so now there are couple of things that I would like to highlight over here first the training is for you okay so if you have any questions any doubts if there's anything that you do not understand please ask end of the day please remember this training is for you and it is absolutely Paramount for me that you understand what I'm teaching you over here okay if you don't understand things then there is no point in teaching okay so I'll start from Basics I'll go very slow I'll explain every concept that why it happens and why do you need a VMV technology okay and if you have any doubts like I mentioned please let me know about it okay I am sharing my notepad window so that you know I can I can draw some diagrams and I can quickly you know show it to you okay so now we are basically talking about VMware we are discussing that you know how VMware can help you and why VMware is important this is basically what we are talking about so we will Begin by answering the question why VMware okay this is the first question that we need to answer that why are we learning this technology okay so my suggestion to you would be to learn the technology because it is in demand okay it is in demand it pays you I mean after you know about this technology you can get a good job no matter if you're in UK or if you're in India every day on LinkedIn you know you would find people uh you know reaching out and asking for VMware admins if you put a job alert on LinkedIn you would find there are so many jobs you know on every day that come up that you know that are asking for VMware admin okay and um these two things would also help you grow technically okay so it doesn't demand um you get a good salary that's important for every one of us and then you grow technically and then you can understand a lot of other Concepts in future you know if you're taking any training VMware Concepts actually help you to learn further okay so these are the three key pillars I would say that why you should be learning the technology okay now if I say vmw technology okay so vmw Del a technology got introduced in it was first rolled out in the year 2002 okay so this was the year when the technology actually got rolled out for the first time in 2002 okay however people started adopting the technology say about in 2006 and 2007 during this time people actually started adopting the technology okay now the question comes if you talk about a year 1998 or if you talk about years for example 2002 in 2002 there was no virtualization okay there was absolutely no virtualization everything you had to run on a physical machine okay now when you're running everything on a physical machine you are bound to run into some challenges you will have some concerns you will have some problems okay and this is every organization would face it you know these problems so it's not like you know one company would face the problem and the other will not basically every organization will run into these issues if you are running a complete physical environment okay now let me talk about what these challenges are and how would you overcome them okay so basically what would happen is let's say we are in year 2002 okay what I'm trying to explain you is that why virtualization came into existence okay this is what I'm trying to um explain you right now that why do you actually need virtualization we learn the concepts we learn the technology and the functionality but it is important that you understand that why is this technology relevant okay why can't we everything on a physical Hardware so when you get to know about the context when you get to know about the difference then you will understand more about it okay so what would happen is for example we are in year 2002 okay now in 202 there was no virtualization and everything you had to run on a physical Hardware so what would happen is you would basically call up HP order a server and then HP will you know basically ask you that you know how much CPUs you want or how many calls you want how much RAM you want what is the hard drive that you're looking at and then basically they will give you one physical box on that physical box either would either you would go ahead and install Windows or you would install Linux either one operating system you would install then you would install an application and that's about it okay then if you need another server you would have to call up HP again you get the hardware again and then you basically do the same thing again okay now the challenge with running a physical environment is when you have you know um any if when you look at any environment generally you would have something called as production environment and then you would have something called as a test environment okay if you have to make any changes you will prefer making them on a test environment to validate are things working okay okay and if they do then you will basically go ahead and you know do it in the production this is what you will do okay now what would happen is if you have a test in a production environment that means that you basically need to buy two Hardwares you need to buy one physical server in the test environment and you need to buy another physical server for the production environment now for example if your production server let's take an example has 32 ggb of ram then in the test server you also need to have 32GB of ram you cannot put over here 4 GB of RAM or 8 GB of RAM and you know when you do the test that will not be called as a valid test to make sure that you're doing a valid test you need to put 32GB of ram over here as well okay so what you're doing is for one application you have basically bought two servers okay now think about the number of applications that you will have in your organization there will be a lot of of there will be a lot of U applications okay now for every application if you are buying two servers or more than that that basically gives a lot of you know increased price to the organization so the challenges that you will run into is first called capex that is called capital expenditure So when you buy a hardware when you call up HP and you tell them that you want a server who is going to pay for it it's not going to be you it's not going to be me I mean it has to go from the company's budget okay so company has to pay for it and that is why you know it has to go from the it budget so the first problem that a company has is that they have to Shell out money you know to buy the hardware now when they have bought the hardware where are you going to keep the hardware okay you need a proper location to keep the hardware and you need to maintain that Hardware so the next challenge that you have is basically called Opex which is operational expense that is when you have bought the hardware after that you need to maintain it maintaining means you would have to keep the hardware in a data center okay you will have to pay the data center facility some charges then you would need to maintain a lot of Team you need to maintain a big team who will basically make sure that you know your servers are up so you have to hire a lot of folks over there okay so this is basically