Transform your enterprise with the HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform

Transform your enterprise with the HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform

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so [Music] good morning everyone so how are you all doing great very good okay so in the next few minutes we will talk about the hpe Green Lake Edge to Cloud platform in the last two days you heard from Antonio from fidelma the future Enterprise is going to be Edge Centric cloud enabled and data driven 70 percent of the workloads today are outside public cloud 50 percent of the data resides at the edge and if you look at the Enterprises whether it is in financial vertical manufacturing retail whichever may be the vertical all Enterprises want to derive insights out of data and they want to provide differentiated products and services to their customers and Delight their customers continually so using data is of great importance for all of these customers so in order to do this of course they will have to deal with a hybrid multi-cloud deployments when you ask these Enterprises they say that hybrid cloud is a rule not an exception so let's look at an example of a customer this is a global retail company they have a hybrid multi-cloud deployment hundred thousand employees worldwide thousand locations 500 applications to serve their own employees their suppliers their customers and partners out of the 500 they have 100 of those applications running in two public clouds they have 10 000 servers in their Edge locations data centers and some of those data centers are in co-location facilities they also have private cloud deployments and in their Branch sites and data centers they have 2000 switches 100 000 access points some of them in their storefront locations as well and in their data centers there are 200 storage arrays this is a complex deployment a huge deployment that a customer need to worry about so how do they manage the complexity first of all what are the complexities that show up in this type of an environment to build manage and operate all of the infrastructure the applications to provide what the their customers need and their partners are looking for so let's look at the complexities the complexities come from the environment the disparate infrastructure the workloads and applications that they need to run in this hybrid multi-cloud which is heavily distributed and these applications can be running on bare metal servers VMS containers and they need to manage using tools across this hybrid multi-cloud and lack of visibility because of this distributed nature visibility is an issue and lack of visibility leads to inconsistent operations I'm sure you all must have faced situations where the customers are blaming the ID your own internal engineering is blaming the I.T because something is not available so the it operations want to recover from these situations much faster and as a CIO I'm sure the cios faced this issue day in day out the budgets are getting thin they are stripped down and they have been asked to sign checks they don't know where the employees have deployed their workloads how much infrastructure is already in use how much infrastructure is to be deployed so this becomes a costly affair now this distributed infrastructure leads to cyber security risks as well cyber security is important for every Enterprise this can cost money this can cost downtime also cost reputation risk as well and sometimes not all the time sometimes it gets blamed for not providing the infrastructure and operations in a faster manner to deliver Innovations to the end customers and many workloads cannot move to public cloud and to operate those Legacy workloads you need the skill set you need people with those skill sets and sometimes this can cause risk to you know providing again best service to their own end customers so how do we solve all these challenges this is not one and done and these challenges keep evolving so how do we solve these issues this is where the Green Lake hpe Green Lake Edge to Cloud platform comes into picture so if you look at the platform this is designed for distributed Enterprises to solve exactly the complexities we just saw in the previous uh picture the Green Lake Edge to Cloud platform as a foundation is a one place where the customers can Avail all the services networking storage compute workload orchestration Services whether they want to deploy in a VM or a container or a bare metal fashion all of those are available to the customers and when they deploy again I would like you all to remember the first use case that we talked about this large Global retail company of course they are generating a lot of data so how to manage the data across this disparate and distributed infrastructure that's where the data Management Services come into picture and once the data is all available how to derive insights what other analytics can we derived what other insights can be derived out of that data so we ourselves have all these infrastructure generated data which we leverage to provide the cloud services on the top and we'll talk more about the services but the platform itself you know when you want to run all these Services you want to make sure that the platform is secure it is compliant you know different geographies different customers require different compliance um requirements come up and the platform is secure and compliant also these Services can be leveraged by customers on their