U.S. Federal Emerging Technology Public Meeting -- Spring '18

U.S. Federal Emerging Technology Public Meeting -- Spring '18

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You. You. Thank. You sir sir. Don't. You take another seat more on the inside so, it doesn't block the livestream. Sorry. Yes. I knew. You could actually slide the church if the, things aren't going to the ground that's. Actually one of the things so thank, you so much everyone, who has joined us here today. Please forgive we, we put this together usually, when we bring, together these meetings the. Interagency, emerging, tech meetings it's like 30, of us around the table at the innovation, hub at the National, Archives or, here. At GSA, and, again these are not this isn't like a staged production that, we put together on a monthly basis, it is an actual functional. Meeting, where, we come together we, share we raise issues. And. Then when possible and necessary we, put together coalition's, of, agencies, across government and put. Together working, with businesses, to, create solutions on. This which absolutely, there's, no shortage, of needs, on that but. A lot of times that can be very surprising to people because. A lot of this you don't naturally, see emerging tech on our websites, and things like that because. These programs in, a lot of ways and the amount of needs are advancing, at a much faster rate, that. A lot of times our organizations. And bureaucracies. Are used to so. Oftentimes, what happens when, we meet with agencies, or, policymakers. Or businesses. Out there people. Don't know, and, they. Just assume it's not happening, and it's, not that it's not happening and that there isn't rich and robust conversation, and programs around this it's, just that sometimes you, don't find, it from judicial, means like the websites of the press releases or things like that so. That's why it's so important, to us today to by any any. Way we can to really open the doors it's not enough to say that we want public-private, partnerships, it's not enough to say that we're working in. Different ways with businesses, and startups, and entrepreneurs. Or, working, together with, each other amongst agencies we have to show that.

We Have to open these doors and sometimes. Again it's not going to be the slickest affair, it can, be having to use lavalier, or, microphones. Like their real microphone Olek handhelds, and things like that in. Order to get it done so thank, you so much again for joining us here today and again just sort of set that expectation is, this is a functional, meeting and this is not just about us talking up here, you're, expected, to share ideas we're. Gonna raise questions and, also, if you have an idea if you want to start something offer, it, because monthly, we put on emerging, digital gov, the, action, items, and notes from all of this and again, it's actually funny this is actually our office where we work we had to move tables and chairs around right, over there is code gov, which, is obviously the home of open source for government and that's, actually kind. Of the approach we're trying to take to the emerging technology, program, is open, sourcing, as much as possible, so. Things that you should know about things, that you should be aware about you. Do know about you don't have to hunt for it you don't have to submit a for your request this, is information that you can use and you already have a seat at the table, there. That we truly want you to take and. So with that set in expectations. We have an agenda and, we're gonna go through things quickly some of these programs you might have heard of you, might have seen and, actually the next slide please we. Don't have very much slides today again because if we could have a giant, round table, and everyone. Have equals seating we. Would do that we, just had to put this together and again host it in our own office to open the doors to you but this is really a round table discussion so, we. Have a couple especially. Because Dylan from nest. Who they were producing, their new blockchain, report that's coming out we asked him to deep dive a little bit further because that's something that, we're all really interested, in of course and. Looking forward to that report but other, than that we're gonna have just placement, slides around topics we're, gonna talk and share like what the problem we saw was what. Are the solutions, that we're trying to come up with that are open to all of you no matter who you are whether a federal agency, a business. Academic. Outreach. Who. Whether you're civil society, anybody, has a role and a seat at this table so. Many times an emerging, tech it's easy to feel like it's somebody else's, game or, it's easy to be intimidated. By the terminologies. Or the processes. Of the speed at which it goes, every. One of you no matter who you are where you came from or what is your background is a stakeholder, in, this program, and these technologies. Right, now as again, always look to emerging digital gov, every. Week we're releasing new things on it and for, instance you're gonna go to the AI section. And there's. Just, placeholder, content, right now on chat bots and customer, service which is great but, it is a fraction. Of what, is going on and what we're doing even. Us trying to be as fast as we kind of opening this information, up are hindered. Because we need your help and we're, gonna share some of those opportunities but, again if you have a question, if you have an idea now, because we had 400 people sign up for the remote participation, on this is. Sound. As a real thing that's why it's important, we have mics and things like that so if you do have a question or something a and, if it's a longer statement try, to go to one of those mics which I'm told that are taped down to. The floor so nobody trips over them but that also means you got to go to the mic if, not you can come up here but either way we just want to make sure things are miked in for the people who are live-streaming, to, be able to check that out so, next slide please, and. Just again a little bit about this program and like how this comes together if, we've had for about a year now GSA's. Emerging citizen, Technology program, we, work with over 320. Unique federal state and local agencies work. With international partners, with. Businesses. Really. Anyone who's, a stakeholder, and again we've already established that everyone, is a stakeholder in, this, future that we're building in.

Order To build these programs. Partnerships. Whatever. Because there is no set, roadmap, forward on this. You're not going to see a plethora of guidance, of policy, of, basic. Understandings sometimes of what this is and it's. Critical, this is not five years in the future this is right now and right, now we're building it and so again we're, connecting as many people, from agencies, from businesses, as possible. But, it's not convening. Convening. Is just the means of it it's what we do with it and what we produce and, that, is only limited or you, know the greatest potential is just what you bring to the table and realizing, we don't need lurkers right now we, need champions and we need contributors, large, and small next. Slide please, so they actually get things going, and again we're gonna get in a little bit of a tangible here is. Pathways. To acquisition where's, Kelly Pippen from Federal Acquisition services. All. Right you know what that's, okay this, is the beginning here this is a confusing, she's actually came out from Fort Worth Texas so. She probably got lost somewhere in the hallways on her way to get coffee, but. I'd. Actually like to and. To kick things off I don't, know if that people have read the press recently or seen the public dialog about terms of service agreements, this, is an example now one of the things now we've been at gee I've been at GSA for six years and a large thing we would have to do is, negotiate, specific. Terms of service, for things like social media platforms. To, make sure that they are sound and you, know what I mean and up to the standards, that we're, bound by by law and standards in the federal government, the. Amount of complaints, I have heard and vilification. Of this is why it's so hard to work with government, and you, know anybody, signs terms of service agreements, why is the government making such a big deal over what they're using and what the what the legal terms are. Now. You see and it. Is something that just because we have to do a little bit more due diligence, at, something, that a long time people complained, about the role of government and how it's, so hard to do business technology. With with, government, because they have to negotiate.