an operational expense you know to the organization to manage the environment the third problem that they would have is about utilization okay what is utilization so for example let me share my complete screen I'm sharing only the notepad let me share my entire screen okay so what would basically happen is let's say that I have a laptop okay or I have a physical server now when I check the task manager of my physical server here I get to know that you know what is the utilization of my laptop okay so what would happen over here is here you see that my CPU is getting utilized around 177% 21% 24% when you bought the CPU you were under the impression that you are going to use it I'm not saying that you should be using entire 100% but at least you should be using 60 to 70% of your CPU because you have paid that amount okay you did not pay the amount for the CPU only to use 19% or 12% or 4% no you want to use your utilize your CPU okay now the problem is on a physical machine how do you share the CPU let's say this is my laptop okay and I have a CPU over here if I'm not utilizing the CPU if I'm not using my CPU can I share the CPU with any other machine I cannot okay when you have a physical machine whatever the physical resources you have on that physical machine you cannot share it with any other machine okay that's the drawback that you have over here so if your physical machine is not utilizing the resources you do not have any other option or to share it with someone else you basically got to live with that so the first problem we spoke about maintaining a physical environment is the capital expenditure the second problem that we spoke about maintaining a physical environment is the operational expense which is that you have to pay pay the data center facility you have to hire a lot of folks Okay the third problem is utilization let's say that you have a physical server which is only utilizing 12% of CPU or which is only utilizing 30% of CPU what are you going to do with the remaining amount of CPU it cannot be shared the physical resources get locked only in one Hardware which cannot be shared with others okay and the last problem that you have with a physical machine is basically LCM what is LCM LCM is basically life cycle manager what does that mean it means for example we are in the year let just a random example okay let's say that you are in year 2017 okay and you bought an HP server now on this HP server when you bought it at that point of time for example you installed it 2016 operating system a Windows Server 2016 okay HP gave you firmwares HP gave you drivers and you know you were able to install 2016 operating system over here it worked well and you know things were very lovely at that point of time now you are in year 2024 we are almost in 2024 so your company decides that now all our operating systems should be running 2022 okay now your organization makes a decision that we are going to switch everything to 2022 operating system we are not going to run anything on 2016 that's an old outdated operating system let's get a you know let's get an upgrade okay now when you will call a HP and you would say that you know on this physical server that you bought in 2017 you would want drivers and firmwares HP will say sorry I cannot provide you drivers and firmwares for the operating system 2022 why because your Hardware is old okay for every Hardware that you buy basically you have a shelf life of only five years after five years you basically need to throw away the hardware and get a new one okay so when you have to throw away this Hardware that you bought in 2017 you will have to properly dispose it and for that you will have to pay the amount you're not going to get anything in return by giving this old Hardware you have to pay the amount okay and then uh you have to get a new server you need to do the installation of the operating system reinstall the application make sure that you know you restore everything and then you know you get it back online okay when you have to do this activity for a lot of servers trust me this is absolutely no fun I mean initially you would might enjoy it but after you know doing it couple of times you would start getting bored okay so the next problem that you have is basically a life cycle manager which is basically after every 5 years you have to throw away the hardware and get a new one these are the challenges that every organization will face if you are running a complete physical environment okay now what is the solution over here if these are the problems that every company would face if they are running a dedicated physical only infrastructure okay the answer to the question is the word hypervisor what is hypervisor hypervisor is basically an operating system or an application that can run multiple operating systems this is what a hypervisor is so earlier the example was that on on one physical HP server you have windows installed over here and then you install IIs as an application and that's about it on this physical server you can only install one operating system and one application now what would happen is you bought an HP server on the HP server you directly install the hypervisor instead of installing Windows instead of installing uh Linux what you are doing is you are installing the hypervisor directly and after installing the hypervisor you are creating multiple virtual machines and here you can run Windows 7 20202 Red Hat ubu Fedora and Cento so you could run multiple virtual machines on on one Hardware this is what hypervisor can do for you okay so hypervisor is an operating system or an application when installed on any physical Hardware lets you run multiple virtual machines and all these virtual machines think that they are running independently so Linux is not going to trouble Windows Windows is not going to trouble Linux they all will work as one big happy family this is what a hypervisor can do let me show you an architectural diagram you know to explain it further so let's take an example this is your physical machine okay on this physical machine what you do you install Windows over here okay and then on top of Windows you are basically running IIs as an application this is what you will do in a physical environment now what would you do in a hypervisor environment so in a hypervisor environment what would happen is you would have a physical machine okay on the physical machine instead of installing Windows or Linex directly what you're are going to do is you will install hypervisor over here okay and then you would install virtual machine you will create virtual machine install Windows over here install IIs then you would create second virtual machine you would install Linux over here and then you would install engine X then you would create the third virtual machine you would install Windows 7 over here and then you would install you know for example word or any other application that you would like to access so this is what your hypervisor can do so on one physical Hardware you are run running multiple operating systems this is the benefit that you get by running or by introducing virtualization in a physical environment