Zihuatanejo Mexico is AMAZING! (TRAVEL GUIDE)

Zihuatanejo Mexico is AMAZING! (TRAVEL GUIDE)

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Hola! Bienvenidos! Welcome to beautiful Zihuatanejo! Buenos dias! Good morning Country Collectors. We  hope you're ready for some fun because today we   are taking you exploring all around the beautiful  Zihuatanejo. Affectionately referred to as Zihua,   this fishing village is located northwest of  Acapulco on the Pacific in the state of Guerrero.  

We can't wait to show you around but before we  do make sure to hit that subscribe button and   ring the bell so you don't miss out on any of  our future adventures! And stay to the end when   we share some more of our recommendations. Let's  start with how we got here. In Acapulco we bought   bus tickets for 275 pesos each through the Costa  Line bus service. Our bus departed at 10 a.m and   took around six hours to reach Zihua's central  bus station. From there we grabbed a taxi to our place in town for 40 pesos. We found this cool  spot on Airbnb for $39 USD a night. Our room is super   comfortable and features a desk, refrigerator, air  conditioning, fast wi-fi, tv and a nice bathroom.

Out in the common room there's a seating and  kitchen area but the best part is upstairs. Up here there's an outdoor kitchen and  hammocks which we've really been enjoying. All right well let's start exploring! Today we are starting down on the main pier in town where you can find the iconic ZIHUA letters which is a great place to snap a photo. It's also where you're going to come down to book a fishing  charter for some of the best fishing in all of Mexico. As you can see the weather is a little  overcast today unfortunately a tropical depression blew in here last night. But don't you worry the  last few days have been absolutely gorgeous so we   have a ton of footage that we can share with you  from there. Like Adam just said Zihua is known for  

its sports fishing so if that's your thing come on  down. They hold a bunch of tournaments throughout   the year and we were actually here on Sunday  for their Father's day sailfishing tournament   that was a boatload of fun to witness! Throughout  town and at the beginning of the pier right here   you are going to find booth selling tickets to  Playa las Gatas which is one of the most beautiful   beaches in all of Zihua. So make sure to stay tuned  for that because we're going to be taking you   there in a little while. But right now we're going  to go explore the waterfront. Come with us! This might be my new favorite statue it reminds  me of Freddie Mercury. It actually commemorates   a hero that defended the port of Veracruz but  man it is cool baby! I like it. There's a lot of   emotion behind it. And keep your peepers peeping  people because there's cool stuff like this. I'm  

not sure if this parrot is named Lilly or she  just likes Lilly but I've never seen a parrot   mascot on a restaurant before. If that even is  the mascot. That's true. Right now we are on Paseo   del Pescador which means the Fisherman's path. This  is a walkway that runs along the waterfront here   from the pier to Playa la Madera which we  will show you in just a bit. And here along  

this walkway you will find a ton of shops and  restaurants. You may notice in this video that some   are closed that's because we're here in the  low season and it is a weekday. But it is very   relaxing we are really enjoying this. But if you  want a bit more action you can come in the high   season which I believe is between November and  April. The beach running along the malecon here   is Playa Principal. It is a beautiful place to  come down and just relax and watch the water.   It's not really suggested you go swimming here  though because it is a very active fishing port.  

As you can see here behind me the fishermen are  actually bringing in their catch. You can come down   here in the morning and watch that and even pick  up a little pescado if you're looking for some   flavor. I just love coming down here and looking  at all the names on the boats and watching all the   dogs, cats and birds trying to go for some little  scraps. It's a lot of fun! There's a lot of action  

down here. So definitely take some time to come  down and just observe. And we've made it to the   central meeting point in town. That's right! Unlike  most other places with the zocalo they have a   giant colorful basketball court here with a  crocodile dunking right in the middle of it. It's really cool. On Sundays people come down  here for Domingos Culturales which is sort of  

like a giant talent show for the town here. You  have to do it. People are here enjoying themselves.   They set up food right along the main street here.  There's a guy that sells rib sandwiches that will   Pew! Pew! Pew! blow your mind! You should definitely come down  and check it out while you're here. It's a lot   of fun! So the area we're in right now is called  el centro. This is like the main downtown area of  

Zihua. And right off the malecon here behind me  is where the town kind of starts and it runs   back up into the mountains. You're going to find  a lot more shops, restaurants, hotels. This is where   we're staying. As well as Mercado de Artesanias  which is the artisan market. It's a great place   to go and grab yourself some souvenirs. Adam has  been going to Cafe Caracol every morning for his   morning coffee fix. And while we were doing that we  actually saw a banner that said Surfers for Strays.  

