We Found the Secret to Achieving Metaverse Interoperability! MetaZone Technology EXPLAINED!!!

We Found the Secret to Achieving Metaverse Interoperability! MetaZone Technology EXPLAINED!!!

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Welcome back. You got Will and Iman here from the Block Runner MetaZone and Rovi. And today we're gonna be talking about interoperability from a tweet from Tech Noir. So I found this to be pretty interesting. And, uh, so basically it goes over different types of interoperability.

Well, first of all, why, what, what, who cares? Right? Like, why are you even talking about interoperability? Well, it's, uh, it seems to be kind of the, um, a feature point in many of the games that are being developed. Metaverse content from like a web three perspective, I think, cuz I don't know if like the web two gamers really care. Yeah.

We, you've seen, we've seen web two games with interoperability, super Smash Brothers. They have different characters. I don't know if all the characters are in the same, I mean, that's like IP interoperability I guess. Yeah.

But is there, has there actually been a case where it's like assets from a game pulled over to other games? I don't think so. Like are you in there in Fortnite? Beast and fools with like Call of duty guns? No, definitely not. Definitely not like Halo swords. No, definitely not.

Exactly. So that you can't really claim there's ever been like a true interoperable. Yeah, that's a good point. Solution yet. That's a good point because I don't think the traditional game mirror mindset, there's, there's no demand for it.

Yeah. And from like a business logistics standpoint doesn't make sense. Yeah. And so what, so then what is why, why and what three incentive for interoperability? We've asked this to our own community and like a lot of our own communities, No.

No. Like they don't really expect this from the metaverse. Right.

Because that's, that's the context of why we talk about this. Yeah. Because we're trying to build, and everyone's interpretation of the metaverse is different. Right.

Yeah. Still, even to this day, it's, there's no cohesive Yeah. Explanation to what the metaverse will look like.

Right, right. Right. But for whatever reason, like the big, the big wigs, the big mental architects who, who envision like a finalized form of the metaverse, they all say interoperability. Yeah.

Is like fundamental. Is it? Because blockchain could enable interoperability and therefore should enable. I think so. Yeah. I mean, if, if, if blockchain is a thing that for sure technically can make this thing achievable, I think we should just strive for it. Just like from a pure like Yeah.

And plus technology leveraging standpoint. Right. And, and if the metaverse is supposed to be as grand as we're we're saying it is, you would expect content to be interoperable to a certain extent.

Yeah. And I think that would add value to the assets itself, right? Yeah. Like the, the experience.

Harboring like, you know, earning things from the metaverse. Yeah. Through whatever experiences that provide things that are unable. Yeah.

And then they become ownable. Like you own these things truly for once. You should able, once and for all should, you should be able to take ' em into different realms.

Well, that's like the best case scenario, right? Yeah. Like if you own these things, if that were possible. If we can actually technically achieve something like this, yeah, we should go for it. Yeah. Because we know that's gonna make for the best close to real life type res, like resemblance. Right? Yeah.

Because we, if we're advocating for like, uh, a new option as far as an existence layer Yeah. You know, outside of physical reality. that's what virtual reality's supposed to represent. Then you kind of expect, you would hope to expect it's, you know, this property of our, our existing lives to follow suit. Right? Like if we, if we have like a Bugatti Yeah. It doesn't just stay in my, I mean you can't, you, you could take it somewhere else on the planet, right? Yeah.

You could ship it to Mars and it's still, it's still a Bugatti. It's still my Bugatti and it's still valuable. I mean the, you know, the physics and Mars might be different. Yeah. It might be harder to drive or I don't know. It'll be a rough terrain.

Yeah. You won't want a Bugatti on Mars, I don't think. But the point is that thing travels with you no matter where you go. That's right. And it belongs to you.

Yeah. Someone can take it from you, . But the point is Yeah, you don't have to like start over. Yeah. Like and build a whole new ecosystem and to generate a new Bugatti. Yeah.

You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. I totally. It makes sense.