you only have one operating system running on one Hardware here you have got multiple operating systems running on the same hardware and they all are acting independently this is what would happen doubts confusion question if there's anything that you have not understood till now please unmute yourself and ask guys please remember we are on a zoom call I cannot look at you you cannot look at me okay so there is no way for me to figure out that have you understood or not if you do not ask questions I will presume that you know everything okay or you have understood what I'm explaining you this is what I will presume okay so my humble request whatever I am explaining you if you do not understand any term any technology please ask end of the day this training is for you okay it is absolutely Paramount for me that you understand what I'm teaching you because if you don't then there is no point in teaching okay so any questions if anyone has till now please let me know Shri surj Rohit rul Raju Madu Kim Imran Arun guys you're okay with it any questions anyone has don't be shy hey uh from my end there is no questions uh I hope everything is fine great thank you Imran thank you for sharing that yeah thank you all right so I'll proceed now so this is what basically a A hypervisor can do okay hey Tommy no problem um thank you for joining uh yeah I mean I understand you know yeah we have to look after kids I also have two kids so no problem uh good that you joined okay so I was basically explaining what a hypervisor is so I was telling Tommy over here that uh when you run a physical machine and on top of that physical machine if you install Windows then you are basically running only one operating system and you are basically running one application on it now if you install hypervisor on the physical Hardware directly then you have the capability of running multiple virtual machines and every virtual machine can have its own operating system and its own application and it works independently so this is what the hypervisor or the virtualization technology can do for you is that okay with you Tommy okay let me know if you have any questions great thank you all right now when we talk about hypervisor there are many hypervisors out there like you know for example if you want to buy a car you can buy a car from so many different companies out there I mean you do not have a bottleneck you know that you have to only buy a car from this company and you cannot buy from any other I mean you have options you can buy from whichever company you know you feel like you know when it comes to buying a car same is the option with hypervisor you have got a lot of options available in the market okay the one uh we are concerned with oh that's nice that's good to know Tommy thank you for sharing so the one that we are concerned over here is from VMware so please remember when I say VMware it is name of a company what is VMware VMware is name of a company okay they have their hypervisor the hypervisor which is given by VMware is called esxi okay the hypervisor given by vmw is called esxi this is what they call their hypervisor okay now hyp esxi basically stands for elastic k x integrated this is what it basically means okay this is the uh this is what the word esxi means okay now basically hypervisor when I talk about the term hypervisor so hypervisor is only a term okay it is only a term and this term basically means that any application or any operating system which gives you the flexibility of running multiple operating systems this will be called a hypervisor so if you could run a red hat pedora yunu 2012 2016 and Cent OS okay so on one machine when you can run multiple operating systems any operating system or an application which can give you this this flexibility that will actually be called hypervisor this is what the official term is okay now when I talk about hypervisors so hypervisors are of two types okay so you have something called as a type one and then you have something called as a type two there are two types of hypervisors which are available in the market okay so let me give you an example or let me explain you you know what these are so that you know we understand it better so for example I'm just giving you a random example over here okay let's say you know there is an offer going on from any of the laptop companies that they are giving their laptop without the operating system okay let's say there is a company XYZ okay they are saying that you know we are selling our laptops at a discount okay however in my laptop you will not get any operating system no OS okay so there is basically no Windows 10 Windows 11 nothing all that thought you basically get Doss as the operating system and basically with nothing on it you you are just getting the bare metal you know the laptop so you say okay that's fine no problem I have a Windows 10 license key that I bought earlier I will basically install that Windows 10 over here for example okay so you buy that laptop without the operating system that's okay and then what you do is you basically install Windows 10 on a USB so you have a USB key okay you install Windows 10 on it you make it bootable okay and then what you do is you plug this USB to the laptop and then you install Windows 10 over here okay so when you install Windows 10 on the laptop it will get installed and then it will start working you know the way it is now to install Windows 10 you did not have to do anything fancy so my point is you did not have to you know boot the machine from a third party loader you did not have to download any additional file to make sure that you know Windows 10 gets installed you did not have to do any kind of a hack on the laptop to make sure that the installation of Windows 10 goes okay so basically Windows 10 is a complete operating system okay you basically make it a bootable drive you plug it to the laptop you install the windows put in the license key and you are basically good to go you can use your Windows 10 with absolutely no concerns okay why you did not have to do anything fancy to install Windows 10 because Windows 10 is a complete operating system it has all the files it has all the functionalities of a complete operating system okay similarly just like Windows 10 you install it on the laptop directly so the hard drive of the laptop had absolutely nothing on it it was a it was a blank hard drive okay and what you did over here was you basically installed Windows 10 from scratch with nothing on the hard drive why because Windows 10 is a complete operating system similarly okay the way we installed Windows 10 on the laptop directly similarly what would happen is let's say that you have a HP server let's say that you have a server it can be from HP D IBM Fujitsu Lenovo any company that you can think of okay let's say that you have a server from HP now when you get the server from HP it will have a hard drive okay let's say it has a hard drive over here and let's say this is a blank hard drive there is nothing installed on the hard drive no operating system nothing at all okay so what you will do you will basically install the type one hypervisor over