So if you're looking to give back while you're  here, they're looking for people who are returning   to the United States and Canada who will bring  puppies and kittens to their forever home!   Yeah so that could be a cool thing to do when  you're here. Look at all these rainbow colors!   We just wanted to say that we love you for who  you are just the way you are and so does Zihua! Since we've been in Mexico we have noticed a lot  of forward progression for such a conservative   country in inclusivity and we absolutely  love that! All right now let's keep going.   We just love all these little details here like  these ribbons on these light posts and then these   baskets up in these trees. It gives it a lot of  character. And it looks like Adam's found himself   a feline friend. That's right I can appreciate  cats because they like to have their   space sometimes. Just like me. While you're walking  along the malecon there are lots of places to come   and sit and just relax. There's also beautiful  artwork like in this little alleyway right here.  

Look it! Oh hey buddy! Wow these are gorgeous. I know. This  has to be one of my absolute favorites here and   what I love is that a lot of the inspiration comes  from the ocean since this is a fishing community.   They're just so so beautiful. That one right here  is a whaley whaley cool! Right hair? Right hair! Oh Adam.

We just met Jorge and he is a guide  in this area. What can you do for people? Oh we do we have a lot of things to do. Sport fishing, we can do horseback riding. The horseback riding is really interesting because the horseback riding is absolutely in the small fishermen village called in Playa Blanca. And the riding starts at the small restaurant, go to the village, go to the jungle, go to the place where we have the bird sanctuary and ending at the beach with the sunset time. That sounds so nice. It's beautiful. It's around two hours activity but it's so fun! But he said that he can take you to other   like neighborhoods up into the barrios along to  different beaches and a lot of places. So   

we'll put his contact info down in the description  below so you can contact him when you come here.   I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you!  And as you're walking down the malecon   you will see some of these beautiful palapa  covered restaurants where you can come down and   watch the water and the boats come in. It's  pretty sweet. Yeah I've heard this one here   Valeria is really nice. Oh Valerie  girl I'm coming for some of your food! Are you ready brother? Lunch, Cerveza, Margarita? You make a party here for the honeymoon! Oh yeah? You remember the best day! We gotta   get we gotta, get married first! Oh no! No married? No. Eleven years. My friend, my friends, the ring is here. The ring is here! Got it!   Oh that's a good one! Yeah good one. Here let's give me the oh  we're gonna go pinky with this one. Oh yes!

Will you be my country collecting partner? For life! For life! Oh you're so funny. We'll come back later. Okay!   You no make me Mexican promise because when  they make this promise, never never I see you!   I wait for you and you don't show up! Come down and see Polé, he'll take care of you! Absolutely! Okay! And it's   just like that as you're walking around there's  lots of people that are offering you tours and   things to do but they're not pushy they're just  super friendly and they're looking to help you   out if you need something. Absolutely! Love him! And  right along the malecon you're gonna run into the   archaeological museum. Here they have six different  exhibition halls with almost 500 different pieces   of art and artifacts. It's open every day except  Monday and cost 10 pesos to go in. We definitely   recommend it. Well all right let's keep going. At  the end of Playa Principal the malecon does not  

end. If you continue over this bridge right here  and along it, it'll take you to Playa la Madera   which we are going to right now. But I wanted  to point out this bike path. I think it's over   20 kilometers long and it actually connects Zihua  to Ixtapa. So if you want to rent a bike and go   there along that path I think that could be really  fun. It's so funny right down here you can see   there's a little knife and it just got me thinking  that someone was trying to get rid of the evidence!   Who killed the butter people? Follow the color brick road! Follow the color brick road! And this little walkway here is so nice. It looks  like they just redid it recently. For sure. It  