Renegotiate. Terms of service agreements, you, can see this week right now why, it is important, sometimes that we have more of that diligence, and those standards on it and in fact if anybody's always interested, in checking out our Terms of Service resources. Publicly, just, go to GSA's, website, and search for terms of service agreements, we have a lot of resources and information on that but, that's just kind of an example and by the way has anyone found Kelly Pittman by this point all right. There. She is, all. Right would you like to talk a little bit about the project I would love to talk about the project so for those of you who don't know about pathways acquisition. Yet, it, started, basically because. Acquisition. Is really confusing, there's. Many different forms, and, I tried my best to, demystify, that for, everyone. In the emerging tech field, and, I thought we were doing really good we worked with ng8 just, gsa, and then we also worked with Jennifer's. Team we. Had some people from DTS. Helped us as well. Actually. I must apologize, we, just went right into it, this is Jennifer Hoover, from, Homeland Security their, acronym is vice venture. Innovation. And. Also she's co-chair, or. Organization. With our new venture capital, advisory, group which you are going to hear about in a little bit she. Bravely came up here to co-chair, and. We just went right by that so I can introduce, you that's. So. So please guys just. Say hello hello. Jennifer. Hoover deputy director for the office of entrant innovation, at DHS, and I will be telling you more about the venture. By a venture, capital advisory, board in just a little bit thank. You so much all right now back to okay. So, as I was saying we, tried to demystify basically. The whole acquisition, field anything, from challenge gov to, Fastlane, which. Is scheduled 70g. Wax. You, name it and is, everybody even know what those mean or you already get see this, guy right here I mean, Gary, small business owner is it. Really easy navigating. Especially. Emerging tech acquisitions. Gary. Just said he's not the right person to ask. He. Knows oh yeah well he knows because dairy is so supportive of this stuff but. Okay good the point is we were trying to reach out to those of you who don't know any, of those words that I just said we. Actually built a neural graph and kind, of slide and, kind. Of a chart this. Their neural graph so. To me this, was like very. Basic, way. To break, down acquisitions. We, realized. So. The point was to determine. Whether or not you actually wanted, to get on contract, or if you just wanted to do prizes, and challenges with.

The Government, so, it kind of led you through the different pathways but very, confusing, to those of you who do not know anything, about acquisition. So, we are now going kind, of back to the drawing board and we're going to do a journey map kind, of like the one that's on the wall behind you there, so, you're actually kind. Of well. You'll basically get, a business, so if you're an emerging tech company working. In blockchain, we'll start with that and we'll basically work. Through the process of this. Is the first step you would take this is the second step etc but, you're a cyber security company, we, would do the same so, hopefully, that will be easier, to understand. Than, this but, then we will also have this to kind of after, you get your your feet wet you'll, have this as well and I. Do definitely want feedback from. Those of you who have not done, business. With the government because. I am coming from an acquisition standpoint. So what, is confusing to you tell, me so. That I know and. I'm. Sure Justin will give you my email address yes. And this is all actually available if you go through emerging, digital gov again, that's going to be away but again the problem, is so. We're trying to create more, of a culture, of sustained test and evaluation, people. Like come and they say ok we saw that GSA did a pilot program, on blockchain for acquisitions, that. GSA's. Region, in New York they did a. Great, robotic, process automation pilot. But. Then we hear about it on panels, and stuff like that and the question is well where do we actually start, ok, I'm a program, manager I want to do a pilot or I'm, a small business, and I want to know exactly how I could provide these services and, that's, where it becomes unclear, so that's the problem we're trying to solve and in, the process we realized and this is by the way not final this is a draft we, found out just by trying to simplify, it and map it out just, how why. The this. You know the cards can look like they're stacked against, people because, it's so complicated. So. What we're gonna do and Kelly is leading this effort and we're just so glad for, the leadership of Federal Acquisition services. That, have been supportive, and understanding, of this need is really, journey, map out user you know create a whole user experience around, it where anyone, can see their path forward, and to be able to part it be part of that because we need new businesses, at the table, we need new program, managers, at the table this, is just the beginning of, that effort but it's something please take seriously, and please contribute to it because. This is just that first step yeah, out of curiosity those, of you who aren't feds who's, heard of schedule 70. Ok. That's good. Startup. Springboard. And. It's a fantastic, program yes, what about challenge gov prizes, incompetent, this guy knows it all they get him a microphone. What. About joint. Venture partnerships, oh. See. Jerry Jerry, knows all but, again is all these things are options, to you but, what, are the conditions, what oh you know what it based on your needs, how can you navigate that this that's what's really going on here and, so thank you so much Kelly for sharing is anybody else have more questions on, it. Can. Use them Mike oh yeah cuz you you're the actual closest, person to the mic yes. Guys. Like this guy to yell it no thank you yes. Where does 18f fall in his chart well it's, not. In this chart per se right now but. That is something that definitely can be added and you know actually a little breakdown people get confused sometimes about, even technology, programs, we, have just over on the other side of the floor the presidential, innovation fellows over. Here we've got emerging. Technologies, and you've got data gov, and code gov over there in between that whole row is all where 18f, sets so, all of us are coming from a different approach, on this, but it's all part of a thing where no matter what your issue or problem is there's someone there that's going to be able to help you and, work with you on and that's actually could be a whole nother presentation. Of how things all fit together but, put it this way when you hear about presidential, innovation, fellows and the, centers of excellence everything, is kind of based on this fourth floor here where we're having this meeting and not, something we're trying to work with too because 18f, they do have their own acquisition workforce I work directly in Fast which technically we're all part of fast now but. We're really trying to kind of merge that together and, work together so. If you do reach out to 18f, you can get to. Wherever it is that you actually want to go and not just be stuck with fast or 70, or 18f, you. Never stuck with any of those options it's all it's.