here why because a type one hypervisor is a complete operating system just like Windows 10 wherein it can get installed directly on the hardware okay similarly a type one hypervisor is a complete operating system that gets installed on the hardware directly okay there is nothing that you need on the hard drive the hard drive can be absolutely blank that is perfectly fine and then you can install the operating system directly on it this is what you need to do okay so when you will install the operating system the type one operating system on the Hardware directly this is called esxi in vmware's language so in VMware when you have to install a type 1 hypervisor directly on the hardware so VMware gives you esxi this is a type 1 hypervisor which will go directly over here any question so far hey I forgot your name Kim that was the name that you mentioned can I get your name again Kim sorry what was your name please Evangeline Evangeline okay so is okay is it okay with you did you understand this topic yes said thank you okay great all right so now let's talk about the type two hypervisor what is the type two hypervisor and how does it work now let me give you another example let's say continuing from the last one you have a laptop okay on this laptop you installed Windows 10 now let's take an example I say that I want to watch a movie okay let's say I've got a laptop it has Windows 10 on it and now I would like to watch some movie now which application should I use to watch a movie movie you would say that you know there are so many applications out there you can use anyone and basically you can watch a movie okay I would say one of them is VLC you know VLC media player it is and uh media player you basically just go to you download it and you then start watching the movie what is VLC VLC is basically an application okay to install the application VLC you need an operating system you need a Windows 10 VLC cannot be installed directly on the hard drive I mean if you have a empty hard drive with absolutely nothing on it no operating system it is absolutely raw it is absolutely blank you cannot install VLC over here why VLC is an application it comes in an exe file okay to execute an exe file you need an underlying operating system and then only it can work it cannot run directly on the hard drive this is not possible okay similarly is the case with a type two hypervisor so when you talk about the type two hypervisor so a type two hypervisor is basically an application file it is an EXC file that you get okay so from VMware the type two hypervisor is called VMware Workstation if you have a Windows or if you have a Linux operating system on your laptop on your machine you can install VMware Workstation if you have Mac or or Apple operating system then you will have to install Fusion okay these are the products which are given by vmar okay let me explain you the architectural diagram then you will understand better on how it works so for a type one hypervisor let's say that you bought an HP server this is a physical machine okay this is an HP server that you bought now what you will do over here is on the server directly you will install esxi what is esxi esxi is my type one hypervisor this is a complete operating system that I will install on my Hardware directly how the installation will happen from where you will get the iso I will talk about it later not right now but now just think about it that on the hardware you will be installing the esxi directly on it okay once the esxi which is the type 1 hypervisor which is my complete operating system gets installed then what you can do is you have the option that you can create virtual machines over here so you would create vm01 you would install Windows over here you would install an application then you would install vm02 you would install Linux over here you can install enginex then you can create VM 03 you can again create Linux you can install Apache over here or any other application and so on you can create multiple virtual machines this is what a type one hypervisor will look like now let me talk about type two hypervisor so you have a physical machine okay this could be an HP server what you will have to do is you will have to install a Windows 10 or a Windows 2019 any operating system you would need to you would need to install okay let's say I install Windows 10 over here after installing Windows 10 I will have to install VMware Workstation what is VMware Workstation it is a type two hypervisor from VMware it is a an application it is not a complete operating system okay and then I would be creating multiple virtual machines over here so I would create vm01 it I would install Windows and then I would install IIs and then I would install another VM vm02 I would install Linux and then I would install engine X over here and then I would create VM 03 any operating system any application and blah blah blah this is what the architecture looks like for a type two hypervisor okay when it comes to running your production in production you would always be running a type one hypervisor okay this always goes in production when you have to do some personal learning when you want to La when you want to have a lab where you can play around where you can do some testing where you want to see that how the function or how the feature looks like you want to try out something okay only at a personal level not at the Enterprise level then you will basically go with the type two hypervisor this is basically at a individual level okay you basically have a type two hypervisor any questions any concerns when it comes to a type one hypervisor or a type two hypervisor anything that you haven't understood please let me know okay with the type two hypervisor the Opera system that you inst before the workstation is it just windows or you can install any Kim your voice was cutting out can you please repeat your question okay with the type two hypervisor the operating system that you install before you install the workstation hypers visor on it is it just windows that you have to install is it window incline or you can install any any operating system on the machine first so vmw workstation as an application can get installed on a Windows or on a Linux so you need either a Windows operating system or a Linux operating system as a base then you can install VMware Workstation and then you can create multiple virtual machines thank you no problem okay so we understand what hypervisor is and we understand that the type one hypervisor from VMware is called esxi okay now let me tell you a quick history about esxi okay um what was you know how it was developed what used to happen in the past I mean it is good to know about the product the the product that you're learning it is good to know about about you know uh it so that you know you know better so what happened was in 200 in early 2000 2001 and 2002 when VMware had to launch their hypervisor they were basically looking for an operating system okay you basically have two operating systems either you could have a Windows or you could have a Linux okay so VMware wanted an operating system wherein they could integrate