It's reasonable. Does it? All right, so, so the, so that's why we've established the value of interoperability, right? I think so. Or at least we try our best. Yeah. So I'm not gonna go through the entire thread here. I do recommend that you guys read it cuz it's, it's extremely valuable.

It's, it's very accurate. Good take. That's a good take. Yeah. I'm so far like this.

This guy's take is closest to. what we're thinking about. Yes. Yes. And so just to get into the weeds here, he does talk about the different types of interoperability that most of these projects ecosystem they talk about. So there's cross chain interoperability, which we hear a lot from like the blockchain world, right? Yes.

Yeah. Partnership driven, interoperability. There's game assets as primitives. If you make a couch. Yeah.

The primitive is that you can sit on the couch. This is the part that we like the most, I think. Yeah. Game assets is primitive like that. That just sounds so cool.

Yeah. And right up our alley, it's like a gun shoots. All this gun should be shootable on every realm.

I mean Yeah. But there's so many like technical implications behind that. Sure.

Which is kind of why he created a whole thread about this, which we'll go through. Right. Uh, community centered interoperability, what does that mean? What do you think that means? um, community centered, community centered , maybe, uh, within a community you have like interoperable assets, but yeah, like, like a, let's call bored apes universe, a community centered thing. So you could probably easily achieve interoperability within that community.

Yeah. You know, at least spin off a bunch of. Bored, ape metaverses or something. Yeah. Yeah.

I think it's safe to say you could technically achieve some sort of standard within that community-based Yeah. Network. Sure, sure. Where are interoperable? Yeah.

They're community, so they would, but good luck, you know? Yeah. Going outside of that network, traversing that into decent land or, yeah. you know, the a zuki verse or whatever, everyone's gonna be different.

Right. And then finally the last one is cross games. So basically you make a sword. I make a car where you support Yeah. You know, both of these assets in our games and now we start commingling communities, if you will. Yeah.

Which, which we've already identified hasn't happened in the web two gaming sphere. No, it hasn't. You're right. So there's probably not many. If there was a good reason to do it, it would've been done by now.

Yeah. Because the video game industry has, like, they've tried everything as far as like how to monetize Yeah. As most efficiently as possible. Yeah. They're create their, you know, their IP and stuff. So Yeah.

If they're like, dude, if, if we make all this stuff cross game, like, dude, we'll fucking make so much money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Well, they never came to that conclusion. So, I mean, it's, it's probably not as intuitive as you would expect, right? Right. Yeah.

But I feel like this is the most common type of interoperable, uh, function in execution. Like for example, we've seen a bunch of web three projects already take advantage of this. , you support our game asset, we support yours, and all of a sudden you do co-marketing. Yeah. And now you've joined two communities together.

It's true. Yeah. In web three. It makes a ton of sense. Yeah. You know, so, uh, so this is a very good thread.

I felt like there was one missing angle to all of this that, uh, wasn't really considered. And I actually tweeted at this, uh, fellow here, and let's see if we, I can find my tweet. . Yeah, there it is. So I said ex excellent breakdown. We're going to be chatting about this on our podcast. I think there's one more angle that you're not accounting for.

I'll reach out with our thoughts and would like your feedback on this as well. Thanks for sharing. Oh, so let's, and he's looking for our feedback on this. Your, your feedback, cuz you haven't even informed me yet. What is his angle that he missed? Dude, well, the angle is thinking about from the developer's perspective. is we have, let's say in the future we're, I think we're assuming, and I think this is a safe assumption, there's gonna be multiple virtual worlds all coexisting within the Metaverse, right? Yeah.

Yeah. And in these virtual worlds, they all have different limitations, different physics, different everything. Where yeah, you, you could perceive that when you make content that they wouldn't be interoperable because of the nature of each of the worlds we're we're talking about Unity, unreal. Engine five, things like this. Yeah. So when I think about the developer's perspective, I.

If you're a developer, you inherently have to decide which silo to build into. Mm-hmm. and if you build in which silo, you as a developer are taking a risk on whether or not that silo is gonna be, have a lot of liquidity, a lot of people, a lot of everything. Especially in like now framework.