An Invitation. Awesome. Did that answer a little bit but, it this way the answer is we probably need, more information and, guidance to walk people through definitely, which is why we're here, so thank you so much for that any other quick questions, on this. Yes. I. Think you guys may. Want to consider is. Partnerships. Subcontracting. Companies who already have scheduled 70 and helping. Some companies understand, hey how can you just partner, with a company who already has a contract, there's. Some challenges, obviously you know it's it's not it's not perfect solution but it is one, of the easier solutions, yes definitely, and I'll add that well, those of us who have supported the federal government space understand, how to go to to the library, not many folks can actually navigate exactly. I know how. To even pull down the schedule, and. Find the list of folks who are there something I'll have to add. It's. Called GSA, e-library no, but I actually did start from just obtaining. A Duns number, because, that's some people don't even know what a Duns number is but, that's definitely something to add because if you don't know what GSA e-library is, then you, really don't know a lot, and well, we'll work on that yeah, and again and just to, wrap it up on this and thank you so much and by the way you. Can always reach out and that that's like why we're here yes is to let you know that these are the things we're working on every day and we. Want to hear from you and why have you be part of it is again, there's problems, on being, able to navigate, it's not enough that we can open it up and put it on a website, we. Have to integrate there has to be an alignment so people can understand, how things fall into pieces and that's what that's the problem we're trying to solve this, is one way we're trying to approach it if you have a better way if you have something else that's needed that's not being addressed come, to us on it because. We got to solve the problem, there's. Another question sir. Joe. Citizen help out with this that's not affiliated with the company are you Joe citizen sir, alright. So citizen should email Kelly, dot Pittman at gsa.gov, and, that's PII PPI in not, to be confused as basketball, player but. I did actually start myself, in, health IT I owned a small business so, I do kind of try to remember. What. That's like so, that I can help you guys but. Definitely. Email me things because, now I kind of take for granted the knowledge that I have and just, in case 500. People are about to email Kelly also. If you just go to emerging, digital gov, so, you're gonna find that there's list sirs that we have there's.

Some That are focused specifically, on government, it's just got to be that way but, we knew we had to open up more so it's been just a little while getting it approved but, we host public, listservs. Now and that, anybody, is able to not only get the information directly but, here's a thing I hear. People say Justin, we signed up for these listservs, I get emails, from you encouraging, you to participate the. Listservs are true way every. Single one of you can ask, a question share an idea but, what happens is because people get intimidated, a little bit by emerging, tech or they don't want to sound weird in front of a large group of people like I regretfully, had to become accustomed to as. They, don't know that that's there for them and it's a two-way street so you're, asking how you can get involved a go, to the website sign, up for that information you're, gonna receive more opportunities, to participate in, any anybody, out there will and but, also don't, just consume, it share, it I mean contribute, to it because that's ultimately what. We're trying to do does. That answer your question, awesome. So we look forward to participating, in, that for everybody all right, so just for sake of time I think we got a because. We have a stacked agenda, coming. So. The next thing is so we've established a, little bit of baseline I on this this, time of the meeting what we do is we're deep diving more, into some of the individual, technologies, and actually if Dylan wants to start coming up here from NIST who. They're working on their final report on blockchain itself, now. A little background on some of what so you're about to see not just with blockchain. But AI and robotic process automation, is. You. Spent the last year in a way organizing. People to prove and show and demonstrate the. Level of interest, and business need behind this what. We're starting this month is opening, up more creating. More individual. Regular, program, that deep dives into all these individual, things and, part of it so you don't just have to come here once, a month to hear about it, you're already contributing. On an individual, level so the first one we have blockchain, we're gonna have our PA AI virtual. Augmented, reality but. Our agenda, is based on your needs so if there's something not being covered and you want to start something you want to see something started, just raise your hand and, we can add this to the agenda but that being said Dylan, why don't you take it away and introduce yourself, sure. My. Name is Dylan Yaga I'm a computer scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and, I'm, the program lead for this blockchain, program and so. I'm gonna start, today out asking, you guys questions, instead so who's heard a Bitcoin. Who's. Heard of blockchain, I have. Know who can tell me how blockchain, works. Who's. Read than this. 880. 202 draft. Publication. Who's. Commented, on it oh. You. Finally beat Derry. Okay. That's. That's, bad. Makes me sad you guys new comment, but glad a lot of you read it that's good because, we don't need lurkers, we need participants. Even. Though hey it was was, all right would be good so um. Yeah. Disclaimer. Stands, this my opinions, not. Miss so, I'm, going to talk about just a quick overview of the. Meant some, of the work I'm, doing at NIST some of the standards work that I'm participating in, a few, key findings, and then some. I guess, time for questions so. Mister. 80 - OH - that's NIST interagency. Report a - OH - and blockchain technology, review went out public comment public, comment is closed and. Since. Most you've read it I don't have to go over all the content on it but it talks about some of the mechanics, and the building blocks of blockchain technology.

And. That's. Consensus, mechanism, for King smart contracts, some categorization, terminology. Some. Misconceptions. That we've heard of. Okay. So some. Of the feedback we got was really good someone, was really bad I talked, to some people at NIST. Asked. Them you know what kind of comments, did you guys get on your paper though we got 12 comments, and they oh 209. Pages, of comments so. I'm, still addressing them, it's. Going up probably, for a second, comment period after, they're all addressed because of so, many additions, and so many hey can you talk about this as well or hey. I have this misconceptions. Wait 209. Pages, of comments on blockchain, yes. You're, gonna need AI to help process that I, went. Through individually. And I replied to everybody, who commented letting, them know their opinions. Will be heard and that they will be addressed in the draft and so, that. Was a long long, time and, it, was only 30-day comment period usually they go out for 45 days but we decided to do a short one so we'd get some quicker feedback, and start going so version, 2 is, underway, and there. Are more sections there's gonna, be more of a focus on permission. Versus permission list blockchains, because I've got, a lot of feedback of, hey, this isn't really applied of permissionless, or a permission block chain you should probably distinguish, those two more so that's something we're doing. Updating. Some of the terminology, because again, we, were a little bit more focused towards permissionless, block, teams and permissions so we're just sort of making more general, we're, talking about more consensus. Algorithms, and clarifying. Of some more, concepts. That were in. This. Is all coming. From a, research. Project that I'm doing at NIST to develop an internal blockchain, workbench. For, our researchers. In the cryptographic, technology. Group and just, pretty much information, technology, or computer.