their hypervisor capabilities so what vmw did they reached out to Red Hat okay and they told red hat that red hat we need your operating system because we trying out something new red hat said fine you want my operating system I'll give it to you but you have to give me money you have to pay me royalty so VM said fine fair enough no problem the VM started you know um they took red hat and they included hypervisor capab abilities at it okay and this was called ESX so when VMware released their first hypervisor in the market it was basically a red hat operating system in which they integrated hypervisor capabilities and that was called ESX okay ESX stands for elastic Sky X God knows why they kept that name but this is what it stands for okay now there were challenges with ESX the first and the biggest challenge was that VMware had to pay royalty to Red Hat so every time when you do an esxi deployment you were basically using Red Hat operating system in the background for for which VMware had to pay money okay they were dependent on dread hat a lot I mean if there was any patch that red hat rolled out you basically had to upgrade the ESX as well because it was dependent on red hat the booting time was very high if you power on an ESX machine it would take close to about like 5 minutes just to power on just to boot up you know that was the time it took and you had a lot of unwanted Services which were running on the product okay so that was the challenge that they had with ESX now they had to do something you know to come around with this problem so what did was they downloaded Linux so if you want a free operating system wherein you do not want to pay anything Linux is the option you can download Linux for free so what VM did was they downloaded Linux and in Linux they merged hypervisor capabilities so earlier their hypervisor capabilities was was merged with red hat now what they did was they basically downloaded Linux the free operating system the open source and there they merg the hypervisor capabilities now this is called esxi and then they started calling it as esxi I means integrated okay so here with the release of esxi BMW said Thank You Red Hat we don't need you okay they said bye-bye Red Hat we don't need you and they started saving money they were not dependent on red hat so they could have their own patches whenever they feel like the booting time significantly went low and you had very strict Services which are allowed by default okay so this was the benefit that they have with esxi if I talk about from the versioning point of view so ESX if I talk about released version 1.0 2.0 3.0
3.5 4.0 4.1 after that ESX was stopped ESX was discontinued then came in the picture esxi esxi was introduced 4.0 4.1 5.0
5.1 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.7 7.0 and
8.0 okay so esxi has been running since then okay this is the latest version 8.0 and this is what we will be studying okay this will be the one where we will be doing the practicals okay I started off working with this version in 2010 this was the first version I saw for ESX okay this is a bit about the background and the history of the product that we are about to learn so here I have a question can you share the difference between VMware and Microsoft hyperv now I've never worked on hyperv to be honest okay and I am not here to demean hyperv or I'm not here to say that you know a hyperv is a horrible operating system you should not be using that no I'm not going to say all that okay hyperv U is a hypervisor it's a type one hypervisor which is given by Microsoft okay however there are a lot of differences you know for example um um for example I'll say that you know every product has a monopoly you know when I say Monopoly let me give you a small example okay uh for example you buy a laptop okay and then you would say um that which operating system should I be running on it the obvious answer you would get is Windows okay when you buy a laptop and you say that you know I want to run some operating system on it out of 100 folks around 80 75 folks will go with Windows why Windows because that easy to use that's easy to understand that's user friendly it's not very complicated and yeah it it just works fine there are no challenges with it few of them would say that you know I want to install Linux I mean it gives you more functionalities it gives you more features you can customize you can do blah blah blah okay and then you know few would say I would go with Mac okay but the majority would say that you know I would go with Windows why because there is a monopoly there there is a you know there's a dominance of Windows in this sector in this market share if I talk about laptops and desktops you know Windows operating system by default you know get a monopoly okay same is applicable with hypervisor when you talk about hypervisors there are many in the market I am not saying that you know VMware is the only one out there okay but who actually rules the segment who is dominant in the segment this is hands down VMware okay let me give you a very small example um okay if you have a virtual machine and this is powered on there is a network card connected already on the virtual machine and let's say that you want to add a second network card while the virtual machine is powered on in hyperv you could do this in 2016 so you need to have the hyper verion version the hyper hyperv version of 2016 and then you would have this capability that on a running PM you could add the second network card okay in VMware I have been doing this since my childhood this is the difference so the functionality that they rolled out in hyperv 2016 in VMware I've been doing it since ages now okay the kind of functionality so for I'll give you one more example okay let's say apple we all know that you know brings out absolutely fabulous features on their phone okay let's say there is a feature that rolled out that apple rolls out now you want it in on your phone or basically I'll take my example I use a very basic standard Windows um sorry Android phone I don't use any fancy Apple phones now if I want that functionality on my standard Android phone I would have to wait for two or three years in two or three years I will get that functionality on that standard Android but Apple has it now that's the difference between VMware and hyperv okay so the functionality that VMware rolls out if you want that on hyperv you would have to wait for some some time and then you would get it okay that's the you know difference I would say um rest you can basically Google up to understand you know a lot of differences in depth but hands down VMware has absolutely a dominant player you know when it comes to running uh hypervisors uh in the data centers okay I'll move on now I hope that answered your question if not please let me know we can talk more about it okay all right so the next point that comes now is I need to talk about a term which is called sharing okay what does the term sharing means in VMware let me talk about that okay so for example I have a physical machine let's say this is an HP server now hypothetical situation let's say I have 100 GB of