own or they can use the hpe managed services or the partners offering the managed Services as well so all of this is possible and this platform is open so not only hpe can provide the services but we are also going to create an ecosystem to bring those Innovations for the hybrid multi-cloud customers so let's unpack the platform and the services a little bit so I'm just showing three layers here I've condensed the layers a little bit the bottom layer is the hpe Green Lake platform on top of the platform we offer infrastructure and workload services I'm sure you heard and you also watched the demos on the show floor regarding the networking Services provided by Aruba Central data Ops management for managing your storage infrastructure and in the storage land we have services like backup and Recovery block as a service Disaster Recovery where you can also in a backup and Recovery as an example you can recover your you know data into a public Cloud so those are all possibilities that exist in this particular layer infrastructure and workload services and you just heard um or in the keynote about the private Cloud Enterprise and private Cloud Business Edition for workload orchestration and those are all the services available for managing the infrastructure now when you have again and again go back to that use case example the the breadth of that infrastructure when deployed on this platform we have the Telemetry data the events data the logs information and that can be used to derive insights so I'm here showing one example where using that insights the customer can derive sustainability information carbon footprint or the power utilization across that worldwide deployment now the same logic can be applied to other services in the top layer which is the value added Services layer the observability take that as an example we talked quite a bit about Ops ramp in the last two days we acquired op Slam in March of this year to provide I.T operations management capability on the platform with Ops Ram we have visibility into multi-vendor infrastructure as well across multi-cloud and on-prem so these are the kind of services that make the platform suitable for the Enterprises and relieve them off of that complexity that we discussed before so this is how the the console of the Green Lake platform looks like where the customers can go and Avail any of the services now when they when they Avail these Services of course they want a consistent experience because it's all coming from hpe platform so when you look at the platform and the services what we are delivering is a consistent end-to-end experience for our customers and also for the partners so essentially when a customer logs in to the platform they create a workspace so think of this as a day Zero to Day N Journey Day Zero they create a workspace into which they can now bring in all of their devices subscriptions enable all of their services remember we talked about visibility now when you look at this kind of an arrangement a customer will easily be able to track where are the devices deployed worldwide how many devices are active how many devices are inactive and to be activated how many subscriptions did I use when do I need to renew all that information is visible for the customer not just across networking they are able to look at this across networking storage compute and all other cloud services as well so that is the workspace which gives that does that magic now once you are in that workspace the customers can look at before buying they may want to look at a demo of a particular product or look at trials and evaluations that is all possible on the platform subscriptions again I mentioned about subscription management and device management and onboarding so imagine again that footprint we talked about 100 000 APS you want a very easy onboarding experience with those APS when you have 10 000 servers or twenty thousand servers you want your onboarding experience need to be very quick and easy so we provide that sort of an onboarding experience on the platform for our customers looking at your inventory is again possible because it's all happening in one single place consumption analytics this is not just across the on-prem but also we are able to get the data from multi-cloud and show it across hybrid multi-cloud when you have of course an infrastructure like this at this scale problems will happen this is life so when problems happen you want ability to look at which site is under issue where is the criticality and how you want to fix it that is what we provide through the health dashboard and through the Predictive Analytics again remember we have so much data it's all Consolidated at the platform and we have so much visibility that we can give predictive way of creating cases so that is how we are able to provide case management if you look at all of this journey day 0 to day n not for one service but for every service that is coming on the platform just imagine how your life can be made simple that is the power of the platform that is what we are achieving with this journey to one that you have heard many many times so now let's again look at this customer example ah we discussed about the complexities we discussed about what the platform enables when this customer uses this platform now they're able to bring on the various infrastructure Services the cloud services so they can manage build manage operate in a consistent manner across this distributed infrastructure so this is the value that we