Zaina Juliette & Friends : A Day with Icon, David Winters Part 1

Zaina Juliette & Friends : A Day with Icon, David Winters Part 1

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Hi, I'm Xena Juliet. Juliet. Thank. You for, great conversation, music. I'm. Santa Juliet join, me for a date with, entertained, industry's icon. Multi-award-winning. Mr.. David. Dancers. And, today I'm spotlight, a phenomenal. Guest he is an icon in the entertainment industry, multi. Award-winning, actor. Dancer. Choreographer. Singer. Director. Producer, and author, of, one of the world's number, one top selling books my. Guest today has. Directed. And produced over, 80. Features. And. Also. Over, 200. Television, shows and television, movies, he. Is a, true legend. He, is a true icon and, you, will get to know my guests when we come back so stay with me we'll be right back after this. The. Samples. These. Colors. And. We're. Back and. I, have got to introduce, you to my guest he. Is the. Author of the. Number one best-selling, book, right. Here. Tough. Guys do, dance, when. I tell you this book is hot, you, have got to get a copy of this this, book is, magical. And if you can look closely and, I'll have the thing on the screen all of, these names behind. This. Beautiful, handsome, man on this book our, celebrities. And legends, that he has worked with in the music industry and film industry, and the. Star, and the, writer on this book that's mr. David, winters. My. Guest today. David. Winters. Is. Such an honor to have you it's, my pleasure to be here thank you so much. You've. Done so, many movies, and so many films produced directed, and as an actor it's, it's. Mind-boggling. Most, people. Can't. Even come close to, your resume, and the credits that you have let's. Tell the audience. About, you and your beginnings, where. It all started. Well, my mother was a dancer professional. Dancer, from 15 to 88 and. She. Said to me David when you were 2 years old you used to dance and, you did steps that I I never told you anything but. You did very complicated, steps, and. I said well mom you know the your jeans and came. Through years she said well maybe. Came through me David but your talent, is god-given yeah. It came from God she. Said don't ever forget that, so. At a young age I, mean I didn't know it of course when I was 2 years old but years. Later she told me that story and, then. When I was 12, years old. Well I went to see my, grandparents, were big off Opera, buffs really. Than the first theatre I ever got to see was the Opera Faust. So. I fell, in love with the magic, of the you know of, the stage and the production and the costumes, and all, the movements and all the people and the magic, of the lights and everything, so. I. Decided. When I was 7 years old that's what I wanted to do, and. When I was 12 years old I. Wanted. To go study dancing, but my mother having been a dancer, and. I was born in a Jewish family we, weren't religious, at all but my, mom still wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor like, old Jewish moms, so. I went, out and I got a, she, wouldn't give me dance. Classes, I went out and got a orange, crate and, I. Made, it into a shoeshine, box oh my, god I watched all the little kids on the by the subway, he, was snapping, the rag you know these snap, the rag and get a great date great shine they'd, spit and they'd snap the rag it, was great. Yeah it was fantastic shine. And so. I studied, what they did and I went, out and I did the same thing and I, earned my first day five dollars, and I was 12 years old it was a lot of money in those days, so. I enrolled in a dance, school called Mack levy dance school and they. Put me on television after.