goes right along the water's edge here. Lots of  little places set up for photo opportunities.   To sit in the shade and you know fish. It's  wonderful! And all along the walkway you're   gonna find these environmentally responsible  signs like this. If you love me, take care of me!   Limit your plastic usage! It's just like me. If you  love me take care of me please! Does that mean feed   you? Yes exactly! Luckily we're heading somewhere  for breakfast. Oh I like that idea. Let's go! Welcome to Playa Madera. This is one of the main  swimming beaches right here in town. Right now it  

is so peaceful there might be three people here.  We came here on Sunday and it was jam-packed   with families, friends, couples, people swimming  eating, partying. Just having a good time! You should   definitely make the time to come down on the  weekend or if you want a little more peaceful time   right now it's perfect! All right let's go  get some breakfast! Oh we saved you a seat. Join us! What are you gonna sit on top of them? Well  they can sit on top of me, I might crush them!   This place is so nice. It really is. The view is  probably the best you're gonna get down here   on the water. What's the name? This is called La  Terracita or the little terrace. We're absolutely  

loving it up here the vibe is cool and the vista  is even better. We're basically sitting in a tree!  Yeah I know, it's like a little tree house. But  I got the terra juice. And I believe it has   pineapple, apple, oat, chia and orange and it was two  dollars or like 39 pesos. And I got the tropical   juice which is a mix of tropical fruits like  strawberries, pineapple, and some other delicious ones. And then we got this little fruit bowl here for  30 pesos. Looks so so good we're gonna jump in!   Wow our main dishes just arrived and they look  amazing! I got the poblano omelette which is   rajas poblanos, they have some Oaxaca cheese in  there and spinach. And then there's this beautiful  

poblano chili sauce on top. Yeah  and then I went with the Zihua   which is an egg white omelet and it's stuffed with  quinoa, tomatoes, spinach, it looks like some basil   as well. And then it's topped with a red  chili sauce or a red bell pepper sauce.   They both look delicious. Let's taste it out! Adam's favorite part of the day! Time to eat! Wow! There's just a little bit of heat from that  sauce on there. The eggs are beautifully cooked.   And the Oaxaca cheese just  gives it that little extra oomph!   It's salty so it probably makes it  well balanced. Salty and spicy just like me!   I already had a bite of mine and let me  just tell you it is divine. The eggs are so  

light and fluffy. And I forgot to mention  that there's actually asparagus in here   and coconut milk. It gives this it this really  unique flavor. I definitely recommend trying this. Before we head out there is something i wanted to  mention. For me the name Zihuatanejo is one that I   have been hearing for so long because it's  from my favorite movie, The Shawshank Redemption.   If it's your favorite movie too leave us a comment  down below. It's that beach that Andy Dufresne   tells Red to meet him on. And they meet and they  hug and they look out at the beautiful water. Well,  

unfortunately that's not actually here. We learned  that it was filmed in St Croix, at least that   scene was. But this place is just as beautiful so  you should definitely come here and check it out!   Now we're going to head down to the pier and grab  some tickets to head over to Playa las Gatas we'll   see you over there! All right we are back here on  the pier and we just bought our tickets to go on the boat over to Playa las Gatas. Round trip is 80 pesos and I didn't know if they did just the one way but I asked them and she said yeah absolutely! So we paid 40 pesos each to just go there. The last boat comes back from Playa Las Gatas to here. I want to say the mainland but

it's still on the mainland, it's not an island. It comes back here at 5pm so make sure you are ready by then!   All right let's go get our boat! And the  boat is ready! Here we go! Bruno es el capitan! Y Tu hijo? (And your son) Yeah Yeah Luis! Luis! Hola Luis. El media Captain. The half captain. Baby captain! And this breeze feels so good. Like we said the  weather isn't that great today but Adam got some  

shots the other day so enjoy! And we are arriving  you can see how blue the water is over here.   Welcome to Playa las Gatas. This is the cat's  beach which I'm not sure why because don't cats   hate water? But this is located right across  the bay from the town. As we showed you the   most accessible way to get here is by boat  but there is another path to Playa la Ropa   that we will show you in just a bit. But  for now let's go check out the beach! Ooh it looks like somebody's already comfortable!  Hola amigos! You know I'm a sucker for a good   chair on the beach. When you get here there are  so many options for restaurants and places to sit.  