RAM on it okay now what do I do over here I basically install esxi okay so on my physical machine I install esxi directly on it what is esxi esxi is a type one hypervisor it is my complete operating system okay I've installed esxi and now what I do is that I go ahead and create a virtual machine on it okay and I give 25 GB of RAM and let's say I install any operating system I install any application I create second VM vm02 I give 25gb of ram I install an operating system and I install any application I create vm3 I give 25 GB of RAM any operating system any application VM 04 I give 25gb of ram any operating system any application my question to you is I am now planning to deploy fifth virtual machine okay with 25gb of RAM on it I am planning to deploy a sixth virtual machine with 25gb of RAM on it can I do this now my question to you is can I create a fifth virtual machine and can I create a sixth virtual machine and give them 25 GB of RAM I already have four virtual machines wherein I've given 252 25 25 GB 100 GB of RAM I have already allocated and now my intention is to create a fifth and a sixth machine guys what do you think would I be able to create a fifth and a sixth virtual machine what do you think please unmute and and just say yes no maybe whatever you think yes you can okay who thinks I cannot anyone thinks that I cannot create a fifth virtual machine I cannot create a sixth virtual machine everyone thinks that I can create the fifth and the sixth virtual machine okay yeah go for it Kim I thought you couldn't because you have already allocated the G to all the other machines from them host okay okay fair enough so so I would be able to create the fifth virtual machine I will be able to create a sixth virtual machine okay and the reason is that for example when you give a 25gb of ram to any virtual machine it is basically called an allocated amount of memory so this this means basically when you go to the operating system and when you look at it over here you have see on my machine basically if I talk about it on my machine I have got 16 GB of RAM okay but am I using entire 16 GB of RAM I'm using only 10 GB of RAM this is what would happen basically with every virtual machine so what would basically happen is when you give 25 GB of RAM on the virtual machines they are not utilizing that entire amount of ram someone might be using only 10 GB of RAM someone might be using 12 someone might be using 18 someone might be using 15 okay so end of the day it is esxi who has the control of the ram over here who owns this 100gb of ram which is there on my physical server it is basically owned by esxi and esxi is basically Distributing the ram further to the virtual machines as required okay so the virtual machines basically reach out to es esxi and they tell esxi that I need RAM so esxi is the one who is giving them Ram so the amount of ram that they need that is the only amount of RAM esxi is giving them okay so for example if they are using only 10 GB of RAM or 12 GB of RAM so that's about it that's the ram esxi is giving them so when you have to create a fifth and a sixth virtual machine the unused Ram that you have over here which is not getting utilized esxi will share that Ram over here as well and it can give that Ram to the other virtual machines and they can power on and they can use the resources because remember this is not a physical machine environment in a physical machine environment you basically have one Windows operating system and that Windows has the complete control of the ram okay if that windows or the application installed over here is not utilizing the ram it cannot share it with anyone because that's a physical machine if my laptop is only using 10 GB of RAM can I share the remaining 6 GB of RAM with your laptop why cannot because this is a physical machine in physical machine this is the way you need to live by okay so in VMware es XR is controlling the ram so what would basically happen is that if you are not using the ram esxi is going to give it to someone else this is basically called sharing of resources okay doubts confusion question if you have any please let me know okay now let me twist the example let me modify the story over here so let's take an example you have a physical machine let's say this is an HP server you have 100 GB of RAM now what you do is on this 100 GB of RAM you install esxi directly over here what is esxi it is my type 1 hypervisor this is my complete operating system now who owns this 100gb of ram it is esxi who basically owns the 100 GB of RAM okay now over here let's take an example that I create a virtual machine vm01 I give 25gb of ram I'm using some operating system some application vm02 some OS some application VM 03 some OS some application VM 04 some OS some application earlier in my exam I said you know everyone is not using entire 25 GB of RAM someone is using 10 GB someone is using 20 GB someone is using you know 8 GB and the available Ram that you have esxi is basically sharing with the fifth and the sixth virtual machine okay now I will twist my example over here let's take a hypothetical situation everyone is using 100% of their Ram okay everyone is using 100% of their Ram entire 25gb is getting utilized by all the four virtual machines now my question to you is can I create a fifth virtual machine give 25gb of RAM and power it on can I create a sixth virtual machine give 25gb RAM and power it on now what do you think can I do this Kim what do you think now anyone I think you can I can okay from where will I get the Ram this virtual machine needs Ram 25gb of ram I already I only have 100 GB of RAM which is already allocated to the first four virtual machines and they are using that amount completely okay everyone is using 25gb of ram if I power on my fifth virtual machine and the sixth virtual machine how will esxi give them Ram it does not have Ram it only has 100 GB of RAM which it has already allocated what would happen now what do you guys think just think loud anyone tell me what you guys think what would happen over here anyone give it a try I mean Max your answer will be wrong right give it a try go for it what do you think can I uh can I uh I have a question again go for it this is training for you this training is for you ask as many questions as you want uh no actually is there any question you have asked or else uh questions yes yeah my question is that did you get my part over here that you know I've got four VMS they're using entire 100 GB of RAM right okay now I want to power on a fifth virtual machine I want to power on a sixth virtual machine can I do that that's what my question is um yes we can hey your voice Raju is coming from a lot of you know it seems like that you know there's a lot of Eco come close to the mic we cannot hear you yeah so Iman if you were able to yes so from where would I get the Ram that's what my follow-up question is like uh we have ice cussy well through that we can get like RDM dis we can create let's say I don't have it then uh so we we might have a net app storage I don't have it then like uh there are virtual Ram something I don't have any virtual RAM and uh like there