Two. Weeks I was there they put me on their TV show and. After the TV show they actually said to me David you can't teach you anymore, you're. Really, a professional, dancer. You know you really are so, advanced, that we're, not good for you you need to go to New York City to, the professional, school and study with professionals. So. I used to tell my mother when I did, this shoe-shining and, nice to sing and dance and tell jokes and I get that's why I did so well with it and then. I would come home and I tell my mom oh you got to see this movie oh you don't see this movie and I found out the movies from, my friends, I didn't go to see the movie but I found out what they were and, one. Day I came home and she said okay yeah and I told her about this movie and she said okay now. Tell me where you really were. So. I knew, she knew, you know so. I told her the truth and I said how did you know mom she said your aunt saw you on the boardwalk, at. Coney Island shining. Shoes that. Is not what someone in our family does David, our, social, standing is a little, higher than that I'm sorry and if you really wanted that badly, if, you get my misfit, which is a confirmation. For a Jewish boy when. You're 13, which is in three weeks from now I'll. Make. A deal with you I'll take you to New York City to, professional, school so we shook hands on that and never. Having, he got his synagogue, I. Couldn't. Read Hebrew thank gave me the Hebrew book and I didn't know what it was so. I I. Learned, it by heart I just memorized, the book and, I, sang it because, I was a voice of fan I had a beautiful boy soprano voice, and. When I stood, for that but for the my bar mitzvah they, actually offered me the synagogue, offered me two and fifty dollars, to the High Holidays, which. Was a huge, amount, of money I mean my god yes. Yes. And my family, was so proud and they were beaming you know my grandparents. My mother and dad even. Though they were religious, you know that. So. And. They were all excited I said mom we made a deal we. Shook hands I get. To go I'm not interested, in the scene for the holidays, it's, a lot of money I'm you, know I'm very flattered, by it but, I want to go to New York City and I want to study dancing, so, that's what she played in she took me New York and. My first class was with Christopher. Walken and. Elliott. Gould who, both, also 13, at the time and. Elliott was still my friend to this day my very close friend. Christopher. Walken Chris. I've. Loaned, you my West Side Story jacket, 42. Years ago you, see there, back to me it's, 42, years, I. Realize. That Christie, the version, that did a touring company West. Side Story he met his wife there, and he. Told me all about it we started talking about it he, said can I borrow your jacket. 42. Years ago. Send. It back to me I don't know. Their. Passion. Absences. Wages my whole life is, dancing. Really you. Know it really is dancing, I love dancing, I mean I. Had. An uncle years, ago in in. England. His name was Teddy Brown he. Was billed as the words world's greatest ila phone player he. Was so fat they had to build a Rolls Royce for him and. He, always says that he wanted to die on stage and. He died at the London Palladium playing. The xylophone, that's. How he died and I feel the same way I don't want to die on stage but. I want to be working and just and, love my work as. A service. I have, a passion for it yes, let's. Tell the audience some. Of the production, there's so, many I mean you were of course. One. Of the stars in the first original. Broadway. Production. That. Every, what everyone. Loves. West. Side Story and. When. They adapted, into a film. You. Were one of the few guys chosen, to also started. Okay. Well what happened is I was. 16. Years old and I, got a Broadway, show called shinbone, alley it. Started, to dip there's, a wonderful, singer.