Security Division to, develop. Software and to explore these blockchain, technologies, in a. Production. Like environment, that's still internal, to NIST so we're, running off-the-shelf, commercial blockchain. Technologies. An internal, node, cluster and we've, purposely made them not work, with their real-life counterparts so, we can't get yelled at for mining cryptocurrency. And. So these are some of the projects, that are being proposed, or looked at so we were looking at identity or, the underlying cryptographic mechanisms, for, testing purposes, and, we. Have one person who wants to look at smart contracts, and if you can use combinatorial. Testing, that you can get a wider array of testing, on with. A smaller. Data set, and. This. Year so. I've been doing this through an internal funding, mechanism, at NIST and we got a second, year of funding so we're looking to increase Hardware. I got $60,000. For increased hardware and. Just, offer more blockchain, technology, essentially. So. Part. Of you. Know the S&S, the standards, so we've been working in a, lot of standards, groups. I'm personally, involved with the International. Organization for Standardization, technical. Committee 3:07. That's, on block chains and distributed, ledger so that's ISO TC 307, I will probably say that from now on Gary, did you know this organization exists. Yeah. Everybody. Here is something, in their life that they've touched so. So. It's. Made up of national bodies through. Each. Each country's individual. Organization. That puts them through for that it's, an see through insights at NIT in, the in the US and it, was proposed, by standards Australia and the. Next couple slides are. Just these, are the some of the countries that are participating then, some observing, mem and then. It. Started off with one working group which. Means they had a project that they wanted to do and then several study groups it's like we want to explore these issues so, the first working group was just on terminology just to harmonize. The. The vast vocabulary. That blockchain, has rolled. Out to people and that, actually started with a large, database submitted, and almost. Every term had about 50 different definitions, and they're trying to unify those so that we can have a common understanding vocabulary. So, that was the first one so the next slide, so. Then, the second meeting everything, got shook up some of these study, groups finished. Proposed. To to make new working groups we got two more working groups one on security, privacy and identity and, then another one on smart contracts, and so.

This, Next meeting which is in a couple weeks. Next. So. Yeah I think it's may may. Something may 13th, this, is the the what the thing. Looks like now so we've got three working groups and three study groups and we're, exploring all of these various concepts, here so, the next couple slides are, just talking. About the. Documents. That are coming out of these there's, tests. Technical. Specifications. Or technical reports the specifications, have some sort of requirements, or they're guidelines. Technical. Reports are just hey this is information, for you to use the. Next couple slides just all on that. So. A, couple. Of the findings that I've had personal key, findings, is, that people. Understand, blockchain, on the entire spectrum from people are like what is this - I have got a bunch of pilots I'm rolling out we're about to do another one so if, you, don't know much about blockchain, which a lot of you do because you raise your hands don't. Worry about it people are still catching up. The, next key, finding, is not everything. Can be solved with the blockchain regardless. Of what people want to tell you I. Know. Well there's only usually there's two things you hear everything, you'd be solved with a blockchain and nothing, can be solved with a blockchain right. And it's, like okay some, there's. Got to be something in between right, so a lot of people come out as hate I want, to I don't have a blockchain solutions. The wrong way to approach this you should be saying hey this problem, I think blotching, can solve it but. I've also seen the trend of moving, away from we have to use block cane - hey I think we can use block tape so the trend has been shifting, and then, block, chains are just one part of a solution it is a data, storage, consensus. Distributed, type, part. Of the system you still need a good robust, UI all, these things so just adding a blocking and something's not gonna make something better you. Have to think carefully about it and pros. And cons and figure out if it fits your use case and. Then, yeah these. Are my random personal, thoughts I usually include at least one slide on that. Block. Chains you know they're new people are putting them in every sector I feel. That they will eventually find their niche and settle in and then we, won't think about them they will be just they're, useful. Doing, what they want to do and. Everybody. Likes to compare blockchain to, the, foundation, of the Internet tcp/ip. Nobody, cares or thinks about oh my phone's routing all its packets RTP tcp/ip. And, eventually. You're not going to care that this software is using ball chain and that's what I feel to be truly useful and, found instance. That's. Awesome I'm sure there's gonna be questions on that and just a couple of things and I don't know Jennifer if anything it, was particularly resonated. With you on it but that, people eventually just get over it a little bit is people.

Either Gets really, worked up in one way or another and, it's clouding. What. Is just a responsible, management and application and intestine, evaluation. And so that's why I know for me when I heard that NIST was approaching. This it's, it's a again because the reputation, and the role that NIST has and to. Look at this and have these findings, I think, we'll definitely, have, just a significant, impact and, so. Thank you so much for also, sharing this before the reports, even done a gank is too often we hear about things after the fact and panel discussions right not. Just sharing from the source so thank you yeah like I said it'll probably go for a second comment period because of the all the new additions and changes to. It so the. People who didn't raise their hand for, commenting, you'll have a second chain. So, please, let me know even if it's hate we, enjoyed this that's good feedback to us I, know. When I was writing software for NIST a lot, of the feedback that I got was hey there's a bug I didn't know this company in this country was using this software nobody told me so. Feedback. Of all kinds, good bad is. Welcome. Yeah. My the way to everyone, out there if. You are online we have people solely dedicated to, looking at the questions online, including. Dan over here when we call Danny cash. Dan. You can come up here and use my mic. Dan, Amerika, Amerika Danna. Thank. You Justin. Wouldn't be a technology meeting without at least you know one tech flub here and there so, a few questions from, remote, participants, one, of which is from Bev Corwin, which, is that are these ISO working groups or NIST working groups they are ISO working groups okay thank. You and the, second, is from, Joseph. Rios which is when my workbench. Be available to other government agencies so that's something that we have had, very, early discussions. In, at NIST, right. Now it is very. Tightly. Controlled due to the IT, infrastructure. And all the IT admins they wanted to keep it as as small as possible, but we have not ruled out rolling, it out to other. Agencies or. Even providing the. Initialization. Setup, scripts that I've, developed to set it up in your own thing that's that's absolutely. Something that we can talk about so, send me an email I think next slide has my email or. So, yeah there yeah it's. An. Email. It's. Just my name at NIST Dhaka so it's pretty easy get, in touch and we can figure stuff out and by the way just in case we. Will be sending out action. Item and full notes from this meeting so. You don't feel like you have to screen grab everything or take, photos will, be sending out information contact. Everything again we're defaulting. To open as much as possible to get people this info is. There any any one more question or anything like that because I know that was just a lot that you probably might not have heard about before this. Is this gentleman here's one question. So. Thank you and I appreciate your presentation, my. Question, well, I know you're focused on the technology, side and the working groups etc, has, there been any talk about cross-pollination. With, other. Areas like smart cities, or how can be used in specific industries I didn't quit your list. Sorry. I am involved so quick, conversation, yes. So within, ISO there's a working. Group or I guess it's a study group solely dedicated to, use. Cases and verticals, and whatnot, so, they, they're having I believe a document, coming out it's just a document list.

