Were US Special Forces trapped in Ukraine Space Ark Now Controlled by Russia?

Were US Special Forces trapped in Ukraine Space Ark Now Controlled by Russia?

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well let's talk a little bit more about this  uh arc uh that's uh near the city of curson   uh yeah the one near the uh crimean peninsula  okay so so that arc the big one that you gave   me the coordinates to that's uh buried under the  olensky sands national park and it's a desert   it's the only natural sand desert in ukraine  and it's kind of always been a mystery to the   scientific community how that area became a desert  and you know the explanation is uh that while it   was overgrazing by sheep which sounds ridiculous  but nevertheless that's the official explanation   so you know why why would why would the land  directly above this buried space arc be a desert   this particular ship has a protecting mechanism  that makes everything that is above it or around   it drives i i think it's a type of radiation  that it emits and it's stronger than other ships   it's way stronger there's a there's an ark in  brazil i don't know if i gave you a coordinate   over there in um cardos novas is  by goyanya um you can see that   it's like a plateau looking thing but it's  still green but it's turning to like a a   desert area similar to oleski park but now is even  activating more and in this arc it was actually   activated one of the first ones that were  activated but nobody haven't noticed it   the military notice because they  go there for training sometimes you are listening to exopolitics  today with dr michael sala   your source for the uncensored truth regarding the  human extraterrestrial global and political agenda   click the like button and subscribe to this  channel and now here is dr michael sala well i'm very happy to have uh jp back  to exopolitics today he's got some   updates to share with us and uh jp well uh welcome  back and uh looking forward to hearing from you   how you doing dr michael thank you for the  opportunity well do you want me to just ask some   questions specific questions about this uh ukraine  ark that you were told about i mean you you began   by telling me that you had been given coordinates  about uh close to a month ago so you know who gave   you those coordinates and and what were you told  it was uh a friend of mine from the air force   and he he gave me the coordinates and then i i  told him why are you giving me these coordinates   he's like hey there's an arc there and we're gonna  have to be protecting that that particular arc   i remember me telling you when i went to the arc  of the atlantic when we went there i remember   telling you that yeah um the russians and the  chinese was with us um in that arc and we went   down to the atlantic together and we were in ranks  but i remember also telling you this was push   like we did not really want uh the russians down  there with us um to share the information unless   they let us in russia into their ark because they  have an ark in russia as well and we told the   russians hey if you let us in your ark in russia  we're going to let you in our arc over here that   we found the pit landing that we had a ship on  top of it for or i don't know how long since 2014   since i think i got taken there the first  time when it was not um activated but now   that they're activating and all these arcs are  activating the one in ukraine activated as well   and they did not want like how could i put this  the united states they know that the that ark   in ukraine is one of the biggest arcs that we have  on earth it is bigger than the one in the atlantic   and it's slightly bigger than the one in the  moon that we have there so this arc is a big deal   it has one of the biggest libraries of biological  life forms that we had in earth history and this   library that they say that this arc has is a huge  room with capsules of all kind of seeds of plants   and plant life it's not like um biological like  it's not like a mammal or not it's only plant life   but these plant life they have properties that  can help humanity a lot in different ways so it   has a big big library of seeds that is it was in  these capsules in this particular arc in ukraine   and i think the the ark that they found in  russia it also has a light a type of library   but that library is a library of some sort of  technology that the russians they don't want   to share with us yet until they they took over the  ukrainian ark and right now they're doing research   without the americans or the chinese and they're  doing their their research on their own right now   we're trying to get in there and we will try  to get in the arc um an incident happened that   americans we jumped to one of those  arcs using a jump rope that each arc has   and right now we we don't hear nothing about  them uh we don't know they're you know hostage   or they're working together but right now we don't  know what's going to happen to them so just to   clarify i just wanted to be clear so the arc the  arc that you travel to in the atlantic ocean that   one um is filled with uh writings hieroglyphic  writings cultural remnants and you talked about it   having a portal and and there's other of the other  arcs have similar portals where you can travel   point to point instantaneously the the arc in  russia is filled with ancient technologies the   ark in ukraine is filled with biology plant life  and so forth so you will did you hear this like   from your air force colleague that was also i  guess part of these missions or did you hear this   from the mission briefings because you you said  that you've attended mission briefings yeah   more more like the mission briefings they were  talking when we were in atlanta taking that um   arc over there they were talking about you know  all these different arcs and and i told you and   i gave you the coordinates and and our next step  was going we were