And, Beautiful. Lady yes and, and any Brackett, who was a wonderful actor, and, there was a love story about, Archie, and the hittable that was a cartoon. Character it. Was actually in the, newspapers, under newspapers, and, it was a love story between a cockroach, and a cat and so. I did that show and. I. Went. Home one day was. Living in New York at the time I was, 16 years old and the, phone rang and this woman get on the phone and said hi, I'm the. Assistant, Jerome Robbins. So. I hung up the phone on her I thought, this is a joke one of my friends are playing Jojo, white hair on Robins gonna call me right he's the greatest you know living. Choreographer. Director I mean he was incredible, right. So, the. Phone rang again with her she says no David this is really I'm Kerry's assistant. Jerry. Saw you less Latin West in shinbone. Alley and. He's about to do a new play and he thinks that you might be right for, a role in it would, you like to come and see him I said oh my god. Of course. So. I went to see Jerry and I. Along. With probably about 700. Young men at the time. Different. Different ages, yes I was only 16, and it, turns out that I was the first one signed for the show, turned. Out I was 17, when I did the show up late baby John in the original Broadway show, the. Original production, and then well, sherry put me into the. Movie and. I've done four productions with, Jerry which is more than anyone else to my knowledge is done with them and. You. Know everybody had kind of a love-hate relationship. With Jerry Eva's a real, taskmaster, yeah, so, that was that was kind of the beginning of, before. That though, before. Sheila Nellie I had done 150, television. Shows that's, just an actor just. A straight actor, not a musical, and not a dancer, not a singer, those. Television, shows right. Starting. Right when you got to the United States oh when, I was 13 as, soon as I was but myths for they still want me and when I went to that professional, school right Elliott, and and Christopher. Walken that. Gentleman, his name is Charlie Lowe he had a wonderful school he. Thought you'd never leave dancing. But personality. With it all singing, and stuff so I got a job working. Once, if there's ubermann Hungarian, restaurant and, the casting. Director, from CBS, was there and, he said to me would you like to be on the television sure we have a TV show that I think, you're gonna be good for so, what an audition for him and I got it was a lead in the TV show and from, then on I never stopped working. The red button, show I did the Jackie, Gleason show I did my show shows us that Caesar and you, know who the writers were this is Cesar shows that. My. God what a room. It, was Woody Allen oh it. Was Neil Simon. It. Was. Mel. Brooks and, Carl. Reiner oh these. Are the flavors so. I studied, these people, yeah it was, a young boy wasted a lot of time I, was, very good at studying, people who I work with and. I learned from all these people you know for. My I knew I was gonna be a director, and a producer later, on in my life mm-hmm, and I watched them and watch them who learns and listen of course the star that show was Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. So. Sid Caesar was actually, the granddaddy, to all these, comics. And writers they. All respect, him. Immensely. Immensely. You. Know and. They. Look up to Sid Caesar so, much he was just he's brilliant, he, does these accents, he's just funny he's he's wonderful, just wonderful I, know. The cherry things all of who's gonna move the years later I was making a movie called racket, with. Bert Convy. And I sent. Him an offer and his agent never gave it to him I never. Gave I wound up with Phil Silvers he wasn't too bad you. Know Phil Silvers was bilko but. I, saw. Sidney years later and I said well what happened on that he, said I never got it David and that, happens so often.

So. Many times ages, yeah. I've, been through that yeah I've lost major, things, because my agent, had a chip. On his shoulder as, I was doing a project well I'll tell you that, like. Burt Reynolds. There, was a part. That I think he was nominated for and the. Agent also turned it down I try. To get Martin Landau for, a picture they turned it down and I, found out from Marty that. Woody, Allen tried to get him for a movie and his agent turned it down because it wasn't his agents, package so. Marty was called by Woody directly. He, did the movie was nominated for the Academy Award see, ya. Oh my god yeah. Yes. So you never know but sometimes. You got to go past those agency. And. Sometimes, they talent. Just don't they don't know that, they're getting this yeah you know yeah. Wow. Yeah so it's an interesting business very, interesting, it is so much of business, yeah just a talent it's the business - right there's, a scent of it so some of the shows let's just talk about let's name some of the, productions. If you my friends, at home if you go onto his website which. Is on the screen, and. You can see I have a lot of. Films. And all these covers flashing. On the screen these, are all productions. That. David, is involved, with either as an actor, director producer. Star. And. You. Need to go to site and just to see all the things that he's done because I don't even think there's enough time and one should. Get. A picture in 2012. I was, a co-star, of the picture called teddy bear and. We. Won the the, Sundance. Film Festival, we. Learned the Paris Film Festival, in the Hungarian, confessed the rupee one but, 11 other film festivals around, the world, that. Was one project, that I did I've just. My. Last film accuracy was a few years ago called dancing. It's on and, I. Won three. Worldwide. Worldwide. Worldwide, screen. Festival. Awards. I won Best Director, my, editor won best editor and. A soundman, won best score my, gosh you guys just took the whole thing that was the a and she said in those dams as soon as we won that and who, starred in that picture or all the young kids because, I my job now is to give back to young people, and to, help them inspire, them and give, them some you know, pointers. If I can and. So I hired, a young lady. Witney. Carson who, won Dancing, with the Stars. She was the grand prize winner there and I, hired all the kids all the other kids on the show were, from a show called So. You Think You Can Dance yes there were all winners. From. That show and. Nigel. Lythgoe was, was gracious, enough to help me cast. Show, and turn me on to some of these young dancers, that he knew that, I didn't know that he was privy to and so. The show is a lot of wonderful dancing, in that just great great. And I'm I act in it I've directed it, I produced it I wrote it and. It's. Called dancing, it's on. You. Ran on the Netflix for like one and a half years, and, it. Was it of. Course one in the theaters and then. It was it's a Walmart's. It was sold out the first first. Week at 410, stores. So. It was quite nice and. I've done so many projects, I mean honestly I didn't, build a mic yeah, even. Back then with West, Side Story there were other musicals. Well I did a star is born with Barbra Streisand yeah. I, did, I mean I did Paul Newman I did a racing movie with Paul Paul. And I were partners and we bought two racing cars together which was great fun and. We became buddies I did L Elvis, I did four movies with Elvis I, did, Viva, Las Vegas tickled. Me girl. Happy and easy. Come easy go without, I call, him el he's my buddy and I call, like a melon right. Thanks. Kami or, Dodger. I work with Frank Sinatra I did especially Frank, and I would like to say something about Frank - I did. The Nancy Sinatra, special that was my first of six Emmy nominations. It. Was called, moving with Nancy, his, daughter Nancy, and Frank. Was a guest in it. Dean. Martin was a guest Sammy, Davis jr., was a guest and I was a guest and. After, the show I got a letter from Frank I got a beautiful, beautiful letter, from him just. Saying, all these lovely things about my, contribution. To the show and, what I had done free for, the for Nancy, for his daughter and at, the end of it he, signed it Nancy's. Dad. He. Stepped back and it let it let. Her exactly. Instead of saying Frank Sinatra, which, I thought he would have said it I didn't, read all the way at the end and I got to the end and I, saw that I just thought oh my god that's where Nancy gets it from because Nancy. Is such a sweet, down-to-earth, human, being but. That's, what comes from it comes from her dad. Absolutely. And, you, are an incredible. Person and I'm sure you guys can see this I mean, when. I say an icon, he is a real, icon, in the entertainment industry I mean the critics, and the things that he's done is.