Most of them are consumption so go up find  out how much stuff costs. Find yourself where   you want to sit and enjoy. We chose La Cabaña. They have  great service and good prices. Remember over here   things might be a little more expensive because  everything has to be brought over by boat.   But it's still very affordable. So let's get  to relaxing and enjoy this beautiful beach!  

We got some guacamole here and Adam and I were  just talking. I love how they have like tables   where you can sit and eat enjoy your drinks and  they have loungers as well and these other types   of chairs. I know some people can be picky about  where you're sitting. I think that's important!   I am one of those people. I like to be comfortable  when I'm enjoying the beach! Absolutely. So they   have a lot to offer here. Oh there's nothing like  some good guacamole! Let's Guac and Roll baby!   

They just started the music. It's so nice the breeze  is blowing and something I wanted to mention we   learned this the other day and I really like  that we learned it. When you're out and if you   have a younger male server and you know you don't  want to call him sir or senor we never knew the   word what to say like we're just like hey or  like say their name. You can say Joven, which   means young. And that gets their attention. It's  like how you don't want to call and miss a ma'am,   you know. So yeah just a little word of the day for  you! You can call me Joven anytime! And while we are   spending time on this gorgeous beach we want to  give a heartfelt shout out to our newest patrons! Julia, John, Steve, Tim, Vacation Mode and Yves da Silva! Thank you so much for your generosity.  

We absolutely love having you a part of this  community and we're just so appreciative of you!   Seriously right now our tootsies in the sand is in  part because of you. Yeah! And it means the world to   us from the bottom of our hearts. Yes if you would  like to join our patreon community we will put the   link in the description below! And while this is  not the biggest beach it's definitely worth taking   a walk down to the end over here where there's a  small mangrove estuary. This is also known as one   of the best snorkeling beaches in the area. We've  seen equipment for rent anywhere from 60 to 150 pesos depending on if you're just getting equipment or  you're also getting a tour out to be guided around   the reef. You should definitely give it a shot when  you're here. Right now we're not going to be doing   that because we have so much more to show you  and I need to get back and finish that guacamole...  

Save some for me! No, lo siento! It's honestly so relaxing here. We recommend getting an early boat from the pier. I think they start around eight. Absolutely. And remember a cloudy day at the beach is way better than a sunny day at work! That's so true! I wish we could stay here for the rest of the day but we gotta take you over to Playa la Ropa so  come along! And if you're looking to get a little   crazy they also have some tubing and banana  boats! Not banana hammocks, banana boats people!   We are back down at the dock. The easiest way to  get back to town and the most direct is to take   the boat that we came over on. Instead we're gonna  head over to Playa la Ropa via this little trail  

that kind of heads right along the water here on  the coastline. It's about an eight to ten minute   walk depending on how fast you go. It can be a  little rocky so I would recommend wearing at   least flip flops to get over there. Come with us oh  there's already some people going. Let's follow him.   He's got the drinks! Follow this guy with the drinks! And yes definitely take it slow here there is sort   of like a little path that's been compacted  from all of the wear. But it's very rocky. We   just want you to be safe! And Playa la Ropa is  right over there. Do we still got Adam with us? I'm here, I'm here! Don't leave me behind! We would never. I was still  guacing and rolling back there! Luckily more  

guacing than rolling because that would hurt. That  would really hurt! Let's keep going. Watch your head! And it looks like we have almost made it!  We have survived that little treacherous   walk over there and it looks like there's a little  parking lot. People probably come and park here if   they live like closer to this side of the town and  then just walk over there. I can see where the town   is starting right up here, Playa la Ropa the beach  and everything so let's go check it out together!   And yes if you're coming in the summer  months expect muggy weather. It's very very   humid so you're going to want to drink a  lot of water and probably get a place with   air conditioning! Once you hit the red pavement you  know you have made it to this side of town. There's   lots of little hotels over here with restaurants  and bars and it's the gateway to the beach.