there might be thin provisioning thck provisioning options we and u yeah memory ballooning we can do good point okay I'll talk about these points later let's not go into that depth for now okay so basic answer is uh you guys are right I mean I was trying to you know just give you hypothetical scenarios that you know I don't have and now I don't I don't have all the other options basically what would happen is if you create the fifth virtual machine if you create the sixth virtual machine and you give them 25 GB of RAM what would happen is every every virtual machine will basically reach out to esxi and will everyone will say give me Ram okay now esxi does not have Ram so what would happen is there will be a fight for the resource every virtual machine will basically start sending a lot of will start sending a lot of requests to the esxi basically requesting for the ram Now esxi does not have Ram what would you do every virtual machine will run into performance issues so my question was can you create the virtual machine technically yes theoretically should you do it absolutely no okay so if you would want to create a virtual machine technically you can create it nobody's stopping you that you cannot create a fifth virtual machine or you cannot create a sixth virtual machine you can absolutely do it the question comes should you be doing it okay so there there comes the answer no you should not be doing it if you do that every virtual machine will basically run into a performance issue because everyone is now reaching out to the esxi and telling it give me the Ram es6 side does not have Ram how would it give it to every one of them so what would happen is basically they will there will be a fight for the resource RAM and then everyone will start basically running into a performance issue this is what will happen Okay so VMware says that if you are managing your environment you should not go above 80% okay so the amount of CPU memory Network and the hard drive whatever you have on the server do not go above 80% keep some buffer because you never know that which virtual machine might require Ram because we all know that you know when you run Windows operating system or a Linux operating system no one would be using entire amount of ram okay so that's this is why VMware says keep a buffer if a virtual machine needs a RAM for a short amount of time at least you should have some Ram to basically give that virtual machine okay this is the reason you should keep 80% only utilized and not entire 100% doubts confusion question okay now what we need to do is I need to talk about um installing esxi okay so now we will talk about that when it comes to installing esxi how this is done I would show you the installation we will talk about the things which are involved okay and then we will basically wrap up for today this is what we are going to do okay so let me talk about yeah go for it okay um I I'm going to ask if the exsi does it come with his own Ram or it uses the ram of the host so you would have a physical server it can be an HP server it can be a Dell server it can be any server So when you buy a server from the vendor you have to tell them that how much RAM it should have okay so they will have the RAM on the physical server what is esxi esxi is my operating system so think about like Windows 10 when you installed Windows 10 does it come with own RAM does it comes with its own Ram no it does not it only utilizes the ram what you have on your laptop what you have on your desktop similarly is applicable over here as well so esxi is only an operating system when you install it on the hardware whatever Ram is present on the hardware that will be available for esxi for the usage all right that makes sense thank you no problem okay now let me go ahead and do a quick installation of esxi and let me talk about that how we install esxi and what are the things that you have to keep in mind okay the first thing the very foremost thing that you need to keep in mind is that your Hardware should be compatible okay Hardware needs to be compatible what do you mean by Hardware needs to be compatible let me elaborate on this point so let's take an example you have your own desktop at home you have a laptop at home I have a desktop at home okay we basically decide that on our desktop on our laptop we want to install esxi absolutely if you try installing the esxi you will be able to do it there would be no problems okay the installation should go okay and everything will be great okay after the installation is done then you can basically create few virtual machines so after that you know if you want to create a virtual machine over here you want to create a virtual machine you can absolutely do that however when you have a problem when you have some technical problem with the esxi what will you do you will call up technical support engineer you will call up VMware and you will say hey VMware I have a problem help me VMware will say are you running on a compatible Hardware are you running esxi on a compatible Hardware or not if you say no I am not running on a compatible Hardware VMware will say no support for you and they will close the case okay so when you are installing esxi the very first thing you need to keep in mind is that is your Hardware compatible or not this is the first thing to check to verify how do you verify that is your Hardware compatible or not okay so for that what you have to do is you you just need to basically open in Google and on Google you need to type VMware compatibility guide okay you will get the first link over here VMware compatibility guide click on it okay you see over here it says what are you looking what are you looking for okay now here you have a lot of options over here so if you click on the drop down VMware has a lot of details that you can basically look for so in VMware whichever component you are putting on the server for example network card video card GPU card you have to verify the compatibility ility you just cannot put anything over there okay so with VMware it is an Enterprise application so you have to verify that whichever the hardware component that you are putting is it compatible or not okay so there are a lot of things that you can verify in terms of the compatibility what we are concerned right now is that is my systems and server is my physical machine compatible with esxi or not this is what I need to verify okay so I have this option already selected over here systems and servers okay now the next thing that comes is that which version of esxi you are about to install okay there are a lot of versions of esxi let's say I want to install esxi 8.0 the latest one okay now the question comes that who is your partner on which Hardware are you planning to install esxi are you planning to install it on NH HP server Cisco server D IBM fujito Alibaba Oracle Google which server are you planning to install you know um ESX I on let's say that you say that I am planning to install it on an HP server okay and then you basically say update and view results you can change this display to 500 okay and these are all the HP servers on which esxi 8.0 is supported okay