going to go to the ukrainian ark   to that coordinates that i gave you  a month ago before all this happened   and we kind of knew because the argument atlantic  it was push like how can i say this like they're   not blackmailing but the russians they brought  their ships like they surrounded us and they   wanted the russians to go down to this  atlantic arc to see what they could find   but there's an area that was closed out that  the russians did not go to that it's really   really also filled with technology on the  atlantic arc that is similar to the ukrainian arc   so there's an area also in the ukrainian art  but i don't think they can get access they're   going into the ark without basically  without permission without the access   like they're pushing their way in the ark and  what we don't want to happen is that they destroy   while they push in and not having the access that  they they they really have that they will destroy   some historical that we could find when you push  your way and and use bombs to push your way in   or um door bombs or like those square little bombs  like to push your way in to keep going deeper   you're destroying uh what is the craft itself  because once how can i put this once you you   destroy certain parts of craft it keeps shutting  off i don't know if you understand what i'm trying   to say but it shuts off by by sections if you  destroy certain parts of the craft and right   now on the ukrainian craft there's an area that  is becoming dark it's not becoming warm no more   so what's happening i think they're  they're forcing their way in the ukrainian   ark and they're shutting down certain  sections of it because they're being forced   in there so i think it's a defense mechanism of  the ark to shut down and to stop getting this   giving the heat and stop turning on and what  we're scared of that if we lose that arc   and it shuts down we're not going to have  the information to connect to the other arcs   that's what we've been doing we've been  connecting arcs to arcs and we've been   having um information connecting arcs to arcs  about the past and about different solar systems   and all that where these arcs have been and this  arc yeah so i was just going to say so these uh   arcs are kind of like part of an integrated  network sharing information which would be for   the benefit of humanity if we began cooperating  but what you're saying is that the arc in ukraine   because the russians have intervened militarily  and have taken over the area and they're using   explosives or they're using kind of kinetic means  to get access to this arc that that's leading to   it's shutting down and of course that impacts  the entire network well in the in in ukraine   there's actually two arcs there's one that i gave  the coordinate but the other one is is smaller is   way smaller from that one is like probably a  quarter the size of the coordinates i gave you   but this smaller arc is really important also but  i do not know the coordinates of that arc so maybe   in the future when we see where the russians  are going because you know where they're coming   from the south they're coming from the east and  they're coming from the north so this smaller one   i don't know if it's by keith what is that city  that they're getting close with a 40-mile long   convoy oh yeah i i always pronounce that kiev  but now the news reports call it kiev so i'm not   sure what's going on there kf keith so i think  it's closer to there the other arc and i i just   hope this arc is not under the square of keith  and that's what they're trying to protect and   one of the reason i believe this art can be  under the city of kiev is because it gives out   an energy to learn to invent to to teach to to  fight for but i i i don't want to connect that   to that but there's an other arc but my belief is  in that area in in that area where that convoy is   heading to okay well let's talk a little bit more  about this uh arc uh that's uh near the city of   curson uh yeah the one near the crimean peninsula  okay so so that up the big one that you gave me   the coordinates to that's uh buried under the uh  lenski sands national park and it's a desert it's   the only natural sand desert in ukraine and it's  kind of always been a mystery to the scientific   community how that area became a desert and you  know the explanation is uh that while it was   overgrazing by sheep which sounds ridiculous but  but nevertheless that's the official explanation   so you know why why would why would the land  directly above this buried space arc be a desert   this particular ship has a protecting mechanism  that makes everything that is above it or around   it dry i i think it's a type of radiation that  it emits and it's stronger than other ships   it is way stronger there's a there's an ark in  brazil i don't know if i gave you a coordinate   over there in um cardos novas is by goyanya um  you can see that it's like a plateau looking thing   but it's still green but it's turning to like  a a desert area similar to oleski park but   now is even activating more and in this arc it  was actually activated one of the first ones that   were activated but nobody haven't noticed it the  military notice because they go there for training   sometimes and they knew about this arc similar to  the arc of the atlantic we knew an ark was there   but we did not know it was activated so people  knew there was an arc there there was something   there there was something there when we when  they figured out that that ark was there first   i think that's when they tried to get because  crimea was one of the first places they invaded   and they got so they tried before to  get this arc but it was not activated   so once it activated that's what triggered wow  this arc is some we knew that we had to go a   little bit more farther north to get this arc  you know let's now let's get this arc so once   the russians brought the information back i  