are bringing to the customers and again because it's a one single place that we are enabling these services and this platform is open so the Innovations can come from hpe or through our partners and ecosystem that will be made available on the platform so I think this is I am truly excited what the platform can offer because when you look at different vendors or the public clouds they solve all of these problems in their own environment no one is focused on how to solve these problems in a hybrid multi-cloud environment which is what we are trying to achieve with the hpe Green Lake Edge to Cloud platform so that is the value we bring to bear now I would like to invite um some of our customers to share their thoughts on uh what the platform is offering for them so with that let me bring Jonathan knob to the stage to share what is uh Verizon business doing with our Green Lake Cloud platform please welcome Jonathan [Music] thank you thank you for inviting me welcome this great event and I was here I think about two months ago actually at atmosphere 23 so I I had to wear a little bit of color here and not only because of that but also because Aruba Central is a key part of what we're involved in at Verizon excellent excellent so Verizon is a household brand name I use Verizon as well so can you tell us a little bit about Verizon business and what do they do sure yes I'm part of Verizon business Verizon business does about 31 billion in Revenue in 2022 which is about 23 percent of overall Verizon revenue for the year they service about or provide services to about 99 of the Fortune 500 countries uh our companies around the world many countries and then also for myself I'm in the product Management Group in Verizon business focused on managed Services particularly a few data points few more data points about Verizon business they provide connectivity Services both Wireless Wireline you know even to other carriers Enterprises Etc they're big managed communication Solutions provider and they're also a very well-known you know security provider on the global front myself I'm in product management I focus on strategy uh focused on developing our campus strategy I work with network transformation Solutions designing Solutions productizing them taking them from inception to to launch and then also been focused on zero trust architectures is that's another key uh important topic today yeah excellent so that's a massive size Verizon business so maybe you can give us some examples of the types of customers Verizon business serves and what are their challenges sure um well you you put up a list of verticals up there I was going to have a similar list uh some of the big ones and I kind of put them in the list I think in terms of the ones that I'm focused on I guess as I'm talking today it's more of you know what area am I focused on it's medium to large scale Enterprises typically for the managed Services when we first design and build them then we scale them down but retails is a is a big vertical Finance manufacturing Healthcare Transportation Hospitality these are all key verticals that we're focused on so so the example that I showed before does that resonate do you see that kind of environments yes very much we'll have we'll have an example of one of our customers that is similar excellent excellent um and also uh I guess from a challenge person you asked me about the challenges right yeah so I there's many challenges but I looked at this from a perspective of you know high level what are the real you know big picture challenges that that enterprises are facing we as a provider need to solve those challenges uh using the tools that HP are providing for us so uh digital transformation I think is the Big Challenge it's been there for some years now you know IDC said in 2019 that uh you know as Enterprises are uh attempting to do digital Transformations becoming very clear it's becoming plain that without network transformation there will be no digital transformation so that was a key Point Network transformation is is foundational to digital transformation on the second point on cyber security uh more recent 2023 here beginning of the year the world economic Forum met and they published a great report on cyber security they interviewed the Cyber Security leaders from all over the world in the top two uh answers to the question of you know if what uh what initiatives could Enterprise take over the next 12 months it would have maybe the most positive impact on their cyber security strategy the first point that they made was to do more cloud-based Services okay so cloud-based Services can refresh and transform your your uh your Enterprise Network and then the second thing was um to um I'm trying to remember the second thing but but cloud Based Services was was a big thing and the network transformation was really the other aspect of that so those two things you see they kind of dovetail yeah and so Network transformation is a key tenant but the question is how do you do it yeah absolutely you know when you look at the scale that we talked about so many Edge locations you need connectivity that's the number one right so yes Network transformation absolutely is a key one so could you share the journey to solve your customer challenges so how is HP Green Lake platform helping you in this sure yeah I think the word journey is a key word so we've been on a journey with h with Aruba and HP I've been on it since 2020 for the past you know three years but we're engaged with