Of Use cases which this technology could be applicable, there's. No working group for smart, cities per se in an ISO. Yet and there's, there's. Not been any official talk, at NIST about that that I know of. There's. There's usually, some talk about applying blockchain, to everything. But. We'll, see how things pan out. Awesome. Well thank you so much and again when the doors are always open to, questions, comments, they want comments, he individually. Responds, to all 209. Pages, of them so, just comment and tell him hello, and. I'm sure that would make your day nicer, even if they you know might not be the most efficient use of time. And resources so, thank you so much again Dylan for sharing and the, purpose is again is that not just in these meetings that every, month so, if we have over 320, federal, state and local programs, working in emerging, tech on this there is no reach of public services, where we don't have people at the table like Dylan, that, might not be in the panels might not be in the press but, are the people building and making, the on, how this is advancing, it's people like Dylann we need to make sure at the table and, that you know and ease in within reach he'll respond to anybody, yes, sir. Yes. This. Is going to be a long question we're going to need a my. Apologize. For the people on line we need to get you a mic because I can't repeat all of that. So. The question, because people are out there is what, do you do next. Everything. Be without there we care about you. Crying. I'm not much I've never been on in the public or in, the private sector before so I don't know, no and, this we're pretty open about. Doing, new research new things, they. May not pan out they made, an out I. Honestly. Don't know what say I'm. Sorry. So. The question was focused around acquisitions. And we actually do have a little blurb. Coming up talking, about some of the things that we're doing in one of our working. Groups around. Acquisitions. And procurement, in addition, to Kelly's, work so, not. Specific, to blockchain, but overall that will be semi, addressed, here in a little bit awesome. Well thank you so much and thank you so much again Dylan so. The, next section, that we had so again, we have a pretty. Robust, and a lot of requests, and actually, people asked level, of like what's the most we, get the most requests, the most resource, hits on blockchain, is the number one emerging, tech that we get requests, on and traffic, second, and second, is artificial, intelligence and. All of its things and yet one, of the things it's like we we've been spending a lot of time on the hill lately, meeting, with businesses, and all answering the same questions, what's, out there and. One of the people and I don't believe he was able to join us I don't see him is we had actually invited the co-chair, of the, National Science Technology Council, subcommittee. On machine learning and artificial intelligence, which, is a group that so. I sit on for for GSA but there, is people, and almost many. Government, agencies that are charter members that get together and. Work on and this is the body that put out the report preparing, for an AI future, that. Organization. Still exists, but you sometimes don't read about it online. And, so we had invited him here to share a little bit on it but regretfully, I believe, something came up so one of the things though I'd like to say a couple. Of things just updates, on our AI stuff, and, actually we have Nvidia in the room to. Which we're, actually looking forward to we heard that there's a new training and education, program, that. They're working on and we're going to talk a little bit more about that later, but, there's there's a lot going on in this space would, I and, we're trying to open this up more and communicate, that, but.

Again It's not that a lot of this stuff is classified it's. Just you're not it's just not on a website. And that's one of the reasons, that we're really trying to open. Things, up and have more events and communicate, those needs so it's like when Nvidia puts, together a great training and education, program, we. Can check it out and like we've got Vern here from, National. Defense University who's. Focusing, and really, helping us pilot, new training, and awareness program. So we're actually gonna go check out this week their. Work it's. A robust space but. No one seems to know what is going on from the outside and, again we hear that time and time again, the. Issues that we're dealing with and it goes back to Terms of Service in, order to use some of these online tools that are out there we. Need companies, to adopt new, terms so it's modified Terms of Service agreements. It's, what Google had to do Facebook had to do Twitter had to do back, when the digital services, we were using with social media now. There's, all these voice-activated. Services. And and everything that you are hearing about but, in order for the government to legally, use it, they have to modify, and make what's called federal, friendly terms of service agreement which, given what's in the news right now for. The first time we don't have to apologize, for that process, because it should become crystal clear to people right, now, why Terms of Service negotiation. Is such an important, thing and user agreements. And things, like that so we. Have an effort right now working, with our legal team and. Working with companies in order to negotiate those. Next-level terms of service agreements, to make a lot of some of these AI tools that are off-the-shelf, make, them legally, available to agencies, we, can't just rush and adopt it without considering, because like, even looking at some voice-activated.

Tools, This, is going to require new ways of looking at privacy looking, at security it's, things that even if there's a new Terms of Service Agreement it doesn't mean we should just be rushing, to embrace, it it has to be done in a smart way so. One of the things that I would put as our like a call to action is a when identifying. Some of these tools out there also, consider. What are all those necessary and, legal things that obviously, we need to do like. Terms of Service to. Overcome, chuh, of course we have a large effort going underway, launching, this month around. Identifying. And putting in the hands of federal workers training and awareness. Training. Education. And awareness and, it's not just the hard tech behind, it it's, also training, for non-technical. Senior, leaders for legal for acquisitions. All the, people in the federal and government space that if we don't do it and we don't ask. For it it's probably not going to happen so. Those opportunities, are at the table. That, being said again because we're gratefully the person who is going to come to share I guess the third thing of course is find out who your leadership is and who's, representing. Your government, agency, or the agency, that you work for in. Artificial, intelligence they, are at almost, every, agency, you, just might not know them, you should find them become their best friend, take them out to coffee and especially. If you have an interest or initiative, communicate. To that to them because, there is entire efforts, again to map out what's going on but it requires active, participation, now. That being said that's so that's our spiel on our end of it is, there any issues, or opportunities. That the group wants to raise around AI. For federal services. Sir. So. Thank you I had. A question I remember last year you guys had been. Instrumental in, working, on some of the the. Internships. At the State Department with result. With regard to blockchain, there, was a pilot, program. Right. So I'm just curious like with a Ickes I work with voice AI and, I. Haven't, heard anything, yet I don't know if you can comment on pilot, opportunities. Well. One. Of the things that we had done actually at the very start of this program, in trying to identify what. The level, of need and acceptance. Amongst. Agencies would, be is that we held a pilot for intelligent. Personal assistance where, we worked with agencies, in order to use their open data and to, create, things in Amazon, Alexa, Google. Assistant, and all these things that you hear. Reason. You don't see more of it as we are currently waiting to negotiate. Terms, of service agreements. Again. We have already proven, it is actually available in, the Atlas you can go for instance national, park service put. Together a digital Ranger, system. Is Todd Edgar here in the room by. The way Todd. Edgar is a hero wherever, he is out there and at the team because again the agencies, did, the proof of concepts, came to the table mapped, it out the.