Right, right. Because there is no clear like winner once they are more established like winner. Yeah.

I think a lot of people are theorizing or they're expecting it, like the metaverse kind of just. dwindled down to like a handful of, a handful of virtual worlds. Yeah, just kinda like how Big Tech has kind of like gotten to that point. There will be like clear winners, I guess, because they'll have like these, these standards and. Liquidity that's present, like obvious incentives for developers to get involved, right? Yeah. That's why people make a lot of YouTube videos, right? Because there's a lot of eyeballs there.

It's a huge community. It's a huge market. Yeah. That's why a lot of people are the whole economy.

Yeah. Facebook on Twitter, like they've, they've collected enough people for. Us creators to be like, okay, I'm gonna make stuff for that platform. I'm gonna tweet, yeah, I'm gonna make videos. But we're not anywhere close to that right now. Yeah.

In the metaverse perspective. Yeah. We're not like even like the top performers, I guess you could the top perceived. Yeah. You know, uh, leaders of the industry, like there's minimal developer participation in these things. Right.

So yeah. What's missing, right? Yeah. So what's missing is the tools to ad take advantage of cross development platforms. Yeah. For this very reason you're talking because it's too risky to isolate your, I guess, uh, efforts. Just one singular platform cuz there's no nothing to identify.

Why I should do this. Yes. So it makes more sense. I should just focus on content that could be delivered to any of these platforms that exist. Right. Because you never know which one will win.

Right, exactly. And so that makes a lot of sense, . So the angle is from the, from the perspective of the developer, it's, they're missing a tool that allows them to develop a piece of content, a game. Any piece of content that could be deployable in the virtual world.

Hmm. And allow that tool to deploy that content in multiple virtual worlds. Hmm. And so this is commonly known as using an abstraction layer that for a cross development platform tool.

Mm-hmm. . And so now the developer doesn't have to choose any silo. Yeah. It only has to depend on the tool to integrate with the different silos, and then when you make content with that tool, you can deploy to the different silos. Mm-hmm.

So how does this tool navigate like, uh, a developer on like, how. Properly utilize it? Or does developer just code and create content based on what they know and they just, so, yeah. Yeah. For, for example, this tool, this abstraction layer tool, the, by the way, we're developing it for meone because we see this problem. We, we, we cater to the developers. We know exactly what they're thinking.

They're not gonna build for silos just because it's too risky, too time intensive. , it's, it's too much of everything for them to take a risk mm-hmm. they'd rather, it's easier just to build an iOS app than to build anything for the metaverse. Yeah. And so with this tool, they don't have to make that decision. They don't have to pick a silo.

Hmm. So what they do is they use this tool, it's basically an sdk. It's using JavaScript or whatever, commonly known, uh, programming language out there.

Mm-hmm. and in JavaScript, they can build out their code, their game, or whatever it is that they want to. And then this abstraction layer tool will translate that code into each of the different silos.

See, that's what I was waiting for that, that translation Yeah. Mechanism. Right. So what does it need to know from all the other existing silos? Like what information Yeah. Needs to be readily like, uh, extractable for this translation.

It's easy model to work. Okay. Break it down for me, dude. SD.

So you need metaverses with existing SDKs Correct. In order to like pull anything of, of substance from them. Correct. And and from our perspective, meta virtual worlds, we keep saying metaverses, but it's just the, it's it's interchangeable in this phase of the metaverse.

Right, exactly. It's the modern day nomenclature for now. Yes. We refer to anything as a metaverse, we, we know that saying metaverses is like saying internets, and that's not Yeah.

The right nomenclature. But for now, because it's so early, we'll just call it metaverses for now because, and, and ultimately they are separate silos. Yeah. So, um, I forget what was going with this. So we have, um, different metaverses. They each, the ones that matter are the metaverses that have SDKs.

The reason is, is because, Developers can pretty much build almost anything in those worlds. Mm-hmm. . And we feel like that's the sort of ethos of the metaverse is where you can pretty much see everything. Right. Well, that's, that's where the function is derived from, right.