guess to the kremlin or somebody over there about   what they found in the atlantic and what  they saw about the junk rooms and all that   that's when they decided to push in and i guess  not make it obvious they're pushing from the north   they're pushing from the east and they're pushing  from the south to not make it as obvious but as   you know the most land they got is from the south  going up to um crimea and more of that area where   the black sea is but the activation is caused  by a type of radiation and the reason the desert   is like that is because of the of the radiation  that gives out yeah that is a very fascinating   people have tried to explain why this  is a natural sand desert in ukraine but   there it is it's uh directly over an arkan and  looking at the geography of it uh when you see it   on the google maps it's a circular area i think  it's around 40 kilometers square so it's only   it's only about seven miles uh wide or in diameter  so yeah it's it looks like there's some kind of   circular object or there could be a circular  object buried underneath it and if it's   emitting some kind of energy then things don't  grow i kind of that makes me that reminds me of   the uh what is it the crop circles that when  the crop circles are created uh they also emit   an energy and people that go into the into the  area of the crop circles kind of get sick or   they can get sick so it sounds like this is what's  happening there under ole olechi sands with this   uh arc that's uh now activating but there is  micro uh habitats that's what's interesting that   is really rare these micro habitats they're  scattered around in uh on these sand dunes   and they live they they exist and it's these  micro habitats are really rare in that particular   area like it's really rare and they actually  build forests they actually planted forests   for it to not keep spreading because it was even  getting bigger but the the russian i mean the the   ukrainian government they started building forests  around it and it stayed like that it stayed on   that particular shape it's kind of it's kind of  interesting yeah well you know what really gives   um credibility to what you're saying is that you  know the fact now is that uh curse the the city   and the administrative area they call it oblate  the kursan oblast which includes this olenski sans   national park that that was the first city  captured by the russian army in this incursion   so you have to ask yourself well why why was that  city given priority why not another city you know   even though they are heading towards kier but  this city has been captured and yeah the space arc   under the alensky sands is now under the  control of the of the russian military so   when you were being given briefings about  the different arcs were you told that the   portal that connects uh the atlantic ark with the  moon arc and the other arcs were there were there   covert teams that went into this arc under the  uh ukraine or under the the um uh olenski sands   yeah yeah there is a team american team that went  there but we we don't know what's happening with   them right now they're not communicating back but  now with that's one of the reasons i think um elon   musk is trying to help out to see if we can get  this communication back over this oleski park and   in the middle of ukraine to see if we can get  this communication back with these guys that   went in there it was a group i think i was i told  you that they went to a mission but i did not go   to this mission and that was the mission to go  into this they jumped into the ukrainian park   wow that's that's interesting station and the guys  that did go on that mission they're still there   and they presumably are trapped or is it could  they have been captured you think they've been   captured by the russians um really really for  me i think we're still working together on this   but what it looks like is that they're  trying to figure it out the russians   but they don't want to give information out about  what they're finding they don't want to spread   it out until it's concrete i think the kremlin  wants to give the news that they found these arcs   and vladimir you know the vladimir putin want  to give this speech about what they're finding   and i think there's a fight of who tells  this information first it's a historical you   know prank kind of thing you know but i i still  believe they're still alive not captured because   they're smart people and they have knowledge  there's all these arcs they're kind of built   the same way but this one in olewski um sand  national park over there in ukraine it's kind of   way bigger than all the other arcs but it's still  laid out the same the dimensions are bigger but   it's still laid out same the areas and all that so  we're just waiting if if we don't hear from them   these guys that jump to the ark we're gonna have  to go in there and and that's what i'm hoping not   it will happen okay so so you're saying that  that would actually be grounds for an american   incursion into ukraine i would would the americans  kind of come in through that portal are we talking   kind of kinetic action to intervene militarily  in that area of kursan right now like you know   they're trying to push with no fly zone if they  push a no-fly zone that's when we can do probably   other type of jumps or something like that to go  in there and to see what's happening but right now   they're not giving the green light to go into  these arc to the arc of ukraine right now um they   have control and they're not letting the americans  or the chinese to go into this arc and we really   really wanted to know the connection of all these  other arcs and why this big arc is so important   that's fascinating now you you say that spacex  is involved in that the real reason for spacex   offering its communication satellites to the  ukraine is uh maybe not so much to like assist   with their downed communications