Aruba 2019 and I think the Big Challenge we saw you know pre let's say pre uh Green Lake was that these applications tend to be for us we need to deploy a standalone application a dedicated instance we can't do a shared environment for these large customers so how do do you do how do you create a multi-tenant environment when you need to have dedicated instances for each customer at high scale okay so that was a you know so what we had done in in 2021 we've launched a couple customers large customers um that um leveraged Aruba Central but we didn't have Green Lake so Green Lake really became a game changer we'll kind of talk about that the the customers the first customer was a large retail customer with uh we were focused on U.S kind of uh deployments but over 9000 locations like retail stores uh over like 150 Corporate Offices data warehouses so you have a wide variety of infrastructure that's required this is like a hundred thousand devices so that the scale is similar to what you're showing uh on your slide there the other customer and that was the us-based so we had a Aruba Central instance in the U.S we also had an emea customer grocery store chain we have over 3 000 stores there we we set up Aruba Central for switching and for wild wireless access so that's another example but this was all pre pre-green like as we um and then we're also looking at security as well and so again that would be another Standalone application so again you have to stand up all these individual instances it becomes complex and challenging expensive to operate uh with Green Lake however uh we see that we can provide some real benefits here and we can solve some of these challenges because essentially Green Lake is abstracting out the front end the management of the data the customer information all of that the connectivity that we need to get into the platform we can do it once and then just send data in and let HP and Green Lake figure out where to Route the data so it's been a huge game changer for us customers are requiring they're looking for the unified infrastructure they're looking for cloud cloud-based management and they're also looking for policy driven networks so I think the combination of Green Lake with Aruba Central enables that for the customer and enables us to do it in a costly uh cost efficient manner so you know there are many many customers who want providers like Verizon business to do their msps so what other services can you offer using this hpe Green Lake platform how is it helping your end customers in embracing more and more services from us okay uh yeah so from an MSP perspective you know we're in the middle and so we need to be able to take your tools and operate them in an efficient manner to provide the the service that the customers are looking for rather than going directly to you so that creates some unique challenges the biggest challenge is really uh you need a multi something like a multi-tenant environment where we can manage we have a single point of entry uh for all types of functions for data collection Etc for monitoring we can build that once and then we can just connect customers in and have the data routed that's that's how we need to do it so that didn't exist before Green Lake um so you know the the benefit of Green Lake was you know the scalability that it offered the efficiency and that's the one we'll drill down a little bit more on that's a big big ticket item and then extensibility we can add other applications we'll talk about that in a minute and also usage based commercial plan so we have you know subscriptions we also want to go to usage base so we can do consumption-based models where customers want to pay as they go efficiency is really I think the the key thing we needed to have a centralized platform that we could design in our you know Verizon connectivity into it we have to have Verizon connecting in we have to have the customers connecting in this all has to be secure Verizon's very big on security we have monitoring where we have real-time monitoring 7x24 going on for every customer device and every customer Network around the world at every location you know simultaneously so the only way we could really do that cost effectively was through at by adding Green Lake to Aruba Central which already scaled but now we have the multi-tenant single point of entry for Verizon like I said that's a huge game changer for us and that really solved the problems we had in in 2019-2020 going to 2021 we realized hey we now we have what we need to go forward and that's what we're focused on today so that's great so thank you thank you for being a great partner and uh you know we look forward to seeing more and more services come from Verizon business and happy to partner with you in this journey yeah we're looking forward to as well we work very closer to the last two or three years we'll continue to do so we're looking at Marine security into this platform you ask me about that so Ruby Central is a big one we want to continue building that out with you adding more automation more apis helping you working you know together with you to provide the best service possible and then also extend that service with other applications like clearpass like uxi things like that so we're very excited and we're really appreciative of the work that HP is doing thank you thank you Jonathan yeah very welcome thanks for having me thank you so um yesterday you heard Antonio and fidelma talk about Ops ramp Ops ramp is a key acquisition that