so you need to make sure that your server your HP server on which you plan to install esxi should be listed over here if it's not listed over here that means that Hardware is not compatible okay let's say that you want to install it on a Fujitsu server okay so your Fujitsu server should be listed over here you need to come over here and verify that your server is listed over here in terms of the same processor is listed over here you need to verify if you see your server in this list that means your Hardware is compatible if you do not see the server on this list then it means that your Hardware is not compatible hey Tommy go for it you don't have to you know take my permission to ask anything about the question go for it Tommy you can unmute yourself and you can ask the question if that's okay with you hello everyone hello hi hey Tommy go for it listen to me yes loud and clear okay uh I want to ask you about uh compatibility we have on our company uh on our servers which is from HP and Dell and we have uh 6.5 version of esxi and we we will buy now about mon one mon or two month we we are waiting for that uh to buy two servers uh one friend of mine tell me that we need a uh special software like uh like backup software from V VMware to convert the old one uh virtual machines to the new one software because the new servers will be with 8.0 uh V is that
right so my question to you is the server that you have which is running 6.5 which processor is running Intel or AMD in Intel Intel the new server okay the new servers that you're planning to buy will they have Intel or AMD on them the new servers that you're planning I must check with my uh how to say responsible people for because I work in a public Enterprise institution and and I must check that what they need to what they plan to to buy okay and that is depend based on Intel on or AMD let me tell you a small story this will answer your question okay so let's say that you have two servers and here you are running ESI 6.5 you are running 6.5 this is Intel this is
Intel okay and let's say over here you have few virtual machines which are running over here okay now your company decides that you know they will buy two new HP servers here they will be running 8.0 okay and here again I'm taking an example you have Intel now your intention and correct me if I'm wrong Tommy is to migrate these virtual machines to the new environment yes that's that's right yes you can do this with zero downtime no additional software is needed you do not have to backup you do not have to restore with zero downtime you can migrate the virtual machines from old to the new environment okay thank you there is a functionality which I will talk about and I would demo you this I would do a demo for you and I would show you how this can be achieved don't worry about it so to answer your question for now you can migrate these virtual machines with zero downtime okay let's move on okay so I was telling you that when you're installing esxi it is absolutely Paramount that you have to verify that your Hardware is compatible okay so always keep that in mind and this is the way to check the hardware okay Intel to AMD whenever you change the processor then you cannot do a live migration then there will be a downtime because when you move from Intel architecture to AMD architecture these are two different architectures so here the here the migration cannot happen uh without downtime a downtime will be needed you will have to power off the VM and then take it to the other side and then power it on over there when you have the same platform AMD AMD Intel Intel then you can do it without the downtime this is big because Intel and AMD they do not understand each other no problem thanks for asking Raju okay so the next question comes I know my Hardware is compatible where do I get the ISO from I need esxi ISO right from where would I get it so before I answer that question let me clarify a term for you okay so that we are on the name page over here so we know what esxi is okay esxi is a type one hypervisor this is a complete operating system when you have a lot of ESX size in your environment then you have something called as a Venter Venter is a software component which is required for the manageability when you have a very big environment how do you manage it for that you know you have a component called V Center and then you have a component called a v spare let me answer this question what is V spere okay so think about it let's say you have a laptop on that laptop you say that you want to install word excel PowerPoint Outlook One Note okay you want to install these applications on your laptop what what would you say you would say get MS office if I have a laptop and I want to install all these applications on my laptop the simple answer is go get yourself MS Office install that application and then you would get all these applications what is MS Office MS Office is a bundle MS Office is a package it is name of a bundle it is a package and in that package you get a lot of different applications this is what MS Office is V spere is MS Office V spere is name of a bundle it is a package and in this package you get many VMware applications like ES XI V Center and blah blah blah blah blah okay so always remember what is esxi esxi is my type one hypervisor it is my operating system it is the one wherein I can run my virtual machines okay this is basically my hypervisor esxi gives me the capability to create virtual machines what is Venter V Center is to manage esxi when you have 20 30 40 100 200 esxi how would you manage them so Tommy said right now that you know he has two ESX size and they are planning to two add two more esxi so he will have four esxi how would you manage four esxi so you need a Venter okay that's a software component that you need and from that software component um you know you can manage it correct from a central position you can manage it and what is vs spere vs spere is a bundle it is name of a package okay so remember these three points any questions over here for these three terms what they are if you haven't understood let me know okay now the question comes that I have an HP server that I bought okay I verified with VMware it is compatible and I can install 8.0 on it okay where do I get the ISO from okay now let me answer this question for you if you open up Google and if you type over here V spere download and you hit the enter key you'll get the first link over here you open the first link go over here you will choose your version 8.0 okay and then you see over here VMware esxi 8.0 you would see go to downloads and then you would see over here here VMware es V uh if I can speak VMware hypervisor esxi ISO image okay now do not download esxi image from here I'm repeating myself do not download it from here okay so from where do I download this okay always remember esxi image you are not downloading from the VMware portal okay from where do I get it you have to talk to your vendor you have to call up HP and tell them to give you the esxi image why HP and why should I call them let me answer that question for you so you would basicall
2023-12-29 23:25