but more to help  locate these missing uh american uh covert team   that's operating uh under the ground there in  curson under in in the uh lynch key sans uh arc   um so i mean that that raises the question well is  there something about the styling satellites where   it is the communication system it's creates is uh  enables you to kind of like communicate in areas   where normally say normal emf wouldn't get through  yeah it penetrates deeper into the ground the   the the technology that it has it's different  it is it's really technology that they also use   in in in ganymede jeremy and in the moon they  also use this type of technology around jupiter so   i i won't be surprised if if we're using ones that  we use the type of ones that we use around jupiter   that they got transferred over here and after a  couple of them got destroyed from when when they   first started separating so essentially this uh  styling satellite system that elon musk has set up   it's using some new technology that's like you  say is used uh for these covert missions to the   moon to ganymede and deep space where it's able  to penetrate deep underground so that raises the   question is this really a quantum communication  system using quantum quantum entanglement quantum   teleportation where light photons are what  are transferred and that's what creates the   the communication whereas emf is blocked by  faraday cages and all of that so it's not   it's a type of quantum communication also that  the chinese have have developed but they've   never deployed theirs but elon musk deployed  it before them but yeah it's a kind of quantum   entanglement on communication type of  communication that's fascinating so is that why   someone tried to take down the uh styling  satellites you know that 40 were seem to have been   shot down or they crashed you think it might have  been because someone is not happy the deep state   is not happy that uh this quantum communication  system is being created for starlink there was um   decoys that they were make they're made and pushed  out just in case something like that happened   so there was decoys satellites that were not  satellites that also was deployed just in case so   when these um satellite move in position  they they i guess they moved the decoys   before moving the real satellites into position  to see what would happen and they knew that   once they moved the decoy closer they got  destroyed so the the original satellites are   still there so it's kind of cool and smart  what elements did by doing these decoys   of satellites um to see if they would get  destroyed or not so he thought ahead by doing that   do you have much more time i mean how much more  can we go for we can go a couple more minutes   okay so i want to finish off then by what do  you think your next mission is going to be   have you been given any heads up as to your  next uh mission to an arc right now i don't   know if it's going to be a mission mission right  now we're just concentrating on what's happening   over there in ukraine so everything is at up  pause right now so i haven't been told nothing   so we just wait well the president of the united  states decision you know as commander-in-chief   what he does was his decisions and we just have to  follow everything that he says and tell us to do   for now everything is at a pause because of the  situation that's happening now do you still think   that at some point these uh space arcs are going  to start floating into the air and they're going   to be seen and do you think this ukraine arc is  going to be one of those i think it's going to be   a moment in time yes that these arcs are going to  fly up and everybody's going to see them yes and   the us military is and i guess maybe space command  is ready for this or they're anticipating this   i mean that you've been told this in the  briefings that this is likely to happen it might   happen but before that the ships that are in the  vicinity of jupiter they're going to get closer   and those ships are going to get closer before  these arcs come up so when you say these ships   you're talking about this fleet that came in that  elena dennard's called them the intergalactic   confederation that that that is being tracked  by space command and they're going to start   coming towards the earth soon and then things are  going to start activating floating and and then   wow that's going to be an amazing uh experience  for the whole that's going to be like a shocking   thing like independence day it's going to be  crazy but nothing is going to come out and and   try to destroy us it's going to be the opposite  so they always painted a narrative that aliens are   bad and all that but it's going to be different  and also the ark on the moon is getting in   deeper into the moon we don't know why but it is  activating but it's getting pushed in to the moon   so this is something that is not anything to  be feared we can expect as these arcs activate   and start flying and as this intergalactic  confederation or the this fleet of these   advanced et's get here it's going to be much more  of a kind of peaceful uh almost like an awakening   thing for the entire planet yeah it is well well  thank you jp that's uh incredible information   thank you for all your service to the country and  i hope to hear from you in the future appreciate   it dr michael isala thank you for the opportunity  and for those like i always say that have this   type of information please come out and don't be  scared you can be anonymous and just come out and   give out the information because everybody  needs to know what's happening thank you jp to learn more about ukraine and  what's coming in 2022 and beyond   i recommend my february 26 webinar which  is now available on vimeo please remember   to like and subscribe to my exopolitics  today podcast to receive further updates

2022-03-11 22:43

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