up  so we want to be the beneficiary only those companies that qualify technically  their financial bits are open and whoever is   the least in them if they called l1 they get the  they get the tender awarded so that is the process anything else demonstration so if you'd  like to put it on the screen yes so this is the antithrone system that uh we have  built so just uh you know the components are being   depicted and then the video will be played so  drone will be flying how the system reacts to this   and then acts on it is what's being  demonstrated in this particular video so this is so so if there are any questions on this we can check any participant who wishes to  ask any question based on the   video that the management just  said please speak to your hand we have a question from mr  viking kumar uh mr kumar numerous my question to you is where do you see your  company down the line uh 10 years or say 2030 i should let you know yeah i'll answer that  question i mean you know very frankly we   want at this point in time there are uh  two segments that we absolutely want to   be number one worldwide and we  will be investing a lot of money to   get the technological edge that will that  will ensure that customers come up for us   one is in the training segment that has been our  bread and butter for last two and a half decades   but we think uh drone and control technology is  the second segment we will again go with the very   right thing we'll be focusing on admission that  but counter draw will be the technology that we   really want to be number one in the world so  these two segments we do expect that you know   by the by 10 years time we are looking for  opportunities to get into a third segment   and that will happen we are not really sure  what that is going to be but these these three   segments we want to be number one in all the three  segments that is the plan proper twenty thread   no uh i i would like to know about your uh about  your guidance uh of your uh financials yeah   any any any vague idea because it  is a very very uh huge market your   for the year i think 1920 was 150 plus something  and uh i heard in one of the interview that there   is an opportunity of manufacturing opportunity  of free electrode down the line 10 years   if we say 2030 so how do you  place in between those numbers many many times of what we  are now at this point in time   but again you know what i'm trying  to say is uh i would leave that as a   exercise i would really don't want to get into  the financials of it but if we are the number   one drone encounter ground company we are the  number one simulation company what turnover do   you think would uh then be achieving i think it's  going to be a very very large number so but i   leave it to your imagination i because i really  don't uh want to state something which i maybe and my last question is what do you think that you  should tell us as a as a as a stakeholder in this   domain uh which we which you will never imagine to  ask and as for your vision and everything you have   for this company what uh what what  do you would like to suggest for jen you know i mean i mean we love long-term  shareholders i mean by a lot of shadows   work there from day one and you know they have  just been uh so every day i have children who   have increased who come in the moment increases  they leave us but you know i we love long-term   shoulders because for them we have created a lot  of a lot of health and you know so in the short   term zen can behave really radically but long  term we have been very consistent performers   and as most of the orders came from  government and the foreign governments so   how do you plan to finance those orders  basically it requires a lot of money   so do you plan to raise more money to go  public to go uh to go some some fundraising what is your in your mind regarding that yeah  so you know i think we have the with respect to   the fundraise we are open to you know again our  shareholder the number of shares that we have   have almost been the same since when the past two  decades they haven't increased we haven't issued   any even though we shouldn't be brought back  net net we are probably you know at the time   at the same level from where we  started so you know so we think   shares are the most expensive way of raising  money we are little reticent to do that but   at some point in time to when you know  when we an opportunity to expand fast comes   we may look at that opportunity of raising funds  but as of now we have very little debt on the   books so we may we can raise debt also to meet  our requirements but yes equity raise is an option   when you really want to aggressively expand yeah i  foresee a very very bright future for this company thank you so much and wish you very very   bright features thank you so much victor  you really appreciate it thank you thank you so mr lori do we have a product demonstration  for the simulators or should we come we have   the product demonstration for the simulator  so i'll just connect to that for one second oh so mr flutie what from you i'm just connecting uh they're sending a youtube link i am  just connecting to the youtube videos so can you see it uh abhishek yes so we can the link me i think the best thing is directly linked  through the chat box on to the youtube thing oh i i i didn't get yourself me one second i am putting the link in the  chat box the youtube link   okay so every anyone can click  there and they can go to therapy   so it's just going to the host okay sorry  one second i'll just change it to everyone guys have you seen it are you getting  it uh yeah yeah chat box it is there   just click on the link and you can go  to the thing and uh it will start now yes uh abhishek are you okay great just do good evening and welcome to the zen  technologies combat training center   your one stop answer to all the trading  challenges faced by the armed forces today   zen technologies is the leading supplier of  realistic combat training solutions to the   indian armed forces and is also in the forefront  of providing efficient training infrastructure   to foreign armies and all the indian armed  contributors before i take you around the   different products which are displayed here  i'd like to give you a quick thing for free so this is the zen technologies  production and demonstration area   facility located at maheshwaram from  the hyderabad international airport   built over 8 acres of land at the cost of over  150 crore rupees this facility houses all the   products which have been designed and developed  by zen technologies over the span of the last   28 years this is also the location where the  production of the various products takes place   and where we are able to demonstrate our equipment  which we have made over these last 28 years i shall now be starting with our first  product which is behind me and that is   the containerized tubular shooting range  the containerized tubular shooting range is a life firing facility which is built into a  standard 40 feet shipping container for easy   portability it is a plug and play device  and can be taken to the point of need all the ammunition of the small arms which  are used by the indian armed forces and the   police forces up to the caliber of 7.62 mm as  well as 9mm ball can be fired in this range the only exception we have to take there is   to fire the armor piercing and the  incendiary ambitions such as the tracer this provides for two fires to fire simultaneously we have the two firing positions as i mentioned all the weapons up to 7.62 mm and  9mm ball can be utilized here the targets are  

projected on a self-ceiling rubber membrane which  is at the end of this tubular structure which you   see the result of the firing is displayed on  the firing point equipment which is located to   the left of the firearm the targets which are  projected on the same sealing rubber membrane can be depicted at a range of 10 meters to 300  meters the selection of the range of the target   the type of target the terrain in which the  target has to fire the kind of ammunition and   the weapon to be used can be done from the firing  point equipment or from the instructor station the system caters for the ballistics of the  ammunition which is being fired and the result   which is displayed on the firing point equipment  is after the due calculations and calibration   is carried out in this manner  we get an absolute accurate result at even longer ranges of up to 300 meters  so here you are seeing a different kind of terrain which can be utilized under  different kinds of targets in this particular range the fires  can fire in three positions which is   standing kneeling and lying position the system comes with a ventilation system   which meets the requirements of the national  institute of industrial safety and health   and once you close the doors of the system  you are able to ensure that the minimum   of acoustic signature is there outside this  implies that this system can be utilized we have what we call a bullet containment trap   which contains the bullet which is fired and how  it acts i shall be showing you with the help of   animation so here you can see the manner  in which the fire will engage the target once the target is engaged the bullet goes through the self-sealing rubber  membrane and enters the bullet containment track   which is behind the self-ceiling membrane so here  is a top view of the bullet containment trap we   have the bullet is directed into the cylindrical  portion where the heavy ar-500 plates are there   and the bullet is broken into small pieces and it  drops into the lid collection tray at the bottom   controlling all this is the instructor station the instructor can have a view of both the  fires and he can set the different exercises   which are required for the fires all the standard  exercises and firing practices which are fired by   the different weapons of the indian armed forces  and the police forces are pre-fed into this so   he has to only select the kind of practice  and the result is computed by the system   based on the standards which are required and that  result is displayed and after action the report is   displayed on the screen and if required a copy  can be taken out for the information of the fire so here here is an image of a  after action report now this was   a basic firing range once the trainees  have reached an advanced level of training   we have an advanced firing  range called the containerized   indoor shooting range i shall now be taking  you to the containerized indoor sh

2021-09-24 11:38

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