Isn't that music just gorgeous? Some of the  restaurants here have live music we absolutely   love that. And right in front of me I see some  amazing murals! Let's go check them out! Would   you look at this! Coolest great white shark ever! We  have the same sunglasses and he even has a tattoo!   But what's even...and a big mouth! Oh that's true just  like me. Just kidding. But what's even cooler is if you just look   right down here it's all art that is so colorful  and creative. Let's take a walk! Yeah it's like the alleyway of murals. I feel like this one's sort of like a Jersey Shore turtle like, "What's up bro?   What's up bro? Gym, tan laundry huh? Come at me bro! I'll turtle you!" Or he's like don't   use plastic. Oh yeah fair enough, don't use plastic! He does look jacked though! This one right here could  

be one of my favorites as well. It looks like an  indigenous woman surrounded by flowers in her   traditional clothes. It just is really very heavy.  It just feels like it's something that means more  than just a picture. Absolutely. I love the roses. Me  too! All right this art has been great especially   my man right here. But let's head down to the beach  already. Sounds good, I think it's about to pour.   I think you might be right! We are not in  Kansas anymore! No, we gotta hurry this up!   Welcome to the beach! Of course there's a  pirate flag. There be pirates in these waters!

This beach is really nice as well. It's  one of the more popular beaches here.   It extends for two kilometers. You can see it ends  all the way down here. It's about a 30 minute walk   from the town or you can get a taxi or a bus over. I think the bus was about 10 pesos which is really   cool. Or like a 40 to 60 peso taxi ride. Yeah. And  did you know Playa la Ropa got its name because   at one point a boat crashed off the coast and it  was carrying clothes and they covered the entire   beach? So it became clothes beach. I was kind of  hoping it was the no ropa beach and we'd be going   in the fresca, nude, but hey what are you gonna  do? You can't have it all! You can't have it all!   Let's continue down the beach! So all  along the beach here you're gonna find   a lot more restaurants and hotels. We have noticed  that the hotels over here are more expensive than  

in el centro like where we're staying so it just  depends what you're looking for. If you're looking   for a more lively area over in el centro or  like a more quiet, not secluded, but a little   more exclusive area on la ropa. Aww our favorite!  You know that we are suckers for a good turtle   conservation program and guess what, Zihua is one  of those magical places. From June until December  

turtles are coming in they get leatherbacks, olive  ridleys, green turtles all coming here and laying   their eggs. They relocate them right here to this  little turtle hatchery and when the when the   eggs are ready they take them out and release the  turtles. Let me tell you from personal experience   releasing a baby turtle into the ocean makes  your heart wanna go (BLAST) out of your chest! Remember   Winston and Josh? Oh Winston and Josh! From Puerto Escondido. I just picture them out there holding   their little flippers together swimming out in  the sea together and free. Aww that's a wonderful  

image! And when the weather is good on this beach  they also have banana boats and tubing as well as   parasailing. I think that's right. I always get  confused between paragliding but it's parasailing.   And we asked the prices the other day  and they were 800 pesos each so about $40 USD   each to take to the skies. And today obviously it's  a bit too windy for that. We want you to be safe   and not end up out at sea! All right let's keep  going. When you're on the beach do you ever try   to walk in people's footprints? See if it's the  same size foot as yours? Oh yeah and this beach   would definitely be a good place to come if you  like running on the beach or having long walks on   the beach. I don't like running and long walks are...  you know if I'm going someplace, like to eat! Yes I   will walk a long way! And this place behind Adam  right here looks really nice. I could definitely   spend a couple of days there chilling by the pool! And as you're coming down the beach there's a   little turnout that goes into the town. There is a  Playa la Ropa Artisanal Market. So definitely come  