we did this year and that is uh being integrated into the Green Lake platform there are many customers who are enjoying Ops ramp so let's uh hear from one of our happy Ops ramp customers I would like to welcome Michael onto stage Michael is from EcoStar and he will share with us his journey and how he is leveraging Ops ramp capabilities so with that welcome Michael [Music] so great to have you Michael so you were on stage with fidelma yesterday and you talked about Ops ramp um and you know you said that Ops ramp is a trusted partner their their Engineers help you a lot when you uh when You Face some issues in your network so could you share more about EcoStar and what is your role at EcoStar sure Echo star is a Global Communications company focused on satellite Communications we have additional services on top of that for managing managing networks uh signage and a lot of other services that we provide as well um what I do is I so I focus on the I.T

operations management for the corporate I.T side of the business maybe if you can describe a little bit more about your I.T environment we know EcoStar as uh you know EcoStar and satellites you know that's what we remember so maybe if you can describe your it environment before we dig deeper into the deployments sure we have a very large on-prem facilities large data centers with a lot of different servers in a lot of different locations doing engineering work and all of the development that we do for our satellites and we also have in the last couple years started moving stuff into different clouds and we've moved stuff into the three big clouds you know Azure gcp and uh Amazon and we've been struggling as we go through that to how we manage it but we've been growing like everybody else does trying to figure out okay let's put something in there and see see what we need to do um the areas that we've really struggled on is how do we actually manage that cloud as well as we're trying to do and our Legacy tools were struggling to be able to monitor the applications whether it be a pass or on or actual native cloud service I see cloud operations then yes yeah okay so at what point did you decide to invest in Ops RAM and uh why did you choose Ops ramp because there are variety of tools available out there why did you choose Ops ramp there's a lot of different tools out there and we started about a year and a half ago looking at uh how do we where do we go and how do we replace this and in that time we we dug into what is our real requirements how do we grow with those requirements and how do we actually make sure we're getting what we want and we literally brought in five different vendors to do proof of Concepts well we actually set up systems we tested them and in the end we ended up you know marking a lot of them off they had a lot of capabilities but they just weren't as as broad or as fresh you know looking forward as all of the cloud stuff that we needed to do ops ramp meth that needs um as we were going through these testing processes off-ramp actually was the fastest to get stood up and start running testing I see I see um some of them took a couple weeks to actually get it up and running so we could actually see what it looked like op-ramp was a couple days I see and in our testing one of our big pieces that we're looking for is how do we actually reduce the noise that we get exactly and we were very lucky with opramp with their AI model we were actually reducing that noise by easily 80 percent within the first month of testing wow that's very impressive so I think the first step to remediation is how you can reduce the noise and really take out the signal so that you can act upon them right so that's very impressive so maybe if you can discuss um you know about the Ops ramp Integrations I know Ops ramp has extensive Integrations what Integrations were you using from Ops ramp in your environment so we've already started off integrating up upside where we actually move Ops ramp data into our servicenow we're using optramp to populate our cmdb within servicenow we're also using um X matters so all of the alerts go through um coming out of Ops ramp go into X matters and that's how we actually um integrate we have a lot of other tools that integrate to that for escalation management of our out all of our alerts that we do have um then we also have integrated into our all three native clouds where we're monitoring the cloud interfaces directly from Ops ramp we're also monitoring server-side stuff in those clouds um and we're we're monitoring we have a tool for monitoring our sap system because sap is a very unique tool and we have a tool avantra to monitor that and all of those alerts come into Ops ramp and we also have Splunk and rapid7 and a couple other security tools that feed into Ops ramp that then correlate everything and really help us to see it all in one place so you are basically using the full stack observability capabilities of absolutely yes absolutely very well very well so what key benefits are you providing to your customers you know how is how is your internal employees and the developers how are they feeling once you started using Ops ramp in your infrastructure the biggest thing that they've they've seen is too twofold the reduction of alerts based on the correlation engine and the AI Ops being able to correlate all of the different things that could happen Downstream from a device that may have an issue and the second one is really how they actually can see that all of my developers