These T case and that. There you go. That's what matters. And if we're trying to create anything even close to like a ready player one. Reality we're, and if we're talking about interoperability, what is it? We truly want to be, you know, interoperable. Like you, you want your statue to be like deployable in every single virtual, who cares? Yeah.

No, you want your gun that does a specific function in one verse to do in another, right? Yeah. You want it. You want these things to. , behave and operate under the same logic.

Right. No matter where you go. That's right. And you can only do that with SDKs, right? That's right. But, but like you said, let's say, let's imagine a, a reality where there's hundreds, a hundred metaverses. Yeah.

A hundred SDKs. Yeah, right. They're all developed by a hundred different teams of developers. So what does that look like in your mind? Like, like from a tool perspective or from like, each one's gonna have their own like vari variations. Mm-hmm. as far as like what, how the function and the logic is deployed, right? Yeah.

Yeah. So that's why we can't ever expect that to mature beyond just a bunch of siloed ecosystems and Right. Like you're saying, developers will have to pick and choose which ones they want. It's eerily, reminiscent to how blockchain has kind of Yeah.

Fragmented rolled out. Yeah. Each one has their own consensus models, their own, like their own interpretation on how you achieve. I don't know, interchange, communication, there's just so many different Yeah.

Models takes on interoperability for, some of them have their own s stk, so therefore, if you learn how to develop apps on that, You're gonna have, you can't, you know, hop over to the next one and do the same thing you just did. You can't, you gotta start over. Yeah, you gotta start over. Exactly. That's a problem.

And so, yeah, so I feel like we have the burden just because we understand this so early, we have the burden of building this tool because the problem is, is happening to us right now. Yeah. We see the problem right now and we're like, well, because we're just like, just like every other blockchain project out there, they're like, well, I guess I have to build my own blockchain because it. Facilitate my game.

Ethereum is too slow. I'm gonna have to build this thing called madic. Mm.

And then now I can make, now anyone can make games on blockchain. Mm-hmm. , right? Mm-hmm. . And so we, we feel like we have to do the same thing and build this abstraction layer that allows developers to not pick silos.

Yeah. Allow those, allows them to be creative, allow them to make stuff deployable. Multiple SDK enabled metaverses. Yeah.

And all of a. now you have content in the metaverse, you have activities for people to do. Now you're starting to a, attract eyeballs and attract, uh, the retention needed for the metaverse to be what it could potentially compete with. Countries. Yeah.

Right. The GDP of countries. Exactly. . Yeah. And then another cool angle to this thread is if we could succeed or anybody, it doesn't have to be us, can succeed.

developing this technology framework that en enables people to produce like game assets as primitives, then you can, you can kind of derive experiences from that instead of like focusing on the experience first. Sure. Like focus on the asset, the content, the pieces of content that are necessary in order to, I guess, like create composability with these things in the same way. Sure. Like defi apps can be composable to provide like a whole financial system. Absolutely.

Absolutely. You can do the same thing with games. They're just think of each content with all these functional logic. They're just components, Lego pieces too, like exactly.

A cohesive experience that can be deployed exactly. All over the metaverse. Yeah, I, I couldn't agree more because assume this table is your piece of land, right? You would deploy a composable game component into this land and all of a sudden that game component. can be a accessed through multiple metaverses, right? Yeah. And that game component can coexist with other games on that same land. Mm-hmm.

, therefore the landowner or the manager of that land, or whoever mm-hmm. can, can create a unique experience on that land that would encourage people to come and, and spend their time here. Yeah.

And, uh, and so that, that is the value of creating this abstraction layer because this enables new business models like for example, Making a game that is a completely distributed play to earn game. Yeah. Right. That, that can only happen in the metaverse.

Mm-hmm. and, and those game components of, uh, that can be distributed will exist in separate lands. Yeah. Separate virtual worlds. And the player would have to traverse different worlds to access different parts of the game.

Yeah. Just like you do, I guess. I don't know, like thinking, it's like, it's like you need, you need lumber, and then you need to get groceries. You have to go to two separate locations in order to do that.