in here, maybe grab a souvenir. Check it out. Earlier  today we showed you that really cool whale artist. Look at this. She's got another whale and her hair  still looks really cool! I think I'm having some   hair envy! Yeah why don't you put your head in  the middle. Oh yeah! How's that? We got it good. There are a lot of great restaurants on  the beach right here but we have heard that   Triton has some delicious food so let's head in  and get a snack. So we're taking our chances and   are sitting outside they do have an inside area  so we can always run in over there but we just   got our drinks. I got a mojito but instead  of rum it has mezcal, so it's a mezcaljito!   And I got a mango margarita so instead  of a margarita it's a mango margarita!   That doesn't even make sense. We're waiting on our food  and we actually just read that they do happy hour  

here from five to seven so I think that would  be cool to come back here, get a couple of drinks   for you know under five bucks and just enjoy the  view. But you do have to purchase food. I understand   and I am okay with that stipulation.  Of course you are! Wow! I like your shorts.

Thank you! Adam's a shorts guy! I am a shorts guy. I don't ever want to be in pants. In fact I don't even own pants. Yeah that's true actually. That's true. It's a life goal people. And he just bought these ones while he was here. They look really nice. And look at that aguachile. It's a shrimp and it looks like it's in coconut milk. Seems like a very unique kind of mix. I've never had   coconut aguachile with shrimp before. But  you love coconut shrimp so this is like a   different type of coconut shrimp. That's right let's  get this on a chip. Aguachile, the shrimp are raw and then they're   curedI believe in lime and then with the  coconut here. It has some habanero as well. 

I think it's any kind of acidic fruit that does  it for it. Let's jump into this! Oh it's got some   onions it looks like. Wow! A little bit of jicama.  That flavor is mind-blowing! Wow it's spicy on the   tip of my tongue with this beautiful sweet coconut  and the shrimp consistency is just... Very fresh? Mmmhmm. And they even have chunks of the coconut  meat in here. I feel like I've just had a   coconut day! Remember I had the coconut in my  eggs this morning? All right let me try this. Wow! And it gets you with a little kick on the back  there. Like you said it's on the tip of your tongue!  

iIf you like spice, shrimp and coconut - man this dish  is for you! And one of the waiters just came up to   us to see how it was and he was talking to us  and saying that this place has a lot of stuff   you won't see anywhere else in Zihua. Like they  have green ceviches and black ceviches. A lot of   nice raw bar. Very unique flavors that come from  all the regions surrounding it. And they have this   thai tuna tostada that sounds like you would  like that too. Absolutely and Thailand is not one of   the surrounding areas in case you're not good at  geography. Just a little bit of influence you know? But yeah we definitely recommend this, 10 out of  10! Well family unfortunately we are gonna have   to wrap this video up as I think the weather  has finally hit us. Our luck held out and we are so  

grateful that you stuck with us all day so  before we go we want to share a few of our   recommendations from town with you. Yes the first  one is El Sabor Casero. It's an economical kitchen.   They do packages for breakfast and lunch. For  about 80 pesos you get a drink, starter, entree   and handmade tortillas. They also have a great  restaurant called La Porteña. It is right downtown   by that main dock. They have some delicious  italian food if you're looking for a fix.   And the last one but certainly not least is La  Papa Loca! It is literally a crazy potato like   you have never imagined! Yeah it's incredible. They  have a lot of other stuff on the menu but you have   to go for the baked potatoes they're out of this  world. Heidi had one that was stuffed with pastor  

pineapple, and cream. I had the rib meat, chorizo and  green peppers. I've never seen anything like it   and so when you come here definitely go  there. But yeah thank you.. He wants to continue..   We couldn't even finish them they were so big! Yeah  but thank you so so much for being here with us!  It would have been nowhere near as much fun if  you hadn't been here to share it with. Yeah so   if you enjoyed this video please give us a big  thumbs up, comment, subscribe and don't forget too... DLING, DLING, DLING, DLING the bell! We'll see you, next time! Adios!

2022-06-29 01:56

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