they have access to Ops ramp so they could see what where their systems are what's going on with it what we're seeing and why oh so that's interesting so you have not only the it operations but the developers also using the Ops ramp absolutely monitor that's excellent so thank you Michael thank you for sharing these insights and uh you know I know Ops ramp is providing you a lot of Great Value looks like in your environment and if there is anything that we can do in the future with the Green Lake platform adding more value for your infrastructure and operations we are here so we would love to partner with you continue to partner with you so thank you thank you for sharing all your insights very excited thank you thank you Michael thank you so you heard from Jonathan Verizon business Michael from EcoStar as to how they are using hpe Green Lake platform I think now I would like to interview introduce our engineering leaders Rafi and also yens to show a quick demo of the all the platform capabilities so welcome Rafi and Jens thank you so much everybody thank you very much great seeing you as well it was a great job on that acquisition recently but you know I have an issue um we just closed it with your help but now what we need to do is bring in all these users and they came in with their own domain and I know we have to take down time for that my question to you is when can we take some down time well as you know we've recently started using the green light Cloud platform as part of that purchase that we did a couple quarters ago and with that we actually don't need to go and do downtime on that we can do this live so we'll go and do is show you how to do that and then we can just go and get that up and running so we go into the system and we go and manage our workspaces we'll go into authentication and then we'll go and set up a saml connection we put in our saml data information in here and then we hit enter to get it to go and it'll actually integrate their environment for us with no downtime that's beautiful so we're able to bring their user scene with their own domain into our policies and that doesn't require any downtime that is correct that's beautiful but now with that acquisition coming in people are asking for more resources more servers more storage arrays and switches and you know me I want to start by knowing where are our all of these devices installed today I know you had that spreadsheet that took about a week to update last time I need it by Monday okay we've stopped using that spreadsheet it was always out of date like it just didn't work for us we were never able to go and really keep an eye on it but the Greenlight Cloud platform has really helped us with managing our our infrastructure and our environment so they've actually got a live list of all of our equipment that we have installed and it tells us details on locations where it's installed whether it's up for renewals subscription information but it's even more than that we've been recently given access to a new technical preview where we can go and see where the equipment is installed locally so let me show you where that is so we click on the map and as you can see on our map we have equipment installed all over the globe and we know what's there and how many devices are in those locations that's beautiful I love that we don't need spreadsheets and we have that map view but now looking at that map the next thing is obviously I need to send people over to upgrade operating systems on all of these servers worldwide so with that map in mind what is the budget that you need to send people over well let's go and plan on not using a budget to go and send people anywhere we can do all of this deployment remotely so if we go back onto the home screen and we can get into the computer Ops management you can see that we have our various computers groups set up but let's set up a new server group for us to go and deploy environments so let's go and details will go and set up the new server group here we'll create it we'll put in the information just call this a test operating system install here we will go and put the operating system that we want to deploy on it and then we will go and review it create the group for us and then once we've got the group created I can go into the server groups and I can go and click on my operating system deployment that I just created and then go and tell it to go and install the operating system but I can go beyond that I can go and take all of those and do bios updates remotely I can go and spend the time and do firmware update so this is going to go and help a lot with the simplifying our deployment times and really reduce the effort that we have to go and send people around absolutely thank you so much so you're able to create groups and buy policy upgrade firmware and operating system across the world through the HP Green Lake platform absolutely let me just go and deploy this operating system right now and we've got the operating system deployed and it actually gives me a green that it has been deployed that's great that's great but you've deployed it that's nice that's day one what about day two operations all right so for day two operations we'll go back into the home screen which is our landing spot for everything and we have a wellness dashboard if we go into the Wellness dashboard we get a view of everything that's going on in our environment and as you can see last week we had some events occur uh the beautiful thing all those events