Only Reason that you don't see more of these services, as we need to companies, themselves to, adopt federal federally Terms of Service which, again I'm not going to apologize for today, because look in the press and you'll see the importance, of why, we need better user agreements, in terms of service, so. The pilot was successful, and that, we knew this could be done and we knew that agencies, were interested, in it but. We can't do it without the handshake, being met and also. We're working with people like the privacy council, on looking, at what are the implications what, are what are some of those standards, that are needed working looking, at security, so, it takes a little bit longer but. It would the, row said I took the longer, path but it was worth it if you if you are a literary. Scholar out, there you that I just mangled that but that's okay I'm a technologist. So. But. That's that set is specific. On that we get a lot of questions whatever happened to that pilot we, it succeeded, an orange, and agencies, came to the table but, we can't go the rest of the way unless, industry, meets us on that and we get. Great reception on it it's just a little bit of a process sometimes. There's. Dozens of states that are part of this that. Know. And so our bread and butter for this program, with like we put up the federal everything's, federal federal federal because that's what we do but. Somebody. Has a dot-gov address, we, let them into the programs, because in. Order for any of these public services, to advance there has to be understanding, at the fate's federal, state and local level and we love, our local. And state partners in fact Epoque chain alone, Illinois. Like, we look, leadership sometimes, with. The state level it is a it is truly a large community that works together but, I put federal on everything, because that's our our customer, is federal. Agencies, but, we open things up so anyone can benefit from what we find on it and yes we do talk to when you see things happen at the state level, sometimes. We've shared with them and sometimes we're just a girlie like looking, like anyone else to see what's going on thank. You. Thanks. We did a pilot for the US Navy six, months ago and it went really really well, speaking. Of pilots how do you recommend. Us looking for other pilots, that other agencies, are doing because you know these are you know we wrote a white paper around it we published, it these, are some things that other agencies, might actually benefit, yeah. And. So to not not spoil the run of show we're. Going to be discussing something later called the emerging tech check which, we have just launched. We. Don't have anything out publicly, because the whole thing is because. Of the paperwork reduction Act we can't share it widely because we can only have federal employees, again our customers, being, able to respond, but, we've launched what's is the first. Ongoing. Discovery. Data call where, any agency. Can report that they have a pilot program they have a new resource they, have a paper they have an event coming up they, want, to have a pilot, they're interested, they have a concern about security or privacy this. Will go out to thousands, of government employees and every single month we will be producing a report based on that so, it's not just GSA.

Or Jennifer. Knowing, and having that bird's-eye view you, all will have it the way it should be. Just. A Justin do you have something on your website about what federal friendly terms of service means guidelines. Or best practices, yeah. Something tells me that's about to become the most popular website, on GSA, for a little bit yes, so if you go to gsa.gov, and, you search for Terms, of Service not. Only is there a list of all the platforms and, some of them are older I mean we had do this with MySpace, but. The thing is is that same process that we had during the age of of. Spreading. Digital services, and customer service and social technologies, through government, that, was a sustained, effort that takes resources and. Legal minutiae, and everything, at the table we're about to have to undergo that for the for the AI field, and for, any of these other fields and there's, more complex, issues, outboard, if anything. That you see about right now we cannot, take this process for granted, so I invite, all of you go to that site see what the process is there's. Templates, and everything up there and, you know what maybe that process needs to change maybe, it needs to advance just like these things are but, we can't do that without you so go check it out, don't don't, shut down the website but. Yeah check out the Terms of Service. Yes. Oh there. Is there there's robust resources there's both lists there's examples we make publicly available so. Put it this way if a digital service is being used by government, they, publicly, post their own federal, Terms, of Service but. They usually hide it a little bit because you, know it's. It's not like out there on their homepage but, it's all publicly, available if, you know where. To look at it so we hosted on GSA we also have templates, guidance, resources so, if you have a tool and you're like I'd love for the government to use this one.

Of The first things you should do is look at the Terms of Service process. I guess, that's one of the first starts and, that's actually what we tells a lot of these startups, that are coming to the table but you know how cool would be if NASA use this or whether, I want I want State Department, to use this start. With those resources on gsa.gov, Thanks. So. Actually, more of a comment there's, an open-source program out there called Mycroft, a I know, if anybody's work with them there's. A open-source, program, called Mycroft, AI the. People behind it are generally trying to sell you smart speakers but, it runs on Raspberry, Pi it'll run on a on. A Linux, PC. So, if it's something you want to play with without, commercial. Terms of service it's freely available just, Google Mycroft yeah. Alright. So actually we're we're varying and we're muddying, up a little bit because we're jumping ahead but that's fine because the questions and everything. Listen, so this coming up month and again I apologize that we. Had to change it up is we're, gonna be having forums. On a monthly basis, only dedicated to, AI so. You don't have to come here it doesn't have to be a rush and these, programs and initiatives again, this is going to be open to you there is going to be opportunities, to participate, we. Need more people at the table and also remember, that everything that I'm talking about is a sliver, of what's. Going on government-wide, a lot of times that's why it's called the emerging citizen technology, program, because, a lot of what we focus on is the citizen, facing experience, of it but of course now that's multiplied, into workforce development everything. Else yes. We have a question over there outside, suggest go into the microphone, that. Mics. Not working. Sorry. We have a question coming from up there yes well it's, more obey. You. Know speaking of federal and. Emerging. Technologies, and engaging. Citizens we, have a program we're from the State Department my, name is Asha Bay and that's my colleague Norah Dempsey right there or, from the virtual student Federal service team and. This. Is a one right way to you, could work with government, and do a, partnership. With, private firms and then, bring, in interns. To help with your project so if you're looking for help with your projects our, project submission period starts May 1st and it's open to all government, employees that's right around the corner that's, right oh you've got you got handouts, yes.