And then all of a sudden now you can go to one location, you go to the next, you get your groceries, you get your wood. Now you're constructing, you know, a workbench, you know, at your house. Mm-hmm.

after eating. Right? Yeah. These are the sorts of, uh, different types of things that you would have to do in the metaverse to, you know, complete progress in a given. Absolutely. So, yeah. Anything else to derive from this tweeter? I think that was, that, that was like the big standout because we've obviously been thinking about that for a long time.

Yeah. Because we, we've, we've dealt with, uh, decent land, I think on the deepest of scale. Yeah. And because we've interpreted what decent land enables more than any other metaverse is the development of. like functional products.

Yeah. Right. No other metaverse we really dabbled with gives you that kind of, uh, freedom.

Yeah, freedom of development. Right. So from that we've derived, like this is what creates the most engaging type experience Yeah. That we've seen in the metaverse.

Yeah. Everything is just like spectator, spectator of uh, yeah. Spectating events as opposed to like engagement events. Like you can actually, there's interaction.

There's. Input output. Yeah. Because of all this stuff, right? Yeah. So this has to be like the prevalent user experience throughout the metaverse.

Yeah. That's what's gonna create the value later, right? So it's the most closely resemblant to applications of the internet, right? That's the, they fulfill the same user experience, right? That's when you interact with a. robust web app, you're inputting and it's giving you something of value in return. That's right.

Exchange. And that's what keeps you engaged. Engaged, yeah.

Like YouTube, any little input. Yeah. It's, it's using all that information to give you like the most valuable output. That's right.

And with the metaverse can enable this too, but all these like infrastructure components are, is what's missing, right? That's right. That. . That's what we're focused on and that's what, that's part of what we're focused on. Yeah. That's one part.

Yeah. Because what we really want to see is more of that stuff. Yeah. More of that good content. Yes. That engaging content, but it's just now possible right now.

Right? Yeah. Until there's a whole infrastructure layer that hasn't been created yet. That's right.

To enable that, so yeah. . It's coming low. It's coming lads. Yeah. It's uh, it might take a minute. Yeah.

And, and so I, I think all the other forms of interoperability are very good ideas. Yeah. They're just very difficult to execute on and even make it sustainable. And it's not scalable really.

Yeah. It's not right. Is do you think every game Web three game out there is gonna support every other web three asset? Like, no, that's not gonna happen. Yeah, we've already seen it. Evolve over and over and over again.

Like these standards are essential, right? Yeah. There has to be, we're seeing with the avatar ecosystem, the whole VRM standardization process, like Yeah. The communities of Metaverse architects, they're starting to understand like, oh, okay.

The way we make, I guess like avatar, ecosystem or economy, the most sustainable and like the richest, most robust that it can. it's to, we all have to adopt like a similar standard of creation for these things. Yeah.

Yeah. And, and I, I feel like that puts a hamper on like creativity and design. Well, for that, that specific standard is, is narrowed down to like a, a humanoid element, right? Yeah, that's right. So that's, that's where it makes it kind of like, uh, limiting. It's a limiting, yeah, but that's not to say at some point there'll be a new standard that's Sure.

Much less limiting. It's like four legs, , I don't know, four legs and two arms. Like it's infinite. Like you. . That that's, that's the issue. But that's how it always happens, right? It starts with something that's a.

Like less dynamic. And then eventually over time more dynamic features get added on, then new standards emerge. And yeah, before you know it, you got like limitless ability, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

All right. Well, um, teir, I appreciate your tweet thread. This was accidentally executed. Definitely pump out more threads if you got more thoughts cuz that that was very forward thinking.

Yeah, it is very on the nose of like what people should be talking about, I think. Yeah. And if you'd like to come and chat with us, just.

Talk out, you know, talk shop on all this like metaverse interoperability stuff. We'd love to have you come on and talk it out. Um, let's see, what else? I think that's it. If you guys have any questions. Please leave a comment below, like and subscribe.

Follow us on Twitter at the Block Runner at Meadow Zone io and at ROE v ai. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year, and we'll catch you in the next video. Peace.

2022-12-29 15:55

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