Endless, And the people that even work with but as as you could see his personality, and and, some. Of the things that he's done. You. Can see why people. Choose. Him he, is. But. Outstanding. Entertainer. So. We're gonna take a break and we're gonna look at some footage, I. Think, your, show real great, and we're gonna look at a little bridge and we'll be right back with more from David winters. I don't care what you think. Oh. I. Don't care what you think. Junk. Um don't. Stop. You, can't stop me dancing. Stop. In. The spot tonight. You, can't stop me. And. I feel so good to be alive. Damn. Don't. Stop the top tonight. Feels. So good to be alive. You. Damn. I, don't. Care what you think. That's. Just a teeny bit of, some, of the legends. And big, names that my. Friend David has work with David why don't you talk to us and tell us about some of the other people so everyone. That she's work with I know that you probably can't name, yeah. Let's, start with Lucy, yeah. I Love. Lucy I, really. Do because. Lucy, was my second mother she, gave me my first producing, job when I was in my 20s, and she took, a chance and, she. Was. Doing a show while, she was doing I, Love Lucy called. Lucy. In London and so. We went to London and we had a fantastic, time we. Did this special and she. And I had this very special, relationship. As we did the show and she. Would then talk to me about my wife at the time. She. Told, me not to get divorced, and she was trying to be like a mom to me and she, became a mom to me absolutely, and years, you know for years and years afterwards. She. Would do things for me for nothing she came and she did the ann-margret show another. Shell I was nominated the Emmy Award for, and. She also did the judge like a boar pilot. For me and oh. I just love Lucy Lucy I, miss. Her so much I miss it so much. So. Ladies and gentlemen David. Winner is. Peter max.

2018-08-15 12:55

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David your interview is so AMAZING!!!! I love it so much and I love how Zaina had all of your film footage and pictures playing in the background during your interview too!! What a really fun & magical interview!!!!

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