Awesome So I just, want to let you know because I know we have some from state here and. Awesome. And we're gonna send out your contact info and information, on that in the notes and action items great that's gonna go out to everyone and that'll be on the website okay thank you so. I will. Keep rolling, with this because there's a lot that we're going to talk about that directly involves, AI but. It's just not AI specific. On this particular one so if we want to go next. To. And this is just a brief update one. Of the things, robotic. Process automation, how many people are familiar with it. It. Works. Cost-savings. Speeding, up processes. We see. Yeah. Well it's automation, is it's being able to automate, no not necessarily, but. Possibly, there's. Also the ability of, like for instance Jeff, Lao at GSA, had, a pilot program, specifically. Using. Robotic process automation, and again it's like people worry about and they say they hear automation, and they think we're talking about replacing humans, with machines, but. What it really is is taking the machine out of the person, and empowering. Your teams and processes. To you, know not have to worry about so many clicks or so you know I mean some of the things that quite, frankly are the little things that add up but. If you can automate, them they, can quickly again, add up over the year to tangible, cost savings, and speed because. Agencies, are being asked to do more with less and. So if there's something, that quite frankly is minutia, that can be sped up we. Want that and then there cuz again that's the only way our PA is such a gateway to, a lot of other emerging, tech because there's not a single person who, runs the government program, that can't identify if. We could just move a little faster, on something, we could speed up and have cost savings, but, the caveat, we always say with that is, that. If you use our PA or any of this tech on a bad process all's, you have is a faster, crappy process. That. Is why the entire, thing we focus a lot on use cases and, processes, and problems, because. Again this, will be just a faster way to have, bad, processes. But, it is such an opportunity and, it works and so one of the things that we've talked about and it's tentative, right now we, don't have a date for it we're gonna have a GSA robotic, process automation, day in. Summer time in order to focus really, on, bringing. In it it'll be an interoffice initiative. To, focus on problems, to, be able to educate people, on it and this is also something that we know other agencies, are asking for, and so, while, we're developing our, RP a day if other agencies, or anyone that's interested in, replicating that not. Recreating, the wheel and take what we have and to be able to use it within your own agencies that's, really yeah I mean one of our big goals is shared services, I mean in all sense of the word cuz there's so much need, so the more that if we or if, you're doing something that you can share with us please let us know because there is a need in every government agency for these emerging, tech programs. And if, one of us does it well we should be opening that to everyone, to use and that's.

Actually The whole update so unless, there's any quick questions, on robotic, process automation, we can keep going, all. Right weren't really so I think I'm a little behind so again, and. So Kyle Richardson, is, out there I was. Not able to join us today so. I'll give his update really quick actually. VR, and AR was, one of the first programs we launched of the emerging tech program. There. Is significant. Need there is the creation under way of looking at acquisition, vehicles, for it of course who look at the DoD space, in, other ways in which this is being used for training education. Simulations. Exciting. Things around exploring, data and new ways the. Businesses, here the use cases over there we're gonna be starting now monthly, forums, and meetings and opportunities, in order for agencies, to share what's, going on and then automatically, get brought in so. We're again regretfully, Kyle who has really, stepped up he's, at firstnet. Focusing. On emergency, response and he's. Going to be taking point in helping coordinate those efforts you're, gonna get his contact information and again, the Ted the time is now for it is anyone here particularly passionate, about VR AR. Yeah. That's good yeah smart cities guy is definitely. In on it all, right. That's. The whole thing it's all - all this stuff is integrated. And IOT. Which, isn't even on the agenda is, that, we treat these things like separate animals and separate islands, these are not this is Co integrated. Development, we, just need to better align our technology. Services, in such a way to meet that so, that being said if there's not more comment on it you're gonna have all the opportunities, you want starting this month to deep dive into virtual, and augmented reality and, there's a whole community there, waiting for you, nextslide. Yes. So everything, that we just went through we're actually going to the next section are individual. Things that we are now going to start having regular, monthly, programming. In. Always, and, it's going to be based on defined needs and who comes to the table but it requires, you. Coming, to the table this. Stuff cannot, be led just, from within GSA or, DHS. Or any of us individually. Every. Time you see something up here there's a seat at the table for you and we need you to step up and that's, the only way and actually that gets into this project right here is when, we talked about what is it gonna take to create and sustain both. Public, and industry. Engagement. Around all, these emerging, technologies that, are changing so fast developing. Fast how. Are we gonna do it and somebody said flippantly they're like that's literally, gonna take like a hundred people. But. What, choice do we have this, is necessary, I mean you're here today for this so obviously you believe it so.

We, Call it the hundred federal leaders. Initiative where, we're formally, going to need people that, are in offices, programs. Different, skill sets different areas, around government, to formally, step up and take on leadership and coordination rules, to, help make sure that these opportunities, exist, continuously. This. Could be sometimes someone. Could give a lot sometimes someone. Could give a little or not at all for a couple months but. If we all work together on, this we will have sustained, continuous, test evaluation. Programming. Education. Awareness, really. Everything, down the board but it only happens, when we all work together and, so there's. A challenge other than why Jennifer like Jennifer and her teammate, Molly we, talked about the need for venture, capital relationships. Better they. Just said well let's co-chair, a venture capital advisory, group and invite people to. That table which you're gonna get into was. This a difficult process. No, it wasn't a difficult process so. Let's. Roll, back to school let's, roll back so, we have our emerging, citizen Technology, Council of once and and it's open only to federal people, and if you want to get involved in that either all of you out there or if you're in the room and you're a federal employee it's. Once a month Justin sends it out and then quarterly, we open it to the larger group like we have today out. Of, that meeting came a number of specific initiatives. And we're gonna go through each of the initiatives that we, have, thought. Of so. Far in. Just a few minutes and there are people who are sort of leading the initiatives, and my, colleague Molly and I have taken. On the venture advise venture. Capital advisory, group which I'll talk about in a couple minutes but we have others that we're gonna go through and that's, kind of where this is so we're where we, don't have time for the, hour and a half that we've allotted to, talk about all these things in, any kind of depth so, that's the purpose of the individual, groups to be able to figure.