that did occur we can see that they have all created a case and these cases was automatically created so we don't have to go and manually create those cases to go and get the support that we need but it goes beyond that that if I go into the system and look at the individual items it actually tells us what the recommended actions are to go and resolve this so this is going to really reduce our time our mean time to resolution on these problems and really help improve the customer experience that's really really great and I think these combining day one and day two operations into the hpe Green Lake platform will really help us but it is the hpe Green Lake platform while we've standardized on hpe going forward we have so much equipment from other vendors I don't think they even have those platforms for them now we have started looking at all the various options that were out there and then we heard that hpe went and acquired Ops ramp which is an amazing tool so we actually went and started deploying that into our environment so that we could go and have a look of everything that is in our environment and as you know we do have a footprint in AWS we'd have a footprint in Azure but let's go and have a look at all of the different vendors that we support here but we really want to see how are we using our environment inside AWS so let's go on to the AWS overview and I can actually get a deep dive look at what is happening in the environment in AWS from ec2 instances databases from load balancing for our SNS services and how much are we actually utilizing on that that's great so with OP some being a part of the HP Green Lake platform you get a view of this hybrid multi-tenant multi-cloud and multi-vendor environment that we have yes that's great but you know our developers they want to go beyond infrastructure they want to go into the kubernetes world can we do that yeah so apps ramp will allow us to go and look at the kubernetes environments we just go and have a look at our kubernetes overview and currently we've got a small deployment that we're actually looking to expand on we only have five clusters and we're able to go and see how they are performing and we can do the maintenance and management of that from the platform here and then we also have a correlated alert engine inside this which is going to go and help us so if we go into Command Center here and I can go to alerts we can go and see all these alerts but it's unlike any other alert system that we've ever used like it takes the AI and and correlates all of our alerts so we've seen a significant reduction in that and which quite frankly I'm not being woken up in the middle of the night from all these alerts that's great that's great so with that hpe Green Lake platform we're able to go through users devices day one day two across the estate multi-cloud multi-vendor um and really deal all with it all the way up to the kubernetes layer that's great I think we can go home early today oh absolutely let's go and do that actually I might have spoken too soon looks like we have a board meeting coming up where I'm on the agenda to talk about sustainability can you do anything about sustainability yeah so sustainability it's a massive topic for everybody I know that we had made a pledge to go and be sustainable by 2030 and have it been carbon neutral and I how are we measuring that has been a real challenge for us uh we've seen with uh hpe green like platform that they actually have added a sustainability dashboard to us that can tell us what our carbon footprint is for our environment what that is what that actually translates into into a power consumption and what the cost aspects of that and I can go and Export that and create a report on that in an Excel spreadsheet and then we can manipulate that to go and provide a detailed report to the board that's beautiful easy to then able to go back and tell me how to really improve on our sustainability metrics absolutely we could actually filter on the environment and then go and put say what are the systems that we want to look at and see which systems are going are using the largest amount of power or largest impact on our carbon footprint how do we go and then figure out how to go optimize that and that that will allow us to go and really dive in and optimize that and get closer to our carbon neutral uh footprint that we want this is gradients thank you very very much let me welcome Lata back on stage [Applause] thank you later thank you thank you Rafi and thank you ends so you heard from our customers how they are deriving value out of the hpe Green Lake platform you heard from our engineering experts how the platform works and they have shown the capabilities in a demo format so yes the hybrid multi-cloud is a norm in in the current industry and uh Enterprise I.T systems are complex in this world but you are covered with the hpe Green Lake platform we simplify your hybrid Cloud Journey so whatever you have seen in terms of the capabilities today we continue to innovate we are adding more functionality onto the platform so hopefully you know we'll be able to work together and co-innovate co-develop so help us to get there help us help you so we look forward to working with you each and every one of you to make this platform robust and provide Solutions uh through your hybrid multi-cloud Journey so with that thank you everyone for joining and really appreciate you taking the time

2023-06-26 15:13

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