Out What our outcomes are what we want to do in that particular, space and then come back to the larger group on a monthly basis, to really kind of give a high level update. Yeah. And that's part of it is everything that you see here are things that were proposed. At this, meeting you just the previous one and then, we sent it out to agencies and say let's organize, around this and do it so, a lot of what these meetings are going to be again is people can raise ideas, talk there's a lot of sharing going on this one because this is the first public meeting that we've had so, we're gonna have to share with you a bunch of this stuff and answer questions, on it but, going forward once you already know this exists, we're hoping you come to the table with, ideas, on initiatives, and then, we can put together partnerships. To do it because, we're doing this continuously this, isn't going away this isn't a finite thing this is the new norm for, how we're going to be doing business. And. So, we invite you to that and, hopefully again. You can start and seeing that you can shape the future of, our. Technology, programs in, the federal government, because we absolutely need, it and, before, actually we get into the emerging tech check because a verne does. Have to go because she is a busy lady but. Vernet National Defense University and. We've been having because who, hasn't, heard that. Education. Training and awareness and, emerging technology, for, fed agencies, is needed more did, anybody not think that was an issue or a problem see. He's smiling, he knows it's, a problem it's. Not a problem it's an opportunity, and so again what we want to do is to be able to to work with companies see. What is the absolute best that is out there and then seeing how it could be applied because it's not just the hard tech we need it's, greater, literacy. In general, and everyone. To see how their stakeholders. And we love coming to National Defense University in, order to talk about advancements, and tech programs, so, Vern has stepped up to help us start piloting a new program, and opportunities, maybe you could introduce and talk. Hi.

Everybody, Yeah, I'm Vern went as Justin said and coming. From the National Defense University I've been teaching there for nine years now and I've been teaching in the emerging technology, space from seven, of those, nine years also. Social media so pretty well-versed in the in the social. Social. Digital technologies. As well I will, tell you when I started teaching, digital. All. The emerging technologies, the, big things we talked about or, cloud, computing. Big. Data analytics. And. A. Little bit on social media as well I will. Tell you what we're talking about now is blockchain. Everything, we're talking about now artificial, intelligence. Blockchain. I will, tell you the questions my students are asking her about are, cloud. Computing. Big. Data analytics and, how, do we make sure that I can can, get some better information about my organization so you have to kind of look at see where, we are in this space as well as far as the federal government goes so we do have the challenges, of the. Acquisition, we do have the challenges of the Terms of Service we also have the challenges of security, piece you know those are those are opportunities as, Justin. Talks about so what, I room. For growth absolutely. So. We're. What I see here is not is, yes, about the technologies but yes also about all those other pieces that how can we move government, forward to provide. The best citizen. Engagement that we possibly can and actually to provide a better government, product, in general so. So. I just. Knew to taking over this over. And happy, to take on anybody, who wants to be part of this space but there are kind of three different areas, that I'm looking at as far as, you. Know general purpose look areas the. De mystifying, piece it's the what is it let's general education, everybody let's let's figure out what works as far, as understanding, yea. AI is really not about killer, robots, well it could be but that's DoD, okay um but. I. Got. A laugh over there. Okay. Legal. Autonomous, weapons systems, is the official name of the robots and there's always a human, in the loop that is the United States as stance and the United States as stance has not changed, so if you want to you want to tweet me it's legal, automated.

Weapon Systems and humans, are in the loop anyway. So. That's. Not working they're gonna quote anyway um so, and then the other piece is like um, so, number one the do me mystification, piece of it number two the common ground piece of it so, happy that justin talked about the fact that that it is, an, overlap, of these different technologies, it is an overlap of these different skill sets it is an overlap of a team that you're gonna need to work out so, where is the common ground that we need to educate and train people on how can. We work that out um so in and, so perhaps the third thing that we could do is is create. Power educators. Or power trainers, and and that's going to be a combination of both federal and. Industry. Because industry. Is going to have the expertise, on the act

2018-04-12 14:00

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Just wanted to thank Emerging Citizens Tech office for hustling space out of their corner of the beautiful GSA building to allow 100 peeps the opportunity to participate in person. I'm impressed with the amount of work you are pushing out. This is what I got out of the meeting as a public member. I'm interested in Blockchain as a social justice tool. Dylan Yaga of NIST said there would be a second round of commentary on their Blockchain #8202 work, to be announced later. I downloaded the first draft and am digesting it: 2nd Round Commentary TBA ... Draft NISTIR 8202 https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/nistir/8202/draft Dylan also posted these URLs regarding BlockChain which helped me out: ISO TC 307 ... www.iso.org/committee/6266604.html INCITS ... standards.incits.org/a/public/group/blockchain IEEE Blockchain Initiative ... blockchain.ieee.org/ The other agenda items were less juicy with details and questions from the audience weren't really answered, but not for lack of trying or sincerity. Their giant ball of emerging tech is massive and this small office is holding it all up like Atlas and the globe. Stay fast. The big takeaway for me is this, if you're a federal manager then partner up now with this office. Volunteer now to help out because four major areas of tech (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Robotic Processes, Virtual/Augmented Realty) are percolating behind the facades of hundreds of weakly searchable government websites. 50 empty seats in this meeting means there is a great chance to be a part of cutting edge tech, and the cutting edge of discussing that tech. This could be the networking opportunity of your federal career especially if your current career path is limited. If you're a business looking for answers, then sit tight, keep monitoring, capture names and emails and you will get your answers eventually. Meanwhile, get a team together to make your Terms of Service malleable so you don't get bogged down when the Feds need a change of terms. Companies are already bogged down by this requirement. You'll need time to learn pathways to acquisition anyway. This is a solid group of people from different agencies. Stay fast. Pitch in.

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